Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Oct 1937, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR ---- LOCAL ITEMS Mrs, Mitchell wishes to express her thanks for the many loving tributes from neighbours and friends that she has reecived in this her sad hour of trial. Johns-Manville Pneumatic Insula- tion have just finished insulating the home of Dr. Rennie. The claim for this nsulation is that it will add comfort to the home--8 to 15 degrees cooler in summer. In winter an even degree of temperature throughout the house, with a saving of from 26% to 86% in fuel, This job was placed tirongh J. G. Stephenson, eastern representative, of Newcastle, Ontario, Head Office, at Leaside, Ont. Mr. Geo. Charsley and daughter Mrs. E. Hughes, Floyd and Winnie, and Mrs, Campeau, spent a delightful week end with friends and relatives in Welland and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey and son, Bob, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Slemmon and daughter, Dawn Marie, motored to Montpelier, Vt., and Bethlehem, N.H., over the wok: end, returning via Moitreal. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mulligan and family spent the week-end at Sturgeon Point and Bobcaygeon. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. M. Williams, in the death of her mother, Mrs. Richardson, of Shelburne, who passed away last week. Mrs. Rich- ardson was in Port Perry last winter and made many friends. Miss Watts, of Toronto, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Allin last week, Mr. Franklin Allin, of Oshawa, spent a couple of days with his brother Mr. A. W. Allin. Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Allin spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Regi- nold Doubt and family at their home Reydon Manor, Lakefield. Mr. S. Farmer, had the misfortune to fall on Tuesday evening, and sprain his ankle, WONDERFUL DESCRIPTIVE There was once an American who visited Egypt and came home dis- gusted, for, said he, "I saw nothing Thanksgiving Service at Church of the |! Ascension This year our Anglican friends divided their Annual Thanksgiving by | holding one service on Sunday even- ing, October 3rd, and the other the, following Sunday morning. As their | rector serves both Brooklin and Port | Perry, one service only being held in each parish this arrangement--which was followed by Brooklin in their cele- bration--did not interfere with the regular schedule of services. Al- though the season was well advanced, a very considerable showing of flow- ers was provided and the church was tastefully decorated with the assist- ance of autumn leaves, grain and fruit while the vegetables showed a bounti- ful harvest. The choir, which under the able leadership of Mr, Frank Mann has become an effective musical or- ganization, rendered an anthem very creditably, The services were in some measure an introduction of the new Rector, the Rev. J. C. Clough to his flock and very close attention was given his message at each service, The Angli- cans have been very fortunate in hav- ing had their pulpit filled by men of good calibre and the gloom which had settled down on the congregation upon Mr. Nind's departure was in a large measure dispelled as the new incum- bent was revealed as a young. man earnest and sincere with a splendid outlook and the ability to express his views in simple language free from the ponderous verbiage which so often mars the pulpit message. While the Anglicans aré small in numbers they have a large influence in the community and the Star is happy to congratulate them on their success and wishes continued progress come to Port Perry. errr etl Al AP re WORK WANTED The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of furnace and stove repair work--ecleaning and overhauling; new Bp -- under their new pastor who we wel-| and repair plumbing. Also radio test- ing and repairs. Alfred Andrus, Port Perry. oct. 9 but pyramids, and there's no market for them." That American pictures the unseeing traveller. But to the ob- servervant man travel turns back the pages of history and reveals the in-| timate life of the people in the lands; that are visited. The evening Auxiliary of the W.M. S. of the United Church secured a treat of unusual pleasure when Rev. W. J. H. Smyth was induced by the, ladies to tell something of his ex- periences during his visit to the British Isles. RO LL EP DON'T MISS THESE FAMOUS PICTURES Dr. L. B. Williams, of Toronto, will present some very delightful colored motion pictures, at the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Friday, October 22nd. The pictures are of early Indian tribal life in Canada, pioneer scenes; nnd pictures of historical and legen- dary England. Dr. Williams has earned the reputation of showing the finest pictures of this kind in Can- ada. A descriptive address accom- panies the pictures. It will be a mis- take to miss seeing these pictures if at all possible to be present to enjoy. The Indians of Scugog are to be the guests of the I.O.D.E. at this enter- tainment. EP Ne NEIL YELLOWLEES Piano tuner, will be in Port Perry and vicinity in November. Leave your order at Lawrence's Drugstore. oct28 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector. Special Children's Service, 7 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Rev. A. L. Sisco, of Mill- brook. 1.456--Men's Bible Class. 2.46--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening service withdrawn in favour of Prince Albert Anni- versary. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT PRINCE ALBERT Sunday, Oct. 17 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Preacher--Rev. A. L. Sisco, Millbrook Soloist--Mr. Garbutt, Prince Albext. Whitby Quartette at both services. Mrs. Ferguson, contralto. Mrs. Walker--Soprano. Mr. Hetgar, tenor, Mr. Rossittanni, bass. Do not fail to hear these artists. A special Thank Offering will be re- ceived. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt, Simpson, Minister, 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m~--Evening Service, Tuesday, 8 pm.--Y. P. 8. 1» DOM Special! Golden Hallowi DATES Special! These values effective until Sat. Night, Oct. 16 Navy Tissue PRINCE ALBERT Thank Offering Anniversary is to be | held in our church next Sunday, Oct. 17th. Services at 8 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. conducted by Rev, A. L. Sisco of Mill- brook. Special music. Watch for | hand bills. The Y. P. U. was held last Wednes- day night with Rev. Mr. Smyth in charge, Miss Myra Sager gave the Bible reading. Mr. C. Clark favored with a solo. Miss Grace Vickery read a beautiful article, and Miss B. Ward the Christian Fellowship convener, gave the topic. There was some dis- cussion about sending delegates to the convention at Belleville this week, Mr. and Mrs. Groupe, Philadelphia, have returned to the village to spend a short time, and are continually mak- ing improvements to their "Memory Shop." Mr, Will Lyle returned to.Toronto last week to continue his studies at the School of Optometry, Among those that were home here for Thanksgiving were Miss Jean Parker, Mr. Jack Butson and boy friend of Toronto. - Mrs. Regan and son Joe have re- turned to Toronto, after spending the Summer here, The Misses Holman have also re-|| turned to Toronto, where Miss Mary | | will resume her teaching, and so one by one, the summer homes are closed b 'up, except for the odd week-end. We are pleased to see Miss Violet Bond steadily improving in heatlh, and able to take short walks, after her summer's illness. Mr. and Mrs. William Luke and family, of Oshawa, spent a few days |! at the home of bor, and Mrs. Frank] Luke. --_--e->------ -------- Reserve Thursday, November 4th, for Hallowe'en Bazaar to be given in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascen- sion. A Chicken Supper will be served from 6.30, ~~ P- LOST Gold Wrist Watch and Bracelet. Reward. Send information to Star Office. INION 4-25 Special! ' SO Clark's SEARS. strongheart DOG FOOD 3.25 idulk MACARONI Fancy Keta SALMON Heinz CLARK'S ASSORTED uxcept Chicken with Rice WITH PORK KETCHUP 2 4 25 Special r PS 25 % Tins -. Eval 4 T m» 5 25 35 3 14-0z. Bot. Rangoon RICE :- =: ., 1b..08 Artificial Vanilla 8-0z. bottle EXTRACT, 2 for .28 Mild: CHEESE - =. 1b, .21 Sliced Breakfast Beef Bologna Peamealed Cottage Rolls, 24¢ Ib Jar 2 eked White RA Poe JUICE - 3 21-08. tine 25 Bulk Black or: Butch PEPPER - «19 Bacon, 33c Ib 15c Ib FAST FREE - ih attendance at my Port Perry office on You will Need These Soon BUY NOW Wine Coloured Docskin Shirts, $1.35 Brown Coloured Doeskin Shirts, $1.35 Military Flannel Shirts .......,8$1.15 Heavy Over Socks,' per pair ....60c. Work Socks, ....20c, 25c., 30c., 40c. 'Dress Socks, . 15¢., 25¢., 35c., 50e. WILLIAM WEBSTER At Beatty's Store, Port Perry RE APPLES AND GRAPES FOR SALE Apply to Rev. W. P. Brown Port Perry oct14 _WAMPOLE'S3, WAMPOLE's EXTRACT OF ) PORT PERRY NEE {Ik oT ---- Tot Perry i INSURA N C E FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties % 8. A. WALLACE Phone 153 & CONANT & ANNIS rristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN x ANNIS, B.A. LL.B, % Simcoe Bt. 8., Oshawa Sic 13 4 and § (Oshawa) Ba and st Court House, Whi . Conant) Phone 7 ( ) DR. J. B . LUNDY ™ 'DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, north side Queen Street, Port Perry. RITE LL SRL See Money Saving Specials RAT-RID for Rats ....:.... PHOSPHO- LECITHIN A real tonic for the nerves .. Take a hottlé or two to put you in good condition to battle the colds of winter. " OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS A splendid morning refresher. . TEN GILLKTTE: BLUE BLADES and a good gold Safety I'azor (only a few left) ..i............. 59c. oo Morrison's Drug Store F all and Winter Merchandise Men's Work Shirts, Socks, Underwear, "Leather Mitts, and Gloves Women's and Children's Underwear Knitting Supplies, ! .....per box 25¢. DECI "eo v.......per bottle $1.00 COD LIVER oro. ps ~ 4 va Hse Va - nth large tin 39c. --_-- Phone 16- ail NE ---- 1 to $1.00 ire | 5 ms 0 ov Lawrence's Drug Store | News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Vitamin Cough and ; Products Cold Relief ALPHAMETTES C.B. COL $1.00 and $3.50 i PTABLETS WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT .:.....$1.00| KEPLER'S COD LIVER and MALT, ..85¢., $1.40 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL ......50c and $1.00 HALIVER OIL : CAPSULES $1. and $1.80 AYERST'S COD LIVER OIL (plain) ..40c., $1.00 UPJOHN'S SUPER D COD : LIVER OIL ........s1.00] |BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE ENGLISH MALT and COD 40¢. and 75¢. LIVER OIL, 49¢. and 98c. 2 eet FN VE A. M. LAWRENCE REXALL COLD TABLETS MISTOL NOSE hy 35¢. and 76¢. MISTOL RUB ........35¢c. VICK'S VAPO RUB 45¢. Rexall NOSE & THROAT RELIEF, . .25c. and 50c. REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP ~ DR RN SEN) "Ky YES, MADAM! we carry the best grades of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you of the best at reasonable prices. -We also carry a line. of Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. : BERT MacGREGOR Stamped Goods QUALITY 1 ER EV = il il H. DURKIN =: Hi ff a PRICE OWNED AND OPERATED BY SERVICE EE ER FED 82 BSE mT POR! PERKY " 4 a. IE JOE 5 1 a Theatre STRAN UXBRIDGE Dick POWELL and RITZ BROS, in "ON THE AVENUE" Hear the latest songs--Girls, Music "and laughter. -- .COMEDY--*"DOUBLE-CROSSED" . Also 8 prizes by draw on Saturday Night, Oct. 16th. Join the fun--Come ~~ alll Monday, Tues.,, Wed., (Oct. 18-19-20) JANE WITHERS and SLIM SUMMERVILLE, in "HOLY TERROR" Jane in her riot of laffs. : Also BETTY BOOP CARTOON. Thurs., Friday, Sat, (Next Week) "TARZAN ESCAPES" The new jungle epic. Installing a new heating system for patrons' convenience DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu ates' College and Polyclinic, London, North East London, Post Graduate Collegt London, England, Roya! Infirmary, Gldsgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's ! Insurance Office The firm of Gaken & HUMPHREYS fs disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 . STOVES FOR SALE Doherty Range, with reservoir and warming closet-~never has been used. DELIVERY "stove and oven. Happy Thought Range in good condi- tion; Dining Room suite; 4-burner oil Number of other | (The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS 1s disolved) articles. "Apply to Harry Hutchinson, Port Perry.: : h" ~ ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 NI JEGEN i HE T OSHAWA 16) . Friday and Saturda, Oct. 15-16. The Lost Horizon starring RONALD- COLEMAN ---_ and JANE WYATT I] ADDED -- Coloured Cartoon io | . 0000000000 cscs ctcrectcses Soc cttter teen SEND for FREE wi v "This fascinating illustrated book gives you all kinds of interesting suggestions for making your 'home modern--inexpensively. For example: @ Cover cracked ceilings with beautiful mM Decora- ' tive Ceiling Tile, - @ Brighten up your kitchen walls with colorful panels of J-M -Flexboard. Costs very little. 7] Transform your outside walls with fireproof J-M Cedargrain Shingles. Never require paint. Many houses 'are protected with them. : Sertd for your free copy of the Johns-Manville "101" Book today. Headquarters for Home Improvements Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal 0; Lu Ltd. Port Perry 4°87 4% 4% 4% 0% o% o% | Phone 240... OP 2P9ORORCPOPOPO OCC 0E0E0ECE0S08CR0E OPAC AOBOPIOIOI ISSIR "GLEE WORMS" 1002088000008 004 1808000090808 080088041 1208900000400 080004 19840044 POSSI $080080080080844 ® REVIVAL eo : Friday at 11 p.m. $ "MY MAN GODFREY" H Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, OCTOBER 18-19-20 Vogues of 1938 with HELEN VINSON and MISCHA ALLER : ¢ 4 H 14 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, - October 21-22-23 IRENE DUNN and RANDOLPH SCOTT. in High, Wide and Handsome IPPs eeees eres ess A New Heating System has been installed which forces the air through an air purifier. COAL - WOOD .- LUMBER ~ BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FUEL LUMBER Builders Supplies § i ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING = MASON'S LIME ' | i COAL PINE SPRAY LIME Stove SHEATHING A HARDWALL Nut HEMLOCK CERaTR Pea SPRUCE - MORTAR COLOR Blower B. C. FIR GLAZED TILE COKE B. C. CEDAR CHIMNEY TILE Nut HARDWOOD pi Range FLOORING CINCRETE ; Blower : i POSTS SHEETROCK : BODY WOOD DONNACONA HARD and SOFT SASH and DOORS: INSULATING SLABS LATH ROCK WOOL i F RED E. REESOR Phones-- Office 73 w; Res. 73) a) ¥.. 4 "d

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