= - - 3 | standard, The inmates consulted ex-| gave the report of the previous meet- pressed complete satisfaction. We | ing and also gave a talk on mission | would recommend a larger. hot water | work in other parts. Mesdames Har- tank be installed as the one in use is | rison and Lane sang a pleasing duet. altogether inadequate to supply the| The temperance secretary Mrs. Robt. hot water needed. Chisholm gave a reading which THE GRAND JURY REPORTS | Whitby, Oct. 19.--The grand jury in its presentment to the Honourable Mr, Justice Makins at the Supreme Court here on Tuesday afternoon re- ported that it found the county jail building clear and in order, hut re- commended t). © the antiquated stone We notice the improvement in re- placing the old bathtubs with new enamel ones and trust these improve- ments may continue, In closing we beg to extend to Your Lordship, to the Crown Counsel end thanks for { showed what a demon alcohol is. Rev. Mr. Honey then gave the ladies a very interesting talk on the first chapter of the new study book, which death with the ordeals that the early ministers had to contend with in es- " a a 8 F all i Winter Merchandise Men's 'Work Shirts, Socks, Underwear, Leather Mitts, and Gloves is 71k 7% fk : i [| the Crown Attorney our tablishing the first churches. The ; pn oy 8 i * y g > ' 4 rw ar SLE sells pthger Intodiately Tena hg the assistance given to us in all mat-| meeting was closed with prayer and Women s and Children 8 Unde : e : Ls 4 i ne cells, {hereby hx more room| ters submitted for our consideration. | the ladies adjourned to the dining ar : Ii S A d G od ] bara & f LL 1 A AQ 3 : . : Py | Sn WILLIAM REESOR, Foreman. | room where a social chat was enjoyed K n ] tam e 0oas > a and much better ventilation. Justice Mukins, accepted the report, | over the tea cups. itting Supp 1€8, P The working hours of the zov :rnor and turnkey were found to ke vun- Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, of Port Perry, gave a very full account of his trip to thanked the jury for the work they had done, and directed that their re- renin SE ' SERVICE RT riecessarily long without relief, and the commendations be forwarded to the| his homeland, Ireland in the Church QUALITY PRICE / 4 8 : appointment of an extra man was sug- proper authorities, here last week which was followed by i ~~ io gested. : lantern slides showing a number of ) OWNED AND OPERATED BY i 3 Warm praise for the manner in ---- ar -- places he visited. Possessing char- YY DURKIN : Cee PORT PERRY which the House of Refuge is kept acteristic Irish wit and being a very a YE was voiced by the jury. MYRTLE fluent talker, those who had the OER JE VE 3 Ha The complete presentment, is as ry Lane left last week leasure of listening to him regretted : it follovas ' Mrs. Harry Lane left last weel to he Ie oF ; ig at ae iw 41 : ; . spend the winter with her daughter] that the evening was not a great dea YY k fi J d: we : i J 378 Court House, Whit: Mrs. Wickett of Little Britain. longer. While in the Emerald Isle, : as your riengas. 1 SF. SAS October 19th, 1937 yp Lunney has béen confined to | Rev. Mr. Smyth had the pleasure of Mo: ey *S tale 1 AR To The Honourable Mr. Justice her bed and under medical care. A [having an unexpected visit with Rev. You'll be surprised at the number of people oney aving pecia $ r Makins: speedy recovery is hoped for. (ico. Nickle, a former pastor here, who who really want you to have a telephone, Many 13 er box 25¢ The Grand Jury beg to present the Mr. Edgar Heron was on the jury expected to return to Canada shortly, of them don't even know you but they're in. § RAT-RID for Rats ......... aA reas sp 3 following: at the Fall Assizes in Whitby last | then spend the winter in Florida. terested nevertheless because of what your tele- {| WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO-LECITHIN It has been our unfortunate duty to return two true bills, one a case of manslaughter and the other of crim- inal negligence, We visited the County Gaol and found it clean and in order. There are six prisoners all of whom are maintained as decently as possible. The new steel cells recently installed are a great improvement over the old stone cells, most of which are 1 w nrcessarily still in use. We would suggest that the antiquated stone cells beneath the new steel cells be replaced with all steel cells thereby giving more room and much better ventilation. _We would recommend that the bath in the kitchen be moved upstairs to the present store room, and that the Governor be provided with a steel fil- ing cabinet. We have found that' 'the. working hours of the Governor and Turnkey are unnecessarily long without relief, and would recommend that an extra man be permanently appointed. We "have visited the House of Refuge and have nothing to report but praise. It is clean, neat, and of a high ercises. week. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Spencer Dakota - visited the former's cousin Mrs. Frank Booth last week. Miss Dorothy Hall of Toronto, spent the week end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chisholm. War Veterans with their families attended the Drumhead service which was held in Whitby on Sunday. It will soon be nineteen years since | peace was declared and one sometimes wonders in the lapse of time if there is a possibiliy of forgetting the great price that these and others who were not fortunate enough to return to their native lands, paid for our freedom. The first heavy fall of snow of the season blanketed the ground on Sat- of urday, and was accompanied by frost music will be rendered at both ser- and chilling winds which further re- minds one that winter preparations need to be speeded up. The Woman's Missionary day afternoon. The president, Mrs. Honey, presided, who with Mrs. II. Hudgins, lead in the devotional ex- The seceretary,, Mrs, Luery, Flare " . Clare's Hecla is the ONLY furnace in Canada with the patented steel-ribbed firepot which burns 15% less fuel-- by actual test. lis steel ribs give it 300 7 greater radiafing equires 20 YEAR GUARANTEE Society was held at the parsenage on Thurs- School or Church here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms spent Sunday in Toronto where the former's brother Donald is still confined to the hospital, and in a very critical con- dition. Manchester appointment are nolding ree Will Offering services next Sab- bath. There will be no service here giving all an opportunity to attend the { Manchester services. Sunday School at 10.30 a.m. erase ll Pree wre ASHBURN tf The anniversary services of Burn's Church wil be held on Sunday, Oct. "31st, with Rev. J. D. Greer, of Lindsay | Services will be and 7.30 p.m, Special as special speaker. fat 11 a.m. The managers are asking for a free will offering at these services. "vices, i Owing to anniversary services at Port Perry there was no Sunday Two cars of young folk attended the rally on Friday evening at Beaverton. They report a very interesting meet- ing. J 55 1 Bo, 1 surface over an ordinary plain firepot, thus extracting every bit of usable heat from fuel. «The Hecla steel-ribbed firepot is the ONLY firepot in Canada guaranteed for It saves 1 ton in 7. 20 years against cracking or burning out. No other firepot is guaranteed at all. Hecla's freedom from cosily. repairs and replacements means greater furnace economy--year after yaar, ass FUSED JOINTS PREVENT ESCAPING "GAS OR DUST Another ex clusive Hecla feature. Fused joints -- metal welded to metal-- last as long as the furnace, posi. tively prevent escaping gas and dust. A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF HUMIDIFIED AIR The Hecla Automatic Humidifier assures Fealthfully humidified air all winter Jong without attention AIR CONDITIONING All the health comforts of Clare BR Air Conditioning can be installed on a Hecla or your présent warm-air urnhce at very reasonalde cost. iterature on request, EASY TERMS You can install a Hecla or Clare phone means to their service. 'Too few tele phones curtails sérvice and the value of each individual instrument as well. The more tele- phones in service, the greater the value to each user. From the viewpoints of both service cost and service scope, every farmer is interested in seeing that every other farmer has a telephone. for farm NEW LOW RATES telephone service are now in effect! Miss Margaret Fisher of Whitby, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Robt. Heron spent a few days with Miss Emma Fisher of Toronto: The sympathy of our community goes out to the relatives of the late Mrs. Bentley, of Port Perry. Mrs. Bentley was often a visitor in our neighborhood. She was the mother of Mrs. Robt. Goose and sister to Mrs. J. Horn and Mr. D. Anderson. The Y. P.'S. met on Wednesday evening for their first meeting. Mrs. LH: 'Ashton, the president for the past year opened the meeting and Miss M. Hamill took the chair for the election of officers. The following officers were elected. Hon. President--Rev. Robt. Simpons; president -- Mr. Lawrence Doble; vice-president-- Lyle Sherwin; secretary--Eddie Felton; treasurer-- Alfred Fisher; conveners--Devotiona Mrs. Gordon Fisher; missionary, Mig M. Hamill; literary, Miss G. Parrott; social, Vera Leach. After this part of the businesswas settled, the new President took the chair and it was de- cided to open the year's activities with a social meeting on November 2nd "| with Miss V. Leach in charge. Mrs. Edgar 'Heron entertained the Blue Bird Club of Utica on Wednesday 'afternoon. Mrs. Alan Ross spent the week at : Cedar Springs. Several from here enjoyed the Can- adian Legion service in Whitby on Sunday afternoon. : "Misses Isabel and Ailéen Aitcheson| of Paisley, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mrs. George Schnapp, of Buffalo, N.Y., were week end guests with Mrs, J. Mitchell and Earle, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Crosier visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman White, Brooklin. ° Mr. Fred Christie is spending a few days in Toronto; Miss Verna Masters, of Whitby, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Masters, Miss Beatrice Mills, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss A. Barrett. Mr. Wm. Donnelly and Mr. George Munro were in Hamilton on business on Friday. Mr. Chas. Coombe and Mr. George Barrett are working in Psterlivrodgh this week. Mrs. Bruce of Port Perry is visit- ing her sister Mrs. W. Dobson for a week, Messrs. W. F. "Thompson, H. a Walker, and Mr. Campbell, attended the Conant banquet at Oshawa, last week, cupy the pulpit at 2.80 p.m. assisted by Greenbank choir. In the evening at 7.30 Rev. Mr, McLachlan, of Sea- grave will be the speaker. Mr. Archie Crosier is sporting a new coupe. The members of the W.M.S. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs, W. Dobson, Although the weather was unfavorable it was one of the largest attendances of the year. Many visitors from Utica, Prospect, Prince Albert and Port Perry were present. Miss Margaret Armstrong, a mission- |= ary in New Liskeard, whose home is in Myrtle and who is attending a mission school in Toronto, for a year, was guest speaker, She gave a very inter- esting account of her work at the mission school in New Liskeard. The Manchster Community Club met at_the Township Hall on Thursday, ing year. 'Miss Margaret Johns, the Past President, took charge. The officers elected were: President, Mr, Harvey Dobson; Vice-President, Alex. Johns; Secretary, George Barrett; Treasurer, Chas. Gerrow; Finance Committee, C. Ptalemy, Mrs. {Mc- Kenzie, Mr. Spencer; Flower Commit- tee, Mrs. Fred Lambe, Ada Masters, Helen Robertson. Auditor, John Moore; Pianist, Mrs. Gerrow. Com- mittee to buy a new piano for the hall, Mrs. Chas. Gerrow, Mrs. Howard Dob- son, Mr. Albert Wilson. Programme Committee for Nov. 4th, meeting, Mrs. Harvey Dobson, Mrs. D. McKinsey. "SONYA This community was saddened by the passing of ohe of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents in the person of Mr, James Innis. The late Mr. Innis had lived here all his life. He was a faithful attendant of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, al- though he was in his*87th year. It was just a week to the day, from the time he suffered a paralectic stroke, until death came. Much sympathy is extended to his family. He is survived-by his widow who. was formerly Miss Margaret Gordon, and by three sons and three daughters, namely William and Frank at home, Gordon of Cresswell; Ada (Mrs, Alex. MecKinnon;) Elizabeth, (Mrs. Reg. Cookman); Marion, (Mrs. Lewis Lunney); and by three sisters: Mrs, Charles Foster; Mrs. E. McDoug- al, and Mrs. Wyly. Many from here attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Vincent Beeton, of Wick. - Sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Mrs. (Dr) N. N. Blanchard and Mrs. (Dr.) J. McDermott, of Sunder- TR a -- = Se not ----, es ot ra PORT PERRY Bh SIE wel hana Saas I gn VJ October 21st, to organize for the com PRINTING can be made a profitable. servant if it isjproperly prepared. It can carry your message into the homes and offices of good customers.' Printing can be well done without "great cost, PHONE 50 PORT PERRY ST AR Eg : A car of 'Nut and TE Phone 240. iT Ni SEES mn 4 v Ji A real tonic for the nerves ..... WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Take a bottle or two to put you in good condition to battle the colds of winter. OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS A splendid morning refresher TEN GILLETTE BLUE BLADES and a good Zod Safety 'Razor {only a few left) . . Morrison's Drug Store RT ae Rv | COAL! COKE! WOOD! here Friday. Get the best prices off car. Try a coal that will satisfy you. Just Phone SE .....per bottle $1.00 i large tin 39c. ..59c. DR EN) ug 16 FE i] a if Scove Coal to be Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. Ltd. Port rt Perry 1 VOTERS' LIST Municipality of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have.posted up at my. office at Manchester, on the 19th 'day of October, 1937, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, "at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. 4 And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected 'ac-| 1987, Dated this 20tH day of Oct., 1937. novd t Ww. F. DOBSON, Clerk day .of January, cording to law, the last day for ap] peal being the Oth day of November, | 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors for the Administratrices of the said Estate, on or before the 29th day of November, 1937, full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately after the said 20th day of November, 1937, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard 'only to "claims of which the said Solicifor shall { then have notice,' + " Dated at Port Perry, this 26th day of October, A.D, 1937. te COURT OF REVISION - The Assessment Roll of the Town- ship of Reach compiled in the year 1937 and upon "which the taxes for 1938 will be levied has been returned, a = ----. EE " LJ - v > > The SA Hardware Co. 6th day of November, 1937, at 8 p.m. All persons interested are required to_take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Air Conditioning on the Hecla Time ] , 7) Payment Plan or on the Govern. Many from here attended the Anni-'land, Dr. and Mra, Grant Bird Br am NRTA inky duly. filed in anid Roll 1 ; Ph 61 FOR T Fr.R RY A versary services at Prospect on Sun-|8ons Bruce and Grant, of Oshawa, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ..| aquired, will be held at the Townshi ul HA one Uni 1x day afternoon and evening when Rev.| Were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. JIU| in the Estate of Joseph Frederick |fiall Manchester, on Saturday. the ish Mr. Glover, of Claremont, took charge |S. McFarlane. McGlynn, Deceased. ' ) Y, EE ¢ of the services: assisted by his own choir from Claremont, ; 1 Anniversary services will be held on dq Sunday, October 81st, in our Church. Rev. Mr, Bushell, of Epsom, will oc- pe | Mrs, Jas. Munro is with her mother Mrs. A. Ferguson in Sunderland. Miss Aileen Williamson who has been in Toronto for several, weeks has returned owe, 7 All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Frederick Me- Glynn, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, de- ceased, who died on or about the 15th Exclusive Represe nig A443 $ Clare Bro¥, 4 Co., Limited, Preston, Ont} LA Cdnada' ¢ fig prs eshirniade Manufacturers HECL A FURNACES? ' KUARE AIR CONDITIONING: W. F. DOBSON, Clerk, : of the Municipality, f