F. Lyle on Wednesday. i . & = A fine social time was spent at the KR HEY, P, U. on Wednesday night, with - dent; Miss -Maddenwas unable to be 5 § 4 [4 > ~~ - a - 4 - it 8 ): < EY re ~~ + » H + v - "af I» é R ] or) ony I Ny x "# with Fire Insurance. It isalways a friend in time of need. A | iH 9 "A - " 0 gi ; j 4 dite hat Delicious Pastry! 'This is what your family and friends will say when you rve our baking. You can always depend oi it being "just right." If you have not tried it, ask our ou to call, he will be pleased to serve you. Try our Bread; too. BY JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY , PH gg, PORT PERRY ki i Si] Riv sii g i iif Fie - BRAN IRR RANA RA Rr iia iRRiiraes Be prepared for such an emergency call. Protect yourself i ti . Place your insurance with ia HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 : : Port Perry | A Re 0 na nee a ae 0 G8 5 J ESSER 090800 We boast about the quality of our meats, and you will agree with us when you try them. They are always fresh and delicious, If you haven't tried our meats just call up 29W and our clerks will be pleased to fill your order. CAWKER BROS. BEST MEATS :: BEST SERVICE :: AAR ARAOIOOBARAR LAS AANS A RNS Sh A483 ESS 32 330 E230 00 Hab £4 AT } w0w0e080800090808080808 RAR ASRS AR RRR ARRRRD EE 1 EL 0 H 5 1) TO The Greengrocery Store, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Rg ST ; Grapefruit (seedless) 6 for 25c. TOMATOES. .. ...hot house, 19c. Ib. Imported 15c. Ib. COOKING APPLES .......... NNN Pos 6 qt. basket 20c. '8 CELERY HEARTS ................... 2 bunches for 15c. 8 ICEBERG LETTUCE ........... ie envi an .head 5c. LARGE CITRONS ............. ee Baas ios . .each_ 20c. a R. WAKEFORD, Prop. Phone 208. We deliver . va we carry the best grades of PRINCE ALBER ~The W. A. held the October meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Lyle on Wednesday afternoon. The weather was rather unfavorable thus causing the absence of several. But we were pleased to have visitors from Osha- wa, Toronto, Manchester. The presi- present... The meeting opened with the singing of "In the Harvest Field There is Work to Do", followed by prayer by Mrs, Murphy. A Psalm was read responsively. The secretary read a letter from Saskatchewan which Mrs. Denny had received in acknow- ledgement of the quilt she and: her group had made. For program im- promptu speeches were given. Mrs. Tarbet and Mrs. Raymer are on the program committee for the next meet- ing, Following the benediction, the ladies adjourned to the Hallowe'en decorated . dining room . where lunch was served by Mrs, Lyle and Mrs. H. R. Murphy. Vis ' 'Mr, and Mrs. H. Doubt, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lyle, Toronto, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Grace Vickery as. convener. Candy and rosy cheeked apples were served, We are looking forward for special musical night with talent from Oshawa, We are glad to report that Mr, D. Jackson is improving after his recent illness, Mr. Jack Butson of Toronto spent a few days at his home here. : "Mrs. G. K, Robertson spent a week at the home of her son Ansell near Uxbridge. 0 DT EO A © YES, MADAM! cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you of the best at reasonable prices. Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. 354 Sil BERT MacGREGOR BO EPR OO RI ttt ett itr it tients treitntstasstosstisssreesess 0384808002008 0s rin ting Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and Woe also carry a line of a Sy HE Miss. Robena---MeCrea,- 'nurse-in- training at Oshawa, visited at. her home here on Sunday. ' Mr. Gordon Cumming and family have moved to the north-half of Mr. C. Patterson's house for the winter. _The 'Men's Class are talking up a special service for their anniversary. I i. dL daughter, Mrs, Mary Ida Beynon, 207 Sherbourne St., Toronto, on Monday morning, November 8th, 1937, Eliza- beth Beare Walker, beloved wife of the late Robert Walker, in her 87th year. Funeral service was held at United Church Greenbank, on Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Interment at Bethel Cemetery. ---------------o---- WAR VETERANS LODGE, A. F. & A. M,, VISIT FIDELITY LODGE About twenty-five officers and mem- bers of War Veterans Lodge, Toronto, were present at the meeting of Fi- delity Lodge, on Tuesday Night. The second degree was exemplified by the "Toronto officers. Following the lodge meeting a social time was enjoyed in the banquet room. - ---- Right Hon, James Ramsay Mac- Donald, who was Prime Minister of three governments of Great Britain, died, following a heart attack, at 8.456 of Tuesday night, on board the cruise ship Reina Del Pacifico. He sailed from England last Thurs- day with his daughter, Shella, hoping to regain his" health and to obtain lh A hl _ WALKER--At the residence of her} what he called "the most elusive of all forms of happiness--rest." Which Coal Supply would you rather pay for? Mr.A 8 6TONS LL A a Mr.B Mr. A has a HECLA Furnace ne SA mum furnace value. THE FAMOUS HECLA STEEL-RIBBED FIREPOT The patented Hecla firepot has 3 times the radiating surface of ordin- ary firepots--thus supplying an abundance of heat from 15%, less fuel, Steel-ribbed construction pre- vents firepot from cracking or burn. ing out, enabling us to guarantee it-for 20 years. -- 2 wm E CLA um = SAVES 1 TON IN 7 = v ESTTONINT7 In two homes of identical size, the house ! equipped with a Hecla Furnace will require 15% less fuel. This fact, proven year after year in thousands of homes, has made the Hecla Canada's largest-selling furnace. Long-life, freedom from costly repairs, cleanliness, safety, perfect heating results from less fuel--the Hecla offers you maxi- FUSED JOINTS Another exclusive Hecla feature. joints -- metal welded to metal-- = last-as long as the furnace, prevent es- caping gas and dust, AUTOMATIC HUMIDIFIER | A Sony tant ) supply of clean, = properly hum. dified air at all times -- with- out attention. Many other features make Hecla the furn. ace you must see to appreci- ate, AIR CONDITIONING All the health comforts of Clare Air Conditioning can be installed on a Hecla or your present warm-air furnace at very reasonable cost. Literature on request. EASY TERMS You caff install a Hecla or Clare Air Conditioning on the Hecla Time Payment Plan --or on the Government Home Improve- ment Plan. The Carnegie Hardware Co. Phone 61 Exclusive Representatives: Clare Bros. & Co., Limited, Preston, Ont. Canada's Largest Furnace Manufacturers 4 HECLA FURNACES PORT PERRY CLARE AIR°CONDITIONING me Era N,N A RA D & WHITE ston: WwW A L 7, 1.1 Brighten up your home for the Winter months with Sunworthy Suntested, semi-trimmed Wall . ' in . Papers, : Border, 40. yard and oe uP as usual, we will have a whole large Department of Toys on display within a week. Monarch Jumbo Knit Sweaters Blue or Black, with Stripes $2.75 $2.95 $3.50 GROCERY DEPARTMENT Saar Dates, fresh stock..____. 4 lbs. 25¢. }-- Saar Dates, pitted ____________ 2 lbs. 26c." Christmas Peels and Raisins are now in. 11. Oxydol, 3 Calay Soap 29c. Seedless Grapefruit, 4- 25¢ Jamaica Oranges, 39¢. and 29c¢. Lemons 3b6c¢. doz. Fri EOC S.3 WS EE NEES Ft ete TRIACS Cr PRES Sa | | { Prompt and Courteous Service of Good Baking Phone 32 when you need Bread, Cakes, or Confectionery. You will be pleased, Brot SRE e COR S0808280908Ce sOg0RC Gerrow 0s P2080 4% 0% 00 4° "SALUTE TO BEAUTY" IS DISPLAY OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION OFF CANADA : LIMITED AT FORTHCOMING NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW "Salute to Beauty" is a ballet-pageant of youth, beauty, luxury, elegance and grace, interpreting in music, dance and song the fine car features to be found in the new Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge and Plymouth cars for 1938, orchestra and a male quartette, It will be one of the outstanding features of the 1938 National Motor Show and is presented by the Chrysler Corporation of Canada Limited. The cast for the ballet-pageant consists of over thirty people, including sixteen dancers, a twelve-piece The setting for "Salute to Beauty" is a massive stage, featuring a revolving floor and a built-in orchestra pit. towering right up to the roof of the Automotive Building. Angle on angle, curve on curve, the modernistic stage builds up from a wide base to massive pylons Modernistic lighting throws the streamlined de- sign of the stage inte brilliant prominence. White, gold and light are the predominating features of the colour - i sc eme, The well-marked trend of the public to gwisy Laying is the chief reason for this new type of display. h The Chrysler Corporation of Canada Limited feels t at automobile purchasers should be shown the luxury features of Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge and Plymouth cars in a setting of beauty, luxury, and elegance to match that of these new automobiles, The "Salute to Beauty" performance will be given four times each day during the Motor Show at the follow: ing: hours: 230 P.M,, 415 P.M, 8.00 P.M,, and 9.30 P.M, | {7 oN A> G\ READING pred \W "F amous for Its Heat Value." If you have not been enjoying heat satisfaction from the coal you have been using, why not fill up your bin for { -next winter with this Super-Cleaned Hard Coal? One trial -- will convince you that it is the finest fuel your money can buy--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes on hand. : CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS. Your orders will be given prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT . ; "Relixble Service and Better Fuels" fc) PERRY GROCETERIA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Phones--94W and 94J CHRISTIE'S SODA WAFERS ........... L..2 pkgs. 25c. MUFFETS ...... NPT. [P per pkg. 10ec. CAN-RITE CORN ....... EAA TA RANA es per tin 9c. "hens byl 3 tins 27c. RE Cette ORANGES, Juicy and Sweet ................. LIBBY'S PORK. AND BEANS ................ «...tin 8c. SOAP CHIPS in bulk LE NE IE IE BRE RE 7 Ans LE AAR SANE | 1938 Wallpapers in Stock toys and dishes. They are | das h » 3 } A ) i hd { NN, [ERA . { v i WN Y ) . 3 WS Ey RARE & » \ 2 ¥ CUNEATE HY A BRL RR) go had al 8 A { SEH x REE \ 8 3 Yi SA oS S38