Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Nov 1937, p. 4

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ER Ce . Cu RD MRAR EAE np A As NH go mg a EH 3 * home of Mra. Cann, on Sunday. Marshal THREATEN TO CLOSE FACTORY PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS Watch for the bills announcing the Athletic Night to be held on the gven- ing of Friday, Dec. 8rd, 1987. The pro- ceeds will be used for Christihas Cheer in Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Joselin and son, and Mr. Mara, of Toronto, visited at the Mrs, J. D. McMaster, with Mrs. H. MacMillan, Francis, Sask.,r Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huff, Toronto, motored to Dalkeith, Ont., on Sunday, and on Monday, attended the funeral of their sister Miss R, MacGillivray, Montreal. The Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club are holding a euchre, bridge and dance in the assembly hall of the high school, on Tuesday, November 23rd. Cards to start at eight o'clock sharp, danc- ¥ ing at 10 o'clock. 7bc. couple, Re- freshments served. Mrs. Clarence L. McKinnon, of De- troit, Mich,, visited her mother, Mrs. E. Beare, last week. On. Friday evening, November bth, the following officers of the Queen Victoria Chapter, Women's Auxiliary, were installed by Comrades White and Howard. Fogo tae Mrs. Charsley Seeley we Mrs, Cann Cea Mrs. Raines Fin. Secretary ...... Mrs. Geo. White Rec. Secretary. .Miss E. A. Alexander vot ans bases e Mrs. Howard CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. DeShane wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness and sympathy shown during the their recent bereavement in the death of their mother. W.C.T.U. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. S. Farmer, on Wednesday, November 24, at 3 p.m. BAND COMING TO PORT PERRY The Riverdale Salvation Army silver band will visit Port Perry on Satur- day, November 20th at 7.830 p.m. This band is spending the week-end in"Ux- bridge, and are coming to Port Perry to hold an open air service. Adjt. R. Ramsay is the officer in charge of the band. AT ORILLIA "R. W. Phelps, head of the Tudhope- Anderson Co., one of Orillia's largest industries, told the town council re- cently he was taking immediate steps to liquidate his interests in the cont cern and close the factory because of a "ridiculously high" tax assessment. "We have been operating at a loss|and Mr. Jos. Forder, of Blackstock, go- and if the town isn't willing to back me up, then I am ready to quit," he said. "If they are not interested, I am not." On November 14th, he reduced the company's employment roll from 156 to 133. He said he would make further reductions in the staff to-day and next week. [ BORN HONEY--At Port Perry Hospital, on November 11th, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honey, a daughter-- Helen Joyce. ' TAYLOR--At Port Perry, Hospital; on November 14th, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, a daughter. H] ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister 7 p.m~--Evening service. Sunday School at 2.30. Y. P. 8. Tuesday at 8 pm. Everybody weleome CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector. Evening service at 7 pm. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m~Morning Worship. 1.46 p.m.--Men's Class and Forum. {with Mrs. S. A. Devitt and others. end with her brother Mr. Lorne Hoskin BAL NEE SERPENT SUPPER at 6 p. BLACKSTOCK Visitors to and fro were: Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Werry and son Neil with Mr. and Mrs. O.4Vright; Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Moody, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan; Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp, Elmire, with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A, VanCamp; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Donald and Moretta, of Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Stinson; Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry with Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin; Mr. and Mrs. S. Sander- son, with Mr, and Mrs. E. Dorrell; Mr. and Mrs. W. Oliver, of Lakefield, Mr. and Mrs. L. Oliver and family of Peterboro with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wil- son; Mr. and Mrs. John Carter with Mr. and Mrs. Dan McTaggart; Mrs. M. Smith with her daughter Mrs. W. VanCamp. Three young ladies, friends of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt, motored from Toronto, on Sunday evening to attend the service in St. John's Anglican Church. At the close of the service they enjoyed a short visit at the rectory. Mrs. Naysmith Henry and two of her daughters from -Janetville are visiting her parents Mr. and 'Mrs, F. A. Bailey. Mr. John Hooey, of Cameron, spent the week end with relatives in the rommunity.' Messrs. A. L. Bailey and W. Van- Camp, attended the annual Garage Operators' Convention held in Toronto last week. - Messrs. Arthur and Jack Rahm, Jos. Avery and Jas. Shortridge were in Ingersoll on Monday attending the funeral of a relative, the late Mr. G. Yelland. Two car accidents occurred in our neighbourhood last week. One on Wednesday night when Mr. John Nes- 'bitt's car and that driven by Mr, D. Frayer, collided in the village. For- tunately none of the occupants were injured, but both cars were left badly in need of repairs and the Post Office verandah left minus two posts. The other acident happened on Sat- urday night and was caused by the dense fog. Mr. Harry McLaughlin ing in opposite directions, met in a side-on collision. The occupants of both cars escaped with minor injuries, but the cars were badly wrecked and had to be hauled home. Mrs. Cecil Wilson ahd daughter visited last week with her father Mr. W. Lamb, of Enniskillen. We are sorry to report Mrs, Alfred Grace on the: sick list and hope she will soon be better. Mrs. Andrey Devitt has returned Home to Bowmanville after a visit Mr, Clarence Butson enjoyed a week's holiday in Rochester and other points. . The Y. P. s. meeting in the United Church on Wednesday evening was well attended. The Bible Study was taken by Miss Viola Bradburn. The program was missionary, and was as follows: solo by Miss Anna Thomson, a reading by Miss Mary Layton, a solo by Mr. Harold Swain. Miss Eva Brown took the topic, "Pioneers of the United Church". The meeting closed with hymn and "Senedidtion. A #pell- ing mateh provided a short. recreation period. Miss Ella Hoskin spent the week of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Everett Mountjoy of Kedron. On Saturday evening, Nov. @th, Mr. 2.46 Sunday School. 7 pm-~~"A Clas of Gallant Gentle men." | invaded their home to celebrate with {and Mrs. Leith Byers were pleasantly surprised when seventy-five relatives 5 SUPPER and LECLURE| Thursday, Nov. 25th in the basement of Port Perry United Church under the auspices of the Women's Association « Lecture: "England and Scotland" } by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. ; ADMISSION Adults 40c. BREE RR RE RNS SN SR SS SSS ad uk lS EERE ERR m., followed by a } Children 250. them the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Rupert Byers as "master of ceremonies" pre- sided for a program of. readings and musical selections at the close of which Mrs. Rupert read the following ad- dress and Mrs, Osmond Wright made the presentation of a lovely studio couch. The bride and groom of thirty years ago voiced their sincere thanks for the gift and.for the kind thoughts b which prompted it. After several other short but interesting speeches all joined in singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellows." "A buffet luncheon in- cluding the proverbial wedding cake was served, and the happy and mem- orable event brought to a close. Dear Friends,--We, your relatives, are particularly happy to be associated with you to-night, on this the thirtieth anniversary of your wedding, We rejoice, with you over the many circumstances - that have "united to make the three decades of your mar- ried life a period of much joy and little sorrow, of much-health and little serious illness, of much comfort and ship and little discord, of much neigh- orliness and little alonisness, "We are glad that such has been the course of your life, and we come together as those who have in quite large degree been touched by the spirit of your home. The thirty years of your married period of world history, a world war, a time of great prosperity accompanied by -the shaking and breaking up of many long recognized moral standards, an era of depression unequalled in the history of the world, the overthrow of thrones and governments and attack upon church and religion. In all of this the great importance of the home has been brought to light. We regard you to-night as a man and a woman who have contributed worthily toa good life in your home. Beneath its roof a son .and daughter have been reared to young manhood and woman- hood and are moving out to assume the responsibilities of life with: a multi- tude of tender memories upon them. You contributed loyally to their wel- fare in the impressionable period of childhood, stood nobly by them with counsel and guidance in the formative vears when ideals were being estab- lished and have proven yourselves not only worthy parents but true pals of your, children. Among. your relatives yeu enjoy a place of sincere affection. You have kept ever fresh those contacts that prove the worth of having relatives. You have shared in their joys and have always been among the first to lend them aid, and bring comfort and con- solation in time of trouble and sorrow. The same has been characteristic of your way of life among your neigh- bours. We also express delight that in the social life of the community and in community enterprises .you have as- sumed and -discharged real respons ibilities in a very fine manner and by so doing have in these' thirty years. proven your worth as citizens. We also record our joy that you injunction given on your wedding day --""Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it." You have given the fundamental thing of all life, religion, God, a home in your lives, -and we your 'relatives express the great hope this night that across the remaining decades of your married life, the golden autumn period 'that you will know for a certainty--That the path of the just is a shining light that groweth more and more into the perfect day. } We ask you to accept from us this gift as a tangible evidence of a deep. # |as gifts -- TRAVELLING GOODS, 1At Beatty' 8 Store, little actual distress, of much friend-| life have been set in an important | have endeavoured to heed the great] MERRY CHRISTMAS IS ONLY ABOUT FOUR SHORT WEEKS AWAY Start Planning Your Gifts NOW ..We have numerous articles suitable SHOPPING BAGS, SOX, both dress and work; WINTER FOOTWEAR, SHIRTS, and. a variety of other good and useful articles. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND WILLIAM WEBSTER Port Perry SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE )BSERVER OFFICE DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, north side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) 4 4 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN 8.1) ANNIS, BA. JLB Simooe Bt. 8., Os! os. and § eli ~ and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) INSURANCE ~ FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties 8S. A. WALLACE Phone 183 DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Med! College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate an Sure of Medical Gradu- College a yelin m, | North KE: London. Post G a London, England, Royal Infirthary, a Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office The firm of Gizzr & Hump is disolved) RUSSELL D. H iP REYS 24% Simcoe Street North,» Qs hawa Phone 814 In attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port -Perry,, Phone 264 | In ih) | /. AA HEAT OE y (Mi INA * OSHAWA Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10-20 Broadway Melody of 1938 with ELEANOR POWELL ba and ROBERT TAYLOR > ADDED ATTRACTION 4 COLOURED CARTOON REVIVAL on Friday, at 11 p.m. "UNGUARDED HOUR" starring, Loretta Young - Franchot Tone '| rebated to the School Board in the 'a High School District for Educational have fox this day. A baptismal service was held in St. John's Harcourt, Nestleton. Town Snell present: W, M. Letcher, (Reeve); and Councillors J. E. Jackson, Geo, H. Bridger, R. M. Holtby, J. R. Baird. are involved in this change, including: 1. Hydro Electric--poles. 2. Water System--fire hydrants, 8. Telegraph pole line. the street. "of street. not involve the taxpayers as there is $2000 and $3000, Hydro Commission's permission will be required. - The other parties to the changes are making estimates which have not yet been received. It may be noted that the Telegraph Company states that this telegraph line will likely be abandoned in the spring of 1988. 'The Council is fully aware of the need of reconstruction of sidewalks in this block; but feel that the neces- sary delay will be understood in view of the proposed widening of the street pavement, ° yet been taken. 3 A Letter from the School Board The following letter was received from the School Board and: explains itself: i "Under the High Schools Act, as it was before the amendments of 1936 and 1937, all Educational Costs of the whole County were included in" the General Levy, and each Municipality was assessed for its share of that general-levy. In order to equalize the which was a High School District, the Municipality's: share of that cost was Municipality. Under the Act as amended in 1936, c. 55, 8. 14, no levy: whatever is made on purposes. Sec. 37; S.See. (2). : Owing to this amendment, the Board of Education did not receive any "Re- bate of Levy" from 'the County in the County's annual payment of Main- tenance Costs for the year 1937. agking your Council to pay over to them the amount of money that other- wise the Council would be paying into the County. This amount will be over and above the requisition of $7,600 asked for and included in your year's estimates. your cheque!for-$800 dated Nov. 3rd, i number of good used Cream Sepa- rators, including DeLaval and Ren- frew. Apply to A. Hyland, Burketon, Phone Port Perry 11ir b. "Tea- Room on Saturday, Nov. 27th. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres- byterian Church will hold a Sale of HOME-MADE BAKING, CANDY and USEFUL ARTICLES in the Venture Afternoon Tea will also be served at 16c. Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 22-23 GENE RAYMOND and HARRIET HILLARD in LIFE OF THE PARTY Wed. and Thurs,, Nov. 24.25 ANGEL with MARLENE DIETRICH _ and HERBERT MARSHALL A New Heating System has been installed which forces the air 'STRAN through an air purifier. (Continlued second column over) a, UL A EL: Theatre UXBRIDGE Thursday, Friday, Sat, (This Week) "Jack HOLT and Shirley TEMPLE, in "LITTLEST REBEL" Also BETTY BOOP, NEWS and CARTOON © Monday, Tues. Wed. (Nov. 22-23-24 Buster Grabbe, in "ARIZONA MAHONE" New Western Thriller and Comedies, Thurs,, Fri, Sat, Nov. 25-26-27 Laurel and Hardy, in "OUR RELATIONS" (the Kings of Laughter.) and abiding good will and love that we | § bi both of "you and may you|$ have many, many happy returns of £ Anglican Church on Sunday |§ afternoon by the rector, Rev. C. C.|§ when he received into iq baptism Jane Edith, baby daughter |¥ of Mr. and Mrs. Secil Downey, of Rea-|¥ boro and Charles Garry, baby son of | § Mr. and Mrs, Harold Nesbitt, of 3 At the regular meeting of the Town] g Council the following: members were |§ Proposed Widening of Queen Street. | Negotiations for the widening of | Queen Street on the main business | block of Port Perry, are now under # way. Several individuals and utilities | ¥ 4, Gasoline pumps on both sides of g 5. Bell Telephone Jolos south side 3 The changing of Hydro wiring will 5 sufficient reserve -fund to meet gll costs which will likely be between |¥ No definite steps have as} cost of Education to a Municipality] Speed assured, keeping , also taught, if ris OW or further in- formation, apply to Mrs, Avery, Caesarea. © dec9 In view of this fact, the Board are| We hereby acknowledge receipt of | as a payment toward the above | amount for which we thank you. BY I FOR SALE novis8| "SALE OF HOME-MADE BAKING | rs S Drug Store News: (You ean save with Safety at Your Real Store) VITAMIN PRODUCTS Ayersy 8 Alphamettes ; $1.00 and $3.50 Ayerst's Cod ver oil Oc. and $1.00 Frosst's Neo Chemical Food $1.00 and $2.25 Kepler's Malt and Cod 'Liver Oil, 85c., $1.40 Scott's Emulsiong53c., 98¢c. Wampole's Extract of Cod COUGH AND COLD : REMEDIES Lawrence's Syrup of #8 - Horehound & Honey, 50¢. Buckley's Mixture oe ar : fle. and The, Pertussin . i hears 0087 Mason's 49 atecand 76¢, Mistol Rub .........735¢c Mistol Drops 35c., and 75c. ~ C. B. Q. Cold Tablets. . 25¢. Rexall Nose and Throat Relief ....25¢. and 50c. Liver .......... $1.00 Cod Liver Oil and Malt 2 Ibs. 89c. ..1 1b. jar 49c. PHONE 49 OROROROPOPOPOPOPOPHOSOPOROPOSOPOPOSOPOSIFOROROPT FOR "RENT Farm of about 65 acres. Cornven- iently located ,in Oshawa with city water supply. "Ample buildings, Im- mediate possession to plough. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, Ete, Oshawa. novls - HOUSE FOR RENT In Manchester Village. Apply to Box 85, Myrtle Post Office. novll / PROPERTY FOR SALE Offers will be received for double frame house and lot on Crandell Street Port Perry, known. as the Penhall property. Send offers to the executors Jas. McKenzie or Geo. R. Davey, 'HOUSE FOR RENT 6 roomed frame house in Port Perry, furnace, sink, hard and soft water, Apply to Mrs. Cooney. STUDENTS WANTED to study Shorthand jan) Typewriting. AUCTION SALE OF farm stock and implements, at- the premises of S. J. Wooldridge, Lot 21, Con. 18, west of Seagrave, on Friday, November 19th. = Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE : Iron Bedstead, complete; enclosed washstand, and an eight-day clock. BR ML A. M. LAWHENCE SSBB SS Se Ss SR ee Oe SAO OR ROR ORO PR ORS Bayer's Aspirin, sy 1 i and 98c¢. PORT PERRY MAN \ WITH. CAR. Watkins Dealer (preferably between 26 and 60) needed immediately to hand out FREE Soap and supply establish- S858 58585880 Extracts, Baking Powder, Soaps, and Poultry Tonics. 70 year reputa- tion,. 10,000 dealers. Must be satis- field with $30.00 weekly at start. Sell- ing experience unnecessary. Farm experience helpful, Credit furnished right parties. Write immediately to The J. R, Watkins Company, Montreal, Que, Dept. 0-P-b, _~novl8 : WHO CARES Who cares to spend: a life free of cares to work for himself and thus earn as much as he desires? = For those who really care, the FAMILEX PRODUCTS COMPANY with 'its line of 200 household necessities will glad- ly forward an interesting plan without 'obligation whatsoever, WRITE AT ONCE: 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. Rawleigh Route now. open. Real op- portunity for man who wants per- manent, profitable work. Sales way up this year. Start promptly. Write Rawleigh"s, Dept. ML-843K-K. WANTED Girl fof dining room. Apply at White Kitchen Restaurant, AUCTION SALE | - of furniture belonging to the estate of the late Chas. McKinnon, at his premises, Balsam St., on. Thursday, November 25th, at 1 p.m. Apply to Mrs, Kyle, Port Perry. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer fe] 13 fe] YOUR With is new all electric 'blue coal' Heat Regulator you can automatically control the heat of your home from upstairs --- and always maintain an even, healthy temperature, The cost is amazingly 49) Phone us today. for a free demonstration. luce . i Js Reesor, (Our new heating system is Installed) FUEL BILLS PHONES --Office 73w, dara [ add ALLL ELLER TET TTT IY Ahad dd) MOTOR ccaceccced TRANSFORMER - rr LL AUTOMATIC _ HEAT REGULATOR Port Perry residence 73 1 ed demand for World Famous Spices, Cleaners, Medicines, Mineralized Stock financial troubles? Who cares to sup- | ply the needs of his family?~ Who a < RY ae

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