Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Nov 1937, p. 7

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Classified RXXXRXXX \dvertising | XOOOOOODOORXX 4 or AGENTS WANTED HONEY EL & AGENTS es 140 PER | DELICIOUS AMEER HONEY, CONTAINS NO : Fin it bio ho carts assortment. buckwheat, 6-10's, $4.20. H. ATA RO a : i] return mall. Bridgeport, Ont. 4 « 4 AS Ge oy Setaria Hesse i rae 4 wear 0 o | ------ -------- : i MEDICAL LESMAN: WANT BD BY "THE OLD BAlbie Nurseries' {Established FREVENTION 18 BETTER THAN OP ears). Send for Centennial 's Bitters (all-herb ) / Py dpscial Linda. . Start pow, exclusive a vei rs or ulcerations of the stom ¥ T] coun -ach If you are suffering from Ea) { outfit, one Sand Weiliogton. rrorontd 3 4! 3 rite fot the A we have SBOBIES GUARANTEED LINGERIE, fsa vive | rd Pret BL oronth: L = ery. Manufacturers. - Stores. ed 25 years, Ch istmas seller. Experi- ence unnecessary. Cet detalls. Sobles, 140 Farnham, Que. 35 FEPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR : 4 fery manufacturer for this district. 2 - .» energetic man considered. Write full par- VA Uculars to Mr. Billott, 72 Queen West, To- ronto, AMAZING RROFITS, Xaents, ROUTE MEN selling stores, homes. Hundreds of big money makers. Clothing, dry goods, toilet preparations, household speclalties, drug v sundries. catalogue. Write Ralco, Wholesale, Box 1404, Montreal. ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- , pills, capsules, RAL REMEDY » "Nature's Way to Jealth"-- dian Herbal Remedy Com- undas St. West, Toronto. YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY FREE FROM ASTHMA HAY FEVER AND BRONCHITIS. REVOLU- tionary discovery of European physician has worked wonders. It quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stub- W@ - AGENTS TO BELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR born $497 Spiday 0 Rs, Nits fog- Ine ln. © Christmas. Good profits. Write for samples Ltd Dent 1-629, Vancouver Block, van and price list. Murgatrold Agencies, Yonge couver, B.C 2 St. Arcade, Toronto. aati AVIATION MEDICINE 3 COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION. NA. | WHY BUFFER? ONLY 35¢ WILL CONVINCE 4vigation, aeruplane and engine mechanics, you that Mazar: Varicose Salve will give licensed instructors. Leavens Brothers® Afr permanent relief from Nicsiss Sanniog sores Services, Limited, Barker Alrport, Toronto. M Mfg., 331 Flora Avenue, Winnipez. BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS : ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU - money on SupelMite galvanized roofing. LEARN TO PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRU- ¥ Superior Steel Fence Posts and steel gran- ment at home -- shorten those long winter d - ary lining. Superior | Products Limited, Sar- evenings. Hawallan or Spanish Guitar; Vio: nia, Ont. lin; Mandolin;" Ptgno Accordion, ete.; com- plete with Shurse of home study lesaona, sold on very easy terms. Bend at once for par- Zz BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES teulars. Whaley, Royce and Company, Lim- bh {lr Yonge Street, ronto, or your loc- ROOMING HOUSES FOR RENT, CONTENTS al Busic Dealer." Tor for sale; reasonable; rooms 'all i good paying guests. Ottken, 17 Isabella. * Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS _ CARPETS k E LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS Typrewriting by mall.' Batisfied students OLD CARPETS WOVEN fe ~ ible Rugs. Write for price list. ('} Cleaning Co., Toronto 4 CATTLE ELM PARK ABERDEEN ANGUS -- START f breeding beef. cattle now.- They are scarce ! all over the Continent. Aberdeen Angus have 4 4 Progucs Grand Champion Carcass of Beef Chicago International every year since 1500; Bulls and Females of breeding age for INTO REVERS- Baker Guelph, Ontario DUAL-PURFOSE SHOKRTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of a If fifteen nearest dams In their pedigrees av- . erage over eleven thousand pounds milk. per year, Prices $55.00 to $80.00. Federaly Ac- t credited. Bayside Farm; Owen Sound. MH DOGS I SAINT BERNARD PUPPIES, RARE BEAU- " "tles, reasonably priced, safe delivery In- | Sara. Paramount Kennels, North Hatley, ue. ELECTRIC WELDER THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER--WON- derful new. Invention. Operates from 6-volt battery. Welds--Solders--Brazes. $3.95 de- livered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. » FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25¢ Re-prints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183% King SL E., Toronto. ZEKO PRICES, EXPERT _WORK ROLL with free enlargement 25¢. Trevanna Stud. los, 93 Niagara Street, St Catharines, Ont. #ORTRAIT IN FOL.LDER--FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- shot Service, 166 King 8t. West, Dept. Y, Toronto, * CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YCURR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 25c¢; 5c a dozen; com- plete with envelopes. Enlargements 5 x 7 in easle frame, 39%; 2 for 75¢. Roll films ~ developed and printed, 25c; reprints 3c each. Free enlargement with every 25c order. Brightling, 20 Richmond St. E., Toronto. sale reasonable. James Bowmang Elm Park," throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, Canada Business - College, Hamilton; Ontario." - 16 LBS, VERY GOOD BROKEN LEAF TO- bacco $2. 7 Ibs. $1. G. Dubols, 262% Rideau, Ottawa. FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30c. TWO CHOICE Dresser Dolls, 50c. Large Bed Spreading Doll, $1.00. Boxed--postpald. Rolert Har- vie, 238 King East, Toronto, MEN WANTED WANTED -- AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 YEARS or over, to leam detective work. Big pay. Rewards. Interesting hcme-study course. Free information. \Vrite to Morris L. Jullen, © Box 25, Btation T., Montreal. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings: Registrations; Sales. 14 Mete~'fe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. L'ST of loventions and full informntirn sent free. The Ramsay Companv. R-~~i-tered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank ft N't~wa Can. PERSONAL ARE von RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. | Nn elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Bmith Manufacturing, Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. POWER. (BRAND) TONIC, ESPECIALLY recommended for men, Retains Vim and Vigor. 560 pills $2.00. Ez eT MRS. LE-ROYS FEMALE PILLS, FOR PAIN- ful and delayed menstruation. 30 Pills $4.00. DIRECTIONS ON BOTTLES. MAIL ORDERS postpaid, plain wrapping. Hygenlc Labora- tories, 460 Richmond St. W., Toronto. City Agents, 8ky's Pharmacy. JUne. 3332. PIGEONS MAGPIES, HELMETS, HOMERS, NUNS, Fantalls, High 'class pigeons priced reason-| ably, Write Perry Anderson, Kincardine, Ontario. | ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3¢ each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. FURNITURE LYONS' -TRADE-IN DEPT. a i} The wonderiul bargains in our Furniture i Trade-in Dept, have made this the most popu- lar in Toronto. Space wiil not permit us to & list more than a few of our specials. If you N. do not see what you want advertised, write and let ys know your needs. - turniture Is sanitarily treated and completely y refinished to look like new. All orders care- if fully packed ready fors immediate shipment on receipt of money order. $39 (14) Beautiful 5-Plece bedroom suite 4 in two-tone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full size bed, sagless spring and new ail-felt, roll edge . mattress; new condition, 69.00 G-Plece walnut bedroom sulte -- hy large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, full size bed, sagless spring and i brand new all:feit mattress. Completely re- i finished like new. Cost over $200.00, A real HH bargain. -- 5 Modern 9-piece walnut finish din- $49 Go ing room suite. Buffet, china cab- 9 Inet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs, Completely refinished. A real smart suite. $14 95 Dining room suite, 8 pieces, large 2% 4 buffet, extension table and six 4 strong leather-seat chairs; guaranteed clean and in good condition. i $24.0 uvholstered Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, In- cluding 3-plece chesterfield puite 1 in a good hard wearing brown ! repp, with reversible Marshall cushions; end i table, bridge lamp and shade, metal smoking stand and silk chesterfield cushion, - A real outstanding value. $13. 50 Large 3-plece chesterfield suite, up- { haolstered in brown repp with fig- iN = ured reversible Marshall spring cushions. A JAR ¥ Joa) foe good looking and comfortable' suite. Hurry or 0 $9. 05 Hed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- less spring and new roll edge all felt mattress. Large. assortment of kitchen . eabinets, sewing machines, gas stoves, library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, at amazingly low prices. Trade-In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO, | © 478 Yonge St, Toronto - aN «a : GRAPHOLOGY YOUR HANDWRITING REVEALS MUCH. 25¢ full reading; two questions answered. of C. Mayo, Graphologist, 204 Bleecker Street, £ o EY "Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIRDRESS- Ing and Beauly Culture, Write for pamph- let, 707 Yonge Street, Toronto. : ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government - licensed. We (train you for Board Examination. Bperial winter rates, Wits wr prospectus, 96 Bloor Bt. West, Evéry plece or odd dressers, chiffoniers, studio couches, ete., - POULTRY. NEW HAMPSHIRES AND RHODE ISLAND Reds. Best quality cockerels $3.00. Rhode Island Red hens .90c. M. Fisher, Enterprise Ontario. SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED Poultry and Eggs. Ed. Wilson, Reg'd., 44 Bonsecours Mkt., Montreal. POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP, COLDS, SCRATCHES, SORES, ETC., quickly relieved with Briggs Electric Oil. Many home uss. Two sizes -- T9¢ (8 oz.) (2 oz.). Makers of Briggs Black Oil, Kennedy's Foundgr and Hoof Ointment. De- pendable over years. Sold by druggists. For FREE Information write G. C. Briggs & Bons, Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD BUILDINGS anywhere for wrecking. Greenwood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood, Toronto. QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! -- $1.00 "Collect," Sample bundle -- 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, $8.00 up. Write for free Price List, Palace Radio Shop, 721 Pape, Toronto, ) SONGS TWO NEW FOLIOS FOR CHRISTMAS -- flay Temple's Favorite Songs, from her fewest pictures, including "Good Night My Love," 'When I'm With You,' and seven others eomplete with words, music and many pictures of this famous star, "Carols for Christmas' containing thirty famous Christmas eongs together with a condens- ed version of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol,' and recitation with music 'Twas | The Night Before Christmas." Price 50i cents | each, yminfon Musie Supply, Hermant Bullding, Toronto, STAMPS AND COINS CANADA, 08 DIFFERENT $1.00; 60 REVEN- ues B0c, Coronation; 62 Dominions $8.25, 135 Colonies $6.75. Canadian Catalogue 200 fllostrations 20c, Free Price List 500 sels. Vineent, 204 St, Catherine West, Montreal. WANTED WANTED -- CHRISTMAS TREES, BALSAM, Spruce, Scotch Pine. State price. W. Easton, Route 6, Brantford, Ontario. --_-- To, start a freight locomotive and bring it to running speed, a half ton of coal is required. 8049 De- | AT 83 SHE DEFIES RHEUMATISM Alter Suffering Acute Pain For ears Rheumatism first attacked this old lady in 1931, and gradually - spread from her arms to other parts of her body. Then she started to take Krus- chen Salts, and now she sends the folowing letter in her own hand: wit ng:-- "lI have suffered from rheumatism since 1931. At first, I felt acute pain in both arms. 1 could not sleep for pain, It grew worse, and gradually it crept down to the tips of my tingers. Next it reached my knees and ankles, .which made me quite helpless for a long period. A friend recommended me to take Kruschen Salts. 1 find they do me more good than any other me- dieine, liniment or ointment I ever used. This is my own writing, though Iam in my 84th year, --(Mrs.) H. The pains and stiffness of rheuma- tism. are often caused by deposits of needle-pointed uric acid crystals in the muscles and joints. Kruschen Salts stimulate your liver and kidneys to healthy, regular action, and assist them to get rid of the excess uric acid which is frequently tlie cause of your suffering, eee = = Alleged | "WIT One of the best resolutions you can make is never to do anything which you would despise or think meanly .of in another. Never do any- thing that yan would be afraid or ashamed of if it were your last hour on earth, Then the world will call you blessed. A certain man whose business is more service than sales, has hung a large mirror on the wall by his tele- phone. His reason he explains as follows: Sometimes he gets so busy he doesn't take time to shave or clean up for days. When his phone rings, and he goes to answer it, chances are _ he'll see himself in the mirror, real- ize how bad he looks and what others see when they look at him, and pro- ceeds to clean up. Now there's a real lésson for us all. It may be we not only need a mirror to reflect our physical selves to us, but other parts of our being may .look soiled or neglected too. How about the dis- position? Arc our habits getting dingy? What would a spiritual or moral mirror reveal to us about our- selves? But no matter what your peculiar- ity may be, avoid absent-mindedness. Pathfinder tells this one: -- Elsie--What = made you with Norman? Helen--The meanie, he proposed to me again last night. quarrel Elsie-- But certainly that was nothing to get angry at. Helen--Oh, yet it was. I had ac- cepted him the night before. Jay-- Are - you. acquainted with your fashionable new neignbor? Kay--Only in a .way. Her cat boards at my house. A man told a friend that he was | running for an undertaker, as his wife was seriously ill. Friend--But it's not an undertaker 7 you -want; it's a doctor. Scotsman--Na, na, I canna afford to deal with middlemen. Old fashioned music, as we get it, is the kind that's supposed to carry some kind of a tunc along with it. We wonder 'if that isn't the main reason it's still pretty much inclined to be popular. We shall do something in life if we try to live up to the expectation of those who have confidence in us. Now we are told that excessive laughter can cause heart trouble. So many of us will have to stop laugh- ing at our own jokes, A young boy, underguing an ex- amination for position came across" the question: "What is the distance of the earth from thc sun? " - He wrote answer as follows: "I am un- able to state accurately, but I don't believe the sun is near enough to in- terfere with a proper performance of my duties if I get this tlerliship." He got it. Guide--That is the statue of the famous Indian chieftain, Black Hawk. Girl--H-m-m--he had a son, Tom- my, didn't he? Don't put much confidence in in- side information. It's usually noth: ing but silly hcocy. Hard of Hearing ? t can hear a voico but not the words, try the Yoh Leonard Ear Oil. Rub it back of the ears to relieve partial deafness, noises in head, ear acho, LEONARD ot % on Read "Care of the Hearing" in every package. $1.25 at your druggist's. Canadian Dictribulors: LAURENTIAN AGENCIES, MONT REAL "civilization, Dr. a BIG BEN THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco SPEAKING OF BIG BEN. "THE FLAVOUR IS BETTER AND THE PLUG LASTS LonGER/" a ) 1) No )) Qaickness of Foot Deceives The Eye Pcirts cf the Fire-Walkars' Stock In Trade If there is one man the fake magi- cian fear it is Mr, Harry Price, who has spent years iunvesfigating the (aims of so-called magicians and, in most cases proving those claims to be so much "hot air." This particularly applies to the deeds of fire-walkers. Mr. Price, him- self a first-class magician, asserts that anyone with enough confidence can walk barefooted over red-hot em. ber and not get burnt. The whole se- cret lies in what might make a name for a new dance -- the fire- walker' 8 quick-step. Must Do It Fast | After exhaustive measurements of a trench full of embers, through which an Indian walked bare-footed, Mr. Price, using a stop-watch, found that the man's feet were only in actual of a second at each step. Fhen he contact with the embers for one-third took 4d little longer, his fcet were then slightly burned. A young Englishman walked right through the same trench almost im- mediately afterwards and was only slightly burned. When he repeated the walk wearing rope-soled shoes, the soles were not even scorched. Confidence, and the ability to step lively, seem to be the only essentials of the fire-walker's stock-in-trade, And there is nothing supernatural about it. Museum Receives Chinese Murals Saved From Rebel Soldiers By Buddhist - Monks, - They Will Soon Be on Display In Toronto. Huge Chinese murals. soon will be on displdy in the Royal Ontario Mu- seum, and Prof. C. T. Currelly, cur- ator, said last week that he considers threc of them among the world's greatest paintings. The Chinese murals were saved from rebel soldiers by Buddhist monks, who-cut-tham-out of temple walls along with a few inches thick- ness of ¢lay on which they had been painted. In Toronto the clay backing was ground away. Then canvas and com- position boards were used to replace it. As a result, Dr. Currelly said, the masterpidces of Chinese art will |* be "good for another thousand years." : Chinese Art Centre Ti addition, the museum has aec- quired a Chinese library of 45.000 volumes in which there is an encyclo- paedia of 1,000 volumes. These along with the other Chin- ese treasures and relics in the Royal Ontario Museum may combine to make Toronto the world's leading city in respect to objects related to the rise and development of Chinese Currelly said. Here's an unbeatable philosophy of life: "Keep an even mind and a fine spirit and eventually the bouquets will outnumber the brickbats." Try something NEW for your RHEUMATISM The old eaying: "Timea change and we with Time" applies to your Rheurnatic pains in a way. What grandma found effective might be quite useless to you. There is now available in Canada a rheu- matic remedy that has had an outstanding record of success in Britain, where its popu larity has been rapid and weil deserved. There's only one way, to account for ft. Fynnon Salt is the modern expression of the old "spa" treatment that was so good for those who conld afford it. [uncon It combines Sodium, Potassium, Lithium in its composition. One glass of Fynnon Salt is as beneficial as three glasses of mineral Spa Water, Being so 1H in the very ingredients that are known to drive Rheumatic pains out of the system, it ha making firm friends with tortiited hued! c eufferers everywhere. You i fidently to Fynnon Salt, Take {be daily for a week as a duty, After that, you'll take it it as a pleasure -- as an insurance against any return of the pains that have harried Fou for too long. Get a large 75¢ package of Fynnon Salt from Joby druggist, {§ Jou, have any 50 51 ' WITH THE (OUTS -{ Unique in Scout awards was the presentation of the Certifi- cate of Merit by His Excellency Lord Tweedsmuir, Chief Scout for Canada, to the Scouts and Scouters of the London district. The certificate, awarded in connection with Scout service during the serious floods of last spring, reads: : "This Certificate is granted to the Boy Scouts of London, Ont, for strenuous and commendable work A rendered during the disastrous floods in the spring of 1937." - - * Three brilliant beds of autumn flowers before the headquarters hut of the 1st Parry Sound Scout Troop was one of the features which at- tracted the attention of flower lovers attend:ng the annual local fair. The: Scouts are making plans for a more extensive display next year. * * * The part taken by 16 selected Re: gina Scouts in October in the search for a mentally deficient boy lost in the Eagle Hills, 20 miles south ef. the inspector of the R.C.M.P.| in charge of the scarch. The boy was found. ) * - - An opportunity for practising ap- proved Scout-style first aid was pro vided unintentionally by one of their own number during a hike of the Ist Sudbury Troop, when Scout Fergus Ducharme fractured a leg. Splints 'were improvised and a stretcher made of coats and staves and the patient carried out to the highway. ° 4 * * * Two of the year's important east ern scholarships, one of $1,000 and the other of $675, were captured by Boy Scouts. The first, the Lord Atholstan McGill entrance scholar ship, was awarded Patrol Leader George Lefcbvre of the 1st Hunting- don, Que., Scout Troop, and the see- ond, a Provincial scholarship :t Queen's was won by Troop I. a Donald Cornett of the 1st Sumiihs Falls Troop. * * * Boy Scout rope spinn'ne has not "been thought of as train's for mis- sionary work. [Former [over Scout Firmin Sauve of Cttawa, home on furlough from a station of the Christian and Missionary Alliance at Timbucto, on the southwestern fringe of the Sahara Desert, told of the suc- cess of a demonstration of rope spine Where Do Wornout Street Cars Go? All old buses and street cars are not relegated to the scrap heap, Many are put to the strangest uses. Gipsies buy some and convert them into cara- vans. . Others are set up as summer shelters for campers and holiday- makers. Sometimes coffece-stall keep- ers invest in them, for they can often be bought for as little as $25 apiece. Of those that remain, the majority are taken to junk yards where they are stripped of glass, cushions and ironwork and breken up for scrap. The wood is made into park benches, palings, and has a hundred uses, The ironwork fetches a fair price at any munition works. Very little, indeed, is not bought readily, and those por- tions which cannot be disposed of are burnt, «++ STOPP ED IN A MINUTE . oo Are you tor d with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athleta's foot, eru ions, or othef ekin afilictions? For quick & happy te Jelitls use cooling, antiseptic, liquid sor! Hews Its gentle oily Toothe the tated +o Cleat, 4 ceaseless a ries fast Stops the most HA ftehing + stant! A See tia) bottle, at drug stores, proves lt=ot money back, 20 Issue No, 47--'37 difficult Wo Agencies, 4 Gabriel Street, Montreal. \] C--1 the city, was highly commended by |: ning in helping establish friendly re- lations with the fierce fighting, long unappreachable Tauregs, or "veiled riders" of the great desert. A display of rope spinning in the market place of Timbucto attracted the attention of a group of the veiled came! men, and a demonstration of walking on the hands and other gym- nastic stunts which anpealed to their love of physical prowess' finally established a friendly understanding. In return the young Canadian was taught the desert way of making fire with flint and steel and some mysteri- ous quick-igniting tinder, and other desert "scouteraft."" As a souvenir he brought back a Taureg fireemaking set, in a goatskin case given him by a former ch'ef of desert raiders who had accepted Christianity and become a good citizen. . The former Ottawa Rover Scout declared his Scout training had been of great value to him in many ways in his missionary wor' TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its worl:? that's why you feellso Your liver 13 lazy, Your system 13 not rotten half the time. getting enough bile. Your head aches, your back aches. Yaur food doesn't digest prop- erly. It stagnates and decays for lack of bile. Bile is a digestant and an antiseptic. Your liver should produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every 21 hours. Tanol Tablets will make yur liver do (ts work. Based upon a small proportion of {Cal- omel blended with certain other useful medi- cinal Ingredients, Tanol Tablets act promptly and directly unon the liver, stimulating the flow of bile. They are easy to take and pro- vide a safe, ea r . probe ably the mr effectiv wnt bene wn. They pre rt harsa clent Your oo gist Gias them. Sie. (ay LAF fal es. | PMI BY) | REPAIR RAGGED w= IRED That deadly weariness that drags you doy all day is probably a sure sign of nerve-starvation. Strengthen four nerves sith PHOSKFERINE. "I'his great'tonio soothes ragged nerves, helps you sleep soundly and cat well, and confidenco and vitali ty. At 'druggista. boy $1.00 and $1.60 THE GREAT PHOSFERINE. 5254 The Marist Brothers TONIC (SOLUTION OF BIPHOSPHATIES OF LIME) DIRECT FROM THE MONASTERY TO YOU! Will build you up rapidly. Used suc- cessfully for over 150 years--for nervous debility --discases of the brain --anaemia--diseases of the "bones. Especially good for growing children and the aged. GOLD MEDALS WON AT WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS OF HYGIENE PRICE $1.00 At All Drug Stores AVE HWE otomach Upsets? Ir your are troubled with indigestion, gas, sour stomach, heartburn, if you are weak and lack appe- tite, try Dr. Picrce's Golden Medical Dis- covery now. It stim- ulates the appetite, improves the action ' of the stomach, makes the food digest better. Read what Mis Doris Berrie of 156 Rebecca St, Bark Hamilton, Ont, said: "After an illness felt very weak, had no appetite and suffered from indigestion After eating 1 would get 0 bloated and frequently had heartburn, 1 used Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Dis. covery and it was wonderful Tt improved my appetite and helped to drive away the stomach discomfort. TW seemed to build me id up." New size, tabs, S0c. Liquid §1.00. ( 4 sea was reported at New Royal Coach Now A Miners' House When the Duke of Windsor (then Prince of Wales) toured the United States in 1924, a wealthy American lent him his luxurious private railway coach, That coach is now used for a very different purpose. It was bought by a mining company as a "bunk house" 4 for employees and now stands be- tween piles of slag at the mine-head. The coach, which originally cost $350,000, contains a library, dining- room, three bedrooms, bathrooms and a kitchen, is still in good repair. The engineers who use it sit on the same luxurious furniture and bath under the same showers that were used by its former Royal oceups occupant. Jap "Kidnapper" Steals Photos A New Variation of Blackmailers Reported Where Photographs Disappear In Japan, every school has its pho- tographs of the Emperor and of the Royal Family, and each schoolmaster i3 supposed to guard them at the risk of his own life. A young unemployed man. decided to extort money from the master of a village school by kidnappmg the pho- tographs and holding them up fer a ransom, Held For Ransom "l beg to inform you," he wrote to the schoolmaster, 'that I have in my possession the Imperial photographs of your school. I suppose you earn 1,200 yen (about $600)-a year, so I am expecting you to be. good enough to bury two-thirds of this sum at the spot indicated on the plan enclosed. When you have done this, the photographs will be returned to you." Hastening to the school, the master found that the photographs had van- ished, so he buried 100 yen, all the ready money he could rasie. This money was later removed, but the photographs were not returned, and the master then went to the police. Money for Marriage A swarm of detectives arrived. Ev- ery house in the region was searched and the blackmailer -- and the kid- napped pictures -- were found. The kidnapper said he thought it was a good Idea for raising money for his marriage, He has changed his mind since! 2 ol 3 Microfilm Preserves Historic Records Mew System For Libraries and Newspaper Files Is Explained "= Instead of keeping weighty, bulk files of their old papers, newspaper offices may soon take a photographic record that can be stored away in little space, using apparatus which was on display at the National Book I'a'r in Toronto. Known as microphotography, the process was described by Chairman Hugh Eayrs as the fair opened un- der auspices of the Association of Canadian Bookmen. He said Toronto Public Library has a photographic record on tiny 35M film of 197 books of historic interest and suggested further use of the apparatus. Facsimile Of Every Book Within four years Toronto Library will have a facsimile of-every book' printed in English up to 1550, while Teronto's own great collection of Canadiana wi!l be made available to libraries the world over. Eayrs pre- dicted the process would revolution- ize reference library operation. Tiny photographic records might be made of newspapers, page by page, the film stored away in small ticketed boxes. While newsprint breaks down within 756 years. micro. film might be preserved at least 500 years. Projection machines readily reproduce the. pages and editors won't have to worry about their files being chipped. Television Tests Are Successful Pictures Aboard Liner Clear and Sound Described as Being Uerfect Successful reception of television of television broadcasts by a liner at York by Captain A. T. Brown of the Cunind White Star liner Britannic. Captain Brown said the expeviments believed the first of their kind ever attempted, were performed on Oct. 29th, 30th and 31st, after the ship gafled from London. The experiments were :onducted by Corporation, who set up their receiv. engineers of the British Broadcasting ing equipment in a vacant cabin. The captain said the Britannic, until it left the English Channel was never * more than 30 miles off shore, Screen 10 by 12 "They broadcast special programs from Alexandra Palace, in London, and the reception on the ship seems ed "excellent, The pictures were reproduced on a screen about 10 to 12 Inches, It was as distinct as iL they had been send ing it from the f cabin," Opt . - ISL a CA Sra Zn I Ae Nhy or " ot = Na >a p= SP po ow ary -- coy - £2 ig 2el ad Gia a \, ROR Ni REN

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