Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Apr 1938, p. 4

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. a a EE ane ol ft afc AN IH | Port. Parry. Miss Sine, of Napanee, a former teacher at Port Perry High School, was in town this week, the guest of Mrs. Gemmell. Among the week-end visitors in town were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan with the former's pgrents Mr. and Mus, Geordia McMillan : Miss Muriel Cook of Toronto, and Mrs. McClintock of Lindsay with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mr. Grant Robertson, of Brighton, with his parents, Mr. M. M. Statton, St, Catharines, with friends in town. Mrs. John Ploughman has returned home after spending some months in Winnipeg with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy of Perth, with Mr. and Mrs, Honey. Mr. Albert Cawker and Miss Jean Cawker, of Toronto, with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Cawker. Miss Marion Brent, of Toronto with her mother, Mrs. J. Brent. Mr. Rosser Williams, of Toronto, is spending the week with friends. Miss Marion Goode, of Hamilton, is spending the week with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. E, L. McLean, of To- ronto, with relatives. Mr. L. Palmer, of Brockville, spent the week end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweetman, of Hamilton, with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Sweetman, Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto, with his mother Mrs, A. E. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. VanNest, of Sudbury, with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Smallman. Miss Beth Archer is with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Archer. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Wm. Davey is improving in health after her very serious illness. Miss Irva Nott, of Toronto, was with her parents over the week end. Rev. R. T. Richards, of Napanee, was in in town this week the guest of Rev. Mr. Smyth, at the parsonage. Misses Eunice and Morwenna Har- ris, Miss May Walker, Miss G. V. Stovin, Mr. R. G. Gemmell, and Mr. S. Farmer attended sessions of the 0. E. A. Convention this week. Mr. Albert B. Ground of the De- partment of Justice, Washington D.C,, says that the fingerprint section re- ceives an average of 4500 fingerprints of criminals every day. . These are classified and identified within twenty- four hours. SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING The Women's Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension are holding an Easter Tea and Home-Made Cook- ing Sale in the Parish Hall at 4 p.m, on Saturday afternoon, April 23rd. Afternoon Tet 1bc. SPRING DANCE Scugog Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, take this opportunity of inviting the people of the community to a party in the Assembly Hall of the High School, on Thursday, April 28th. Euchre and Bridge at 8 p.m. Dancing at 10 p.m. Gentlemen 75¢., Extra Lady 60c. CLEANING UP THE WATER FRONT Mr. Waridel has made a clean up of his shingle shed, the balance of the dance hall off the town lot. It is making a very con- siderable difference in the appearance | of the newly acquired Park property. By the way, Mr. Waridel would sell | the second section of the dance hall. He has already sold the first section. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School ; 11 am.--Rev. W. R., Tanton, of Oshawa. 7 pm--Rev. W. J. H. preach. Subject: ner--Which ?" Markham United Church Choir will sing at the service. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J, C. Clough Sunday, April 24th 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, Sunday, May 1st 11 a.m.--Holy Communion Smyth will "Patron or Part- 8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday BSehool at 4.80. Everybody weleome Y. P. 8. Tuesaday at 8 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter Dorothy May to Harold Clarence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fossey, of Toronto. The marriage to take place May 8rd. DIED DRUEAN--At Whitby, on Monday, April 18th, 1938, William Harry Druean, formerly of Port Perry, Ont. BRUCE--Suddenly in Cartwright, on Tuesday, April 19th, 1938, Robert James Bruce, in his 71st year. Old Folks' Banquet Inaugurating what is believed to be the first event of its kind in Canada, forty business and professional men of Oshawa, headed by Dr. T. E. Kaiser were hosts to 100 old people, all over 90 years of age, at a banquet at the Genosha Hotel, Monday afternoon. At the head table, were Dr. D. S. Hoig, veteran physician of Oshawa; Charles Spencer, Brooklin; R. R. Mowbray, Brooklin; Sir William Mulock, K.C. M.G., the guest speaker, Toronto; Dr. T. E. Kaiser, chairman, Oshawa; W. E. N. Sinclair K.C., vice-chairman, Oshawa; Mayor Alex. McLeese, Osha- wa; William Pyle, Brooklin, and Geo. Brent, Oshawa. Mr. Pyle, who will be 96 in October this year, was the oldest gentleman present born in On- tario County. The combined ages of the five oldest gentlemen at head table totaled 464 years. William Goodwin, the oldest gentleman present, 97, was born in England. Mrs. E. A, Martin, 94 years old, was the oldest lady in the group born in Ontario County. It is suggested and it is hoped to make the dinner an annual event. SEAGRAVE The special services that were held in the evening during Holy Week, were fairly well attended. Rev. J. McLachlan took as his text for these meetings the seven last sayings of Jesus. The Seagrave choir led in the singing and provided special music for Monday, Tuesday and Fri- day evenings. Zion choir took the musical part of the service on Wed- nesday evening and Pleasant Point on Thursday evening. All joined in a Communion Service on Friday even- ing. i i "h On Sunday evening a good congre- gation assembled for the Easter ser- vice. The church was beautifully decorated by the Quadrata Girls' Club with Easter Lilies and other flowers, these added a very joyous note to the service. The Male Quartette made up of Messrs. Owles, Grantham, Wan- namaker and Moon sang two selec- tions, the choir rendering an anthem. Their efforts were much appreciated by all present. Rev. J. and Mrs. McLachlan enter- tained the choir and orchestra after church on Sunday evening. All the members enjoyed very much the social half hour and the lunch served by the hostess and appreciated the efforts put forth by our pastor and his wife to do everything -in their power to ance cost you $10. and is moving | '¥ but useless if it 3 p.m.--Sunday School, Please note, that beginning with May services will be held in the morn- ing at 11 a.m, with the exception of the last Sunday of the month. itis valuable to you, | "needs repair or proper adjustment | your electrical | equipment gone | over and put in shave at anom- | inal charge? JOHN FARMER Phones 85 or 50 further Christ's cause in our com- muinty. Our Sunday School service on Sun- day morning was certainly something of which we may be proud. The Sun- day School was decorated by the girls for the occasion. Every avail- able chair was occupied. While the members were gathering the orches- tra played several Easter hymns very softly. . For their opening number they played an orchestra selection en- titled "Rosebuds'. This was splendid- ly done and they received many words of praise. Mrs, Jas, Harding sang "Calvary" as a solo. = Miss Dorothy Reynolds sang the verses of "Who in Yonder Stall" as a solo and the school joined in the chorus, After the les- son period Dorothy sang as a solo "Lest I forget Gethesmane," Mr. John Mark is in Toronto at- tending the O. E. A. convention. Mr, and Mrs. L. Scott spent Sun- day with their daughter Mrs, Clark. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Wannamaker and Ronald and Mr. Earl Sweetman, of Hamilton, visited at Mr. H, Wan- namaker's recently. Mrs. Adam Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, of Bolton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon over the week end. Mrs. M. Moase and Mr, and Mrs. Fulton Chidley, Little Britain, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moase. Mr. Walter Moase re- turning home with them, having spent the past week in Little Britain. Mr. Fred Jennings and son of To- ronto are visiting with Mrs. Tanner. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mark of To- ronto spent Monday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nettley of Brighton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge. --{Continued on page b) AIS SL i OSHAWA 4 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" starring Robert TAYLOR and Maureen O"SULLIVAN * k * % FRIDAY REVIVAL, 10.30 "Love on the Run" with Clark Gable and Joan Crawford MONDAY and TUESDAY, --TWO GRAND HITS-- "ACTION FOR SLANDER" with OLIVE BROOKS and ANN TODD * x kx ¥ - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 27-28-29-30 JEANETTE MacDONALD and NELSON EDDY, in THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST (The firm of Geez & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Having moved to "intend to carry on my as formerly. in their season. We have a J. F. McC Phone 120 r 4, NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Annie Johnston Crozier, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Johnston Crozier late of the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, Married woman, deceased, who died on the 8th day of April A.D, 1988, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of May A.D. 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after said date the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims so filed. Dated at Port Perry this 21st day of April A.D. 1938. JNO. W. CROZIER, Barrister, ete.; Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for above Estate. ~ DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68] A COMEDY PLAY IN THREE ACTS to be held in PRINCE ALBERT United "hurch Under auspices f Y.P.U. on the evenin of FRIDAY, APR. 22 Entitled "SIS PERKINS" Presented by Almonds Young Poople ADMISSION Adults 26¢c. Children 15c. FOR RENT Farm of about 66 acres, convenient- | 3 ly located in Oshawa, with city water | 5 supply, Ample buildings. Immediate | possession. Apply to Conant & Annis, | § Aprtt | 8 Barristers, ete, Oshawa. WANTED TO PURCHASE About 10 young Yorkshire Pigs. 3 F. Toker and Son, Brooklin, Phone |g 1130 Brooklin, p-- = WORK WANTED Carpentry, Contracting, experienced i rusty | finisher; chimneys repaired; i roofs painted, R. Ferguson, R.R.1,|8 Sonya, Ont. FOR SALE Will sell, or exchange on good work | & horse, one tractor plow "Oliver" near- | § ly new; one tractor double disc "Inter- | 2 national", 16 plate, good shape. Apply | 8 to W, Donnelly, 1 mile west of Man- | chester, 1{% NOTICE TO BUILDERS Sealed tenders for the alterations at Manchester school will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, May 16th, 1938. Lowest or any tender not necessarily excepted. Work to be completed dur- ing summer holidays. Plan and specifications at the secretary's house. H. O. Dobson, Secretary-Treasurer, Manchester, R. R. 4, Port Perry. 4 PICTURE SHOW Swiss Film presents Buffalo Bill Jr. in "TEXAN" a thrilling story of Texas, in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Saturday, April 23rd. Admission 26c. and 16¢. ool ROADS OROROROSOSOSCEOSOROSOROROBOROE HO OC CR sr rata Lawrence's Drug Store News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES ADRIENNE PERFUME, ..25c., 50c. § SQUIBB'S TOOTH PASTE 25c., 85c. § DOVE CASTILE SOAP, 6 cakes 25c. 8 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC : & 25¢., 50¢c., 79¢. § WAMPOLE'S HYGEOL, ..35¢c. 60c. FRENCH BALM .......... A. M. LAWRENCE The % Resall ox Sore 10 00 00 0% 0% 0 0% 5 0 SN ON TT HT a a Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. ELKAYS MOTH CRYSTALS Modern Effective Economical and easy to use. 5b. Can ........8L75 1 Ib. Can PHON Bo ST 20 A TT DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Bu fy Madionl, Grads. a College London, England, "Post Graduate College, London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. new or old work. L. A. KOCH & SON. Phone 31 Port Perry -- Overseas Service in the Royal Army Veterin- ary Corps. Three years as assistant Xi English and Scotch Veterinary Surgeo Ls nt, Phone 62, BROOKLIN, \ FOR SALE Binder, mower, gang - plow, single plow, hayfork outfit, pair scales Viking Cream Separator. E. G. Fra- lick, R.R.2; Port Perry, Ont. april28 FOR SALE Chevrolet Sedan in Al condition. Driven since new by owner. Small mileage. Priced to sell. = Apply at Star Office. HELP WANTED Girl for general housework on farm. Must be willing to milk. Apply to Mrs. Roy Leask, Seagrave, Ont. ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Emma Lee Whim- sett of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, married woman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Emma Lee Whimsett, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of December 1936, are noti~ fied to send to the undersigned Ad- ministrator, The Trusts and Guaran- tee Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the undersigned, Smith, Rae Greer & Cartwright, its Solicitors, on or be- fore the 14th day of May, 1938, their names apd addresses and full partic- ulars of their claims;-and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory de- claration. Immediately after the said 14th day of May, 1938, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated April 16th, 1938. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 302 Bay St. Toronto. Smith, Rae, Greer & Cart- wright, 371 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Solicitors for the said Administrators. SUITS CLEANED SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED - 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P.ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE 1 will carry all kinds of -- Clover and Grass Seeds, also Corn Your business will receive our prompt attention, and will be much appreciated 2 Qranty of Cobbler Potatoes grown from certified seed, at $1.00 per bag, while they last. "1 HANDLE BLATCHFORD"S POULTRY. FEEDS A 000 D1 0 0 | NOTICE Myrtle Station, I SEED BUSINESS there LINTOCK MYRTLE STATION FOR SALE A small, well constructed building 10 x 16. Apply to F. E. Reesor, Port Perry, Phone 78 FOR SALE Steel Silo Building Outfit for sale. Apply to D. M. Jackson, Prince Al- bert, Ont. The firm of Gramm a HuMransys is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 241;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at Port Perry office om Tuesday and Thupday afternoons of each * week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Poosssesessettnes Real Estate Bargains | House and lot, garage, good garden, Hydro, furnace and town water. This good property is for immediate sale at a real sacrifice. For further particulars see . TED JACKSON. ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE 2 Good M-H Binders, 6 and 7 ft. 1 F. & W. Binder, 7 foot. 2 Gang Plows. 1 Kid Kangaroo Plow, good as new. 13 Tooth Cultivator, good as new. 2 Half Truck Wagons. 13 Tooth Cultivator. Pumping Engine. = Turnip Drill. § Tractor Plow. Durham Cow, fresh. 8 Leceister Ewes. : SP TED JACKSON 2222222222200 2200000000000000000000000000006 2002000000000000400000000000000000004 20220000000 000004 COCKSHUTT DEALER 000000600000 000: mayb |. PRUN 95 1 BREAD FLOUR 98-1b. Bag When: Packed PECIAL PRICES Gt Tour MANAGER CHOICE FRUITS, Dutch Sets Ibs. 2 5 C. A for 4 Multipliers 2 lbs. for 15¢. Parsnips 3 Ibs. for 10c. Local Manager ( LEO SMITH Phone 268 SANTA CLARA CHOICE ROP INTO DOMINION QUALITY SERVICE GLASSCO'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 19° x PASTRY Flour i .§§ F, COFFEE ~~ i 36 PINEAPPLE wee ber LO SPAGHETTI 10 MOLASSES Ma | : SY] Up : 16-02. Bot. son - 4 V q AUNT JEMIMA FLOUR FOR PANCAKES 9. dK PASTURE FOR RENT . $4.00 a head for season. "Apply to: ; E. WHITE, MANCHESTER . Buildi &C { 4 fin n onirac ' DR. A. S. BLACK g g, VETERINARIAN and SURGEON |Plans Prepared, Estimates given on pd

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