Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Apr 1938, p. 5

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Re. TELEPHON E ~It's quicker and easier A call to 29W will end your meat order worry in a flash. CAWKER BROS. We deliver Stitt ttt rrr rr rrr rr IIIa III II Is % i, a LEED RE RRARRI ARS Saini iRs RRR iinnte Aathfrings Port Perry PHONE 93, YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY PORT PERRY 5 RELA A AAASL SR Shop by Telephone The perscnal Way A CALL TO M..GREGOR'S _ MEAT MARKET-- | Insures prompt, personal service PHONE 72-R- 2 PORT PERRY - OO OO = OO BE THRIFTY AND SHOP AT Part Perry ic. to $1.00 Store rr an wor az Cf SPECIALS SCARVES, and 'all the New SPRING SHADES OF HOSIERY, in Crepe, 'Chiffon and Service Weights. - : A large assortment of EASTER CARDS, BOOK LETS, % GLASSWARE, CHINA, GRANITE- WARE and KITCHEN HARDWARE, ENAMELS, VARNISHES, VARNISH STAIN. A FULL RANGE OF MEN'S DRYGOODS. GLOVES, * PURSES, and CANDIES. PAINTS, LINGERIE, 3. 2 NOVELTIES, TOYS OWNED AND OPERATE BY DURKIN 5 4 CH | : : i : : 1 PORT pansy 3 0 0 Farmer For outstanding and profitable RESULTS, FEED: FOR POULTRY Pioneer Chick Mash, Growing Mash, Big "8" Laying Mash. FOR HOGS Pioneer Weanling Rations, Grower, Hog Finisher, Pork Pro- ducer (concentrate.) FOR CATTLE Pioneer 16%, 18%, or 24% Dairy Ration, Dairy Concentrate, Bulky Sweet, Dry and Freshening Ration. Results are the only sound measure of feed value, Pioneer Feeds have proven their superiority because they produce profitable results. We are here to give you service and satisfaction. Drop in and look over the feeds. Take home a bag and watch it produce results. Lake Scugog Milling Co., Hog : We 'Specialize in White. Roses PASTRY FLOUR No Better Made. Bring in your GRAIN for chopping or exchange for special blends of chick feed, etc. Phone 99-w Port Perry % | Sanderson favored with a piano aa wees se HAROLD W. Phone 41 tits itt ttt rst ast rn nr tL LLL LILA RI I LILI IAAI LISI II PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with KMMERSON Iiititet Port Perry BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Bert Dudley of Bowmanville, spent a few days last week with Mrs. John Forder, Other visitors at the home of Mrs. Forder were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright and family. Misses Phema Hooey and Florence McLaughlin of the Toronto teaching staff are spending their vacation with their parents, Miss Dorothy McBrien of Toronto, is the guest of her-cousin Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Miss Josephine Sayre of Toronto, is holidaying with her aunt Mrs. C. C. Harcourt at the Rectory, Mrs. Jos. Avery spent a few days last week with her brother Mr. David Cherrie who is seriously ill at the home of his nephew Mr. Gordon Avery at Little Britain. We hope he will soon be better, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin visited last week the latter's mother Mrs, Woods of Orono, Miss Reta Swain or Alma College, St. Thomas, is visiting with relatives in the village and vicinity. The weekly meting of the Y. P. S. of the United Church was in charge of the assistant missionary convener, Miss Gwenyth Marlow. The topic, "Livingstone and His Work" was taken by Miss Jean Coulter, Mr. Larmer gave a reading and Miss Miss Ferga Johnston closed the mdet- ing with worship service, - Misses Mabel VanCamp and Lulu Wright and Mr. Robt. Smith spent _the_ holiday under parental roofs. Mr. Anson Taylor was in Toronto this week attending a social event in H | connection with the Normal School. Recerit visitors were: Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Wannan and Migs Ailene Alli- %| son, of Toronto, Mr" Jas. and Ken. Wannan of Raglan, Miss Hazel Mountjoy, of Bronte, Mr. and Mrs, L. Wannan and son, of Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and daughter of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy; Messrs, Bruce Mountjoy and Geo. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodge in Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bell of Ottawa with the form- er's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry of Toronto with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Albert Werry; Mrs. Florence Thomson and Anna with relatives in Toronto; Misses Doris and Alice Heaslip, of Toronto, with their cousin Miss Gwen. Marlow; Mr, John Rutledge of To-|. vonto with his sisters Mrs, C. Wright, Mrs, N. S. McNally and Mrs. Joseph Forder; Miss Jennie Stokes and Mr. S. Heron of Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. N, Taylor; Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Gibson, Toronto, Mrs, W. Hannah, ot Janetville, and Mrs. John Dickie, of Nestleton, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris, The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, James Marlow with an attendance of 20. The Bible Study "An Easter Story" from Matthew was taken by Mrs. E. Elliott_and prayer by Mrs. H. Bell. | The president Mrs. Jabez Wright read "The Price of Success" and the roll call was answered with "My Favorite Chapter". Mrs, Bell read a very in- teresting' letter from Mrs, (Rev.) Stainey, of Stony Mountain, B.C. describing conditions among the In- dians, A temperance reading "Whose Boy" was given by Mrs. Cecil Hill; anEaster message address by Mus. Wm. Hooey; a solo "They Crucified Him" by Miss G. Beacock; a-reading |" on Peace by Mrs, E. Larmer; and the Study Book chapter by Mrs. H. Bell. At the close lunch was served by the group in charge of the meeting. Miss Pearl Taylor, of Toronto, visited over the week end with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Jobb and Mr, and Mrs. N. 8. McNally and Verna enjoyed a visit recently with Mr. and Mrs. Kelusky and family of Galt. Mrs. John Marlow and daughter Doris and Mr. Gibb Marlow, motored to Toronto for a visit with Mrs. Mar- Jow's daughter Mrs. Ivan Shork. We are sorry to learn that our very highly respected merchant Mr. Albert Wright and Mrs, Wright are giving. up the Superior Store which is being taken over on May 1st by Mr. O. V. Shaw of Balsam.: We welcome Mr. Shaw to our village and wish him every success in his new field of labor. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Redman and family of Solina visited the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. E. Redman on Sunday. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Honey were at Welcome on. Saturday attending the Congratulations to the young couple from friends here. Mrs. John OC. Lawrence spent the week end with her son Dr. G. C. Lawrence of Lindsay, Mr, Charlie Taylor and son Jim of Whitby, visited friends here on Sat- urday, While playing with other children Jim met with a painful ac- cident when he got hit in the mouth with a stick and had two teeth knock- ed out. He was rushed to the doctor for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth and son Allin were at Green River on Sunday attending the funeral of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butterworth, of Woodville, visited the latter's mother Mrs. J, Todd on Sunday. Sorry to report Mrs, Fred Todd is in very poor health, Schogl closed on Thursday for the * vacation and will re-open on y. The teacher, Miss Elsie is spending the holiday season her parents at Oakville. rs, Hattie Hudgins visited her son in Yoronto over the week end. armers commenced their spring wgrk last week and report the land is/ working up in good shape. Mrs. Robt. Chisholm is entertaining the Woman's Missionary Society on Thursday afternoon of this week. 'raffic on the Highway was very vy over the week end, and judging the luggage on cars people were nding the holidays at their cot- . | tages. Mrs. Reid of Sterling is visiting her sister Mrs. Honey. Mrs. Stanley Nottingham enter- tained - the - Faithful Workers' Class last week. Mr. Will Quinn of Whitby spent the week end with his brother Mr, John Quinn. MANCHESTER Miss Dorothy Butt of Oshawa is visiting with her grandparents My, and Mrs. John Moore, Master Richard MacFadden had his tonsils removed on Saturday at the Port Perry Hospital... We hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. J, Bain of Toronto spent the week end with her mother Mrs. J. Mitchell. ~ Miss Aletha Barrett of Mount Al- bert, was a week end guest with friends here, Mr. Arnold Roach of Toronto, was at his home here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Cumming of Ux- bridge, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Adam Cumming, i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDermid of Oshawa and Mrs, A, Crosier, Whitby, called on old acquaintances on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. J. McKinsey and Mr. Harold McKinsey of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinsey. Mrs. J. Masters has returned home after a month's vacation with Mr. and rs. G. Parks in Detroit. Miss Verna Masters and friend of Whitby, visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. Masters on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. day guests with Mr, Coombe in Toronto. Mrs. W. W. Crosier- of Port Perry, spent Monday with' Mr. F. Crosier. Miss Allie Thompson who spent the winter with friends in Queensville, has returned home, ¥ Don't forget the Euchre and Dance on Thursday night, it being the last Club meeting of the season. Coombe were Sun- and Mrs. Alvin SCUGOG There will be a thange in time of the services next Sunday, April 24th. Foot at 10.30, Head at 11.30, Indian Church at 3 p.m., and Centre at 7,30 p.m. The Foot Sunday School direct- ly after service; Head Sunday School at 10.30 and Centre S. S. at 10.30. Let everyone attend one or more of these services and encourage the Pastor and the S. S. teachers. Born, on Good Friday morning, April 15th, Chandler, a son--Ralph Rodney. The Easter Sunday services were well attended. The 'Centre church was well filled. The table 4f house plants and Easter Lilies looked very pretty. The union choir sang Easter anthems. Rev. Mr, Joblin preached very appro- priate sermons, The Womens Association held its regular meeting in the Township Hall on April 12th with Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mrs. R. Pogue, Mrs, C. Hardy, Mrs. F. Crozier, and Mrs, H. Hayes as Hostesses, The meeting opened with Mrs. R. Carter in the chair. After singing the opening hymn Mrs. F, G. Joblin led in prayer. Mrs. D, Hope read the Easter lesson, Matthwe 28, Mrs. F. G. Joblin gave a very inter- wedding! of. thefr | son Melvin Honey. Aus ty! wi on esting talk on the Easter teachings of 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. S.| ~~ Eg A : EA 4/7 RLS et the risen Lord and of everything tak- ing on new life. She then sang an Easter solo with Mrs. F. Crozier at the piano. Misses Ivah Milner and Florence Carter sang a duet with Miss M. Milner at the piano. Mrs, J. Joblin gave a splendid Easter reading which was prepared by Miss Corbett. Mrs. F. G. Joblin then conducted a contest which was very amusing, this was followed by a business session, Another Pot Luck Supper is to be hela in the Township Hall on Friday, 22nd. It will be a union affair and the last for the season. We hope their will be a good attendance. Mrs. R. Pogue and Miss Clara Hardy will be the pro- gram committee for the next meeting. This was followed by a lovely suppet served from well decorated tables. Master Jimmie_Heayn, Port Perry, is visiting his uncle Mr. Ray Milner. Mr. and Mrs, B. Crooks of Toronto, are visiting their daughter Mrs, Fred Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee, Eunice, Ralph, Blanche and Clifford, of Oshawa were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Burn- ham on Sunday. There were a number of visitors from Toronto for the week end and holiday--Mrs. Robinson and daughter with her father Mr. H. Fralick; Misses Mona and Fay McCullem with their aunt Mrs. G. Hood; Miss M. Jeffrey with her parents Mr. and W. Jeffrey; Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman; Misses Blanche and Eileen Sweetman with their parents Mr, and Mrs. A. Sweetman; Miss Lillian Fra- lick and Miss Inez Fralick, of Oshawa, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick; Miss Clark with her cousins Misses Helen and Doris Clark; Miss Jean Hood of Oshawa with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. R, Hood, Master Harold Mark of Port Perry with his cousin Master G. Samells. Master Keith Mark of Port Perry with his cousin John Hardy. Mrs," A. Sweetman and daughter Eileen, Mrs. H. Long and Donald, Mr, Roy Hope, visited the former's daughter Mrs, D, Lewis of Caesarea, one evening last week. Little Joan Lewis fell and broke her arm last week. We hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Reader, Mr. and Florida Celery, 2 for 15c. | | Cabbage 5c. Ib. Grapefruit 5c. ea. Carrots, 4 bunches for 25c. ORANGES, 20c. and 29c. NE nr he ee Full line of Fruits and Vegetables NEW Dresses this week Navy Sheer Crepe, with jacket, 4 Sizes 38 to 42. $5.95 ; Printed Sheer Chiffon, sizes 15 to | 19 - - $4.95 ONE DRESS TO A STYLE 2 TOOKE SHIRTS for Men We specialize in these quality i shirts in White, Plain Colours and 4 and Patterns. : Well made and § Smart. Prices $1.25 to $1.95 MEN'S TOP COATS : In stock-- Greys with Raglan Sleeve and Half Belt $15.95 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY ET a dy a RE ERR EE a se a east DROPS OROR ao 3% 03% oe se se ate uted nn ape ar oe eos og ng ete Soo age, oe, toe pe Rd, eT SA ve 356A ERIS oc ORO AI Mrs. A. Wilkinson were recent guests of his brother Mr. R. Reader, Mr, and Mrs. W. Nott, Irva and Gladys, of Port Perry, were Sunday guests of her sister Mrs. Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, Mrs. O. Jeffrey and Lois, Master Clayton Mark visited relatives in Valentia one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy visited her sister Mrs, D. Hope on Sunday. The Fortnight Club was held last Friday evening with a large attend- ance. The meeting was opened by the president Ralph Milner asking all to | join in singing O Canada, which was followed by a mouth organ selection by Gordon Hood; Mrs. E. Ploughman gave a reading, Messrs. Cecil Fralick and Glan Hood, a duet; Miss Joyce Tetlow a reading; then Ray and Ralph] Milner gave a musical selection dn' the guitar and mouth organ. It must have been extra good for they were called back. The committee for the next Club meeting are Mrs. S. Rodman, M. Milner and N. Crozier who are plan- ning a change of program. The first part of the evening will be progres- sive Euchre with hot dogs for a lunch. The League meeting held on Good Friday evening instead of Monday evening was in the form a special service led by Mr Joblin assisted by Mrs. G, Hood, Mr. Cecil Fralick, Miss Leona Prentice, Miss Florence Carter, Mr. Anson Gerrow and Mr. Ralph Milner, all taking part on .the seven words on the cross. Mrs. F. Joblin sang a couple of solos. The service was well attended. Mr. Clarence Fielding has started to saw lumber at Mr. O. Jeffrey's this week. Don't forget the pot luck supper on Friday of this week. -- -- Po Seagrave (Continued from paje 4) Week end visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon of Raglan; Miss Annie Shunk of Prince Albetr; Mr. Jack Mc- Lachlan of Peterboro; Miss Margaret Russell of Toronto at the Parsonage; Miss A. Clements at home; Miss Jean Sellery with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sleep; Mr. D. Cherrie and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cherrie and Eileen of Scugog with Mr, and Mrs, S. Reynolds. Sorry to report Miss Alexa Stone in the hospita lat Lindsay. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leask, of Ux- bridge and Miss Elizabeth Richardson of Toronto spent Friday here. * PANS AAR ARK NER N AAR RANG A SEAR x » oc SA 0 I CT {EG (WG (SE (S(O ( G_ ( _--" eRe i 4 OUR NEW LOAF Bread is the staff of life, so we are always trying to furnish oun customers with the latest and best. Ask our driver about our bread and pastry. He will be pleased to show you tasty varieties. SMILES N* CHUCKLES When you buy them from us are always fresh and attractively packed Per package 25¢. and 50c. -C Gerrow Brothers SETTER CL Ell SL LE] a A LB [TAT PHONE MAGIC Your great grandfather had to hew and haul, saw and chop. But you need only phone--and presto!--your coal is on the way. To fusure your comfort and economy we deliver Famous Reading Anthracite-- the "Laundered" Coal--dirt free, dust free, AUD more heat. Phone NOW! Port Perry Coal Yard "5%" \ 4 Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building "to erect! Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. w Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 Limited

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