RE = pn, 4 0 TA em 2 ANE Ys NY A I Ga Gd 0 OW Gf GW (GF GO BOF fA BA [W CUO (AT pe dD GH EL Electric Washers and Ironers This Washer, with its new washing action, is now on display and is priced for quick sale. a For a short time as an introduction and a liberal allowance for your old washer. : Be sure and see this washer while the low price offer lasts, other models to choose from. If interested, a full wash demon- stration for your approval. Made in Canada by Canadians. N. EWERS DEALER PORT PERRY SS Sst 0000000080030 003080802800000080000s0sssnstssesnssesssetsasattassasatossesasaasassasssssntss e+ 3 "MULTIPLIER ONIONS. "GREEN BEANS PORT PERRY FRUIT MARKET BLONGC BLOCK, PORT PERRY CUCUMBERS SPINACH Special this Week ORANGES STKAWBERRIES "2 Dozen 25c. GRAPES I DUTCH SET ONIONS GREEN ONIONS SWEET POTATOES Daffodils 306. a dozen. Pineapples 19¢. each Phone 208, Port Perry : boo 23 NE) LN BE aya Ie ae ata iatsasissasiscasissssseasazassazestasasastatadadsitatieateitititizazaititatdiigidedes »-- Brock Theatre -- Phone 618, WHITBY : THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 21-22-23. Two Shows--=7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m. "The Big Broadcast of 1938" with W. C. FIELDS, Martha RAYE, Dorothy LAMOUR, Shirley ROSS, Ben BLUE and Rufe DAVIS. (TERED STEED MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25-26-27 First Show at 7.30. Last complete show at 8.50. All shows D.S.T. Miriam HOPKINS and Ray MILLARD, in "WISE GIRL" this new Model is priced at a real buy | Ny Be Clee se -- one season. Balance owing see eet tee At bn etl bi Top Refrigerator, used one season. 4 Original price $285.00. To be cleared 1 ud |. SR SO IEA APTA RE ---- $142.50 1 General Electric Hotpoint Range. Sold new for $179.00. 3 Quebec Cook Stoves, sold new at $34.50. Balance from $12.00 to $16.00. eine I ec aie WE Rae Tame ae le wie ale sie CSS _ SR Sale of Re-Possessed Electrical Appliances The following Refrigerators, Radios, etc., will be sold on a cash basis for balances owing as listed below: 1 General Electric Refrigerator, _used 18 i 1 months, new price $235.00. "To go at one season, sold new at $219.00. To . $99.00 clear at ........ Pen ..$137.50 1 General Electric 7 cubic foot, Monitor 1 Rogers 7 tube Console Radio, used six Used eee $112.00 Norge Electric Refrigerator, used about months, new price $139.50. Bal. $76.00 General Electric Vacuum Cleaner, sold new at $49.50, balance ...... 1 Hoover Vacuum Cleaner, Balance $19.00 A quantity of Mantle and Console Radios, some 1938 models, balances ranging from $9.00 up. Bl 1! Cofiield Washing Machine, Bal. $39.40 § ...$23.00 Ewin wie DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE STREET N. - - OSHAWA, ONT. Ps HEAD COMMUNITY CLUB SCUGOG (Late for previous edition.) March 30th was a beautiful evening for the meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Samells. < All joined heartily in the singing of""Abide with Me" followed by the minutes and a business discussion. It was decided to change the time of Sunday School and Church on April 24th--S. S. at 10.30 a.m. and Church at 11.30 a.m. Mrs. A. Wilkinson, Mrs. E. Hance, Mrs. S. Sweetman and Mrs. S. Rod- man were appointed to prepare the next program. "ee "What have We Done To-day." was the title of an article read by Mrs. G. Collins. Misses Lorraine and Aleta Collins sang a duet accom- panied by their mother with the guitar, Edna Samells again proved her musical ability with a piano solo. Nelson Reader gave a mouth organ selection. Mr. Joblin again brought us up to date with a talk on current events. Mrs. E. Sweetman conducted a contest followed by Community singing. Helen Sweetman read "Red- Headed Jim". A mouth organ selec- tion was given by Gordon Shunk. The usual lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by Mrs, A. Wilkinson, Mrs. M. Collins, Mrs. kK. Sweetman and Mrs. G. Collins. | An extra large number attended the Club meeting on April 13th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hance. The meeting opened with a patriotic tune "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Irall." An extra good program is expected for April 27 with five able bodied with Walter ABEL, and Henry STEPHENSON, | also an added attraction "CHARLIE CHAN AT MONTE. CARLO" with Warner Oland, Keye Luke and Virginia Field SCHEDULE OF ADMISSION PRICES EVENINGS--(Except Sat. and Holidays), adults 25c., Children under 12 years, 1c. Saturdays and Holiday, all seat, 2bc. MATINEES--Adults 20c., Children 10c., Every child must have ticket. NOW OPEN Snowdon's Garage in the premises formerly owned by G. Sweetman REY SR. General Repairs on all makes of cars Car Tune-up with Stromberg Motorscope Cars Washed and Upholstery leaned with Electrolux IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS Prompt Service, Reasonable Prices ALBERT SNOWDON, Proprietor gentlemen in charge, namely: Messrs. 'C. Samells, Gordon Shunk, Angus ' Wilkinson, Lavern Martyn and J. Reader. HE Re "We had an exceptionally good var- jiety of readings by Joyce Reader, Mrs. ! A. Martyn, L. Pearce, Mrs. Hance and. Mrs. E. Sweetman, Mrs, S. Rodman, and Irene Redman. sang 'Nailed to yr the Cross". Mr. Joblin gave an ac- count of the latest happenings in world events. Florence Carter con- ducted a contest and Mrs. A. Wilkin- son asked a list of riddles. Mrs. C. Samells gave a vocal solo. Lunch ! was served by Mrs. A. Martyn, Mrs, i J. Collins, Mrs. G. Schell and Mrs, J. Pearce. The next meeting will be on April 27th. Eight members of the Club are training for a 3 act comedy-drama entitled "Truth Takes a Holiday", to be presented in the autumn or sooner. ----------- LETTER OF APPRECIATION Manchester, April 19, 1938 Rev. W. E, Honey: Dear Pastor,--We the members. of the United Church wish to express our appreciation to you for your ser- vices to us during the four years you have labored among us. We believe you have given unto us your best. You have done your duties faithfully and well. Your sermons have always been a great inspiration to us. Day or night you were ready and willing to come to our assistance in time of need. Your presence, prayers, kindliness, love and sympathy have always been a great comfort and consolation in sorrow, sickness or death, You have always been a welcome visitor ta our homes and we enjoyed those visits very much indeed. ik ; Aly] / [. GE INVITE FIRE / §--7 Protect your Buildings TITE-LAP; METAL ROOFING Dry, rotted shingles catch fire like kindling! But with Council Standard Tite-Lap roofing you needn't worry about flying embers or sparks, It is good for a lifetime and is sold with a 25 year guarantee. This guarantee is backed by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agriculture. Ask your banker, Tite-Lap roofing comes inlarge sheets that are easily handled. Fireproof, weather DRY, FLIMSY, WOODEN SHINGLES WITH | ~ STATITE Led-Hed Nails with Screw Shank proof--does not crack, bulge, shrink or curl. Toketeritimes They may be put on right over your old roof. thdrawthan . Send ridge and rafter measurements for free Perbod Toof- cost estimate. - od the market. teel Products Manufacturers of the famous Preston Steel 5GueichSreat JZIMILOdy Factoiesaho at Bre ro ee Preston, Ont. Montreal and Toronto. way Poultry Equipment. Through your kindness, love and personality you have endeared all the hearts of the people in this commun- ity to you. The members of the board have al- ways found you to be sociable, pleas- ant and agreeable to work with. If it is God's will that you are per- mitted to stay with us for another season, we shall receive you gladly, if not may the blessings of God-and-our prayers go with you whereever your lot may be cast. Signed by the board on behalf of the congregation. W. F, Thompson, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Pres. W. A.; John R. Johnson, W. F. Walker, Mrs, W. F. Walker, Pres. W.M.S., Wright Crosier, W. D. Munro. eee MARSH HILL There was a good attendance at the Church service on Sunday. Mr. John Davidson of .Peterboro Ty og is spending the holi- days at his home here. Mr. Edwin Langstaff and the Swan- ick boys were in Toronto last week. Mr. Harold Tomlinson was in our neighbourhood last week. . We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Welsh upon the 13th anniversary of their marriage on Fri- day of last week. The members of the W. A. of Victoria Corners Church as well as other people of the neighbour- hood, gathered at their home and a very enjoyable time was spent by all present We wish for them many happy returns of the day. ' Mr. Russell Acton and Mr. Robert Swanick attended a degree meeting in Cannington on Thursday evening of last week. . --eee eel GP Pe SCUGOG HEN PRODUCES LARGE EGG On Tuesday of this week, a Rock hen belonging to Mrs. David Hope, Scugog Island, tried to make a name for herself by producing an extra large egg. The egg measure 8% in. in circumstances one way, and 6% in, the other way. Who can beat it? Myrtle Station The United Church at Welcome was the scene of a pretty wedding last |. Saturday at 3 p.m. when Mr, Melvin Honey, eldest son of Rev. W. E, and Mrs. Honey of Myrtle, was united in marriage with Miss Marian Martyn of Welcome. Mr. Floyd Honey sup- ported the groom and Miss Doris Martyn was the bridesmaid. the wedding supper, the happy couple left by motor for a honeymoon trip to Niagara, Buffalo and other points in the United States. Mrs. Armstrong of Whitby- spent the week end with her sister Mrs, L. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Agincourt, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ross and Evelyn, of Ashburn, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Week end visitors of Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Honey were Mrs. Royce of Guelph, Mrs. Reed, of Sterling, and Miss Aileen Stephén, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lee and family, of Greenbank, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-| Cooper and son of Toronto, were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Mrs. Frank C. Harrison and Master Gordon, are spending the holiday week with relatives at Sherbrooke, East of Montreal. Mr. Floyd Honey is having the last of his examinations at Toronto Uni- versity this week. Next Sunday he expects to leave for Saskatchewan where he will have a pastoral charge for the summer. : a THE PERFECT PUN The perfect pun is said to have had it origin in the House of Commons. An Irishman made a statement which called from an English opponent the cry, "Treason." . > The Irishman replied: "I. would have -the honourable gentleman know that what is treason in England be- comes reason in Ireland--because of the absentee,"--Edinburgh Dispatch 4 RUSSIAN OIL--40 ounce. bottle with handle and measuring RS COLGATE'S FLOATING SOAP Bc. cake, or 3 cakes for 1lc. eco STATIONERY--One hundred boxes of stationery, regular 86c. to b0c. each. SALE PRICE 29c. each. ® ¢ 0 glass 89¢. Sixteen oz. bottle and measuring glass 49¢. ® +0 ; WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER for a Spring tonic Per bottle $1.00 Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 ~tfib sie ~< i atin "PORT PERRY F. E. REESOR PHONES--Office 73w, residence 73} TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY One Ring that Led to Another . . . After -- ACK ROBERTS and Sally have been J "friends" for some time. But Jack took Sally by surprise (she really hadn't expected a ring this spring) and in this case one ring naturally led to another. Sally just has to call Mother who is visiting out-of-town. "We're to be married right away," she says happily. And Sally will call some of her out-of-town " friends as well, who will appreciate having the news "first". Wouldn't you? Reductions in telephone rates--local and long distance--in 1935, *36 and '37 have effected savings to tele Rone users in Ontario and ! Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly | WILLIAM ETTEY FLORIST | PHONE 206, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. Now for the Garden Order Your Garden Plants from us--Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Asters, Petunias,. Pansies, and other Boxed Planis. vs Phone 208. PROMPT DELIVERY ---- -- - -- hes