Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jun 1938, p. 4

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nN ERA 0 . ad x Saar nase DR aaa SE A 0 wii SCUGOG CHAPTER GIVES A GARDEN TEA, JUNE 6th. The ladies of this community are cordially invited to a garden tea at the home of the Misses Harris, on Monday, June 6th, at 8 p.m. One of our prominent 1.0.D.E. speakers will be present. A special musical pro- gram given and refreshments served. Everyone welcome. Admission 26c. Miss Olive Wallace is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Wallace, after a two weeks' motor trip through the Southern States. Mrs. C. L. McKinnon, of Detroit, Mich,, was visiting her mother Mrs. Elijah Beare, during the week end. Mrs. S. A. Wallace has returned from visiting Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Wal- lace, of Walkerville, Ont. A number of Old England Lodge, Sons of England, attended the District Church parade and service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C., C. Jeffrey will be at home to their friends on the occas- sion of their 26th wedding anniver- sary on Saturday, June 4th, from three to six o'clock in the afternoon, and eight to ten o'clock in the evening. Mrs. Wilson, of Collingwood, is visiting "her sister Mrs. S. Cawker. BOWLING The first Jitney of the season was held on Monday evening. Twenty members were out to enjoy the fun, mostly gentlemen. The prize winners were: Ladies--1st Mrs. Mulligan, 2nd Evelyn Somerville. Gentlemen--I1st H. Mulligan, 2nd Fred Beatty, Every- body was pleased with the renovation and remodelling of the Club House, ILLUSTRATED LECTURE An illustrated leeture "From Coal Pit to Pulpit" to -be given in Port Perry United Church on Friday, June 10, at 8 p.m., by Rev. Thos. Wallace, of Greenbank, under the auspices of the "Happy Helpers" group of the C.G.LT. ' The girls will serve refreshments after the lecture and a social hour will be spent. Come and support the girls so -that they may enjoy a week ---at Camp. BLUEBIRD GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS at BENTLEY'S Ww. M. S. The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church, will meet at the home of the Misses Stovin, on Wed- nesday, June 8th, at 3 p.m. Miss M. Armstrong will be the guest speaker. All ladies are invited. Softball team met with a serious de- The score (better not] = mention it) was not in favour of Sea- Better luck next time girls, |% and in the meantime a lot of practice helps. Friday evening saw the first bard: : feat at Zion. grave, On Tuesday, May 24th, the Girls' ball game on the home diamond. The game was Seagrave vs, Sunderland. It was a good game pitchers doing splendid work. The Seagrave battery of Finlay-Moase seemed to click right along. There was some good batting done giving the Sunderland fielders plenty of ex- ercise running after long flies. Doug. moving in a hurry. It was a close- played game, the score being 6-6 until the last inning, when Seagrave scored a run making the score 6-b in favour of Seagrave. A good beginning boys, keep it up. We're looking for the cup in Seagrave this year, Rev. J. McLachlan and Mr. John N. Mark are attending the conference in Napanee this week. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mr. Thos. Druean, who is in the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. We wish a speedy recovery. Mr. Hiram Wannamaker spent Sun- day in Little Britain the guest of Mr. Chas. Sweetman. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, G. Fowler on the birth of a son. Mr. F. Brown and Miss P. Foster, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard. Mr. Glenn Wannamaker and Miss Marjorie Mitchell spent Sunday in Bobcaygeon. Mr. Walter Moase spending a few days in Little Britain with his mother | | Mrs. M. Moase. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gess, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gess, Jr, of South Bend, Indianna U.S.A., spent a few days last week visiting their daughter Mrs. Gordon Mark. Mr. Wm. Keene has commenced his summér work on the county stone crusher, : All those interested in Women's | Association work are reminded of the annual convention of the Lindsay Presbyterial Association to be held atl Oakwood on Thursday, June 9th. A splendid program has been arranged. The Oakwood ladies are providing for dinner. Don't miss it. Rev. H. H. Hillis of Little Britain, took the services on the Seagrave cir- cuit on Sunday. Rev. J. McLachlan the anniversary services at Valentia. On Sunday morning the S. S. had Mrs. Denny of Prince Albert was pre- sent and gave a very interesting talk on Temperance. It was much appre- ciated by everyone. LADIES' BOWLING CLUB The. annual meeting of the Ladies' Bowling Club was held on Wednesday, May 26th, when the following officers were elected for the coming season: President--Mrs. W. Chapman. Vice President--Mrs. W. Carnegie. Sec.-Treasurer--Mrs. H. Mulligan. Corresponding Sec.--Mrs. G. Jackson. Jitney Committee--Mrs. W. Chapman, Mrs. E. Beare. Entertainment Committee-- Mrs. F. W. Brock, Mrs. D. Carnegie, Mrs. W. H. Harris. Tournament Com.--Mrs. Mrs. S. Griffen. Weekly Jitney held Monday nights, Ladies' bowling afternoon, Tuesday and Thursday at 2.30 sharp. Any ladies wishing to join are cordially invited to attend these afternoons. J. Murray, CHOIR NOTES After practising at the Church on Thursday, the United Church choir went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gemmell, where Mrs. Gemmell served a delicious lunch. The follow- ing prizes were presented Mr. . Gemmell and Mr. Reesor to the choir members having the highest attend- ance at Church and Choir practice: 1st prize--Mrs. G. McDonald; 2nd prize--Miss K. Jeffrey. Men--1st prize--Mr., L. A, Koch; 2nd prize-- Mr. G. Bentley. The evening came to a close with a vote of thanks to the host and hostess. BORN WILLIAMS--To Mr. and Mrs, Nel- son Williams, Port Perry on May 1b, 1938, a daughter. DIED SAVAGE--In Los Angeles, Calif. Wednesday, May 26th, 1988, Marvel Savage, daughter of Mrs. R. A. Savage. Interment took place at Pine Grove Cemetery, on June 1st. Men Organize On Thursday evening of last week an organization meeting was held by the Port Perry Business Men's Asso- ciation, and constitution and by-laws discussed and adopted. The meeting, which was held in the Community Room at the Public Lib- rary, was well attended." Mr. A. M. Lawrence presided, and the commit- tee appointed to draft by-laws pre- sented its report. This report was carefully reviewed, and thoroughly discussed. The main features of the document set out that the Association is organized to por- mote the economic, municipal and social welfore of Port Perry. The membership is open to any person who is in sympathy with these objectives, upon payment of the annual fee of 60c. A membership committee was appointed, and it is expected that one hundred persons, at least, will join the Association. BOWLING CLUB HOUSE REMODELLED A very commendable piece of work is being done by the. Port Perry Bowling Club in the remodelling of the Club House, which is being _en- larged and remodelled throughout. WANTED Girl 16 or 16, to help wife on farm for five months. Good home , travel- ling expenses paid. For terms apply to Mrs. A. Stone, R.R.2, Hornsby, Ont. A BORN OLSON--To Mr. and Mrs. Orval Olson, on May 20th, 1988, at the Port Perry Hospital a daughter. Misses Aileen and Mary Barnett of BR Port Whitby, spent the week-end with | friends in the community. with both|§ Wallace's three bagger started things _ TOD [EET EE REPAIRS, TOWING, GOODRICH TIRES. PLUFBIRD DIAMOND RINGS INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS at BENTLEY'S ATTENTION BOYS and GIRLS || HAVE YOU. Joined the Jimmie Allen Flying Club? if not get your FREE application form at once from * Manchester Garage, D. McKinzey, Prop. BATTERIES RE-CHARGED, GREASING, | Prompt and Courteous Service. Tune in CBL at 4.45 p.m. Monday to Friday. 11 eit (1 II FE EEE ! "Thr Al RE OSHAWA 3 L 2 " Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 1-2-3-4 Mark Twain's Beloved Classic, The Adyenture of TOM SAWYER Starring Tommy Kelly, Jackie Moran and May Robson, in Technicolor * * * REVIVAL FRIDAY at 11 p.m. 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 6-7;8 DIVORCE OF LADY: X Laurence Olivier Filmed in Color J Starting Thursday, June 9 and running for Three Days: | DOCTOR RYTHM with Bing Crosby, Beatrice 2 Lillie and Mary- Carlisle. GREENBANK Mr, Robt Wells, Niagara Falls, N. Y., with friends on Sunday. Phone 53. having been invited to take charge of | a splendid feature on its programme. | Port Perry Business Talking Pictures! Port Perry, Sat. June 4 National Film Service Presents] "Courage of the North" A Story of the Royal Cananian Mounted Polioe, - who always "Get Their Man" Also BING CROSBY in ¢'8ing Bing Sing' : Cartoons--Comedies--and Musical Shorts Adults 238. Clildren 15¢. 8. 1. PD. mn. Come early TAX NOTICE | Mr. and" Mrs, S. Johnston and daughter, Toronto, Mrs. and Miss Wren, Uxbridge, at Mr. T. Sharp's on Sunday. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Theo. Cragg in To- conto on. Sunday. ~ Mys. O'Neill and son of Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs, Will O'Neill, for the week end. Sorry to report Mr. Blake Cragg on the sick list. Several from here attended the fun- eral of the late . Mrs. Ferguson at Sunderland on Monday. Messrs. George and Tony Trouside, and Miss L. Maistre, Streetsville at Mr. W. Phoenix's on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. May and 'daughter, Buffalo, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davison, Scott, at Mr. Bushby's on Sunday. The Sectional meeting of the W.M. S. of Lindsay Presbytery, will be held in the United Church on Monday; June 6th. The oldest resident of our com- 2 munity, Mrs, Mary McArthur, passed 8 away at the home of her son Dr. J. McArthur, Blackstock, on Saturday, May 28th. Had she lived until June 2 9th, she would have been 91 years of $| age. Interment was made on Monday POS0O D8Ce080R00S0E0 DPOROPORCHOBOO o 5 eae ee a ea et 0 5 ae 0 ST A A 0 Sa AS SO S00 Ae Theatre STRAN . UXBRIDGE "Cool as the Ocean Breeze" Thurs, Fri, Saturday (This Week) Stan LAUREL and Oliver HARDY, in {WAY OUT WEST See the Funsters in their gomedy western. Comedy-- 'PERFECT SET- UP" also "PENNY WISDOM. » XX} Mon., Tues., Wed., June 6-7-8 Marian Marsh and Akim Tamiroff, in The Great Gambini The Magician will thrill you with his grand performance. Also COMEDY. ® 0 0 Thursday, Friday, Sat., (Nest Week) DOROTHY WILSON SPEED to SPARE! Fastest Auto-Racing Theiler. COMING SOON "45 Fathers" and "Picadilly Jim" First Instalment Due Monday, June 6th, 1938 Pay your Instalments promptly and avoid penalty charges, or prepay your taxes and earn a discount Corporation of the Village of Port Perry G. F. MANNING, Clerk 'Sunday, June 12th-- if at Greenbank Cemetery, Rev. 4. A $2 | Miller, officiating. TNF ART RE [BROCK THEATRE E WHITBY Telephone 618 @| All shows Daylight Saving Time. Nn THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, ; JUNE 2-3-4 Two shows--7.80 and 9.30 pm, Saturday Matinee at 1.30. Sally, Irene & Mary starring Alice Faye, Tony Martin, Joan Davis, Jimmy Duarantte, Marjorie Weaver, and Fred Allin. oT. JOHN'S PRESDYTBALAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpeon, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 11 a.m. Rverybody weleome Y. P. S. Tuesday at 8 p.m, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, June 5-- MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY, 9.46 a, m.--Sunday School. JUNE 6-7-8 11 a.m, -- Holy Communion and = SerIon. First show at 7.30, last complete sow at 8.60. 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m,--Morning Prayer and ser: ~ mon. Preacher, Rev. Dr. Allnut of the Bible Society. JANE WITHERS, in "CHECKERS" with Stuart Irwin and Una Mirkell, Also "OUR FIGHTING NAVY" with H. B. Warner, Richard Cromwell, Robert Douglas, Noah Bury. PORT r-- UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A,, B.D, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m~Public Worship. Rev. Robert Graham, B.A., assistant Editor of "The New Outlook" will be the speaker, Sunday, June 5th--" AEB SLL RAT DIT Starring Marle Oberon and $i sree OUR OWN eNcuisn | © mkavs H a KIDNEY PILLS HEALTH SALTS | MOTH CRYSTALS 29¢. 1 1, tin 3%. ey 4 pkgs. for $1.00 Zs LB Ds. $175 . RIKER'S DR. WEST'S TONEKA § J . FRENCH BALM TOOTH BRUSH BLOOD PURIFIER § 25¢. and 39¢. with new holder 50¢c. | AND TONIC, $1.00 Age. al A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 40 rae Rath soe romr runs 0 FOR SALE Ww. A. Sangster QUEBEC SHINGLES DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: § a.m. to § pm. > CLEARS and EXTRAS Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's -- SPECIAL PRICES-- . Insurance Office. Also LIME and CEMENT. -- J (The firm of Gi & ~PHENYS Is Apply to H. H. GOODE 8 Bru of Guam & 5 1 Solved) ARTHUR W,. 8. GREER Myrtle Elevator in attendance at my Port Perry office on 1 4 July 28 Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of eachcweek, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gamma & Humpmanys fs disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24; 8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 Ja asian attendance at Port Perry sfhes on Tuday Ang mets each ; Queen Street," Port Perry, Phone 204 TEAS pt DR. J. B. LUNDY -- DENTAL BURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Tv Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) HOUSE FOR "ENT t 8 rooms, soft and hard water, fur- LS 4 nace, free wood, garden, pasture for two cows, % mile! from good bathing beach, Lot 21, Con. 9, Cartwright. Apply to Wesley Campbell, R. R. 1, Y that we mean, does it - Nestleton, Ont. june 9 _soand terrible? If so, try new General Electric Radio- trons. Likely they will put your : radio back on its feet again. At the same time, let us go cver our set from A to Z, We'll give "LAWN MOWERS .-Machine Ground and Repaired Have installed new. Atlas Metal Lathe. All kinds of metal turning 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Es it a complete "Check Up" and done, including tuning up of any auto- ng restore its original pep. Tobile Share or Bade To Electric bs Get a check up hae. The gost Motors, ris hes Miudt Sopaglii is small. We are experts an = S. CAUSLEY, P i ase only guard parts 38d. | pp Tycapres Oten, Prt Pony: _ ND36 ~ : : ! DR. W. 8. HARPER Call John Farmer | craig hme = : < Post Graduate in Surgery 4 Phone 88, Port Perry |ji®, 5s and Foyle London. Eaciand = London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. = Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. DR. A. 8. BLACK - For Low p riced, VETERINARIAN and SURGEON ¥ 1 High Quality |% gies diss « o Phone 62, BROOKLIN, Ont. SUMMER | == 2 1 good sound work mare. Apply to : E. Macklin, 2 miles east of Saintfield. FOOT WE AR : AUCTION SALE y , g Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the - GO TO pi Aig Sn Sr Dg 3 Tuesday, June 7th. Sale at 1.80 GEO . STEPHEN'S ks a 1 Tackoon, ast. SE WANTED TO BUY SHOE SHOP 50 Leghorn and 50 Rock chickens, 8 to 10 months old. Apply to S. x t | Bodollo, Port Perry. J 30th ANNIVERSARY of .the OF UXBRIDGE, WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, JUNE 5th, 1938 At 2.30 p.m. (Standard Time) in the gd UXBRIDGE UNITED CHURCH The Guest Speaker will be an old friend of the Class-- Rev. Dr. E. Crossley Hunter, B.A. His Subject: "A VOICE OUT OF THE PAST" Golden Jubilee of the Church Also on Sunday, June 6th, and on Sunday June 12th, the(Church Golden Jubilee will be held. You are © invited. Be sure to be early | sg

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