Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jun 1938, p. 5

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~ We TELEPHONE A call to 29W will end your meat | CAWKEP BROS. It's quicker and easier order worry in-a flash. dejiver Port Perry JEMISON'S YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastey -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY @PHONE 93, - - » BAKERY PORT PERRY Dear Mrs, Harcourt,-- Before you go away, we, your Sunday School class would like to tell you how much we thank you for the work you have done for us. We are going to miss you very much. You have been very faithful, kind and patient with us and we have greatly enjoyed the lessons, prayers and hymns. We shall try to remember to say our prayers and grace, to be kind to others, and to be better boys and girls, Will you please accept this little re- membrance from us. We hope you will be able to record many pleasant events in it and tha* God's blessing will always be with both you and Mr. Harcourt. Signed on behalf of the Sunday School Class fo St. John's Church, Mrs, Harcourt, who has always been 80 deeply interested in the Sunday School, thanked the children for their gift and loving thoughtfulness, and in turn presented each one with a pretty little gift in remembrance of herself, 'The community was shocked to learn of the very sudden passing of Mrs. Robt. Bell, at the home of her son Mr. Alvin Bell, Ottawa. She, with her husband and daughter Pearl had motored to Ottawa on Saturday, The remains were brought home on Monday evening for burial on Wed- nesday in the family plot in Lindsay, Shop by Folophone-- 1 he tersenal Way 'M.GREGOR'S _ MEAT MARKET Insures prompt, personal service PHONE 72: R. 2 382% | reaved family, A CALL TO PORT PERRY i ton and Miss Fern Armstrong, of i | Peterboro, spent the week end with $| Mrs. John Hooey and family. gl filled to overflowing on Sunday last 5 | on the dccasion of the farewell service #| conducted by a dearly loved rector, | Rev. C, C. Harcourt. He took his text §@| from 1st Samuel, chapter 7, verse 12: i | "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." #| He said the English Church had been 2 | in our Township for at least a hundred ¢| years and would still carry on as long 2 ASHBURN Mr, and Mrs.' Robert Parrott are . spending the week at Sturgeon Bay. My, and Mrs. Geo. West and Marie, spent the week end with friends at Sunderland. Quite a Stccebaful concert was put on in the basement of the Church on 'Monday evening by the school pupils under- the direction of Mr. Grant Lynde, and the teacher, Miss Mildred Hamill, The programme was made up of "choruses, duets, solos, drills, saxophone music, ete. ~~ Pupils from Bagotsville, Whitby and Glen Major assisted with the program. Mr. R.A. Hutcheson, the school inspector, was guest speaker, he spoke to the girls and boys comparing times now and when he went to school, pointing out how many more privileges and ad- vantages we -have at the present time "especially the music which it taught in the school and the new course of study. Rev. Robt. Simpson acted as The community learned on Sunday of the death of Mr. Wilfred Graham, of Myrtle. The late Mr. Graham was father of Msr. S. Bryant. - We extend our sympathy to the bereaved rela- 'tives. Mr. and Mrs, A. Walker of Whitby, spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Wm, Walker, also Mr, and Mrs. Art, Holman visited her mother on Tues- day, BLACKSTOCK On. Friday evening the 27th, a meet- ing of the officials of the Oshawa Presbytery was held at the home of Mrs. John Forder. On Sunday morning last at the close of the Sunday School, Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. Harcourt's class of young boys and girls gave her a delightful sur- prise when Merle Bailey read the fol- lowing address and little Miss Doris Hamilton presented her with a Tavely Five Year Diary: : Deep sympathy is extended to the be- Messrs: Chas. and Stuart Whitting- St. John's Anglican Church was as there were even a few faithful ones. There is a dividing line in this church as well ag in every other one; those for Christ and the Church on the one side, those against it on the other, There is no halfway measure, either we are definitely on the gone side or the other and his most anxious congern was for those of us on the wrong side, He felt that he and Mrs. Harcourt had done all they were able to dg to help us make the right decision and thought that a change and a new voice might prove beneficial. fter the service the congregation in which was a splendid representa- tion of members from the United Church waited outside to say "Good- bye", a task which everyone found to be a trying ane, Mr. and Mrs. Har- court have' been: a blessing to the Township as. well as to their own parish and have set a standard to rector to measure up. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the Study was taken by Mrs, Alex, John- which it will be hard for the pext|. home of Mrs. Jas. Marlow. The Bible chairman for the evening. ston, Mrs, (Rev.) Bell read a mes- For outstanding and profitable RESULTS, FEED: 'FOR POULTRY Big "8" Laying Mash. . FOR HOGS Pioneer Waeanlin Grower, Hog Finisher, ducer (concentrate.) 'FOR CATTLE Pioneer 16%, 18%, or 24% Dairy Ration, Dairy Concentrate, Bulky Sweet, Dry and Freshening Ration, Results are the only sound measure of feed value, Pioneer Feeds have proven their superiorit; ty b because they produce profitable res We are here to give you service and * satisfaction. Drop in and look over the feeds. Take home a bag and watch it produce results. Rations Hog Pork Pr Pioneer Chick Mash, Growing Mash, . We Specialize in White Roses PASTRY FLOUR No Better Made. Bring in your GRAIN for chopping or exchange for speci blends of chick feed, etc. Phone 09-w. Port Perry sage from Ching written by the wife of Generalissimq. She also gave a [fine report of the meeting of the Pres- byterial. The program was in charge of Mrs. Jos. Forder's group. It opened with a solo by Miss Vivian Sadler. Mrs. (Rev.) C, C. Harcourt then spoke very kindly of their happy association with the people of Blackstock, both in their own church and that of the United Church. She then gave as her parting message to the W. M. S. a splendid address on "Christian Fellow- | ship." Every one present expressed deep regret at the departure of Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt. The very best wishes of the W,M.S. for their future health and happiness will follow them to their new charge in England and may every - joy be theirs in the con- tinued mervice of Him whom they fol- lowed so faithfully in Blackstock, At the close of the meeting refreshments were served, On Sunday evening a reception service was held in the United Church when the following young people were received into the membership of the church: = Vivian Saddler (by certifi cate), Pearl and Kathleen Wright, Mae Layton, Reta Swain, Marion Hill, Maurice Samélls, John Werry, Milton Bell Grant Ferguson, Recent Visitors--Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferguson, of Ottawa, with relatives; MALE A I RR RL LL RL AL LR SRL I NR RRR SR NII IIIT Phone, 41 LL A LAR RL A RR RR RL I RINNE NIN IE Lake Scugog Milling Co., ~ PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry Mtttttttitit tists itt stats aI $I Mr. and Mrs, Walton Larmer of To- Mr. Arnold Johnston and Miss Ferga Johnston, of Toronto, with their par- [ents Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Johnston; Mrs. Harry Graham, of Toronto, with her parents Mr, and Mrs. H, Mount- joy; Miss Mabel Beech of Toronto, with her sister Mrs, Austin Larmer; ronto, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Larmer; Mr, and Mrs. Norton VanCanip and children, of Elmira, with his parents Mr, and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Jam- jeson of Hillsdale, with Mr. and Mrs, Phone 206, WILLIAM ETTEY FLORIST - Prince Albert, Ontario CALL ETTEY FOR | GARDEN PLANTS A------ Phone 2086. gomery, of Detroit, Mrs. Lorna Bald- win and Misses. Frances and Bessie Sorewell of Oshawa at the home of Mr. Fred Taylor, Mr, Wm, Crawford of Trenton with relatives in the vil- lage. Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Graham and son Ray, of Millbrook, with re- latives, Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Cain and Mr, Norman Cain of Pontypool, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hall, Mr, and Mrs, M, Coward of Keene, with Mrs, John Forder, EPSOM The Teacher and pupils of S.S. No. 11, Reach, extend a hearty invitation to all the ratepayers and their fam- ilies to come to school on Friday night, June 24th, at 7 o'clock (S.T.) After the young people have a baseball game a short program, consisting of readings, choruses, duets, solos, in- strumentals, and other musical num- bers, will be given in the school, There will be a few short speeches given in connection with the school work, and the New Course of Study, Lunch will be served after which all present will be given an opportunity to see the work done by the children during the year,-- Evérybody come and see the advantages of the New Course of Study. A silver collection will he taken at the gate, --_-- too MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs, Melvin- Haney of Ta- ronto spent the, Meek end with their parents at fhe parspnage. Mrs. W. McGowan who has been staying with her mother Mrs. J, Todd returned home to Toronto on Sunday. A number of friends from here at- tended the Stredwick-Briggs wedding at Oshawa, on Saturday. Sorry to report that Miss L. O'Boyle is suffering from a painful attack of inflammation of the eyes and ears. Mr. and Mrs. Wesson and daughter of Pamburn, Sask., are visiting. Mrs. Wesson'sister Mrs. Gea, Jeffrey and other relatives here, The first Sunday in June being Can- ference Sunday, there will be a=change in the order of service here while Rev. Mr. Honey is in Napanee. Sunday School will be at 10 a.m. and service at 11 a.m. when Mr, Geo. West of Ashburn will be in charge, Mr, T. W, Brookes of Oshawa, visit- ed Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Dickson and other old friends last week, The peaceful slumbers of those who retire early on Saturday night were broken at midnight last week when a "charivari band broke loose and poured forth their melodies from tin pans, bells, etc, it being the first op- portunity thé boys Had of serenading Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Honey. When the strains were getting unbearable Mel came forth and gave them a gen- erous silencer, Now they are well practiced up for other newly-weds. Miss Doris Cook of Brooklin spent the week end with hér parents Mr, and Mrs. Morley Cook. Following a brief illness Mr. Wil- fred Graham passed away at his home here on Saturday night. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives, Miss Jennie Brown of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. Frank Briggs. PRINCE ALBERT Rev. S. McLean, B.A., of Newcastle, preached in our church on Sunday. A pleasant afternoon was spent last Wednesday at the home of Mrs, A. Harper when the Women's Association met for its monthly meeting. There was an attendance of thirty-five. The President, - Mrs. MacGregor was in charge and the meeting opened in the usual way. Several more letters of appreciation and thanks for quilts re- ceived from our W, A. were read, from Saskatchewan. "One womaii told the Delbert Beacock. Mrs, Florencé Mont- (sad story of thejr home being burned Order Your Garden Plants from us--Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Asters, Petunias, Pansles, and other Boxed Planis. PROMPT DELIVERY -- = -- down several weeks ago when nothing was saved, There was some discus- sion ahout redecorating the tea room of the church and Mrs, MacGregor was appointed to consult a decorator about the same. A fine program con- sisting of: reading by Mrs. F. Luke, "The Land of Beginning Again";solo by Mrs. Tarbet, "Evening Prayer", solo and guitar seelction by Cetila Hope, reading by Mrs, Ettey, reading by Miss Ward. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Martyn and Mrs. Harper. Proceeds $6.40, Program. committee for next meeting: Misses G. Vickery and M, Kirby, and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Mary Hill and friend of To- ronto, spent the 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffrey. - Sorry to hear the mumps have broken out in the village, especially when the school examinations are so close, We are indeed pleased to see the Church lawn being cleaned up by the members of the Men's Class, Miss Grace and Mary Vickery werd in Toronto one day last week attend- ing the graduation e -ereises of the College of Optometry, SCUGCOG Next Sunday services will be held at 11.80 in the Head Church and 7.30 at the Centre. All should come and hear the messages, Congratulations to Mrs, F. Croaler in winning the lovely picnic box at J. L. Sweetman'y store, last week. be able to return home from the Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cannon of To- ronto, were visitors of ehr sister Mrs. Roy Henders on Sunday. visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs, C.|§& L. Fralick. : The Head Community are having a|% family of Toronto, oN and Mrs. W, Gerrow, of Reach and Mr. Nelson Reader, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader. Mr. and Mrs, David Miller, of To- ronto, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter and Bernice of Toronto, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills, and little Shirley, also his brother Cecil, of fnniskillen, and Miss Leona Wells of Port Perrry, were gest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. D. Crozier visited his parents Mr. and Mrs, F. Crozier on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pogue and Mr. Percy Jeffrey visited relatives in Va- lentia on Sunday and attended the anniversary services, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fralick, Helen and Douglas, of Toronto, were Sun- day guests of his father Mr. Hiram Fralick. Pri. es range from $2.25 to $4.50 { Flannels in white, plain, or stripes | 45" wide, 390. yd. Glad to hear Mrs, J. A. Sweetman 5 is improving in health and will soon 4 Dr. and Mrs. Roy Fralick, Toronta, & supper and concert on June 10th. Keep i this date open and watch for further 4 Erastus rr -------------- "me RED & WHITE sr STORE | r-------- Trousers for Summer wear-- Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, In pleasing assortment. Tropical Worsted, or any variety of Summer Pants. Made to measure 6,80 up TABLE OILCLOTH In many pleasing color combinations 54" wide, 490. yd OUR SUMMER FOOTWEAR ~ Stock is complete. We feature Sisman Scampers and Goodrich Rubber Footwear TUNE IN ON 'DICK TRACY MONDAY to FRIDAY inclusive 1 OO. Quaker Puffed Wheat 100. Quaker Puffed Rice 13c. "Quaker Corn Flakes 150. F. W. BROCK & SON (ERLE RRARR OQ OL pone HRS ARREARS ARES : OUR NEW LOAF Bread is the staff of life, so we are always trying to furnish oun customers with the latest and best. Ask our driver about-our bread and pastry. He will be pleased to show you tasty varieties. SMILES N' CHUCKLES When you buy them from us are always fresh and attractively packed Per pdckage 25c¢. and 50c. Gérrow Brothers particulars, BE rs rosomeres ORR ESSAI A EAE SOONERS STIS Mr. and Mus, K. L Bolton and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bolton and i The Dependable Fuel Why not fill up your coal bin for next winter when, low spring prices are available? ou will be sure of every heat satisfaction if vou burn this safe, economical fuel. Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs, Coke (a us CEMENT--Fresh carload on hand, also Lime and Tile. :: Your orders will receive prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. Pyatt. Phones: 94 w and 94 Miss Doris Seymour of Toronto, | is visiting her cousin Mrs. A. Wilkinson, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, at Enniskillen on Sunday. Miss Fanny Clark who has been nursing in Montreal for several years is making her home with her sister Mrs. O. Reader. We welcome her to our community, Mrs. A. Prentice visited in Toronto on Saturday. Mumps have made their appearance around here again. ARTICLES FOR SALE 4-wheel Trailer, pair buggy shafts, combination platform scales (% oz. to 240 Ibs.; hand windlass and frame; 8 wheelbarrows; baby carriage; parts for iron pumps; also repairs for wood pumps. See A. D. Peters, Jubilee Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building to erect' Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. Ww Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 Pump Works, Port Perry. er cll Te Tg Pow eT ee i A Lo - Sp ~ ie ie 4 NG I PILI CY HOT he "-.¥ vy NAT ah ARS ut i EA a Tac a yA VT ie a VEEL rh ow Sri h "eT

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