Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jun 1938, p. 8

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DRY, FLIMSY, WOODEN FANES INVITE FIRE en ud : / Protect your Buildings VITH TITE-LAP METAL ROOFING Dry, rotted shingles catch fire like kindling! . But with Council Standard Tite-Lap roofing you needn't worry about flying embers or sparks. It is good for a lifetime and is sold with a 26 year guarantee, This guarantee is backed by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agriculture. Ask your banker. Tite-Lap roofing comes in large sheets that are easily handled. Fireproof, weather proof--does not crack, bulge, shrink or curl. STATITE Led-Hed Nails with Screw Shank Take ten times more force to E880 0800000000esettatieeeeeistettetietiettiertttietottiiteittetetticest PANO Inte ittieneiontiostieteiens $454000000000000000008 2420200202000 000000040¢ rococo ed RUIT MARKET BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY 0600000000000 000004 PORT PERRY FRESH RIPE STRAWBERRIES BUY GARDEN PLANTS | in these FINE PLANTING DAYS "'Phone 208, Port Perry 222228220000 . *oe é $4080 00000080844 P0000 0000000080000000000000iotoetetttettetied 1S 0400000000000 0008000000¢ 180800800000 800044 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS Courteous and Efficient Garage Service XAT IAN A SOE = 2 it | was a good neighbour, of a kindly, A ig REA WRN ¥ Gi 5 2 : Bosh LEXY ir W. L. PARRISH :: $88 aed ETT ICTT es35.832 Ge "PORT. PERRY 1858, a son of the late John Graham and Elizabeth Willis. In 1871 his family moved up to what was then known as the Bedson farm, now owned by Mr, Oliver Lane. In 1883 Mr. Graham was married to Miss Mary A. erected brick residence in the village. He married his second wife, Miss Fannie Bateman, of Whitby, in 1916, who predeceased him in 1932, For many years Mr. Graham was Supt. of the Sunday School, a member of the Church Board, and was made an Elder only a few months ago. He quiet disposition, and highly respected by all who knew him, He will be greatly missed in the church and com- munity life. He was the last of a family of nine. He leaves to mourn cere sympathy. An older daughter, Eva (Mrs. L. G. Brown), predeceased him twenty-five year -ago. The funeral was held from his late residence on Tuesday afternoon, was attended by a large number of rela- June 6th, Sunday School here will be at 10.00 a.m, and church service at 11am. ) 2 Mr. and Mrs, Chisholm and Mrs. D. Luery were in Atherley on Thursday 26th, attending the Hall-Gaudaur wed- "The marriage of Clotilde Grace Gaudaur, daughter of Mrs. Gauduar and the late Mr. Jacob Gauduar, to Robert Orland Hall, son of Mr. F. C. Hall and the late Mrs. Hall (nee Chisholm) 'was solemnized on Thurs- day, May 26th, amid a profusion of flowers, in the home of the bride, The Narrows -Atherley. Rev, W. Em- mett of Orillia officiated. The wed- ding music was played by Mrs, D. Luery. Mrs, Hedley Snead of Orillia, sang "Because" during the signing of the register. 1 = baby's breath and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Gillis Gaudaur was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing mauve sheer and carrying Johanna Hill roses and sweet peas. weet peas and lily-of-the-valley. Mr. was. groomsman, The ushers were Aubrey Thompson and William Jor- dan of Oshawa. Following the ceremony a reception sheer and silver fox fur. Mrs; John- son of Oshawa, aunt of the groom, wore a becoming costume of cream crepe. A dainty buffet luncheon was served after which, the. happy: ¢ouple left, amid hearty congratulations and showers of confetti, for a motor trip to western points. The bride travell- ing costume was a Vienese blue knit- ted suit, navy accessories and fox fur. Upon their-return Mr, and Mrs. Stred- wick will reside in Myrtle. A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario will be held pursuant to ad- journment in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the "Town of Whitby, on Tuesday, the 7th DAY OF Harry Briggs, brother of the bride, 7 NAPHTALENE FLAKES, er ------------------------------------ PHOSPHO-LECITHIN is a real tonic for the nerves........Per bottle $1.00 ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS for the spring Per tin 39%. a LAVENDER FLAKES, CEDARLINE FLAKES, also MOTH-I-MUNE that pro- tects the garments treated for one year ANNIE LAURIE boxes of Candy. 50c. per box TOASTED MARSHMALLOWS, 25¢. per Mb. Also CANDY CORN, 10¢. per large cake. KODAKS, CAMERAS and FILMS, all sizes .o0P 040 Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 against moth. A fT TY INSULATION Whether you insulate or not you will need some fuel next winter. See us about filling your bin with "BLUE COAL." Coal is selling at summer prices now.. ® F. E. REESOR £ {j= ONE of "the most important Z25)| OF CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE BYDRHGUTTLER, "Rubber" Made from Limestone, Coal und Salt - story is familiar to,some of the old- : his loss, four children, Russell of| (iven in marriage by C C il go - : : ge by her brother, ? hin loss, Tour Ade an | 1m, 0 marsinge by her brother @ty Councl ws Ashburn, Delma (Mrs. A. Langford) |, 4 a veil that has been in Mrs. : . LAS : : \ of Saskatchewan, Oliver of Brooklin,| Gaydaur's family for over 100 years. COUNTY OF ONTARIO Ne CaN % in the premises formerly owned by G. Sweetman to whom the community extend sin-| gp carried an arm bouquet of roses, \igsz it 4 F F . d Vv 1 ; f Il : Fewster, of Mount Carmel. She died| ding. As Orland is a former Myrtle| was held at the bride's home, Myrtle, H resh ruits an egetab €s Or a 8 | in 1002 leaving a family of five chil-| boy, the following account of his wed-]| which was tastefully decorated with' ; Be Ki d 3 S i$ (dren. In 1914 deceased retired from|ding will be of interest to his old | spring flowers and pink and' white : Phones 73j and 73w °° Port Perry. SJE nas in eason. 8 | farm life, moving into the newly | school mates, : streamefs.. Mrs, Briggs wore navy Si ie Sabet Sule wie salle siise wie vite yr They may be put on right over your old roof. withdraw than . \ _-- / : Send ridge and rafter measurements for free Pusbea soot IS on every can of MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT 100% PURE PAINT Have your home insulated now, and enjoy the comfort of § cost estimate. roofing pall on The pure white lead and zinc used in the manufacture of "18 economical AT cooler rooms during the hot nights to come during the sum- Fasten teel Products Manufact ay yop 100% Pure Paint actually provides a thin coat of metal mer. This same insulation serves a double purpose by « > : famous Preston Steel over the surface. Because of the use of these fine ingre- THESE PRICES keeping out the cold in winter. Have it done the pneumatic 03Guihsnent JIINItEd) Fododmaho ot TUES, Bome, Tite-lon dients--as guaranteed in writing on every can--100% GALLON QUART way. : Preston, Oni, 7 Montreal and Toronte. way Poultry Equipment. Pure Paint retains its color beauty longer and gives your property greater protection. 100% Pure Paint is economi- 43 5 1 25 - -------- cal too. The quality materials used in producing it give : [7 5) ; 4 A U fo ( a OAl 0 - | it more body, thus providing greater surface coverage. ; DUE ; wi | ? 4 ~ - ° Little fou a ld Marie Hall : : A 7 . ALBERT SNOWDON, Proprietor tives and friends from far and near, rag il he) ic JUNE, A.D. 1938, at the hour of two materials supplied to us by sters who used/ "carbide" head- . the children all being. present except ; : o'clock in the afternoon, Daylight nature is-rubber, sometimes called lights on their bicycles and auto- 3 sweet in yellow organdy, scattered : : ; "Black Gold" because of its com- | mobiles some yéarsago. Acetylene % " Mrs. Langford, of Sask. Rev. W, E.| 4 0 Is i . 1 Saving Time. .plac ; : ) ey i £)COLY = . ower petals in the path of the bride. os mercial value. First brought to the | plus a material known: to the chem- Honey took charge of the service. In-| pr. 11ovd Hall of J ill . | ..All accounts to be laid before the : AEH : 2 Abbi ; Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Halburt, of T to k pl in Grovesid r. Lloyd Hall of Janetville, cousin Oni bald Bo d h attention of the civilized world by | ist as a catalyst gives another gas CAESAREA r. and Mrs, Ed. Halburt, of Toronto, | terment took place. in Groveside .¢ the groom, was best man, Jouncil should be forwarded to the Columbus, who found the natives | known as monovinylacetylene. The spent the week end at the lake, Cemetery. At the reception which followed the Clerk, properly certified, at least three | . of Haiti playing with a rubber ball, "| latter, plus. hydrochloric acid . . . . i cher ; * ox x : k day before the meeting of the Council. i ial i d for lit- | (made f 1t), gi liquid Loveliest village of the lake! Once Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher of Toronto . bride's mother wore black lace over y y this material is now used for lit made from salt), gives a liqui ; ir rae 5 came Friday to their cottage. ~Mr. and Mrs. Russell Briggs of Los ; - 8 : -Datéd at Whitby, this 26th day of erally thousands of purposes and |- -- : again the summer tourists salute you. y g E satin, and. a corsage of lily-of-the- ery ? 1. purp : 2 Your entire surrounding environment] Dr. Langmaid of Oshawa, was in Angeles, Cal. arrived at Mrs: Frank [oo 6 0 cardia, Mrs, F. C. Hall May A.D, 1938. : : at is the basis of an industry which Y is redolent with all that makes for|our midst on Saturday. Briggs, on Tuesday of last week rg flowered chiffon over 'white : R. DONALD RUDDY does, 8 Dillion-Selas Bude I t health and happiness for all ages. The| Summer residents are sorry to hear routa to Montreal, where they wn. tin and a : cor f ARCRPEL 7 Count Clerk gi) hundreds of diff high altitude invigorates with a morn-| Ms, Geo Hum rage has not hd ver barked on the steamer Empress Rl nd b : ardin. Fo og £ bai : tr hy : eels Hy ines Hh ing air so crisp and crystal clear, wi dis winter po Ai the warm! any tn a hey | the Aor oi i ie co o-------- : Nr, wos Sul Ie quality od while at eventide the light is solemn i i expec motor throu rance, Ler-,; A iaR. : . . Eri uantity that obtained from the rd " nie ne or beauty and ui! IR J Sane ena, many, Switzerland, Austria and' SRM gg The Jopalat MANCHESTER milky Yoice "of the Hevea tree, sublime glory. The trees and the|q R SE ! A Mr. T. W. Brooks of Oshawa, & jo. 0. art of it includi Jos native to the equatorial jungles of : v: . NE Superior Store, expects a fine season's | i : tray) or trip, a part of it including a Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. G. Brazil. In spite of the fact that birds are all in tune with a new life ; qos former resident of Myrtle, visited [icit to Princeton, N.J. to wit th : : Pp d ther hich to add business this year. Mrs. Milne is wel- oil old friends. hor Jack wekk ; rinceton, N.J. to witness the | Cumming on. the arrival of a baby the Hevea tree is now cultivated in = Yogi il pig ji ¢ oi comed back to the store by everyone. oo" C ead 4 sculling race on Saturday, the 28th, | gir] on Sunday morning. various tropical 'countries other x ot 0 lg erin yo life| Mrs. James Frost and Miss M. E.} oh yt > Hogi Yaz in which the bride's brother Jake, who| ~ Mr, and Mrs. L. Biggs and Gerald,| than Brazil, the market price of : : re a rest come to quiet Scugog where lifef p 4" "mi onto, have returned to viooi'E Vor ree CA5 is being trained by Bob Pearce of | of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Angell,| rubber sometimes reaches such a APB Casas Taiiusies Jamttad) is real and simple, and where friend- : SOI ,| week, ; Hamilton, sculled for the champion- gad Me as level as to disturb the rubber in- Washing Man-made Neoprene . F spend another season at Williams Am Velma' 'and Louis, of Otterville, were 4 : \ ships, flourieh, Point. - Mrs. Frost, in her 90th year Mrs. Roy Spencer of Perth, spent ship for High School "Students of | recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. + dustry -- and the public as well, called chloroprene, and the union . Williams' Point Park is very much |. enjoying the cottage again. '| the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas,! America, On their return Mr. and | Christie. : Is addition, several important in- | or intermarriage of chloroprene alive these week ends. Butchers and| a a04 Mis Fred Shaw and Mus, | E+ Beacock. 3 Mrs, Hall will reside. in Atherley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cochrane, Mar- fo do het a any alecules gives the new rubber- : . - N . . > i" y : ' : . suis ! e neoprene, bakers are once again on their sum-| py pgs, of Toronto, spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham of) Stredwick-Briggs Wedding garet and Warren, . of Buffalo, and rubber. SH Although togh and etastic' like h = mer routes in our midst, and an up-| oq at the Point. Detroit, who are here attending his Codisagdipe {Mrs, Geo. Stone of Lansing visited As a result of this situation, | rubber, neoprene is chemiclly dif- ; -- to-date summer resort is in full swing. Mrs. Oscar Klinock, of Toronto, father's funeral, called on friends here' Many of the Myrtle people motefed | Mra, Jas. Mitchell on Sunday. -- chemists * throughout * the world ferent, and because of this differ- wo Many cottages were opened up over| yiciteq Miss Frost a couple of days | this week, 'to Oshawa to attend the Stredwick-| Mr, and Mrs. McMasters, Jack and during the past fifty years have | ence it does riot fear rubber's age- X the week end and summertime frien¢ | gy tne Point and also visited Mrs. Mrs. Geo. Leach had the misfortune Briggs wedding on Saturday, an ac-| Winnie, of Toronto, spent Sunday with spent many millions of liars ww od enemies--gasoline, oils, chemi- ships of other years were again Te-| Thompson at Nestleton. to fall last Friday, cracking a bone in count of which follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore. ; : ys rai ts ie 1 a x is Th oxygen, sunlight and heat. ; vived in expressions of welcome re-| My. Fred Smock has rented one of her- ankle, which will require some = A pretty #pring wedding was| Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Wells, Mr. and i in Is Aen dedi nl men males Foust Is Becord: a. ee. SAAS Bi } his cottages. ; ey cilia Hil 'and 26h Joloniined in Qalvayy Daiish Chaveh, is Mullin, and Mrs. Jean Wells, of | facture of a product identical with | is used for lis Bo iad y r, an rs. Norman Robinson an Miss Evelyn Osborne of Toronto, re- 4 8, ] » Oshawa, on Saturday, , 8 p.m. | Toronto, visited with Mrs, L. Lambe that obtained from the Hevea tree, | for which rubber is not*well sui 7 son and Mr. W. Robinson enjoyed cently visited Dr. and Mrs. L. Wil- Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hill and daughters, when Viva Eilden Briggs, daughter of | recently. ; they, have done better. Using four | including the a bia ¥ "Robin's Nest" the last few week-|liams. at their cottage. Audrey and Lois, of Orillia, were Sun- Mrs. Briggs and the late Mr. Francis| Mr. Wilson Crozier spent Sunday of nature's. own raw materials, | oline and fuel oil hose, printing A ends. . ol day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.| Briggs, Myrtle, was united in mar-| with his daughter Mrs. Allbright at limestone, coal, salt and water, | rollers, electrical cables, and acid- ioe Mr. W. K. Greatrix and his father, > Sauclen of Moan) Carmel, and Mr. !riage to Mr, Harold E. Stredwick of | Pine Grove. Chemisty are now making 2 product resistant gloves. Andalthoughneo- 7 have their cottage opened, but. Mrs A and Mrs. C. Harrison. Mr. Edward Oshawa, son 'Mr . Thos. Stredwick| Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Crosier and| ji ."Cinier SHE Yobber Pp prone costs more per pound than day Greatrix and the children are still in yrt e tation Cooper and son Douglas of Toronto, and the late Mrs. Stredwick, of Eng-|son Gerald, spent the week end with be used in th facty ber, certain articles made from A . 7 are holidaying with her parents Mr. land. Rev. G. Wardell offici Th W can be used in the manufacture of | neoprene are actually cheaper 4d 7p 7 Florida. p . . G, Wardell officiated, The | Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'White, at Ash- 'practically all articles for which | than correspondi bh ap if Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Fegan, par- Mr. Wilfred Graham. and Mie, 3 Sok. altar was decorated with mauve and | burn. Se =» rubber is now used. y Bataints of thelr ong Tite under 3 od Sis of Mrs, Greatris, werd in Florida 1 14 wn 4 tel Hae | 'Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ross and Mrs. J.| white lilacs. Mrs. E. Soanes played| Mrs. Innes, Mr. Fife, and Mr. and The chemical story, briefly told, | severe _ service consitions. "Neo. J) a. this 'winter Int have retorned. Their > wi ey regret that we re-| Bryant, of Whitby, were Sunday visit- | the wedding music, and. Miss Irene | Mrs, J. Johnson, of Brooklin, called on is as follows: Coal and limestone | prene also offers the assurance of ® i . summer residence and lovely grounds port t £, dogs of ane of our oldest!ors in the village. Winter sang "My Thoughts are You",| Mr. and Mrs. Grant Innes, on: Sunday, | Deated together in an electric fur--| an excellent substitute in the : : inter tel enre of Mr. Hall, adds real > Inens, n the pereon of Mr. Wilfred! Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Honey, of To-| during the signing of the register.| Mr, Earle Mitchell, Mr. Howard nace give calcium carbide, which, event of the supply of natural oe beaoty to the entrance of Williams' raham, While working in his gar- | ronto, spent the week end at the par- |The bride looked very smart in a dress | Dobson, Mr. John Stuart are driving on tke addition of water, gives | ber being curtailed or cut off en- Point Park. Adding beauty to: the den last Wednesday morning he was|sonage, and on Saturday evening were|of navy marquisette with dusk pink | new cars this spring. , (Acetylene gas. This part 'of the | tirely, : [2 apiccare adds. oy to. the world, ken ill. gre doctor was called but entertained by the young people in the trimming, navy taffeta picture hat| The Manchester Sunday School will ad Rly . ! : « : By tiers are contributing hap- i ings could be done to save him." good old fashioned way, which is the|and a corsage of sweetheart roses and | hold Thank Offering service on Sun-| = 248 < e sank in a coma and never rallied,' customary way of honouring recent|lily-of-the-valley.. = Her bridesmaid | day, June bth, at 7.80 p.m. (S.T.) A 2 + + piness to others by planting flowers| passing away on Saturday evening. | brid d id : CLAY and shrubs Sting wway-on Subiriny veng . Iordspiand goons. was Miss Marid Mansfield of Toronto, | Rev. Dr. Wylie of Columbus will be| S482 C0 700 : 08, ; n in Pickering! ecause 0 e S. S. Anniversary| wearing. navy marquisette with navy [the guest speaker, Special 'music b ) - edd rk Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halburt and] Township on the Baseline, on July 11, being held at Manchester next Sunday and pink accessories and corsage of ry LIMESTONE COAL SALT 'WATER ide, - ' Bethesda Male Quartette. 4 ; \ & {

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