a FIRESTONE TIRE PRICES REDUCED Firestone STANDARD Tires: for Every. Purse . No matter what you can afford for tires, first go to your local Firestone ealer. He has stone ires in every price class ord suit your purse. Every tire bears Firestone name and guarantee jhe Fi assurance of long mileage, 'extra safety and dependable, care- See the nearcst Firestone 'free service, Dealer today. es Here's es 2 aren pric Fietons Tie y rubs e toda Sentinel pn cg Tires greatly a in thi prices are subject to change notice * wetake advantage of \y them to our car today with safe, mew Foot The and save your red Firestone Dealer now. Firestone HIGH-SPEED TIRES AS LOW AS 4 Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED FURNITURE TE LYONS o se ps Lightning Protec- tive System. B, Phillips Company TRADE-IN STORE Limited, Osborne Avenue, Toronto. 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO BABY CHICKS BARGAINS GALORE POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT D, C., LOST ONLY 8 OUT OF 1540 Bray New Hampshire chicks. Weighed up to 2% pounds at 8 weeks. For real production this Fall and Winter, buy hardy, fast- growing Bray chicks. Write for prices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. A FEW EXTRA- EGGS PER BIRD makes the diffefence between a real profit and a loss. Buy Bray chicks today and get those extra eggs next Fall when prices are . highest, Write for details. Bray ~~ Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. RAISE MORE LAYERS WITH SEX- ed pullet chicks and take advant- age of the firm prices predicted for eggs next Fall and Winter. ~ Bray pullet chicks are available in almost every breed. Write for prices, Bray Hatchery, 130 John 8t. North, Hamilton, Ontario. QUALITY CHICKS FROM BLOOD- tested breeders at a low price. Leghorns $6.50, pullets $13.95, cockerels 95¢c Barred Rocks, New : Hamoohire Reds $7.95, pullets ! $2 .95, cockerels $7.95. Started Leg- orn piliess 2 day old $16.95, 2 week old $17.95. Large Egg Qual- ity hatched vo 25 ounce eggs, add lc. $1.00 {ionosis with order, balance C.Q.P.' Top Notch Chick- eries, 16 Wilson St., Guelph, Ont. BUY TWEDDLE BIG EGG CHICKS for June. These Chicks are born with a head start and cost no more for June than ordinary chickens. Tweddle Chick Hatch- $rics Limited, Box 10, Fergus, On- ario. G.B"s, 732 BRAY NEW HAMPSHIRE and Barred Rock pullets laying at 6 months, hit 549 eggs daily at 7 months. 'For real egg production, get Bray chicks NOW, Write for rices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John t. North, Hamilton, Ontario. = FAST-GROWING: BRAY CHICKS. . C. writes: "I have 1,515 of the nest, healthiest, and fastest- Browing chicks I have ever own- ed." Write for your Bray 'chicks today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John 8t. North, Hamilton, Ontarlo, Every article thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned and sold under a defl- nite money back guarantee of satis- faction. 4, 95 Large chesterfield, tapestry cover, reversible spring cushions. 13. 95 3 piece chesterfleld suite, ve- lour cover, reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. 24 95 Leanna), 3 Piece cheiter- 9 fleld suite, velour cover figured, reversible Marshall cushions 49.00 Modern 3 piece chesterfield suite, new hard wearing repp cover, Marshall reversible cushions. 45 00 Chesterfield bed sulte, three . pieces (Kroehler) velour cover, reversible Marshall cushions, 24 95 Solid oak dining room sulte, g buffet, extension table and 6 leather slip seat chairs. 49 00 Eight piece dinette suite in ' rich walnut finish, buffet, refectory table and 6 leather seat chairs. 55 00 Beautiful 9 piece dining N room suite, buffet, china cabinet, extension table and 6 leath- er seat pals, Boziish % din rge English oa ning 79 00 room suite, buffet, cabinet, extension table and 6 slip seat chairs with cane panels. 89. 00 Bean) solid, walnut din- room shite, buffet, china cobias: extension\ table and 6 blue leather seat chairs) 45. 00 4 piece bed room sulte, dres- ser, chiffonier, full size hed and sagless spring (n walnut fin. 59.00 Beautiful walnut b room suite, chiffoniery vanity with Venetian mirror, ful size bed and sagless spring. 39. 00 4 piece bed room suite, dres- ser, chiffonler, full size bed and sagless 3pping. 14 95 Smart kitchen cabinets with ' fliding porcelain tops. Radios, 810.00; Dressers, $4.05; Chif- foniers, 87.05; Gas Stoves, $4.93; Sew. ing Machines. $12.50; Beds, $2.50; Springs, $2.005 New Maftresses, 83.9%; China Cabinets, $10.00. Write for free illustrated cata- logue showing hundreds of other outstanding values in new and re- conditioned furniture and free gifts with purchases. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto - FOR MORE EGGS NEXT FALL AND winter, when prices are high, put Bray sexed chicks in your brood- ers NOW, Write for information and prices today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, On- tario. . BAILIFFS AND COLLECTIONS HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMA- tions, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for {illustrated catalogue. Special attention to repair work. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst, Toronto. WE HAVE THE FACILITIES TO act for you in any seizure or col- lection problem anywhere in the world, Our results are immedi- ate and satisfactory, Ross and ompany, 102 Richmond St. W,, oronto, == 1 FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement, 26c. Re- -prints, :10 for 25¢. Photo- Craft, 183 King East, Toronto. Metropolitan Racing Association DUFFERIN PARK June '16'to 23 Races Daily "J, 2.30 p.m. Fred Orpen President Geo. Hayes Secretary MISCELLANEOUS GEM ELECTRIC FENCER, CAN- ada's own, The unit that makes ordinary fences too expensive to build. A single strand of wire and a simple portable Gem Iencer keeps all stock where they belong] Ask for circular and name of the GEM agent nearest you. Uroh's Cooler, Limited, Preston, Ont. MEDICAT INFANTILE PARALYSIS CRIPPLES recover the use of thelr limbs un- der our new treatment. We give the famous 'foot treatment for tired, aching feet, Hay Fever ree sponds instantly. to our treatment. Don't suffer. Consult us regard- ing your case. Adanac Health Clinie, 1 mile west of Erindale on Dundas Highway. ECZEMA, SKIN AILMENTS, SORES, quickly healed by Detrmisoothe, the clean, white, antiseptic oint- ment, Sample mailed free direct, 35 certs at all sragiiate, Twentli« eth Century Remedies, 87 Ingham Ave. Toronto, PHOTOGRAPHY Ji The BOOK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDY PORTRAIT OF A VILLAGE By Francis Brett Young There is no Monk's Norton on the map of England, nor any one village in the orchard-laden re- gion of Worcestershire with which may it be identified. But because the social structure of all these villages was established centuries ago, and has developed, during this period, types of personal char- acter various as swecetbrier and gillyflower but drawing each its own strength and color from local soil and sun, it is possible, in drawing this portrait of Monk's Norton, nominally imaginary, to describe a village the inhabitants of twenty such might recognize, They Live In the Village There are the discontented; the inkeeper because he cannot con- veice the pentry that the ancient oak tree doddering on the green before his door should not be cleared from the path of progress; the daughters at The Grange who "have been "presented" and are so anxious to know nobody but the right people -that they scarcely know anybody at all; the captain whose tragedy is that he survived his only excuse for living; the schoolmistress, shrewdly humorous and self-contained in a niche in this social structure too small for companionship, but more com- pletely alive than .anyone in the community; the man who adopted the village a lifetime ago as a summer visitor and made himself a householder and a historian pa- tient as White of Selbourne. There is the village at work, at church, at play. There are its own sights and sounds and above all its smells--not only of gardens and their surroundings of sweet- ness and forest and mown hay, and the good breath of new bread, and the edible air of fallen fruit, but subtler scents such as the-nut- ty odor of flour on bake-shop floors, the reek of singeing horn at the smith's, or the clean tang of woods by which noses alone make out the wheelwright's from the carpenter's. It is a quiet, busy book, good for retreat from the - newspapers 'and - the telephone. fortrait Of a Village, by Francis Brett Young. With Woodcuts by Joan Hassall. 198 pp. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. $2.75. Junior (at dinner with a guest present) -- "Say Dad, this is roast . beef, isn't {t?" Daddy --- "Of course, son; what of that?" Junior -- "Oh, nothing special, only this morning I heard you tell mother you were going to bring an old muttonhead home for dinner." PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elhstic or under-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219 Pres. ton, Ont. "EVERY MARRIED COUPLE AND those contemplating lane should read--"Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpald 25c. OQur 12 page illustrated catalogue of sex books, drug 'sundries, etc., free upon re- quest. Supreme Speclalty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, Inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials, Guaranteed. Advice free. Write Box 1, Winnlpeg. MARRY--WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from, Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with pro- " perty. Particulars, 10c. Confiden- tial, Canadian Correspondence Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta. "ASTHMA SUFFERERS" Get quick relief from the paroxysms caused by Asthma when you inhale the effective fumes of "One Minute Asthma Relief." Just a few whiffs relaxes the bronchial tubes, relieves the difficult breathing and that dreadful gasping. This scientifically made effective preparation has given blessed relief to asthma sufferers for over thirty-five years. Take ad-. vantage of this .generous offer-- send ten cents, stamps or coin, and receive a twenty-five cent package prepaid. Good until July 15th, 1938, only. MacRoble, Manufacturing Chemist, Ietrolea, Ontarlo. Have You a BABY ? If your baby 15 cron and- upset at teething time, give Steedman's Powders ~--the famous English remedy that gendy regulates the system, and allays feverish- ness, Steedman"s have beea used mothers the world over for more than 100 years. At your druggist's, FREE Sample and Booklet "Hints to Mothers" sent on Souteat Write John S8teedman & Co,, Dept. 19 412 St. Gabriel Street, Montreal, 69N- GST EEDMANS Look for the double EE symbol on 'DEns STEEDMAN ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EV- ery 25c¢ order. Roll film developed and eight Jiints 2 25c. Reprints 3c, Established over 26 Jeary, Bright- 1ing Studio, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Issue No. 25--'38 A---0 An Optimism Well Founded Success brings success, That is the story behind Cress Laborator- fes, of Kitchener, Ontario. When Mr. Cress first put his corn salve on the market, he felt 'that his product was so 'satlsfac- tory from every angle, that it would meet with general public approval, he fact that thousands of dru, and general stores throughou Canada now sell it regularly and that a complete line of foot reme- dies was added, on the formation of Cress Laboratories in 1931, is proof that the originator's optim- ism was well founded. Farming Good In Antipodes Canadian Is Impressed by Effici- ent Organization in Dairying Canadian agriculture, particu- larly the dairying branch, lacks the efficiency achieved in the Anti- podes, H. B. Cowan, one of four Canadian delegates to the Empire producers' conference in Australia said on arriving home in Peter- borough, Ont. "Farming conditions in both Australia and New Zealand are so vastly different from our own that it is almost impossible to make a comparison that might not be mis- leading," Mr. Cowan said. "I don't think we have much to learn from their wheat farmers, but in many other respects it makes your heart ache to realize how far we are behind what they have done and what we; should be doing. "Some people here say we have too much organization," he con- tinued. "If you want to sce effi- cient control. organizations you have to go to oth these countries." DIXIE FOR YOU/ it "THIS FRAGRANT SLOW-BURNING SAVES MONEY PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO .Gardening Notes... COLORFUL WINDOW BOXES A brown or green stained window _ box overflowing with gaily bloom- ing flowers is within the range of almost every person. Lack of the ground space does not matter, Even the lofty apartment dweller is able to satisfy a gardening ambition. Success is easily obtainable provid. ed two or three points are kept in mind. This sort of gardening is highly Intensive with many more plants to the square foot than or- dinarily would be grown, This means that very rich soil should be used and in addition a fairly fre- Feeding the Birds at Jack Miner's 'Jack Miner says "the hope of mankind is more love and the right kind of education." Photo shows Jack Miner with his rand- daughter, Wilhelmina Enklin Miner feeding bird life in Jack Miner's Jack yard. Making friends {8 easy but we'd like to know how to keep them and still run a newspaper. Mr. Wright -- "I'll have you know that I'm a self made man." Friend -- Yes, so I have assum- ed, But who interrupted you?" Cutie -- "Take back your ring. It's paste." _ Boy Friend -- "Beter keep fit, gir- lie. A paste on the hand is worth two in the eye." Junior -- "I say, mother, if dad was to dle w-uld he g5 to heav.n?" Mother -- Hush, Junior! Who's been putting such ridiculous ideas into your bead?" --_---- Sympathy should be given the man who comes home dog-tired and finds 'his wife feeling kittenish, Little Evelyn -- "Daddy, when you see a cow, ain't you afraid?" Daddy--"Ot colrse not, Evelyn." Evelyn--'"When you see a big worm, ain't you afraid?" Daddy -- "No, of course not." Evelyn -- "When you see a hor- rible, monstrous bumble bee, ative you afraid?" Daddy -- "No, certainly not." Evelyn -- "Ain't you afraid when it thunders and lightnings?" Daddy -- "No, no, you , silly child." Evelyn -- "Gee, Daddy, ain't you afraid of nothing in this world ex- cepting mother!" "I stumbled across some famous people at the first night show," a critic writes, He ghould have taken his seat earlier. Suftor -- "I've come to you sir, to ask for your daughter's hand." Father -- "Tell me, when were you first struck by her?" *Suitor -- "But, sir, we've not quarreled so far." It is less dangerous to slip with the foot than with the tongue. Sambo -- "Don't you start no tight we me, nigger. Ah was decor- ated in the Spanish war." Rastug -- "Maybe you was, but in mah 'pinlon it's glven yo' such a swell head yo' is 'bout ripe to be redecorated." DO IT NOW 0, weave no laurels 'round my head Nor sing my praises when I am dead; . It you have not the grace to give The kindly word while yet I live, You need not come to eulogize And sound my virtues to the skies; Why proffer garlands, to what avail When 1 have passed beyond the pale? A rose today, a kindly smile, * More pleasing far than after while. If you can loan him a prized book and a year later ask him to return ft and still retain his friendship, a miracle has been performed. quent application of chemical fere tilizer during the season. Being ex. posed on all sides to drying winds, a thorough watering once a day of the window box Is advised, The box should be as long as the window and should be arranged so that the top of it is almost flush with the window-sill, If higher, the follage of the plants will soon fill up most of the window. There must be holes in the bottom to provide drainage, and also a layer of gravel cinders, broken crockery or similar material for the same purpose. The box, which should be at least eight inches deep and from eight to ten inches wide at the top, should be filled to within halt an inch of the top with very rich soil. Along the front trailing Nastur- tiums, German Ivy, Lobelia, Alys- sum and similar plants are put in with Petunias, Ageratums, Begon- fas, Ferns, Geraniums and other plants especially recommended for this purpose farther back. Shelter from the sun for a day or two also should be provided until the plants get established. KITCHEN GARDENS In the kitchen garden It is advis- able, of course, to keep a plentiful supply of calad material like leat and head lettuce, onions and pos- sibly celery. The latter is set out in the garden as well-started plants usually after all danger of frost is over. For fall storage planting takes place in June or even July, EARTHWORMS AND LAWNS Jarthworms often become 80 nu- merous in lawns that their destruc- tion is essential. One-half ounce of bichloride of mercury addéd to three or four gallons of water does make an effective remedy. This ma- torial is applied with the sprinkling can, allowing about a gallon to each square yard of surface. Another ef- fective remedy consists of two cup- fuls of unslaked lime added to two gallons of water. This quantity will treat a square yard. DANDRUFF and 4 Fas Hale, use Min. y as you would Ad Yo tonic. Bo th times a week and the ii will be a # Clean Head and Glossy Hale HELE Wiite for FREE Catalogue re ERBARIO FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS «BUILT R - are twice as uch FUN with a boat 4 ROUGH BOATS Peterborough Canoe Co., 268 Water St., Peterborough, Ont. AC rrr rs th eg kG tlt rk Atte Pt il; rt o 2ine advertising in the Trace Bad Eggs Back To Hen oH ( al The Right Door Danish agriculture and export are so well systematized it would be possible to trace a bad egg that turned up on the prime niin- ister's breakfast table in London, back to the hen that laid it in Dens mark, G. B. Holler, Danish consul. general for Canada and New= foundland, in Toronto on a tour of Canadian and northern United States cities with his wife and son, Svend Aage Holler, made the above statement last week. Government Controls Agriculture '"'Because Denmark is such a small country--Iless than one- twentieth the size of Ontario is easy for the government oo ganize and control agriculture an industry," he stated. Each of the billion and 'a quarter eggs ship- ped to England last year was in- dividually lamp tested and stamp- od, he said. "The same system applies to butter and bacon exports: If a sample of bacon is found by in- spectors to be below standard the farmer is traced and advised on proper care and feeding of the pigs. Such rigid control is only possible in a small country such as ours with a Boni ndumns group of well-educated citizens. I doubt if you could find one in 1,000 un- able to read or write," he declared. Canada's Visitors Spent $295,000,000 Here Last Year 18,200,000 Tourists Entered Dominion Across American Border, Canadian Travel Bureau Head Declares Co-ordination of the efforts of the various tourist agencies across the country, private as well as govern. mental, is the prime purpose of the Canadian Travel Bureau, its direc- tor, Leo Dolan, told the Rowell 'Commission at Ottawa last week. It was no part of the bureau's policy to attempt over-centraliza- tion of Canadian tourist develop- ment effort, Mr. Dolan sald. A heavy share of the Initiative had come from provincial and municipal organizations by the very nature of the field." World's Largest Exchange Each year the bureau held a con- ference of all tourist agencies so Its general program of the following year would meet the requirements of all as nearly as possible, he said, The bureau advertised the attrac. tlons of Canada generally, supple- menting the efforts of the provinces. Each day 500-600 Inquiriés were re- celved, serviced generally and then turned over to the relevant provin-. ces for specific effort, Last year the bureau received 76,000 inquire fes and so far this year has receive ed 45,000. Travel across the Canadian-Am- erican boundary was .the world's largest, with 18,200,000 tourists ene tering Canada and spending $296, 000,000 last year, Mr, Dolan said, Even so, the opportunities for fur- ther development of this travel market were great since it was es- timated Americans spent $5,000, 000, a year travelling. The bureau spent between $180, 000 and $200,000 of its $250,000 ap- proprlation in newspaper and maga- United States. Ocean Flights About July 5 Minister of Transport Howe Declares Tests for Atlantic Service to Be Resumed Experimental flights over the Atlantic in preparation for 'a transocean passenger service will resume 'about July 5," Dominion Transport Minister Howe said last week. The flights, by Great Britain's Imperial Airways and Pan-Ameri- can Airways of the United States, were begun last year. Giant flying boats spanned the ocean in non- stop flights between England and Newfoundland, proceeding through: Canada to the United States. No Passengers Yet The plan is for the ocean ser- vice to hoo on eventually with Canada's pro)ectdd transcontinen- tal airline. This summer, Howe said, no passengers will be ferried on the Atlantic trips; there may be some in the fall. The art of glass making can be traced back for 5,000 years and is probably older than that, conduct ed entirely by the power. of the human lungs and manipulated by the deft skill of the handicrafts- man, o - di te sis wk a Ca Cyd wiry ¥ 2 ae ET eA hoa oa vr. ha ot J Er