Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Oct 1938, p. 4

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"a = (oT > BT Ck Ftp 2 mn 3 4 RR aA Yt Xe a 5 A NIRA Ea ANNE cE LUT Sued ANGLICAN BAZAAR A bazaar and chicken supper will be held in the Parish Hall, Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, on November 3rd. Mr. and Mrs, Sayers and Maida, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Cowan, of Re- gina, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb, Billie and Teddie, of Manchester, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ettey, Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs, Sask, are visiting friendg in this, vicinity. A number of members of Fidelity Lodge, A.F, & A.M. were in Oshawa on Tuesday night, guests of Cedar Lodge. Mr. Lorne Beare of Schumacher, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. T. Beare. Miss Dora Reesor left on Monday to attend Shaw Business College, in Toronto. 'Friends of Mr. Ross H. Doubt, of Toronto, formerly of Port Perry, will be pleased to learn that he has ac- cepted a position as manufacturing chemist, with the Laurentian Silk Mills, Three Rivers, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beatty and Mrs. 7. M. Jackson left for Florida to-day where they will spend the winter. --\o-o Love, of Lumsden, relatives and " MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW to acquire that lovely head of hair you have so much desired. We are prepared to give the famous Breck hair treatments to recondition hair that has been over bleached, over steamed--parched, brittle hair, broken or split ends. For full information call 201 Port Perry THE BELLETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE EOP -- C. G LT. The Canadian Girls in Training held a Hallowe'en Party on Monday even- ing in the-Sunday School room of the United Church. Jack "O Lanterns, shedding their mellow light, gave an appropriate setting for the evening's festivities, and as the girls in their varied costumes entered the room they had a weird reception for two witches stood ready to welcome them with a handshake. Following a costume. parade there was a vote taken for the best costume, and the prize was awarded to Helen Peel as Bo-Peep. Miss Currie directed games appropriate to the occasion, followed by refreshments, after which evening a success, especially to the brought to a close by the singing of "Taps." I. 0. D. E. DANCE The dance sponsored by the I.LO.D.E. which was held in the auditorium of the school on Friday evening, Oct. 21, _was a huge success. The music was "supplied by Tommy Langley and his Swing Band, of Lindsay, and proved itself to be a very popular orchestra. During the evening refreshments were served from the booth on the lower floor. The committee in charge were Mesdames Bentley, MacGregor, Corn- ish, I. Beare, Letcher, R. Peel and Durkin, ONTARIO RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The Oshawa Women's Liberal Asso- ciation extend to you a cordial invita- tion to attend an open meeting (men and women) to be held in the Genosha Hotel, November 7th at 8 p.m. Special program has been prepared, including addresses by Miss M. H¥ndman, a prominent lawyer, and President of Business Women's Liberal Club of Toronto, Mr. W. H. Moore, M.P., Hon. G. D. Conant, K.C. Preceding the open meeting all Liberal women of the County are requested to met at 7 p.m. for organization purposes. This invi- tation is extended to all active Lib- erals in the riding. Anne Johnson, Secretary. BOYS' COAT FOR SALE Overcoat for boy, 8 years old, in ex- cellent condition, Will gell very cheap. Apply at Port Perry Star, SUITS SPONGED AND PRESABD 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICER DIED BUTT---At the home of her daughter, Mrs. F, W. Bradley, Port Perry, on Monday, October 24th, 19388, Clara Jane Rundle, beloved wife of the late Cephas Butt, in her 81st year, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, October 30th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and-.sermon. Sunday, November 7th-- 11 a.m,--Holy Communion, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Everybody welcome. Sunday School at 11 a.m. Evening Worship at 7 o'clock. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. The minister will be in charge at both services--11 a.m, and 7 p.m. PRINCE ALBERT There were held in our Church on Sunday last the 72nd Anniversary services, Rev, Wm, Higgs of Manilla, a former pastor, was the speaker, His subject at both services was "The Church". The musical part of the service was well rendered by a quar- tette from Port Perry, composed of Misses Kay Jeffrey and Luella Plough- man, and Messrs, F. Beatty and Joel Aldred. Their vocal contributions were greatly appreciated by the con- gregations, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Groupe have re- turned to their home in Philadelphia, having spent a short time at their residence here. Mrs. F. Jeffrey, of Weston, Mrs. Kleffman of York, Pa., and Mr. W. Sonley, of Toronto, were in the village one day last week. Mr. W. Pollard has returned to To- ronto after passing the summer at the home of Mr. T. E. Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove and Mrs. Snelgrove, Sr., are home from a trip to the West. Mr. C. Clarke and family were in Kitchener last week. Mr. Clarke at- tended a meeting in Owen Sound on Sunday last in connection with the Loyal True Blue Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. I Barkey of Stouff- ville, visited with the latter's sister Mrs. P. Ramer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. MacGregor were in Toronto on Sunday. BROADCASTING The Broadcasting Committee of the Church of England in Toronto invites you to join in the following schedule whenever feasible; and urgently re- quests you to write or to telephone to the sponsors or to the broadcasting station any comment you may wish to make. Sunday, Nov, 13--5 to 5.30 p.m. CBC His Grace, the Primate. Choir of St. Simon's Church. Every Sunday--7-8 p.m. CFRB. Rev. J. E. Ward. Evensong from St. Stephen's Church, Toronto. Every Monday--8.46 to 9 a.m. CBL. Morning devotions. The Clery of the Diocese of Toronto. Other re- ligious bodies taking the other week days in rotation. Every Wednesday--8-8.30 p.m. CRCY. Evensong from St. Stephen's. Rev. J. E. Ward. Choir from following churches: Oct. 26--St. James' Cathedral. Nov. 2--Church of the Méssiah. Nov, 9--St. Matthew's Church. Nov. 16--St. Thomas Church. Nov. 23--Christ Church. Nov. 30--St. Simon's Church. Every Saturday--7.45-8 p.m. CKCL. The theme: "Let's Go To Church." Dec. 17--Christ Church, Rev. Canon H. F. D. Woodcock, M.A. Jan. 28--St. Simon's Church, Rev. F. H. Brewin, M.A. Feb. 26 -- Grace Church--Rev. J. H. Dixon, March 26--Church of the Redeemer, Rev. Canon R. A. Armstrong, April 22--St, Matthew's Church. Rev. Canon F. J. Sawers. The Ritchie Amusement Co at the Town Hall, PORT PERRY, FRIDAY, OCT. 28th A prize-winner in a picture as big as the star! VICTOR McLAGEN in MAGNIFICENT _ BRUTE with Binnie Barnes, Jean Dixon, Wm. Hall, Henry Armetta, Ann Preston, Billy Burrud, Edward Norris. The sereen's most lovable scrapper in his greatest and grandest story. also "UNPOPULAR MECHANIC" Adults 25¢. Children 15¢. OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 27-29 Ginger Rogers - Fred Astaire "CAREFREE" with Ralph Bellamy - Luella Gear (A Quiz Contest Picture) ADDED--Walt Disney Cartoon, "THE WHALERS" REVIVAL--Friday, 10.30 p.m. "Souls at Sea" starring Gary Cooper and George Raft -0-0-0-0- Monday and Tuesday, October 31, November, 1 'Four's a Crowd' starring Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHavilland Rosalind Russell. ( A Quizz Contest Picture) -0-0-0-0- COMING! Thurs., Friday, Saturday, November 2-3-4-5 the 'Stirring Heart Drama: 'BOYS TOWN' Spencer Tracy - Mickey Rooney '1 (A Quizz Contest Picture) Wed., COURT OF REVISION Village of Port Perry. A Court of Revision to hear appeals against assessments, pertaining to the Assessment Roll of 1938, upon which taxes for 1939 will be levied, will be 14th, 1938, at 7.30 p.m. (Assessment Act, Sec. 73, Chap. 272) Port Perry, Oct. 18th, 1988. G. F. MANNING, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION The assessment Roll of the Town- ship of Reach compiled in the year 1938, and upon which the taxes for 1939 will be levied has been returned, and a Court of Revision to hear ap- peals, duly filed against said Roll, if required, will be held at the Township Hall, Manchester, on Saturday, the 5th day of November, 1938, at 3 p.m All persons interested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingsly. T. J. SAGER, Clerk, of the Municipality. OPEN RAWLEIGH ROUTES are scarce but in so vast an organization expansion creates new opportunities. If ambitious, industrious, willing to start 'with good earnings and increase] rapidly write for full information. We supply sales, advertising literature-- all yeu need.Rawleigh's Dept. No. ML 343-118-J, MONTREAL. catalogue without obligation: and "STRANGER THAN FICTION" |LEX CO. 6570 St. Clement Street, ! Montreal, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, Back- ache, Lumbago are attacked at the source by the cleansing and antiseptic action of Rumacaps. A.-M. Lawrence, Port Perry. ~G or a UTICA Mrs. Roy Hart spent Monday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kendall. Mrs. Jas. Ackney and Mr, F. Ashton visited with their sister in Gorden, Ohio, recently. Mrs. Fred Ackney, Mrs. M. Christie and Mr. and Mrs. P. Parrott, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Wright at Oshawa on Monday. Mr. Malcolm Bailey had a very suc- cessful sale of live stock on Monday. A number from here attended the anniversary services -at Epsom on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, C. W. Lakey visited friends in Malvern, on Sunday. FOR SALE 25 Pure Bred Rock Pullets from bred-to-lay strain, 4 months old, 80c. each. Apply Mrs. F. Ballard, R.R.4, Post Perry, mile west of Utica. : -~ JOIN FAMILEX to insure you share in the business pick-up and make a decent living. No risk. Experience in door to door preferable but not necessary. Exceptional quality. tractive packages, . Very profitable Plan. For a "permanent, growing business; investigate. Full details and FAMI- Every person a custome:. Low prices. At- held at the Clerk's Office on November ete ote ste at stag OR EOROBO80R0R0E0R0N OBOSCE0RORORORORORD Pete oto nes a 0 a a OPOBOSOBOBOBOBOSOBOBOSOPOR) Slee tutor ato toate th te Ste se te, 8080 00 EOPOPOBOROPOPORO 80008080800 e0e eos OEE ese oeoes J Oe080 OPOPOPOBOS Se te ece OBOR0S0SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOBOSOSOPOSO O00 Le ONE CENT $ LE SA 6 8 AAR AAS rr 0 POP PROS OPOPORTROROPOROPOPOPOROPOROP OPOPORORD PORN RLY This Week, Wednesday, Thursday, Priday, Saturday cine $1.00 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules ,...2 for $1.01 65¢. Cod Liver Oil Tablets ......2 for 66c¢. 35¢. Tr. Iodine ..2 for 36e. 15¢. Epsom Salts 2 for 16c, 25c. Epsom Salts, 2 for 26c. 25¢. Rexall Orderlies 2 for 26c¢. 25¢. Castor Oil, 2 for 26c¢.: 40c. Aromatic Cascara ; 2 for 4lc. 50c. Ecdema Ointment 2 for blc. -50c. Nose and Throat Drops ......2 for 5lc. $1.00 Agarex Co. for $1.01 $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine. .....2 for $1.01 $1.00 Cod Liver and Creosote Co.. .2 for $1.01 - THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF } THE 300° BARGAINS WE | HAVE IN"STORE FOR YOU. § SOBER ENB 49 bh) E3050 0500058585 ; Phone 50c. Bronchial Syrup Toiletri 1€e8 2 for Sle. 75¢c. Carica Bile Tablets 50c. French Balm for 5lc - 3.for 766; 50c. Jonteel Face Powder : 25¢. A.B.S. & C. Tablets z 2 for ble. 2 for 26c. 50c. Gardenia Face Powder 50c. Milk of Magnesia 2 for 5lc. 2 for 5lc. 25¢. Perfumes .... 2 for 26¢. 75¢c. Milk of Magnesia 25¢. Floral Talcums 2 for T6c. 2 for 26¢. '25¢. A. S. A. Tablets 250: Stork Baby Powder : 2 for 26c. 2 for 26c. r i . ~1 50¢. Jonteel Creams -- 19c. A. S. A. Tablets 2 for 5le. 2 for 50c. 35c. Lavender Brilliantine 75¢c. Mi31 Antiseptis 2 for 36¢. : 2 for 76c. 25¢. Klenzo Tooth Paste $1.20 Mineral Oil 39c. Magnesia Fo ~ 2 for $1.21 Sp 2 for 40c. * 25¢. Hydrogen Peroxide 35c¢. Mi31 Tooth Powder 2 for 26c. 2 for. 36c¢. 25¢. Meloids ....2 for 26c. | 35¢. Rexall Shaving Cream ~ 2 for 36c¢. 50c. Chest Rub ..2 for 5lec. 40c. Lavender Shaving 50c. Regs... ...2 for 5lc. Cream-..,....2 for 41c. 2500058000008000 Port Perry $1. 00 Hot Water Bottles A. M. LAWRENCE | 7h Rexall stro AMAT 25¢c. Tooth Brushes 2 for 26c. 35¢. Tooth Brushes 2 for 36e¢. ~ 10c. Wash Cloths ~~ 2 for 11c. 15¢. Wash Cloths 2 for 16e¢c. 15¢. Powder Puffs 2 for 16¢c. 4! 4 ol, forts, 00 DPOPOBCBIEO0SIEONCED 2800°0000808080808080808090808C 2 for $1.01 $1.50 1 Hot Water Bottles "% for $1.51 ° 35¢. boxed Stationery 2 for 36c. 50c. boxed Stationery ts - 2 for 5lc. 30c. box Christmas Cards 2 for 3lec. 50c. box Christmas Cards 2 for Sle. 50c. - Playing Cards ~~ 2 for 5lc. 002020202000 00800080808 S002 # TELEPHONE OR MAIL YOUR i ORDERS IF YOU CANNOT 3 ATTEND. # YOUR ORDER FOR YOU. WE SHALL HOLD AND WITH THESE FRE ROASTED PEANUTS JELLY POWDERS - CHOCOLATE BUDS - RECLEANED SEEDLESS : RAISINS - SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE JEWEL Hallowe'en Pkg. .05 JELLY BEANS - - - Ib. .18 ib. .285 CHOICE PUMPKIN - Tin .10 2.23 37.25 ROLLED OATS 6 ~ 25 SHORTENING Lveily 1 oe 7~ GLASSC0'S STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM =. = 525 * y. y sight, October 29 "PD Be prepared for the HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW DOMINION - BREAD -09c. . FRUITS - GRAPEFRUIT § for 19c. 'ORANGES 252's 21c. doz. COOKING ONIONS 10 Ib. FRESH STALK CELERY 25¢ § cents a bunch 4 Ct... STORES LIMIT a AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE *. Tuesday, Nov. 1--Geo. A. Corner, Raglan, Terms cash, Sale at 1 p.m. : Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. The Port Perry Coal Yard W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleeps Insurance Office. (The firm of Gress & HUMPHREYS Is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gres & HuMpHrEYs is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in JR auandante ance, pt Lo Bg Perry office on afternoons of each Slagend A or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL BURGEON Be North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Offies 68w, Residence 68) ~ DR. A. 8, BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Le ey 62, BROOK LIN Office above Bell Telephone Exchange,

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