Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Oct 1938, p. 5

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i a : ~-SCUCOGC With a sign, STRAND To EEE EE ERE AAR - a ; TE N : As he whispered, "Love be mine" of BROCK THEATRE _ Next Sunday is anniversary at thel "And Til be tine. THEATRE, UXBRIDGE : AY | foot urch. Rev, Albert Bushell of} - Ang their love still stronger grew, THE STORE i WHITBY Epsom will be the speaker for the day It is true; Warm and Comfortable ™ £ and will also assist with the singing] Til their friends, all, not a few Thurs, Fir, Saturday (This Week) | J |¥ b i IN RINGS at the morning service.. There will be + A , Muriel Weeks and Ken Maynard, in bi rh EEE : Telephone 618 BSURID FREE AA 25 3 2g servise.. There w} Took the cue ; H i . : a Scugog quartette. In the evening a| When they heard sweet bells anew, | ¢ : WwW IR gi : NOTE--Every diamond is Ansured. | male quartette f : y 3 : vengin aters [|B ' ¥ 44 Thursday, Fri. ,Sat., October 27-28-29 | Bentley's Jewelry Store. Port Perry. ® Quar rom Bethesda, Come Ringing too, : g ; g . & Men & Plaid Windbr eakers Ly * Lot ow Th 49 220 at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. There will be] With a wedding message true-- A dashing, smashing cow boy thriller, | §i# . y bd 1 show Thursday and Friday, 8.20, no Sunday School on Sunday. Just for two. COMEDY--Andy Clyde in 4 two ¢e WwW WwW % i] Sat. 9.16 Sat. Matinee at 1.30 : The Centre folk are preparing a one} So dear Myrtle and dear -Bruce, CART DONE Ld rt x H od ors, inter eight & ! A JOE E. BROWN in ; ] "| act play "Router for Ruth" to be given We produce ' «ly SHOTS 4 t i 2 i : on November 4th, followed by a social.] With our blessing and induce x ® $4.95 4 ; The Sunday evening song service (Now no excuse) Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 31, Nov. 1-2| 8%) 3 | a io \ ¢ | The GLADIATOR Ha] RE i was most interesting--story of hymns| You accept these gifts from all, Elizabeth Paterson and A i with Man Mountain Dean and : = 3 for every faith and their writers. We Big and small, John Barrymore, in " Rubb M i ' ESTIMATE ON YOUR ROOFING ate Jouking forward to another: such] . As a token of tsteen . ¢ er ats we can June Travia are 10 £3 Soken of ggpocn Night Club Scandal||3 : ; Also Mr. and Mrs. Alton Mark came near| May your lives with sunshine glow in a stirring drama, Also 8 su rubber m i "TIP OFF GIRLS" losing their home and contents on Sat- As you go MUSICAL and POPEYE 3 PP y ats in 2 bo = urday night while in Port Perry. On| Through life's garden, row by row, 0-0-0-0 8 se 1 i d ki { with ir Catlicle. Lied Nolan their return as they neared the home Fast and slow, Thurs., Fri, Sat.,, Nov.3, 4 and 5 ' 3 vera 8 zes an nds. 5 y », HOY ' they noticed it was all lit up, so they] And your days with blessings flow, Gary Cooper, in 5 i Roscoe Karns, Larry Crabbe. hurried to see what was the cause, All aglow, 6 S l at S " ¥ 5 : They found it all ablaze inside. Allie] And your hearts no sadness know ouls a ca 5 FA Ks ' rushed for water and Mrs. Mark called Here below. Saturday--17.30 and 9.30 3 i f Mon., Tues.,, Wed., Oct. 31, Nov, 1-2. the neighbours who quickly came to Mr, and Mrs. Snelgrove will re- 00-00 3 NCY BED COMF ORTERS i First sow at 7. Last complete show help, but not before great damage was | side in Prince Albert, where we all Coming Soon--"FIREFLY" a 3 at 8.20 : SOLD ON done by fire and smoke to clothing and | wish them every happiness and many Jeanette MacDonald. 3 pick one out now for a 3 Biel Dastio SN A 2S YEAR other goods. The whole house will | years together. KEEP IN MIND THE $40 PRIZE | | 8 : aniel Darrieux and Prices this Fall are lower because of Sales have to be redecorated as well as re-| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Russell of Osha-| Dec. 15, Christmas Market Fair Day. i Christmas gift Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.; in Y 32x exemption, Save money by writing taday, paired. If Mr, and Mrs. Mark had |wa were recent visitors of her father] All seats 2 for 25, 12 till midnight i . 5B & : vy Barns and amasw Poul try equip- been a few minutes later returning|Mr. J. Milner. iy Bi ¥ - 'The Rage of P aris ent 4 drsan? 0d Gs Lie, the house and contents would have| Mr. and Mrs. John Grills, Valentia,| ~~ es------- if i yo ; Fastern Steel Products been consumed by flames. visited his sister Mrs. W. Mark one [ripe again! Nearly a cupful of beauti- | | D I & EA E 84 5 . with Mischa Auer ,Helen Broderick. Limited Misses Olive and Ruby Brown were day last week, fully ripened wild berries were picked | J i 'Also PRESTON ONT #4 41 MOMIREAL £.TERGA ID guests of Misses Joyce and Evelyn| Mrs. Britton Love, of Lumsden, here on October 21, i jo "LAW OF THE UNDERWORLD" Reader on Sunday. Back, visited Js, C. Wannamaker i Aliacstiy stork again. Congratula- | I English Cups and Saucers 2§5¢c. § ith Chester Morris, and Anne Shirl Mr. Mrs. C. 1 : oe EK: rs. Geo. Sweetman on Sunday. ions to Mi. and Murs, Byron Hill on i) 5 wit es i Tris, a Mie Shirley ten a o Siig nici ng Mr. and Mrs. J; Demara and son their newly acquired son. id Flower Jugs $1.00 » : * | Glen visited their cousins Mr, and Mrs.| The new young people's gro ot | |52 B " " Mr. and Mrs. B Snel . . peop group m 8 Ry Pease gond nthe "News? | ie. i Me, Bruce Snare vo LL LOY SLL Go ani vin [Beverage Sets 100 | 5 nis n . .. West 1st wosk ail Were weléomad by Sunday. was decided to hold a costume Hallow- | Ji} _-- : i =| about eight relatives and friends at Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick and fam- | e'en party on Monday evening next m 3 Crystal StemWare $4.50 8 a : ily, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader and son |the school house. There will be si He by | the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. |' 5 o six > Those delicious cuts of oi ng All enjoyed aT iu Owen, Li E. Stephenson, Miss Ivah | prizes for costumes. Games, music, | fd Git Cut Glass $1.00 § d t ; ilner, Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice, Kay | spook stories, refreshments and a gen- | § 8 By bil ment purchased at | Niner ani mie tho id nd] Move Je od rie Kola i min ln [i English Fancy Teapot s90. | é Se CAWKER BROS. seem sent from Toronto Osliawa. Port and sons, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearce and | Everybody is invited. A collection i English C P ky Perey) Prive Albert Fd Soagrave Mary attended the 40th wedding anni-| will be taken. Come in costume and || % glis ake Plates 25c¢. i to have it in flavour, Davsiog wag iso Entobed. Then oi versary on Oct. 19th, of Mr, and Murs. win a prize. + Glasbake Pie Plates i Thursday evening the Scugog folk all W, Setzom Mrs. Gimple. A ) ) by . 30e. i - | smthered in 'the Township Hall to cone ir, eq canon, nr. vetlel GREENBANK (| Candy Jar 65c. i Phone your order on the bridal couple. After the gifts Crosier, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, W.,| Mr, and Mrs, W. Boe and Mr, Jas. 3 A now to 29w They were all unwrapped and admired Crosier and Archie, of Manchester,| Baird, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. || §} i > deliver Bruce. iad & suitable speech, as did Miss Pilkey, of Greenbank, were Sun-|John Colleran at Victoria Corners. 3 = 3 : , the bride. . Brute corrected = Httle i guests oz un and Mrs. Samells. Mrs. Harold Cragg, Toronto, with i ° . 3 error in the the following rhyme, and r. an rs. Elmer Sweetman, |her mother Mrs. A. Phoenix, a few || BROS. Port Perry We deliver said it was July instead i. May. This Helen, Marie and Noreen, were visit-| days last week. i PHONE 43 PORT PERRY hy oat was read by Mrs. Elmer Ploughman. ors of her sister Mrs. S. Chandler on| Mr, Robert Well, Niagara Falls, N.| | Sssterns ATI AA EE A A A AA LA OA AS Lf 8 00 0 0 a a i =| To Myrtle and Bruce: iW | Y., called on friends last Saturday. - y - rs. Wm, Littleproud of Elfordville,] Mr. and Mrs. Merritt and son of | xageesisstesiss er I et LTT TT LPL tr Lhe et . I ii Sh <i if: iff aia aililo lille In the merry month of May Alta., who taught school at Marsh Hill | Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Burnett, : PA He BSR : Je RL gh Got oe (shall we say) and Utica as Miss Stella Ackney, was|on Sunday. t 8 YOUR FAMILY 5 BAKER - Bruce went walking one fine day the guest of her friend Mrs. G. Sweet- Mr. and Mrs. C. Pilkey and Mr. and DID YOU KN OW ; by the way; man over the week end. Mrs. T. Sharp were in Stratford for A 5 rd A And while strolling down the street Si __ _ the week end, guests of Mrs. Everett. That our BREAD, BUNS, and CAKES are the most eco- CE ( £ o matter which -- Bread or , Chaneed Lanes . PROSPECT The Young People journeyed to. Mt. nomical? They contain only the best of ingredients; they 5 . o young maiden, pert and neat Zion one evening last weck to give are wholesome; and if asked we will deliver them to your Pastry -- We can supply you with On the street, Sih ] their play, "Forever True" which was home. Why not use Gerrow's Baking exclusively? It pays! th b t b ki : h t ti i As he slowly passed her by, urch service last Sunday after-| , splendidly received here by a I | . € DES axing, on 8 ort notice. In hir eye noon was taken by Rev. Mr. Honey, | rowded Church on Thanksgiving. OUR CONFECTIONERY is always fresh. Boxed and bulk He did catch a twinkling smile who gave a most constructive talk. Tho Friendship Club are holding a goods to suit each individual taste. JEMISON'S BAKERY On the sly. Tae, pale oie was in Bite gn. Pot Luck supper at the home of Mr. . \ Made his heart itter, patt. unday School met as usual after the Mrs. sSe " a , G B h . In a flutter. £0 Piller. paier church service, under the supervision i Russell Rodd mext Friday errow rot ers . i THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY oy hoy my heart does sputter of ds. Bithy Orchard. Ten Sunde warning tie Wa M. 9. p-- LT e did mutter. ere will be no services here next{ are holding the annual autumn Thank PHONE 93, - - PORT PERRY - In the happy month of June-- Sunday on account of Myrtle anniver- | Offering service, EASON IOAN Bi Si SAR TICINO Very soon sary, where services wil Ibe held at 11 B Semen ------y Bruce went riding (not at noon) |a.m. and 7.30 p.m. I SOV. AAT i eo ie owt Wars of cmon | TTI ADIO 0 SALE sm NO HEATING < A In his little green coupe Hospital, spent part of Thursday at | with se Bley will sell for $10.00. RIE a + x Py 1h San : her home here. Miss Verna Niddery poly to John Farmer, Phone 85, Port - Ps i is maiden ey say of Brampton was home for the week | Ferry. OR y Not have a delicious Roast | "rou. ok : j : ; PRs them rode Dan Cupid, Glad to report Mrs, Jas, Barker is THANK YOU . . : o's not stupid. ° able to be up and outside again. We The Board of Stewards of the Utica . ® or Boil for dinner now that the weather So from off their hearts he did wish her a complete and speedy re-| United Church, wish to thank all who IF YOU USE = : 9 . : a, lid; covery, helped in the program of their Church .. . ¢ . [) owed to each a love divine, What do you think--raspberries are | anniversary, making it a real success. r is getting chilly? M.-GREGOR'S READING ANTHRACITE . eid . 8334202583238328 AAR E AAT RARAARRASAAAARRBARAAASSAAXARAAARAASERSASOSEACARARARAAAASSN WASHED FREE FROM DIRT AND DUST ave choice cuts that are sure to satisly « gi 4 ° The "Laundered'" Coal 5 s PHONE 72.R-2 WE DELIVER PORT PERRY|# manent Waving Special 3 Fresh ST. MARY'S CEMENT Always on Hand. PH : 2 @ " also Lime, Hardwood, Plaster, and Tile . i ; to pms A new permanent waving i PORT PERRY COAL YARD oF 4 : : . na : : : + PHONES 94 w, 94] El HIROPRACTOR solution, entirely different to : 1 : o ram" . » -- ED) GE EE) ED) GE GBS a a 34 \ IN PORT PERRY, any other on the market, i a . H . . i 12 SCIENTIFIC FOOT ADJUSTMENT because a new chemical solution i imme i - b o : . o & WW hh ; Tuesday and Saturday 1 to 8 p.m. } is utilized that steams faster i Rd : 1 H o Ny aR : because it penetrates the hair ER IS NDED Re ~ FRED. F. LEWIS | shaft faster. i a cm ennn fon Wi (Above Prentice's Barber Shop--Leonard Block, Port Perry.) i ow Is the bine to ake Poplars finns or Winter. H RN AT e can supp you with-- 2 ERR 1 Week Special, Oct. 31 to Nov. 5 COAL a yy WOOD oS 2 3 : W » 11113titt1tt11120 100000 itt t ttt tt LL 0000 1388238218888 SETAE Et aN ABABA TRAOIPRIORIRRIIIIRE 's DR § $2.00 ; . . / + h «.. | PROTECT YOURSELF ' : WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Le | with Reliable Fire Insurance MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE ll STORM SASH, STORM DOORS FN | : : ; bE Eph feds PORT PERRY Phone 75 EN il SIRS . LRA Place Your Insurance with < LR Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. | PHONE 240 Limited HAROLD W. EMMERSON ; Phone 41 Port Perry

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