Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Oct 1938, p. 8

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ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1988 5 TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY Moore (Mrs. Clifford Ward); Pansy Twigg (Mrs, Roy Croffer); Sophronia Lane (Mrs. Clarence Croxall); Mrs. Fannie Tripp (Mrs, Walter Palmer); Polly Glumm (Mrs. John Dobson); Cynthia Key (Elva McGregor); Dea- con Dubbs (Rev. A. Bushell). It was a difficult matter to make a choice of any particular actor or number, but we do mention the Bethesda Quartet which gave three numbers, The negro spiritual, their second number was very pleasing. The duets, trio and choruses were all very delightful. Mrs. Matthew Bes, as Aunt Della, in the little playlet and Katherine McPuff in "The Last Rehearsal" created much amusement by her Scottish humor and wit. The both plays are such as can be presented either in a church or hall, and any organization desiring enter- tainment would not be disappointed if engaging them. We recommend them very highly. Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Randall, of Toronto, were Sunday guests at the parsonage. Mrs, M. A. Watson, of Toronto, spent part of the past week with her brother Mr. John Quinn. Also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clouster of Rochester, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Quinn. Rev. W. E. and Mrs, Honey were in Whitevale on Sunday evening, when Mr. Honey had charge of the anni- versary service, Mrs. F. Harrison and her mother, Mrs. Gascoyne, of Brooklin, attended the funeral in Toronto of Mrs. Gas- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heron of Wick, |" spent Sunday at Roy Hood's. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and family were visiting at the home of Roy Hood on Sunday. ir ---------- PP. +e MR. AND MRS. WILSON GERROW CELEBRATE THEIR FORTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. On October 19 about 65 friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gerrow to celebrate the occasion of their 40th wedding an- niversary, The bride and groom of forty years received the congratulations and best -- wishes for many more years of wed- jabs ded life from friends and relatives pre- Hh sent from Toronto, Oshawa, Little {or Britain, Enniskillen, Scugog, Reach and Port Perry. During the evening, Mr. Frank Gerrow, his brother's groomsman of 40 years ago, invited the bride and groom to be seated amidst a profusion of flowers and beautiful decorations. Mrs. Howard Bartley then read a suitable address while Mr. Chas. Gerrow, brother of the groom, presented the happy couple with a Rose Aladdin Lamp, the gift of the friends and relatives. Dear Mr, and Mrs, Gerrow,-- This is a time for congratulations. You have reached the fortieth anniversary of your married life. You have won the respect of your friends and neigh- bours, being always willing to lend a helping hand when need arose. We Myrtle Station Sunday School session will be can- celled for next Sunday owing to the anniversary, Last Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Bell, of Blackstock, had charge of the ser- vice here, He read for his lesson part of the 8th chapter of Romans, and preached a splendid sermon from verse 31: "What shall we then say to these things; if God be for us, who shall be against us." Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne and Jerry, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives here, Miss Irene Barker, of Whitby, spent the week end with her father Mr. Jas. Barker. Mus. last Tuesday. Mr, Fred Brown, of Toronto, and Mr. Harold Brown, and Miss Lila Johnson, of Greenbank, visited recent- ly with Mr, and Mrs, D. Duchemin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bowernman of Port Perry, visited with friends in the village last Tuesday. Mrs. A. IL. Ramsay spent a few days of last week with friends in Toronto. The Thank Offering services will be held next Sunday, October 30th, - Rev. W. C. Smith of Courtice, will be the speaker at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. Mrs. Clifford McCartney, of Toronto, will be the soloist at the morning service, while the Misses K. Jeffrey and L. Ploughman, of Port Perry, will sing at the evening service. The church choir will render an anthem at each service. Mr. and Mvs, R. Chisholm were in Battery Radio Bargains $34.95 COMPLETE WITH BATTERIES Jas. Cooper was in Toronto ) 13 Covers Standard Broadoast and Police Bands. Butcher, Baker, D ressmaker, Walnut finished Cabinet, Tone Control, Automatio Volume Cotrol. Uses Air Cell and 2 B Batteries ' Hairdresser, Grocer, Druggist, Doctor . . . and Friends!" Mrs. Watson is merely naming the impor- tant people she reaches hy telephone -- some of 'them every day -- saving endless delays, needless risks and many tiresome journeys. The telephone is so much a part DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA Phones 84 and 744. Toronto on funeral of a niece. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters and Mr. and Mrs. havid Duchemin attend- cd the fowl supper at Pontypool on Monday, attending the coyne's sister, on Friday. The plowing match at the Ransom Farm last week was well attended by Myrtle "people. - Mrs. C. Harrison visited with her daughter Mrs. McCartney, in Brooklin -| event, feel it a privilege to assemble with you here to-night, as friends, for the pur- pose of celebrating this most happy We are reminded that forty years ago you took upon yourself the solemn vows of matrimony and have Open Evenings -BLACKSTOCK FAIR PRIZE LIST of the daily routine that its importance is often overlooked -- until, like Mrs. Watson, "you actually start to check up on what it does for you. The rates for residence telephone service are surprisingly low--only a few cents a day. You really cannot afford to be without a telephone. Monday evening. Last Wednesday evening, those who went to see and hear the Bethesda Coneert Party, received a real thrill of pleasure. The performance was all that has been said of it. The actors played and sang their parts in a charming manner. The colorful and quaint costumes of the ladies, and the moustaches and side whiskers of the gentlemen added much to the act. Those who took part were: sopranos, Martha Jones, (Lillian Ward); Nancy Judd (Mrs. Oswald Croxall); Mrs. Emmeline Trimble (Mrs. A. Bushell); Mrs. Clementine Jones (Mrs. Stanley Ward); Mrs. Angela Glumm (Mrs. L. Ward); Mes. Angela Glumm (Mrs. L. G. Brown); Mrs, Katherine MecPuff, (Mrs. Matthew Bes). Tenors: Theo. Morgon (Corie. Ward); Aavon_Jones, (Clarence Croxall); Professor Street, (Stanley Ward). Bass: Thaddeus Moore (FBwart Blight); Obadiah Me- Puff (Clifford Ward); Leonard Dudley (Matthew Bes); David Riggs (Oswald Croxall). Altos: Mrs. Matilda Judd, (Mrs. Stanley Mills); Mrs. Sally had the blessing of the love and com- panionship of each other, along with your only son, Ernest, a son of whom you may well be proud. Together you have met life's sorrows and trials, to- gether you have enjoyed its blessings. We recall many happy evenings spent in your home, when we have always received a warm welcome. May the years that follow be filled with health and happiness and prosperity. This > ov is the wish of your family and friends. As a slight token of our appreciation PRESENTED WITH SHOWER [we ask you to accept this lamp and On Monday evening last about 80 | trust that you will be spared many friends and neighbours gathered at|years to enjoy its radiance. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Signed, Relatives and Friends. Howsam, of Epsom, to present a mis- Following this ggldress their niece, |G- cellancous shower to Miss Stella | Miss Elizabeth Fralick presented them Ryall, and Mr. Donald Asling in honor | with a lovely basket of gladiolus and of their approaching marriage. A delpheniums, after which their sociable time was spent until ten|nephew, Owen Reader, sang an appro- o'clock when the presentations were priate song "The Same Old Girl." made. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrow responded in a Special -- (half bushel pears) for The address was read by Mr. Gor-' few well chosen words, thanking their | best pint of preserved pears--Bickle don A. Prentice, as follows: friends and- relatives for the honour |& Sons.. Dear Dan and Stella,--We, your [they had bestowed upon them. LADIES' DEPARTMENT friends and neighbors, have gathered] An evening of full enjoyment was Afghan; wool---1 Mrs. W. Webster, on Thursday. Miss Ruth Leach is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Leach. Mr. Laughrin was a visitor to To- ronto last Thursday. Mrs. Roy Spencer and grand- daughter, Marlyn Munn, of Perth, and Mr. Geo. Houston, »f Toronto, were visitors last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock. Set Table Mats, crochet--1 Miss L. Hooper, 2 Mrs," F. Stinson. Buffet Set--1 Mrs, W. Webster, 2 Mrs. W. J, Ruttle. Table Scarf, white linen--1 Mrs, W. R, Stark, 2 Mrs. W, J. Ruttle. Table Scarf, colored linen--1 Mrs. H. C. Kemp, 2 Mrs, Ira Lowe, Cushion, emb.--1 Mrs. H. C, Kemp, | B 2 Mrs, Ira Lowe. 7 Sofa Cushion, quilted--1 Mrs. W. Webster, 2. Mrs. Ira Lowe. Boudoir Pillow -- 1-Mrs;-Ira-Lowe; 2 Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy. Sofa Cushion, wool, crochet or knit --1. Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs. Lowe. Swedish Emb. on a towel--1 Mrs, (continued from last week) FRUITS Mann Apples--1 Ed. Williams, 2 W. G. Werry. Ben Davis Apples--1 W. G. Werry, 2 Bickle & Son, . Talman Sweets--1 W. G, Werty, 2 Bickle & Sons. Starks--1 W..G, Werry, 1 Bickle & Sons, 3 Mrs, N. Green. Kings--1 G. H, Baird, 2 Bickle & Sons. . Wealthy--1_ Bickle & Son, 2 Wes. Campbell, 3 W. G. Werry. St. Lawrence--1 W. G. Werry, 2 Bickle & Sons. ' Alexander--1 Ed. Williams, 2 Wes. Campbell, 3 Bickle & Sons. Colverts--1 W. G. Werry. Greenings--1- Bickle & Sons, 2 Wx 1 Werry, McIntosh--1 W. G, Werry, 2 Bickle & Sons, 8 Carl Wright. Bartlett Peara--1 Cecil Wilson," 2 Wes, Campbell. Sheldon Pears--Bickle & Sons. Coll. Apples--1 W, G. Werry, 2 G. Bickle & Sons, 3 G. H. Baird. CLEARING AT 19%. | Talcums, Creams, Perfumes, Powders. VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP .........."Ten Cakes for 25c. H.C. Kemp, 2 Mrs. Edgar Gibson, COLOATE'S FLOATING SOAP ...."......3 cakes for 1lc. Ys, £8 Haven Mies B, Fallis, | E yams pa SOAP ....3 Salies for 10c. Lowe, 2 Mrs. C. Parry. 3 QUET SOAP, 2 cakes 1lc. { RAT-NIP to clear out therats ..................35¢c tube Ladies' Scarf, crochet or knit -- 1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs, W. J. Ruttle. SELOCHROME ENGLISH FILMS at regular prices and good until October 1940. BO » 2 rs. 1. Tatting on finished article--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. Ira Lowe. : Best labor saving Device--1 Mrs. |} W. J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson: Traycloth--1 Mrs. W. R. Stark, 2 Mrs, Ira Lowe. Nightingale--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. bs ; Pyjama Bag--1 Mrs. Ira Lowe, 2 Mrs. F. Stinson. g °0P> Odo Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 here this evening, to wish you a long, prosperous and happy wedded life. Please accept our congratulations, and we are glad you will be living in realized by everyone present and a service of dainty refreshments was fully partaken of. The remainder of the evening was spent in euchre. 2 Mrs. W. R. Stark. Baby's Bonnet, knit--1 Miss Birdie Fallis, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Butson, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson. Baby's Bonnet, crochet--1 Miss Vv. Pyjama Ladies' Slumber Gafment-- 1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Miss V. Butson. Plain patch on torn garment -- 1 Mrs. G. H. Baird, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson. Ladies' Night Gown, fancy--1 Mes. | W. R. Stark, 2'Mrs. F. Stinson. Ladies' Costume slip -- 1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs, A. S. Harper. Crosstitch on cotton--1 Mrs, W. J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs. H. C. Kemp. i Vanity Set--1 Miss A. Johnston, 21% Baby's Dress, fancy--1 Mrs. W. R. ? ; =e s - Stark, 2 Mrs. G. Forger, - MeN { The fuel burning season is here again. The thought of the Baby's Jacket, knit--1 Miss Falls, Mts W.R. Stark. d--1 Mrs. 0, | householder must turn to the matter of heat. The most 2 Vs, z Supsom, Rt Mee. v0 Kemp, 2 Miss L. Hooper. ahs satisfactory, as well as the most economical way of 'heating, id Sachet, cracks "Braided Floor Mat--1 Mrs. J. Stark, is with prepared sizes of Anthracite Coal. We have in Hand-made Bed Light -- 1 Mrs. G. 2 Mrs, Wes, Campbell. "Blue Coal" a size to suit every purpose, from the smallest Forder, 2 Mrs. F, Stinson, 2 cloth Novelties--1 Mrs. Webster, | heater to the largest furnace. Bedroom Towel, emb.--1 Mrs. Ira rs. Jas, Boe. a - Best article made from flour sack' - 3 Bath Towel, srimmeac-- bs. We le, By girl under 20-1 Kathiean Wright. | C O K EK Mrs. Geo. Forder. Mrs, Ira Lowe, 2 Mrs. W. Webster, | ft furnace size, BODY WOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS. our neighborhood. We hope that you, Stella, will find the community an agreeable place to live in, and we are sure you will renew many friendships that were begun when you were with us before. We also wish to express our pleasure, that you Don, are going to remain with us. With these few words of well-wish- ing, we would like to present you with these gifts, and we hope you find them all very useful, Signed, Friends and Neighbours. The young couple thanked those present for their lovely gifts, and in- vited all to visit them in their new home. After lunch was served, dancing was enjoyed for an hour or so. - Baby's Bootees, knit--1 Miss Birdie Fallis, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson, Baby's Bootees, crochet--1 Mrs. G. Forder, 2 Miss Birdie Fallis SONYA This community was saddened by the passing of Mrs. Donald McLean early on Saturday morning, Oct. 22nd. at her late residence here. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs. Prentice in the recent loss of her father Mr. Kerry, and to Miss McLean who recently lost a brother. A most successful bazaar was held in St. Andrew's Church on October 21. The Ladies' Aid are most grateful to all who helped in any way to make the evening a success, especially to the young people of Scugog for presenting their play entitled: "Truth Takes a Tea Towels, two, hand finished by girl under 20 -- 1 Pearl Wright, 2 Kathleen Wright. Buttonhole on finished garment--1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Miss B, Falls, Coll, Fancy Work--1 Mrs. I. Lowe, er . Bedroom Towel, crochet trim. -- 1 --1 Mrs. Art Reed, 2 Mrs..I, Lowe. Guest Towel--1 Tea Towel, four hand finished--1 8 Ont. in suitable sizes for small ranges and heaters up to mh ar Lowe, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Best article made from a flour sack ' Stark, 2 Mrs. Ira Lowe. a NE MA Toa Le 2| 1 - rs. Ira Lowe, If you prefer Coke, we have Stelco Coke, made in Hamilton,' Bridge Set, emb. -- 1 Mrs. W. R.]| NCL Na Re is Stark, 2 Mrs. W. Webster. vy) ik : A 3 . & Holiday, and to Mrs. Elmer Wallace |2 Mrs. W. Webster. i STOCK JUDGING CONTEST und Miss Doris Wallace who wre. al. |. Child's Play Rempers--1 Miss B. FINE ARTS PROMPT DELIVERY, is Has you r Radio In the Provincial Inter-Club Com-{ways very entertaining. Fallin 2 or onan, 1 Mrs, Ira, Dainting in oil--1 Mrs. W. R. stark, | Jibs petitions which were held in Guelph Lowe, 2 Mrs. W. R. Stark. hy % Mr dL g Kemp lors--1 Mrs, C F. E. REESOR it a OVE on Friday, Ontario County carried off : Gentrepiece, emb., white linen--1 Hill, 2 Mis. H.C. Kempe 7 i G 7? top honours in the Swine project. The A Request to Mea la Jaws, 2 Mee rR, Sark. Pencil Drawing--1 Mrs, H. C. Kemp Phones 73j and 3w vil A ¢ |Ontario County team which was com- ' Mrs, F. Stinson, 2 Miss A. Johnston. |Z Mrs. W. R. Stark, 3g RT; A il posed of Orval Heayn and Fred Subscribers. Centrepiece, knit --1 Mrs. Stinson, Rayon Drawing =a Mis, H.C APE . ristie, represented the Ontario entrepiece, crochet--1 Mrs. Lowe ing on. Wand : i Gs } To0 many hours of playing County Swine Club which was spon-| (ne of the most welcome |2 Mrs. W. Webster, | rh in, HC Komp 3 Whit # 38 | far into the night? Sore d by the Port P Agricul sot : Curtains, hand-made--1 Mrs. Clar-| "pgifiine' on China -- 1 Mrs. H. C ie tubes? Hoarse voice? Then do [gootory. 0 ory Agricultural [visitors to our office to-day is |ence Parr.'2 Mrs. 1G. Kemp, | din 2 Mrs, W. R. Stark, 4 what the doctors do--give your The "Farmer Trophy" goes to On- the sushcriber who comes In 2 Mrs Fl Stincon. Mrs, W. J. Ruttle,) "Reed Work---1 Miss L. Hooper, | ° NE radio a complete 'check up". It 4000 County is offered for annuat to pay his subscription. He is | Ladies" Smock--1 Mrs, W. J. Ruttle,| PLANTS AND FLOWERS of includes adjusting the little competition and is donated by the|i8 the man who keeps the|2 Mrs. W. Webster. 58 things that get out of order, | upper" Magasine, This Trophy] wheels moving: (This applies | Montioe: 5 See a Forherr® In Bf duct. of Aster --1 Mss, Jas. Bos, y ¥ th 4 : * fi . Gu . . A. S. , * 178 leaning the Dore and Hs) goes to the team making the highest|to the ladies too.) ; R Kjis en sapien, Paint Mrs, W. J. B Bougiet of: Dahliase] Mrs. James ji 8 ) : uttle s8 ooper, oe, ss L. Hooper, . . are needed. The cost is smalf, | #87eBate score in the competition. In the thirty -one years of | "Knitted Sox--1 Mrs W. J. Ruttle, 2! Bouquet of Salapiglossis--1 Mrs, F, service which this paper has|Mrs. Ira Lowe. | Stinson, We are expert "radio doctors". We use only guaranteed parts and General Electric Radiotrons, Call us today for a complete radio check up. ND-25 Knitted Mitts, mens--1 Miss Viola Butson, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson, Luncheon Cloth and Serviettes -- 1 Mrs, Ira Lowe, 2 Mrs, W, R. Stark. Pillow- Cases, emb.--1 Mrs. Lowe, 2 Mrs, W. Webster, - Pillow Cases, lace trim.--1 Miss V, Butson, 2 H. C. Kemp. Patchwork guilt wool--1 Mrs, Ira Lowe, 2 Mrs, F, Stinson. Pieced Quits, cotton--1 Mrs. Lowe, ebster are lowest Vegetables ~~ SPECIAL-- Florida Oranges are now in A ------ PORT PERRY Bouquet of Gladiolus--1 Mrs. Jas. |$ Boe, 2 Mrs. W, Websteér. 3 : Coll. Cut 'Flowers -- 1 Miss Jean Wright, 2 Mrs. W. Webster. Best arranged high basket--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs, W. Webster. S _ Best arranged low basket--1 Mrs, W. Webster, 2 Mrs, Jas. Boe. 2 Bougliet Annual Phlox--1 Mrs. Jas, Boe, 2 Mrs. G, H. Baird. Bouquet of Snapdragon--1 Misa J. Wright, 2 Mrs: Jas: Boe. 8 - Bouquet Zinnias--1 Miss J. Wright, |#f Mrs. Jas, Boe. Hea Cee TH Bouquet Petunias--1 Miss Wright, MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ball, Toronto, spent Sunday at Sam Hood's. Mr. Wilmot Swanick has accepted a position with the Provincial Paper Co, at Port Arthur. Mrs, Sandy Gray and William Car- negie, of Leaskdale, spent Thursday of last week at their homes here. Mr. Anson Swanick spent Sunday with Frank Real at Pinedale. We are sorry to report that Mr. J. Davidson, who is teaching at Honey. dale, is indisposed with a severe cold. given to this community, we have seldom needed prompt payment of subscriptions and other small accounts so much as that payment is needed right now. The $1.50 owed by one in- Mrs, W, dividual is not a large sum, |? : > ilt . H. C. y bo When multiplied any 2 ae Ww febeer 1 Mrs Be Kero times, the amount makes a Bedspread, emb, ~ 1 rs. W. 3 Stark, 2 Mrs, F, Stinson. 2 Mrs. W, A, VanCamp., ; the difference between our Comforter, down tilled--1 Miss L.! Bouquet Nastortime1 Mrs A. S. ability to pay or remain in 0 Hooper, Harper, 2 Mrs, Jas. Boe debt, Please look at the label. TUBE ELECTRIC RADIO FOR SALE, $5.00. Call John Farmer Phone 85, Port Perry, Ont. ; : SEVEN : Ah | Comforter, wool filled--1 Mrs, Ira™ Bouquet Pansies--1 Miss J. Wright, Lowe, 2 Mrs, W. Webster. 2 Mrs, Percy VanCamp, HE

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