Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1939, p. 5

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wv al SSN SR AATE "BROCK THEATRE ' WHITBY Telephone 618. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MARCH 16-17-18 Two shows, at 9 and 7 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 BOB BURNS, in" + 'The Arkansas Traveller "with Fay. Bainter, "John Teal, = Irvin 8. Cobb, Jean Parker. ADDED--AIl New Edition of The March of Time featuring "THE REFUGEE" Nid Monday, Torte and Wednesday, MARCH 20-21-22 First. Show at 7. Last complete show at 8.20 p.m. Paris Honeymoon with Bing Crosby, Franciska Gaal, Akim Tamiroff, Shirley Ross. -- Also an Added Attraction -- == HI] po = fie Secondibland. Radios FARMER RADIO, PORT PERRY ir LL AT. ; .on its back ? BX that we mean, does it sound terrible? If so, : \ new General Electric Radio- trons. Likely they will put your radio back on its again. At the same time, let us go.cver SCOTT AMAZING of Eman, |r scarvae Pp pan WITH 4 CYCLE ENGINE INSTALLED restore its original pep. Get a check up today. The cost is small. We are experts and '3 New Models ¥ George (Brien, in Arizona Legion MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley attend- ed the funeral of a relative in Oshawa on Moyday. Miss Elsie' Smith was confined to her bed for a few days during the week with the "flu", consequently the school children had: a holiday. Mr. Robt. Duff, who has been in poor health for some time, is still not progressing very rapidly towards re- covery. Rev. M, Irvin of Whitby assisted 3 Rev.. Mr. Honey at Manchester and Prospect _ on Sunday, Owing to - weather and'road conditions, the ser- vices here and at- Raglan were with drawn. - Rev. Mr, Irwin spoke in the interests of Temperance, with present day conditions this is a subject that every one should be more interested in. The Sunday School here was not large- ly attended owing to. the blinding storm but those who braved the ele- ments Were well repaid for their et- fort, as the lesson discusion was very) practical-and helpful. _ In:the rush and ~ turmoil of life people are neglecting} prayer that was the means-of Peter's miraculous escape from prison. Mr. W. S. Parks, who was reported _to be critically ill last week with pneumonia, is much improved. Nurse Jordon of Ashburn and Dr. McKinney of Brooklin, are in attendance. . Mrs." Frank Schell visited Mrs. T. Costello, of Whitby, on Friday. Mrs, Slaughter, of Toronto, has been with her sister Mrs. Parks during. the illness of Mr. Parks. Mr. Will Quinn of Whitby, has been _visiting his brother Mr. J. Quinn. "Mrs. Robt. Hoar of Toronto, visited her father and other friends here last week, ; Mr. E. E. Mole attended the jury-of Royal Visit use onl ranteed parts and ay icko Sun us te in Hleceic Redictrons, $1 60 60 mi les : --no3s----F ------1-ON'ONE GALLON -- & OF GASOLINE Write today for special folder FARMER RADIO The J. C. Scott Co., Limited Phone 85 Port Perry 108 RIVER ST. TORONTO, CAN, T See ra CR AN TE ee 'TiiE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home very da: through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR aa International Daily Newspaher - It records tor you the world's clean, constrictive doings. The Monitor dos not exploit cima or siast'on; neither does it Ignore them, but deals coriectively vill thew. Featurci for busy men and all the . Weelly Mogazine €xction = ele WS SE famiy, Including ES The Christian By e soglishy One, Norway | Eosion, "Paces Ags? pipe Picase SAF ir sabe silon 10° The Christian Science Monitor for 8 perio $C.L0 3 months $3.00 1 month 41.00 veer 512,00 e no: Wednesday iecue, inclrdir Magazine Esction: 1 year $2.60, 6 {ssués 286 \ PLL Rt, Ch AP face cacncsnncnnccas - 4 Address tt TC Tl SEI SOR -- $ § i; Snpl¢ 5 on Request Sormemas PRR RRR EIRP Te - SEAGRAVE "The wind she blow a hurricane And then she blow some rhore." - It has snowed and blowed so much that this correspondent has beén snowed under for a couple of weeks with very little news in sight." -- The Womeh's Association met at the parsonage on Wednesday, March 8th, The West and North Group were in charge of the' meeting, and' had plan- ned a very interesting afternoon. Plans were made for the oyster supper to be put on Friday evening, March 117th in. zonnection avith the nictuye, "The" Hidden Harvest" sponsored by our wide-awake merchant, WV, Crosier, in co-operation with the Purina Mills. A large crowd is expected so be on hand at 6 o'clock sharp as the oysters are extra special. We "guess" they were. raised on Purina products, but not quite certain of this. Considing the roads and weather conditions a fair crowd assembled for the sale of Herb. Eagleson's stock and implements on March 9th. "A number of the ladies of the community also gathered, particularly those of the South Group of the W.A. The women entertained themselves hooking mats and enjoying a friendly visit. ~The rugs are to be sold and the money is to Chelp-swell-the--funds--of the Women's 'Association, Sympathy is extended to Mr, -and Mrs. A, Bruce 'in the death of their aunt Mrs. George Cox (Elizabeth Mec- Kee), of Stouffville. Miss Ruby. McCoy has completed a course at the Domestic Service Train- ing 'School at Preston, with high honours, and has accepted a position in Oshawa. We congratulate her on her success and wish her good luck in the future. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. R. Rodd, formerly Elva Holdershaw, and wish her a speedy recovery. Co SCUGOG The play have been put on by Utica talent, has been postponed from March 17th, until the road get better. "The Head folk 'are going to Raglan next Thursday, the 23rd, the give their play "Truth Takes a- Holiday". We hope the roads and weather are good. "Where's Grandma?" tof, RAGLAN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ormiston, of Toronto, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mvs. Irwin Ormiston. . Miss Ethel Bright is spending a féw days in Toronto. Wg are sorry to hear that Mrs. E. Tummonds is confined to her bed" un- der the care of Dr, Baldwin. Her [many friends wish her a Fpeedy re- covery. Mr. Meredith MéKee, iMardieston spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Evans, : _Members of the Sunshine. Circle were entertained on 'Saturday after. noon at the home of Misses Jean and Marion Davidson. The president, Doris Bryant, presided over the meet- ing which opened with a hymn and the Lord's prayer. The Scripture les- son was read by Edna Evans," The tol Call was answered by a health hint. A short program consisted of a reading by Mildred Johns, piano selec- tion by Edna Evang and Marion David- son. Sunshine bags were distributed to members for the month of March. Several items of business were dis- cussed. The meeting was clofed with a hymn and prayer. The remainder of the afternoon was pleasantly spent in games and. contests. Mrs. David= son and daughters served a tasty me RED & WHITE sore WALLPAPER SAMPLE BOOKS We have one for YOu. in 4 100. per Roll, and. up. 0 0 Pr Te eltol,' Sy Congoleum, Rugs, discontinued patterns, at 'a saving over regular prices. Rexfelt Floor Covering, 25¢. sq. yd. NEW SPRING DRESSES IN A PLEASING ASSORTMENT 98c. to $1.25 i Suntested. Papers RMR AER ON hth MN a M ¥ \ Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston of Bow- manville, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery on Sunday evening. Mrs? Isaac Patterson and little son Irwin, of Oshawa, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dring. - Mrs. J. Latimer visited relatives in Toronto the early part ofsthe week. Misses Doris and Daisy Bryant eh- tertained a number of their friends at a dance on ¥riday evening at the home of Mr. and Mys. Bruce Bright. An enjoyable evening was spent and the ladies served refreshments. - My. and Mrs. I. Cox, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilberton of Whitby, spent Sunday with their parents Mr, and Mrs. John Wilson. -Mr. Cayl Avery, who was. in the Oshawa Hospital again for further treatment has returned home." Mrs. E.Reeson is. visiting relatives in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson, of Prince Albert, spent Tuesday with the = latter's mother. | a A. Miller. 4 [3 I i 12 = EPSOM {i Ton¢hiedn and received early vote [Jl : * ¥ --p wre dealin] Ripe wo VenetianWindow Shades, 55c. 8q. ft. Wabasso Tubfast Prints, 20c., 25¢., 29c. BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERS Boys' and Men's Sleeveless $1.00. zipper $2.00, 1 Men's Pullover Men's Coat, zipper $2.98, ' Quaker Flour, 98 Ibs. Five Roses Flour, 24 Ibs. $2.29 Seedless Raisins 10c. Ib., Oranges 2 d. 280. F. W. BROCK & SON -PHONE- 43 Business will be Stimulated this Year by the . . - ~~ cases the judge was _presented with a the Supreme .Court at Whitby on Monday. As there were no criminal pair of white gloves, and there was only one jury case, they were dismis- sed early in the afternoon. --Mr.-and Mrs; John-Quinn-attended | oe funeral of a very close friend and "But, like all other business, it will bring best profits to the man who can _| print quilt from small pieces; Mrs. R. "| mitting." The Women's Association held its St---Patrick's--supper--last-- Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.- Aldred, with a good attendance. The meeting opened with Mrs. Carter in the chair. Mrs. O. Jeffrey read the Scripture. lesson which was followed by the Secretary's report. Mrs. J. Joblin gave a reading about a mother their eight children to give away, and which they could not do. Miss Lois Jeffrey gave n recitation "Don't Be Late". Mrs. Geo. Samells. then gave a splendid missionary talk from the Study Book. = This was folloived by three demonstrations: "Mrs. Hope, -a Carter, 8 wool filled satin comforter; Mrs Mo Mcbaren; wa targe-hookedrug:| Mrs. O. Jeffrey has charge of the Study Book, Mrs. E. Fines and Mrs. M. Fralick, for the next meeting. A Pot Luck Supper . will be held on March 24th, weather and road per- "Abide With Me" and the Mizpah B liction,--just-as the call came-for 3 'cently purchased. and father trying to choose which of | |___ My. Stanley Chester,-of Peterbore "Thé meeting closed with]. Mr. Jewett, of 'Toronto, is moving | to the McKercher farm, which he re- Mr. and Mrs. Hooper and family of Greenbank, and Mr. and Mrs. Luke of Sandford, were recent visitors with their mother, Mrs. Pascoe Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squeleh and son Alan, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mur. and Mrs. Christie. - Mr. and Mrs. Timms, and family, have moved to, their new home at Brown's Hill. We hope they will car- ry with them many pleasant memories of the two years they lived in the 6th concession. We wish them every suc- cess in their new home. The Women's Association "held a quilting on Wednesday afternoon the 8th of March, at the parsonage. ° . WE DELIVER PHONE 32 PORT PERRY - "ents we can purchase Its sliced, and we ask you to try it. Gerrow Bros, Port Perry who has been ill with flu, is spending a. week iwth his sister. Mrs. Ackney. Miss. Hartford of Oshawa, is spend- ing a few days with friends in the village. Mr. Fred Ackney of Toronto, spent the week end with his family. Mr; and Mrs. J. Todd of Claremont, when they + -- Hospital on Sunday, and reports her w ~<" illness. lifelong acquaintance, Mrs: "Mr. Jack Kirkham visited his wife who is a patient in the Oshawa Gen. to be able' to come home the latter part of the week. GREENBANK After spending the winter at his home here, Mr. Geo. Real, left on Wednesday of last week for Saskatch- ewan. * Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Leask visiting at the home of Mr. Fred Dure, at Victoria Corners, last Saturday. Mrs. Phoenix and Jean -and Miss A. J. Phoenix," went to Toronto on Tuesday for a few days. Miss Edith Cragg of Brock, at Mr. "Theo. gg's on Monday, - Since Writing last week, death has .entered our village and claimed two of its residents, Mr. Emmerson who passed away on Friday morning. terment was made at Starville ceme- ery on Monday, Mr. James Innes ed on Tuesday morning, after a short He has been a resident of this community for 'over: fifty years, .and was widely known in this part of the County. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved families. Dave t= McDonald, of Brooklin, on Saturday..{" In-|. supply the goods, and keeps the people posted as to the goods he can ©, supply. This Office can provide two excellent means of informing the public as to. the goods you can supply-- . Advertising in the "ST AR" All kinds of Posters, etc. - Both at very Fesuhatls Dries. .|couple of weeks supper--hot meat pies, cakes and filled pies along with other dainties. The tables were decorated in héhour of St. Patrick who had the place of honor in the centre of the table, with hi? sweetheart by his side. The hostesses were Mrs. Aldred, Mrs. R. Henders, Mrs. Geo. Samells, Mrs. C.. Samells and Miss Ivah Milner. The pet deer was a special attraction. Proceeds $7.80. Ei Mr. Sterie Romanick oh visiting in Enniskillen for a few days. Mr. Mike Romanick is spending a with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. H, Long and son Donald spent the 'week end .with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope. Mrs. R. Carter is vishing her of weeks, The Head Commie Club will be held on March, 2¥ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reader. Many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs, O, Jeffrey on their wed. ding anniversary on March 7th, and to Mr. and Mra. J. Aldred on Match 14th. Listen for the sound of wedding v bells next week. | sisters at Highiana Creek for.a couple }- moved to the Hope Farm in the Gth Concession last Thursday. is a sister of Mrs. Ivan Geer. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Todd to our community. i Friends- in the community will be sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Medland, who passed away at her "Mrs. Todd Many say they get a new kind of comfort and warmth Famous, Reading Anthracite--the Dirt and Dust free, use our "Laundered" Coal. New Kind of 'WINTER COMFORT 690. __-- New Loaf, made "from the very best ingr edi- §- @ it burns hotter, ' Phones 94w and 94] home in Whitevale recently. Mrs. Medland will be remembered by many friends in this district. Mrs. Ivan Geer, Dorothy. and Bert, | spent Thursday in Epsom. | "Rev. A. Bushell Utica on Monday calling on some of the sick folk. -Service at Epsom United Church on Sunday evening, March. 10th, at 7 p.m. Rev. Albert Bushell in charge. Sun. Sa at the usual hour. h The man went to the insurance office to have his life insured. "Do you drive?" asked the agent. "No," said the applicant. "Do you ride a bus?" . "No." "Do you fly?" "NJ. "ho my "Sorry, sit" snapped tho, agent Too Great a Risk ATF GET READY for SPRING Winter will linger for a while, but. Spring is coming. Now is the the time to plan necessary "repairs and new building. CALL ON US. We shall be pleased to provide _ Plans and Estimates for your needs. . ® 'Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 curtly, "we don't insure pedestrians," IR ST _Phone_Your Orders _to__ ELE NE . PORT PERRY COAL YARD Ww. G. W. PYATT longer, steadier. Try a ton. - COKE -- HARDWOOD -- HARD SLABS H SOET SLABS ~ CEMENT

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