Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Mar 1939, p. 3

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I Weather Affects Human System There Is A Definite Relation ship Between Disease Epi- demics And Weather Chang- es. 3 The difect 'effect of weather in producing diseases In man is usual ly obscured by a variety of fac- tors' which are blamed, for--belng the original cause of tho disurders; Prof, Bernhard de _ Rudder, of Frankfort, reported to the conven. tion ot the Soclety.s of Natural Bcelentists and Personal, Pbyslclans in Berlin, The direct effects range «from the well known weather pains to the seasonal incidence of a varfety of epidemic diseases and the geo- graphical distribution of physical disorders, i i Individuals Affected Differently A particular weather change can 'produce a variety of effects in a group of individuals, The most generalized effect, he sald, Is found «In the sympathetic nervous system, How the Individual reacts depends on his individual condition, The factor in the weather that seems »- to-be-responsiblo is_the change in EE T a Sunday School Lesson LESSON XIII PETER INTERPRETS CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS AND DEATH . 1 Peter 1:17.23; 2:20-25 Golden Text.--Christ also suf- fered: for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteousuess, that he might bring. vs to God, I Pet: 3:18, 17. And it ye call on him as Father, Of cqurse this his re- ference to prayer,,and to prayer as engaged in by Christians Who - without respect-of persons." "To have respect of persons," ie. "to be. paftfal" to one. Judgeth according to each man's work, The Father will judge our work not according to our "great achievements, nor according to - results as the world estimates re- sults, but according to our faith- fulness in the task he assigns us in proportion to the ability which he has given us. Pass the time of your sojourning. In fear. While "Father" expresses love, we should remember that we are not only to love God, but to fear God, as the or * another. | . ae EU Ep While making a visit to Earl's Court exhibition hall in London, it Was. only natural that the King should avirce great interest in a huge map of Canada on display there, the vapor content of the alr. To Be King's Orderlies g Constable Coughlin . Sergeant Hugh Williams, of Sas. katoon, will be in charge of the" party of four R.C.M.P. orficers, se- lected to be personal orderlies to "the King when His Majesty visits -- Canada-this May. Constable James . Coughlin, instructor in jujutsi and boxing at the R.C.M.P. training depot in Regina, will -also -be-a- member of the party, the principal duty of which will be -to keep overly enthusiastic persons from _ getting too close to their majes- Tord--Jesus--Christ--ta 12:6); and both can certainly ex- ist in this life in the same heart when speaking of our relationship to God. t ight {1 uke Our Fedewtion ". 18. Knowing that ye were. re- 'deemed. The primary meaning of the tei.) "redeemed" is to de- liver from slavery, or captivity under the power of enchiics, by the payment of a ransom. The two ideas of ransom and sacrifice pass into each other. What was effected by the ancient sacrifice was the removal of a-threatening penalty. A man was considered a captive or pisoner to a divine re- teibution if 'this was not rendered. . In the death of Christ his blood is thus a ransom, and the atonement accomplished by him is a redemp- tion. Not with corruptible things, with silver or 'gold. From "your vain manner of life handed. down, from "your fathers. The apostle ~|* Peter is probably referring to the emptiness of the life of pagan people in the Roman world, before they were redeemeds by the Lord Jesus Christ. 19. But with precious blood, as 'of a lamb, Without blemish and spot, even the blood of Christ . blood that makes atonement for the--soul--b use--the-blood repre. In the Scériptures it is always the ¢ route-to-be-taken by his majest Here he is seen with Hon, Vincent Massey, Canadian high commissioner to London, as they go over the proposed y's entourage during its Canadian visit ~ with a fork, or Modern : Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1,--Is it permissible for a guest to use his own fork or spoon té help himself from some dish? 2.--Should a girl of sixteen of- fer her seat in a street car or bus to a man of fifty who is standing? 8.--Should one ask permission of the one referred to, when fur- - 'nishing a reference? -- When a young -- man" hay been introduced to a girl, would -it-be in right for him. to say, "I. am' pleased to meet you"? 5--When a single man is invit- ed for dinner to the home of mar- ried friends, should he take the hostess a box of candies or flow- bid b.--1Is it all right to yse seal- ing wax on the envelope -of a §0- cial or a business letter? ANSWERS No. [If the dish does not con- tain a fork or spoon, it is an in- dicationr that whatever is on it is to be taken with the fingers. It is rather grotesque to see a guest trying. to spear a stalk\ of celery dish out potato chips with a spoon. 2. It is not necessary, unless the man seems this summer. Mr. Massey is pointing at one of the iat to be visited, Humble Turnip Goes Highbrow Canadian Product Is A Real Delicacy To Our Southern Neighbors -- They Call It "Rutabaga" Canadians habitually regard the turnip, even when it is offered for sale with its seal-coat of wax, as rather.:a. despised root, says the Brockville Recorder and and we have scen some people-ex- fered from the night of his be- * trayal_to the hour of his death on 26:47----27: the cross. (see Matt. "50). - 24, -Who his own self bare our sins in his body. Christ bore pur sins" in his body we do not mean to indicate in any way that Christ was -sinful, but that: he took to himself all our" sins, and therefore took our place 33 a sinner, and bore the penalty for those sins. Upon the tree. That we, having died unto sins, might live unto righteousness. -- By Times, * By saying that - press indignation when it was pre- sented to them at the table and wave it away with an Imprecation. But our-humblo turnip {3 a real delicacy to many of 'our interna- tional neighbdrs who prizé it high- ly and who, apparently unable to grow it as we grow it, buy ft by the carload each year. They call the turnip a "rutabaga™ and some restaurants in the South feature it on their menus as we would fea. ture an exofic fruit imported from a tropical clime. Western Ontario" seems "to have captured the bulk of this turnip export trade, and the counties of Middlesex, Huron; Perth, Oxford, Waterloo and Wellington have - been profitting- from it for years. Now Bruce county is beginning to develop a similar trade with the country to the south and +t is ex- - pected that from that new district pi id 300 carloads . will be shipped to tho United States be- - foro the waxing, season is ended." | Broom' Corn - growing of broom corn, a product feeble or ill, or is cariying a baby. 2. Yes; one should always ask for vermisdion of the individual whose nam: is given as reference. 4. No. Such phrases as "I am pleased to micet you" and "I am glad to make your acquaintance" are not in good taste. The accepted ack- nowledgment is "How do you do?" 6. This is a thoughtful: thing to do, particularly if the: man is not in position to return the invita- tion. ¢, Tt is all vight to use it on a social letter, but not on a busi- ness letter. #4 A A Profitable Crop 'Added to the already great ac- tivity in tobacco growing in the Strathroy (Ont.) district, ~ local farmers have, during the last few weeks, "been contracting for the that is entirely new for that area, | It is claimed that the district is ideal for the growing of broom. RADIO sents life, and in sacrifice blood --ficed, in other words, death. - The blood of Christ is-worth an it is sinless blood, the only-sinless blood this world has ever known. 20. Who was: foreknewn indeed before the foundation of the world. Nothing that God under- 'takes is the result of some sudden decision on his part; he knows all things from the beginning, and he knows from the beginning what_he is going to .do throughout all the" ages, .. But was manifested at the end of the times for your sake. Peter speaks of the time of our Lord's _ appearing as-at the "end of the times," by which he probably means the end of the long Jewish | dispensation, which _ was - then _ brought to a close. ~ 21. Who through him are be- lievers. in God, that raised him _from _the. dead, and. gave him = glory; so that your faith-and Tipe might be in God. Love For One Another 22, Seeing ye have purified your ~ uls in your obedience to the BLAS "hat 18 needed to prevent (he curring "butter surplusses, ~~ alleged breach.of Rromise.. 7. Butter Prices Will Increase Rise Is Expected Before May 1 'Huge Surplus Of The Pro- duct At Present Time, By: Belief that the matter of the de- pressed price of butter in Eastern Ontario wlll be corrected by May 1, is expressed by Allan C. Fraser, secretary and manager of the Na- tional Dalry Council of Canada, "The situation created by sur- plus butter at the present time {s_ difficult, Surplus butter over-hang- ing:the market {s held very largely by speculatdrs, but (t is expected that fn the ordinary course of events, the butter will move out before May -1,-and- the situation * will assume Its normal course; Would Prevent Repetition "The dairy industry is endeavor. Ang to develop an advisory commit. $06 which would operate in co-op- eration with Federal Government authorities to prevent as far as pos- aible a. repetition of what has oc- curred this year. The Industry feels that the dissemination of facts with proper evidence on. the unbalanced conditions which arise from time to time, is probably all L ied Michael Warren, , Jockey, brought suit in Dublin, "Ireland, implies life. given up, life sacri- . ipfinite price, first of -all, because whose stripes ye wre healed. 25. For ye were going astray like sheep. But ave now returned unto the Shepherd. The word "shepherd" includes all that Christ does for our my care, - feeding, instruclion, guidance, government. And Bishop of your souls. The word here translated "bishop" refers fundament mally to "an overseer. +00 > The BOOK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDY FOR THE GARDEN LOVER Now that the season has advanc- ed far enough to permit the gard- --ener's-interest-to-range beyond the seed catalogue stage, we begin to _think of planting things and doing something about the garden, fn a _ "| big way, Musson's have just brought out two new books, very instructive as well as attractive, that will tell you just "about .everything. you want to know. "Canadlan Home "A ND AMOS" 'N' ANDY ~. In moving from NBC to. Colum- hia on April 3, Amos and Andy have-now been heard on every- major network on this continent, They have beer broadcasting for the past eleven years, undoubted- ly creating a record in radio. They must have made all" these moves for the puipose of seeking new audiences, something broad- casters have to do no matter how popular they are. It {3 a question now of what the--blackface team will do following the Columbia stint, which, after all, must end sometime. WIII they go back to Mutual and. start the rounds again? eel) - , TRAVELLING PROGRAMS The latest and most expensive "~hobby- to be taken-up by broadcast- ers, is that of the travelllng pro- "gram. - So far the circuit has just included Hollywood and New York, with occasional Chicago stop-overs. Rudy Vallee, primé radlo origin. NE WS By MADGE ARCHER |8 p.m., CBC, , , March 24, NOTES | so far has just made use of twee way conversations between the filin capital and Broadway. --0 -- Mutual will continue *3 practice ol streamlining grand opera by condensing each work into an lour's performance. "Faust" will be so treated on Apfil 24; at 10.30, pa. Henry Weber, .who directs, cuts out unnecessary action, putg' the work into English and brings - the language up to date. Dramalle passages are spoken, but the chiaf musical numbers remain fntact. TO BE HEARD-- March 23, Tune Up Time, Grace Moore, guest, 10 ~:p.m., CBS. . . Calgary Symphony, Grand =National Steeplechase from BBU about 10 am.; Dp. Stldger, "Sing ing in the Storm", 11:46 a.m., NBC. CBC, CRC; Campbell Playhouse, 9 pm. CBS... Match 25 Bruno Walter conducting NBC Symphony in Beethoven's 1st Symphony, and music by Corelll, Mason and Rich- Miss Trent's Children-8:30--| A ---- corn, which in other districts has produced crops ranging from $50 to $76 per acre and in some cases reaching the $100 mark. - The growers are guaranteed at least $356 per acre for the poorest of crops. ' When his automobile dived over a cliff of deep Chania River gorge of Kenya County, and stuck on & ledge, 80 feet below, M. Maloney ascertained that the machine was lodged fast, then went to sleep in it until morning. - By William Ferguson 1S BELIEVED TO HAVE THE MCT - VIALLABLE FLIR "Nn THE WORLD | Thus Curious WoRLD GERMANY, WORDS OF FOREIGN DERIVATION ARE TO BE CHANGED TO TEUTONIC FORMS, IN ORDER, TO PURIEY THE. LANGUAGE. / FOR, EXAMPLE. THE WORD "RELATVITAETS THEOR/IE" (THEORY OF RELATIVITY) "WILL BE CHANGED TO YBEZUEGLICHKEITSAN = SCHAUUNGSGESETZ. ORAWN ACROSS THE POINTS OF THE.CRESCENT MOON ALWAYS IS PERPENDICLLAR TO -A LINE ORAWN FROM THE. MOON TO THE SUN. -- COPA 1337 37 NEA SERVICE INC _ 8-3 . ONLY a pitiful remnant of the once glorious ranks of sca- otters Is left today The coastline of the west, from California to, Kam. - chatka, was the home of millions of these animals, but their fur was too beautiful. In 1785 a sea-otter fur sold' for seven dollars Today, when they can be had at all, they command prices of sev cral thousand dollars apiece. "NEXT: Which is farther west, Nome, Alaska, or Honolulu? | Creator of Crusoe 1 HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Purzle 11 And. truth. The instrument by which this work of purification is to be accomplished is found in "obedi- ence to the truth", the truth standing here for the sum and substance of the refelation. of: Goil in Christ. Unto unfeigned love of the brethren, love one another from the heart fervently. So oft- en people who are supposedly' holy in life seem to be aloof from common humanity, to be cold and' indifferent to life about them, in such a way that no one is ever conscious of any love in - their hearts. How important real love is in winning others-to the Lord! 23. Having been begotten again, not -of corruptible seed, but, of incorruptible, through the word of God, which liveth and abideth. As the first creation was through him, 80 is the new creation, 20. For what glory is It, if, when ye sin, and are buffeted for it, ye shall take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. Any one who does evil should expect to be "spunished for it, and in patiently. bearing. such. punishment there is - nothing in which one might glory. Follow Christ's Steps ° 21. For hereunto were ye call- ed: because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22, who did no sin, neither was "when he was reviled, reviled not ened not; but committed himself to him that 'judgeth righteously. The particular. expenences to against Mrs, Moureen Dunne for which the apostle Peter here te- r absolutely nothing to be proud of, . i guile found-in his mouth: 23, who, | Gardening the Year 'Round" deals with the subject "in all Its branches, indoors and ont---fruits, flowers and vegetables; lawns, roseg, shrubbery, beds and borders. "Gardening as a Hobby" has excel- . lent charts and photographs, uses tables to. supply the reader at a glance with information on plant. ing methods for annuals, peren- nials, roses, bulbs and lawns. Here in quickly avallable form, Is the necessary data. about grafting, fer- tilizers, cold frames, insects, plant" diseases and the like. "Canadian Home Gardening The Year 'Round" by A. B, Cutting, B.S.A,, and "Gardening as a Hobby" by A. W. Edminster, . . Toronto: Musson Book Co... $2,00 and $1.76. ator, wag onc of the first to start shuttling back and forth, The latest travellers were Charlie Mc- Carthy and his Chase and Sanborn company, who have just spent two weeks In New York and will return 7| to their home studlos in Iolly wood on Sunday, March 26. This trip is their first -venture, Bob Bench-.- ley will move hig show to Holly- wood on April 3... Lawrence Tibbet spent the winter commuting back and forth to appear on the "Circle" in Hollywood and at the same time had to keep his scheduled appoint- ments with the. Met. in New: York. Rudy Vallee is back In Hollywood for eight weeks. - Jack Benny has been: back and forth this year, as has Fred Allen, "Tune Up Time" 4+ 'ard Strauss. March 26, Meétropott- tan Auditions finals, 5 p.m. NBC; -The World Today, 6.20 p.m, CBC; Charlie McCarthy back. in Holly- _wood, 8 p.m, NBC and CBC... Exchange producer from BBC Lance Slevking's production, "No. 29834, Alrman Harry Hawks", 9 p.m, CBC. , , March 27, Firestone Hour with Richard Crooks, 8.30 pf, NBC... Trus or False, tour- ing quiz program, 10 p.m., NBC , March™ 28, Streamlined version . "lolanthe", 8 p.m, NBC ... Doc Rockwell's Brain Trust from NEC or Toronto Symphony, CBS, 9.30 p.m, , , March 29, Paul Whiteman's Concert, 8,30 p.m, CBS... Edgar "A. Guest, "It Can Be Done" 10.30 p.m, CBS, ~~ - 1,LTM Bo) -- 16 His ship-----"" wrote the a I LT CIEIMARIBILE wrecked sail- - story of AN iL ALICE or character" - ae N LJ is still Sabinson + Ie IAT WIMIAINI AIGIE ID [MARBLE] 10 Crusor's Lo FIER AlL' companion. 12 A wise answer [EC] CIOMB] 21 Nay. 15 Approxi- . JA S AlG( 24 Measure of mately JTHEDI[1 SIO[N|SIMO| area. 14 Inclosed field. [£]M D/EIOBMCIHIAISITIE [N} 26 Beret. 15 Fountain. M (0) RI11D] 28 You. ._ - 17 Small insect. E T EBL [1 [DO], 20 Legal rules. 18 Grazed. _ [RiTIAETIO PIA PIE! 30 Footlike part, - 20 Cuckoo. NIKI IN TININ]JE[R[S] 32 Glass bottle. 22 Northeast. a 34 Merriment. . 23 Gibbon. cards: fame with 36 Unexpected. 25 To shed 48 Dutch adventure 38 Showed feathers. measure. stories (pL). mercy to. . 27 Regal. po Toilet hor: VERTICAL bi Saran In. airy. i avin iy Pry of. a for publi- ~~ 1To accomplish 42 person. "yoo. cation, 2Circle-part. 44 Organ of 33 Epochs.._ 52 To clothe. 3 Tobacco heating. 35 You and me. 3 Small island. aden tube i Zest, " or. . ll ind 57 7 Reverence. statue. 50 Note in: oe. 39 Shoemakers' 58 vg prop- ne 4) Ednale sheep, tools. erty. « ose who arley 40 South America 60 2000 pounds. letter. ~ spikelet... 41 Substitute. 61 His native 7 Crazy. 53 Ye. --43To-slander--- land. > 8Tree. ~~ 55Being. 45 Merry. 62 This popular 9 Carésses. : 57 Lava. 46 To apportion Lm won 10.0pposite of in 59 Street. fi Eo BN © 2 14 - 7 ; novo 21 2 : 25 i de. |. Ja REG'LAR FELLERS--The-Right Answer Px By. GENE BYRNES THAT LOOKS LIKE A } TICKET, TO SOMETHIN, AN' I SAW IT FOIST/ --againy-when-he suffered; threat" | fers are those which our Lord suf- ' (7 157 Look ADMIT ONE THEATRE / WHAT IT SAYS = 0 THE InScaseRo YOU'RE QUT OF 1S ALL OF LUCK MY BoY/ THAT TICKET TEN YEARS OLD/ ON ACCOUNTA I WASNT EVEN oj Gera Byres 8UT IT WOULD'N' OF DONE ME ANY GOOD TO.FIND IT TEN YEARS AGO, LUAU NAR oh ered s i BE

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