Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Mar 1939, p. 4

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Port. Parry. Miss' Margaret Hayes was home from Toronto for the week-erd. \ Mr. C. C, Jeffrey has been on the sick list for about a week. We. wish him a speedy recovery. Mr, Arthur Prentice is having the interior of, his barber "shop Ye-deto, 'rated.' © Mr: Geviae Heusler, of Toponto, WAS -----a reeent-visitor in-town.-- rr Miss Annabell Baird, of Toronto, was home for the week end. We afte sorry to hear Mr. Dave Hen- "shaw is on the sick list. Quite a number of Port Perryians not mentioned seem to be either re- covering from illness or taking ill these days. Miss Luella Jeffrey, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey. Mr. and Murs. Gordon Jeffrey and daughter Donna Marie, dieic Sunday in Oshawa. Mrs. Gordon Perry and son n Duane, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove. Mr. and Mrs. city on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ruddy visited Mrs. Ruddy's parents in Seagrave on Sunday. Mr. John Hayden, we are. sorry to report is on the sick list. Hdape you will soon be better, John! ' Mann motored to the We are glad to see Mr. Frank Al-{- dred is able to be up again after his recent illness. The Cooking School in the United Church on the 28th of March seems to be the topic of the day with the ladies of the town. 'Mr. LI. C. Rasberry, of i Toronto, visited friends in town last week. ~ Mr. G. Gillespie of Peterboro visit- "ed friends in town on Monday. Mr. J. Heavey, of Toronto, visited friends in town last week. It's good to hear that Mr. Glen Owen is 'making a speedy recovery. Mr. Tom Hayden is on the sick list. Our wish is for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Orr Browne is reported on the sick list. We hope to see her around agerin soon, Mr. Ross Cockburn and daughter ~~ Jean of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. |" J. C. Cockburn. Mr. J. C. Cockburn was in Toronto for a couple of days last week. . Glen Collacutt with wife and Ee have been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Collacutt. Glen ~ has a good practice at New Liskeard and likes it very well up there. Glad to seo Mr. Archie Crosier, of the Bank of Commerce staff back to work again after his recent illness, Woe are sorry to hear that Mr. Cliff Wakeford is on the sick list. 'The. W. A. of the Church of the Ascension held their monthly 1aeeting: Tuesday at Cricklewood Lodge. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth was in Osha- --wa--on--Tuesday night where he ad- dressed Temple Masonic Lodge, on Irish History. - It was the occesion of their Irish Night. He was accom: panied by Messrs. S. Farmer, A. Brock and G. R. Davey. DIED PETTITT---Suddenly, on Scugog Is- land, on Sunday, March 19th, 1939, Christopher Pettitt, in his 78th year. IN MEMORIAM HEAYN--In loving memory of George Heayn, who died March\26th, 1933, oh . Calm and peaceful be is sleeping, -~ Sweetest rest that follows pain, e who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in God to meet again, a Ever remembered by open "Wife and Family. IN MEMORIAM MEDD-In loving memory of Jennie, wife of John Medd and mother of 'Rae, Ola, and Dorothy, who departid- this life, March 28, 1989. Husband and children. | Glee Club--"Dear Land of Home" -- '| address, and added considerably to the | from Myrtle, giving them the cham- St. Patrick's Supper very fair attendance at the St. Pat. rick's supper and concert but on by St. John's Presbyterian Church in Port Perry.. The supper was all that could be desired--good cooking, excellently served. The concert was given by the Whitby Glée Club under thé leader. ship of Mrs. Vernon Rowe. The pro-| gramme, an outline of which here follows, was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Rowe, shows real musical skill in conducting this choir -- of --forty voices. Particularly pleasing was th harmony of "Old Black Joe" and the! swing of "We Sail the Ocean' Blue" by Gilbét and Sullivan. 'This choir will always be welcomed in Port Perry. el -- The Programme Glee Club -- "Come Thou Almighty King." Solo--Mrs. Melville. Reading--Murs., Wells Solo--Harry Short Glee Club--"Gipsy Maid" Solo--Mrs. Melville, Glee Club--"0ld Black Joe" and "We Sail the Ocean Bue.' : Piano Sclection--Dpuglas Astley. Solo--Harry Short Reading--Mrs, - Wells, Glee Club--"Now the Day is Over" Rev. Robt. Simpson presided. eS -- -- ---- ~~ MEMBER FOR BOYS" PARLIA- MENT SPEAKS IN UNITED CHURCH On Sunday evening last, Ivan Dusty, member for Ontario South, in the Boys' Parliament, spoke in his own home church. The first part of the address was given to a description of the set up of the Boys' Parliament which is held Hamilton, and in Toronto. During Christmas week of 1038 the Boys' Parliament was held in Em- manuel College, ard Victoria College also served the boys. tion was provided in Burwash Hall, and the men's residence of Vittoria -}and Emmanuel Colieges,-- The latter part of his fine speech was devoted to the aims and purposes of the Parliament, not only in pro- moting Trail- Rangers and Tuxis Boys' work but also Sunday School and Church work, whose ultimafe end-is a Christian citizenship, our day. 'tion of the effort made by the speaker were heard at the close of the service. Yet a teen-age boy, he spoke for thirty minutes naturally, intelligently and sincerely. He left no doubt in the minds of his hearers that he had spent his time to good advantage, and had caught a real vision by his association with 80 other boys .from all over Ontario. Floyd Hughes and Fred Densham sang an appropriate duet following the effectiveness of a good service. In spite of bad roads there was a G alternately in McMaster University, Accommoda- | informed andf. nurtured. in the truth that makes: it{. able to meet the complex- problems of | Numerous expressions of Appiesis - Jk a THEATRE ™ PEE OSHAWA Digs AIR-C ONDITIONED re ------------ pe ---- Thurdsay, Friday, Saturday. MARCH 28-24-25 Gunga Din Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Ee a LISD SE NESE EL EAE ST. JOHN'S . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rey. R, Simpson, Mister, Sunday School at 2 pm. - Public Srorebip at 7 p.m, Everybody welcome. _ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION :_ Rector; Rev: J. C. Clough, Sunday, March 26th ' 8 p.m.--Sunday School. ; bs -- + an-epie-of sublime heroism: _Added=-Disney Cartoon "SOCIETY DOG SHOW" "REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45, p.m. "WAKE UP AND LIVE" Stdrring Walter Winchell, Ben Bernie. Monday, Tues:;, MARCH 27-28 Hotel Imperial Starring Isa Miranda, and Ray Milland ~~ Wed., Thursday, MARCH 29-30 Don Ameche, The Ritz Bros., in ~The Three Musketeers With. ~ Binnie Barnes, Gloria Stuart. " By Popular Demand: Return engagement of SNOW WHITE . "and the Seven a MARCH 31 and APRI McDONALD. MOTORS ~ Port Perry, Ont. Phones: ~~ Garage 74. Residence 286 NOTICE 1938 taxes on lands in this municipal- ity will be returned to the County Treasurer on. April Tth, next, in ac- A nt Act, and that on and after Rural Hockey Some good fun has been enjoyed in the Rural Hockey games at Port Perry this winter. There was no town team; but each of the following five teams were allowed to select -two players from Port Perry: Myrtle, Greenbank, Scugog, Honeydaleé, Blackstock. - In the semi-final draw Greenbank and Scugog played, and Myrtle drew a bye. Greenbank won the game from Scugog, and then in the final on Monday night, Greenbank won pionship of the League. . Port Perry Lions The next meeting of the Port Perry Lions Club will be held on Friday evening 'Mar. 31st. rr -------- OP Pe ee "BORN - : BALLINGALL ~~ At Port. Perry Hospital, on March 18th, 1039, to Mr. and Mrs, YUohn Balliagall, of Caesarea, a baby boy--James Oliver, MacMASTER---A% Port Perry Hos- pital, on March 17th, to Mr, and Mrs, that date all payments on account of 'such arrears will" be required to be -made- to --said County Treasurer at Whitby. i License fees, overdue "for more than six months, at April 7th, will be handed to the solicitor for the muni- ~Lcipality, tobe collected-according to law, and as ordered by By-law No. 983 of the municipality. G. F. MANNING, Municipal Clerk tT FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR ROOFING mar23 Bros Hams" facie = Products Lonited D, C. MacMaster, oi Guelph, a sonr_| _| 1938 taxes on lands in this municipal- "|'said County Treasurer at Whitby. | work wiTH A LARGE MANU- is hereby given that all-arrears ot]. - cordance with the provisions of the 3 Notice is further given that arrears| of Business taxes, Water rates, and "Tp. --Evellsong and Sermon. Sunday, April 2nd, Palm Sunday. 11 a.m--Holy Communion and sermon, . § + 8 p.m.--Sunday School. Good Friday, April 7th, 11.80 to 1.80 -- Morning Prayer and Good Friday Meditation. Sunday, April 9th. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 9.80. a.m.--Holy Communion 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong.and Sermon. < PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunddy School. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth will speak on Lenten themes at both services. "done at reasonable rates. __Phone 144j, Port Perry. . PUWEBIRD FREE ASAINST -Note-- Every diamond is insured, Bentle Ya Jewelry Store Port Perry NOTICE is hereby given that all arrears of ity will be returned to the County Treasurer on May 1st, next, in accord- ance with the provisions of the Assess- ment Act, and that on and after that date all payments on account of such arrears will be required to be made to CLEARING OUT ALL WORK SHIRTS AT COST Flannels aud Doeskins in Me's sizes only. Mostly winter shirts, but also a few Summer Shirts in the lot. Priced as follows: Doeskins 90¢c. Flannels 75c. Summer Shirts 60c. SPECIAL NOTE Now is the time to have that HARNESS REPAIRED and OILED: W. E. WEBSTER Beatty Store : Port Perry RENN NN J * FOR SALE : Ice fetiigerator in good condition. Used only short time. Apply Dr, Lundy, Phone 68J, Port Perry. / WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, use Rumacaps -- their Two-Way Action attacks the cause. Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of publicly thanking the many neighbours and kind friendswho were so good tous; lending nruch valuable assistance ana sympathy during the illness and pass- ing of our beloved husbafid and father. . Mrs. Geo. Emmérson and family 'OYSTER SUPPER Watch for bills of Oyster Supper to be held ata Manchestery Wednesday, March 29th, under the auspices of the Women's Association of the United Church, followed by a|good program. A play given by a number of High School students, "Ici on Parle Fran- cais" (Here ene. Speaks French); also a good musical program. DON'T FORGET MARCH 28th. «Come and enjoy an afternoen with Mrs. Aitkin, cooking expert, in the Port Perryy United Church besement at 2.30 p.m. Refreshments served. Admission 25c. Bring a 'friend with you. -- . GEO. TILL, Tax Collector, Township of Reach. MEN! HERE IS GOOD. PAYING FACTURING CONCERN OF 200 daily- necessities used in every home. Sure and quick repeaters. No ex- if active, and permanent business cer- tain if persevering. Investigate dur Plan at once. CATALOGUE FREE. FAMILEX CO, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. ) v perience needed. - Good-pay every day |- Regal and Coral Lilies . EACH, POSTPAID TEN GENTS. :- Seed and Nursery Circular. JAMES' SEEDS, LINDSAY, ONT. "Oh, about-$8,000 a year. wd "And the football coach?" "About $12,000 a year." "Quite a difference." "Well, did you ever hear of 60,000 people cheering a Greek recitation?" LAWRENCE'S Drug Store -- 3 (You Can Save with Bafety at Your Rexall Store.) MISTOL NOSE DROPS, 35¢. and 75¢" NUJOL-OlL rasan 29C., 49¢;, BY. RIGA RUSSIAN OIL, (quart).. 89¢ NORVALL'S IRON and YEAST Ks ABLETS -...oioo0naien, »49¢c. FROSST'S 21] TABLETS' © 35¢, 75¢, and $1.50 FROSST! id NE 0 CHEMICAL FOOD -$1.15 and $2.45" SATA i ~39e. and 69c. NEW LOW PRICE [| Daggett & Ramsdell's COLD CREAM. 2 CLEANSING CREAM 8 VANISHING 'CREAM b 2 ounce Jar \ 4 ounce Jar . A. M. LAWRENCE Ea PHONE 6 o Rexall sor PORT PERRY EE EE TT ES Lt IS A NECESSITY-- vou CAN GET THE BEST ti gd -PORT PERRY PHONE 72-R-2 WE DELIVER ARR a Rasher ~~ ~~ BERT: MacGREGOR"S + --Provefor yourself: asover100,000 Canadian iver ave already pro that 'blue coal' gives the highest "available standard of "heating value and satisfaction. . Let us send you a ton -- Phone NOW F. E. REESOR Phones 73] and 73w PORT PERRY blue coal' "A 4 THE: 'MODERN! FUEL FOR SOLID iCOMFOR ... FOR SALE Brantford + self-oiling windmill, in good_candition. Apply to Webster Bros., R.R.2 Port Perry, or lee. 119 r 1-2, "TwisRoved "Seed Barley LT RR, ed) Gl PANE RaEIRERERERERADRAR "BB > 8. faim Bn TO BE PUT OUT ON CONTRACT--| -- = 2 a NOW AVAILABLE AT MYRTLE ; FOR SALE OR FOR RENT a ELEVATOR. BOOK ORDERS FOR} 89 acre farm, lot 5, 2nd concession - . go SPRING SOWING. | of "Reach, brick house, bank barn, ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent for | driving shed, large cistern, drilled » SPECIAL! HAND PICKED WHITE a ST H. Jaen to well, plowing done. School on corner i BEANS ci -. ot of farm, Apply to Robert Mole, Ux- ol - bridge RE. 4, SPECIAL! KRAFT VELVEETA . CH ESE PLAIN OR 16 Ra My r tle Elevator z my WARES hi) Be PIMIENTO. Pkg. EF | 5--Brooklin-8817 1m reer eer eT 4 L Port-Perry 120-5 Brooklin 3317 -- | (The rm of Greer & Humphrers dlsolved.) . WAFERS nally 1S EL phir W. 8. GREER a - Phos. 4 I] "mm SPECIAL! GINGER SNAP -- " 2E om a a ia ag Farpig 290 -68.. oT « BISCUITS - 3-.2§5 . on we by ena, a SPECIAL! HEINZ COOKED n Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 C NI - 2%.26 =» : --a R SPECI PE oS Ld at {The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) | : ». nm. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS : FANCY RICE - *.06 : | FIA BRAY | fuse Siset Nort, Osha. : Five 5 | EE THIEKS | oe 5 « FRY'S COCOA '.19 7 RT a rg a - - ot Week or by appointment, g a BE ANS WITH PORK 2 2X m Order Bray Chicks now, and be Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 ™ SPECIAL! DOMINO [] icky hin egg prices climb < 2 i = SOAP FLAKES BP ou || noe pres DR. J. B. LUNDY ™ ] prompt deliv on + DENTAL SURGEON . ALWAYS RELIABLE # = ice above Bell Telephone Exch : : . «0XYDOL i 23 CORN SYRUP %* 38 . WALLAG E MARLOW North Side Queen Street; port Perry. 'm TENDERLEAF BLACK Via TENDERLEAF BLACK - ~ [ |] _BLAGKSTOCK, ONTARIO ial 0c ibis Reimer 4 |m - We 28 = RAS i DR. A 8. BLACK | w= CHOICE FRUITS -------- ha San ster | LSRINARIAN and SURGEON '. [] 8 ary Corps. Three yéars as assistant with 2 ghgs nil 9. py dc gg ei » ENTAL SURGEON English and Scoteh V oa Surgeons. - . Oranges, 252's 17¢. doz. oh, yr ® am. to6 pm. |Phoue 62 BROOKLIN ~~ Ontarlo ' : Sy WIR . petairs, over Slee : a' Lettuce 2 for 15¢. : * Tarancs ite. a Er ; "- oq . : a Grapefruit ~~ 6for 25c. TI "ol Trl 8 HARDING'S - Spaciel Yotues iecting from March 22 Sw Siren 2yen. ; n . "80 Cents __Upstairs, over_Jemison's Bakery - ACID TREATMENT SUITS CLEANED|J tr wit spate Dry Cleaned $1.00 h , Lumbago, ' C. P. ROLPH Ask MORRISON: the druggist "about it. Kidney Troubles, Neurifis.. .

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