Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Mar 1939, p. 8

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1 cents to ight cents a gallon means this: - i = + Taxes Now éd- Gas Tux : y - , (excluding per Week op : | wr . license) After i 1, 1939 Se per Car tr 10,000 miles® per year...ooooeeee. $33.33 | $44 $11.11 $ .85 15,000 miles® per year....cooeveee 49.98 66.66 16.66 1.28 © «20,000 miles* per year....c.o ieee 64.66 88.88 22.22 1.70 * (18 miles per gallon) " = pe © The average car owner is not a rich man. He does not-drive a new car. Out of 582, 212 passenger car J ust "complete their croquinole_parties as Duke of W GASOL cents to eight cents per gallon. mre . 34 | LL PR The Proposed Increase "of 334% in \ INE "TAXATION : ' T IS proposed by the Government of the Province of Ontario to iifcrease the: tax on gasoline from six This increase, if made effective, means that the average motorist, driving 10,000 miles in a year and getting 18 miles to the gallon 'out of his car will pay over $10 ad- ditional to the gasoline tax of $33.33 which he is now. paying. Figure it out for yourself. From six ay HAROLD W. KMMERSON Phone a, LEY Phone 93, Port Perry, | PROTECT YOURSELF | | with Reliable Fire Insurance | Place Your Insurance with Port Perry YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY The Provincial Revenue was..oveveeeess 'The Provincial Taxation on gasoline.... registrations in' "Ontario in 1938 birt 48,561. were new cars. Yet the automobile owner is the most heavily taxed man in the community. In 1936 he was already contributing 30% of the provincial revenue. Here - i are the figures for 1936 and 1937, the latest official figures from the Government. 1936 . 19s 1938 $90,321,896 $99, 838, 595 - 116,049,857 17 ,644,164 *818,318,171 asoline ' * This figure is based upon the percentage increase in consumption, which percentage figure was obtained gov ernment sources. t CG Ga ig with license fees in 1936, this TAX represents 309% of t $4,000,000. ie Provincial Revenue. from BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE For acute and chronic bronchitis, A year round tonic and acid stomach. For Coughs and Colds 40c. and 78s. bottle. i i NYAL'S WHITE PINE AND TAR €OMPOUND- For relief of coughs, colds and hoarseness. | 'WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL 26c¢., 50c. $1.00 ASK US ABOUT HARDING' S' ACID TREATMENT for relief from Arthritis, Neuritia, Sciatica, Lumbage bretttttitttstttttttstsstssettesstsetitititiitd The March meeting of the W. A. was Held on March 9th at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Evans. There were 25 members and visitors present. The President, Mrs. Roy Crapper took charge of the ing and conducted . the business. It was decided to draw by lot for the hostesses for each meet- ing. The three groups were urged to soon as possible, so that there might be a competition between the final group: winners, . It was decided to purchase two dozen red covered coples |. of the "New Hymnary" for congrega- tional use, The tea towel shower brought in 16 pieces embroidered with the name of the church. Mrs. L. G Brown and Miss Newman were ap- pointed auditors for 1989. The mest: . ing voted $60 to the church stewards] for the present year in two payments, June and December, Mrs, 8, Mills, leader of the Central group took charge of the devotional and literary. program. Mrs. J. Dpb- son read "The Musical Tragedy of the The_stor re. vealed his Jove for the violln "Which he h h nagging of foolish relatives who want- ed him to b 'a great soldi A humorous half hour was enjoyed in "The Adventures of Peter Coddles". Lunch was served by Mrs. Cook Ashenhurst, Miss Elva MacGregor, Mrs. Ralph Veitch. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. MeGrégor, dnd will be_in charge of the West Group, when Mrs. Clarenee Croxall will give] a report of her visit to the W.M.S. Presbyterial held in Toronto. Mrs. E. J. Holtby has been visiting in Toronto and Concord. - Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Real, . Greenbank, spent Friday with Mr. i Mrs. W. F. Walker. '. Rév. W. E. Honey 'continued his sirih of sermons' on {The Apostles Creed". of Sunderland, were recent guest at the former's home. Miss Marion and Mrs, "Jack Holtby spent Sunday in Toronto. oT Mr. and Mrs," F.Langmaid; and-Mrs: deberatdly b burned on account of the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks and: son, | vifitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F." Walker. Don't for get the Oyster Supper at the Hall on March 29th. Miss Thompson, who spent the past two months in Brighton, is now with her brother, Mr. W. F. Thompson. Myrtle Station "The fair weather which prevailed| early Sunday afternoon brought out a good attendance to Sunday School. The storm in the evening prevented] many from aftending church servige. We. have been, very unfortunately, the vietims of three bad snow storms on 1 sy Sunday evenings which made it riecessary to cancel the services. Bu Spring has arrived and old man winter with his blizzards 'and snow will soon have to give way to the South. wind and Sunshine. "We venture to say 'that it will not be done graclously! = The hot meat and potato ple supper last. Wednesday evening under the 'auspices. of the Women's Association was a fair success, The weather in | couraging tothe members, but_the Sunnge in the aftemoon raised their | the A. Langmald, FE orbitws, were restnt the forenoon was anything: but ens hopes for a good evening, and savoury odours could have been smelled' in their homes, denoting the preparation] of meat -pies, cakes' and other good things for the forth coming supper. From 6.30 p.m. the hungry ones filed in umtil all had answered the clamor- ous call of craving appitites. Then followed* & happy evening spent at tables with croquinole boards. There are several very. skillful players in our community, "and those looking on witnessed some very : clever mian- geuvres on the part of the players. Mrs, Jack Kirkham, who has been confined in Oshawa Hospital for the past three weeks was able to he brought home on Saturday. , We hope she may soon be quite recovered. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Auld, Mr, and Mrs.' A. E. Bonetta and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bonetta, all of Oshawa, were week end. visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stacey. Mr, and Mrs. C.. Harrison, Mrs. Long 'also Mr) John Varcoe and Miss Mary Martin, of Brooklin, enjoyed a motor trip to Toronto, 'on Friday. ~~ Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. J. 'E. Beacock in the loss of their tints Jaden, Lac ba Tai i wife of ughed, who passed away at her home in-Lindsay on Sat- urday last, Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Honey of To- ronto, spent the week end with Rev. W. E. Honey and Mrs. Honey. Mrs, Geo. Holliday and Mrs. D. Luery were visitors to Oshawa on Thursday. Mr. Victor ~ Mitchell of Toronto, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Luther Mitchell. * ~~ Mrs; Perry, of Toronto; visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Oldenburg, | | and her mother Mrs. Todd 3 Mrs. L. Cassidy of Brooklin, visited| with friends 'on Sunday afternoon. = | Mrs. Hervey Painter and June, also]. Miss Grace Lynde, spent the week end with' Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Masters. - Rev. W. E. Honey and Mrs, Honey were present at the Auxiliary meeting || ~~ of the Woman's Missionary Society, which was held at the home of Miss Dolly Rees, at Manchester, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, : Mr, - Mitchell, Baptist student at Port Perry, was the guest speaker and brought a very. interesting. Message to those present. Mr, William 'Parks is, progressing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Jordon \ SN you may wish to have n-eharge. hogs 15 thie yrse {n charge. 1stittttittitsttssestetttesssittsitey Teserer Since the motorist already bears 30%; of the Ath burden of the Province, it is manifestly unfair to ; } BOXED STATIONERY, Regular 80c. FOR 29c. ¢ increase the burden. or co . d : . oo : ig ~/ Provincial Revenue from the PTI of Motor an ~ Morrison' 8 Drug 'Store y Vehicles, Ontario, 1936: ) Tr. "PORT PERRY mile ad Paid by the public in Gasoline Taxation, sees . $16,049,857 - ore one 16 = Paid by the public in Literuoh, ete.. veesssseess 11,144,956 } | a = co $27,194,813 . = - Spent by the Government in Highway Conatisiciinn and Maintenance: . : i R + (All Provincial: Dipernditurea). a teres sevicaseeses $9,419,509 vr . : : 20 WE Nu 5 __ Interest-und Sinking Funds.vreevervrrereereess-- 13,630,543 ~ When selecting a Roast or Steak the ; - $23,050,052 "first consideration should be quality. i Dlverted. cou ureseteirsuinininritninensnsntieens '$ 4,144,761 4 - Our motto has always been "Not how . In 1936 money collected for highway maintenance was being diverted from this purpose to the extent of : C. E---- 2 : : 3 There is not available from official Governnient "sources Experi on Roads, Interest and Sinking - SE "Cawker Bice: B But chers = Fund charges, etc. subsequent to 1936. . AE - i, i Se MAPLE LEAF 'PORT PERRY ~ Phone 29W 1 It is now proposed to secure an' additional $6,000,000 from the motorists of the Province through an | ndorsiset. Si TR BR a * increase in the gasoline tax from six to eight cents per gallon. While the motorist, as a citizen, has } ie eos been willing to assist the Government in Prien of administration, a limit must be &et tothe burden 1 : imposed. upon him. 3 | pie p ra If you, as a car owner, are content to assume the added burden represented by a 2-cent increase in the : : The Place to Buy . - gasoline tax, there' is nothing you need do. Your silence will be interpreted as consent. J i RE If you are not content, and wish to place yourself on record to that effect in the only quarter where: your : OR ANGES i "objection will carry weight, call at your regular service station, whether it bea 3 A station or any other, i $a 3 % and. ask for a card 'which has been distributed for your convenience. :: ims i GRAPEFRUIT : sign it, fill in your 2sens, and leave it with the station attendant. ; N : fsa Br Si TN dt Eid Fr . : SI 3 LE 1 PYG, : Issued as a service to the Motorists of Ontario 24 : 'RHUB ARB : : . i hy the oy i RE ved SOREL || MANY aly PA) : 5 ea 1 Heel 2 Ce "and Other gore Fruits 8 HH oe * British American 0il Companys Limited P eel Bean and Vegetables ~~} ¥ Cp 7 FI EEE "WE DELIVER. Phone 208 § 5 Sevres nsiee Have Your | PRINTING : ~_/Done at the ~ PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE Satisfactory Work Prompt Delivery Reasonable ] Prices hay We shall be plepsed to quote : priced on any' pr inti one ¥ one, : % «i

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