Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Mar 1939, p. 2

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a. Proud Father Swipes Truck Police Licutenant Richard Swift reported the theft of a United "States mail truck the other day in Niagara Falls, N. Y.--not for the mail it con- tained, but as ¢. vehicle for a new father to carry news of the arrival of a daughter, the post office loading platform. Five minutes luter it" was dis- covered, stalled, with the proud father trying to%start. it. "He thought it was an empty 'truck and he horrowed it to drive to his parents' home and tell them the good news," Swift said. . Salada Tea Sends Plowmen To British Isles Fine Offer Gladly Accepted By Ontario Plowmen's Ass'n. At the recent annual meeting of Tho Ontarlo Plowmen's Associa- tion held in Toronto, Salada Tea h "Company promised to make a sub iF «© stantlal contribution towarfds the [ . 'promotion _of horse-plowing in this Ri province--and in fact all Canada. . In Ontario County and Branch { competitions each leading horse 1 Plowman will be given a $10 cash prize and the privilege of compet. dig in a special event in the Inter- national Plowing Match to be held this year at Brockville, « The Grand Champion and runner upp at Brockville will be awarded a gold and silver medal respee- tively and will both be sent to the Ojd Land in com 1y with a man' ager to compete th the best in the British Js! In addition to the first and sec: ond izes at tne International Plowing Mateh-- Salad iving twelve other cash awa ranging from $25.00 to $5.00, This friendly gesture to the for mers of Canada shoutd be preat rews to every plowtan in the Jand. 1,500 Sudetens Will Settle. In Canada Eight Hundred Gerri Famil- ies. Cut Adrift By Hitler's wer'Phe truck. disappeared from 1. BOILED KETTLE WITH 'OLD CRUTCHES Once Used, Them Because Of Rheumatism He 'was not wrong, either--this man who concluded that he would not need his crutches again, Writ- ing of his experiences, § SAYS i-- "For five years I suffered { began to think my case hopeless I also had a bad stomach, and 1 rarely had a meal without my food 1+ xepeating on me, One day friend told me to try Kruschen Salts. So I bought a boftle and gave it a trial, "After some time I was able to enjoy a good meal and. to walk more freely, One morning 1 got up and lit the fire, and my mother thought 1 was crazy, because 1 sawed my old crutches up - and boiled the kettle. for coffce with them. That was six years ago, and I am now back at my old job as a chef."-----H.A.B. Do you realize what causes a good deal of rheumatism? Nothing ut sharp-edged uric acid crystals which form. as the result of slug- gish eliminating organs, Kruschen Salts can always be counted upon crystals to clear those from the sysfem, painful _ribly from [higumatie pains, an i an old ° What Science * ls Doing * CAUSE OF EPILEPSY Scientists are close to the threshold of - learning the exact causes of the dread malady, epi- lepsy, the disease once ascribéd to visitations of the devil, By use of ine it has been discovered that cpilepsy is marked by abornmal- ities in the *'electric" rhythin of the brain cells, ~ The Washing also has énablés investigatots "predict convul- sions ia A a day ahead, and thus make peparation pos- sible," REMOVE SUICIDE IMPULSES A new operation for correcting extreme men upsets which cause many shicides is described by Dr. J. G." Lyerly of Jackson- ville, Fla. Dr. Lyerly explained that he makes two holes in the skull, just above and in front of the ears. Then by gradually cutting through _ the brain covering he reaches the an electrorencephalograph--mach-- nerve fibre of the brain running from the pre-frontal lobes which direct activity of the rest of the brain by electral "nerve impulses. Many and sometimes most of these fibres are cut, thus interrupting the electoral circuits, Then the brain covering is sewed together, + the bone plugs are replaced in the skull and' the scalp stitched over. MEASURE LIGHT VELOCITY A Harvard scientist has rigze a speedometer to measure velocity _Jin, the neighborhood of 184, 000 miles a second. It's the Tatést ap paratus for. "the first completely automatic measurement" of the .. Yelocity of light. PNEUMONIA CURE FOUND Sulfapryidine, a new drug dis- covered in Great Britain last spring, 'has been used successful- iy to fight pneumonia, . The dread _ killer is now declared by the medi- cal profession to he "licked". All patients respond rapidly to the drug irrespective of the type of pneumonia present, a report says. Compacts shaped like a tele- phone dial are a craze in Paris, the "places for letters and num- hers having men's initials or tele- phone numbers, ~ Canada's Maple Sugar Industry Is Booming This Spring Np - : a - --. + -- good fortune Sor-our Canadian -maple-sugar-industry, LEFT, to bring the maple sap from the tree to t ap is 'now boiled and poured into moulds, RIGHT, to form bricks of sugar which break easily, do not The SUB r ean also be ground into icing sugar which w ill stay in attain rock-hard quality, and do not mottle. loose granules, - Last autumn's storm which did sich tremendous damage to maple trees in the eastern: United States means Herc we see pipe lines used at modern maple sugar fac=--|- he boiling house. In these modern sanitary tones vakia. to Establish Homes Here. 2} Five ati. EH families of for mer German Socialists and Demo- vrats, "cut adrift from their homes "by Chancellor Hitler's annexation of Czecho-Slovakia have received permission from Ottawa to estab- lish a village of their own in Can- ada. The Czecho-Slovak and British governments have the approximately 1,500 people-to emigrate to the Dominion. They will be led by two former mem- Annexation Of Czecho-Slo-. arranged for: "1 ulong- sufficiently +to-- then firm the soil with a heavy roller or pounder. x REMOVE WEEDS - Unless the ground has been thoroughly cultivated and then allowed to lie idle the year before there is bound to be a good deal of weed seed in the soil, Some of this will germinate after the lawn is sown, Such weeds should be re- moved constantly, especially in the earlier stages, Afterwards a good "lawn fertil- izer every year will push the grass -cheke ont, niost of these offenders. The first, 'cutting of the grass is made when' about three inches high and should be done with a very sharp mower. Frequent rolling when the ground "js'soft and regular mowing are ad- - vised. WHEN SOIL IS READY It is useless, in fact. decidedly bad business, to work soil too early. If stirred up when wet it is liable to eake into hard lumps, that will be hard to break down later on. If when walking over the garden, one's boots become - muddy then the time is not yet. Soil fit for cultivation should crumble .when squeezed gently in the hand, not compact into & ball, Modern Etiquette BY.ROBERTA LEE "tre : 1.--~What is the principal thing for a hostess to consider when se- lecting guests for a week-end par- ty? : 2.--Should one ever sip coffee, tea, or water at the table while food is in the mouth? 3.--Isn't it ill bred for a per- son to walk along the sidewalk cating candy or fruit? . 4.--When attending a dinner," would a guest be rude if she switched the. place cards so that she would be seated* the persons she desired? : 5.--Isn't it all right to talk to one's companion while 'a motion "picture is ipgprogress? 6.--How should the visiting card of a doctor and his wife' read? : Answers ' The principal thing is lo con- id the congeniality of cach guest. One guest who is not kin- dred in the tastes and interests of | the others can easily spoil the whole parly. 2. No; the food ir torie | map { | | | Ii: 20 OO A cuspicions-looking man ap- proached the front door of the sub- urban house. New Terminal Is Protested Sir Edward Beatty Objects To ' Spending Of $12,000,000 On Montreal Project For C.N.R. When A Union Term- inal Could Be Built, In a letter to the Rt. Honourable W. I. Mackenzie King, Prime Min- ister, dated January & and recent- ly tabled in the house, Sir Edward i Gardening 5 START GRASS EARLY Grass makes its most rapid growth in ¢ool weather, On this account, Jawn work of a new or repair nature- should be carried out just as soon as the soil is fit to work. After digging the ground should be allowed to settle for a few days at least and then levelled again. It should be swallowed before taking the liquid. '3. It is not exactly ill-bred, nor is it good taste. Yes. She would be very rude to do such a thing, and the hostess would be justified _in" never ex- tending another invitation to her. LI LE om ; : grand surprises ' Czecho-Slovakia, half as a loan and half as a gift, to aid refugees md int in rrednsiretion pax Village Blacksmith |__Forfeits License electric lights in order?" "We only burn gas here." "Sugistrate Donald Menzies advised the village blacksmith of Thorndale, Ontayio, to stick - to his spreading chestnut tree, his forge and his horses for the next 60 days and not to drive and automobile during that 'time. The village 'blacksmith was Thomas Monteith, age 57, of Thorndale. He was tonviet- ed of reckless driving, fined $25 and costs, and had his car driv- ing permit taken away for 60 days. On March 2 Monteith's car knocked down a traffic sign and then struck a telephone pole on Dundas street, London, near Pottersburg. those old mugs [| Used to Eee | in your shop?" Barber -- "They have taken __to shaving themselves, sir." "Oh, Dr. Killem."" "Yes, Dr. Fixem." - "I wish you'd give me something. I've got an awful attack of indiges- tion." "Well, you're a doclor, don't you treat yourself?" "Not me. I charge too much!" Why "You'll excuse me," said the kilted native, of Aberdeen, . "but were you the gentleman who fetch. ed my laddic olit of the river yes- terday?" 1 "Replied the embarrassed rescuer Only Four C.B.C. "Radio Men Ideal ait . Only four announcers of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- tion are considered "ideal" by the Jpanagement, Gladstone Murray, B.C. general manager, told the "Houge of Commons Radio Broad casting Committee, The 'corporation sought the 'warmth:and life of American an- Touncers without the "high pres. sure" feature and - without the 'atmosphere of inevitable tragedy il every news bulletin," It sought the calm and detachment of good British announcers, without the "Olympian air"! Tasiir, Turkey, reports that He: International fair last year had 127,199 visitors, compated with only 24, 1000 five years béfore, --"As a matter of fact, I'm 'the man, But let's say nothing about it" « "Say nothing about it, Man, wheve's his cap?" indeed! . "1 just saw a girl: with a glass eye." "How do you know? Did she tell you?" "No, Stupld, it camé ont in the conversation." Canadian National 'Railway Revenues 'The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- 'ways System for the week ending 'March 14, 10389, were $3,109,840 as compared With $8,206,466 for the corresponding period. of 2099, a decrease of $5,617, L "Then," he_said, taking & step | forward, "I've come to tune your piano™ . ' "Harold -- "Where are all passenger-facilities for all railways serving the Cily of Montreal. Joint Termin." Less Expensive - "f"have read in (he newspapers the announcement of the plans of the Canadian National Railways," said Sir Edward, "with regard to a Montreal passenger terminal, and as representing Me 92,000 shares there is no wind. 3 " o 6 bers of the Czech Chamber of De- Wid he pei of Hie hose Beatty, chairman and president, is advisable to repeat this process ; puties, Wenzg!l Jaksch and Sieg- "No, hevro a away," (he maid Canadian Pacific Railway, pointed | several times. The top soil should vs fried Taub. replied ' o a "out that, when the Montreal teri | "then be raked fine and the grass i The Prague- government had al- "Have yon Teiiewed your dog Inal scheme was unveiled to the sown at a liberal rate, once across : lotted- $1,500 to cach family. This | onc0or he went on, government and to the public in and once lengthwise, This double |. 5 will-come--fronrthe--$75;000,000 We don't keap-a og; 1927, it was based on t"e concep- sowing insures an even distribu. | -u 4 which Britain recently granted "f see," he continued. "Are your | on of a unicn terminal4q, provide | tion, Seed is sown on a day when For permancnt lawns of deep green color and fine texture, good | quality package seed is advisable. In covering, the gardener is ad- vised to rake one way only and 4, ity > Shick, Hatchery Limited, 6. No, It is extremely rude and ill-bred to do so, as it is sure to disturb other persons nearby who- are listening to the play. 6. Dr. and Mrs. William Young. Because the nearest white man's law is 30 -blizzard-swept milés away at Nenana, nativés of the interior- Alaska indian village "of Minto, have petitioned Uncle Sam to make every man his own policeman, The main "purpose, they say, is to curb intoxication, "Ralph" J. RIVérs, distrivt-attor--- Fairbanks, told the Indians the law stated any eitizen cpuld make an arrest under certain ¢on- Tired? Irritable? No ambl- tion? look at your watch r +-note the time. The same time tomérrow, compare how you feel then with, the + way you do right now! In ~ 16. stop at your drupg- store . ariuk a cup of Garfield Tonight = "Clean Up Inside". -- Feel > Different Tomorrow! % lose that let-down feeling, Let Gar- fleld Tea clean away undigested wastes ~+intestinal" "left.overs." Acts gently, promptly, thoioughiy; Drink I le or- dinary tea. = i Wilts" T6F FTea Sams ple of Garfield Heade ache Powder -- also Garfield Tea, - used for constipation, acid ad SA ditions. 5 indigestion, -and to 3 "keep clean fifiside.".. Write: Garfield The Indians said they were go Tea Co, Dept. 61, 1 Close Avenue, Tos ing to by | it. ronto 3 Canada. . : ARTICLES FOR SALE HOGS FOR SALE . 'LAG : v 5 A y FOR SALE -- FOUR YEA OL! FACS SE UNTING, PLAIN AND Yorkshire Sire. Best Ma Be yr Tents, Prices and samples on re- oad ter Boar Quest. John Leckle Ltd, Toronto. Grandsire, and two nearest Gan: Jams | n fdvanced Registry, Fo our MAWALAN GUITAR WITH ALL Lf ars, and sows ade: . fittings and Ten Free Lessons | land Farms, Eden, Ont. Ea a -regular $10.00 value---only $56.45 delivered, Limited number only, MANGEL SEED FOR SAL Order now, R. S. Willams Com- - . pany, 431 King St. West, Toronto. MANGEL SEED ~-- GIANT WHITE pr. wind £2 < Irsdng; flats NO 30c--4 lbs. =e CANTE S. . nti-wa - AGENTS WANTED fession of faith 280). Prepaid. \ 5 . 5 TT Ask quantity or trade price. «~ AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY Senne Sauder, Grower," Elmirg, district to sell a product used in $ every home. This is a money Cn Maker, Lox - 81, Torontd Post MEDICAL SUPPLIES ce, . - - DON'T SUFFER FROM SORE OR BIG SPARE-TIME PROFITS, REP- Fired Feet. . Try the pew Andy's resenting leading Canadian, Ame ales Linfmeit, Large Ointment - . erlean, British publications. De FREE Fret raottle | Liniment 40 £5. Xigelity. Cifeulation,. 'Box 1 v money back If not satiened. Pleats write to Andy's Salve & Linlment - Manufacturing, 101 Alexander St., ASTHMA, NRONCHITIS "Toronto, IF SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA NO FILM REQUIRED or chronic bronchitis send 10c to- day for trial of ASTONE TAB- SEND US YOUR SNAPSHOTS OR LETS, - the remarkable British old photos, We specialize in mak- Remedy whichis giving instant ing enlargements direct from any, se 2 relief to many thousands. Litera- - print, 5" x 7 enlargements col- : ture free. Astone Products, 73 A oured Soe; 8" x 10" enlargement Adelaide West, Toronto. Sold by coloure Se. Stamps accepted. Druggists at 50c and $1.00, Tru Foto Studios Limited, New Birks Building, Montreal, BABY CHICKS = ud PATENTS BAYH THE AGENT'S COMMISSION. AN OFFEIL 10 EVERY INVENT VIE NTU) Buy your chicks dircct. Tweddle List of Inventions aud full Tnfor: fhamnis ains Eo Sunt oF Saamruse mation sent fiee. The Itamsay Comn- arge production. 8) a " kreatly reduced Tweddle sceling Pir dicsisteten, butenl A Attorneys, Price. Cy Pg: in compare -- quality, irade eavy reeds B) 2 9 " am $1100, Puilets $IS0, Cockerels PATCHES FOR SALE N 00. Leghorns 31 'Wilts © |. QUILTING ' PATCHES, WOOLLEN" $22.00, Colkerols. $3.00. Extra | Tj iches colours, "Hood selection, §---- Profit Grade Heavy Breed $12.45, Ibs. $1.25, silks 3 Ibs. $1.00. Post- Yullets $19.90, Cockerels $7.00. paid. Dominion Dress, 601 Mark- Leghorns - $11.95, Pullets $24.90, ham, Toronto. ' . Cockerels $4.00. Free Combination ('atalogue, Calendar and Poultry . tiuide. Prompt delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fer- Kus, Ont tard 0. : BADEN WEEKLY BARGAINS -- They will go like 'hot cakes so .don't delay In ordering; first come first served. Cockerels two weeks old New Ilampshire Reds .08c, Barred. Rocks, .08¢c. Three week old New Hampshire Reds .llc. Barred Rocks .12c. Big Egg Qual- %c more. Baden Electric, Baden, Ontario. : DAILY SPECIALS -- A LIMITED number of Bray started l.cghorn pullet chicks will be available for . immediate shipment this week. 'Order today. Bray Hatcliery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. PHOTOGRAI'HY- FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- ery roll film developed and 8 high £iosy prints goo, Reprints same 8 nlarged ~ prints 25c, Brlghting Studio, 29A Richmond -St. Bast, Toronto. FREE FILM AND CAMERA COU- pon with every order. Our latest process guarantegs -higher grade 've prints and one day service. Your 3 flim developed fine grain. Every 'print enlarged double-slze, or it you prefer, "regular size with Ae Bh TR borders. . All for 25c. Reprints large or regular. size 3c each. Consolldated Photo Service, 145 Catharing St., Hamil- ton, -Ontario. Yi i PERCHERONS, DON'T "FORGET THE SUMMER hotel and tourist trade. Broilers and light: roasters will .be in: de. mand. - Bray ghorn_ cockerels are iden] especially when .capon- jzed. Write for full. particulars today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamliton, Ontarlo. ---- CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS % Imagine a real portable - typewriter weighing 971bs... ¢ with back spacer--Swinging | holders of the Canadian Pacific Railway and as a citizen of Can- ada, 1 take the liberty of imposing ~on you ap expression of my views." "It is slated now that the direc- lors of the Canadian' National have anthorized the spending of $12, 600,000 on a terminal at Dorchest-r Street, but if the original plan is "to be carried to finality further large sums of money will have to be provided in future." Investigation Needed "In- the light of the-above, and having in mind changed conditions, [ think it not presumptuous to sug- ..gest that before allowing the Cana- dian Natlonal Railways to take this further step towards the comple tion of. thelr scheme," concluded Sir'Edward, "the government might .conshler it propér to order an jn- 'vestigation of the situation by body of Independent - engineers.) That body should be asked to ad: viso the government if the pass- enger terminal requirements of the Canadian' National 'in Montreal could be more economically met by an extension of the present .Canadian Pacific terminal than by the conitruction of a new and In- dependent ona at gréat cost {o tbe Canadian taxpayer," J Issue No, 13--'39 MINARD'S > LInimeNT B | chesterfield suite, > "Freight paid--to your Ystation THREE-PIECE USED CHESTER. feld Suite, ,repp £914 ne, first- class condition, $19.50. Three- lece used English Velour Ches- erfield Suite, completely recondi- tioned, $24.60. Three-piece used best English mohair, in rich browh shade, re- built throughout, .00. Monéy-back Guarantee "Royal Chesterfleld Manufacturers 66 Richmond Street E., Toronto Shift--84 characters, and many- other helpful features for All prices subjeer only £3050 10 revision. a 8- MITH & CORONA TYPEWRITERS of Canads Ltd, A Froni 81. E., Terente Sead free booklet Jescribing 1b! ii "Corona Zephyr we're bearing 10 much abo Name, It's the J SA DAHLIAS FOIt SALES EXHIBITION DAHLIAS, EIGHT for dollar, Bonnie Brae, K das, Kathleen Norris, J. Cowal, Jergey Beauty, Jersey Mammoth, Jean Trimber, Golden Sonne. Syd: ney Mode, Vankleek Hill, Ont. a -- FILMS DEVELOPED ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED WITH. . Pints of Seen, Hoi FREE ROUEMEN 2 FOBT COMMERCIAL PROTO: ShaALHY. 2 RUSSELL ST. TOR- City, Prov. H Mesa usrEnEnasndaa RN eRe nM TOBACCO BARGAIN IN CANADA A MILD CIGARETTE TOBACCO 5 ¢ 55¢ o LB. TIN Also in 10¢ Packages and 25° Tins ~~ WIGS, TOUPES, ron = HAIL GOODY TRANSFURMA- tions, Swilches, Curls, and all types of finest quaifty Hair Goods. Write for illustrated. atalo ue, Confldens tial terme arranged. Toronto Hum. an Hair" Supply Co. 628 Bathurst, 'Toronto: = HEL) WANTED MALE THE" MEMBERS OF THE ESSEX County Percheron Club offer stal- lions ready mares: am a stud and fill prices. For descriptive lists and prices, write Ralph McLean, Sec. Harrow, Ont. FOR SALE--TWO OUTSTANDING : Iising three year old dark grey, > grandsons of Laet Hlilaet 16249,- a. ----welght-1955 1bs,--A_good-premium prospect, Hirolaet "weight 1850 lbs. Low down and tek 004 underpinning. Norman kin, North Malden, Ont. £ PERSONAL "MARRY=HUNDREDS-TO-CHQOOSE _ from. Many with means. Farm- - --d ers' daughters. Widows with Property, faructilars 1ge." Cone fidehtlal, Box 128, Calgary, Al- erta > QUIT TUBACCU, SNUFF, EASILY, fnexpensively, Home remedy. Tes- timonials, Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg. DON'T SUFFER WITH CONSTIPA- tion, Stomach or Kidney trouble,. Nature's Laxative Tea will great- ly benéfit- you. Postcard brings - free sample and full particulars Tee-vac Bales, 221 (ainsbhorough Rd, Toronto. WHY BE TONELY? LET ME AR © some money. Collins, Vancouver, Free information; sgaled . envelope. SEEDS FOR SALE HOME GROWN BEEDS, ALL GOV- ernment grades. Alfalfa, red clo- yer, alsike, timothy, sweet clover - -. Tad Asgk for samples and prices deliv. ered to you. The Caledonia Mill- ing Co. Ltd, Caledonia, Ont. BECOME A DETECTIVE, EN over 18 wanted everywhere. a- tectives earn good wages. Re. wards. Work home "or travel. Correspondence tralning course. Write for free Information to © Box 25, Station T, Montreal. WRITE 1 FOR OUR/PRICE LIST ON r of grass and clover , seeds. Highest quality and lowest . prices, We supply bags and pre- Ne < pay. Brown Dros, Arkona, One 2 3 0. v4 SPECIAL TREATMENT . FETE NIGH BRAD 3 )- UATS D Cl JOVEN NO, 1 ALASKA, BANNER, VICTORY 0.A.C, Uats at .65 hus, Erban RY, van I) at 100 bus. Reglster- ed No 1 Grimm Alfalfa at ,32 1b, (Sealed bags); No, 1 Grim faite te Al ib. No, 1 .b. Chathani, bags 'free; Cash With order. Kent and ! Essex Seed Urowers, P.O. Box 103, prithiham Ontario. ie = < Hor IRON TRANSFERS BIG. PAGKAGE OF HOT IRON Transfers, eight sheots, over two hundred. designs; ulso valuible Jistrustion Sitch chart: mall 26 cents Needlecraft Gulla, 533 Colles Bireots Toronto, $25 REWARD FOR ANY CORN OR Callous which cannot 'be removed by Lloyd's Special Treatment; un- der our supervision. Prevents re- turn, end _55¢-- for -'complets - treatment, regular 76¢. JJloyd's-I, J A211 St . Clair W West, Toronto. b ' . 'TANNING EXPERT TANNING OF HIDES FOR Harness lace &- Robes, Also DEER, Ete, Free list and ta Towne & Nona, Merriiton, nar o; TOBACCO 4 POUND BAMPLE PACKAGE BUR. y. Zimmer, prior. leaf, flavoring A recipes, or 8:pound sample - package V rginia Butley, Zimmer amples manu f 1.00 "postpaid, Ruthven S Tobacco Hachange, Ruthven, Ont. i

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