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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Mar 1939, p. 3

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a He Boia IR ARE Raa A LY 4: . -- ol I RE ea ' v 3 . : is . w= Ee ° rom == Re : H H H AJ i HP eo Conqu ur . ed it wants to rest on its oars; AW. Waste Is Cited Ld nq Hero S Yoys His Biggest Conquest " Dwarf Fruit Trees then shortly before it is time to go sed Catalogues. 87 : N pA ANTE ALD PE 0% LL TURE ae : to the country the government is : BY ' Of Wood Pulp P liamentary 4 3 2 WV Growing In Favor afraid to introduce progressive | , brings, 5 r : ari t h ---- legislation for fear of offending Trudging through snow and rala NAb Fifty Per Cont bs Said to go ie Doings Claiming Important Places In | some voters Kitchener Record. | So ie of Springs ¥ A Waste -- Textile Researc Smaller Orchards of ' re 8 ' ah Urged to Offset This Loss States OUR PURCHASING POWER Ep Soa ap : ah ot - With Ontario's Apivister, rm Practically half the total num. | A flower-bed woven of a dream Id The fact that fifty per cent, of - a Dwarf varleties of fruit trees are ber of passenger automobiles sold | Of larkspup, and valerian Sor the wood that is used for the pro- BY EEDY claiming an important Nace in the to customers in Canada in 1988 And lilies bending by a stream. 1 duction of sulphite pulp. goes to anlaller orchards of New York were sold in Ontario: 47,6756 out Though 'these frail seedlings may AYE waste indicates the direction which } . state, Prof, 41. B, Tukey, PhD, of -the dominion total of 95,972, not blosne-: 7 W research work in the textile indus- The Ontarlo Legislature was a . head of the' Geneva, N.Y. exferl- or 49.6 per cent, In bright profusion, what ksea , try, should take, Professor H. Hib. |. haunted House last week when the. | menthl station, told a gathering of | "Just over half the entire pas | Prefigured in this lamp-lit room Sg ~ ---bert-of-MeGill,Un|rersity, declared | ghosts of that East Hastings. by- fruit mon fn the armories, "Strath senger car registration in RAH Ts none the less reali HEAR last week, ~ election (Decemner, 1938) walked 'roy, Ont, last week. on Ontaria: 582,212 out of 1 Nor frost ne phi x = ofms Shall : . Professor Hibbert said that the | again ..* ; things thought long de sient oii Prof, Tukey was _tha_pripefpal | yo 273, ar BOL per ce it yal 28 Ro ale ¥ winter, storms faa production of syuathetic- fibres had cently dead were aired by Premier speaker at the annual dinner. of ; H : hoe ~-PaE. £00h..s =~ T This rl [ADEs counter -- og | jumped. from .26,000,000 'pounds in |s Hepburn and Opposition - Leader the H. C. Downham Nurser(és of Next to Ontario's 15,676 riew Nor ho tho wld Ab vet P '1913 to 1,100,000,000 "pounds in | Drew during the most heated fn. Stratbroy attended by 100 firm", | CAF purchases came Quebec's 18,- on ein bs b a Sy ® 1938, so that more than a million terchange of the session. ... representatives and agricultural 154 SSR 18 Onsavia 3 bx garden planted in the heart: x a tons of wood was used for raw ma: something about Colonel Drew's authorities of the district. f 582,212 came ° ; - ¢ terial. Canada was fortunate in | having referred to (so they said) For Closer Planting .| 169,803. ' tion of the purchasing power of } having suitable' timber resources the French-Canadians as "4 defeat The Now York expert told that The purchase and possession of | Ontario's people. -- Toronto Stae > | for conversion" into sulphite pulp ed race", bechuse of the closer plautiig 'in motor cars is an important indica- | . Weekly. h . k | to be shipped to yara manufactur- -- small orchards the dwart varleties A ----ie ers all over the world, and progress What started theso grave-digging were now favored by the smaller - oe * ~ was being made to make the pro- operations was a speech by the grower. They are no longer a'nov- a -y el duction more efficient. Liberal Member for Cochrane elty but must be considered an ad- Ti y Wi By William J North, J. A. Habel (French-speak- vance in frult growing. HIS : URIO!IS ORLD Ferguson - ing), who rose to the defence of Prof. Tukey told of -the progress w= ; - SL | -- his own people and accused cor- in fruft growing fn his state where A HAND-WOVEN tain "gang" members of trying to © he sald two Canadian originations, \ promote disunity in this country _the McIntosh Red and the Mec- TURBAN . ... In the melee which ensued, Cowen, the latter coming from the - be ! insulting words were flung across Ottawa experimental station, were | the floor of the House, and the the. most favored varieties, Na : Speaker had all but to knock the--f---- | hy vr heads of the two party leaders to- Tt or a gether to restore order, - rin bedi bid Gl LS ~~ 7 ] \ Speaking of deaths and burials VOICE OF . 4 and such, brings us to.a serious i, piece of legislation just introduc: 'THE PRESS \ ed, a LN to amend the Coroner's A Act which would give the Attors . ; N 5 4 ney-General power to order an in- a Ee] jy i 3 . b i THE MAP OF EUROPE _HR I ques} in cases where a body has Frac in Js Sidi Suing FRionosile this *adlaphioly Shavts Adolf ithe _ Publishing an up-to-date atlas_ - -- Ya F006 removed. (rom QUE « : « ang ge en in 0 Soligered, Braepl smerly Ninn, iz as tricky as getting out a Hol. Foe al AP | This provision is to_be retroactive, - jam a Dt R tii gun Td to snap into the Nazi_salute pos ig Iywood. fan sagazire with 1) ie SHCWNES Sd) { with the result that Mr. Conant Fuchrer passes on, his way to the city hall from the railroad" station stars maried to the right people. FROM THE TOPS oY | ) ro. Len co " rol X gis way city ! on. Winniner Tribune FROM THE 5 OF FUSS] - y L would have power to order an in - The second armored division of the German army which had preceded him Winnipeg Tribune. YAMA AND MOUNT RAINIER. - W } quest-in tho sensational Sidley will | info Germany's new doniain was reviewed by Hitler herve, ONE-TOR CANADA s-vouTn ~ 5 case. » FOE A | TO - The 17-year-old Middlesex far- NLM ; ) * Criticism of the Bill by the Op- p fad hh dch ib hf ddd tt i iad poss o hid miles an hour, engin- mer who wis the leading winner 2) JES 1 2 hgsition centred around the making = ~ RJT, S58 Worse dol mol ne at the Middlesex Seed Fair is a Wa LTS * ji ry "a fishing expendition™ out of The I WE "metal expel prety good Saco to those whi Ei % - rye dot ie | BOOK SHELF! | Siriano" | IIMA Gt | ramon FRE ie . > 8 ) A = : : ' ing power they delivered an aver ' ili dosti ' CNA E(E: (22 \ \ / I] ra Song rir 2, Bie Attorney-General By ELIZABETH EEDY RX age of some 330 miles: an hour. TRY BATHING BEAUTIES CAN BE rAADES ~N \ \ | d i744 d . on lr ion To gunn kod "DANGER SIGNAL" Engines almost twice as power: "What with the reputation our © CELLULOID AND ' '7, . BE pM NE ine the Greate Maus cols oma i wuier woud prodite 4 te: politicians are getting these days DAY Daa _ worn with a taliored sull is & band: about $60, and that an autopsy adds How topprevent a murder N now under teal, b Seomld be preity hard fo sie ip wh THESE AY ! - A Crone, OF two toned blue with | $15 10 $20 lo tho costs . ME | yy lo ee Y. cry in She of hoe ae SUBSTANCES Wilt. Lo ET remeron DE A Ld ne | Cool af Wilideny on the other Maid | "happen". . . . Is the problem con- U.S. Wheat Bein: . ee Te : BECOME ELECTRIFIED SPA ; i H tric blue. "Tha HE iders inques 3 a sale ak Cr | trouting Dr. Silla, Czech psycholo- ode eat eng PLENTY FAST ENOUGH av FRICTION RROWS N » Prion ° seasons miinery Boiping. te sy thie tehys gf tamih gist." When _ the red-haired girl . 3 : A speaker on trafic safety urg- AS WILL AMBER. ' hones Mo ; | d. Miss Claire ls renewing her les of deceased people. raises her eyes, and lowers them . Milled In Ontario es motorists to pledge themselves - 2 ONE-SEVENTH 3 an comptarring Hedy Lamarr ana 3 oT ws again,. shamefacedly, Dr. Silla 2 Ea not to exceed 50 miles per hour odes OF ALL THZ BIRDS ¥, Spencer Tracy. ls Hospitalization of mentally ill knows she will have to act fast. Ct Givi Consid . I is mood advice. A mile in pork 5 Za =~ "OF NORTH AMERICA , I. a ) - | pdrsons,.the Premier claims, is one I's a fascinating story of tan- awa Giving Consideration $904 2 Jo le am is = . Ex : 3 : nals ot the--rreatest--probloms... ju ..O-... a fa story S _ to Matter; Makes it Hard for seconds, even under perfect con- engine pe EY i : X " ] : a of "tho --greatest--p a -gled-human_emotjons--a drama i . . ditions; ought to" be fast enough . THE English sparrow js tne only true sparrow in this country; TN 3 Warn A ain t tarlo at the present ime : . .. | which lite and love and death are Farmers of This Province for anybody using. the _ public all othérs being finchics Some of the more common of the great ER = : 8 ~~~ {- only one.out of five persons com- | aj} mixed up. The author (who roi Se rouds.--Otinwa JOUrhal -- list 'of names ameng our so-called sparrows include the vesper, Fi 2 o Nail-Chewers mitted to an institution has a wrote "Private Worlds", "Mortal Trade Minister Euler told the a song. chipping, tree, field, fox, white<throated, lark, savannah, 2 * . ¢ chance to recover, he says... . . Storm"). does a smooth job of un- House of Ottawa last FLAW IN DEMQCRACY -swamp and white crowned. : x ne Lei s | After Ontario's three new hospitals ravelling. The death of Archer week that the Government was glv- One flaw in a democracy is that Ce ne . = Fort Manicurists Contend They Are. | are completed, we find, 'they will clarifies it all for the distraught ing consideration 'to the situation right flor A goverminent } el i NEXT: What animal hat the most valuable fur? : a - £3 Mervous end Irritable serve to relleve only the pressure heroine. " created by the inflow of American ght aller a government is.elect- . / a = 3 "People existing In the other institutions, But we're mof telling you if the heat PHOS 1h sionh cavagy, dis- s Ys En MET ns tL : ich si gS Byes Sama oH. oe i : There a oy Toronto Boy Missing From LIFE S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher $ Salt Lake City manicurists came h LD Ts pls: Danger Signal" . . . . by Phyllis: |. "0 ine In trom -the United Prague - TP Em x 4 forth this wéek with the results of year is 500 , . =. Insane asylum Bottome-. . . . Toronto: McClelland " ini ot br : y their study of the fing il- b . population increased" in the prove & Stewart, 215 Victoria Street --. States and being milled in On-- ---- : 2 0L.the. ANgomull chow: ince- 16.2 per. cent. between 1932 $2.50 a tario, and possibly some was being ing male and concluded that mar- and 1936, or 4 per cent.- per year '. i exported, ho said. These importa- - riage with him--well, just wasn't ... until now there are over 15, tions were coming in under the law worth the risk. 000. in mental institutions , . Planes To. Fly 8 as it stands at present.- The study, as published in a Salt |p yyging more" hospitals for the ZL x "I may admit, however, that the A - + Lake City newspayer, concluded: | pop ayyy 1) is like locking the sta- At R00 M.P.EL situation "1s giving some concern ; J Don't trust a woman with a ble door after the horse is gone NE to the Government, but at the mo- 3 insignis fingernail. NP . ... Time to catch peoplé-is be- U. S. Army Officials Foreses ment I can only say that it is re 3 em n't expect a man with ong, fore they go insane . ... Negative- - Early Achi z t Fol ceiving consideration," the Minis. vi EO ian slim fingernails to be a "good pro- ly, build more hospitals: positively, arly chievemery ol- ter sald. TE RAR ARAN Boi lion ph pp Jowirg Tests Conservative Leader Manion ho * -- Don't marry a fingernail-chewer.. 4 Vive wollround I -------- == - - | _drew, the Government's attention » { The fingernail-chewer, declared a Li iy Speed of 500 miles an hour in the to the question when Ne Teported--|-- Pa. a Clea "Warr, Is. "high strung, nerv- ° ' pak air, it developed this week, appar Ontario farmers finding it impos- ous and irritable and generally s.r i ' ently will be achieved soon, | y sible to sell their wheat through | ! speaking it's easler to -et along The Liquor Control Board of On- At Wright Field, the United | usual channels because 600,000 . (oF : ------with-a buzz saw." _. t tario paid over to the province at | gin 0q Army's test laboratoty for bushels of "subsidized American : = ? Fay Johnson said women with --[--tIié"end of March $10,500,000 on ac | 10 yvney of warplanes, officers wheat" had been brought into On- x he triangle-shaped nails can't keep ( Count of profits and permits . "I= gpiq that Lieutenant Ben Kelsey: |= tario=for use by. certain_Ontarlo ie Sr secrets; men with - long slender | 1otal legal sales in Ontarle of beer, | yo piiot who crashed on February | flour mills. EE ' nails are glfied In ar wine and spirits soared to $51 | 11" y; "a pew. twin:motor-- pursuit SAC i "but "they "just don't bring home 005,688 "during the year ending "pn rier a near-record tramston-- Pyro Page| z the bacon." Mar. 31, an increase of 10.6% over '{~ynonia) tight, had "crulsed" at 60 _ : Fra A the previous year .... the ten and per cent. of power on his jaunt. . meet . AE i i . one-half million dollars is being Kelsey's actual flying time for |. Leaving his dog locked in the Fears are felt for. the safety of 3 i - Enjoy Banquet - used to lielp balance Ontario's bud- | 0 2,454 miles from Southern Call- |: cat ane day last week, Bob Keith, Gordon Skilling, Toronto-born ra-™ \ { A get, fornia to New York was just a "of Disney, Okla., went about his dio commentator for the Czech 135 { ; In Stratosphere Hy --_-- shade moi than seven hours. business. The dog brushed against government in Prague. Mr. Skil- y PARES Which way the wind blows: pub- While the use of .full throttle the emergency brake and released ling presented the case for the cH) i! Eleven Human "Guinea Pigs" ie Feastion to the Sus isiad rity would not have given him 40 per 2 nin coatied down, A in- Czech puteriBini over he Ae X . ng of the tax on gasoline ig uni. ent. more speed-- s no cline, finally smashing into a during the Munich crisis and has \ i = Sobluit to Tests Aboard A versally unfavorable, rural "dis. TELL om Se eves poe store, Customers broke down the not been heard from since Hitler's ) ~ ying Laboratory=--Uxygen tricts being particularly opposed amount of power used--his pace store door in their rush for free. forces moved into Prague.' Anx- Equipment Successful ++ +. Individual farmers could not .{ "for (he entiré distance indicated Joni the dog bit the work- ik his sito sen Sires for \ ~ - "| expect to.gain to the same extent a probably top for the ship in ex- man who released him. the safety of his wife. ! % 4 » A flying Reorators win Sends as urban residents through a shar- » dom : b : il . Mian Suinee Roar dome ing of the increase with municipal: Lh d . : week to report complete success files, WONDERLAND OF oz \ § 3 loa test-ot-newly-developed "oxy. 1: An ymportant- amendment to On| ar Cac : > | gen equipment for airline passeng- tario's Mining Act provides for an- ) q ns, ) nual medical fnspections to be giv- OF The . Northwest: Alrlines trans: | on 5 mihors engaged fn dust occu . .) port, carrying one woman and five pations . . . . it also hits at high- > \ Mayo Clinic doctors 'amobg Its | gaging "(boot-legging of gold) a LY ! passengers, landed at Boston Afr. ; . 3 t port last week. It Nad. compleied We'll talk ahout the new Hudget ) | In four hours and 50 minutes an | | 0h oon -- § } Ld 1,100-mile non-stop flight from Bl ft x .Minneapolls at altitudes ranging a) . RAN trom 15,500 to 23,000 feet, Tho ~--Wings Iwin-motored craft's average speed Howe'er unhappy I niay be = ° . . was 250 miles an hour. There is some beauty left to me: " $ 'A full.course chicken dinner A bird's wild song, the smell of i | served nearly four niles .in the rain, § alr, was eaten by the fliers---still And then my feart leaps up again. SR : { wearing their oxygen masks--with From wooded hills 1 hear the call S - Ahh AB : : 2O0L 2 J RR ". , > 4 ¥ 3 3 ie a ---------- \ ad) ap igh somlor 2a though Ira chm a ele "Oh, this 18 lots of fan!"- Dorothy exe "Oh, thank you, sald Dorothy. "It's lucky When he was finished, the cook bowed ve wil sald the Wizard. "Thank you na A J The. new: oxygen. device . Is a on me claimed. "Let's find the fest of him and we atarted you first, for I am hungry and low before them ard sald: "I will go to for he Ausgestlon, ent =n Yard 8 Sg Lo - And 8 uty do ¥ get him all together "What's the rest you can be cooking something for us to the kitchen now and prepare your dine gytp "Thiy matching folks together Red (. small face mask which covers the nd so much beauty do 1 see of him like?' asked the Wizard, "Here eat while we match the other folks to- ner. You will find It hard to get all the seems foolish to me," she sald, "but we COE nose but leaves the mouth free. That 1 forget unhappy things, drs some plecés of blue legs and green Ke her" It was not very difficult now Fuddles together, so I advise you to begin may as well get rid 'ot soma of this rub- _. EN | %0 Oxygen te breathed through the | And heart and feet alike have rms, but © dont know whether they. are: (had Lies, Mid WhIRt 18'to Row the man on the Lord Migh Chigglewits, whois blah." They Marked sseerly and Biliiny AR | ~ Bose and exhaled SAThon Ojos ire wings i i ' ' rn nb Jor a White shirt and longing do nim, and now they ai Yorked In A tive goat, #, Polk vist and brown "as ho could put her head close to the pte | s forced into & Tubtiec. bu elow ~Jessie Martin Graham, in the . J / n ec & eco reeches. As ho Is chief personage various pleces tint lay around, So before : \ A CR Christian Centar. I a As ATs RE ly Cre RIS OS Th matty ; 8 . # ary. = : \ SER --~ » - . Fi . N J : . po 0 3 nd o£ pan < ; i ' i ' tid ' : PERT - py , - . h a RIE TA IN

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