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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Mar 1939, p. 7

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3 353 bl ra i a4 RIES Fa on ar Ih anes a AV SA, hi sy RANEY $ Baka EXE ad 3 Sth \ : Education In + [7 I . . Music Needed |-| Sunday School $ University Of Western Ontario | . ' Peychologist--Good Mental- Lesson ; ity For Music Is Important i ++ He Says, "= LESSON 1 ; : : SAUL BECOMES A NEW MAN. Th i 1d f fe § a eS SUE Nt Suis ks, Acts 9:11:30. something which should be natural to' our: children, sald Dr, Douglas ~Wilson, psychologist, of the 'Uni. versily of Western Ontarlo, *ad- dressing 'a 'St. Thomas audience Jast week, "for past traiging-in music has been rather haphazard, at B a thing to be done, because of pre sit --reedent," z A good mentality for music is more important than a good ear, _-and a sense of pitch {s most im- portant, The second sense should 3 be. intensity, then: time, conson- i ance, memoty and finally rhythm, : : "explained Dr. Wilson, who also stated that inheritance of musical ability is not an important asset, Dr. Wilson introduced tests by phonograph records to judge musi- cal ability according to the various senses. In- these - records tests range from ability in basic ele. ments to musical appreciation, but do not require" any musical train. ing. In the field of art a judgnient _ set of tests was shown by lantern . slides, showing how children could Printed Text, Acts 9:1.12, 17-19, Golden Text--If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; be- hold, they are become new, 2 . Cor, 6:17. : THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.---The conversion of Saul "took plate in AD36, CT Place.--Saul Was struck to the ground by a blinding light at the time of his conyersion just outside of the city of Damascus, in Syria, Saul was born in Tarsus; an in- _tellectually and politically famous - city of Cilicia (Acts 21:39; 22:3), His father's remote ancestors were Pharisees, and he became a de- voted Pharisee himself (Acty 28: 6). He was by birth a Roman citizen (Acts 22:28). > -- From Tarsus Paul went to Jeru- salem to be educated as & rabbi in the school of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). We have no evidence that he ever saw Jesus in the days of his flesh, It was Saul who held the clothes of his colleagues when they stoned Stephen to death in the March jssue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal by Dr, Willlam Ogden in collaboration with members of the staff of To- ronto Western . - Hospital chest "elinte, : gn _w_The report, based on &ork atthe. clinic for 15 years, says that in an robserved and largely controlled series of 1,300 contacts, the incl: deuce of tuberculous. disease was four per cent. compared with the usual 20 per cent. fn uncontrolled --gerles. SC Ei 3 To Keep Thorough History The scheme by which it is hoped to abolish the disease consists of a thorough history with particular reference to contact, physical ex- amination, tuberculin test, serolo- | tall be tested and their appreciation of (Acts 8:1; 22:20), and no doubt art made evident to.thejr ¢ aeh ¥ what he saw in Stephen's face; and 'The lecture tended to show devices: heard from his lips, as he was dy- which have been developed to aid. | ing, had a tremendous influence in in determining tho different aes- his own life. From this time un- thetic abilities in children til bis conversion Saul became the i leader of the persecutors of the : early Christian church, It is here. Officer Kidnapped that our lesson begins. . -- he el sig 1. But Saul, "yet breathing div ; } yi + threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went 'unto the high priest. 2, and asked of him' lettérs to Damascus unto the 'synagogues, that if he found "any that were of the Way, wheth- er men or women, he niighu bring them bound to Jerusalem. The phrase "the" Way" is a beautifdl i expression of the new life which "men were living in the name of = Jesus Christe" . oo Saul's Conversion N The conversion of Paul marks not only a turning-point in - his personal history, but also an im- i portant epoch in the history of the - "apostolic church, and consequently in tlie history of niankind. -1t was - the most fruitful event since the - miracle of Pentecost. 3. And as he journeyed, it-came 3 1 ESR te pass that he drew wight unto Lieutenant WwW. D. Wishart, of -- Dac gens The hush of noon was London,"Ont., was robbed and 11 tie city. The sun: was burning _ Kidnapped while driving through fiercely in the sky. And suddenly : Galt, Ont, 'He lad stopped. for a -| there shone round about him a : traffic light when two men jump- light out of heaven. : ud into his car-and, brandishing 4. And he fell upon the earth, revolvers, forced him to drive | #1d heard a voice saying. unto ~§ + them-to-a side road. "They then -| [M: SaulrSaul "why persecutest Pn ~~ bound, gagged and robbed him. thou me? : ; - 5 Throwing his trussed body into & And he said, Who art thou, Ce -¥ the back seat of the car they drove Lord? . We caniot exaggerate the } to Toronto and abandoned the car, | confusion and convulsion. of Paul's leaving Wishart trussed in- the mind and. heart 'at this time. To pack 0% it. TA ; __be thrown to the ground by any Sobre ts : a, force is, as it were, a confession : : . 2% one's own' weakness, but the does ' physical prostration was only a a Our Poultry $:-. symbol of the. greater blow vl . which his mind this moment .was ~~ More Popular | caine : . . Now Saul suddenly is made to \ With Britons realize that Jesus, instead of being fs aie 3 EEE ACTH a blasphemer, justly put to death © Substantial Increase In Can. | px fellow Jews not long before 9 " b » ' e : ada's "Exports To United | go o¢'God, and that he; Saul, in. Kingdom Over Preceding | icad of being a defender for Year Shown In 1938. God, had been spending his en- Se ergy-end--influence in contending =5 Great Britain continues_to ab- against God and his Son! And sorb more Canadian poultry this he said, I am Jesus whom thou". year than last, according to fig- | persecutest: G. but rise, and enter ures released by the Dominion De- into the city, and it told - partment of Agriculture. Ship- thee shat thou must do. 7. And "ments for the week ended March | the men that journeyed with him 3 amounted to 5,182 boxes, which | stood __ speechless, -- hearing the ---------------included-1;820 ~boxe§ of chickens | voice, but -beholding no man. 8. 3 and 1,206 boxes of turkeys, and And Saul 'arose _f. 3 < compare with 924 boXcs exported and when his eyes were opened, n year ago and 4,461 boxes export- he saw nothing; and they led him ed in the same week of 1937. by the hand, and brought him un. Since the first of the current year, to Damascus. : 26,674 boxes of poultry have been The blindnéss was proof that shipped to the United Kingdom as something had happened to 'him, compared with 12,721 boxes last and that it was no hallucination year and 22,777 boxes in the like that he had seen the risen Christ. period of 1937. - + Saul In Damascus - On the other hand,--ecxports of . 9..And he was three days with- live poultry to the United States" | out sight, and did neither eat nor é are behind 1938. drink; During this time we can- Eta not but think the illumination of 1. s Jae his-mind was being perfected by - Germany Gains the Spirit. ; : 10. Now there was a certain dis- 2 ; 'Beer, Bullets ciple at Damascus, named Anan- : : § ; fat ay . ag; and the Lord said unto him in . : 3 a vision, Ananias, And he said, "Two "prized possessions fell un- Behold, here, Lord. 11. And - der German sway with occupation | the Lord said unto him, Arise, and .of Pilsen (Plzen) March 15 -- beer go to. the street which is called - and bullets, y Straight, and inquire in the house After the Munich agreement, Jef Judas for one named Saul, a many , Germans humorously ex man of Tarsus; for behold, he pressed dismay because they didn' prayeth; 12, and 'he hath seen a got Pilsen, pit _ #7] .man_named Ananias coming in, . ~~ "What has Happéned to Pilsqn?" | and laying his hands on him, that | ~~... Minisier Funk wanted to know last | he might receive his sight. Here ; 4 October, as an international com: | is a most remarkable contrast, be- LJ mission fixed 'the boundaries, He | tween the miraculous and the nat- was in Ankara, Tuikey, at the ural. © To arrest' and overwhelm time, 7, y and convict Saul the Lord miracu- Tien told ft still was Czech, he lously appeared to him; now, how- bantered "one can tell 'there are | ever, having a message for Saul, no beer deinkers on the coramis- | Christ does not continue to speak : © osion . ~~ «| to him from heaven, but he sends S A "big Skoda armaments plant | a fellow Christlan, a man, not an h adi also is at Pilsen, Last available |' angel, living in Damascus, to in- figures showedsit employed 36,000 form. Paul concerning 'the Lord's 8 persons. purpose- for him, and to baptize. burn more evenly? Q.--How oan 1 remove grease fram the back of a leather chair that has been caus(d by the tonic or dyessing on a person's hair? A.--Spread over \ 'i paste of fuller's carth 'and water. Tet this | ~ dv, ami then brash off, ~~ Q=--How can I make candles: A,--Candles will urn more ev- enly and slowly if tly. are. placed in the refrigerator for several" hours before lighting them, Q.---How can I improve the fla- vor of tea? A.--The flavor of tea will he greatly improved by thoroughly drying the peel of an orange or a lemon, and placing this peel in the tea container, Q.---How "can 1 <clean knife £ a bs ' \ » . ". » < b A . \ a of p% 3 : ~ : op 2k ood \ " * . , : : : 0 i EE EE od oll as th oclal®level of the i Be Hitle ext Co st? as well as the soc elo Would Abolish TB. | Will His Country Be Hitler's Next Conque : Mel ay ihe sichlcterel gt Abe J-- ig \ : clared Col. Wilfrid Bovey, director Inside Ten. Years . ' How Can |? of extramural relatfons at McGill) a : University, Montreal, at a lunch EA BY ANNE ASHLEY \ 4 * Encouraging Results Are Noted ra eon of the OMawa Canadian Club, --Control Of The Disease "1 assure you," he told the gathe In Canada ---- Scheme To Q.--How can I roll dough more ering, "that. any municipality which | Stamp dvanced. efficiently? i invests something in this way will It Out Is A 3 A,-- Fasten a piece of muslin. get some astonishing results," Encouraging results in the aboll- smoothly -and tightly around the Based On Three Principles "tion of clinleal tuberculosis by an- rolling pin, and the dough can be The speaker proposed the form- ticipation and control are reported rolled just as thin as desired. # ation of a National - Education: Committée which would consist of provincial officials and other edu-s catlonists and which might advise not only provinces but the Federal Government, and would come in Federal hut, nevertheless, Cana- "dian authority, Iu the meantime he urged sup- port for the development of the system of adult education now ag- tive in Canada. It was based on threo principles, he pointed out. First, that no one had enough edu- cation; sccond, that anyone could learn; and third, that volantary oftort was essential, Getting The Bird time "to be a nonprovinelal. mona. -i em - gical test, and X-ray where indi yi Ia Ww 1 3 ; % oA TL els Ande a cated. A simple scheme of semi Wearing 'service uniform and steel helmet, King Carol of Roumania, an es of WEA ag Tey aged irel of po jot ) oe ha " a annual testings of the population RIGHT, and General Samsanovici study a map during war es of Rou- A.--lvory handles, that are dis. tively of feathers, A i ¥ Ks i "with tuberculin and gerological | manian army at Suceava. Defying German demands for économie con- colored, can be cleaned with lem- young woman at the Derby meet 3 tests Is presented. trol of the country, Carol will not let his kingdom, rich in oil, wheat 'on juice and salt, Bone handles ing, Melbourne, Australia, attract. Dr. Ogden in the. article asks: and iron, fall under the Swastika without a terriffic struggle. , should be gandpapered and then, ed much attention when a bird, Wy "Would it be too optimistic to be- polished. Pear! handles can be which had been nestling among q X i ri ¢ . L wine rin EE lHeve that in ten years' time we . _ te } cleaned with fine salt. Wipe them | the. feathers, suddenly took winge ---- 4 : : e yapish oo + | think of ourselves as such and | oft thoroughly with a chamois to : ) et) Rg oats Dominion Has j. North Americans." i y restore 'their luster é Agee ibe More Education For Quebec Q.--How can I utifize left-over . . wr : Ten Baronets French-Canadlans, the speaker ow on Fe tiave Divorce Rise " y Animals Suffer -- concluded, will be able to play | A Pry ueing them with cook- Helps Sleuth } F A h .v All But One Have Heirs--One iy proper-role in industry, aaa ed "tomatoes or creamed ® vege- a i Earl Resides In Canada amd commerce as soon as they tables, . Cover wilh grated cheese With co many divorces com. 2 'rom rt ritis ------ have = Psestions Sadi Hix and bake. ini before London (Ont) J x foes ; FL 3 _ Nine of Canada's ten. baronets is up to date, Tho present system, oe courts, between 60 and 100 a PAT This Painful Disease Seems To "have living heirs who are in ltue Mr, Harvey added, was now at a Ad 1 S h 1 year, James (Dick) Saunders, / 4 Be More Frequent With the title, Joseph Ellsworth Flav. Het fant tinh gassaly going a u t chiools A former member of the Lon- = 3 Them Than Among Hu- | elie now inherits his father's bar view bu iad to be adapted to ye don police department, has op- ' mans, onetey, '/ the present time and the condi Lift Standard ened a private detective agency -| N ha earn Sir Hugh Edward Poynter, baro- tions bf the Dominion, Of C . 0 n London, and -will specialize |7 t Wild animals have arthritis in net of Albert Gate, whose address . EC i ~ommuty in- divorce investigations. much 'the same form as human be- is given as Sydney, Australia, is Uniformity In R Cl ) While denying any connee ings and this painful and defoym- listed in the Canadian Almauace as po : \ Col Wilfrid Bovey-Savs Adult ton with Lordon's leading di- ing disease seems to be much more a Canadian baronet. He alone of | Daylight Time Ed Wi Rai : "Fe . vorce attorney, Mr. Saunders frequent in. the animal population. the list of ten bas no present heir. - , vucation Raises conomic nas established his office aefoss An investigation made by Dr. Her: He was married In 1933. . = ee And Social Level of a Muni- the hall from Major G.. N. ; bert Fox, professor of comparative Canada has one earl, Frederick Throughout Canada Is Sought cipality ) ask Wy Th calito - pathology, University of Pennsyl- | George Moore Percival, Barl of Eg By The Railway Association we iy i : for easier divorces, and a Ciuha- vania, reported In a maolograph mont, Calgary, whose son, Viscount * Which Has Issued Appeals Wherever a weltorgauized plan dian divorce law modelled on published by the American Philo- Percival, will become earl if he To 87 Municipalities. ol adult e jemi ton fries been put the English faw! 2 sophical Society, shows that out of survives his father, The viscount, ---- ~ a into operdtion, the whole ceonomie . - { 1,749 wild animals on which autop- Thomas Prederick Gerald Percival, The Railway Association of Can RE _-- H sies 'have been performed seventy- is only five years ald. ada has requested that watches and [ + + no + p seven' presented clear-cut ovidence Another Viscount clocks in Toronto and the $6 other . . : . . ; in their deformed bones that they "Canada has another viscount hist Canadian © municipalities, which IN { 1 1 » . had sutfered from chronic arthritis, cd-in the Canadian Almanac; Vis. have adopted dayli saving, be a 10o0na nsignia One animal out of about twenty ount- Greenwood of Cllolbornd, moved an houp_ahead at midnight, y . ar 1 1 : Loo Loud ; . 40% ; " : has the disease. Dr. Pox has ob anne Greenwood, © oudon, Saturday, April 20, and that they . | i Fi i : served that the smaller anfmals |=Engiand. His soncboin in 1914, the will stay that way untii Sunday. HORIZONTAL Answer fo Previous Puzzle 20 ---- and the : seem to be free of the complaint, Hono David Henry "Thine Greens Sept. 21. The result is espected ©, 1 Coat of arms U.S. A. sup : RM. wood, is the heir to be © lessens of the confusion" of pic- ply it with to be senting of : i "food { Hine iheivased nelivite i Baron le -Longyeuil holds the wittell each year aecompanies the ured here.' , ; Reilecting Inerenss Re ae ivity in only herediizry Canadian title con. I chante: var unieipalities TItis ae--ro . 21 Maintains. - Sod gold mining, receipts of gold at the time change, vaious munieiy tok - 7 3 iP . " : ferred originally by Louis XIV all in line at various.dales. Last. ® island colony. ye 23 To fatter. Y Royal Canadian Mint during Janu- A fall in line at vari i 3 ; " i é When Canada still belonged to year, f instance, ten Ontario 13 Assam' silk- 241t is a perep-. kiddo ary were :greater than in any. x 4 A year, for instance, ! pial i other month in history. : Eravee. The present baron is John | ipupieipatities switched -on--Aprii worm. _ nia Spo Ge © ; Moore de Bienville Charles Grant, 23, while cight others followed suit 14 To follow. 26 Wing. 1 t " the ninth baron. His son, Ronald | on dites ranging all the. way from 16 Sheaf. 27 Cavity. & him: Incidentally, it might be in. | Charles Geant, is heir. April 21 to June 11. . 17 Monkey. 28 Night before. teresting to ;note that the street ST -- Many Deviations From Rule 18 To love. 301a pull along. Te 'alled =Strai 'hie 5? : Anthorities were not-prepared-to---+ ----19 To imilate. ree. called =Straight, on which. the Canada [3 Racial Atlus ne prope oe ¢ ates, oh house of Judas was located, is still of Pg z iy how many municipaiities in 2 sem 37 Strong pin } inci ; i City . tario-w net or Fay 22 Growing dim, -- 37 Stro . - a principal street in-the e¢ity of . Ontario would-uet on the Railway - . ¥ I RI . Bias Trouble Soluble Association's recommendation, but 25 Back of necks cloth. 5 Costly. 38 Drama part. God's Chosen Instrument renee the belief was expressed that the 29 To speak. 53 Stratum. 6 Conjunction, 39 bey Soe "Two things Ananias 'was in- Distinguished French-Canadian change would be more uniform 23 Swarming. 54 Wren. 7 Prickly nut stellation. | { structed to tell Saul--that he was Editor Believes Economic thav in tlre past. Nevertheless the 34 Enticed.. © 55 Boat. covering. 40 Healthy. 34 'God's chosen instrument for bear- 'Nls Cauze Dissension confusion element has not been en- 35 Dating device 56 It is a-Yamous 8 Chain of #1 Demure. oss: hy ; A ohn m. . virely eliminated -- 36 Nimble. résort. rocks in . 42 Valiant mon. 3 ing the name of Christ before "the ELE, tively eliminated, : bis -- Te doe 32 alia ; Gentiles and kings, and the chil- Canada's facial difficulties will Most towns and cles immed: pi Sy VERTICAL Sn 5 iia A gong dren of Isvael." In other words, disappear when her economic prob. | iately adjacent to Toronto will join oe ) 170 exist Foto) raise x he was to be, although he did not | 'lems™ have been solved, Jean | the daylight saving brigade, but " ™ a fo. 4 Ini 40 bo 2 , : ! Fr ¥ 24, tis TOE io there will te 46-Needy. - 2 Gaelic, 10Kafir warriors 46 Footlike part. know it then, the greatest mission~ Charles Harvey, editor of Le Jour, in Western Ontario there will be UY Ly : 1 v 0 A ts d . C Qeyviati tri. thos ale 47 Solitary. 3 French coin, 11 Observed. 48 Gibbon. ,ary of all the Christian centuries, | declared 1H3t week to a McGill | many eT 50 To shift. 4 Correspond- 12 Hour: 49 Mesh of lace. accomplishing. more for the spread. University 'audience. 4) UL Oueioh 450 HbA tug aulp 52 Measures of ence. 15 Drunkard.' 51 Wagon track. R of the gospel than any other onc Too Few People cities expected to depart from ga Sha. 7 | man who has ever lived. Further- Separatisi--Mr-- Harvey sahil: stantrrd--time: J rl A om CO i. more, Ananias was to show him | did not flourish in prosperous a ge Trem . E): how many things he must suffer times. Quebet™ was not the only «. The Government of huiia has Fb for the name of the Lord Jesus. threat > to Canada's. unity. The. reduced the amount of houschold i fon 1% And Ananias departed, and Maritime Provinces did not see eye xoods carried free: baggage by 1° I . entered into-the house; and laying | to eye with Central Canada, On the railways. J: his hands on him said, Brother taro and Manitoba were divided, 2 ' Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, who | not only in- interests but by nat 8 : mm Fa 5 £8 SR BW --"appeared unto thee in the way | ural geophysical bariiers, and tho Bible: Outsell ye = ! -which thou camest, hath sent me, Prairie Provinces had different Mein Kampf . " naycst receive thy views from tho rest of Canada. mers 1] 4 sight, and he filled with the Holy British Columbia had no common The Bible is still the best sel- Spirit. 18. And straightway there. | interests wiili' the Prdfrie Prov. ler in Germany, having outsold gl ! "fell from his.eyes ns" it were inces, One of the fundamental dif- Chancellor Adolf Hitler's "Mein scales, and he received his sight; ficulties, Mr. Harvey, stated, was Kampf" by 'about 200,000 cop: x and he arose and was baptized; 19. and he took food and was strengthened. And he was cer- tain days: with the disciples that , were at Damascus. Forgiven of God, and welcomed by man, Saul 'rose from his knees, The blind- ness vanished from his eyes; and a new warmth kindled in his. heart. He was Saul no longer. He was - a new creation, ® | too small a populatitin In too great an areca. Ile pointed out that the United States had moro than_ten times the population in oan area somewhat less than Canada's. The Dominlon, according to Mr. Harvey, had specific racial prob- lems, but 'these are not insur. mountable provided we cease to bo English, French, ] Scottish or | "| Jewish and become Canadians, and ies yearly in the six years since the Nazis' assumption of power in 1933, according to the Prus- sian Bible Society, An annual average of 950, 000 Bibles is sold 'in Germany. Sinco "Mein Kampf" was first published in 1925, 5,000,000 German copies have been sold, 4,400,000 ginee 1933. 46 0 ST) DZ 3 | --- 20 D6 a . REG'LAR FELLERS-Worse'n Red Flannels "By GENE BYRNES & THATS AN' # OLD-TIME. "HE. SURE 1S, DAISYBELLE/ WHATS HE WEARIN' THEM TIN CLOTHES FORT THATS THE WAY THEY DRESSED IN THOSE DAYS, PINHEAD / THEY REALLY DIDNT, #% IN THE 'DAY TIME, DAISYBELLE, BUT: IMAGINE PAJAMAS MAYBE, THEY $@F DIDN" MIND IT MADE OUTA THAT STUFF - J

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