I | pi } 4 Former Cave-man Likes H Lif : dKes ome € P rliamentar Canada? Wheat comes first, then tion, a y D bi oats aud then potatoes. ; Latest Poiniive esi that tho "incredible Collingwood "Man ature' Ings returns show wheat to have a but carefully estimated sum of $5, . Who Recently of Nature! 9 3 value ~of $204,000,000; oats, 000,000,000 is spent yearly on vaca- Will Walk To W 1d's Fai §110,000,000; and potatoes, $44,- tional migrations," Dr, Charles I. I o orids Tar, With Outariew Legislators, 000,000.--Windsor Star. Singer, Yong Beach, N.Y.,, sald Soring, 1068 . these vacations "lack conscious, Alfred S{aples, the "Man of Na-. ture" who once preferred to live In caves, sald that after living fn-\ doors for three months -- for the first time in years--his welght had "Tyumped trom 152 to 17d poands aid that he "never felt better in his tite." Rolls in' Snow In Winter / Staples got married recently and gave up his year-round abode in the Blue Mountain caves behind "Collingwood for a substantia} brick house in town. He returned to the: tailoring business he relinquished when he decided to become a cave- HY EEDY To talk or not to talk .. . a has been the chief questio "eontronting: "Ganservative nen -bers of Ontario's House this secs. sion ever since the opening of the Throne Speech debate. . Liberal M.L.A.'s, too, are harassed by a great deal of newspaper- sponsored comment about how ev- ery time you draw an extra breath in Parliament it costs the country' money . Premier Hepburn, = dissenting SPUDS IN THIRD PLACE Did you know that 'potatoes are the third most valuable crop in ALL AVOIDABL E WG There were 242 accidents at pune pretected railroad crossings in Ca- nado last year, causing 96 deaths and injuries to 300 persong--40 of TORE ATEIAERtS oct urTInNg Eh CIOS" ings where there were protective devices, And every Inst one of the 242" could have been avoided if the drivers concerned® had used caution and common sense. Of. tawa Journal, TOO MANY REVOLVER S This is also a good time ror - - 3 instead of just a sightseeing tour, bas been presented in thé Journal of the American Medical A¢socia- well organized purpose and are governed mostly by vogues, whims and fads." Plan Holiday Carefully 3 He recommended closer co-oper- wtioa-belwéen doctor. and nsatlept in working out "an individually planned 'vacation, c molded" to. per- sonal fequiréments," Careful plan ning of the hygienic aspects of the vacational migrations ®il] result in reductions in cepldemics, he sald, dweller and spend his spare time | fron the view expressed by Con- thasy Ganadinhs who do nist yésiiy Would-be Suicide PRAY in winter months rolling in the servative Leader George Drew feed Noyelvers & Jiitomaiicd 30 P ts Probl 3 £n0W, : ; ~~ | that the Throne Speech debate is Faster bunnies bring a lot of happiness to the idle at this time of year. Here are three live ones all set a primey et ig Tv resents "roblem Ly The former hermit. announced } ; wast of time, says:.that it is in | for a morning ride. And don't overlook the newly-hatched Easter Duck, the quecr Lellow at the right. rg iin Tom wml nila . -- i his annual endurance walk this } yet aope ibd Hie "Government off 18 they. tuined them In to the Toronto firemen and : year would be from Collingwood, on the shore of Georgian Bay, to the World's Fair at New York.. He - expects toicover the ("timated 685 niles on foot in 17 or 18 days. learns what the: country is think- ing and is enabled to base its fis- cal policies in public opinion . , . Dapends again on who's doing © youngsters Canada's Mining Industry Fast the "shoe of which 1 we find men- tion in the fourth chapter of Ruth referred to a glove. - In the tenth century we have Sesser evbett rte iet in VOICE OF police. Records show that crim- inals often secure such guns dur- ing robberies of private homes, If owners feel they must keep them as souvenirs or for other senti-- poice- men had a jitefy- job to per- form one day last week, A woman stood on the roof of her house and threatened to e talking . . . [It makes some ! jump, The policeman who was ges ng to see all the Sh oWia Devel LATA clear proof that Ethelred the Sec- & mental reasons, they: might re- Ty i to persuade TN = . done by Tawyor members o of the | -r : oping --------{--ond--recelved--five-palra--of-gloves, | "THE -- E Si _.}. nove the firing pin or otherwise - her_to_re-enter the house, He | : : Barred From Canada® House . . . "Farmers want oo as a duty paid by a gocjety of Ger- |" make "them "Gseless as Tethal we | Featicd "the firemen: But each | 5 look-in, too" complained R. A. | Spectacular Achievements Seen | man merchants who held a monop- | GENEROUS ADOLF pons.--Fdmonton Journal. time they raised the ladder she 4 McEwing, 'Liberal (Wellingten During Past 'Five Years In ow for the manufacture of these Hitler will permit German fave M ke eT threatened: to throw derself i North) in his maiden speech. . . articles, to retain the gold filling in their two stories to the street. by Cuts a time: they ad more to iyi Metals, Made Without Fingers ~ teeth when they surrender their al e Vacation A From 6.30 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. \ say on the floor of the House". . , * The earliest gloves of - which | {her yuldables. Can it be pos- Quest For Health the firemen and policeinen } ------ 2 Canada's mining industry has specimens are Job FAO Wop ot sible that this is a bid for the He- took turns coaxing the woman. YEON Mi German maRe and devoid of fin. ew voie?--T to Globe and tem nie >ventually » serebded ir yo 2 se 2% re it Benin palo marked progress In the bast | gor "ji was not until after the Hi ' Rees A plan for making the 35,000,000 wisi Bg nd bri Ja AD nd the Liberal h d f the C five years, creating new wealth to dissolution of the Heptarchy that : z travel vacatlons enjoyed annually fer dowd a ddor ringing fest an a Te vi ned aa | the extent of $1,850,000,000, accord: these were introduced into Eng: em-- by Americans, a quest for health B Jacaer, Ny ni Sous innn fo w053 Bist Ing to the Department of Mines, land. Until then the ladies had no | CURFEW FOR ADULTS ARK week by the sheaf of resolutions and Resources, Ottawa. ng an i : .C FE] . i, Ki made ready in the Ontario Legis. New Flelds Into Prominence gloves, though the ends of" their Iwas a bold and outspoken \ Vera Hruba, ticklish question, knowing full don Lake areas in (he Northwest two parts. Long fissures or cracks diced at Lepasg Mayitoba. ~London | Czech figure skater, is oni a will Territories: and the Zeballos River stretch from the northeast to the (1 ingland) Times, ABOVE, beautiful weman... without a. country. -- Sy voute from New York, she was e- nied admission to Canada on grourds that "a citizen of nen- existent Czecho-Slovakia, if she tavjo_fariners lower freight rates gold ore milled in Canada has in- of the "crack" zone. The measure. the was. admitted to Canada the Umt- en wheat also embarrasses Otta : af 24,000 in 1934 to 55, | +vents will be repeated in a few Harvey de wi, Tuan Pa ed § q 3S . crease rom 24, n 19%: to BS, ih concessicn of inloss Stites could then very properly "refuse: to "take e her back: Tein-Age Youths Start Own Church Congregation Has 12-Year-Old "Minister" And 60 Members" ---Chicken-Coop 450 Of Worship. i A 12-year-old "minister" and his congregation of 60 shrill-voiced-. in Canton, Pennsyl: vanla, have saved their pennies to beautify their back-yard, chicken- coop house of worship. It's a year since the unordained "pastor", Charles Rockwell, hls 'sister, Jane, 14 (she's organist and' lature to be forwarded to Ottawa particularly the one asking the Federal Governnient to repéal the Canada Temperance Act 6s is applies to the counties of Peel; Perth und Huron, and Manitoulin be a deliberate move on the part of the Provincial Government to "pass the buck" to Ottawa on. this well that probably "nothing come of it", . A Action demanded of the Domi. 'nion Government to secure On- wa. but it doesn't embar- __rass Ontario farmers, who ~have "practically lost access to the ex- _port market for, wheat owing to the preferential rates accorded to . Western Canada and United States wheat, wheat flour and wheat pro- . ducts moving by. rail frem bay ports thropgh Ontario for-export",- We really feel sorry for Prime Minister 7ackenzie King, (whose hesitating stand in the last. two international crises has borne the . brunt of so much criticism), now that every man in. the Ontario House has voted to support a re- solution calling for the conscrip- tion of wealth and man power of Canada in the eveiit of war Ne this Ontario resolution, however, may have been a little premature, "in view of the fact that the Nati- onal Government of Great Britain Each of these five years has seen some speclacular achievement, eithér- fn the production of new 'métals or+in the way of new dis coveries, During this period Can- ada has become an important pro- areas. in Ontario; God's Lake In Manitoba; Lake Athabaska ju Sas katchewan; Yellowknife and Goi- . and Cariboo areas in Britlsh Col: umbia. Gold production has cx- periericed steady growth with the result that the daily tonnage of 000 at the close of 1938. Crude oil --produétion has Tucreased five-fold since 1934 due-to the comparative. ly recent discovery of a crude oil field in Alberta. Earrings Either Very Long or Stud NEW YORK. -- Earrings this season are either very. long or in the form of a stud and are seen in beautiful cluster or scroll de- signs, and also in the old-world falling festoons. The very latest iden is.to wear a half hoop of dia- monds "completely covering _ the lobe. Jeweled sprays for the hair are .much in evidence, the real antique _sprdy, mounted on silver, forming a hoop or half hoop round and mantles were shaped so as to form coverings for the hands, } - When JWilllam the Conqueror came to England ho introduced the gauntlet glove, but many years elapsed before- the inhabitants adopted the fashion in any great Geologists. are wondering heth- er Iceland is dividing itself: into southwest of the island. Scientists intend to take meas- urements of 'the distance between «pe mountain peaks on either side years to see if peaks have moved farther apart. If the mountains have shifted, it may prove Alfred Wegener's theory of continentgl drift," which maintains 'the Amexi- cas have been slipping away from the old world for millions of years: and that. the Atlantic thus was formed between them, All buildings in Istanbul -are to be painted grey as camouflage against air raids. : citizen who told the council at In- gersoll that it was: the parents ra- ther than their children who ave'in need of a curféw law, Wonder what this citizen would say if he could "sce the "children" on the membered the time when the In- dinns of Northern Canada thought that the white man was a god, has | "Big Bad Wolf Township, Bruce County, in the vicinity of Dan McKinnon's home last week, shot one of the wolves which killed so much live stock last year in that vie- inity. The wolf measured 70 inches from head to tip of tail Mr. Scott says there is still an- other as large as this one and some smaller ones which be iearned- from- their tracks, ETTST--"TrE--"----S----e ER lb OUTDOORS 1939 TO BE BIG YEAR FOR ONTARIO ANGLERS WITH VIC BAKER FSC LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher A Island. This follows re- ducer of radium, uranium, sulphur, "dere." : streets of Oshawa after midnight. = Py peated defeats ir the courts of the | antimony, nepheline syenite, sod- | Ge8T€e ea. Oshawa Times, . =F A) Sonteuon oF Siieniey fies, Hs fum sulphaté, and rock wool, New I 1 d M B : gps x hant and renter Hepburn tha mining flelds have come into prom- celan a . L. -- 00 i the inci) ol go Canis) Act inenco in the Cadillac-Malartic area B ki i Ts 4 BED DisiesiSion) oy ' overrides the federal statute . . . | jn .Quebee; Larder Lake, little Sally Ross, an Indian woman ye. # The passing of the resolution may Long Lac, and Sturgeon River rea ng n wo puted to have been 105, who re- "There's no sense inviting both the Flint twins, Mom. . . ut They're exactly alike." GREATEST TOBACCO BARGAIN superintendent of the primary de the hair, being sought after.. The partment of the Sunday School) and Hitler are far from being ene- modern spray has banquette dia- Isaak Waltons of Ontario of the trout season on May 1st and-elght playmates started thelr mies and not likely to fly at each monds introduced into the orna: _will have 7,000,000 more &peck- will follow clésely behind. Do 1 CANA [)]: own church, much to the skeptical other's throats for a long timé-to "ment, which is made up of detach- ted trout to angle for this year not be caught napping when amusement of their elders. Pennies Go For Pulpit The chlcken-house behind Mar- tin L. Rockwell's home was just come . , . but maybe the re- ports of Nazis establishing air- bases on Iceland put a little of the "fear" intous. , . , , able "pieces which, -when taken Spall; fort jeweled clips tor the gown. - . iad next in the lakes and the streams of their province, in nddition ito the regular 1,000,- 000. small- mouth lack bass hy the fishing season arrives and start preparing gear right away so as to be your fishing ready when. the brizht morning ~ sunshine heralds in the first of- ticial fishing day of 193%, Var- nish_those bamboo rods, clean the reels, reverse the silk lines, cheek carefully those wading boots, make the odd new lure stocked Hy-by-the-pr cial fish and game authorities, --D. J.-Taylor,- Deputy-- Minister of Game and Fisheries of On- tario, stated recently in an ad- dress before the members of the Toronto Anglers s' Associa- "the IE, oy me yeunert nm would covet'for "the gang" to play in, but for Rockwell's sgn and daughter and the nefghb boys and girls, ft was ideal for a church. : - "Love One Another" Gloves' "Origin "Said Ancient People May Have Worn Them In Bible Days -- Oldest Looks-like-a-short- session and an _early rising for the House ......_. in time for the visil of the King and Queen, i aayliap, Increase Seen In (oi{e?-\: {38 {38 (o]:V Nelo} Charles' had. thought they were : tion, in your spare time, either fly or ' only playing, and wouldn't built a Sun Spot Activit BN hom Secon Are Of This information -should artificial bait plug, and check 55¢ + pulpit for them at first, but they y man _Ivlake. carefully every part of. your fishing outfit and thea you will be ready and waiting "for the time when you can take thoee cerve as a reminder and as an inspiration to the readers of this column that March 21st-- the first day of Spring--has al- continued, having services, Sunday after Sunday, An old table served as an altar, Attles ylelded chairs. Rugs came Yo LB. TIN Also in 10¢c Packages Although gloves have uot always been as common as they are at the present day, they may lay claim to Meéxinsinn of Present Cycle May Lie Ahead--Greatest : Since 1870 from a neighbor. A ghip's bell calls - the congregation to worship, "We should love one another," as does the pig, nor can any bring quicker returns or use to the same Sun spot activity, whiclf "lias "been the greatest since 1870, is yet les ahead. The last maximum was In 1920 and the cycles usually great antiquity... There are some authorities fndeed who decree that ready arrived and the opening week-¢nd fishing {rips. and -25¢.Tins i Tv Charles told his congregation in "continuing, -Dr, Seth B, Nicholson, . : = 5 : tho anniversary serman. "We | of Pasadena, Calif, declared last 'WONDERLAND OF 02 ~a By '.. Frank Baum .) should 206k both jes of 'every week, with the possibility that the ~ ) ) ™ . b + quarrel and try to make it pleas maximum of the present cycle still I ES KANSAS | TLE Ee 4 . A anter and nicer tor everybody. " lies ahead, saa Wish mi rigs : $ ' DY "During the Jager part of Feb. 7 : -- ruary sun spots brought a mag- ' mn i \ " Pi 1gs Can Convert netic storm on tho-- earth great h 5 E i "| enough to disturb telephone and . + Grains Into Meat telegraph, communications,' he $ A : tee +] sald, "and last Decembér a solar } x ~ Pigs-fit Into farm practico-as a eruption caused short wave radio complementary to many branches fadeouts, .. y X . = 3 ot dairying which prevail through. Cycles Of 1114 Years . «> ; out tho. country, and. Canadlan "Tho greatest sun spot aclivity farm grains are excellently suited | has been. In July of the past two ru k y for pigs. Nonw of "the farm ani- | "years and it the spol groups begin . 'B ® mals can convert grains Into meat | to increase within the next few { as cfiiclently, nor as économically months it may mean the maximum i A x ) " Ni advantage as wide n varlety of run about 11% years. = a vl congratulate you," sald Lord High "Thank you, my dear, roiled old Lare "Now you got your diploma, Em," sald Then the cook cume to cull them for YON feeds, _No_farm.animal_1s.- Tore. g throush Chikglewlts, speaking In a cheertal voice, 17, WEES, 1 DOL 8, 001 pusile. thete | Uncle Honty oo hii ia a, ulcer Country ginuer, and the found an tnviting meal A hn readily saleably; A Japanese vie picking : rou "You are certainly, the cleverest people pair: wy hy a0 4 Fou do, It asked Aunt And "them *1¢ we. Ald that we'd "leave Prepared for them. Afterwhrds they went 1 ¥ ( 3 = These 'are some: of the: reasons the ruins on the battlefield of who visited us, I was never matched #0 Em, se 43h "Why don't you behave these folks scattéred," was the reply. out into the yard and matched several why pigs find a place on about 600,000 - Canadian farms and why of _ Shanghai, Kiangwan, north Play- picked up 'a hard grenade: quickly in all my life. I a great puizle usally othy, "t \ Well, " sald Dor. here used to be oy Jig aw puzzle considered a Joutsel! and stay cnt, i. {igh Shifglewits replied politely: "Mad. The' 1ord Just then Dorothy discovered a hand with a knitting needle In it and then decided to put Grandmother Gnit together, She other people together, and this work was £0 interesting they might have spent the entire day at Fuddlecumjig had not the am, ay have perhaps noticed that every 83-per cent, of formers in the Do- fully he threw it. Three Japanese craze Jat ome, so ve h had 3 spme_ taper). person has some WEE 4 ne la ta braved an savier puitle than Sa Lary, Aeizard_suggemed Jt they resume thei RAL H : C 8, aca r se h at yours Is w no And when » as. complete ey foun 0 ey. u on' e to leave n Rk 3 i minfon Includs pig falsing in thelr |° men and a woman were killed and were flat, while you are. ;rqund, and that say, but T shall ne qrer find fault with her a n pleasant old 18dy who tres ted them - thexs poor peopls scattered," rald Dor. > < Programs. two dther persons injured. makes you hard to figure dnt. het a you corde) | ot mndecided what to do. WW