Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Apr 1939, p. 6

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------ Eskimo Dance : Latest Craze Had Its Beginning In' Hunts- Ville Zind Muskoka District Town. a pond Ew Fhe skim, newest this i hot Vv ebpodance, 'made -jts debut ig To sonth last week affer being given SR 3 a thorough. try-out- in Hinptsville " end other Muskoka disteiel 'resort ! towns where it's the rage. Composer Norton Kingsland, who tooksnative kskimo dances, added tho "Eskimo kiss--nose-fubbing -- mv rn rims yee rt Hm Red Hire w HH sw go Saye Eskimo is somewhat like the Lam- beth walk with a voit of truckin', a dip and a dive that represents a2 entering the door of an ¥gloo, and a sping-chilling woon-woo vo for the "On Blubber And Love' All movements are accelerated to the tune of "Little Brown Jug," worn with a special movement for the pose-ruhbing. 'The theme is: "Soon we'll be living an binsber and love me and my little Kskimo dove . . ." ) With the.exception of a coup. of .gowns that have skirts widened by a sort of shelf around the hips, slim silhouettes are retained in Paris. B north wind. oh designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens; George's sarcophagus was recently and members of the royal family. This ine photograph shows wie permanent tomb. of King George V in S was placed opposite the memorial to the Duke of Kent, the late monarc! R.A, and the recumbent figure is the work of Sir dedicated at a private ceremony attended by t. George's chapel, Windsor, where it h's great-grandfather. The tomb was: William Reid Dick, R.A. King * the present King and Queen It is the first one to be located in the public part of the chapel. a [] Fascist Italy's Claims reas nase i sree i . . EGYPLAN] RIAL ' ' 4 \ SUBAN 4 do . \ \ In the course of an address on the 20th anniversary of the estab- lishment of Fascism, Premicr Be- nito Mussolini said that Italy's tlaims on France "'earry the names of Tunis, Djibouti and Buez," (shown on ABOVE map), adding, "The French government is perfectly free -to refuse even to discuss these problems, as it has done up to now." ---- , Carded} - Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE PPS - 1.--When a secretary is intro- (ducing a caller to her employer, caller), this is Mr. Gibson (em- ployer)? ° - 2.---Which is better, to have a dozen real close friends, or be like some people who, seem to be a friend of everybody? * 3.~When a husband and wife nre giving a dinner at their home, and have no servants, who should "greet the guests-at the door as, they arrive? - 4. --1Isn't it afl right to send out written wedding invitations? bis--Is'a womangperiitted to be the first to suggest that a man call on her? Le 6.--Must the fork-be uced for cutting salad? Answers - 1. No. She should mention her employer's name first: "Mr, -Gib- son, this is Mr. Morgan, who tele- phoned you for 'an appointment." 2. It is preferable to have a dozen . real genuine friends, "A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody." 3. The husband. -- 4. Yes. Infor. mal notes, 'written on one's per- should she say, "Mr. Morgan (the _ 4 60% Potash and get th Farm Forum fe eB Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell, Dept, of Chemistry, On. tario Agricultural College, Guelph, ous departments of the O.A.C. 1..Q.--Will you please answer the following 'questions to clear. away the cobwebs in my brain: Alound about here farmers are buying Phosphate and Potash sep- arately, and mixing it, sowing it without a filler, - What do you think of this practice? Oné'agent tilizer was cured better and. was ore available to plant life. We ow a bag (125 lbs.) of a complete "fertilizer to the. acre. What I wish to know is how much of the Phosphate and how rauch Potash would be required to 'equal in strength a complete fertilizer 0-12-10. 'The Phosphate 20% and Potash 60%. 1 mean how many pounds of each must I! have to equal an 0-12-10? J.D.L., Oxford Countys, . A.--In order to make up a 0-12- 10 you could mix 120 lbs. of 20% * Superpbosphate with 34 Jbs,. of analysis 0-12-10. - This should , be sown chemicals tend to react on one an- other, and the mixture may be- come sticky from taking up mois. with the co-operation of the vari. : very soon after mixing since the _ told me last year the'complete fer- | * MIAWAIIAN GUITAR spout sowing corn, or what would you recommend and at what rates per acre? "W:H.B. Simcoe County. A.--Regarding the. sowing of fertilizer on corn, the general op- inion is that sowing the feftilizer through all of -the tubes, if the rate is not higher than 250 1bs. per acre, will help the sorn and not injure its vitality, If you wish to apply the fertilizer heavier than this, it would probably be best to. proceed as you suggest; cut off the fertilizer. dropper. from. the' row where the corn is being sown and let the fertilizer" be sown through the tubes on either side. pn a ee ly £5 1 a---- ARTICLES FOR SALE a -- FOR SALE FLAGS, BUNTING, PLAIN AND Waterproof Truck , Covers and © Tents, Prices and samples on re- quest. John Leckie Ltd, Toronto. TURKEYS BOBS JET BLACK TURKEY TOMS. The hardiest breed. "A" grade $6.50--a few "DB" grade $5.00. few Guernsey Calves from Also a Robt, Metthews, R.O.P, * Stock. Harold, Ontario. In recently winning. the .Leon- ard- Shield, in the provincial ju- nior first aid competitions conduct- cd by the St, John Ambulance As- sociation, the first aid team repre- ~'senting the 10th Brantford Boy: Scout Troop was repeating for the third time in four years. Windsor and Toronto Scouts first' aid teanis tied for stcond place. = An enrolment in Scouting-~ of" nearly three out of every four. boys of the Church of Latter Day Saints was announced at - the qharterly conference at Raymond, Alta. Tt was stated that the church had adopted the Scout _ Movement as a permanent feature "of its programme. Declared the Elder Bullard: "It is just as im- portant in this church _as the Sunday school or any other auxil- iary organization and we intend to promote it to the fullest." "1 cannot. think of any better | "I education and--training- forthe youth of Canada than the Scout- FIRST VEGETABLES © First vegetables to be planted in the Spring ave spinach, all sorts of lettuce, radith and peas. Once gardeners were: advised against - the early sowing of peas for fear sced might rot in wet, cold soil. There is little danger of this how- . ever, and biggest crops invariably come from early planting. With most .vegetables it is ad- visable to make at least three sow- ings a week or two apart in order longer over-the season. With peas this spreading out is secured by towing three kinds, an early, a medium and a late variety which will_result in a continuous: supply of green peas for the table from _mid-June until late July. ~~ to 'spread the harvest: that much | sonal stationery, are all right, but engraved invitations - and 'an. nouncements is the -better form, 5. Yes; she has that pyivilege. 6. Yes; one should not use the knife. There used to appear in the catalogue of a mail-order house ing Movement."=Hon.-- Gilbert -- Layton, Minister without Portfo- lio, Quebec." wie quarters on the River Thames have enrolled in the Porl of Lon- don Autliorityls River Enlergency london Sen Scouts having head- | I Scout leaders, plans Service, being organized to pro- tect shipping in wartime, Their duties will include rescue work and maintenance of communica- tion_by speed boats and a series of signalling stations, in case cf telephone disruption. -- I i A' Boy Scout first aid squad maintained for the third year at St. George's Island Park, Calgary, by the 4th Calgary (Elks' Own) Boy Scout Troop, last summer took care of 81 cases of injury;' according to the Annual Report of the Park Superintendent. The 'Scout first aiders were on duty 48 days, including wetk-ends and public holidays. The equipment for the station was supplied by . the Canadian. Red Cross. Medical necessities for the first aid chest are maintained by the Calgary Parks Department. -° As a headquuwrters for Saskat- chewan's training centre for Boy ture out of the air, There would be no reversion of availuble plant- food will be just as available as it would be in 200 lbs, of factory- mixed . 0-12-10, The _ fertilizer. complete mixtures are usually well-cured hence are more certain to be in optimum drilling condi- tion.--Henry G. Bell, Dept. of Chem. 2, Q.--1 wish some information regarding the sowing of fertilizer with corn for ensiluge. I have al- ways sown the corn on a sod or a ficld of ground that-was badly in- "fested with twich-grass, but owing been unable to get catches of clo- ver so thought of using some fer- {ilizer on the corn along with the manure. [ sow witt fertilizer drill, 35 inches apart, and-wish to know if it would be better to sow "fertilizer one spout each side of food in this mixture, and the plant- agent is right in saying that the' to the dry: weather of late; I.have THAT REMINDS ME-- THERE'S MORE VALUE FOR THE MONEY IN OGDEN'S are under way for building a veplica of the--{{-- old-Hudson's Bay trading -post-at-- Fort : Qu'Appelle. Duplicates. of the ancient blockhouse and .the group of log cabins will be con- structed, and surrounded hy a fence of palings. -- It is planned- also to erect a provincial museum for Indian relics, How Can |? © BY.ANNE ASHLEY ~ Q.--How can I keep the parts together when using a cement to repair broken glass? } . © A,--After using a cement to re- pair broken glass or china, place TO MAKE MEN STRONG A new drink that makes men strong_has been tested at thet Long Island College of Medicine. The drink is about one-third-of 'a cupful daily. of ordinary dry gelatine "dissolved in orange and lemon juice. r . Results, six' men doubled their muscular endurance "in about a month and a half training at bi- cycle riding. On women there Proper thinning, frequent culti- . . vation and an occasional -applica- Hon of some good commercial fer- tilizer will keep vegetables grow- Ing quickly, and quick growing "makes _for tenderness. gms PRUNING [ue i hieet £ wn picture of --a-- pair of corduroy trousers. ) Year after year the picture ap- peared, together. with the descrip tion 'of the trousers--and the price, $2.50. A ~ ~In the twenty-fifth year of the- advertisement the company re- ceived this letter: pray whether it be rose bushes, fruit ee _.irees or flowering shrubs, is to ; open up the centre of the growth 10 that sunshine and air may pene- trate freely and also, of course, to produce- a symmetrical plant. the=mam--objeevr = tr Y Naturally any dead or weak i growth should be removed and bik also branches that rub against J each other, i 2 : EASY TO HAVE FLOWERS Many people think that a beau. © tiful display of flowers in their own garden is impossible. Far too much skill and work are required, they believe. - Thege notions are wrong, ac - cording ta. authorities on the sub. ject: There are gardens that fit } almost any situation," "For those S20 : people who have neither the time ; £ nor Inclination there are plenty of "annual Mowers that thrive on neg- ; 3 ~~ groundin late Spring is all that SEES SR ect; A liftle digging. of the Si is required. oy Fs +, Teka such things "as - Alyssum, aol i dwarf marigolds, portulaca and ng, §. California poppies, "for edging. #0 © These are little flowers that al- 7 | most seed themselves, have plenty i! t colour, crowd out weeds, * do 78 © Well In any. locatioh, but prefer 7 Be ym and: light soil. "Once started 7 ; they will look after themselves. For the centre of heds or neat the back, large flowers such: as ca- lendula, nasturtium, poppy and gd * phlox will fake a good showing Wop and for screens castor beans, dah- 724 y "Has, cosmos, sunflower and tan a ? marigold are advised. x \. seeing them corduroy breeches, the more I got to wantin' them. "If yow ain't sold: them yet, let me, know, and -I will buy them.-- Youre truly, Si Higginbotham." Nit--Why do you speak so hoarse? " Wit--1 was talking through a screen door and it strain: ed my voice. "Oh, darling," cooed the wife of one of our married men, "I've set my heart on a new studio gsouch." . ' "Indeed?" came back bur chum, "Well, sweetness, that's the only part of you that ever will set on one." " "Did the doctor take your temperature?" "I dunno, All I've mised so far is my watch!' : "A city man's secretary looked up from her typewriter and saw a beautiful blonde, carrying some papers, glide into the private of: fice, smiling sweetly. "Listen," said the secretary, taking stock of the charmer, 'if you try to get the boss away from me I'll scratch your eyes out!" "Don't worry, dear," answered "the visitor, "I'm not the new typ- ist. I'm only the boss's wife." When a pretty school eacher drops her eyes, her -- 1 pupils act wp. i "Dear-Eriendi-The-mere-t-beon--) a strip of adhesive tape over the repair, temporarily, The parts _will be kept together until the cement is thoroughly dry. Q.--How can I:prevent waste, and save time, when grating "cheese? mater -- A.--Time. and labor can be sav- ed when using cheese for au gra- - "Roll-your- owners" with a yen for real ic 3 - value bank on Ogden's for real money's worth. - They know that Ogden's gives the highest percentage of smok-- ing pleasure, that it pays sure - ~dividends---in ceoler, smoother, sweeter smoking. { is was no effect. CURE FOR FLU MENINGITIS _. The case of a two-year-old baby who apparently was curéd of influenza meningitis by the use of "sulfapyridine; a "new antizpneu=-- monin drug, was reported at Uni- versity of Kansas Hospital last number of eggs laid from, a flock of 230 Large Type S. C.- White. - Leghorns for the months of No- vember and December and -send us the names of 5 people who are T interested -in - Poultry and. buy chicks each year. You may --a prize as high as 300 chicks free. ein I Lakeview {Poultry Farm, - Bros, Exeter, Ont: pki Piet - DON'T * MISS THESE BARGAINS! k Cock- $19.95. N erels, .08c, P 3 Three - weeks old add :(3c, Big Egg Qual- ity add .0lc, Extra Seléct add .02¢c, Rush your order if you want these | bargains. Bade slectric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. BUY DIRECT FROM THE PRODUC- = EN'S ery roll lm developed and 8 high _- gloss prints 26c, Reprints same price. - 8 --enlarged prints 2bc, Brightling Studio, 29A Richmond St. East, Toronto. PERSONAL MARRY ~HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE Many with means. arm- daughters. Widows with Property. Particulars 10e. Con. fidentiai. Box 128. Calgary, Al- berte. | 2 QUIT TUBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, | inexpensively, Home remedy. Tes-- timonlals. Guaranteed. Advice. free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Wionipeg. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE : Yojpantle sweetheart, 'with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- 4) er when you ge @ chance, The are some articles you have to buy from an agent, but not so with Tweddle chicks. We sell to you. direct and save you money. Grade A Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids $11, Pullets $18, Gackerels $6. Brown ---__Pullets_$22., -Gockereld_ 13.5 Profit Grade -all hatched from 2§ to 30 ounce egg slightly higher. Prompt shipment. Free catalogue. "nw ddl Chick latoheri a3 28. mit =~ souric T HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRITE ~ for free -booklet and full particu. lars regarding our amazingly sus- - cessful hyblood treatment. Pedi- greed Products, Saskatoon, Sask. WANTED -- ORIGINAL : POEMS, songs, for immediate considera- tion, Send poems to Columblan Ausie Publishers, Ltd, Dept. M87, Toronto, Canada. rad t wearont; rine cheese is put through the food cheaper. By doing this, all the small, pieces, of, cheese which are so difficult to grate, can be utiliz="" ed. ' - Q.--How can 1 soften glue that has hardened in its container? Q.--How can I clean white win. dow shadés? ] A.--One method is fo use finely owdered bath brick. Apply with a dry, ¢lean nail brush, Brush the soiled spots briskly until the stains disappeaJ. Q.--How v1 make a good acid for the manicure? : A.--Put one teaspoonful of lemon juice into a cup of warm' water. . Stains will be removed from the fingers and nails, and it will also loosen the cuticle. y What Science + ls Doing * TOUGH MEATS "TENDERIZED" A process of "tenderizing' meat through the use of ultra-violet toothsome as prime -kirloin, has been invented, mt The method, which gooniwill go into commercial use in.Cleveland, supplants , the\ costly, centuries od process of 'ripening' or "hanging" choice meats for weeks to mehieve tenderness. ot . rays--which makes cheap cuts as | 3 week. EARLY CANCER TEST A_ diagnostic test for carly can- cer in human beings==a "develops ment that would be a great aid in combatting * the disease--is re- ported in Science, official organ of the American Association for' the Advancement of Science. Schiaparelll shows much unre- lioved - black, either -cut in dee square decollete or high necke with short sleeves. Quickly Relieves the Pain of' : BURNS, SCALDS CHAFING | In Burns and S¢alda every second cottnls, So keep a tube of Mentholatum always within reach . «+. ready for every emergency. 'The moment & burn Of - scald a, apply Pomeri 8 bx tothe i i, Sl ey oo fames . . . Coola and draws ou ing and burn, + promotes a 1a used by ons of pe Sa Sa chest colds and calarth op neuralgia, Non-{rritati is mod sensi Fi or money back, Get a { 59 dod oo ube or jar today. AS cur ed, Fergus, Ontario. undtin. It's frea-- write for one NOW > Fits the special of the 2 1b. . din Crom ang, Lily White an YTUpS. 1s easily cleaned and can be used over and over again, Pouts without a dtip. Provides means of accurate measurements, - "iti Makes the 7 1b, tin an excellent table container, - _. es ca [ @ The protective ap. Ray " * 3 that portraits of famous EAR it * . The Famous Energy Food The CANADA STARCH C0., Limited, Tofoate "Tose No. 14--'39 -|--repp. covering, frat class 619 60... CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS Three-piece Used Chesterfield Suite, condition .eaeiierieniiny hres pieces Bred English * Velour "hesterfle uite, com. : Rletely reconditioned ., $24.50 hree-piece Used Chesterfield Bulte; best English mohair, in rich brown shade, Febuilt thrdush $39.00 Money-back Guarantee - Frelght pnald to your station : " ROR i SORTA esd, fittings an en 'Fre 8 Ay : a . Pekurar 310.00 value--only $5.48 FARM "EQUIPMENT poh delivered, Limited number only. FANNING MILL (KLINE) FARM- . Order mow. R. 8. Willlams Cpm- ers say best seed grader; wild pany, 431 King St. West, Taoropto. oat separator testimonials, - Kine ---- Manufacturing, Islington, Ontario. AUTO ACCESSORIES : LIVE STOCK 5 AVE OU NEE 2 _MAPLEMERB SAM, PERCHERON i WHATEVER YOU A NEBD Truck Stallone olied; rising 3, chests . i : 3) . nu s, oroughly broken parts, Engines, ditferentials, ax- to harness. Homer Talcott, Bloofn- ~. baiterles, Ste. 8 eclal attention field; Ontarlo. : ¥ to mall orders and farmers. - Sree - plete satisfaction puaranteed or GUBINSRY BULL, ALSO PURH money refunded. west prices. red and grade cows. C. Flatt | Prompt shipment. All charges .R. No. 2, Hamllton. - paid. Osler Auto Parts, 95 Osler, PO forento. : GLADIOLI BULDS . - 7 GLADIOLI, 100 LARGE PICARDY AGENTS WANTED Bulbs $1.50 postpaid. WW. Glass, R.I. No, 1, Ancaster, Ont. AGENTS ~ WANTED - IN EVERY 3 district to sell BL rofuet yen i) ever ome; s is a mo si Syaker. Dox 81, Toronto Post HOT IRON TRANSFERS : Office, eg PACEAGH + oF dio? JRON 3 DR 3 3 EP- ransfers, eight sheets, over two BIS SPARE-TIME PROFITS RUC: hundred designs; "also "valuable erican, British publications. Dept. instruction $ Teh chart; mall 26 of to J G A; Fidelity Cireutation, Box we, £33 Collego Street, Toronto. HUGS FOR SALE ASTHMA, BRONCGUITIS. - A ron SALE pref FOUR 3g " orkshire Sire, es arke en ~ _IF_SUFFERING- FROM ASTHMA Royal Winter Fair and other Boar or chrpae bronchitis send 108 to" Wintfers} Yearling boar sire, ay for trial o kable British Grandsire, and two nearest Gran. Ey ovhich 1a. GIVING instant dams in Siianced Registry, Four relief to many thousands, Litera- on rr den Sore. Shade- ture free. . Astone Products, 73 A A, 5 : Adelaide West; Toronto, Sold by Druggists at _50c_and $1.00. * NO FILM REQUIRED il BABY CHICKS 3 SEND US. YOUR SNAPSHOTS OR } -- old photos. We specialize in muk- ~ BRAY CHICKS ARE GOVERNMENT ing enlargements direct from any approved, Hatched from big ¢gEe. print, 8" x 7" enlargements col. 'All breeders blood-tested and fed oured 50c; 8" x 10" enlargement special hatching rations. They coloured 75c., Stamps accepted. = live well, grow fast, lay early, Tru Foto Studios Limited, New lay heavily, make money for you. Birks Building, Montreal. _ Bray Hatchery, 130 John. Street = os - i North, Hamilton, Ontario. To PATENTS N cn re) TKS 3 AN UFFER TU EVERY INVENTOR. BUY, RAY JOON, MAS PAY List ot Inventions and -(ull infor- buy Bray Chicks", she says, "they mation eent free, The ltemsay Coin- Mitike more money for us. We are pany, Registered. Patent Attorneys, well satisfled." You'll be satisfied 273 Bank St. Ottawa Can. - ten 130 0-8 - J bia np biihel | Phd EE. TAT] CHES FOIL SALE & = North, Humilton, Ontario: --__ PATCHES F TE _2500-CHICKS--EREE 500°C HICKS -- - QUILTIXG PATCHES, WOOLLEN , From a cholce of a flock of 2,000 "Ibs. $1.25, silks-3 lbs. $1.00. Post- Large Type S. C. White Leghorn paid. Dominion Dress, 501 Mark Breeders, 1,000 , Leghorn Rock ham, Toronto. ' (hybrids) or 1,000 Large Egg Size 2 x Strain Barred Rocks. All you have PHOTOGRAPHY na -- ---to do to win a prize -- Guess the a ny \ CAL >1 AT MATTAWA; ONT, '14- ROOM brick house, all conveniences, large verandah and lawn, beau- iifully situated on shore of Ot- tawa River, away from streets, .suttable for. cluh aun Will sell reasonably. W 64, Mattawa, Ontario. 480-ACRE FARM, SOUTH-EAST OI Battleford, Sask. Log buildings, 60. acres under cultivation, goo $1000,00 North- rite Bo plenty water; lace, 8. R. Roynl Chesterfield 66_Richmong Street E., Toro % SEEDS FOR SALE FILMS DEVELOPED ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED WITH 10 pling of each -and FREB ENLARGEMENT | - coupon 25¢. OFFSET COMMERCIAL PHOTO- -QRALHY 2 RUSSELL 8T.. TOR« la THAIN GOODS, WIGS, TOUPES TRANSFORMA- tions, Switches, Curls, and all its of tinest quality Halr Goods. PA illustrated catalogue. Confldens tfal terms arranged. Toronlo Hume an Halr Supply Co. 628 Bathurst. Toronto. : .- ---- HELP WANTED MALE BECOME A DETECTIVE, MEN over 18 warited everywhera. = De- tectives earn good wages, Ke. wards, Work home or travel. Correspondence training courge, Write for (ree Information to Box 25, Station T, Montreal. TRIAL OFFER. ! W N ONT, "Dept. A" HOME GROWN SEEDS, ALL GOV- ernment grades. Alfalfa, red gjo- ver, alsike, timothy, sweet clover. Ask for samples and prices dellv. ered to you. The Caledonia M ing Co. Ltd.., Caledonia, Ont. WRITE FOR OUR PRICE LIST ON all kinds of grass and clover seeds. Highest quality and lowest pricés. We supply bags and pre- ¥ pay. . Brown Bros, Arkona, Ob- tario, Peele ; SPECIAL TREATMENT $26 REWARD FOR ANY CORN OR Callous syhich cannot be removed by Lloyd's Special Treatment, un- der our supervision. Prevents re- turn, . Send "65c for " complete treatment, regular 75¢. Lloyd's-B, _1211_St. Clair West, Toron FANNING, "BXPERT TANNING OF HIDES FOR . Harness Lace & Robes, Alto. DEER, Ete, Flee {ist and tage, Towne & Sons, Merritton, Ontario. --TORACCO 4-POUND SAMPLE PA ley Zimmer, prior leaf, flavoring and recipes, or -3-pound sample Virginia Burley; Zimmer r leaf; 2 amples manus factured, $1.00 postpaid, Ruthven Tobacco Exchange, Rathven, Oot. ans a8 DUR. d - rer. home, yr «0

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