Pl REE ra L TAY RAN a EGR ja Ih br wr ms ee nbd i Bian deme Aster dd a lak \ -bulle Telly Girl Is Amateur Radio Operator 17-Year-Old Has Her License, Hopes To Take Up Radio As Career seventeen year-old Jorge ats ot Vancouver started out to play plug g-poug aud wound up as the wocond gil in OriifENColambla 6 qualify for an 'amateur radio cer- tifleate, When she joined a nglghborhood club two yedrs ago she found -hea fellow members were -all ardent radio fans and before long their enthusiasm infected "her, After a year's) study, during which she Jor own receiving set, Joycs qualied for her license and the right to transmit, Her next task {3 to build a travs- mitting set. Joyce, who next year will enter the University of British Columbla, has her workshop fn the attic ot the family home, Her mother, Mrs, John Watson, hopes she'll take up radio operating as.a career, , a <FOR THAT TIRED FEELING Ceneral toning up f red feel . Ing is galned by Yo ann Sayers and Mary Beth Hughes by stretchin "Miss Hughes. holds- soa Ann- ayers -- arms erect while she pulls taut the muscles of back and abdonien. Hgusthoia Hints Ii you bave ge silver {o clean, keep an old aluminum bowl speci- for the purpose. To three quarts of water use a piece of co- da about half an ounce in weight. Bring it to the boil, put in as much silver as possible--keeping it hot--and leave it for five min- vies. Take it out, wash it in hot soapy water, aid dry quickly. It will have a delightful shine. It is" the chemical action between the - soda and the aluminum that cleans the silver so easily and quickly. Stained- decanters, vinegar bot- tles or flower vases can be cleaned. by standing them nearly full of warn water 'into which small pieces of brown paper have been put. Allow them to stand Yor sev- eral hours, then shake the soaked paper well up and down until] the -- marks disappear, after which rinse | well in warm water, then in cold, and polish off. Fine cinders in warm water shaken up and down «ringside _s0_generofs with him." CHAPTER Mf : It seemed to Marlle us bo glave- ed 'miserably over the crowd at the Red [tooster lun that some ong TREY TAVE mage ip a speefatiist of invitations "o people-he didn't want to see whoeo\he wus stepping "out with a girl, Bill Bartlett showed we m (0 the seats, right where the: spotlight hit "them when the music began to play. An earthquake would have been welcome so far as Marlborough was concerned. With pleasure mingled with-an' amusement, Tucky wdlched the stir her walking in with Marlle created, Ana' being kind as well ag Beautiful, she felt a tinge of pity for her flustered companion. Not So Clever Well, it Lisa thought she was pulling something funny, she would at least not give her the- satisfaction of seeing that it both- ored her in any way. And Lisa her- selt 'could not shake off a feeling of premonition that she hadn't just been so clever atfer all. Surely, Tucky didn't really think - that ° Marlle was so interesting. Mike Tulling felt himself in for a'large evening of laughs, and he meant to make the most ot it. But when the three-plece orchestra broke into a rhumba, Lisa jumped up. She couldn't wait to warn him, "It you don't be careful and nog give the joke away to Tucky, I'll never go out with you again," she threatened Mike when they began to dance. "Oh, so!" he grinued knowingly. "There is black doin"s at the cross- roads," "You shut up." Lisa said ang- L-rilys "prot pulling anything," "You wm $0." Mike held her clos- "And Uncle Mike seey all, sad hears all, and knows all, but tells nothing, fe thinks you are doing a good turn, my little girl scout. Angel needs a lite. .tun avhile his Aas away, I'H heip you." "You just mind your business aud leave him alone, or you'll spoil everything. 1 thought if was a=dirty shame lis mother never let him have a good time, and Tucky likes boys who are musical. So 1 just thought of 'him, That's all," __ "0h, yeah," ia the only guy you didn't for yofirself. want That's why you are © Liza stepped on his-foot in a fury. Mike winced, but added, "L don't 'blame you, Red. Sho's a de: lectable 1goking littlo morsel." Lisa swallowed Yang to - keep from gereaming at hin ¢ Tucky walted oy for Marl- borough to ask. ler to dance. But when she had made vp her mind ho wasn't going to, she hinted. "I'm just wild about dancin'! Aren't you, Marlie?" hd Ee | don't know how." told her miserably, Tucky looked surprised, "Ilaven't you ever even tried?" "N-no," Mirlie hesitated. "My mother doesnlt approve of mv go- ing out dancing." "Have A Little Fun" "Oh, -1- see," Tucky said slowly: "That's too bad. I's lots of fun, and [ certainly can't see any real < harm in it. Can you, Marlie?" "No," he agreed, "But: [ just ne- ver--have, because Mother always -- wants me at home. She's away just * now. and left me for the first time in my Mie x Maile pela THe GROOM WAS SHY ~ oy Aa S10 SOARBERRY "lle grinned self-consciously. Mike scoffed. "Angel - She went away this morning | 4 Toe besa ah TER SPE DFIRIANE, IRE EDENr Go aN " 35. \et RE A CE Qin s 3 ob Vn wh 5 : 4%) RRP 4 PRL NE nd and iV TT TX ra Uncle Herble's any time and take lessons, We can tune in on the radio," ' "But {Ud be so much trowtle!l L with probatidy never for bie to even learn.' < "Hig people alway dance liejter than small ones. Liga and Mike rejoined thém. . "Are yoall havin' a good time?" She jmitated Tucky's Sovthorn diu- - lect "Sho" am, speakin' for maself. L Tucky smiled sweetly, "Marie is golng to take dancing lessons from me over at Uncle Heole's, Aren't yon, honey-chile?" 3 Mike snorted. "You got some thing there, Angel! I think Tucky has found love at first sight." Iisa kicked him in the shins 'I'm so glad," she sald untruth.' fully, "you~ two are making a Lit with each other," "I'm having a swell. time," Mur I'm sorry Tucky has to sit ou! the dances." "May I. Miss Louisville?" Mike Jumped vp gallantly. "Real Southern Beauty Pucky held out her arms. Lisa Lad a sinking Mike Tulling was her favorite beau and she had a dark suspicion that Tucky would love to take him away from her, just for spite. Marlborough. watched. - Tucky dancing with Mike and thought she was the most beautiful and the most graceful girl he had ever seen in his life. Her blonde curls were pulled back from her. lovely little' face, and touched her shoulders. in back. . : > "With her long. sweeping rufiled blue organdie dress she looked like something out of a Civil War mov. ie, Marlie decided. A real Southern beauty. He'd heard much about the charm of tho girls from. the Blue Grass State, but he'd never known one before, Lisa tapped et foot impatiently ani to save her soul she ould not "keep her eyeg from following the X tall blondé girl aitd her sandy-hair- ed partner, together, she Tel, They danced too well and- looked en- Ete A monn amen Fa¥ED the homely stew, vich.and. + or Mixmaster, keep Lawent Tr deTanters Will RISO TCMO Ve WiTe stains, > flavorful though it may he, is more interesting if served differently, Next time, serve the family pot- pie in individual ramekins, = with your very best biscuit~ crust on top--or a nice oven-browned gat- nish of mashed potatoes. To enhance the flavor of. can- ned baked beans, mix in a little brown sugar and add-a few thin- strips of bacon dcross the top. 'aké in" the oven until heated thoroughly- and the bacon brown. pl To prevent the bottom erust of custard or pumpkin pie from becoming soggy, brush it all over : lightly with beaten egg white be- fore adding fillimg, To make a smooth flour thick- "ening for gravies or sauces beat. 'the paste with a rotary egg beater This is a quick and easy way to avoid lumpiness. Next time you are washing sil- ver plates or dishes which have been used for fish remember to add one tabléspoon of vinegar to the water. You will find it will make all traces of Sshy sniell dis "appear at orice. When you wash spoons, plates and egg-cups that have egg stains on them place theni in cold water, fisst. They will clean much easibr. 'To prevent cakes from burning, * 'sprinkle salt in the oven under the baking tins, Hg To prevent fruit setting ar tue "bottom of rich fruit cakes, shake the fruit in some flour and add to ~ cake mixiure at the last minute. A piece of charcoal in {rigerator will absorb odors und. the refrigerator smelling " Martie wondered why he "had told Tucky. She put her _haird out | [>and suddenly "touched "fhe = big' brown one that lay awkwardly on the red and white chacked table- cloth. "Well obeying your mother fs nothing to apologize for, Marlie, guess we'd all*be better off if we listened to older people soinetimes. _ But | do think you should go out and have a little fun." "Funny thing," Marlborough con- tessed. 1 never thought - much about it before. Don't tell Lisa I told you, but I've never been in a place like this in. my life before, And this is the first date Fve ever had in my life." Tucky's eyes widened, "No foolin'! Well, are you sorry you came?" "Not with yon. Marlborough --grinned- hy 1 and- the girl-de- cided he was very nice. "I'think you're pretty swell. I bet all the "tellows are jealous of me. » "Phere you go sweet-talkin' again," Tucky dimpled archly, Bat she wag pleased as, punch, A com- plinient from a boy like Marlle was sincere, and she had sense enough to know other -nien: sald a lot of _, things they didn't really mean, They were silent awhile, watch. ing the dancers. "Teach Me How" Sat Maclie exclaimed final "I'm_sorry you have to sit here i a bump on a-log because I can't dance." ; "Oh, don't worry," Tucky told him generously. "What's one night in a lifetime? If you want to learn to- dance though. I'll teach you" "You wonld?" Marlie was sur prised, "Sure | want {o learn: But | not here," } "Well, you can conje over ta 'my Write plainly Size, Name, dress and Style Number, You'll be danciug . after a couple of lessous." r EE a En -- "You're Jealoualt feeling of disaster. - === tirely too engrossed in each other tor Lisa's comfort. Bike was so tall and. lean, and well-groomed Tucky so soft and feminine, a per fect palr for romance, Marlie broke the silence. "Why did you invite me to come over to your house tonight and to meet Tucky?" he asked suddenly. The question was most unexpect- od and tbe red-head hesitated, She smiled mysteriously. = _ Wouldn't you like to know.' Of Interest to Womeh Readers . SO think," Mar'borough str aight enéd his tie, "yon we re. playing a - joke on me. INsa's green eyes narrowed." But sho bit lier tongue and dried to sound very friendly. A "Yol're crazy, | saw your moti er at tho station and 1 knew you were alone, So I-thought you and Tucky would be. congenial. are. So why should you think | was trying to be funny." i "Oh, I just got fo wondéring. Say, don't Tacky and Mike dance well together? I'l bet he'll fall harder'n & ton of bricks for her. All the fellows will. She looks like _a movie star, or something." "Something," Lisa gaid grimly, "But she's too Roads to wear very 2 wall." You * SPRING TOMIG vs By this time most of us are fed up, with the winter, We want a "change 'which is one of -the first signs of the arival of spring, - But since the ideal spring days will not be here yet, how would 'a change in the dessert diet do for the moment? -It does wonders to winter-jaded appetites to = eat something entirely unusual and unexpected. This Ice Cream Md. ringue 'Cake will act like a tonic and what a pleasant way to take a spring tonic! ICE. CREAM 'MERINGUE CAKE 13 cups sifted: cake flour 11% teaspoons double-acting bak- ing powder teaspoon salt tablespoons butter ov other a AND: TO BE HEARD . ... April 14, 11 a.m, on all' networks, President Roosevelt , , ,', 12.16 p.m, CBS -- Youth Tralning in Alberta , . . » 8.30 p.m, MBS -- Author, Author ....8.30 pm, 'CBC--Miss Trent's Children i, + "10 p.m. CBC--Brlan NE WS MADGE ARCHER vv. e 6.30 pm. CBC--The World Today . ... 8 p.m, NBG aud CBC --Chase and Sanborn Hour . ... ; April 17, 7 p.m. NBC--Mr, Digi Attorney. (new dally serial by Ph! lips Lord) , . «. 10 pm, NBC and CBO, Marek Weber in Mexico..,. She could have Kicked horselt for saying It, Marlborough raised his eyebrows, *(fosh," he looked wise. "So that is it, You're jealous of her," "You shut up!" Lisa stormed, ¢( don't "have to be jealous of any wo- man.' "Don't get sore," "I won't tell." Lisa wanted to throw something. at him, But she had to restrain herself. So far as she was concern ed, the evening had turned oul tragically. "Let's go for a ride," she sald getting up before Mike and Tucky could seat themse'ves at the table . Marlie grinned, when the dance was over. "Ils so hot in here." "Qh, dean," Tucky pouted, and she was very much amused. Just as Mike and I were really getting started to dance together." "There's many another night," * Mike said as he followed his rag- added over ing girl friend. Then his shoulder, "I hope." jut neither "the cool evening breezes nor the summer - moon could soothe the vuffled and wor- ried Idsa. After a few minutes she . ordered Mike to turn back toward town. "Diop Marlie oft ficst, --or," she ordered." : But Tugky protested. "No, 1 'want to _sjt out in tus ts near- --porch-swing-awhile and watch the | moon, don't you Marlie? Or -you can take your dancing lesson." "I don't mind," Marlborough said uncertainly. "But it's almost ten o'clock." k - " "Oh, you'll have to._get used to "late hours this summer," smiled Tucky, "if you're going to be my boy friend, Marlie. Because I am just getting started at ten o'clock." She would have given anything to see Lisa's face when Mike broke in: "Hey, now Mastin! You haven't dated her up for the whole season have you? How about dividing her 'among us; now and then?" (To Be Continued) Nature Forgot Provided Us With Eyelids To Shut Out Light But Left Us Defenceless Against Noise. RE Ear Coverings shortening < egg whites cup' sugar 5, p egg yolks, unbeaten tablespoons milk 14 teaspoon vanilla .3% cup sugar Sift flour once; measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift together three times, Cream but- ter thoroughly, add 3: cup sugar gradually, and cream together un til light and fluffy. Add egg - yolks, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. "Add flour, > alternately with milk, a small' amount at a _time, beating after each addition until smooth, Add flavouring. Pour into greased pan, _9x9x2 inches. = Beat egg whites until foamy _ throughout; add % cup sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating af- ter each addition until sugar is thoroughly. blended. Then, con- tinue beating until mixture will stand in peaks. Spread over cake batter, Bake in moderate oven (350°f.) 45 to 50 minutes. Let stand about 10 minutes to co then remove carefully from pan. Cut in 38-inch squares; top each _ with small ball of ice cream or with crushed fruit; or serve to ag 'company ice cream. «Here is another treat a -3 00 EN 0 in i 4 form of Nut Crumb Coffee Cake. --NUT- CRUMB COFFEE" 'CAKE 2 cups sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons douBle-acting baking. powder 15 teaspoon salt , 3 tablespoons butter or other 8 shortening. 1 cup sugar «1 cup milk % teaspoon .vanilla 2 tablespoons sugar %, teaspoon cinnamon %. 'cup soft bread.crumbs 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 tablespoons chopped walnut meals . - ~ Sift flour once, measure, add - baking powder and salt, 'and sift again. "Cream butter, add 1 cup sugar gradually and cream togeth- - er well. "Add flour, alternately with milk, beating aftek each ad-" {--dition until smooth. --Add-vanilla is The Secre of Meredith -from-England April 15, 9,30 p.m, CBS -- Phil Baker 10 p.m, NBC and CBC--NBC Sym- phony, Hans Lange conducting ,... April 16, 11 a.m, Vatican Broad-~ cast . , . . 12 noon, NBC and CBC ~Radlo City Music Hall, 'stream. lined verslon .of "Tales of Hoft- man" ....2 p.m. NBC--Magic Key . +++ 6 pm. CBS--Sliver Theatre shop in two American plays .... April 18, 11.45 a,m.,, NBC and CBQ --Dr, Stidger .... 8.30 pm, NBO --Information Please , i : , April «ss +8 pm, CBS Radio Awards wes. 8 pm NBC and CBC --- Ons Man's Family, ~ (iood Looks REDUCING THOSE' HIPS It our hips would only keep slen- der, how much simpler life would be! I know that many of you yearn to reduce your hips, because shoals of lettera tell me so. "fat around the hips. They're not so- simple, | so start easily and increase the effort as you get more supple. - Lie flat on your back, with the hands clasped-above your head and - ankles together, Keeping heels and shojtlders flat against the floor, tot your hips tirst to the left, and then the right, Next, try this more dtfricult exer. cise: Lie flat on the floor," arms at the - sides. Bring your knees up to your chest, keeping arms flat, Here comes the work! Kick upwards un. til- your legs are straight -fn the air, and as you kick, twist the hips to the right. Maintain thls position for a féw-seconds, then bring your knees back to your chest, and re- lax. Kick up agaln, this time twist: ing hips to the left. Sees Women As Power For Peace World Council Y. W. C. A, Leader Says They Can 10.30 p.m. CBB--Columbia Work- 19, 2.30 p.m, NBC--Radlo Awards. Do Much Women of the world can dp much to accelerate the cause of fi ternational peace, according "to Mrs, Harrle R. Chamberlain of Tof- edo, Ohlo, addressing delegates the annual meeting of the Foreigh Division of the National Board of the Young Women's. Christian As. soclation at Baltimore last week, - Mrs. Chamberlain, vice-president of | the World Council of the Y.W.C.A, held that friendly ties such af those fostered by "Y" branches will go far toward women of the world and that this hus he transm "| sentiment can t to leaders of varlous nations, Telling of the work of Y.W.C.A. branches all over the world at & masting of the Natlonal Board she "clted a new unit being formed. in _ Iran as an example of the organi: zation's work in distant lands. "In such meetings as tliis o Mrs, Chamberlain sald, "it is edsy to tell that women of all countri 'are as deeply concerned for peace as we are, The peace sentiment 'we have built up is 'strong enough to hold through political differ- ences." Turn inte greased pan, 9x9x2 in- ches. Combine 2 tablespoons su- gar and cinnamon, mix: with the __crumbs, and add melted butter" and nuts; sprinkle over cake, Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 45 minutes. | Remember -- keep thoso arms of -.yours flat, You'll Jong to support your hips with your hands but you 'must refrain, Keep trying and the "fat will roll off those hips! Write me for personal and confi dential advice. Detalled -leatlets on the following subjects may be ob ia PATTERN 4065 By ANNE ADAMS Ensembled fashions are' taking the lead for Spring . . . in chil- drenls wardrobes as well 'as grownups'. And so this new frock- ~and-cape Pattern 4066 should jn- terest every mother with a "féur to twelver" to get ready for Eas- ter! Both dress and cape are quickly stit comes in two dainty, versions-- both skétched, One buttons right - down the front, in a self-help de- sign that kiddies beginning to "dress themselves will prefer. The other has a seam instead of the front. closing. : Pattern. 4060 is available in children's sizes, 4; 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 6 dress takes 2 yards 86 inch fabric and 13% yards ruffl- fobs size 6 cape 1% yards 85 inch abric, a "Send 'Twenty Cents (20¢) in'. coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this Anne Adams = pattern, Ad- Send your order to Anne Ad- ams, Room 425, 73 West Adelaide St. Toronto. 5 ' \ d up. The dress . Nature did not fully equip man for ~ctvilizattom;--actording™ "to™ Dr Yerne O. Knudson; professor of physics at the University of Cali- -tornia, since she forgot to supply him with earlids, These are a nec- . essary accessory if man is to be protected from the nolses he pro- duces. Ear stoppers can perform a beneficial service in protecting not only the ears but the-nerves from alr borne noises. "There .is ample evidence,' Dr. Knudson added, "that noise robs millions of city dwellers of qulet leisure and restfal sleep. .-Few can escape from the nocturnal nolses of - neighbors' cats, dogs, radlos and even soclal gatherings, or from the traffic of near-by - automobiles, trucks, street cars and busses, "The resulting toll society pays in a single item of disturbed sleegy 8 unbeliavably great." Styles For Mature Woman To Avoid Among afew little effects that-- "Howard Shoup, Hollywood design= er, thinks the mature woman should avoid ate: Surplice bodides (aging!) Uninteresting, too sensible look- ing shoes {they can be comfort: able and flattering). Novelty gloves - (plain pull. ons can't be beaten. Skirts more than three inches longer than the currently popular, weeepted length. : « Severe necklines which do no- thing to hide the lin®s of her throat, - Too much makeup and a long bob, BC He Should Help "You Dry Dishes Home Esnanlds Expert Says Head Of House Should Not ~ Be Exempted From Little Duties. There are times when Dad should add drying dishes to furnace tend. ing in the well-ordered household, At least the "head of the house was not given = complete exemption from Sano duty by Mrs. Clara 'Martin, Home economics: authority at the opening sesslon of a new * geries of {instruction 'started by "Adult Education Council, Cin¢in- ~ nati, O. The housewife whose busy round is frequently obstructed by gossips, long-winded phone calls, ambitious door-to-door - salesmen, must be. come an expert manager and planner to produce happiness and complete satisfaction for her fam- fly, Mrs." 'Martin pointed out. To do thls, she will' ind much help in: a written weekly schedule, How Women in Their 40's Can Attract Men Hero! 's good advice for a for 4 oral her ama from To, whe fe she'll lose her appeal id men, wh 0 wort: about hot Sashes, lose , dizzy Spells, Tt IL "hrs. sloop and if x ra. an . 134 1} WOR "8" tone take ydia E. Pinkham's Vege und, made especially for samen, RAT Mare huild 1d ap physica tance, thus jot vacity to enjo. if hn nso aime ng jittery nerves an urbing symp : tos tial of i VEL Wak a. international _creating _arntl-war feeling among _Drip-Cut SYRUP | JUG Eyes, Hands, Hair, Feet, Bust, Su. - perfluous--Hair, - Slimming; Under | weight, Reducing in Spots. Please write direct to: Miss Bar- bara Lynn, 73 Adelalde St. West, Room 421, Toronto, Ontario. Jacket Suit Seen For Spring Wear : Tight little jackets and full - swirling skirts make the chic spring silhouette for slim young figures, A simple rayon- taffeta frock in a -small navy and white check with a full skirl is very smart worn under a snug basque jacket of soft navy wool, And _ione should weaf a ruffled lingerie "hetticont underneath to -- show when brisk breezes - skirt, This same jacket suit iz shown, too, in brown and white and black and white. Back Sore? 8 your hack is sore and you must get p aoveral times at ght, you will. find Dr. Pierce's A-nuric Tablets very hene- «ficial. Mrs. Emily Wright, - 478 Henry St., Woodstock, Ont., says: "My Kidneys called me up several "times at night. Rheu: fmatte palms developed through my body: 1 could searcely ralss my arma above m on head and uta fa bed 1 was vo ath od sore. billow the - At Blg Saving snaps over Lisi BLS an, ; the syrup--tl is no pr It isa grind jug to ery syrup fr 'To get yours at «Hy saving sead 30c four that retails at Sy Su Fouls ten 5.1b. Bee Hire © deli $1 or he Se he in 1 i A i rel vf: il reques 0 2 -.manufacturer--the -addressisoneverylabel. J . folly regular ro (acy 0 early teens. FREE Sample and Booklet Hteedman & Co, Dept. CGabrlel st; "Montreal. Gl Jo BE "Hints to Mothers" wifte J hn 19, 442 8th - 68N EDMANS I on POWDE ERS A-tturie and: Fwas ache and pain 00 that I felt five 1 have had no such troubls since." Boy 's A-sxrie Tablets pb your drug store. : Toage No. 18 -- 139 C SL, R30) Jrumiagae=- rice oh ol