Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1939, p. 8

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hid oo = ak 3 rT aan % i A A Aah, ARRAN EVEN ARR J RETR ES " AF ELA ns SERRA he dedi a IL ada CINEREA IRINA MD Abie kis a Ma oo ', 4 aA 5 : § - » LE ¢ \ : A \ L es eee te fe ES rr feon and Mr. David Duchemin, has A. Lapp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lapp, Myrtle Station commenced building operations, | Murs. Wa. Thaxter, of Lorneville, P > u i _ On Sunday evening, Rev. W. E.| The Women's Association will indet | and Mrs. Okes and family of Canning- 5 Honey preached the last of a series of |at the home of Mrs, Elwood Masters |ton, Mr. Sam Madill of Beaverton, Mr. : . % a W. Madill of Mariposa, Mr. and M a X "oy Apostles Creed.'on Wednesday, May 10th, at 2.80 p.m. Ephesians 1:7 and 19-20 were the A full attendance is expected. verses from which he spoke. These! Mr. and Mrs, E. Masters visited|and Mrs. Wm, Clark: of Woodville, sermons' have been interesting from with friends in Peterboro on Sunday, | Mr. Ii D. Christie and family, Oshawa the first and those who have heard of the warm weather 3 sermons on - the Ts. Geo. Sims and family of Sanford, Mr. eAnnouncing that them all, cannot but feel that they have given an insight to the Creed not known before. Next Sunday being the' first Sunday in May, the Church service will be held at 3' p.m. For the remainder of the spring and summer months. the Church service will be afternoon and evening, alternately. The Official Board meeting of the . Charge will be held in the: Sunday School room of the church'on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. A full attend- ance is desired so that important busi- ness be transacted. i. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Hudgins on Thursday afternoon, with the president in the chair. After the opening exercises and the business period, the Secretaries of the depart- ments gave interesting items regard- ing their work. Rally in Oshawa, on" April 20th, was given by Mrs. Honey and Mrs. Hud- gins. The worship service followed the theme for April: "Give heart and soul, and mind, and strength to serve the King of Kings" and was in charge of Mrs. Honey. Mrs. Mole and Mrs, Parrinder read the three Parables on Man's .Co-operation with God: (a) 'The parable of the growing grain;-- To us has been given the co-operating with God in the bringin ;in of His Kingdom, As men an . women dedicate their lives to God, they open the way for his Kingdom to-go forward; (b) The parable.of the mustard seed;--In the growth of the Kingdom, man has co-operated with "God, as century after century new! followers of Jesus Christ have been won, . chiefly through the Christian education of the young and through Home and Foreign Missions. - (c) The parable of the leaven;-- Christians cannot keep aloof 'from an area of life __cconomic, social, political, inter- national--if the whole js to be leav- ened by God's Spirit, he spring Thank Offering was taken up, and light refreshments were served by the hostess. : winter. In a message from Thursday, 'to friends here, A full report of the rivilege of! A wood-bee was held in the Chureh}yindred products (Bowes), has been: shed on Thursday," when Mr. Hugo.handed us by a'friend. i Bradley came with his buzz sawingjof a skit on the dairy cow will no outfit; and a number of 'men gathered, and in about three hours there was a good supply of wood cut for next Toronto on it was The coming has awakened the wander lust in the men of the road and it is 8 common thing to see them singly, in couples, or in groups, tramping the railway tiack and the highway. The railway crossing over the highway acta as the temporary parting of the ways as<they scatter in all.directions through the village after a serious conference ms to where they shall meet again later. Then. follows the calls to the back- "doors of the houses and an invitation to the lady. of the house to hand out some sandwighes, or Bome tea or sugar or potatoes, etc, ete: These men have been seen to meet and sit on a sunny grassy bank, pool their hand- outs and eat what suited their fancy and throw away that which did not appeal to their taste. It is surprising, to say the least, how these men, who in the majority of cases prefer to beg 'vather than work, have the nerve to approach the housewives and ask that the kettle be put on to boil to make a cup of tea or that meat shall be used for a sandwich. Well, daylight saving time has ar- rived again, so now those city folk ,are tricked into getting up an hour "earlier and they don't know it. Only ithe sun "She scems to be in the 'wrong place", at noontime. But, 1 "daylight saving means nothing to the farmer, for he uses all the daylight anyway and there are no 'eight hour days to it either. This farming busi- ness is alright when one is able to get after it in the right way and that way is hard work, if you ever hope to [reach .your objective, If you are in 'the dairy business it means you must ikeep a fair sized herd of cows ana they must be of a good productive type and must be milked regularly as | well as being well fed with properly balanced rations. If these rules are not followed we fear the results for the average farmer may prove dis- astrous, In many cases in spite of what he may do the farmer is the loser. ; - The following was taken from the circular of a firm handling dairy and This portion doubt be appreciated by our farmer readers, not only for its humor but for its truthfulness as well. "The most important part of the cow, however, is the receptacle in which the milk is prepared and stored. This is called Mr. W. Ettey's greenhouse is indeed & most beautiful sight now. -On en- tering the door one is greeted with the -perfume of the many varieties: of flowers. -AMhough our own garden blooms late this spring, and Mother's Day approaching, we know where we may have, our wants sup- plied--at Ettey's. id 3 Mr. and Mrs. Redman'and family are moving to a farm near Chalk Lake. Ty Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jie were Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamb and family of Manchéster, also Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. The. ladies of Prince Albert are cordially invited by the ladies of the Anglican Church to their afternoon tea at Cricklewood Lodge, Port Perry, on the afternoon of May 12th, from 8 to 6 o'clock. : The April meeting of the W. A, was held at the parsonage, Port Perry, on Wednesday afternoon. of the 26th, with, an attendance of' thirty-nine. The president presided and for the Scriptyre_read part of John, 14th chapter. Rev. Mr. Smyth led in pray- er. During the business. period, a lovely quilt top was on display, don- ated by Mrs, Dobson.. Next meeting is to be at Mrs, Harper's. The pro- gram committee to be -Mesdames.F. Luke and G.- Luke. ~ It was agreed that we accept Mrs. Switzer's offer of putting on a t."s The ittee to look after the advertising, etc., are Mrs.. B. Snelgrave, Mrs. Harper and Miss Mary McCrea, Meéting closed with hymn "Take the name of Jesus with You". The following program was arranged by Mrs, Ettey and Mrs, B. Snelgrove. "Grandfather's Clock" sung by all; reading by Mrs, F. Luke, "The Doctor"; contest conducted by Miss M. Vickery, answering ending in "ing"; reading by Miss:Marion Kirby, "The Woodbox"; vocal duet by Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Lyle "Flow Gently Sweet Afton" and a reading by Mrs. G. Luke "Preparing. for the Royal Visit." Lunch was served by Mrs, H. R. Murphy and Mrs. G. Luke. - A vote of appreciation was given Mr. Smyth for os kind hospitality. =~ Proceeds .60. Mr. Ralph Lyle, Toronto, in the vil- lage 'over the week-end. . Mrs. R. Bond has returned from To- - on * WITH CANADA'S OUTSTANDING ~~ J s BEARE MO' Ne "Now Serve PORT PERRY and District J 'MOTOR FUEL . Official ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Service Station. A Change to Blue Sunoco is a Change ~ to the Better ORS | ronto to her home here. Mrs. Town, -Toronto, is with her daughter 'Mrs, A. MacGregor. "SEAGRAVE The pupils and teacher of Bethel} Sl : School are planting trees and laying out a school garden and plannin, the udder. By a clever arrangement this is divided into four compartments each 'with a seharite tap. By this means the milk is divided at its source, so that one part goes to the landlord, one to the mortgage, one to learned that Miss-Ida Crawford had passed away in the hospital for In- curables, Miss Crawford lived among us "for.almost two years; returning to her homé®in Toronto last "August be- ¢ause of ill health. Her condition was such that recovery to normal health|the government and one to the farm- was impossible. She made manyler. Sometimes one of the compart- friends here by her quiet, yet pleasant|ments will be defective and in such disposition, and it was with regret casea"the farmer is omitted." that her death was learned of. She many improvements around the schoo leaves to mourn: her passing, three grounds. The section wish them every brothers and, one sister, also Mr, A. ok: success in the enterprise. PRE EPSOM £------ Misses -A--Frise,-D--Martin-and-M- t : Johnson, a cousin, to whom is éx- . tended sincere sympathy: Mus. Lottie Ashton has returnéd to) Eagleson, attended the Lindsay Pres- _ The traffic on the highway was very|her home in Epsom after spending the bytery Y.P.U. Gonvention at Omemee heavy over the week end, giving the |winter with friends in Port Perry. on April 22nd and 82rd, and enjoyed impression "that tourists and pling Mrs, Ivan Rogers of Ashburn spent it very much. lake dwellers were visiting the north-| Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs.] Mr. Gordon Mark spent: the past ern vacation grounds somewhat | Walter Rogers. ' week in Toronto with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark attended Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker spent earlier this year. . Hearty congratulations are extend- 'the funeral of the late Mrs. F. Fielder Monday in the City. br - The men of the community made a ed to Mr. Floyd Honey on the very fof 'Uxbridge, formerly Pine Grove, on fine results of his examinations at|Monday afternoon, May 1st. _We ex-|bee on Tuesday and cut up the wood Emmanuel College.. He received the|tend sympathy to the bereaved. at the church. The ladies gathered " General Proficiency prize in his -year,| A large number of 'members ana and served dinner also working on the Joseph Henry Wells prize, George friends attended the regular meeting the quilting of two quilts. A. Cox bursary in New Testament, of the W. A. at the home of Mra. S. The play "Headstrong -Joan" put on and the second Rowell Scholarship in|Pogue on Thursday afternoon. : by the Baseball Club'on Friday even- . Church history. : Miss Marjorie . Puckrin spent the|ing was a real success. ' Everyone Messrs. Fred and Jay O'Boyle <of | week end with her mother in Audley. |played their part very well, Probably Oshawa, made a visit to this district Sorry tq report that Miss Heisie has|the star performer was Jack Findlay Zin the interest of their business as|been on_the siek list. We hope she|playing the part of the peddler. Any cattie dealers. : ji will soon be restored to her usual Soup wishing to Eg in touch wit Mr. Jim Manderson has again re-[good health. this play pay obtain, - information turned to the Great Lakes Navigation Mr. A. Simpson has rented Mrs. from Mrs. Walter Moase, Seagrave. Co. Frank Manderson has returned Christie's farm. . We wish Aubrey "to "Delhi, where he will work on the|every success. - "tobacco farm again. - - Mr. -and - Mys. . Delbert Catherwood Miss Grace Lynde and Miss Vera|and som, of Raglayp, Mr. and Mrs. R. Masters were in Toronto.on Saturday. |Lane and family, of Oshawa, are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and|sp ling -- the "with thelr little son of Toronto visited with re-]father Mr. John Medd. tol latives and friends over the week end. We extend® our sympathy to the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holman of parents 'and friends of Mr. Ross Dagmar were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. | Bailey, whose sudden pasding cast a James: Dickson on Monday. gloom over the little vilage of- Epsom. ] Ross was well known in this village, who suffered a severe stroke an Fe assed away' a short time later, .on y Mr, and Mrs. Drank Harzison i gi ; an Jaabis vill *Gordon-visited--with--friends_near_To- having spen several months witl ronto over the week end. cousin Mr. M. Bailey: = i: Wednesday,-A ril--26th,-- Interment} = Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris, of | Among those from a distance who jwas made in the Union Cemetery at Sydney visited "with Rev. W. E. and [attended the funeral of the late Ed-}Cadmus, on Saturday, win Christie were Messrs. Jack, Mac, The monthly meeting of the W. A. and Arthur Christie, Mr, Valentine|of the United Church was held at the Mrs. Honey on, Wadnesiay Josh ; . 0 pur- : Rig RM R, Thom. and Mrs, Stringer of Sundridge, Mrs. Jhome of Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright ° chased the lot between Mr. f ...not only an | A-1 motor fuel iNPORT PERRY. GRADE YT TNT aA oF CT Miss Mabel Vancamp of Toronto, pent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp. a The sincere sympath of the com- munity is extended to Mr. Jos, Archer in the death of his sister Mrs. w. J. McMillen (Rebecca) of Port Perrys -- . Port Perry's well-known BEARE: MOTORS have changed 3 ____over to BLUE SUNOCO Gasoline and it is a change you gio ey will like. BLUE SUNOCO is made in only one grade--and -that grade gives unfailing top performance at regular gas 2 "now. offer you that famous Sunoco Mercuty-made Oil, Sunoco transep, and Sunoco " A to Z" Li =f "w oh a ' 2 pt 5 : | DISTRIBUTORS hoe a Wiha reat CONGER LEHIGH COAL ies ss LIMITED \ cri < Delicious and NLC IELTRY | < | a HIGH POWERED, KNOCK #7 ESS ACTION ... AT REGULAR GAS PRICE : + Jon Monday: evening, with: the Vice-|. On Sunday last Rev. H. J. Bell ex- | matic Club are to be congratulated on | deligh visit : % : 4) President, Mrs, N Mountjoy in thatge changed Puipits with Rev. @G. Murray the splendid Presentation of their play ters Str and her husband. pe a ; ; : . i y ¢ Presi LE : i 1 "Rivers" which was stage rs. Harvey. Bowers Vaneouyv 3, . 3 NS Cala? - [Mervin Graham. e Seri We are sorry to report Mrs, Louis | Blackstock on. Friday evening. . y oA Ie tucky irs that meets an fou-20id Goon Tela tsa ing was taken by Hie ae are sorry to report Mrs. Lou [Blk athy, of the con. | Me in. Now eis vay 8 Worlds x at the familiar red coolereverywhere, For 'Coca-Cola' hae ter a lengthy hape she will soon be better, munity A eXbenaod to Mr. and Mr, Mr, and Mrs, R. Spinks and the Pd the taste your thirst goes for, It refreshes completely, following - program ttle Miss Nora Venning spent last | A. L. Bailey and the bereaved rela-|latter's mother, Mrs, rton, Mr. bonita Por 8 at A . g reading by Mrs, Percy Hook with her uncle and a r, avid | tives and friends in the ead loss they |and Mrs, E. Darcy, Mr: and Mrs. oC. y ; more, ; : Old Home Isn't What vs, Tennyson Samells of Cadnius; : | have' so récently sustained in the|Hyde and Patsy of Toronto, were en- £1 "PORT PERRY BOTTLING WORKS, a plano solo by Mrs. Jabez t,| Mrs, Robt, Bruce rented the | death of: théir only sof Ross. * tertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs, # " : a PORT PERRY, Phone 47 . - and 8 reading by Mrs, Jas. Henry, |late Mr. Henty Samell's' house in| We axe pleased to know that Mr.|Ira Argue on Sunday in honour of YE . { he Faithful Guide". At: ose Tr. lackstock. ( be tated to Merle Thompson is better and able to|the second birthday 'of their grand- fragments wore ised, . ie J Sepme nar. and her sister Miss King | resume his teaching duties at Burke- | daughter little Mis Patty Hyde, who vole of thanks MNT | © rhe members of the Pickering Dra- ToT Dod of der Bitthday sake i ton, = y Mr, and "Mrs, N. H, Marlow were | with its pair of candles, ered the hostess. . 8 0 Ee . 3 < . v "y

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