op Chewing: Is An Aid To: Energy: So Says Noted Professor: Of" Psychology -- A Restful Fort Of Exercise ' Chewing, whether on gum, pen: ell, rubber band or toothpick, Is a restful form of exercise for the office 'worker, allowing him or her to put more physical energy foto the job at hand, according to ex- periments conducted" by Harry L. 'Hollingworth, professor of psychal ogy at Barnard College, Columbia - University. ARIE Ty : .+-For The Office ' Worker Chewing, the professor' said, is nol guaranteed ' to_ralse' the men. tal standard of the chewer, but it does {increase the energy. quota, Chewers drop nervous habits such as tapping their feet and twitch. fog about, and use the energy thus saved, fh more 'useful directions. Writers press harder on their pen- cils; typists typo faster, although not necessarily more accurately, Tension In general, the professor said, decreases, * FLOWERS. THAT "~BLOOM IN THE SPRING 'Myrna Loy's pert spring. bonnet fea. . tures a cluster of'multicolored velvet flowers which sit 'on the cone-shaped felt front. Miss 12 opposite Robert Nigh = t will soon be seen aylor in "Lucky va omc Areas Go Cheaper - Postal -Rates- Are - Lowered _In_ Dominion On Books 'Mailed To And From Non-Profit Circulating Libraries, In order-to-further enjoyment ot book-lovers -In 'rural areas, the Do- minion Post Office Department last - month announced a reduction of postal rates on books mailed to and from non-profit making clfculating libraries. : Rey 'The present rate on books in , Canada ent through the malls is a straight one: cent:for each two ozs. The new: restricted rate, in effect -&pril 24; 1s five-cents for the first" pound and one cent for each ad- ditional pound. : vit Applying only to points within the province of mailing, the new ~ rate is permitted on & prepaid basis 'for both outgoing and. incoming mallings of recognized: public lib- raries, 'university = libraries and "organizations or associations not PARADE... COMING AND GOING: Yes, the German Government cértainly has the British Government on the run . whichever way you look at it, . . Using the policy of the double threat, the Nagi efforts have been crowned with unmitigated guccess w+ Jirst with the threat of force, then the threat of collapse, and they've got Mr. Chamberlain both coming and going. A Mr. G, E, R. Gedye, New York Times' noted foreign correspond- ent, quotes the words of an Aus- trian Nazi high-up: "We have the easy. 'game of threatening Mr. Chamberlain alternately with our strength and ovr weakness." The first threat is readily understand- able; the second, when one real- izes that the collapse of the Nazi regime would seriously '"rebar- 'rass' the British bankers and fin-~ anciers, TOUGH BOY: "The tall, saturn- ine Beck, softspoken and deadly" has been Poland's virtual dictator since the death of Pilsudski in 1985, He is hard-boiled, fre- quently being dubbed ."the tough boy of Europe"... His diplomatic motto. is "Poland for Poland," his working - method, the -manoeuvre + + « Several times in the past ~ month or six weeks he has suc. ceeded in out-Hitlering Hitler, compelling the Fuehrer to ~quits . . . And he doesn't depend on his allies to keep Poland free from Nazi aggression . . . He's been seeing to that, himself. " BOUQUET FOR MR. DIONNE: Oliva Dionne, father of Callander's Quintuplets, was credited in the Ontario Legislature just before it ""prorogued, with being™ nature's gift to the tourist industry. Leo- pold Macaulay, Conservative mem: ber for York 'South, said he was tired of hearing the Government get all the credit for our biggest tourist attraction. i; - WAR AND ELECTIONS: DPoliti- "cal observers 'at Ottawa, cavision- ~ ing a general ele-tion 'this year ~ (maybe in the fall), ree it véry. much affected by the international situation, both as to the time and the nature of the contest;, If the -- present crisis should lead to grave -}_trouble, the election might be hur- Books. For Réral. - ried up; but the pasliamentary is-- sues would be- changed. Instead "of turning upon domestic ques- tions, such as relief, -unemploy- ment, the discussion in the House would centre on war, and the ques-' _tion of Canada's obligations. If the worst should come to the worst, we'd hear talk of a nation- al government which would do no- thing but submit to the demands ~ of a-national emergency. HOT- SPOT 'NO.*1: The most siz- zling "hot spot" in the British Em- pire today according: to. Prof. R. M. Saunders of the University of Toronto, is Palestine. There the conflict in 'progress is coming _ close to threatening the very ex- istence of Britain's eastern empire. Whoever wins the fight in the near: - East for contro) of the Arabs will control the vital oil pipelines from Mesopotamia and the Suez Canal, he says, "The whole situation," "Profes- * sor 'Saunders explains, "arose out of some rather confused promises at the close of the Great War. As "a result of these promises the Ar- abs expected to receive Palestine, a ------------ * ; organized for profit." - Blames. Exams ky . For Gangsters +; Educationist Says Some Boy Made To Think! Selves © - Failures : The present system of examin. ations, grading and marking -in schools was described as one of the most vicious things in education' ' by Frederick L., Redefer, New York, when he arrived In Winnipeg last month to address' the 34th annual convention of the M#nitoba Edu cational Assoclatfon. ; Give: 8erise' Of Fallure Mr. Redefer, exetutive secretary of the' Progressive Education Asso clation (of the United" States, sald tho system condemned sonie chil drefi ! to perpetual' fallure and «caused them to carry a Benso of fallire: throughout lite. "This system turns some childred into gavigéters because' when they are" fatléd by the schools; they ga out in 'the world and seek succesd ° : in undesirable ways," he sald! ' © Mr, Douglas. G. Hertz. and his® | ways; pected the same thing." . Gern:an and Italian influence, of ~ course, is helping to keep the pot boiling, too. . 3 Safety Urged # 'On Highways Most Mishaps Caused By Break- ing* Rules; 'Says' Traffic Engineer ' Safety {a the individual respon. -8lbility of all who use the high- declared. « Sergt, Howard "Baker, traffic engineer. of the Montreal' Police Department, last week, addrdssing a 'gathering on "Another Type of N tional De: tense." * He 'attributed' 85 per cent. "of accidents to human errors, and most of those to $iljatlons of traf flo 'rulés* 'and regulations. : Mostly \ Human (Errors It there wero to be physieal ex- 'aminations of drivers and a test for driving on the highways, it would get them somewhere' in thelr ef- forts 'to reduce accidents, . sald - Sergt. Baker, Dealing} with. pedestrians, ~he pointed out that of the 100 fatali- "ties In Montreal Iast year 78 were wife played lost 'and 'host td 16 horses'arid a mule at Roekleigh) . New Jersey, when théy gave a orse party in honour of Annaj (he beautiful white mare which aps . peared in. Verdi's opera, "Aida," at the Metropolitan Opera House; New York. There was a heavily feed cake with 86 candles for Ang na's birthday. WR, pedestrians and it had been found that 90 per cent. of the pedestrians were themselves responsible and: that 42 out of the 78 were over 45 years of ago, . dh A new two-year course. involve ing air-rald precautions and prin- ciples of national defence has been _Introduced in Turkish schools. ery |- soothes and comforts, the Canadian side, NTARIO "UTDOORS By VIC' BAKER TROUT SEASON OPENS EARLY The season for. speckled trout "and brown trout opened in Ontario on Saturday, April 29th, instead of May 1st, thanks to the Department of Game and Fisheries; but many anglers were doomed-to disdppoint- ment as reports from a dozen fav- that fishing will not start this year until well after' May 15th. Lakes aro still 'almost [solid with ice and good fishing will only be available in a few spots in the.southern sec- tions. wr . 5 However, impatient anglers will not have so very long to wait. If the weather suddenly becomes -warmer, fishing ¢onditions. should improve and biting good sport with: in the fortnight, Prior to the first _ fly tishing there likely will be_bait_. fishing for~those Ifterested along the shores of the speckled trout lakes. A good season is looked for . this year as a result of the De: partment of Game and. Fisheries' restocking programme which, itiig expected, will show returns this» season. . The merry month of May {s here wows Nature is making a joyous: awakening. The air. Is throbbing with a few vitality......... trees burst ing into life ..... creeks, . freed from their icy shroud, cascading "with new hope .....; birds and ani mals responding to 'the call of the wild ,..... as We view the whole world "through the --rose-coloured- glasses of spring! For the fisherman there are pro- \spective thrills in each alluring stream, a promise of a big lunker in every pool and a chance to dem: and at the same time tho Jews ox. -+--onstrate=his--skill~in--every--riffte.-- For the nature lover there is every- thing hls heart craves and for the tired goul a calm and peace which For these reasons ever-increasing thousands: of men and women are annually taking to theilakes and streams of happiness and the thrills which fishing affords, - i ' Japan has 32,700 more govern- ment officials than before the war with China, oured centres in Ontario indicate { the province 'in pursuit of health; Salad Fries said. tomato juice not creamed, broiled. benefit of 'goo It tourist Windsor. sald. trado here." No __natign__ € America in the making of coffee, fic Sergeant E has And Coffee ice cold, not i Crown Prince Frederick and Crown Princess Ingrid of Denmark, on a tour of the United. States, paid a-two-day visit'to Canada on April-27-28, when they crossed 'the border at Niagara Fnlls for a view of the illu- 'mination of the Falls and a tour of the séenic points of interest on ' ry Europeans Enjoy American Dishes Tourists From This Side Are Teaching Continental "Chefs - New Tricks--Without Bene- fit of "Goo". The' tired: business man from North. America much to the cooking knowledge of European chefs, according to Al- fred Fries, hotel executive chef, ' The tourist from this side, Fries said, has demanded of European chefs dishes prepared to his taste," The chefs havo approved of many of the American ways of preparing food and havo-kept them.' "Corn .on the cob -Is-one-of finest contributions to. the culinary- arts," Fries sald. tions are succotasii- and planked steak, which first were prepared by the Indians, tomato dishes and - fantastic salad combinations," contributed he "Other contribu- approaches" "Tho average man on this slde wants a simple meal with plenty of fresh vegetables. He wants his luke: * warm, He likes his spinach plain, and his lamb chop associations Sm Canada's Greatest Busi "We should appreciate the fact that the tourist business is Can.' ada's greatest" business, and the planting of roses fs the thing, I think, "that will help the tourist Beautification Is Good Advertising Tourist Bodies' Should: Go 'In For Roses And Shrubbery. And ho wants ft without Sergeant Mitchell stated there are numerous places {n the country where: beautification schem es can be worked out, . would hess --spend-more-mohey-on-beautifying-- schemes they would promote the best advertisement a community could get, last week declared Traf- erson Mitchell, of Tho advertising value of a beau- titul community in inestimable, he SECOND NAPOLEON - We're sometimes glad that his. tory does repeat itself. Even Na- poleon was- stopped. -- Peterbor- ough Examiner, HOCKEY AND HOOKEY soon 'opening of swimming holes 'foronto Telegram, If they don't take precautions against sabotage in this country some one is liable to go ahead and put a bomb under the wheat prob- lem.--Hamilton Spectator. VISITING AMERICANS . Ottawa predicts that "millions of tourists". will come to Canada to help us welcome our King and Queen, cans on balloon fires it is quite possible that Canadians may be- come lost in the ecrowd.-- Moose Jaw Times-Herald, BEST DETERRENT Fear of losing licenses has al- most eliminated the drunken, reck- less driver in New South Wales, according to the minister of trans-. port. "License cancellation is a far more effective deterrent than heavy fines," the minister says.-- Guelph Mercury. NATURE HAS THE "SAY" That old familiar claim that "it all depends on the weather" was given a fresh' significance by the farm implements concern, in ad- dressing the students of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, "Lén- don, the other afternoon. This is "what he said: "You can budget as much as you like but if you don't get the moisture you won't get the business," --- Stratford Beacén- Herald. To Bitten-Off Nose Mailed: To Police " Victim Of Cruel Incident Sends. "Legal Expert; For Analyzis, A resident of Rimouski, Que, has-sent part of his nose to Dr. Rosario Fontaine. Montreal _City medico-legal expert, ~with the re- mino -how the piece got detached from--the main organ, The nose tip arrived carefully pickled in a bottle, forwarded by mail from the St. Lawrence south shore town. In the accompanying clared that the plece was detached while he was under the influence of 'llquor--in fact, he had "passed out""--but- he had reasons to be- lievo that ft was severed by a broken bottle or bitten off. Dr. Fontaine said he woyld eon- the man, He was a little puzzled by the request that the nose tip be returned" to the owner, following tho analysis. ¥ -- Will She Make A 'Good Dairy Cow? the basis; of her production as a two-year-3ld, at which heifers are usually bred to freshen. In general it may be said that the production that it Increases about 10 per cent, per year up-to five years, when the cow reaches her greatest produc. tion. This varles for different breeds and Individuals but may: be used ag a general guide, The test of the milk or percentage butterfat is slightly higher #h the heifer stage than at maturity, ~~ © The hockey season is over, and * will usher in the hookey season.-- WELCOME SABOTAGE > With 135,000,000 Ameri- + comptroller of Canada's largest' | Tip In A Bottle To Medico-__ _quest that ho analyze it to deter-={ noto to Dr. Fontaine, the owner de- ~ duct the experiment and report to ----1t-ts--sute ~to-- fudge the --cow--on=|- of the two-year-old is about 70 per ~ cent. of the mature production,'and . From."Robinson Crusoe's" Island Strawberries and Lobsters Flourish There --'Man Fri. day" Was A Carib Indian. When Alexander Selkirk, sailor on whose experiences Daniel Defoe based" Robinson - Crusoe, was put ashore on Juan Fernandez Island, this Pacific dot was 'sa isolated that tout lonely years passed. be fore he was taken off again. N 'But pity for his plight might turn -to envy {if the world knew moréd of tho island's native foods. Lobsters are shipped, regularly to-- Avgentine tables, and- now a Call: fornia expedition plans to stop by Juan Fernandez to pick straw- berries. The island berries have a hardiness in resisting disease which™ may improve United Sfates straw. berries it the two stralus were crossed, . The famous lobsters are rushed alive from Juan Fernandez by boat to Chile 365 miles away, and from there are lifted by plane over the "Andes, at an altitude of three and one-half miles to Buenos Aires for dinner, This island where Selkirk lived, _ and had tho experiences which gave Defoe the «ddea for Robinson Crusoe, should Wt be confused however, with Teno. in the West Indies, the island Defoe had in mind as.the setting' for his nov- el. "Friday," it will be recalled, was-a Carib Indian, and the fic- tional Robinson. Crusoe was ship- wrecked near the mouth of the. Orinoco River. Books And You BY PAUL HAMILTON A number of readers have re- quested that we review each week one or'two new books likely to bo of commanding Interest. Befdie doing so, Books and You offers some saggestions. on the rveferen- tial literature whieh- might be termed "required; equipment" for the generdl reader. } ) Those who enjoy the larger benefiis of literature,- whether they co read for pleasure or - instruction, seldom pass a new or unfamiliar word without investigation. The habit of consulting the dictionary _is_commendable. a ong SES First essential for the alert read: er is a dictionary--of his wative language, - Not just any dictionary. To be authoritative, -it must be sufficiently up-to-date to record re- cent-changes in our swiftly chang- T.C.A. Planes To Add "Loop" Lines Will Link Others Towns With Main Airline. Routes Provincial loops" to connect the province -with the main line . of Trang-Canada Afr Lives, Ltd, wil be established In the near future, . is announced by Hon, C. D. Home, Dominion Minister of Transport, " Congratulaling Trans-Canada Afr ganization to date, Mr, Howa said last week that it had endowed Can. ada 'with a publicly controlled na- tion-wido air service whieh, for highly trained personnel, standard of equipment" and modern landing fields, ranked among the best io the world, . - In Canada we speak Canadian the best dictionary of the English usage in the United States. In no American spelling, pronunciation, 'and usage difter radically from what Is acceptable in Canada. A brlet comparison of Webster's Col leglate Dictionary with thé Con cise Oxford emphasizes the wide disparity. Look up the word "dictionary" ary accent. This is correct In Am- ago it was correct in English. Bul not now. The Oxford gjves ft with: out this stress. Like hundreds ol other polysyllable words, in cor rectly spoken English the second ary (another ward. .that has lost it) stress has been forced out by recessive accent, : : This is Just one among many oritles prefer the Oxford to the Websger. It is the final authority. Constant" revision keeps its suc- cessive issuey up-to-date. It is the grandchild of the great English. Dictionary which. took 414 years and $1,500,000 to produce. H. W, Fowler, who compiled the - Conecigo Oxford from this un "impeachable source, also wrote a companion volume; A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, a_ book which ¢ichly merits its- reputation as a classic, '- hid A lively book throughout, it is ~of a great practical = value to the casual reader and to the ef "whose misslon fn life it was: 10 preach tho gospel of etiquette in with everything from the mystery of the correct uses of shal' and will to a disquisition an "genteel. ism." That last alone is worth, tha ing speech, LIFE'S LIKE THAT "+ By Fred Neher | mes. ops ower. (Copyright, 1938, by Fred Moder) "You'll excuse Jenkins for not standing--he mislaid his suspenders.' 3 ERED Neer. Horeey ia no po biend -, §° one' Ze mol , "There .- WONDERLAND.OF OZ. we're going northeust and it seems Just as easy to fol low that direction without a path as with the Baw- "answered hard to drag the wagon ont? Jan ed_to know sa there acrd ) lg." said the Wizard, "and It 114s {n the dirZction we are going. / Make strA{ghY for the forest Saw-Horre, and you're vbund to go right" orest over was sopott 0 easy rl 'but Dorothy was a Jittle un- "a 'easy at losing ithe path, because now Always: found again." there was nothing to gulde them. No . hungry," sald Aunt Ei ho 0" be seen, so they could not + of Belin Jost In a pl ask thelr way, and aRhough the Land of no houses." "Wo had Oz wan always beautiful, this part of the the Fuddle town," said Unecla Henry, coufitry was stiange 0 A he- party, 'Perhaps we're lost," suggested Aunt Em, lon Aft ey had proceeded quite a way In In silence. - 20 they started on again and the grass nder the wheels that it made ls erry unever mind," sal othy and I have been los that ought to keep us from starving for a time." "No one ever gtarved to death - 2," declared Dorothy, positively, "but people may get pretty hungry some time." + By d the Wizard. many times_and ut we may get , "That's the worst @ whére thers are 4 . J v "Dor. . a good dinver at est. There, in The Wizard gald nothing, but he Aid not ream to be .espacially anxious. The Saw. Horso was trotting along briskly, yet it R$ was nearly sunag y finally cama to ths edge of & Jarge fore a most beautiful little glade with wlidespreading flowering vines; be ® good place to camp," sald the Wiz- ard. The Saw.Horse stopped for further Instructions, "Camp!" they all echoed. L. Frank Baum wn _befors oiir friends} trees (covered with they stopped, "This will EE as waa most, fmportant - centres of each' As_opposed to American English, - The Webster dictionary is probably. senso Ig It suitable for Canadians. . in both. Webster gives a second: _ erlcan speech, and 50 or 100 years " reasons why Canadian speech auth. Oxford pert. Powter was a kindly "scholar speech and writing. His book deals' - £ o Lines on the progres of thelr ore * --price-of-the-book;------ oes