Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 May 1939, p. 5

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\ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, -- BROCK THEATRE , WHITBY. Telephone 618 All Shows Daylight Saving Time. ( Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nath MAY 11-12-13 L- Two shows at 7.30 and 9.80 Saturday Matinee at 1.30 . ~ Gary Cooper and Merle Oberon in ; ' ~ 5 "The Cowboy 2s TY : SR I) 'and the Lady" with Patsy Kelly, Walter Brenign. | : N Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "MAY 15:16:17 V4 -~ First show at 7.30. Last complete : show at 4.60 "Q <A "a St. Louis;Blues"§ with Dorothy Lamour, Lloyd Nolan. v Also an Added Attraction "The Saint Strikes Back." with George Sanders, Wendy - Barrie. i | A SEASONA WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO-LECITHI grief or excesses of any "kind. FACE POWDERS, regular 50¢c. .. HARDING ACID TREATMENT J ~~PORT PERRY CAREFUL MEA ¥ woe. There is nothin be known about meats. . able in nervous exhaustion resulting from over work, worry, RUSSIAN OIL--Extra heavy. 40 ounce bottle 89¢.; 16 oz. bottle 49¢c. pains, lumbago, acid stomach and uric acid complaints. . TOILET SOAPS--all kinds at bargain prices. MOTHERS' DAY:CANDY--1 1b. and 2 Ib. boxes. Specially wrapped ALL POPULAR SHEET MUSIC--received each week 1 Morrison's Drug Store g THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1939 ls your Radio" FLAT on its back ? Y that we mean, does it - sound terrible? If so, try _new General Electric Radio- 'woas, Likely they will put your _sadio back on its feet again, At the same time, fet us go over set from A to Z, We'll give a complete "Check Up" and restore its original pep. Get a check up. today. The cost fs small. We are experts and Gen fete Radibusons, ND-3% FARMER RADIO . Phone 85 Port Perry BLE ONIC N--a nerve food and tonic, valu- Pevavs Price $1.00 PENI SPIT SALE 35. for 'relief of arthrites, rheumatic 50c and $1.00 ne 16 Invites the Farmers Cartwright, to join COME AND HEAR Députy-Minister Hlusionist. BANQUET TICKETS b0c. W. H. PEEL, President. Farmers Take Notice! The Port Perry nora $11 Men's Association Reach, Squgog, and th them in holding a FARMERS' 'NIGHT and BANQUET AT THE PORT PERRY HIGH._SCHOOL, |Friday, June 2nd, 7 p.m. MR. W. R.. REEK, rof Agriculture 'Entertainmeint--DON MARJIS, the Cheerful Musical Selections. At present available at the Observer Printing Office. - SEE FURTHER DETAILS NEXT WELK G. F. MANNING, Sec.-Treas. EPSOM . Special Mothers' Day service will be held in Epsom Church next Sunday evening at 7.30. Rev. A. Bushell will charge of the service, and spe- cial. music will be provided by the men folk of the congregation. Mr, and Mrs, E. H. Gerrow, 'of Oshawa, spent a couple of days last Week with their daughter Mrs. Chas. 'Clarke, fr Mr. and Mrs, T. W: Martin and family, of Brampton, Miss Ethel Mar- tin and 'Mr, Albert Hall, Port Perry, and Mrs.: Edwin Christie of Utica, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, A Christie. pr Mr. Jack Bushell of Toronto, spent Sunday avith- his parents_at the par- sonage. Mr. Walter Rogers was in Windsor on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. N. McDonald and. Jean Called on Mrs. McDonald's mother Mrs. F: Luke, on Sunday. -- crise Mrs. Fred Ackney of Toronto, and Mus. Stanley Christie, of Peterboro, spent the week end with Mrs. Ackney and family. Members and friends of the Y.P.U. were. entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Clarke on Monday of last week.~- Mi i acon 'Mr. Fred Wagner has accepted a position" with Mr. Chas.. Webster, for the summer months. ~~ school will meet-at- 10.30 a.m., and the following Sunday at 1.16 p.m, Miss Dorothy Hall of Toronto spent the week end with her-grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler of Toronto, spent the earlier part of the week at their summer cottage. - © Mr, Stanley Nottingham is adding a spring touch to his store and gar- age with a fresh coat of paint. BLACKSTOCK Women's - Institute was held at the home- of Mrs. Russell Mountjoy on Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd. It opened with the Institute Ode follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer, Community Singing, Scripture reading by Mrs. E. Elliott. The roll call was answered with the membership fee for the year. It was reported that Tour girls, Misges Grace Mountjoy, and Jean Wright from the V.W.I. and Misses Irene Coates and Ruby Toms from the Shirley Branch, were being sent as delegates to the annual Girls' Con- ference being held at Guelph, The program was in-charge of Mrs. A. VanCamp's group, and consisted of a reading by Mrs. 'T. Smith, a demon- stration on the preparation of vege- tables by Mrs. N. Taylér, a piano solo by Murs. Jabez Wright, and a paper on' Hist al Re-search, "The History of No. L School" prepared by Mrs. J. 1. Devitt and given by Mrs, VanCamp; a reading by Mrs. C. Ferguson; Abide With Me was sung and a few minutés silence was kept in memory of Ross T BUYING like experience to teach one what should We have had many years of that experience. . The greatest of care is exercised in " the buying and preparati on the good phi: on of meats. You can rely ity of our stock: "BERT. MacGREGOR'S PHONE 72:R-2 ~~ WE DELIVER ~ EPP tee An International but deals correctively with them. . family, acluding the Weekly Mag THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS. will come to your home every day through - i THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR + It records tor you the world's clean, constfuctive doings. The Monitor does not expiolt crime or sensation; neither does It ignore them, * Daily Newspaper Features for busy men and all the azine Section. a period of 1 yoar $12.00 6 months $6.00 §------------One,-Norwa, on, Massachuseits = TT Plone ala tinion to The Diet ae setenice Montror- tor] : Wednesday Issue, Including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60, 6 lssues 5é 3 * Boclety 3 months $3.00 1 rionth $1.00. A 3 { -- Add: : = "Tor Salads VE aby 2 vr Head Lettuce, Hey Cucumbers, . omatoes, ' ~~ Celery All Seasonable Fruits © at Lowest Price + Caruso Fruit Store Phone 203, Port Perry]. Henshaw's "Transport : Is at your service for all kinds of Haulage. : Large or small consignments will receive prompt and careful attention, Anywhere in Ontario. dnd @® ji, ~ Tf : 3 *' Bell Phone 6 " PORT PERRY, ONT. r PORT PERRY|" Mrs. Wm. Clarke of Uxbridge spent Sunday with-her daughter Mrs. Wn, Swain;-of Swinson. 5 * Misses Ruby and Alma Lee and Mr. James Lee,~ of Greenbank, called..on Mr. and Mrs, .Al Christie on Satur- day. ' oy Miss Aubrey Miller has._returned home after spending two weeks with her sister Mrs. Offen, vf 'Eedargrove. Sorry to report Mr. Jas. Swinson, Sr., is ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper of Utica, spent Sunday evening. with friends in the village. ~~ remem. > Rev. MP. and Mrs, Honey: and Rev. J. 0. Totton of Hornby motored to Campbelford on, Wednesday where they visited their brother -Mr. - Mal- colm Totton, who has been confined to his_bed for some time, . Friends here were shocked on Sat- urday when word came that Mr. Geo. Todd, of 'Alberta, is seriously ill with pneumonia. Only a few weeks ago he accompanied his mother's body here..from the West for burial. An extra ng of mgnh-are busy putting in new: Hes and 'giving thé C.N.R. tracks a keneral overhauling in preparation for the special train that is being run to Toronto for the visit of the King and Queen. Thé&-old Nip and' Tuck line has not passed out of existence yet. in Mr. H. Stredwick had the hydro in- stalled in 'his home last week and is making other modern improvements to it. : Mr. G. Hahn and daughter Sylvia spent the week end at their summer home here. ro Mr. Hugo Bradley was at. Green- bank last week demgnstrating his J. Deere tractor, plowing and cultivating] and harrowing on the farm of Chas, Pilkey. : 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Grant Wilson on the birth of a baby daughter. ; Owing to the change in the preach- '| ing service here the Sunday School Ray Henshaw, Proprietor |a¢ Sunday School sould bb assured it oa uS | the hour of the session was changed, executive decided a better attendance were re-elected as follows: President, Haskin, 2nd Vice, Mrs. A.-L. Bailey, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. V. Archer. Mrs. Archer presented a splendid report of the year's work. Lunch was served at the close. 7 = Mr. and Mrs. T. his wife Mr. and Mrs. H. Lamb of Lindsay. The annual meeting of the Victorian]. Bailey.» The officers apd committees | Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st Vice, Mrs. W.{'~ Smith spent the! | week end with the latter's brother and; 44 Wh "I can get the - figures in a minute!" . © Long Distance tele- {lise service is built" to meet the most urgent and exacting' needs of business. Day and night in every part of the world you can reach for the -tele _phone confident you will "get the figures in a minute." "what about delivery?" Every busi admires energy ssman initiative, Because important cess is achieved by qu ing -- often aided by 1 Distance telephone as in this instance, . call clinched it!" The licad of every business -- large "or small -- welcomes initiative; is ever ready to pro- mote men who act fast on . . Miss Greta Pollard of Bowmanville, held-a-two days' training school in the Conimunity Hall, Blackstock recent] and 'organied a girl's club which will meet every two.weeks at the home of one of the members. The officers of the class are: Leader, Miss Grace Mountjoy; Asst, Miss Audrey Stinson; Jean Wright; Treas, Mrs. Horald Mrs. W. Graham. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Graham The second" was held at the home of Miss Grace Mountjoy and each mem- ber made a "Bound Button Hole". Re- freshments were served at the close. Ba sure to-sce "The Wild Oats Boy" 12th. * Proceeds in aid of decorating the Church. : A union Mothers' Day service will be held at the Centre Church on Sun- day at 2.30 p.m. All other services and Sunday Schools cancelled. On Saturday afternoon, May 6th, being such a lovely spring day about twenty-five girls gathered at the home of Florence Carter, to enjoy the last meeting of the Instituteluntil Sept. Miss Mildred Corbett gave the motto: "I would rather be able to appteciate things I cannot have than to have the things I am not able to sppresiaies which is'a wonder motto. T tary's report was then given by Mrs. J. Burnham. The roll call was an- all believe in. Mrs. M. Fralick gave a paper written by Mrs, O. Jeffrey: 'Our Queen". Miss Niddery then followed by community singing. The clection of officers then followed re- sulting as follows: President, Marjorie Milner; Vice;President, Florence Car- ter; Secretary, Irene. Redman; Asst. Sec., Joyce Tetlow; Pianist, Margaret Crozier; Directors, Olive. Brown, Joyce Reader, Ivah Milner, Grace Demara, Dorothy Graham, Grace Hood. Alt the close of this meeting all gathered on the lawn and had a picture taken, then a tasty lunch was served and a social time spent. _ Mr, and Mrs. Eric McKnight and little son Kenneth of Reach, were guests of their friends Mr. and Mrs. coming into effect next Sunday the = A nse Pres." Miss Ella Hoskin; Sec., Miss' Sain; Instructresses Mrs. A. Wright,' . and was mainly a 'businéss meeting. * __SCUGOG || at the Centre Church on Friday, May - Admission 25¢." and 15c, e secre. swered by many proverbs which we - favoured with a piano solo, this was eo. Samells on Sunday, . - bie and Join, . Brunt, Mona and Carl, of Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs, | their own. Long Distance tele- . -~phone service is an asset to | every business. Those who use it to best' advantage benefit most. N = \ Long Distance telephone sérvice is on duty day and night. Low Night Rates apply after 7 pan. and all day Sunday. "© Weyrich and little Douglas, of Osha- wa, Mrs, of itheir parents Mr. and Mrs. Mark. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy visited her sister Mrs. D. Hope and her hushand on Sunday. The mudecats are a great attraction these nights. - And the suckers are running up the creeks, too. > NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of George A. Hall, Deceased. All persons having claims against the. Estate of the abgve 'mentioned and accu- || | MOTHERS' DAY--May 14 | , M D. Harrison .and family of | Princé Albert, were Sunday visitors" a | } who died at Port. Perry, on the 4th. day of March, 1939, are required to' 'file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitors for the said-Estgte on or before June Ist, 1939. r the Personal Representative of the said deceased will proeced to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which the So- licitors shall then have notice. ': : of for the above est a After * Dated at Port Perry this 10th ay May, 1830. ; ' Harris, Haris & Wallace, ts En A RR XR CRRA RAR RANK ARARAR ALIS ALE ARAN AARAR ARES " COKE, WOOD, HARDWALL PLASTER nie RED & WHITE store Floor Covering 5 Printed linoleum: 4 yds, wide, 4 patterns $3.60 Rexfelt Square, size 6 x 12,' $2.00 Feltol; 5 patterns, size 9x12, $6.00 Congoleum, 6 patterns, 9x12, $7.80 WALLPAPERS Sunworthy, Sun-tested "Papers for every room AE 300 patterns of new, attractive designs. PAPERS: _ Wall--10c. Roll and up. Celling--10c. Roll and up. ' "Border--4c. yd. aud up. No. 1% PINEAPPLES are at their peak of - ~~ Choice Quality. ] Prices: 2 for 25c. 15c., 18c. each _F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY - -- Buy your Chocolates here, in attractively wrapped J "Boxes, for Mother's Day-- 25¢,, 50c¢., $1.00. LR TOFFEE in Royal tins, Souvenirsof their Majesties' visit Twenty-five and Fifty Cents. THIS WEEK-END SPECIAL = Chocolate and White Jelly Rolls, 13c. each, 2 for 25ec. WE DELIVER PHONE a2 " tL RE UA RR FRIAR RU GE EE SHAS AREAS SHE FAMOUS for its ~~ LL ~ Dependability ® No matter if the weather is cold or mild, you @an always de pend on this clean, long burning coal for heat satisfaetion -- washed before jt leaves the mine to free it from'dirt and dust cmt PHE LAUNDERED COAL [3 SPECIALS | Gerrow Bros., Port Perry § ow a NAN a iar 3 SAAC NEA EE ed RN Re a SN aide RR 2 oy 5 hy Fresh St. Mary's CEMENT on hand PORT PERRY COAL YARD. W. GW. PYATT 1 mm | 2 "Phones 94w and 94j. C--O -- ---- oo -- 'Make Up for Lost Time Spring has been late in arriving: this year, but it looks as though it would come in with a rush now, and we shall have to make up for lost time, \ Let us kriow your needs in any kinds of Lumber. We can Supply You. CALL ON US. We shall be pleased to provide Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 Limited Plans-and Estimates for vour needs. Bl Be Ld = > 4. a --)

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