Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 May 1939, p. 8

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day at 10.30 am; Myrtle Station Sunday afternoon service was in charge of the pastor, who chose Mark 13 for his Scripture lesson, and versé 10 for his text: "And the Gospel must first be published among all nations. Mr. Honey used an an illustration of _ the coming of Christ, the preparation . for the coming of our king, George VI, but* wliere as we know the day and hour of King George's arrival, 'we know not the dgy nd 'hour of Christ's coming. Therefore we. must take heed, watch and pray. Suriday School will meet next Sun- TOMothers" Day program will be carried out at that time. Church service at 7 p.m. Come and help fill the many vacant pews. Ihie Faithful Workers' Sunday School Class met at the home of Murs. Gordon Barton on Wednesday evening of last week. Twelve members re- sponded to roll call. After the devo- tional exercises thé main business was the discussion of plans for a bazanr to be held late ia the summer or in "the fall. Light lunch was served and a pleasant hour was spent socially. The sale of household goods and implements of the late Mrs. Todd was held on the premises on Thursday afternoon. © A large crowd of inter- ested neighbours, friends and buyers from all parts-ol the district made the "sale an enthusiastic affair. . Billding was brisk and prices in most- casés, were fair, Mrs. McGowan and son, and Mrs. Perry, of Toronto, and Mus. Ed. Butterworth of Woodville, three daughters of the late Mrs. Todd, re- presented the family and were present at the sale, . Mf. and Mrs. Dan. Black, of Osha- wa," were visitors on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Downey. Mr. Clarence Cook made a business trip to Omemee on Friday. iMrs. Slack, of Brougham, and Mrs. Walter Lynde of the Town Line, visited "with their sister Mrs. Bert: Duff on; Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. VanHorne of Thorn- hill visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Redman. Miss Dorothy Hall of Toronto spent the weke-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters visit-| ed with friends and Pontypool on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Lane, who spent the winter months with her Soi ing and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wickett L-_-- Te relatives in . y ; [of Little Britain, has returned to her home here. Mr. LT. Knight has returned to his home aftér spending some months with his sister-in Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. John. Chisholm and Miss Dorothy Chigholm of Toronto, were Sunday callers at the home of, Mr. apd Mrs, Robt. Chisholm. Mr; and Mrs, Henry Stacey and Mr. and--Mrs. 0. H. Lape, visited with friends in Oshawa oni Friday évening. Mr. Victor "Mitchell of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mitchell. Mr. George Butson'amd Miss Viola of Greenbank, spent a Tew: days of last week at their home here, Mr. and -Mrd, Harold Stredwick ave Wiving some necessary alterations Yirld adidtions made to their home. Rev. J. O. Totton of Hornby and Rev. Ww. E. and" Mrs. Honey motored to Campbelford on Wednesday of last week, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Totton. ' A quiet wedding was solemnized at Myrtle parsonage on Saturday even- ing May 6th, when Rosina Marjorie Lawrence of Brooklin, daughter of My. and Mrs, Wm. Lawrence, became the - wife of John James Wilfred Griflin, of Columbus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Griffin. Rev. W. 'E. Honey officiated. The young couple will make their--home near Taunton. Mr. Leslie 'Magee left on Sunday evening for Tichborne, where he will be employed by the C.P.R. Mr. James Lee and family of Green- bank visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Mr_ Fred Brown and-Miss Pat 'Son 'ley of Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. anil Mrs. David Duchemin. Mrs. Roy Scott of Seagrave was a visitor of Mrs. W. McCartney on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wicket of Little Britain visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lane on odMnday of last week. Mr, Ed. Mole has plowed several gardens plots in readiness for garden- ing operations. The regular monthly meeting of the Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held at the home of i Mrs. Clarente Harrison on Thursday, f May 18th at 2.30-p.m. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all who are in- terested in-missions to be present. Dr, Fred Scott, Professor in. -Min- neapolis University, Minn, U. S. A, Be IVERS and Dr. Wallace Scott, of Toronto, both nephews of 'Mr, and Mrs. Bea- I cock, also Mr: and Mrs, Norman Pat- terson; were visitors last week at the Beacock home, ---- AP - BETHESDA The May meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Hart on Thursday afternoon May 4th with an attendance - of twenty-four. Visitors being present 'from Utica, Epsom and Uxbridge. The President opened the meeting with a Lymn and the 23rd Psalm;-aftep-whichcthe-roll-eall was answered and business transacted. An invitation from the "Asliworth W.M.S. was read Lo meet with them in Ash- worth. Church on May 11th; Mrs. R. Crapper and Mrs. S. Ward were ap- pointed delegates fo attend the semi- annual meeting of the Toronto East Presbyterial W. A. on. May 16th in Woodbine United Church. d In connection with the annual W.A, Sunday on May 28th it was decided to have a choir of the local W. A. members, special music to be rendered by the Ladies" Quartette, the service to be conductetd by the Executive with Murs. Pateman, * .ex-President of the Toronto East W. A. as guest speaker.. Invitations to be extended to surrounding | Associations to hear this address. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs, Fred Dobson, June 8th. The hostesses are to be Mrs. Dublis, Mrs. C. Ward, Mrs. C. Ashenhurst. "The East group then took charge of the chair, Hymn 97 was sung after which Mrs. E. Parish read the Serip- ture lesson, This was followed by a talk on Music by Mrs. John Dobson, taking as her topic "Attempting to J|raise>rural church music to: a, high standard." Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Evans, Mrs. C. Webster, Mrs, S. Ward. A vote of thanks was tend- ered thé hostess for her hoppitality, The many friends of Mrs. N. C. Brown will be glad to know she is honie again after several weeks in Toronta Hospital, recovering from the effects of a fall, } Bethesda Concert Co. 'presented a progiam to an audience in Bethany Town Hall on Friday evening of last week;-this being-the twenty-fifth time this program has been given. They are to give the same program next week in Beaverton. As next Sunday, May 14th, is Mothers' Day, there will only be one service which will be held at 11 am. The men of the community are re- quested to meet in the basement at a quarter to eleven to form a choir for the singing of a couple of old familiar hymns which are favorites with our mothers. : SEAGRAVE On Monday 'evening last the mem- bers of our Sunday School: Orchestra were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. Sleep. © The occasion being the Fourth Anniversary of the Orchestra. The supper was served from a beautifully decorated table in the Sunday School Room. In the centre of the table was the birthday cake decorated in 'pink and 'white and bearing four pink candles, The members of the. orches- tra expressed their appreciation of the. interest taken by Mrs, Sleep and Mr. Scott and the perseverapce they. had shown by sticking to the job when sometimes there was little encourage- ment. All those present report a very enjoyable-evening-even if -it-did-wind up with two hours hard practice. The" pulpit was accupied on Sunday | evening by Mr, Ritchies of Cumbray- in the absence of our pastor Rev. 4. McLachlin, who was preaching at Newtonville. - A special session of the S. S. is planned for next Sunday morning in honour of Mothers' Day. Special de- corations by the Q.G.C. Special music| by the - Orchéstra - and the special speaker will be Mr. Harper of Port Perry. Everyone come and bring your mother if possible. Mi. Walter Moase' entertained the Intermediate Boys' Class at his home on-Wednesday evening and organized theclass: ~ This;should give the boys a new interest -in the work. The. Girls' Quadrata Club met at the home of Mrs. C. Habioh, on 1 Wed- 'nesday evening, Seeding is in full swing, s some of the farmers being nearly through, while others report their land to be very hard. to work. . UTICA - Special Mothers' 'Day Service will be held in 'the United Church at 3 p.m, on Sunday. The men's choir will sing. 5 s o . & 'Wednesday -afternoon. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, The NATIONAL FILM SERVICE presets Dick Talmadge - "in "FIGHTING PILOT" PORT PERRY SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 8.30 p.m. ' An exciting story, packed with ACTION and Hair- Raising Stunts that will keep you t the entire picture. Musicaland cartoon extras. | Admission--Adults 25c¢., Children 15c. '9 » AT THE TOWN HALL, Delicious and Refreshing Cigars, PORT PERRY BOTTLING WORKS Port Perry, Ontario, Phone 47 i * The W. A. meeting will be held at|- the home of Mrs. 'A. Reynolds on Miss ~ Muriel Kerry, of Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Coldwell, Mrs," Sparkling, and Mrs. Barclay, Toronto, and Mrs. L. Cassidy, of Brooklin, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ken- dall. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Yates- and family, of Purple Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer. Mr. J. Ward has made a Jet, cars and now sports a Plymouth. _Mr. and Mrs. H. Harper spent Sun-' day with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Graham at Epsoms * ADMISSION: % } an - . Prompt Courteous Service. PERCY DENSHAM * - THE BLUEBIRD CLUB Invites You toa DANCE. TO BE HELD 'ON THE EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st, in MEMORY HALL, UTICA GOOD ORCHESTRA - Lucky Ticket Draw Cash Prizes--$16. , $10., $3., $2. 4 a 'Announcement The andersigned wishes to. announce "that he has purchased the Restaurant "Business from the Estate of the Late George Hall, and is _ prepared to supply: EXCELLENT MEALS Cigarettes, Tobaccos Good Food well cooked. - PROPRIETOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Proceeds in aid of the Piano Fund. THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1989 Evanin ) hrilled throughout lose Cream Soft Drinks § ------ ow | 'Sample Savings i oo FOR THE FIRST TIME N 50 Indirect Tri-Light - Floor Lamps Tidirect tri-lite floor lamp; new ¥ styles. Your choice'of Ivory' Bronze, or Venetian- finish. EACH $3. Jon Shades, assorted homespun at Fifty ay Floor Lam 'REGULAR $12.95 VALUE ~~ EACH $5.95 Shade LY ANNIVERSARY SALE Jk vg 30 Per Cent. Reduction on 'General Electric 1938 Model REFRIGERATORS 20 only: ELECTRIC WASHERS Good Value at $69.00 $39.50 = wilh in Canada! I. -- 10 ONLY - SALE ELECTRIC GRILLETTE, Ivory finish. '1938 model. " ELECTRIC RANGETTES, Rewidar qual- ----ity--2-burner--with- heavy. insulated oven, .. $17.95 rie plated, Reg. $27.50. LET NARI verre Going into our SIXTH YEAR, we again.say- thank you for: your splendid support, which has 'made out business possible! Now - will be your opportunity to save many dollars at this sale!. The merchandise has been carefully purchased and arranged. for ~ 4 months ahead, and our prices are the lowest ever oilered in Profits are fergotten for our Anniversary Sale! : Check our prices anywhere, we guarantee them dollars lower. ~~ Save$20.00t0$50000n1938 |-* Hotpoint Wane Samples 10 ONLY! RANGES. Regular. $129.00 value. Radio Bargains CONSOLE RADIOS 5 BRAND NEW Automatic all wave, nationally known isha. 1939 Radios. sold in the Fall at $89.50." Entire balance of manufacturer's stock to clear at - : $29. 50 Each. No trade-ins -ins These: NEW 1939 BATTERY - ; RADIOS, Complete I PORTABLE RADIOS, Complete with battery 39:50 HOTPOINT CONSOLE De- Brand New MANTEL $1.19 || $116.00. monstrator model. , 10 ONLY 1938 MODEL CLARE JEWEL 4 burner, low oven Electric Ranges. } Anniversary Sale --$69.00 | RADIOS, 1 tube (fen EACH . A eral Electric .......0s 14.95 Reg. $69.00 Mantel. USB 7,17 cnrssessnees VICTOR CAR RADIO _ Used 7s vvrsnnirsine 10.00 Brand New 1938, 5 tube ff CAR-RADIOS -- Xe Clear ..... Pra 19.95 STROMBERG: CARLSON. 5 Tube _ Reg. $60. 00. , Sale | PHILCO CAR RADIO, $39.50 te Reduced Prices on Frigidaire, Westinghouse, : Kelvinator, Norge, and Crossley - REF RIGERATORS MAJESTIC, 7 tube performance all wave Console. Looks like new. Was $109.00. - SALE .... 49.00 . ROGERS, built 1937 model.' IEEE 2 29.00 Rég. $29.50. Sale ves res esas M ade" BUL Bg, 30 and 60 Watts, Canadian . ELECTRIC IRONS, standard 6 Ib. Nickle plated, guaranteed, Reg $1.50... 19.95 'TURNOVER TOASTERS, nickel plated = : NE | wave. Was $295 00. 2-BURNER HOT PLATES, assorted MODEL KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, HALF PRICE | MAJESTIC, 11-tube All-wave finish, SALE ....... citrine vito 1439 Hundreds of small Electric. Appliances at. lower Console, Was $275.00 75.00 LATE MODEL MEXMASTER 43 than Wholesale Prices. | SALE ......... rene 19.U0. PHILCO Console Radio Regular $1.25 value .......cooveeveans 98¢. ; 5 tube, 1936 all wave. 4 9.50 ....6 for 49c. : 7 GENERAL ELECTRIC IRON CORDS, Standard .........o.u'ueeni196 2 Ces : 3 4 1939 model, automatic 89¢, | FUSE PLUGS ......tvuvvsvssenesen 8 for 25c | Mahtels enrerise $950 Lf ites 12. tube, Custom- " GENERAL roe Consale Radio and gramaphone. 5 tube, nationally "known manufacturer 19.95 MANTEL RADIQS, four tube "brand new. Best Make. SALE ....... . 14.95 STROMBERG 7 tube all wave Console, Store' - sample. Was $185.00. "ROGERS 7 tube Con- * 'sole, 1934 model, was $100.00. SALB ...... 29.00 59,00 'W. Inger Rollers Electrie Service Dept. Bargains i ' Eleotrio Ranges installed $10,00 Base Plugs $1.98. Range Elements, ea $2.95 ce" Te A AY pa ir $1.26 38 SIMCOE ST. N,, OSHAWA - a Oe on ZT T + "DON Hh ELECTRIC Phones: 84-744 = - . Spart 1 9 'tube, 1998 Model; || : pki Gongols, Was Modo sl $59.00 Stromberg Console, 1937 model 10 tube, was $235.00. . $99.00 Sale Was $189.00. SALE.. 69.00 Brand New .1938 CAR RADIO,

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