Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 May 1939, p. 5

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BUR EE 4 vay re a ---------------- ation's Theiy Po rowing Fastest Country Mean Annual growth rate percent Palestine ....uonio ww b.81 Syrla and 'Lebanon , 4.70 Dominican Republic , 4 2.73 258 2.52 ~. Union of South Africa i... 2.50 Peru : - 2.36 Turkey ....... Puerto RICO ium Mexito «iin Dutch, East Indfés ,.. Siam BAlVAOr ..ovccceriieensenainniing " US,S.R. (Soviet Russia) Algeria 2.08 Ecuador .. 1.92 Jugoslavia . 1.78 Albania . L73 Chile . 1.68 --__ Philippine Islands... 1.68 © Tunis .. . 1.64 Japan .. 1.62 Unfedcrated Malay States .., 1.53 "Wins Governor-General's Award B 1 i John Murray Gibbon of Montreal, who has been awarded the Gov- ernor-General's prize for the best Canadian work of General Litera- ture, 1938. 2 | 4 Farm Forum | twill you-piease give me your: opinion on the value 'of tobdcco scrap for manure . purposes? The scrap [ refer to Is the fine dust /£ - 7 ' AP Jin g FORTIER PEAY SABI DV RELA FSR 8 = 4 A 1 > ql § 0 i > 4 37 a8 £¥E te at $8 REA ATER RAY Lit ora Sia [5M PAY wo TMON Aine ANO Queen WALK FROM PARLE |, BLOGS TO HART NOUSE ~~ Following release of various for their majesties' tr Ip through the city is announced as shown on ment of the royal visit to Toronto have also been released, ev streets, which will vary between seven and 15 miles an hour, plans and countefplans for the royal visit to the map. ] en to the speed of the entourage through city Toronto on May 22, the final routo Complete details of every mo- Have You Heard i : Tigers had been ravaging a vil- lage and the terror-stricken natives sent for the nearest white man .to asslst them, : This 'man was a crack shot and had never been known to miss. His method was to tle a goat to 'the foot of 'a tree at dusk, climb the tree, and when the tigers came for the goat, fire at the flash of thelr eyes. In the morning they would be found dead, shot straight between the eyes, Ho followed his usual procedure - the first night, but althoagh he fir- ed several shots, when day dawn- ed the goat had gone and there ® were no dead tigers. This happened on two- succeed- ing nights. Perturbed, he took a huge torch with him on 'the fourth night and Instead of firing at the flashing eyes, switched on his big torch, and saw, to his amazement, six tigers advancing in pairs each with one eyes shut! a "Good card players have in, scrutable features," says a wri- ter. There is always trouble - If It Is noticed that they are wearing 'their hearts up: their _ sleeves. 5 RX "I suppose you .carry a memen- to of some sort in that locket?" sald one woman to another, "Yes, a lock of _ discovered a "Kings County Hospitals, New York City. i They tried it on drunks brought "to the hospital. The shots convert. the alcohol into water and carbon dioxide, : WOULD BANISH ALL PAIN Medical research workers have new anaesthetic which they believe will abolish ~pain all over the body. R The theory is that when body cells are injured they release a powerful substance known as his. tamine. - This substance, . it . is thought, activates the endings of the nerves which carry pain sen- sations to and from the brain, The new anaestheti¢ called thymoxye- thyldietlylamine, neutralizes. the histamine and so no pain messages are sent to the brain. NAR ee SY Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE oo ee i When a young man has been introduced to a girl, and likes her - very much, is it all right for him to ask permission to call on her? 2. Isn't it a friendly gesture {0 | hold_a_person's hand, or place a hand on his arm, while talking with him? 8."Wiat would be a-good toast for a host to offer to a guest? 4, Should a business letter al- ways be signed personally by some "member of the firm, or is a typé- written signature sufficient? 5, Is it correct to refer to dra- perics as "drapes"? oe 6. When a man takes a woman in to dinner, should be, offer her his right arm or his left? ol ~ - + Answers 3 1. Yes, after he has been in her company for a reasonable time, but not within the first twenty or thirty minutes, 2, It may be -a friendly gesture, but it is very an- noying to some people and should 'bé: avoided. 3, "To our gust, and our only request is that he be our guest often." 4, Every letter should be signed' with pen and ink. 5. No; say "draperies." One might as well refer to curtains as '"curts." 6. He should offer his right arm. ' 'ger centres they will T How Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.--How can I make a good soap substitute for washing rib- bons, and also delicate woollen goods? a ~ A.--Some people claim that 'two or three potatoes grated into a pan of water will give even better re. sults than soap for this purpose, Q.--How can 1 prevent eggs from breaking or sticking fa. tho, pan when poaching? A.--Put a few drops of vinegar into the water" Another method is to grease the pan before putting the water into it. Q.--What is a good tonic plants? . A.--The water ih which beef has been washed is an excellent tonic treatment for plants, especi- ally for roses and geraniums. . Q.--How can I restore the nap of velvet? ) A.--=Hold the wrong side of the velvet over a boiling kettle; or rub it across the bottone of a hot flat iron which has been turned up= side down. 3 Q.--How*can-I soften hard wa- ter? " A.--There are several agents that "may "dé "used tor softening hard water. Among thems are for lemon juice, borax, or an oatmeal bag. ~Q.--How-ean 1 --increase --my- weight? A.--It is said that a wineglass' of cream taken after each meal will increase the weight. . SCOUTING The Boy Scouts of Canada are | all ready to play their important part during the visit of Their Ma- Jesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, At the various stop- ping places of the royal tour they will' assist in lining the streets, and in trafic control. In the lar- maintain mobile first aid units, and wilt op- erate lost children bureaus = and rest rooms. On incoming high- ways they will co-opérate in the staffing of information booths for the benefit. of motorists, a "+ "William Hayhurst, Social Credit, © and broken up leaves, which come Aion my husband's . from the factory. This is being Raw," NL Th used some in this county as feril- "But your husband 1s a hi ror izer for fruit trees, and.I would be * "Sure; but his hair Is gone. Ra glad of any information you can od frites at give me as to its ton value. "G. GQ. Woul: you dike Rhy ihing . B., Norfolk County." ) ec ji Ww. your dinner, sir 2 : 1 "Yes, that little blonde sit- = Tobacco waste material is quoted - ting iri the corner over there." as having plantfood composition as 7 "follows: rt TH Three slightly deat men were. A Si N 'PO. KO. motoring from the north to Lon- ~ Tobacco Leaves $00. 50- 6.00 don In an old noisy car, and hear: AB Tobacco Stalks 3.70. 65 4.50 ing was: difficult, EN Tobacco. Stems 2.50.90 7.00 'As' they were nearlig London, | These figures would show the : one asked: "Is this Wembly?" waste - material from the- tobacco "- 4"No," replied the second, "this plant to be of considerable value is Thursday." y 3 brow the Fam pan of Nitrogen "So am IL" put, in the third. "So - . and especially Potash. ; Va Bho 7 ae bt 2. .I'have nine acres of hay land Tots stop and have bie: : that was seeded down in 1937 to 8 Ibs. Alfalfa, 4-Red Clover, 2 Alsike . and 3 of Timothy. Hay: was taken oft in 1938," then pastured, Could I Wh S : . fertilize this land to advantage this' at cience 'Bpring for pasturg? What kind of SE = pepe lerilizer-and-how-much-to-the-acro-- -- i : __ Would you advise? "W, E. P,, Mld- i - -Hlesex Co," re 5 ed on a. I' believe you 'would obtaln excel- 3 fent results: from top-dressing your" ; / legume and grass mixture with 0. rey . 12-10-'or 0:12:16 fertilizers at the TREE RINGS IDEA UPSET "rate of 250 lbs. pér acre. This mix. It is now found that telling the lure has 'given excellent results in age of a tree by the number of its : "our tests. Leguthes use much Pot- rings is like trying to tell a wo- #sh as well as Phosphate. man's age ny her looks.® 1 The dovery apsets one of. f == % : man's oldest beliefs'that trees put re Less Than Half : oh one ine Sac year, ey are i pA : . 5 visible' when'the trunk of a tree is . Still On Farms sawed in two. . TT ae of Pr TMM Trees were discovered in Texas < :2/672 British Settlers to The that 'put on five a year. Hardly Prairies in 1924-28; Got "Free Land. iH ES Of the 2,627 séttlers who came - 'to Canada from 1924 to 1928 un- (der the Empire settlement agree- Ment between the Canadian and . "United Kingdom = governments, 1,106 are still of the farms allot- ted them, in the Prairie Provinces, Vegreville, was told in answer to questions hé placed on the Com- 'mons order paper, : The agreement between the two 'governments, negotiated in 1924, "provided that 'the United Kingdom assisted 'in the passage of settlers and in equipping their farms. Can. ada's part was to supply the land. "Of 'the 1,106 remaining, 576 are. in "Alberta, 366 in Saskatchewan and 163 in Manitoba, EES ETC SOT 5 = = : Epr 17 times in|21 years Can- +o "ada won the world's wheat prize any were found that Tailed to at least two anually, TO SOBER UP DRUNKS) To sober up. quickly, when dead drunk, take an intravenous injec- tion of insulin and of glucose, Dis- covery that these two "shofs" will quickly reduce "the aléohol in the blood was repotted:. by Walter Goldfarb, Katy M. Bowman and Sample) Parifer,\of Bellevue and add BRINGS INSTANT EASE MINARD a» the International Grain and ay show {in - Chicago, 3 HH 8 LINE # kind of tire that provides a -/ never before offered. By a new method of tire building, y tone triumphs again! one Champion==more This time with the new than 'just'a new tire--a new combination of safety features each and avery part of +. the tire is locked aid interlocked for greater safety. Then by a new und advinced m Safety-Liock cords and the: together into 'A'supbtisafe, strength, : ethod 'of GumtDipping and plies themselves dire welded inseparable unit of amazing - This new tire has tho sensitional new, Gexr-Grip tread with thousands of scientifically spaced 'that makes it a marvel for safe, quick "operation and long mileage." < "And here's sharp-edge angles stopping, quiet more good news ~=you cam buy the new Champion Tires at no extra cost! See the nearest Firestone Dealer today, Ta {4 On May 20, the King's official birthday, the Scouts will give the leadership across Canada in the celebration of the day by burning a chain of beacons, accompanied by fireworks, in 'the evening, 'as was done so successfully to mark thé King's Coronation in 1937, As a unique international de- monstration 'of Scout neighborli. ness, during the day, May 20, Ca- nadian and Anterican Scouts will meet at various. points along the - boundary line, from the" Atlantic to the Pacific, for a goodwill cere. mony, and the planting of "King's Birthday. Trees," Notable gath. erings are expected on the historic Niagara border, and at Windsor and Detroit. As a result of the outstanding success of the recent Toronto Scout Cyclorama=--a fair of booths representing over 100 educational features of the Scout training held in the Canadian National I» hibition Colisaam and adjoining arena, C.N.E. officials discussed the posibility of the Scout show being made a feature of the great fall fair. The Cyclorama was attend. ed by crowds reminding of big days of the "Ex." : One of the features of the Scout + Cyclorama was a long street of hobby 'work<by Wolf -Cubs and Scouts, displaying literally thous- ands of items, from art work to airplahes of every known model, and appetizing examples of the culinary efforts of young - camp cooks. $ 'GARDENING CULTIVATION Aside from the planning and planting, no carly job compares with cultivation, not ask one to keep the hoe woing all Summer, far from it. But they do request that the garden be dug once thoroughly first thing in the Spring, then cultivated . once or' twice afterwards With proper tools the work need be no more than Healthy exercise. For the "purpose, there is nothing better than a little three or five fingered cultivator or a Dutch hoe. Either ofthese implenients will make short work of a vegetable or flow- er garden. Cultivation serves a _double purpose, it keeps down weeds and it conserves moisture. STONE WATKS in the smaller gar- where visitors: and children Particularly den Authorities do*- | ou take it. The resh it off the ply TT lasts Tonger. "WORTH COMING OVER FOR!" Dixie is a grand smoke any way tobacco stays and flavourful util you cut and every pipefyl : AD) SUCH To] '¢] Td] Lie]: 7-Xelelo] soon wear grass thin along the edges of flower beds or between the house and the swing or arbor, regular paths are of very practi. cal value. With a little car. will add beanty tothe rest o. garden Most pleasing mate: ri: tor this purpose is flag. ste Ihese are broad, flat, th sof any soft stone, usual- ho "in abundance around cer- te or beds, | : tes ure sunk flush: with the gro o that the lawnmower will Wi oor them, and at legst an inci: a half of grass left be- twe «lies, Sometimes a little sat. =~ placed under the stone for dra oo C . + walk materials are sand, cing © or brick, VVHEN TRANSPLANTING Experts point out that the se- cret of successful transplanting is plenty of "water, when the job is. done and for a week or so after- wards. Of next importance will F be shade and stimulant, Moving a plant is something like an opera. tion" for a human being, and the "larger the specimen the more ne- ssavy the attention. With sheub- bery and trees often main roots - are cut and the shock is severe. Distri istributors Exceptional OPPORTUNITY of fered serious and responsible men to represent' a company selling new line of religious, novelty "nmps; -atso commerctal laps - making Ncon-like signs. Do not apply unless able to finance smal, convenient stock. Liberal arrange. ment with "exclusive territory. If You qualify. Write room 2, 2118 itleury St. Montreal. LB . ¢ | Eskim . 08 Thrive . Vitheut Worry ~ Because they don't worry about rent, war scares and "age phycho- logy, Eskimos rarely suffer heart disease, blood presure or cancer," Dr. Victor E. Levine, professor of biological chemistry and nutrition 3 of Creighton University Medieal i School, Omaha, Neb., said in an ky interview -last week. Eskimos 0 Dr. Levitra ded ared don't keep-track of their ages and by never celebrate birthdays --*""That's ve why they are young till they die." ik \ Peeters ttececcesosocosery A 3 1 iy See our large assortment of 3, various makes and models at our Showroom, $950. G.M.C. "35 T23'B. Stake. Body Duals. $400. Dodge 130 15 Ton Pick- +) up. $525. GM.C. "36 8 + Ton Panel i Truck. - ao $475. Ford "36 14 Ton Panel 3 Truck, - BE $275." Chevrolet 33 LL "Ton JE © Panel Truck, i i bR General Motors oi Products Of Canada Ltd. x G. M. C. Truck Retail Branch 208 Spadina Ave., - Toronto : WA. 1831 Sy NIS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AUENT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Protec. tive System. 1. p Hlipa Company Limited. Osborne Avenue, Toronto, Classified... Advertising. tS-AG INTS.CANVASSERS. THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Smallwares, Novéltfes, Razor Bindes, Dry Goods, Cosmetics, age acmbled In'a new mammoth {llus- trated catalogue. The lowest wholesale prices obtalnable -- big AGENTS! STOREKEEPERS! Maka big profits selling our over 250 lines Lof Drygoods and Small- wares, Write today for free ri List, . General Outfitters Regd. Box Place D'Armes, Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALI FLAGS, BUNTING, - PLAIN AND Waterproof Truck Covers and Tents. Prices and samples quest. John Leckie Ltd. Toronto. JEWELRY SPECIALS --WALTHAM Pocket Watches, $4 up. Wrikt- watches, Rings, ete., Violins, Saxn- phones. Unredeemed Pawnbrokers. ledges, Catalogue. McTamney's, 0 A RE Pa ~ CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS Finck i wig used Chester. e Suite, repp cover-' "Ing, first class cMndition $19.50 Ihrer thee Peed nglish Velour 'hesterfie uite, com- "----platety Toconditiohe $24.50 * Moneéy-hnek Gunrantee Frelght pald. to your station Manufacturers Chesterfield Rich a str 15, Toromt BILAY CHICKS FON SALE EXPORT DEMAND FOR CANADIAN c@rs Is increasing, steadying the - murket. Look forward to next Iall. Put in a -brooder-load of Bray pullet chicks. Bray Hatch ery, 130. John Stréet North, Ham- - ilton, Ontario. WUSINESS CHANCES OUR -PRINCIPALS OFFER PROS- perity, Independence, Security, witlin reach of nll. Write "Homa hdd Income" Agency, North Hat. ey. Que. WEERTIFIED. SEED POTATOES "WARDBA", WORLD'S EARLIEST Potato, large, white, delicious, hardlest, "heaviest ylelder, Gov- ernment Certified. 100 strong eyes $1.00 postpald. §. V,.Cowan, Wal. deck, Sask... * 5; --_ _ DEVELOVING ROLLS"DEVELOPED, ETCHCRAFT' enlargement -- 8 prints 25¢. Re. prints 3o. Photoart Service, Tren- -- ton; Ontarlo, Drawer 869, AVIATION OPPORTUNITY LEARN TO FLY NOW AT LOW cost. Efficient training -- modern cauipthent fiicluding Radlo. Liv. ing quarters provided for out.of- limited. town students. [Fliers Barker Alrport, Toronto. DOGS FOR SALR SCOTTISH TERRIERS ALL AGES. Wire IFox Terrier mals, from pedl- greed stock, low prices. Campbell. croft, Plantagenet, Ont. i FOIL SALE -{--QUIT_TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, profits. Free catalogue. Dept.- 8, Phllllps Sales Reg'd, 72 Craig W., Montreal, Que. PHOTOGRAPIY FILMS DEVELOPED "FILMS DEVEIOPED WITH 'prints of each and FRER ARGEMENT coupon 25¢, CSE RCIAL PHOTO. OFFSET COMME JnaLEY 12 RUSSELL 8T. TOR. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVe ery roll film deyeloped and 8 high ®loss prints 25c\ 8 enlarged prints 25c. Reprints same price. Bright« ling Studio, 29A\Richniond Street East, Toronto, PERSONAL MARRY~HUNDREDS TO CHOUSH from. Many with means. Farme ers' daughters. cide with Particulnrs 10c. ToProperty. Odential. Box 128 Calgary berta. nexpensively, Home remedy. Tes« monlals. - Quaranteed, Adyice efrce. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winulpeg, IF You WANT AN AFFECTION= ata romantic sweetheart, with money, write: Mary Lee, 115.0, Rolla, Missouri, BARY CHICKS BADEN CHICKS FOR SALE : COMMENCING MAY 22nd, YOU CAN buy Baden High Grade Govern- ment Approved Chicks at these prices. Standard Quality Barred Rocks, Now Hampshire Raid, Hy. brids, White Rocks $9.25) Tullets $ i Leghorns $8.75; Pulleld ; Cockerels $3.00. Big Egg Quality the" kind that weigh 1% to 2 lbs. more when hatched, Heavy Breeds $10.76, Vullets $16. 95, Cockerels 49.00, Teghorns $10.- 25, Pulleta $20.90, Started chicks two weeks old add to day old prices 5%e, thrée.week-old ndd 10c, Frea Circular. Prompt delivery, Lower prices for June. Dadén Kl. ectric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Baden, Ontario. TWEDDLE CHICKS FOR SALE BTILIL, LOWER PRICES FOR, Tweddle chicks, Effective May! 18th. Grade A Heavy -Breeds $10. 45, 004% Pullets $16.75; Cockerels $7.00; Leghorns $3.95; -Pullets $20.75; 'Extra Profit grade - over size chiloks {Grade A $11.95; Pullets, $18.90; Cookerels $8.00: Leghorns $11.45; Pullets $23.45. . Free calendar and Poultry Guide, ~=Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Lim. ited," Fergus, Ontarlo, BRAY PULLPTS LAY FARLY, LAY heavily, keep on laying «Just what you will want in Ho lay- ing house next Fall and Winter, Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontirio, : "Forty-eight hundred-péople have - volunteered to go with Sir Hu- bert: Wilkins, the Australian ex- plorer, on his proposed voyage to the Arctic in a submarine, - Issue No. 20 -- '39 i nla 5 AAAEBTEELE LL PURE MAPLE SYRUP, nNrat quailty. Write for prices. 'Ordar edrly. iw M. Gillespie, Abbotaford. o. RASPBERRIES, LATHAM, CHIEF, Viking. Fifteen for dollar, hund: red Four Dollars, Strawberries, Dollar fer hundred, prepatd. . Tye, Brigden, Ontario, [FF YOU INTEND INSTALLING A Bathroom outfit or water system -writé for free f{llustrated cata. logue 'with prices. Eres eat!mates on Installations, The J. F. Crow. ley Company, Dundas. Ontario . FEMALE HELI" WANTED SPARE TIME INCOME 18 OFFERED TO RESPONSIBLE woman with good .local confacls, Leading maghzine publisher seeks ricighborhdod subscrlptibn works - er. Experience unecessary, com- missions libdral, generous bonus. es. State age. Give references, Ilox-30, Room 421, 73 Adelalde St. W. Toronto. ~ "STALLION FOR SALE -- =A GOOD BLACK_3 YEAR OLD" Percheron Stallion, registered and enrolled. Trenry Hulse, Qucens- ville. Ontario ATR GOODY WI0S. TOUPES,. TRANSFORMA. "tons, Switches, Lucls, and al of: f finest quality Half (loods. Write or IMustrated catalogue Conflden- tial terms arranged Joni ume * 4 Hair Sipply Co. 628 Hailrs( oronto MACHINERY HANDY GREASE CONTAINER AND Gun Loader, Duatinised Llean one minute job, Write QO. E. A. Malchow, Stavely, Alberta. DBATHIIUOM OUTHITS KOR SALE SEWING MACHINES & SUPPRIES © FOR SEWING MACHINES, RE. palrs, supplies--all mukes, new or trade-in, reconditioned much- (nes In stock -- Write! A. Glibert & Son, 350 Yonge St. Toronto. THACTOR MAGNETO AND GENERATOR REPAIRS to and Generator Repairs. We save you money. Allanson Armature © Manfr., 855 Bay St, Toronto. Sk - USED TIRES FOIL SALE 2000 USED TIRES--35¢ UP FOR any truck or car. Retreads guare yelve * months; dealers . 8 Merrick Tire Co,-123 King St. \ wepe Hamilton. » . ' a] why GO GREY? THOSE GREY STREAKS IN YOUR hair are dead against you. Une doubtedly the finest remedy for Brey. hair -is Morgan's Porgde. This 1s not a axe but scientifidals ly 'prepared tr®atment which re- yitatiZzes the hair. 2 ounce $1.00; arge four ounce $1.50, postags | prepaid. Order from--R. A, Tuthill {7 nadldn Agent) 911 Bloor St, West, Toronto. M: 2¢ and sold in England fot £0 yoare. Pra vn TSAR IETS re USED CARS & TRUCKS 38 Dodge~New %. ton Pane. 37 Maple Léat 2% ton stake heavy, . uty, 31 Ford--2 tor cab and chassis, ------ 36 Dodge--% ton panel, "2-34 Cheyrolets--<% ton panels, 34--Ford Sedan delivery, + All trucks thoroughly reconditions _ ed and painted to suit buyer, M. H. SMITH MOTORS TD, Wi 787 VAUGHAN RA, TORONTO SEND US YOUR TIACTOR MAGNE. * Jay for free. prico Hg : nay "" .

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