Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 May 1939, p. 7

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rd ------'Fhursday; Friday -and- Saturday, -- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, a AFR TET ARLES BROCK THEATRE ' WHITBY Telephone 618. All Shows Daylight Saving Time May, 18-19-20 ' .. Two Hows at 7.30 a 9.80 p.m.. Saturday Matinée at 1,30 '"GUNGA DIN" with Cary Grant," Victor McLaglen, Douglas Fairbanks Jr.,, Sam Jaffe, Joan Fontaine. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAY 22-23-24 : "Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Holiday Matinee Wednesday at 2 pam, 2 James Cagney, as The OKLAHOMA KID with Humphrey Bogart, Rosemary : Lane and Donald Crisp. E kJ Na AT RO Praha A, THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1939 BOWMANVYILLE PAPER WINS TROPHY For the second successive year the Canadian " Statesman, published at Bowmanville, has been. awarded. the Pearce Trophy for the best editorial page amongst the weekly newspapers in Ontario and Quebec. was announced at the annual conven fion of the Ontario-Quebec Associa- tion recently held in Ottawa." ' SUNDAY "SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY AT GREENBANK ' The Greenbank Sunday School An- niversary will be held on Sunday, June 21st, at 11 am, and 7.30 p.m. Rev. G. E. Dyer, a former pastor, will be- the speaker. The children of the Sunday School wil Ising at the morn- ing service. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of James Gallagher, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on-the 27th day of June, 1931, are hereby notified to send in to the undersign solicitors on or before the 8th day of June, 1939; full particulars of their claims. Immediately after June 8th, 1939, the assets of the Testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled |' thereto, having regard only to claims | of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Qitarlo, this 16th day of May, A.D. HARRIS, HARRIS ¥ A Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the James Gallagher Estate. A SEASONABLE TONIC WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO- LECITHIN--a nerve food $9 tonic, valu- able in nervous exhaustion resulting from - over work, worry, grief or excesses-of any kind. ..Price $1.00 RUSSIAN-OIL--Extra heavy. 40 ounce bottle 89c.; 16 oZ. bottle 49¢. FACE POWDERS, regular 50c. .. FER I ¥ «.+..SALE 35c. HARDING ACID TREATMENT for relief of arthrites, rheumatic- pains, lumbago, acid stomach and uric acid complaints. TOILET SOAPS--all kinds at bargain prices. : MOTHERS' DAY CANDY--1 Ib. and 2b. boxes. Specially wrapped ALL POPULAR SHEET MUSIC--received .each week __Morrison's Deep Store PORT PERRY 50¢ and $1.00 ne wi b = or CAREFUL MEAT BUYING al There is nothing like experience to teach one what should be known about meats. We have had many years of 'that experience. The greatest of care is exercised in 'the buying and preparation of meats. - or the good quality of our stock, = You can rely » BERT. MacGREGOR'S "PHONE 72-R- 2 WE DELIVER- PORT: PERRY SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your - Rumacaps's two-way action |" health, 3 ct quickly cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys. Use Rumacaps. Sold at Ar M. Lawrence's Drug Store. "~~ FARM WANTED Land and buildings around $2000, _ In'answering state acreage and other) FOR SALE he House: and lot, six rooms, frame, with oo Alay hard ind Soté water, hydro, everything in first class condition, Two acres with fruit trees apples and small fruit. Kirst house on highway going into Port Perry. Apply Mrs, Thos, Caesar, Port Perry. | The award | {| Lion Illusionist. 'Ba NQUET TICKETS 50c. W. H. PEEL, President. Farmers' Night and Banquet Accommodation for two hindred and fiftyFarmers ad Farmers' Sons of the Townships of Reach, ugog, and Cartwright (and the Business Men ort Perry), is being arranged by the Exeou- tive of the Port Perry Business Men's Assn. IN THE PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Friday, June 2nd, 7 p.m. SPEAKERS--MR. W. R. REEK, Deputy-Minister of Agriculture MR. A. B. INNES, District Representative of the D¢ client --------of Agriculture in Ontario County. Entertainment--DON MARJIS, the Cheerful Musical Seleotions. Observer Printing Office, SEE FURTHER DETAILS NEXT WEEK . "Arrangements are being made for an inspection of the School by those who are interested. At present available at the G, F. MANNING, Sec.-Treas. ~T 7, of LIONS CLUB The meeting of the Lions Club, on Friday last at Cricklewood was voted as being one of the best meetings yet. As this meeting concurred with the meeting of the Parish Workers, of the Church of the Ascension, held at the same place. This made a bit of a / problem to determine whose party it was. One guest of the Lions asked, "As I am a guest of the Lions, "who are guests of the Guild, who are guests of Cricklewood, whose guest am I?" He. hasn't guest yet, but he enjoyed the "dainty supper and. the talking picture which followed :It was 'ather Colts turn to provide entertainment and he brought Mr. Donahough of the Clover Leaf Salmon ! Company with a talking picture of the 'salinon industry. "The picture showed the beautiful shore line of the river mouths of B.C., the Asking fleet going out to lay. their nets, the laying of the seine and later the drawing in of the nets.'- "The method of caring for the fish till the cannery was reached, then the actual canning. Pictures were also shown of the various types of salmon and the way they were graded for the various brands, It was all very interesting.. Two very good comics followed, . Lion Dunsire relieved Lion" Frank Mann at the. piano occasionally, - Nominations were received for bal- lot to be "taken at first meeting in June to elect officers. : Presentation to Hockey Playeré Daring the intermission between acts of the play Charley's 'Aunt, a very . pleasing little ceremony took place by kind permission of the Com- DP aaty Players, The Lions Club had sponsored juvenile hockey and wished to give crests suitable for attaching to Heir sweaters to the members ot particulars. tephen Bodollo, 186] Simcoe St., Toronto. HOUSE. FOR SALE OR TOR RENT Doubls. lot, small fruits, , electric lights, hard and soft water, barn with garage. Residence of the late Mrs, McMillen, on Bigelow St. Port Perry. Apply to Jas. Archer, Port Perry, Phone 130W. Sa Vdgill |, Lumber for Sale Lumber in forty rods of board fons at Fair Grounds, about 8 foot lengths; also flat bottomed steel tank, 600 gal- lon capacity, Apply to F. Shepherd, Port Perry, i "For Salads WE HAVE Head Lettuce, - Cucumbers, - "© Tomftoes, +. Celery All Seasonable Frulis - at lowes Price. Caruso Fruil Store| Phone 208 . Port Perry| Henshaw' § Transport Is at your service for all kinds of Haulage. 'Large or small cons! gnments | receive "prompt and careful attantion, { Anywhere in Ontario t Ray Henshaw, Proprietor : WEEE CAs ane Aves vi Fate 7 the team and the fetresontaniel gathering of --citizens attending the] play afforded. an 'excellent opportun- hy: The duty was a prerogative of Lion duties prevented Lion Hayes from be- ing present, Lion Secretary. Bert Hutcheson explained to t&e audience {st the Club-had sponsored Juvenile Hockey not altogether to give the growing layers a chance to gef in fine for fh he big league by learning the gamé while youn but in the be- bet | five training in clean, manly sport help them in after years to play i in the game of life. Credit was given to Lions sRoy Cornish and Jim Kerr for the faithful service they had given the oung as- pirants for hockey fame reely iving their time, particularly every Eaturday morning, and as Saturday' is the one day of the week the teacher is free to mingle with people his own size it meant a sacrifice In devotin half of it to juveniles and he oi the boys would appreciate it now; he knew they would in after life but he|i would like to see some manifestation to let. their instructors know they were not laboring in vain, : The announcement was then made {hat 5 the following, grening. "Mr, awes, 8 Port ory ny boy, now an executive in Toronto eigen adian Deparimenial Sores; he he eh a "Jon 'hand nt: the cup : ® a fi given to he *inare of She s Hid ague of four teams, w " 33or Be aD he BE i i' le una e next evening a tele 1} P hone 6 gram was elved from mB (Da hd tha ad been delay us ! PORT PERRY, ONT. engagements and was mabe to to reach Port Perry and so Bert, again substituted, The winning Som Sig forward and the cup fad into . the custody of Captain. John Chrele, : "fout during the Sunday School hour on President E. Hayes but as other|. Myrtle Station ~ Mother's Day Program was > cain Sunday morning. Audrey Grant told, in a pleasing manner, the story of "The Room of Gold" The evening church service was in charge of : the pastor who delivered a very helpful message to the parents and adults, Mr. Honey's theme. was: "The value of the home in the life of a nation". He chose Proverbs 31 for the Scripture lesson and took the text from verse 10: "Who can find a vir- tuous 'woman? "for her price is far above rubies." The youth problem of to-day should in reality be the adult problem, If. the foundation of a nation's greatness rests in the homes " PURE BES ORE LLD0 ROSIE NAR SRE: for the summer, The Foot at 10.30; Centre Sunady School at 10.30 with service at 11.30; Indian service at 3 pan; Head Sunday School at 11 a.m, and service at 7.30 p.m, We are glad to see Mry, C., Wanna- maker has returned to her home hefe aftér spending three months with her cousin Mrs, J, Stephénson, Columbus. Scugog friends are glad to hear Mrs." J, Ploughman is doing blcely after her recent operation, Congratulations to Mrs. L. Clark in winning the --lovely --rug -- at Brock's store, in Port Perry, last week. 3 "The Wild Oats Boy" A large and appreciative audience greeted The Wild Oats Boy in the Centre Church on Friday evening. This comedy-drama is one of the best and latest of the popular well brought out by an excellent cast of characters, consisting of Mildred Corbett, Mrs. Geo. Samells, Ivan Milner, Ray Milner, Grace Demara, Florence Carter, Gordon Tetlow, Mil- ton Demara, Mrs. 0, Jeffrey, Alan Aldred, -Ceeil Fralick, Luzerne Sweet- a Ralph Milner. Between acts Isabel klewell, Glen Demara and Clem Jettrey entertained with solos and duets, Mrs, Geo. Samells is Director, Mr, Fred Gow of Oshawa, spent the week end and Mother's Day with his Wother, Mrs, R. D. Burnham, he Women's Association, group 3 of the Centre, were hostesses. for the meeting held last Tuesday in the Tp. Hall, and were Mrs, R. Tetlow, Mrs. G. Flewell, Mrs, A. Prentice, Mrs. K. Prentice, Mrs. R. Jackson. The meet- ing opened with Mrs, R. Carter in the chair. Mrs. F. G. Joblin lead in pray- er, Mrs. "O. Jeffrey then read the secretary's report followed by a read- ing prepared by Mrs, O. Jeffrey fron the Study Book. Miss Dorothy Fines gave a humorous reading; Mrs. M. Fralick gave a very timely reading on "Our Queen" who is now in Canada. Community singing was enjoyed with Margaret Crozier at the piano. A strawberry" social wis then discussed, also some sewing which was done by a number of the members. Mrs, G. Flewell and Mrs. R. Tetlow will pre- pare the program for the next meet- ing. The tables looked so inviting they were not long in filling up the chairs and doing justice to the lovely supper. Yellow daffadils were uséd for decorations. Proceeds $6.70. --... Glad to" see little Yvonne Milner home again after spending a month with relatives in Toronto. The drama "Where's. Grandpa" is 1 : writer-- Lilian Mortimer, and its fine humor is || ra RREALERTE SPIT HE LRRAER Kir ly \ . me RED & WHITE sure "Summer Shoes White Shoes for Ladies & Growing Girls, in Ties, & Straps, $2.50 Men's Scampers, $1.75 Boy's Scampers, $1.65 Men's Trousers for Summer Wear $1.75, $1.98, $2.95, $3.35, $4,95 Ladies' Silk Hosiery, 69c. pr Inlaid Linoleum Rugs Size 9 x 6, Tp Rexfelt Floor Covering Covers Floor 9 x 12 for $3.00 ° MEN'S TAN SHOES B35 $3.95 per > por planning to visit the Head Church in of the people, then how important are the mothers who are the very heart of the honfe. cism of the action of the boys and girls of today but surely if there is cause for such, the blame must rest | upon the parents. - Train up a child tn the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it: The "regular monthly. meeting of W. A. was held at the home of Mrs, Elwood Masters on Wednesday after- noon of last week, -Sixteen members and several visitors were present. In the absence of the scting president, Mrs. Downey, the meeting was pre- sided over by Mrs, Roy Thompson. Mrs. H. Hudgins took the devotional exercises, After the minutes and com- munications were read, a brief busi- clusion 'the program committee took charge. Two guessing contests were run off, The first one was a "Soap Tragedy"--a story read by one of the: committee and pauses in the reading' were filled .by the names of well known brands- of soap. The second contest was a test of the sense of ,|smell. Twelve different kinds of spice were made up into separate tiny sacks and contestants guessed the names of the spicés by smelling them, Mrs. Parrinder and Mrs. Luery were re-; spective winners, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Chisholm and ronto, visitéd ith relatives in' the vil= lage on Tuesday Mr, and Mrsy Russell Richardson of | Ashburn and My; and Mrs, V. gins and little daughter of Toronto, spent Mother's Day with Mrs, Hattie Hudgins, Miss Reta Conroy, of - Maberfey is -- Me--and-Mrs. Roy. Parrott of . Scar- baro visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Redman Mr. and Mis. E. Cooper' and Doug- las, of Toronto, spent the 'week "end with relatives, + Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter and | children of Prospect were week end visitors with relatives, On Monday afternoon the village There is so much criti. | Tonto, spent the week end with Miss ness period followed, and at the con.' daughter Mys, Clarence Reed, of To-! ud- | the near future. Watch for date. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tippen of To- Ivah Milner. Sunday guests' at the Milner home were Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Heayn and family, of Port Perry, Mr. Hi Mrs, E. Sweetman and daughters. Mr, L. Lansing of Nestleton, ana; Mr, Stewart Mark are helping Mr. Nl Aldred to build his new house. "Mr. Glen Collacutt is busy testing cattle. around here, Mr. Dr... W. Doxie and Wesley Doxie, Mr, and Mrs. J. Martin and son Bh John, of Toronto, Mrs. I. Rodman-of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton of Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. I. Traval | and little Beth, of Oshawa, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weyrich and | little Douglas of Oshawa, spent the!§ week end with her aunt Mrs. H. Car- |} 'On Sunday they all | § nochan then. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark. Miss Dorothy Reynolds is visiting gl her sister Mus, ribs broken; Mr. ay. "Nir, and Mrs.: Ji Aldred and -son Victor, attended "the funeral of their | sister-in-law Mrs, H.- Sintzel, in To- ronto,. recently. We are Fad 'to see our good merch- gat, J. L. Sweetman, able to be de- Presi our needs again--Wednesday 'and Thursday, instead of Thursday rand Dicey as last year, F. G. Joblin visited friends in Stirling last week and had charge of (the funeral of one of his former "friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ptolemy of Oshawa, ay guests were Mrs. W. F. Nott and daughters Gladys and Mrs. O. Bradley and son Douglas, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. C, Gerrow, of Manchester. We extend sympathy to Mr. Harry Willard jn the passing of his father. The Wild Oats Boy players go to Zion -in Maripisa on the 24th May. was canvassed 'by two agents repie- senting the Institute for the Blind. They made several sales of brooms, mops and brushes, which were the product of blind workers, Mr._and Mrs. Will Lantz, Toronto also Mrs. W. Lammiman and son, o shawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. nd Mrs. 0. H. Downey. A happy gathering of the Harrison clan was enjoyed on Mother's Day, at noon, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Harrison, In:honour of their mother Mrs. S. A. Long. The remainder of the day was spent at the home of Mrs. long, in the village. ®Those attend- rom a distance were Mr. and Mrs, . E. Harrison, of Latchford, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Scott, Seagrave, and sox Baye] rie. has. Fox of Blackwater, called on NM ricats her on Sunday. y "The regular monthly meeting of the WMS, will be held at the home hel. Pr larence HarriSon on Thur, day, at 2.30 p.m. A cordlal Invitation Is a an to 'all, ladies interested in missionary work to be present, .SCUGOG Mother's Day Jefvice was well at- {erided a beside th m, Mrs. G. Chérrie, who is get- | § ting along fine after having several | 8 Bill Hope of Seagrave visited 5 his cousin Mr. Milton Demara on Sun-|. . spent the week end with her parents -- 1 bud and Mrs, AT Prentice. Other Sun-1---- x MARSH HILL Mrs, Langstaff retiined home the other day after spending the winter i friends at Toronto and Thornhill. here was a good turn out at Church service on Sunday. Mr. Wm. ey of Port Perry, spent Sunday at Willlam White's. Mrs, Parish spent Sunday with, Mrs. William Walker, . Mr. and Mrs. Cookman of Pinedale, spent Sunday at Ray Hood's. Mrs, Robt. Swanick and Anson at: tended the funeral of her uncle, Mr.; Fair, in Sunderland, last week. NOTICE TO CREDITORS = I AND OTHERS In the Estate of George A. Hal, Deceased; "All persons having claims against the Estate -of the above mentioned who died at Port Perry, on the 4th "day of March, 1930, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitors for the said Estate on or before June 1st, 1039, After that date the Personal Bpresentative of - the said deceased will proceed to distribute. the Estate having regard only to the claims ¢ licitors shall then hav notice. Dated at Port Perry this 10th day of May, 1939. : Harris,-Harris & Wallace, solicifora for the Shove estate, ¢ - a) 59 Joblin n sang & solo Fi other" and Redman nd veh r Jrems, Me 3 pd. ire B. Swset- man, AR ew's Prayer" "Next wd shevices wil change ll ' ! which the So- | "Men's 'Work Boots, = F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY Let Us Supply Your Holiday Needs. Bread--Brown, Cracked Wheat, Soy Bean White, Sliced, Wrapped, and Plain BUNS, ROLLS. PIES, CAKES, TARTS THIS WEEK 'END SPECIAL--Sugar Doughnuts, 18c. dozen Fried Cake Twisters, 18c. dozen, or 2 dozen 35c. # WE DELIVER PHONE 32 Gerrow Bros., Port Perry oie for its Dependability 4) Re SE vey L} 5 # 12 e P £3 No matter if the e weather is cold or mild, you can always do pend on this clean, Tong burning coal for heat satisfastion= washed before it leaves the mine to free it from dirt -and" dust = --"THE L AUNDERED COAL" COKE, WOOD, 'HARDWALL PLASTER ! Fresh St. Mary' 8s CEMENT on hand PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones 94w and 94; ~~ Make Up for Lost Tike: "Spring 153 been late in arriving this year, but it looks as though it would come in with a rush now, and we shall have to make up for lost time, . Let us know your needs in any. kinds of - Lumber. We oan Supply You. CALL ON US. We shall be pleased to providé Plans: and Estimates for your needs. : Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 ls aan EON ------ Taf A yf FAIA ey,

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