Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 May 1939, p. 4

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ar r/o » pt EE Sam er pron . visited her parents Mr. Sale of Home-Made Cooking and Useful : Articles . will be held by the [fadies of St. John's "Presbyterian Church at - thé Sebert House. on Saturday, .. June 10th PERSONAL Mrs. S. A. Wallace has. returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wal- lace in Walkerville, Mrs, Robert Murray spent the week end with her son in Toronto. Miss Clara Watt has returned tt rer home in Torcnto, after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin, Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Bailey, of Ux- bridge, were in town on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Asher, of Port Dal- housie, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Asher. Mrs. Chas. Webster and Mrs. A. and Mrs. A. W. Allin on Sunday.. Mr. Robt. Gawker, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. Wesley Collins has moved to Prince Albert. Rk Miss L. B. Day spent the week end 'with Toronto friends, Miss Murial Cook, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of her parents. Mr. Keith Hooey has opened a garage in the building formerly occu- pied by Thos. Bowerman. We wish Keith-suecess. © Mr. Will Cook spent Monday in To- ronto with friends. Mrs. Dave McMillan and son Em- merson spent the week end in Toronto with friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson were in Toronto for the week end. Mr. W. Grov es, of Toronto, spent .-7Sunday in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bown, of Smith's Falls, spent the week end in town. Miss Norma Edwards of Thorn Hill spent a few days with friends in town. Miss Doris Murray, of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Murray, last week. Miss Alice Dodd, of Toronto, was in town last week. Mr, Thos. Bowerman has Sgrar®d a position _ in Lindsay. ~=Mrs. T. Bowerman is Spiny a few days in Toronto. Mr. Russell Corner and wife of _ Pefferlaw, was in town recently, . _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald, Mr. Oscar Long, Miss Laura Long, of Ux- __ bridge and Mr. George H. Lawry Jr., of Toronts, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Day last Thursday. ~~ RAINES:PICKARD A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride when Lillian Ruth Pickard, eldest daughter of the late John and Mrs. Pickard became the bride of John Francis, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Raines of Port Perry. The happy event took "place on Saturday, May 20th, 1939 _The bride was gown&d if "A" lawn midnight blue dress and jacket and was given in marriage by her brother Chris. The bride was attended by her sister Dorothy Grace. The bou- quet carried by the bride was com- --------paesed--of- ti sisies sid for, get- me-nots, The best man was the elder brother of the groom, Walter Guy. The flower girl was little Aileen Skerratt, niece of the bride. The happy couple left to spend their "honeymoon with friends at Guelph and other points of interest in the Province of Ontario. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter played the wed- ding music accompanied by Mr, Alexis Mitchell, student minister of Port Perry Baptist Church. The nuptial knot was tied by the "Rev. Joseph Denny, former minister of the bride. On their return from the honey- moon the bridal pair anticipate taking up their residence in he Yillage of Port Perry. Repair and Painting Shop Also Fender Wark and Furniture Painting Mechanic's " Tdcense - PHONE 209 : ~~ HOOEY'S REPAIR SHOP one block north! of Sebert House, TROUSSEAU TEA On May 17th, Mrs. F. T. Stacey, of Little Britain, entertained at a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Gladys, whose marriage to Mr. Claire Slemmon took 'place on' Saturday, © Mrs. Stacey received "the guests wéaring a navy sheer dress' with lgng jacket while the bride-to-be. wore a jacket dress of robin's egg blue with an all-over tucked bodice. Mrs. H. H, Hillis and Mrs. G. C. K. Hall, poured tea" at -a table which looked lovely with an applique ecru linen cloth and a, centre of pink and white carnations, snapdragon and baby's breath with tall white tapers in"Silver holders. Assisting in the dining room were Mrs, F. D. Slemmon of Port Perry, Mrs. S. Cameron of Oakwood and Mrs. J. Watson, Those who received the guests up- stairs were Mrs. R. Webster, Mrs. G. Heatlie and Miss Kathleen McPhail, Miss Dorice. Webster attended to the guest book and Mrs. W. Wooldridge of Brantford assisted in the gift room.. Among the guests were Mrs. F, D. Slemmon, Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, Miss . | Evelyn Somerville and Miss Dorothea O'Neill, of Port Perry. re i Pm SLEMMON-STACEY A quiet, but very pretty wedding was solemnized at Little Britain United Church on Saturday, May 20, when Gladys May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Stacey, of Little Britain, was united in mar. riage to Mr. William Claire Slémmon of Brampton, younger son of Mrs. John Connor, of Little Britain and the late W. H. Slemmon. Rev. H. H. Hillis officiated. at the ceremony. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, looked charming in a dressmaker's suit of wine crepe with navy accessories and a matching turban hat with navy veil and quill, also wearing a corsage of sweetheart roses. Her only at- tendant, Mrs. Hartley Rodman, wore a navy tailored suit with matching accessories and a corsage 'of Butter- fly roses. Mr. Harley Rodman acted as best man. -The wedding music was played by Miss Dorice Webster. The happy couple left immediately after the éeremony by motor for points in the United States and on their return they will = reside: in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Slemmon, and daughter Dawn Marie, Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, and Mr. Robt. Jeffrey were guests-at the wedding. BENEFIT SOFTBALL GAME A benefit softball game will be Tuesday, May 30th, at 6.30 p.m. The boys of Port Perry would like to do has been sick for "a long time in St. Michael's Hospital, in- Toronto. - So a game between Scugog Islanders and the Port Perry softball team has been arranged for next Tuesday. George manly qualities. At school he was keen for his studies and well liked by al his teachers. He took part in all and fishing. This worthy cause de- serves, your support. like to raise a large sum of money to help George along. Several nien have got behind the benefit game already. Tigges of admission will be sold this} ™ =" we by members of the -softball team. Give what you can. to help the boys along. > . NEW BOOK AT TO THE - PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY Novels-- Sa Disputed 'Passage, by Lloyd C. Douglas, author of "Green Light", "Magnificant Obsession", etc. Fantasia--by Warwick Deeping They Wanted to Live--by Roberts. (The book is a sequel to "Victoria, © 4.30") Revue--by, Beverley Nichols Robert Harding--by Patrick Slater, who ald wrote "Yellow Briev), ete. Till "This, and Heaven, Tooysby Rachel Field.' Rebecca, --by Daphiedu Maurier, Black Lace,--by Salverson, Non-Fiction-- Mein Kampf,--by Hitler, edition is complete, definitive. | . Listen! The Wind,--by Anne Mor- row Lindbergh. Westminster Watchtower,--by Bev. erley Baxter, : Conqueror of the Seas,--by Stefan Zweig. The Canadians,--by Professor Geo. M. Wrong, - __Insanity Fair,--by Douglas Reed. Inside Europe;/~by John Gunther. Alone,~by Richard Byrd. My Seventy Years, --by Mrs, Black, MP. for Yukon, © . Now Take Canadm--by Unele Bart. The played on the High School grounds on| - something for George Mulligan who is well known in this district for his|. intramural spdrt and enjoyed hunting. The boys would }- Phooe FREE 10i1 hak, OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED - : Friday- Saturday, Sav 26-27 "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Starring Mickey Rooney, Walt. Connelly and Lynne Carver. ADDED--Color Cartoon -- " "LITTLE GOLDFISH" NEWS--First pictures of the arrival of Their Majesties, the King and Queen. REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m. "A Yank at Oxford" Starring Robert Taylor and Maureen O'Sullivan ot! Monday - Tuesday, May 29-30 "Four Girls in White" Starring Florence Rice, Una Merkel, Ann Rutherford, Mary Howard. -Thurs., May' 31- June 1 Bob Burns, in "I'm from Missouri" © With Gladys George - Gene Lockhart, Wed., COMING--Friday, Saturday, June 2-3 "HONOLULU" Now, How about a me Pair of 'PERKY SHOES? O Boy! what comfort your feet will enjoy in this Fine Shoe! "PRICED AT $2.25 and $2.75 Per Pair Come in and take a Looksee. W. E. Webster Beatty Store CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Simpson, Minister, = Sunday School at 11.00 a.m. Public Worship at 7 p.m. Port Perry PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH .10 a.m.--Sunday School. rybody-Welcome---- | metal roofing aguinat fire fire and J itn a They' ro laying RIB-ROLL Roofing. and right over the old shingles, tool With Preston Bk and *Tite-Lap" shingles iin) around and no di prs des for 26 years. "Prices are lower than at thistime last year because there is no Write to-day . for roe estimate. Aildress Dept, 6. Eastern Steel Products SS 2D muss of old there is er of Sure protection weather for the Pot part sales tax. A Be also at d Teranto rred Track and Field Meet Last Saturday the Ontario Athletic Commission held their annbal district Track and Field meet at the Port Perry Fair Grounds for High School boys and girls. Although the weather threateneg*to be bad it held off long enough to make the meet a huge suc- cess. The track was dry and in ex- cellent shape. Athletes came from Peterboro, Lindsay, Campbellford, Cobourg, Markham, Yhitby, ete. The winner of each event will receive a free two week's holiday at their camp on Lake Couchiching. Port Perry managed to get Your contestants in the money. Alan Colbear, Harold Scott and the two Hood -girls, Grace and Marie, were the fortunate ones. Alan Colbear won the hop, step and jum, 35 feet, 10 inches. This is only 3 feet off the Ontario record for Juniors. He also was the 220 yard dash. Harold Scott put the shot in the Intermediate section with a heave of 32 feét, 10 inches. Marie Hood won the broad jump with a jump of 15 feet, 1 inch. This distance was longer than: the distance for the boys' broad jump. Sister Grace won the High Jump and the 76 yard. dash for Junior girls. Next year more Port Perry. Athletes should enter the} events and win this trip to Lake Couchichinng. The best coaches in Canada will be there to-help prepare these athletes for future Olympic games, To g MEN WANTED ' A sure living to EVERY ACTIVE FAMILEX DEALER for selling 200 daily necessities in reserved..district of 800 families. Money-back guar- antee. Low prices. Quick sales. Big. orders. REPEATS! We help you. NO RISK. Real opportunity for worker. FREE catalogue and particulars: FAMILEX, 670 St. Clement, Montreal. ; A GOOD SHOW O'Toole Bros, Amusement .Co. put on an excellent picture in the Town Hall, Port Perry, Jast-Tuesday--*"10 Men and a Girl". Splendid music. It was too bad that the show was right after the King's Parade, and the at- tendance was _ small. O'Tooles prom- ise good: shows every-Tuesday E Lecethin:- SE Drug Store TD (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) Wampole's, 'Phospho-- | | ox A bracing nerve food and tonic. 'Particularly recommended for use during convalescence, ENO'S FRUIT BALT, MARLIN BLADES, Gillettot7p ; PROPRYLATIC MASBSO TOOTH ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS .. 'BISMA REX .47¢., T9¢c. 12 for 25c. WEST'S MIRACLE-TUFT TOOTH BRUSHES 50¢, ~ BRUSHES Be TO sae 75¢, and oo of PHONE & AG rel TR ee ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS ..39%. 16 ounce bottle $1.00 ' "A. M. LAWRENCE 780 Renphl sere PORT PERRY TANARIS I Ad WEA i "YOUR F AMILY BAKER Can rélieve'you from baking worries, and 'provide the best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY - THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Tu Phone 93, Port Perry. Phone 41 PROTECT YOURSELF | with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with 2 HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON Port Perry the best in fresh MEAT for NOURISHMENT "In these days of changing weather con="-- ditions. you need food that can -supply "nourishment "and "energy. ci Bros., | Butchers We carry and cured'meats. PORT PERRY Phone 29W BIG CHEESE VALUES! OLD CI OL PLAIN OR PIMIENTO CHEESE RIDEAV - 19 BLUEGIRD WSEAS, Note-- Every diamond fs insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry | while attacking the cause. Eo WHY SUFFER with Rueumation, Sciatica, Lumbago? Rumacaps' Two- Way 'Action quickly relieves pain Sold at A.M. Lawrence's Drugstore. BICYCLES FOR SALE--all kinds, ARTICLES FOR SALE Bicycles, all kinds, from $10.00 up. Trade ins accepted: Repairs, welding, keys made. Open Evenings. At VICTOR'S, 84 King Street West, Oshawa. . i _mayl8 ==) . made, pricéd from $10.60 up, Trade-ins pted. = Repairs, * Ming, keys VICTORS, 84 King St. West, Oshawa. Open' evenings, june8™ FOR FRUIT TREES SPECIAL! COLLEEN GOLDEN BANTAM OICE CORN 3 { ¢ H 2: 28¢ | ww 20 | Genuine Hand Made "11 a.m.--Masonic Service by Rev. ~W. J. H. Smyth. Fidelity Lodge, _ No. 428, AF. & AM. will be our guests. 7 p.m,--Rev. Jos. Coulter, B.A, of Vroomanton, in_charge. ~~ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, May 28th--Whitsunday. 8 am.~~Holy Communion 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School" 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, Diocisan Centenary Service. Sunday, June 4th--Trinity Sunday. 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and sermon. Phone or deop in, and let > you bow Bray Chicks hie show Bers for 'poultrymen last year. yagnal attention, prompt 1 Wallace Marlow" BLACKSTOCK, ONT. SPECIAL! STANDARD TOM SPECIALI SANTA CLARA 40-50 GQOD SPECIAL! PARTY BRAND FANCY COHOE "RED SPECIAL! CHOICE WITH SPECIAL! BUDGET BLEND BLACK SPECIAL "THINSHELL". BEE HIVE CORN save > DOM NO. 4 Siva AS 20¢ 'BR ATOES 3 wi RO¢ SPECIAL! SANTA CLARA 70-80 MED. $H3E Sin Ba UNES cnowct SALMON * , RANGOON 6 . BEANS 'mio 2%: 26 TEA SODA Crackers | oy A 5 16¢ CHIFO in 19¢ BONING : eon 19¢ WAX! Hove 57¢ TSE 36¢ TISSUE 2 ru 25¢ TOMATOES, MEAD LETTUCE, LARGE PINEAPPLE, ORES « IN -~ 22 17¢ 23¢ 25¢ 2 ---- - 35° . A A A 170. Ib. -& for '190. "160. NION. "LONG STRAW Horse Collars FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED] AT NO EXTRA COST. NOT MADE BY GREEN MEN; BUT A MAN OF THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Can be obtained from-- T. STEWART, or WM. WEBSTER PORT PERRY, ONT. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, RASP- BERRY, CURRANT, GOOSHBERRY BUSHES, .. ASPARAGUS ROOTS. 4 Apply to Marsh Hill Gardens and NURSERIES UXBRIDGE R.R.@3 © Phone 9206 (The firm of @reer & Humphreys ls disolved.) ARTHUR. W. S. GREER In attendance af thy Port Parry. office oa Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon -of -each week, or by appelatment. Queen Streef, Port' Perry, Phone 264 (The 7m of Greer & Humphreys is 'discived.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 2% Simeoe Jirest Hoa, Oshawa. *W. A, Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 puni, Office Upstairs, over Sleep's . Insutance Office. 4 SUITS BPONGED AND PRESARD 80 Cents I SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery at my Port Perry offies on iJon Tuer ethos v0 - week or By appohrhnent. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 "DR. J. B. LUNDY: " "_BENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell T' SE fr DR. A. 8. BLACK | oil INARIAN and, and frig rT my RE ARV i § | A

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