Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 May 1939, p. 5

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F J - Tad "PHONE '72-R-2 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, RAFT ERT IRAN RAZAT BROCK THEATRE WHITBY Telephone 618 «All shows Daylight Saving Time" Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MAY 25-26-27 Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Saturday Matinee at 1.30 There Goes My Heart with Fredric March, Virginia Bruce, Patsy Kelly, Alan Mowbray. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAY 29-30-31 First show at 7.30 Last complete show at 8.50 Bobby Breen, in F isherman's Wharf with Leo Carrillo, Henry Armetta. Also an Added Attraction King of Alcartraz . with Lloyd Nolan, Gail Patrick. ----000---- _jthat date the Personal Representative COMING next Thursday, Friday and _ Saturday, JUNE 1-2-3 "THE STQRY OF VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE" _with Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. grief or excesses of any kind. RUSSIAN OIL--Extra heavy. FACE POWDERS, regular 50c. * PORT PERRY CAREFUL MEAT BUYING like experience to teach one what should There is nothin be known about meats. that experience.' 'the buying and preparation of meats. 16th day of May, A.D. "able in nervous hneion resulting from over work, 40 ounce bottle 89c.; 16 oz. bottle 49c. HARDING ACID TREATMENT for relief of arthrites, rheumatie pains, lumbago, acid stomach and uric acid complaints. TOILET SOAPS--all kinds at bargain prices, ALL POPULAR SHEET MUSIC--received each week ~ Morrison's Drug Store THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1939 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of George A. Hall, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died at Port Perry, qn the 4th day of March, 1939, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitors for the said Estate on or before June 1st, 1939, . After of the said"deceased will proceed tq distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which the So- licitors shall then have notice. _ Dated at Port Perry this, 10th day of May, 1939. y Harris, Harris & Wallace, 'solicitors for thie above estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . All persons having claims against the Estate of James Gallagher, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on the 27th day of June, 1931, are hereby nofified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 8th day of June, 1939, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after June 8th, 1939, the dssets of the Testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled |- thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. : Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 1039. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALL ACE, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the James Gallagher Estate. wn] Price $1.00 A -- Veeer......SALE 35c. Phone-16- ~~ We have had many years of The greatest of care is exercised in "You can rely _on ithe good qua ity of our stock, ~ BERT. MacGREGOR'S WE DELIVER PORT PERRY SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacaps's two-way action quickly cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys: Use Rumacaps. Sold at A. M, Lawrénce's Drug Store. . "FOR SALE Second-hand Chevrolet Truck, 1927 ~ ; _model. ~ GERROW BROS: pag "Phone 3 32 _Port HOUSE FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. Double lot, small fruits, electric "lights, hard and soft water, barn with garage. Residence of the late Mrs. McMillen, on Bigelow St. Port Perry. Apply to Jas. Archer, Port Perry, Phone 139W. : Yerry) = . FQR SALE with sunroom, also hard and soft water, hydro, everything in first class condition. Two acres with fruit trees apples and small fruit. First house on highway going into Port Perry. Apply Mrs, Thos. Caesar, Port Perry. T - pm : Lumber for Sale Lumber in forty rods of board fence at Fair Grounds, about 8 foot lengths; also Hie bottomed steel tank, 600 gal- lon capacity. Apply to F. Shepherd, Port Perry, : For Salads WE HAVE : Head Lettuce, . Cucumbers, - Tomatoes, Celery ~All Seasonable Fruits at Lowest Price ® Caruso Fruit Store Phone 208 "Port Perry Henshaw's Transport Is at your service for all kinds of Haulage. : Large or small consignments will réceive prompt and careful attention, Anywhere in Ontario v, Bell Phone 6 PORT PERRY, ONT. Ray Henshaw, Proprietor House and lot, six rooms, frame] Farmers' Night and Banquet Accommodation for two hundred and fifty Farmers and Farmers' Sons of the Townships of Reach, Sougog, and Cartwright (and the Business. Men of Port Perry); is being arranged by the Exeou- tive of thg Port Perry Business Men's Assn, IN THE PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Friday, June 2nd, 7 p.m SPEAKERS--MR. W. R. REEK, . Deputy-Minister of Agriculture MR. Al E. INNES, District Rem esentative of the D partment, _ of Agriculture in Ontario County. Entertainment--DON MARJIS,; the Cheerful Illusionist. "BARQUET TICKETS '50c. Musioal Selections. At. present available at the Observer Printing Office. SEE FURTHER DETAILS NEXT WEEK Arrangements ae being made for an inspection of the School W. H. PEEL, President. 4 by those who are interested. G. F. MANNING, Sec. Zoot, Lk for some time, finally being taken by The drink everybody knows PORT PERRY BOTTLING. WORKS Port Perry, Ontario, Phone 47 J hh ae UTICA Church services next 'Sunday con- ducted by Rev. Mr, Bushell, at 11 &. m., with Sunday Schoo! at 10 a.m., ow- ing to the special service at Bethesda. Monday to see the King and Queen. cemeteries, of which he is caretaker." The Blue Bird Club met in Memory Hall on Wednesday afternoon with fifteen present. Collections amount. to over $5.00, The Club is invited- to meet at the home of Mrs. Delbert Catherwood, at Raglan, for 'the be meeting. Get-you ticket for the lucky -- ber draw at the Dance in Memory Hall on May 81st, Our general storekeeper, Mr, C. W. Lakey, has made a exchange of cars, and is now sporting a Chevrolet. It is with deep regret we chronicle the death on Tuesday, May 16th, 1939, of James Swinson, in his 61st year, at hls home lot 7, concession 8, Reach A number from were in Toronto on ] Much credit is due to Mr. Kendall| -- -- Hor the splendid condition --of --the|- pne The service took place at his home with interment at Ash- burn cemetery, The late James Swinson was horn in Essex" County, Ont., in 1878, a son of the late Henry Swinson and Sarah Routley, and came to Ashburn district when a young lad with his parents. In 1904 he married" Miss Ada Stock- dale, who predeceased him in 1927, Siteen yeprs ago they came to Epsom locality, and located on lot 7, con. 8, Reach, where they since resided, Left to mourn his death are two sons William and James of. Epsom; two daughters, Mrs. Bruce Taylbr, of Ubridge, and Miss Norma Swinson of Toronto. Three sisters, Mrs. Lynn, Mrs. Hogg and Mrs. Brown, all of To- ronto; also survive. tended to the bereaved relatives. An Open Letter Oshawa, May 20th, 1939 | The Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ont. Attention Mr. Samuel Farmer. E Dear~Sir: As a result of news- paper publicity carried out through the medium of your Port Perry Star, we are pleased to report that our An- niversary Sale has resulted in the laggest-- sale of ~electire ranges, re- frigerators 'and other appliances we have had in the history of our busi- neas, The great response from the resi- "=| dents of Port Perry and surrounding territory has proved to us the value of using your newspaper: begause of the large area. covered, Again thankiig you for the co- operation extended to us: by your paper, we are, " Yours respectfully, / DON CHRISTIAN Han Don. Christian. - > ------ - A WE aa visited a small town, and sold the proprietor of its general store an order of jewelry, 'When the jewelry arrived it was not as represented, and 'the merchant re- turned it. But the whblesale house, nevertheless, attempted to collect the bill, and drew a sight draft on the merchant through the local bank, which returned the draft unhonored. The wholesalers then wrote to the postmaster inquiring the financial standing of the merchant, and the postmaster replied Inconically that it was "0K." By return mail the wholesalers re: quested him to "hand the enclosed ac- count to the leading lawyer" of the Township after being in-poor health place for collection. \ BEAUTY SHOPPE Permanent Waving and all other lines of : 'BEAUTY CULTURE Registered Hairdresser |BELL PHONE 768 SPECIALIZING IN =, 4 MISS M. PEERS ' MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE BARBER SHOP SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all other lines of the work H. H. MULLIGAN . Registered Barber +. PORT PERRY Lr | Bi | Sympathy is ex-}. he would tell' Sou to go to Hell," 3 MENDELSSOHN C CHOIR WILL BE Charlie Sutcliffe Killed at Orono About noon on Tuesday on the farm of Robert Ard,--at Orono, Charlie Sutcliffe, soh of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sutcliffe, of Port 'Perry, lost his life through a fall from a wagon. _ Charlie, who was' working' Tor My. Ard for the second'year, was hauling manure. He was wearing a pair of hip rubber boots. - Théy "were partly rolled down; In the fall the boots caught in the hook of the whiffletrees. Charlie hung on to the lines, and while the horses did not run, they started up and dragged the boy a short distance by the lines. The wagon was very close to the fence, and the unfortunate boy struck his nead against a post. He died: from Le blow almost instantly. Charlie was a good, industrious boy and had done very well at school, The community extends sincere sympathy to the suddenly bereaved family, EE = NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE ASSN. OF ONTARIO RIDING CONVENTION wil Ibe held in the Town Hall, at Whity, on Friday, June 2nd, to select a candidate for the next Dominion Election. Chief speakers: The Hon. J. Earl Lawson, K.C,, M.P,,! former Minister of National Revenue, T. K. Creighton, K.C,, President. R. D. Humphreys, Secretary. ---- sees ------ -- County Council COUNTY OF ONTARIO A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of! Ontario will be held pursuant to ad- journment in the Council €hamber in| the Court House in the- Town of Whitby on Tuesday, the 6th day of June A.D. 1939, at the hour of twoi o'clock in the .afternoon, Daylight Saving Time. All accounts to be laid befarg the Council should be" forwarded to' the Clerk, properly certified, at least threo days before the meeting of the Coun- cil, Dated at Whitby, this 23rd day of May, A.D. 1939, R. DONALD RUDDY, County. Clerk. | ce tives of Mrs. Hannah Love gathered at the "home of her daughter Mrs. Mills on the evening of May 11th tu Tier 89th birthday. relatives and friends here last week. The, Women's Bible Class had «a social afternoon at the honie of Mrs. Pilkey on Wednesday of last week. The Fideless S, S. class held thei monthly meeting in the basemént of _ the church last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mis, Grainger, Toronto, have rented and moved into Mrs. Em-| merson's house. Mrs, Burnett went to Toronto and' Welland last Thuraday. . . | Mrs, Lyle and Miss A. J. Phoenix in-Toropto 'this week. ~The W:;M:-S. will hold-its annual - when Miss Ethel Glendehning, a mis- | sionary from India, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Clyde Flappier of Greenville, Miss Aletha Cragg, Toronto, was home for the week end. | Several adults as well as the school children and teachers went te Toronto on Monday to see the King and Queen. a lh Mh a el ca This is the reply they received: | "The undersigned is. the merchant ..on_whom, you attempted to -palm-off your worthless goods, . "The undersigned is president and owner of the bank to which you sent your sight draft. 1 #The undersigned i the postmaster, "40 whom you wrote, and the under-' signed is the lawyergwhose service you sought to obtain for your nefarious , business. ; "If the undersigned were not also the pastor of the church at this place AT 'PETERBORO ON MAY 29th. Dr. H, A; Fricker and this famous' choir will 'sing at Peterboro en Mon- day, May 20th, under the auspices of the Kiwanis £lub, who are putting on this concert in aid'of their cMaritable work: There will be fifteen numbers on the program, TUNA FISH, V2'8 oon per tin 15¢. GILLETT'S LYE, 12¢. Ib tin 45c, GOLD MEDAL TEA V3 1h. 33¢. CROWN yg 12 Ib. 27c., KOLONA COFFEE ¥; Ib Iie. LIPTON'S TEA, %; 1b. 32¢. VITONE, .........small 27¢,, Medium 7c. 5 ge 87c. ROSE BAKING POWDER, 16 oz. tin ................ 14c. SHREDDED WHEAT, cash and carry ...... ....2 for 25c. Apple & Raspherry or Apple & Strawberry JAM, 32 0z. 25¢. Children, grandchildren and rela- i This week's special: Golden Layer 15¢c. congratulate Mrs. Love on attaining 3 Dr. Rawlinson, of Edmonton, visited : 'Thank Offering next Sunday morning | Mich., visited relatives here last week. : THE RED & WHITE STORE Clover Leaf Fancy Cohoe Salmon, : 2 Yb. Tins, 27c. CHOICE TOMATOES FC vi wa va Tie BE 3 Riis 25¢. HUMBURGS +... RT TTA TITRE 7 Ih. 9c. ' : y . Fry's Cocoa, V4 Ib. Tin, 19c. CHOCOLATE MARSH MALLOW BISCUITS, ..2 Ibs. 29¢. ORANGES ceri: nasvanasig sams ns per dozen 25c¢. Cream Style Corn, 2 tins 19c. HAWES' WAX, Large Size Prunes, Special, 2 Ibs 21¢ S.0.8., small" 15¢., large 24c. GOLD MEDAL HEALTH SALTS BROOMS, Gold Medal Coffee, 14 1b tin, BRASSO or SILVO- .............small 14c.; SANIWHITE TOILET PAPER 5-string 39c. tin 15¢. 23c. large 24c. 4 rolls for 25¢. Crown Brand Syrup, 2 Ib tin, 18c. OXYDOL WB Ars GEES : ceee small 10e. large 24c. WONDERFUL SOAP ................... 5 bars for 13c. Gold Medal Peaches, per tin, 15c. F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY « SEAS GL tS TR BR R48, BUBBLLLRNEY Let Us Supply Your Baking Needs © FRESH GOODS DAILY = Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Tarts WE DELIVER Gerrow Bros., Port Perry PHONE 32 FAMOU for its Dependability @ y: No matter if the weather is-cokbor-mild;-youean-always-de--- ~pend on this clean, Tong burning coal Tor "heat satisfaetion--- washed before it leaves the mise to free it from dirt and. duit "THE LAUNDERED COAL" i GOKE, WOOD, HARDWALL PLASTER Fresh St. Mary's CEMENT on hand PORT PERRY COAL YARD GW. PYATT Phones 94w and 94] W. a na re) Make Up for Lost Time Spring has been late in arriving this year, but it looks as though it would come in with a rush How, and we shall have to make up for lost time, Let us know your needs in any kinds of Lumber. We oan Supply You. CALL ON US. We shall be pleased to provide Plans and Estimates for vour needs." {J Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 4 . FER I" " \ pining nis heats, . «Of exe dan oe + "A : . glanced at i id ARR an SS Sr A i 3 Re = nh J TEN I OE

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