Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1939, p. 3

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iy Canada Has Had 11 Premiers Since 1867 Conservative; : King's 13 Years in Office Are Exceeded Only by Sir John A. MacDonald's = 19 jer's 15 Years as Prime Min. ister YY The celebration of Prime Minis: ter Mackenzie King's 20th anni. versary as leader of the Federal Liberals, has caused W. L. Clarke, a feature writer on the Windsor Star, to review the facts about Canada's party leaders and those who have become head of the Government. He recalls that only four men have been official lead. ers of the Dominion Liberals since Confederation. They have been Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, Ed- ward Blake, Sir Wilfred Laurier . and Mr. King. Sir John A's Record Mr. King would have to win two more elections to equal the record of Sir John A. Macdonald, who served '19 years as Prime Minister of Canada. Mr. King has been Prime. Minister during 13 years. . 4 While Sir John A. holds the re- "cord for total service as Prime Minister, Sir Wilfred Laurier's 16 'years in office constitute th rec- ord for continuous service. Since 1867 there have been 11 Prime Ministers heading 16 ad- ministrations. Here is. where Mr, Kin holds a record; as ht is the only man ever to be Prime Min- ister three different times. John A. Macdonald, Sir Robert Borden" and Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen were all Prime Ministers twice, although Sir Robert's ser- vice was continuous, he having - transferred enroute from leading a Conservative to a Union Gov- ernment. 7 Three Are Still Living . Of , the 11 Prime Ministers, three died while in office--Sir John 'A.. Macdonald, "Sir "Joh Thompson dropped. dead in Wind- sor Castle in England just after an interview with Queen -Victor- ja. It will be noted that the three ~who died in office held the posi-' tion in sequence. © Of the 11 Prime Ministers, . three are still living--Mr, Meigh- en, Mr. Bennett and: Mr. King. "HAIR STIL © GOES HIGH Jobs For Children Years and Sir Wilfred Laur - Sir = _Aroind the House ? Real Ones Will Give Them A Sense of Responsibility There are many little things children may do around the house that will give them a sense of co- operation and responsibility and train them to use their hands and heads. It is not wise to "make work" for children, for this has an artificial effect, but one can plan authentic, satisfying short jobs that need to be done, then see that the children do them gare- fully and well. Insist on a stand- ard that makes each finished job an achievement. and ive praise where it is due. } Some Suggestions . No matter where you live or in: what circumstances, there is some- thing to bé done for somebody. The following ~ suggestions may help: Clean silver; keep rubbers and overshoes clean and shining, set the table, wash a chair or stooly wash toys, arrange flowers, water nts, dust books, put magazines in order, collect news- papers 'in pile disposal, mark boxes to contain certain articles to he put away, straighten draw- ers in pantry, bureau or desk, wash niirrors, cut stamps from old envelopes for someone who is col lecting them, put snapshots 'in al- bum, and sharpen pencils. " doings. CE AT Foe: 39 1 redrbreh tFAA YA hardline Katt ardent » \ [8 oil 8 SAA oo = "7 With the object of co-ordinating the work Canadian wome emergency the Voluntary Registration of Canadian Women is wor ing plans in eastern Canada, while a drive for organiza cion is going forth in the west. of Chatham, Ont., wife of the provincial soldiers' aid commis tion headquarters of the Ontario branch in Toronto to line up t n would be called upon to do in the case of a national king hard at incréasing its ranks and outlin- Mrs. Walter Charteris sioner, is seen here as she arrived at registra- he work to be done in her own district. Sunday School Lesson . . LESSON XII MICAR: A MESSENGER OF SOCIAL JUSTICE Micah 3:1-12; 6:6-8 Golden Text -- What doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do justly, "land to love kindness, "and to walk humbly with thy God? Mic. 6:8. THE LESSON IN: ITS SETTING Time -- Micah prophesied from "about 735 to 715 B.C. , Micah, the sixth of the twelve minor prophets, was , a native" of the country, born about twenty miles southwest 'of Jerusaleiii. He was pre-eminently a prophet of the poor and a friend of the oppressed. Jerusalem In his time had become a hotbed of actions and intrigue. " The custodians of tho law abused thelr power; , nobles fleeced the poor; priests taught for hire, Com- merciallsm and materialism wero supplanting the ethical and the spiritual, Then Micah appeared, a. prophet of the people. Sins of the Rulers 1. And.I sald, Hear, I pray you, ye heads of Jacob, and rulers of the house of Israel: is it not for you to know. justice? 2, Ye who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck - off their skin from oft them, and thelr tlesh from off their bones; 3. who also eat the flesh of my peo- ple, and flay their skin from oft them, and break their bones, and chop them In pleces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the édldron. The people are likened to sheep who are-devoured 'by. the -shep- herds who should protect them. People are being similarly oppres- sed fn many parts of the world to- day, in Germany for Instance. 4. Then shall they cry unto Jo- hovah, but he _will not answer them; yea, he will hide his face trom them at that time, according as 'they have wrought ¢vil in their False Prophets Condemned Thus saith Jehovah concerning "the prophets that make my people to--err., Micah now turns to those who are in high spiritual places, the -prophets and priests of. the land that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace. And whoso putteth not into thelr mouths, they even pre- pare war against him, 6. Therefore it shall be night untd -you, that ye shall have ho vision; and It shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divide; and the sun shall go down upon the prophbts, and the day be black over them, 7. And the seers shall be put to shame, and the diviners confounded; yea, they shall all cover their lips; for 'there {8 no answer of God. These men will be more accountable in the day of judgment for what they have done, knowing better, thar will' those whom they have led astray, who knBw no-botter. "Div. {ners™ used incantations and other unlawful means of drawing men to God. : 8. But as for me, I am full of power by the Spirit of Jehovah, and of judgment and' of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgres- slon, and to Israel his sin, ° Judgment<To Come 9. Hear this, I pray you, yo heads of the house -of Jacob, and rulers of the house of. Israel, that abhor - 4ustice, and pervert all equity, 10. They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity, "With blood"means by cruel extortions, by graft, 11. The heads thereof to judge for reward, and the priests thereof teagh for hire, and the . | . wa . pro. ets there," divine for money; yet they lean -upon Jehovah, and say, Is not Jehovah in the midst of us? no evil shall come upon us. The - ecclesiastical and religious leaders of the people followed er- ror (thelr own desires) and led others after them, 12. Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as & field, and Jerusalem shall be- come heaps, and the moduntain of the house as tho high places off a forest. The prophecy came 'rue, first 'at the capture by Nebuchad- nezzar. Judged By the Heart Mic. 6:6. Wherewith shall 1 come before Jehovah, and bow my- soll before the high God? Shall 1 como before him with burnt-offer , ings, with calves a year old? = 7. Will Jehovah be pleased with thou- sands of rams, or with ten thous- ands of rivers of oil? Shall 1 give . my first-born for my transgression, - the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? The prophet overthrows the _outward means of reconcilia- tion" with God, sacrifices and such, -reminding- the people of the nioral demands of the law. 8. He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; - and what doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do' justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God? This 1s ono of the most famous verses In all the Old Test- ament. It 18 a creed In itself. 'Jealousy Often Behind Gossip In ninety-nine cases out of a hun- dred jealousy Is the cause .of gos- gip as wo are reminded in the fol- lowing letter: "We were discussing the very human little failing of many peo- ple, of being watch the other-fellow make good. Having been a victim of it now and then, we felt a sympathetic twinge the other day when wo overheard an- other girl 'getting it in the neck'-- behind her back! She had just rac- ed off, tossing a rather flip remark over her shoulder. The other girls could have sald the same thing and provoked nothing but cracks back, but there was nothing but cold silence, till one girl said ifi a surprisingly ugly tone, 'She makes me sick--sho think's she's so very good!" "The girl under fire was axed to take up one of the popular sports this summer. To her delight she is quite good and tho older people, especially the men, are taking quite an interest in her on account of fit. YShe Isn't being overbearing at all about it though and is just a teeny bit hurt by the attitudo of the other girls. "Everything about her Is being criticized, for no more real reason | than that the other girls are not - willing to accept the challenge that her natural aptitude should be -- to thom and give her a run for her money." . missioner, Rose Is Subject Of Many Legends In All Lands Where It Grows --Origin of Red Rose The rose Is grown and worn in almost all but Arctic 'lands and those near the Equator. There are hundreds of legends about the rose in all lands where it grows, It is sald that the origin. al rose was white, and many stor- {es are toll to account for the red rose. A Persian legend says that the nightingale flying towards the perfume thrust one-of the thorns against its breast, and spilt its blood over the petals. Ever sinde -the rose has bean red. Another. story sdys that the red rose was originally white, but it blushed with jdy when Eve kissed it In the Garden of Eden. A still. older story tells how the rose grow red with shame when it saw that it had pricked the foot of Venus as she chased Adonis. The. .rose has often played an important part in history, as when 'the plucking ot the red and white roses in the Temple Gardens led to the Wars of tho Roses. Swastika's Origin Old, Unknown Adolf Hitler Didn't Invent It-- Symbol Popular with Chinese People who belieye that Hitler fnvented the swastika should visit the exhibition 6t Chinese imperial «robes and tapestries, recently op- ened by the Chinese Ambassador at China Institute. : Swastikas of red, blue, green and yellow, representing infinite pros. perity to the Chinese are to be seen on magnificent ritual costs umes worn many hundreds of years ago by great Manchu empor- eus. ) r The symbol is of unknown orlg-- in. Swastika, or, to be correct, svastika, chamg have for many years past been made to suit all pockets and sold in large wumbers by jewelers. Their appearance, al- most that of two "Z's" intersecting suggosts magic and mystery; yet it*i3 doubtful whether nine out of overy ten of their wearers Know anything of tho history of the ma. gic sign. © In Middle Ages In the Middle Ages the sign was thought to have been dorived from the Greek Gamma, and to bo em- blematic of Christ, the Cornerstone "of the Holy Catholic Church, 3 It is now known, however, that the sign was in very remote ages introduced into India, that home of things occult. 1t is thought to have been connected in some way with the rites of sun worship. - In India, Peru and Mexico The svastika has also been found on early Indian and Chinese work, and as far away from the East as Peru and Mexico, among the ruins of old Aztec civilisation. The religion there, too, was sun, worship. Vocal Classes Help Teachers School Choir Singing Brings Out Hidden Talents, Person- ality in Pupils Edward Johnson, Guelph's fam- ous tenor and manager of thé Met- ropolitan Opera Company, has for some time been advocating group choral singing in school, Quite naturally then, he has been chosen as honorary director of the master vocal classes in the schools of Rochester, N.Y. These classes aro under the supervision "of Alfred Spouse, who conducted a course on choral singing at the summer school 'of University of Western Ontario. : [RADIO A N D NOTES | 'NE W S i By MADGE ARCHER WORLD SERIES BASEBALL" Another big event of nation wide intorest broko into radio news last week. Exclusive broadcasting rights for the 1939 Baseball World Series were awarded to the Gil lette Safety Razor Company of Boston by Judge Kenesaw M. Lan- dis, of Chicago, baseball high com- Baseball is perhaps the most popular sport on this continent for millions of radio listeners. It Is safe to gues that baseball has the biggest audience of any type of radfe program on the afr. It-is very ~ doubtful whether ft is even sur- "passed by the fight champlonship broadcasts. NOTES AND NEWS Orson Wolles opens his second "playhouse" series over CBS and CFRB at 8 p.n. on Sundays with the announcement that Helen Hayes will be starred in the first six dramas . . volt will speak over the Red and Blue networks from 10:30 to' 11 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16, , . th - world's hpavywelght champion Jge Loufs will defend his title against Bob_Pastor in Detroit on Wednes- day, September 20th over NBC be- ginning at 10 p.m. Walter Huston hasbeen appointed "man of all work" for the coming season on . President Roose: - Thursday night's "Good" News" over NBC CBL at 8 pm. ... The Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra open its tenth' year on CBS on Sunday, October 15th. WAR CHANGES SCHEDULE" With the declaration of war by Canada, programs on the Canadian networks may necessarily have to be adjusted, American programs will remain as s¢heduled as far as we know. - TO BE HEARD Sept. 15 -- 10 p.m. NBC Tony Galento - Lou Nova. Sopt. 16 -- 8 p.m. Mal Hallett's Orchestra. ; z Sept. 17 -- 3:00 p.m. CFRB_Col- umbia Symphony; 8 p.m. CBI, The Chase and Sanborn qur. Sept. 18 -- 8 pm. CFRB Tune Up Time; 9.00 p.m. CFRB Radio Theatre; 10 p.m, CFRB Guy. Lom- bardo; 10:30 p.m. CBL Pageant of Melody. Sept, 19 -- 8.00 p.m. CFRB Big Tonw; 8:30. p.m: CBL Information Please; 10 pm. NBC If I Had A Chance; 10:30 p.m. -- CBS Kaliten- born Comments, Sept. 20 -- 8:30 p.m. CBL Jack Teagarden's Orehostra; 9:30 p.m, CBL Percy Faith's Music; 10 p.m. NBC Joe Louis - Bob Pastor. Sept. 21' -- 8.00 p.m: NBC Jessica Dragonette: A ploneer in niethods of school music training, Mr. Spouse stated that the trend toward class teach- fog of voice In schools has been fought for 40 years by private vo- cal teachers. . "They claim we are taking bread and butter out of their mouths. But instead, they actually tind that there are more student with talent than they would have otherwise. And after we have 'done the el emental drudgery work, they cam take them and teach them a reper. toire," he explained, 'in predicting ing. By William Ferguson MONTHLY TRIP AROUND THE. EARTH, INSIDE OF EVERY BIRD INHABITANT IS SONGLESS." the size of the sw. NOME, ALASKA, GOT ITS N DRAFTSMAN'S ERROR ./ | FROM A MAP SHOWING A NAME- LESS CAPE, INDICATED THUS, " PNAME] THE DRAFTSMAN 'COPIED IT AS "CALPE NAME] © BUT HIS LETTERING WAS POOR, i+ AND THE NAME WAS INTER:> PRETED AS : cape NOME" E THROUGH A tigre N RES N N\ 8-4 A\ THE diameler of the sun is 864,400 mjles, while the moon's 4 average distance from the earth is about 240,000 miles. may be scen that the moon could stray away almost twice ils present distance and still make its monthly journey inside a sphere Thus, it rr 1 | ~~ CABINET OFFICIAL 16 Exaltation. 18 Medley. 19 Behold. 20 Crucifix. 21 Dye. 46 Weight 22 Noise. allowance. 23 Mooley apple. 48 Since. - 26 Brother. 49 Footless 28 To seize. animal. 29 Green quartz, 51 Punitive. 31 Lizard. 32 Boundary, ~~ 53Concerns. 52 Viscous fluid. 34 Region. 55 He 1s 36 Toward. 'secretary of 38 Astonishes. Le 41 Before Christ, 56 Crafty. 42 Small shield. 57 He promotes 44 Revived. good will 45 Cry for help = through -- at sea. agreements, HORIZONTAL Answer. to Previous Puzzle 12 He. was a wr 1,7U.S. A. CTT to the tabinet Pan-American official. Conference, 10 Conceited. 13 To low as a . cow. 11 Period of time 15 He has been 12 Lady. EMA in ---- many 13 Bushel. years, 14 Driveway in CALVE 17 Electrified a building. particle. 22 Water barrier. 24 Any glec song. 25 Plural pronoun, 2 Skiba cloth. 20 To pecl. VERTICAL 3; Repose. 2 Rounded 33 Tortoise. ~~ molding. 35 To edit. 3 Genus of 37 Group.of eight frogs. 39 i mp 4 Abusive 40 Elephant harangues. . tusk. . 41 Augured. § Half an em. 43 Liquid 6To wash ~~. measure. . clothes. 45 Bird. 7 Places where 47 To sup. herons breed. 50 Estimated 8 Russjan golf score. _ mountains: 51 Postscript. 9 Witch, 54 Compass poins 1 POP--For All Pop Cares He Could Fly By J. MILLAR WATT WITHER Go ELEVATED OR SUBWAY HE -- ITS ALLTHE SAME TOME! a sure future for school choir sing. .

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