Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Sep 1939, p. 5

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- TS - => ~ Henshaw's While New York Sleeps v nant PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, Me SEPT. 28th, 1939 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully - Air - Conditioned. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Beptember 28-29-30 . : Two 8hows'Jat 7.30 and 9.00 : Saturday Matinoe at 1.30 RCA "Victorette" $22.50 '| Now you can afford a radio for your own room, RCA Victor Quality Per- formance inside and out. Tuning Range, 540-1720 kse; covers standard broadcast band, including some Police Calls; Fully approved, meets all'safety and fire regulations in Canada; Super- heterodyne Circuit gives more stations and better performance; Chassis built to same high electrical standards as a big RCA Victor set. Height 8", width 12%4", depth 7%". Aa Sonja Henie, Tyrone Power, in #& "Second Fiddle" with Mary Healy, Lyle Talbot Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday October 2, 3, and 4 First show at 7.00. Last complete show at 8.20 Martha Raye and Bob Hope in X{ : Never Say Die" cond . with * Andy Devine, Alan Mowbray Also an Added Attraction FOR SALE BY with Michael Whalen, Jean Rogers, Chick Chandler, Joan Woodbury FARMER RADIO Phone 83 Port Perry ; a a ---- : A yi. oH ard . yy Ta SEASONABLE SUPPLIES | WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL, The. year round sunshine tonic........ Per bottle $1.00 H VIKING COD LIVER OIL, i : rich in vitamin content. 16 oz. 69c. 8 oz. 39c¢. YE OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS A mild Laxative and Diureti¢ ..... HARDING'S ACID TREATMENT 3 For the relief of rheumatic pains, Sciatica, Lumbago and acid stomach. Remove the acid and remove the CRUSE, vei vie dae bas nai te gines .. Trial size $2.78 KLEENEX 500 sheets 29¢. 2 boxes for 57c. , 200 sheets 13c., 2 boxes for 25c. Sida .16 0z. tin 39. ". Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY Phone 16 ° 0 SR i 3 There is nothing like experience to teach one what should be known about meats. We have had many years of that experience. The greatest of care is exercised in the buying and preparation of meats. You can rely "CAREFUL MEAT BLU on the good quality of our stock. ' BERT. MacGREGOR'S PHONE 72-R-2 WE DELIVER PORT PERRY We have just received a fresh supply of Smiles'n ~~ Chuckles/ Candy in different varieties. Pies, Cakes, Tarts, Cookies DELIVERED FRESH WE DELIVER RA Gerrow Bros., Port Perry = CX " = mS " ty Lake Scugog Lumber ~ & Coal Co., Limited CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST IN Reading Anthracite COAL | sroVE OR NUT SIZES h in Ohta 2 % Anywhere In OBIT |CANNELL COAL BRET, J © IN STOCK Bell Phone 6. Also CEMENT LA Bell "Phone 240w PORT PERRY, ONT. NOTE--The office will. be in the Ray Henshaw, Proprietor same place as occupied -by. 'the 4 former Port Perry Coal Yard el, ,- SS dh Transport Is at your service for all kinds of 'Haulage. : Large or small "consignments will receive prompt 'and careful attention. SCUGOG Next Sunday Anniversary services will be held in the Centre Church at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m., Rev. Mr. Tris- tram of Seagrave, will bring us mes- sages of encouragement in this trying time. The young folk will furnish the music for both serviees. Everyone invited." : fq The Women's Association: will hold the foot are hostesses, Mrs. George Samells and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey are pre- paring a good program. In the Town- ship hall, : Mr. Joel Aldred and Mr, Stewart Mark are building a new kitchen for Mr. Jesse Damara, and stuccoing the outside of the house. Mr. Bill Hope has taken the mail route over as Mr. L. Clark is taking a course in barberihg. We hope Bill will give us the same good service as we have had in the past. The route goes east on the Centre concession now. Mr. and Mrs. W. Neyloro and Miss Ethel Law of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Peters and son, of Hampton, and Miss Mildred Corbett, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.-Reader on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L, Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. White, of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs, H. Mills, and little Shirley, Miss Leona Wells, and Mr. Cecil Mills, Port Perry, Mr. Roy Hope, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Miller andsfriend of the 48th Highlanders were guests of his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. George Sweetman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope and little Shirléy visited their daughter Mr. and Mrs, H. Long on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. F. Jeffrey of Oshawa, visited her cousins Mr, and Mrs. R. Reader recently. - Little Miss Yvonne Milner is_visit- ing her aunt Miss Marjorie Milner at Unionville for a few days: : Sorry to hear. Mr. Rober} Tetlow is in" the Port Perry hospital. We all hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt and family of Enniskillen, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark on Sunday. "Mrs. L. Staintor--of Hampton is spending this week with her parents Mr, and Mrs, C. Mills, An apparently dead apple tree on the roadside, has two apples on it. Believe or not.- O yes, there is a Roast Fowl Supper being planned in the near future. TITS "SPORTS MEET At the Inter-school Sports Meet, held at Bowmanville, Port-Perry H.'S. students won the following: Junior Girls-- Grace Hood, 1st in 60 yard dash, 75 yards, broad jump, high jump, Junior Girls' Champion. Port Perry won second Senior Girls-- ~ Marie Hood, 1st in 76 yards, 100 yards, broad jump, 2nd high jump. Junior Boys-- Carnegie, 3rd in 100 yards. Nasmith, 1st high jump, 2nd in hop, step and jump. : 3 Port Pefry 3rd in relay. Intermediate Boys-- Aldred 2nd 'in high jump; 3rd shot put. . Laat . Port Perry 3rd in relay. Senior Boys-- Sheridan 3rd in 100 yards ~ Beare 2nd in hop; step and jump. «Clarke, 3rd in 220 yards. Port Perry 3rd in relay. THANKSGIVING SERVICE AT THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION On Sunday last the Anglicans held their annual 'Harvest Thanksgiving service in the evening. The church was very apropriately decorated with fruits, grain, vegetables and an abun- dance of flowers very tastefully ar- ranged. . "The preacher was the Rev."C. P. Muirhead, who was the rector during the war, His sermon was-a very sin- cere appeal which was attentively listened to. The congregation, which filled the ehurch, many of whom had been members of his flock and were delighted to hear their former rector again, . ' Mr. Muirhead is now living retired in Toronto after many years of ser- vice in the Lord's work. . Rev. T. A. Nind, who preceded the present incumbent, Rev. J. C. Clough, in Relay. x. Brooklin in the afternoon, came on to Port Perry for this service and was litterally beseiged by his former parishioners as he left the church at the close of the service. I under the direction of Mr. Frank Mann gave excellent assistance and the Thankoffering was a little in ex. cess ofthe previous: year. its meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd,| instead of*the 10th. Group four of |' and who had assisted the Bishsop at} The choir, | A C. P. R. Train The vote was 221 . Dr. David Archer, one of the senior members of the Ontario County Med- ical Association, died early on the morning of Wednesday, September 20th, 1939, at the Oshatva General Hospital, following an illness of some four weeks. Ilis passing removes one of the veterans of the profession in Ontario County, whose practice dates back to the horse and buggy days in the county. Born in Cartwright Township, Dur- han County, on August 4, 1857, David Archer, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Archer, attended Bowmanville High School, Hamilton Model School, and then started his career as a teacher of mathematics at Smith's Falls High School. Later he entered the study of medicine at Victoria College and after graduation went to England, Scotland and Ireland where he took post grad- uate work in Dublin and Edinburgh. Coming back to Ontario county, he opened a practice at Port Perry where he continued for 37 years before com- ing to Oshawa-in 1928. While at Port Perry he was instrumental in having A. QO. Sandesson, of Cannington Seriously Injured Truck Demolished, = Stock Killed struck the stock truck driven by A. O. Sanderson, of Cannington, at the Myrtle Sta.ion crossing, Wednesday morning. The truck was demolished, several of the animals that were in tho truck were killed, and Mr. San- derson is said to have been so seri-! ously injured that little hope was held for his recovery. | No Beverage Room for Uxbridge . By an overwhelming. majority the people of Uxbridge decided against having a beverage room in that town. against the beverage room. VETERAN DOCTOR DIES | (Oshawa Daily Times) going to Montreal me RED & WHITE sro: Grapes Are at Their Best 5 This Week Market Price for Best Quality 98's, $2.99 Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. .- 59c. Quaker xxxx Flour, FLOOR COVERING SALE © THIS WEEK for and over 600 a telephone system installed in the vid- lage and district. He was aumember of the medical staff of the Oshawa General Hospital and held in high regard by the medi- cal fraternity here. At a banquet of the Ontario County Medical Associi- tion held at the Genosha Hotel on Feb- vuary 23, 1938, Dr. Archer, along with three oflier senior practitioners of the county, was presented with a .life membership in the Association. During his practice at Port Perry he married Caroline Scenes, who sur- vives him. There are no children. He was predeceased by two brothers, Thomas and Robert, one sister Mrs. W. K. McMillan. Brothers and sister who survive include Mrs. Mary Colwill of Midland, Joseph Archer, Burketon, Miss Elizabeth Archer, Port Perry, Samuel Archer, Port Hope, and James Archer, Port Perry. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. Harold Reid, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church; of which congregation Dr. Archer was a mem- ber. . » ------ re es LIONS CLUB HOLD OPENING NIGHT On Friday evening last September 22nd, at the Sebert House, the Lions Club of Port Perry, held their opening night. . They have begun their win- ter's work under the most favorable auspices. The officers elect were deep- Ny gratified at the large number of "members present. fn! fact very few members were 'absent which augars well for the coming season. { Dr. Charles Lennox, District Gov- ernor, New Toronto, made an official I visit also Deputy- District Governor, Mr. Harold Cripps of -Peterboro. These gentlemen came to open the meeting. Five Bowmanville Lions were there too, and Mr. Ormiston of the Lions Club at Whitby, and Dr. Mills. accompanied Mr. Ormiston. Dr. Lennox encouraged Port Perry Lions with a eplendid address which was much appreciated and a number of the other visitors took part in the proceedingd. Lion Jim Kerr the popu ar president of Port Perry Lions ap- peared much gratified .with the suc- | cess of the evening. The evening endéd in a sing-song TA The Coldwater-Waubashene Lions are- holding their Charter Night at Coldwater on Thursday, Oct. 12th Port Perry Lions are invited and we hope to send a car. The entertainment will be in the form of a banquet and program followed by dancing." MYRTLE g Mrs. Stewart who has been with her parents Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gervan for a few days, through illness, re- turned to Toronto, on Thursday. © Mrs. Perey - Pherrill of Montreal, has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Frank Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. Larmer, former par- ishioneers of Rev. Mr. Gervan, while at Millbrook, called at the parsanage on Sunday. . . Next Sunday, October 1st, has been set for the Thank Offering services here, when Rev. Mr. MacVey of Green- wood will exchange with Rev. Mr. Ger- van at 11 a.m, and 7.30, p.m. Special music at both services. Sunday School has been withdrawn, UTICA The United Church is holding its anniversary services on Sunday after- noon and evening. On Tuesday even- ing a play "The Glow Lights of San Rey" will be given by the young peo- ple followed by a meat supper served in the basement of the church. Mr. .and Mrs. W; Myers have re- Rexfelt in 8 Patterns, 25c. per yd. INLAID LINOLEUM, $1.30 sq.yd. We have several Rugs at Prices Below the Market. WOOLENS COTTONS LINENS ALL ON DISPLAY AT NO ADVANCE When we replace stock, prices will be higher Winter Overcoats, $18.95 Men's Suits, $16.50 to 22.50 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY Daniel Colwell, of in Lake Scugog Daniel Colwell and a Mr. ronto, went duck hunting in ¢ ing (Thursday). The canoe w was drowned. McKinney recoveded the body, towed it to the Joel Aldred farm. That trip took thr hours: The accident happened just north of Pine Point, about four o'clock this morning. inney, oth of To- Port Perry Fair Spoiled by Rain "Rain, much needed in the country, came at the wrong time for Port Perry Fair. The best showing of horses in many years had arrived, entries for the races were well filled, and the Black and | White Show was excellent. | In spite of the rain quite a number of people attended the Fair. - : 'Complete report next week. RR A A A ARE YOU THE MAN? Watkins Dealer (between 26 and 50 years), with car, needed immediately to hand out FREE Extracts in nearby rural route and supply established de- mand for Everyday Necessities in: cluding Spices, Baking Powder, Clean- Send the Port Perry Star to absent friends. [] KIDNEYS ARE CLEANSED and in- vigorated by 'using Rumacaps: At regular intervals, "use Rumacaps for turned to Sudbury. . Mr. Harold Aird of New York, was home attending the funeral of his father, - RY The pupils of Utica school brought hame many, prizes won at Manchester School Fair last week. cers, Soaps, Medicines, Fly Spray Mineralized Stock and Poultry Tonics 70 years reputation. 10,000 dealers. Must be satisfied "with $30.00 weekly at start. Selling experience unneces- gary. Farm experience helpful. Credit furnished right parties. Write im. mediately, The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Montreal, Que,, Dept. 0-P-5 your health's sake. A. M. Lawrence's Drugstore, Port Perry. i -- \ UTICA . Be sure to come to Utica Hall, on Glow-lights of San Rey", + Toronto,drowned Tuesday, October 3rd, to see "The ~~

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