Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Oct 1939, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1939 "BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY 4 ad ; iid * Healthfully Air Conditioned, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, OCTOBER 5.67 - ° * Two shows, at 7.00 and 9.00 pm. Saturday. Matinee at 1.30 Naughty, but Nice with Ann Sheridan, Dick Powell, Gale Page, Allen Jenkins, - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, OCTOBER 9-10-11 . \ Two shows at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. YHoliday- Matinee, Monday at 2 o'lock . "The Lady's from Kentucky" with George Raft, Ellen Drew, Hugh Herbert and Zasu Pitts, ~ RCA "Victorette" $92.50 Now you can afford a radio for your own room. RCA Victor Quality Per- formance inside and out. : Tuning Range, 540-1720 ksc; covers standard broadcast hand, including some Police Calls; Fully approved, meets all safety and fire regulations in Canada; Super- heterodyne Circuit gives more stations and better performance; Chassis built to same high electrical standards as a big RCA Victor set. Height 8", width 1234", depth TR". \ FOR SALE BY. i FARMER RADIO - Phone, 85 Port Perry | MORRISON'S Bronchitis and run down 8 blades. ~ =i - CRY RUM, HONEY AND COD LIVER OIL for coughs, colds, PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM and SCHICK NYAL CREOPHOS, strengthening tonic and tissue builder Recommended for general debility, stubborn, deep seat- DRUGSTORE 8 oz. bottle 50c. RAZOR with ! : .All 3 for 49c. conditions. | Edgington ed coughs, bronchitis and asthmatic conditions. ~ NYAL STORE -- ne CUI MALT EXTRACT AND COD LIVER OIL : . children, supplies nourishment. and warmth to the system. 1 pound 49¢.'... 'Morrison's Drug for growing «......2 pounds Be. Store Phone. 16 HERE EERE EEE like experience to teach one what should There is nothin . be known about meats. that experience. the buying and preparation of meats. on the good quality of our stock. "BERT. MacGREGOR'S - WE DELIVER - PHONE 72-R-2: The greatest of care is exercised in We have had many years of You can rely PORT PERRY We have just received a Chuckles Candy in WE DELIVER PHONE®2 Pies, Cakes, Tarts, Cookies DELIVERED FRESH ; . 'Gerrow Bros, Port Perry | fresh supply of Smiles'n different varieties, . yd E-- Henshaw' "Transport In at your service for all kinds of " Haulage. : Large or small: - consignments will receive prompt and careful ~ attention, \ \. Anywhere in Ontario Fi i ; LR © Js ~~." Bell Phone 6 '.. PORT PERRY, ORT. Ray Henshaw, Proprietor Lake Seu og Lumber & Coal Co., Limited CAN SUPPLY YOU _ WITH THE BEST IN Reailing Anthracite STOVE OR NUT 81288. CANNELL COAL IN STOCK ~~ Also CEMENT Bell Phone 240% #|off Mr. Geo. Samells' mail bok post; SCUGOG Next Sunday, Communion Service at the Head Church at 11 a.m, with special singing. In the evening it will be a union service at the €entre at 7.80 with special Thanksgiving music, The first meeting of the sedson for the Junior Girls" Institute, will be held on Saturday afternoon on Mr. Robt. Prentice's lake shore, Everyone come and get a early start in the Institute work. 'A social evening .is being planned for Friday in the Township Hall, to plan for social program for the coming month, and to discuss happenings of the day lead by Rev. Mr. Foblin. At . Mr, and Mrs, Pearson and family of Uxbridge visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D, Duchemin. Miss Gibner, of Oshawa, called on friends oned ays last weck. : Mr. Bob- Valier of the Canadian Tank Corps, was home over Sunday. Myr. Jack Hagerman and Mr. B. Bed- Bruce Bailey has improved his drive shed with a new roof, Miss Paulina White was in the vil. lage on Monday calling on friends. Mrs, Groupe being one of the favored ones, i Mi. Arthur Brown spent several day in Detroit. " ford. of Toronto, were Sunday' callers | The Y, P. U. opens this week. We at Miss L. O'Boyle's, : wish them eVéry success. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and fam-{ Among fhe visitors with. Mrs. R. ily. of Brooklin were Sunday visitors with relatives. ! Miss Mary and Mr, Bill Martin of Brooklin, visited with friends on Sun- day. : Mrs. Murray Payne and children of Toronto are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs, C. Harrison, Bond recently were her nieces Mrs, R. Chard and daughter Geraldine, Mrs, E. Robinson; ¢f Toronto, Miss L. Stovin, Miss" Wilkinson. - - Es. Mys, Groupe confinues to improve her property, Now it is a new fence, With others making improvements also we have quite a respectable look- the close lunch will be served. Anniversary services were held 'in| the Centre Church. The weather was perfect for the large erowd that came to hear the messages of Rev. Mr. Tris-' tram of Seagrave. The text for the morning was "Cast "thy bread upon the waters." The evening text was' "God's Highway" Both sermons were well received, The choir did well, Port 'Perry. In the evening Luelln and Miss K. Jeffrey sang a duet. The church looked very pretty decorated with flowers and autumn Sn Wedding belsl once more. Showérs are Jetting popular for Scugog young folk, On Thursday evening in the Townthip Hall, a show- er was held for Mr. and Mrs. Sidne; (nee Eileen Sweetman who were married on Saturday by Rev. F. G. Joblin. Mr. Ralph Milner read the address. After the unwrapping of the presents lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. John Burnham visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee at North Oshawa, on Sunday. . Port Perry Fair. was not favored with very good weather for the fair. However, Beugog was well represnted and enjoyed the exhibits of stock, ete. Mr. and Mrs. I. Rodd of Manilla, D. Burnham, last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson and family of Baintfield, Mr, and Mrs. R. Graham were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. Reader, Mrs: T--Rodman and sister Miss R.~ Reader, visited Mrs, J, Dusty at Whit- by, last week. . . . Mr. ©. Williams and son Harold and his daughter Elva, and Mr, Hill, of Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Hope and Mrs. J, A. Sweetman, on Sunday. Mr. Keith Hope was the guest of Mr Owen Reader on Sunday. Mrs, 'R. D." Burnham visited her sister Mrs. I. Bone in Oshawa on.Sun- day. fz = ~~ Mr. Vyrtle Crosier and Miss Mosley of Toronto, Mr. 8. Ploughman and daughters; Mrs. J. Ploughman, Port Perry, My. and Mrs. Elmer Ploughman B | and "Audrey, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bamells on Synday, = Friends from Scugog extend sym- pathy to Mr. Wm. Milner jn the pass- ing of his wife after a lengthy hess. | It was always a pleasure to meet Mrs. Milner as she was so jolly. She leaves to mourn her passing her husband and two daughters Mrs, H. Hayes, Scugog and Miss Eva of Toronto, and a niece Ula Richle, who )ives at the Milner home, : Mrs. H. Long, Donald and Evelyn Marie, and Miss Myrtle Dowson, were guests of Mys, C. Hardy and Clara, on Sunday, : . Miss Joan Carnochan visited her grandparents last week, Borry to hear of 'the illness of Mr. Geo. Ehunk, Ar. R. Tetlow-and Mr. Fred Pearce, We wish all a speedy re- covery, bi Sieg Mr. and Mrs. E. Case, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. A, Martyn on Sunday. by A speeding car.came up from the north on the Centre road and broke and only went a short way when a tire blew rout. Fortunately no one was hurt; but it shows it does not pay to be too speedy, ' Myrtle Station * The Fall Thank Offering services were held in Myrtle Church last Sun- day. Rev: when _he delivered two very fing mons. Just here may we add that Mr. assisted by Miss Luella Ploughman of S _ing with hymn "0 God our help in visited their friends, My. apd Mrs. R. $ Mrs. W. Lammiman and son Bill of Oshawa, and Miss Nancy Lammiman of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. O. H, Lane. : Mr, and Mrs. Proctor and family ot Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. T. Carey, . Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson of To- ronto, and Messrs, Milton and Bob Hodgson, of Oshawa, visited on Sun. day with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hugh- ing village now, Mr, John Jeffrey and Mr. C. Lakey visited Cream of Barley Park, Bow- manville, on Sunday. BLACKSTOCK Ihe Victoria Deanery W. A. Confer- ence was held in St. Paul's Churchy at Bethany on Sept. 27th, 1939. The special speakers were Rev, M. Patter- on, son of Peterboro, Dr. Mabel Cart- - Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Peister and wright of Toronto, and Miss Edgar, family of Brighton, Mr. and Mrs, IL! Missionary from India. Mrs. Roy Newell, and son of Carrying Place,' Lough was appointed the Deanery and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrott and son officer for the coming year, Those at- of Scarboro Jet, were all Sunday visit- | tending the meeting from Blackstock ors with Mr, and Mrs, FE. Redman, were: Mesdames J. Forder, Levi Me- $y . Gill, I. McLaughlin, J. McArthur, W. PRINCE ALBERT Crawford, R. Archer, F. Bailey, Wm. Yoaitamy, I. Smith, Rev. E. P. and The September meeting of the W.A. oN oo ne Him Glad Neko was held in the Church basement ony ors Institute was held at the Thursday afternoon of the 28th, with / i iC Was den an attendance: of thirty. The presi- dent, Mrs. McGregor, opened the meet- home of Mrs. Rupert Byers with a fine attendance. "The program was His- torical Re-search and the guest speak- Ages Past", after which the Scripture U ig Rev, FL ng Wo he lesson was read, taken from John 10. "HCC ay oT Sih ing " Brioy rom There was some discussion as to our |" account of the Cadmus § cheal from doing some home missionary - work: fae moat us erection jn 1905, Mrs, Those to arrange the program for the "Clothin Yan i nave fol Ri] the next meeting are Misses Annie Stump' Jo EOE © nM Wg ln and Margaret McCrea." Dues received np biphail ai ARIS, UseAp Largs Sle; The Teliming vain os A number of ladies of ~St. John's Madden, duet Mus. Murphy and Mus, Anglican Church met in the commun- Harper; reading Mrs, McGregor, piano iy Hull va Vida of i tn and number by Miss A. Stump, reading by | 52 nt a profitable and pleasant after- Ruth. Luke, reading by Mrs. Murphy. noon quilting two pieced quilts to go Tunch wos served Iw Mes. ¥. Luke |® the fall bale. The cup of tea and rs, Murphy Mrs, G luke "Collec. refreshments essential at any real rg. Murphy, Mrs, Ln, Luke, quilting were enjoyed by all. tion $4.45. alin. - Miss Isobel Carter of Bradford, Our Thank Offering Services ave-to] york, England, Miss Isobel Wender, of be held on October. 15th, Some of [Stratford, -Conn., S.A, Miss M. your nice house plants and garden| Becker; of New Je ;, LSLAL, and flowers Jack Frost may leave, would | Miss Leonard of New Jersey, were re- look nice in the Church for this oc-|cent guests of Mr, and Mrs. John casion. Carter. R.-W. McVey of QGreen- 4 wood, was the speaker at hothiservices |} fine ser-|§ Mr. and Mrs. Wagg we in Prince Albert with Mrs. Wag, Sr, who is seriously ill. Mrs. (Rev.) I. PP. Wood spent the me RED & WHITE. store -_Seasonable Drygoods FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Ladies' Long Sleeve Flannelette Pyjamas sizes Small, Medium, Large, : Assorted Colors and Styles, 98¢, $1.19, 1.80, 1.98 GIRLS' PYJAMAS 2---4--6. 750. and 98¢. 8 to 14--980., $1.25 and $1.50. PYJAMA CLOTH - A large assortment of patterns-- both floral and stripes. 36 in. wide, 28c and 32c yard 'PEAS--No. 2 tin, seive 4, $1.14 dozen FLANNELETTE BLANKETS i! IBEX BLANKETS --Pink and Blue borders 4 70 x 84, $2.49; 70 x 90, $2.85. ; -Kandie Stripe Blankets 70 x 84, $2.39 A 'Quaker xxxx Flour, $2.99 \ Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs. -- . 59c. 3 week end in Toronto at the home of her sisters, : , PHONE 43: Mrs. T. Smith spent Saturday of last week with her mother Mrs, Frank Lamb, of Manchester. -Miss Eileen Johnston was with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston over the week end. ro -- -------- UTICA - The anniversary services were well attended on Sunday, with the church decorated with autumn flowers and garden vegetables. Rev. Mr. Holmes of Goodwood -gave very interes sermons." The choir rendered special music and mention should be made of the solo of Paul Reger, a member of {the choir. Tuesday night the ladies cored a tempting dinner in the base- ment which was followed by the play "The Glow Lights of San Rey"; which wis certainly: worth hearing. The dramatic Club are booked to give their play at Ashworth this week, Silom on the JO0th. \ 'F.E.REESOR PHONE 73 w Sorry to report that Mrs. J. Dob- son was taken to a Toronto hospital for an operation on Wednesday. Thanksgiving Services in the United Church next Sunday. Mrs Swan received word that her grandson had the misfortune to break his collarbone. 40r | coo maassssiz Seuss Some of the farms have changed - PAIS ANAARRRRAAL McVey has a real honest to goodness Beattish accent which was appreciated by many in the audience. Hardship" and was found in Psalm = bow' down: Tord our maker. For he is our God we are the people of his pasture an the sheep of his hand." McCarthy of Toronto, was the soloist and sang in her usual pleasing man- ner. he choir sang one number: his text from St. John 3:8, rg. D. Holliday of Whitby, was the soloist and chose for her number * ¢ on Me", Her beautiful soprano voice de- lighted the audience, many of whom them by the choir was "We have heard of Thy Loving Kindness", was tastefully decorated. - The finan. members of the Church Board. Sunday School: next Sunday at 1.46 the pulpit. Music in keeping with the NOTE--The office will be in the same place as occupied LA the Coal Yar former Port Perry d 1a subject in th® morning was "The Value 'of |§ 6: 6-7, I'O gome, let us worship and, let us kneel before the, ra. Clifford "Praise walteth for Thee O. God in . Zion" In the evening Mr. Mevey chose | Think on | & heard her for the first time. : The an-|% The church | ¢lal response was; gratifying to the ¥ p.m. with Church service at 3 p.m, $ when the Rev. G. S. Gervan wiil be in|§ Listen to "The-Shadow'--every Wed., CFRB, 9-9.30 p.m. Every Sat, CBO, 6.30-7 p.m. 4 CRON J AARAARARARANAABSRONANAANA hands recently. Mr. Chatterton of To- Important Notice to Radio Buyers Be Sure to Visit Don Christian 'Electric Before You Buy ~ YOUR RADIO 2A - Large Stock of Brand New 1939 Radios, Leading Makes, Large Discounts to Clear 100 Re-Conditioned Rac Battery and Combinations. F. W. BROCK & SON | © PORT PERRY PILES Bleeding and protuding piles gen- erally result from congestion of the liver and an inflamed condition of the lower bowel which causes the flow of blood in the veins-to slow up. Bunkers: Herbal Pills for Piles treats the cause at its source. Sold on a money back offer by A. M. Lawrence and P. G. Morrison. J Send the Port-Perry Star' to absent friends. ronto has taken over the farm form- erly owned by Mr. Jack Jones; and Myr. Bruce Bailey has taken over the Edwin Christie farm. Tn Mr, Frank Millman visited. at Mr. Harold Kerry's on Sunday. : Mur. and Mrs. Chas. Clark were Sun- day visitors at Mr. Jack Crosier's. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson and family at Mr. Ivan Geer's on Sunday. Mrs. Joe Ward attended the funeral of her cousin at Queensville last week. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur in Port Hope, RRR RRRARRRARRARRRAASAAAOSAAABABAARANAAY Radios, Mantle, Car, Console; Prices from $4.95 up DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC Ih on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Wat- a son, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thorn, of Ux- A; bridge, spent Sunday at Ivan Geer's. we Mrs. Blair and Lorne Bryant, of > Greenbank, at E. Wagd's last week. Fe. : AL) SN AGM MAA ST ERNTTIRT, LEAD) s 1] a § A " REIN " Hr " RLS Wo i H \ [ H 3 -{ Thankgiving season, . ei ¢ , 3 Mr. Hedley Snead of Atherley called ¥ : - ; GREY, : ier a , 4 : GEN on relatives last Wednesday. | Dealer in--STROMBERG-CARLSON, MARCONI, -GENERAL ELECTRIG, ' R 4 HE On Ar cont wh Mr. wu © STEWART WARNER, CROSSLEY, ETC. ; TR | $ + rot . ) . ah {USE GOB of Toronto, vised ff, OPEN EVENINGS + Phones 84 and 744 + 38 Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA, ONT... A with selatitey and Sionds > Mondey Ar 23 " I AE I BESS 232%! FL \ A ) : | : Te : ; THEN Y- . E Son | x ™ 3 NE Lo A A) ' [4 S

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