Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Nov 1939, p. 7

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-- yrs \ Ir . Sa i : ~ ~ > ? 18 Be a) Time To Buy Do Not Leave It Until Spring, , Agricultural Official Advises Ontario Farmer } In view of the present situation in Euyope, it is t vital importance. that every éffort be' made. to in- erease crop production, particular ly crops which. are -necess »y for the sustenance of those actively _- engaged in. the defence of the Em-. pire, says J. D, MacLeod, Crops, Bzeds and Weeds Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Ontarlo farmers have. a duty: to perform, that of making a special effort to produce more bushels per 9 acre -than has been customary in the past. It'is Impossible to do this without Increasing materially the costs of prod ction by-main* * ing and building up sof! fertility; ad- opting* greater efficiency of imple ments and labor; better cultural practices and by sowing the very best seed obtainc~ble. f Farmer are.urged to make sure that they have their 1940 seeding requirements on hand. Clean and grade a sufficient nr * of seed for your'own use. Do not leave this Inpatient work until your bins are ow. It you have not git sufficient or suitable seed of your own, purch- ase high quality seed from your neighbor. This ould Ye done while prices are re~sonable and be- fore there is a scar "". 20 Geese Are . Sent to Park Shipment © Goes - From Jack Miner in Kingsville to-Moose Jaw : ---- Jack Miner has shipped 20 geese from Kingsville, -t., to the Moose Jaw Wild Animal Park, built ten years ago as a result of his labors. Mr. Miner gave a lecture in the western city an" those who heard him were so impressed that they set-aside four acres of city lavd to bo used for a wild animal park. The project flourishes, and now the park & one of the finest on tho --~'inent, Je 20 Canada geese which Mr. Miner sent to Moose Jaw all had their wi=- clippsd. The purpose of that is so the geese will ralse young sefore migrating. Tae young will then become used to the park before they migrate south and the next spring will r turn to their par ents, : In this way a migration will be_established. 1g Moose Jaw and thé park will have bird life in its natural ste', - We Must Combat - + - Menace of Rats Dr. Arthur Gibson, Dominion En- tomologist,- emphasizes that. the comfiop brown or house rat must still be regarded as man's greatest enemy In the animal world, not- withstanding statements which have b&en made -that this rat is -probabl, "ecreasing in numbers. It invades houses, stores, ware- houses and markets and besides destroying - fabrics ~ and leather goods, attacks all kinds of food -- grains, meats, groceries, fruits, vegetables, and in short everything eatable. In town and country it attacks the poultry, destroying the eggs, and chickens, Even the foun dations of buildings, also; are d-m- aged by its activities. In its wide gpread_. distribu"on, the 'rat. des: troys unceasingly, and yet its pres- ence is too often tolerated, _Best Methods of Control The monetary value of the dam- age 'done by rats in Canada is en- « ormous. To prevent this damage rats should be denied access to the ~~ places where they obtain food. and rear their young. That is, every building should be made rat-proof. This would e. tail enforcement of sanitary conditions by civic and health authorities and - the institution of a continuous Do- minfon-wide community campalgn-- Use Honey And Vary Your Diet Ail' sorts of medicinal and health qualities have been claimed for' honey, often witout much basis in tact. It is not especially laxative taken in' ordinary amounts. It is not any easier to digest than other -pugars. It Js. no better for a dlabe- tic than 'other sugars. 1884 Honey should therefore be cho- sen as a delicacy because of ita taste and appearance, and because it becomes possible by. its use to . iyary the diet 'and thus * increase fhe. appetite. Unquestionably the i appetite may frequently be fmprov- ed; by variations in the taste and appearance of food. | 'Contalng 'Minerals Honey also. contains other, sub: 'stances which give It the form in which it comes to the table. There arp small (duantities of dextrins anil gums and 'quite small quanti tles of certain minerals like from, calcium' and phosphorus, 3 [NEWS |PARADE.... ' | "Arm-chair generals" in the sev- Seed Is Now . Ee route ae adoption and - . py -- | enth week of the war didn't have much military action to talk. about, ~ 80 . little was happening, on the Western. 'Front. They' found time hanging heavy. It became increasingly: apparent dur- ing thu course of the week that in t¥e current stage, military con: flict wa. to be vastly inferior in | importance to economic conflict. The course of the war could no longer be traced by sticking col- ored pins on the map, - Chief events centred about the Allied blockade of Germany, and the Reich's efforts to break. it. That's what all the sinking of merchant shins, submarines, bomb- ing of naval objectives, on both sides, was about. Great Britain and France, on the offensive here, were hoping that cutting off of all Germaay's trad by sea would re- sult in the collapse of the Hitler regime and the end of the war. Blockade, Counter-Blockade Would Hitler, however, sit down under the blockade and see the war lost before his eyes? Would he content himself with institut- ing a successful counter-blockade? 'Would he sell out to Russia more extensively still in order to se- cure possible further supplies of raw materials? Would tie Nazis attempt to break Allied morale, thence the blockade, by perpetrat- ing sudden mass air attacks on densely-populated centres? Would they try "Blitzkreig" on the West-. ern Front, thrusting through Bel- gium, Holland or Switzerland? The world last week waited tense- ly for the answers. What Kind Of Peace? Fodéi of interest on the diplo- matic front' during the same pe- - riod were the Russo-Finnish con- ferences from which Russia was expected to emerge as the unchal- lenged master of the Gulf of Fin- land and the Baltic; and the An- * glo-French-Turkish mutual assist- ance pacts, a triumph for Allfed dpilomacy, by m-ans -f which Germany, and Italy, t can be: blocked "from further expansion in the eastern Mediterrancan and the Balkans. (Worthy of note here . is that, Contrary to first belief, Germany can still get sppplies from Russia via the Black Sea without interference), An illuminating comment was made last-week by Dr. , Melchior Palyi, former economist of the Deutsche Bank of Berlin, speaking in Windsor, Ontario: "The big - question mark in Europe is not who will win the war (Germany ~ cannot win) but who will make the peace that follows, and what, spe- cifically will that peace do for the - German nation? It must be a just, democratic peace. What the Ger- man peoplé are interested in now - is what the Allies" have to offer them once Hitler is overthrown." Anyhody's Guess Speculations and prognostica- tions about the, future course of the war were rife last week. We' give you these for what they are worth: Early renewal of the An- y glo-Japaneso Alliance was fore: ' cast in Paris by Alain Song, ex- pert on Far East affairs: A real "second world war" is looked for by Roger W. Babson, noted busi< ness -consultant, but when it comes he expects fo see Germany _and Japan lined up with England and France, all against Russia; Alfred Duff Cooper, former First Lord of the british Admiralty, predicted revolution in Germany shortly, followed by the restora- . -tion of the monarchy; (ru* = had -it that a new moderate German Cabinet is being: groomed in Lon- don); some observers io0k- ed for the war to end by Christ- mas, or next March at the earliest. z "Sam'Brownes" | 'Are Abolished Was Long One Of Marks Of Rank -- New Army 'Dress Regulation Does' Away With Shoulder 'Strap ~The Sam Browne belt, long one of the marks of rank in the British armies, Is being abolished, at least for the duration of the war. It was worn by conimigsiol' xd and war ' rant officers"an' consists of a very broad: leather . belt around 'the waist with a diagonal strap passing over the right shoulder. 'A new. dress. régulation. abolish. es the shoulder strap for all offi: cers exept those in mounted units, For the time beind officers may wear the belt tortion of the Sam Browne, but new officers need not provide themselves with one, Instead, they will wear a cloth belt of the sal e material as thelr uniforms, much like the belts that are. worn in fhe: Royal Alr Force, excopt that th: will bo detach. able, The Alf Force cloth bells are attached to the jacl.ets, ,Shorn wool production in Can. ada for 1939 is estimated *at 18, 616,000 pounds: co ed with 18,386,000 pounds in"1938, : Old 11un sea hiwself is no respecter of Duteh neutrality. stray. mines on Dutch beaches, .rentoving the mines and rendering them harmless. n to a safe distance before destroy arc the contacts, He frequent violates that neutrality by washin On such occasions the Dutch coast-guards are faced with the dangerous job o { Here your see a coast-guard squad hauling a g it by gunfire Those horns sticking out from the side of the deadly bal When struck by a ship, or by anyth'ng else, for that matter, these contacts break Roe erman nine 8 or chromic acid into a glow cartridge, producing an electric current which sets off inate of tor that explodes the charge of trogyl with which the mine is loaded. 15 aif 8 Hl te of mitrolity Sein , {EN NTARIO UTDOORS By VIC BAKER - BEAT THIS ONE! Any person who has fished or hunted to any extent will have a certain experience that he will not relate to friends because of the possibility that « might be brand- ed a liar. Many strange tales have been whispered over* camp_ fires, but one which came to hand re- cently and is verified by 'reliable witnesses stands undaunted as the fishing tale of all time. It concerns a young chap, sev- eral years ago, having experienc- ed poor luck, and drowsy with the warm August sun, tucked his rod in his row-boat-and leaned over the side idly observing his reflec- tion in the still water. ~ Another boy was was dozing in the bow of the boat was aroused by a cry of- pain from his companion. He look- ed up in' time to see his friend jump backwards and a-five pound trout flop: into the boat. The fish had: leaped at the boy's nosc and sunk its tecth into the bridge! The boy's name is Harry Morse and for many years he was the captain of a boat plying the in- land waters of New York State. He carried the scars on-his nose al lthrough his life. Edison Sch- uyler Lott, chairman of the board of the United States Casualty Company, saw young Morse and the fish immediately after the in- cident and will tell you that the boy's. nose was still bleeding at the. time. There may be stranger stories but we haven't heard them! ; Sane Gun Law Ontario hunters will be glad to know that automatic shot-guns --may -carry. three shells this. fall for any kind of game. This news will be found very welcome in an age when there is so much hysteria and "anti" legislation. el} £23 MICKIE SAYS-- [ YOu WERE HIRIN' A SALESMAN, YOU'D "WANT SOMEBODY 'AT LOOKED IMPORTANT 'N PACKED SOME GOOD oL' PRESTIGE AND DIGNITY = SAME WAY © | WITH PRINTED SALES- MANSHIP, OR. ADS 2 THEM'RE MOR IMPORTANT IN'OUR EWSPAPER. /° | suse "to those men of Warm Colors for "Rooms On North A room having a north light or northern exposure receives no di- rect sunlight and is a shadowed room. The reflected light from its walls will be of a cool quality. - Therefore, for painting the walls of this type of room the following warm colors can be used effect. ively, Yellow, gold, yellow-red or orange, cherry, rose, and, in fact, all the colors that are known as "warm" colors, The vivid colors them. are "grayed" slightly to soften, Deserters To Be Pardoned Providing "hey Surrender and Re-enlist in Dominion Deserters from the permanent force are pardoned on condition they surrender and re-enlist in the Canadian active service force 'be tore tho end of November, the Na- tional Defense Department has an- nounced at Ottawa. - An official statement sald: By an -order-fi-council, No. pP.C. 3093, dated October 12, 1939, lis Excellency the - Governor-General has been pleased to grant pardons the permanent force who, on the '10th September, 1939, were in a state of desertion from that force and who, on or be- fore tho 30th November, 1939, sur- render themselves in Canada and re-enlist for service in the Canad- tan actlve service force. Such In- dulgence, however, Is not to extend to men who are undergoing tmpri- sonment for other offences, - { than military VOICE ~ of the" PRESS HE WON'T LIE ON IT Adolf has made his bed, but ap- parently he doesn't care for the mattress. -- St. Thomas Times Journal. WHAT SHALL DO? Question is, whether to have the coalbin filled or reinforced as an air-raid shelter. -- Toronto Tele: gran. ¢ PADDED GUEST - ROOM . The story that the ex:Kaiser is preparing a spare room at Doorn tor Hitler, has got a new twist. It geems that Wilhelm is having the room padded. -- Saturday Night. Farming is more than a businesg --it Is a way of living. Rural folk are 'now beginning to realize that they can live belter w ithout farm- Ing any less effectively, -- Farm- er's Advocate. DODGING FIRE-CHASERS A training school for firemen Is to be openci at tho University of ~Toront¢. It will Include, we assume, {nstruction {n how to- dodge all the automobiles that try to beat the apparatus to the fire. -- Peterbor- ough Examiner. Once a smugglers' rendezvous, a thatched barn, 400 years old, in Hope, England, has just been con- vérted into a movie theatre, and--- is claimed to be the oldest picture house in the world. Storing Fruits : "And Vegetables Simple Rules For Housewife To Follow Given in Bulletin Is. sued by Agricultural Depart- ment : Household starage"of fruits and vegetables is. relalively easy, if a few simple rules are carefully fol lowed, It is pointed out in a bulle- tin prepared by i, E. Robison, the. chief -of fruit and vegetablo fleld services, department of agrl- culture, Ottawa.- The bulletin is ap endeavour to assist the housewife who desires Information In this re: gard. : The Storage Room A portion of the basement or the cellar of any house may be adapt ed to the.purpose of a storage room, This space should be select "ed in that portion of the basement which provides a double window leading directly outside, thus per- mitting the Intake of (resh alr and the escape of foul or stale air. The cohtainers for the vege: tables should be -coustructed ag- ainst the outside wall, where cool er conditions exist, and theso con: tainers should have slatted sides and bottom to provide for ventila: tion. If possible, construction ti -n should be Yn a collapsible manner to facilitate cleaning. All fruits and vegetables select ed for winter storage should be well grown, fully mature, and free trom damag caused by insects, diseas- rough handling, mechani rezing and chilling. Great care ust bg exerclzed in the grading and sorting of pro. duce, to eliminate decayed. or the ns. cal injury, partly "ejayed spec' It is essontial that all specimens be thoroughly dry 'and clean, since moisture allowed to remain on the produce induces decay. Ask fo BEE HIVE LIFE'S LIKE THAT rr " {Mes PIPS DIARY] | I Zs ap #2 V7 74 wo di Sh NEN M1 5 i) fret whan "Let's go + . « it's the first one you tried on, that's where we came in." Ontario's Lieutenant-Governor Reviews Toronto Scottish Destined to form an arm of the first Canadian division to go overseas, time strength and is now undergoing a ri , hews, who is shown, LEFT, with Lieut.-Co . C. R. Thompson, 0.C,, as orous training course at Toronto. the Toronto Scottish Regiment (M.G.) has been brought up to full war- The regiment was recently visited by Licutenant-Governor Matt- the troops marched smartly past the reviewing station, - ~~ hii 1 By GENE BYRNES "i Y_ AN' SNEAK HE GAME / GAME START) Z E OH Cure WHAT TIME JCLOCK™ A- ; . { DOES THE THREE OCLOFH SECS o GAME. START, a. OPO ite SZ MISTER ? FROM NEXT G2 MONDAY / 2 er A a" ~s a A a CA x 5 4 AL aren NE ey >

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