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Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Nov 1939, p. 2

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pr cam gd) A TT Pu SE Ce ' Farm Output ey Declared Vital Agricultural Experts Urged To Stay on Canadian Farms Dr. G. I. Christie, president of the Ontarfo Agricultural College, Guelph, sald last week at St, Thomas that because of the pres- ent. emergency young men with a practical and 'scientific knowledge of agriculture are needed on the tarins as nevér before, "There is no call elsewhere but to the farm," Dr. Christie declar- ed. -- Young Men With Knowledge - "Young men in. agriculture are wanted by the Government to stay there at least for the presént time where they will be helping to fight the war just as well as if they were fn uniform, Youths with a practical and sclentific knowledge of farming, whe can help in pro- ducing bigger and finer crops ef- ficiently are essential to the na- tion," ""The easiest way for farmers to "do their bit," he said, Is to do Just a little better with what they have at hand, This will make a tremendous increase in farm' pro. duction, New Premier of Quebec et ed Premier of Quebec province, who .is rejoicing following the ~ Liberal victory over M. Duplessis' Union Nationale Government. Says Life May Exist On Mars There May Be | Basi k Oxygen To Support It, Is Actvon- omer's View -- Were Plan- - ets Once Part of Sun? I. Adelard Godbout, newly-el te Dr. Theodore Dunham, Jr, of Pasadena, Calif, a foremost stu- dent of the planets, believes that present knowledge does not justify a claim that no life exists on the planet Mars. Other scientists have tontended that there is little or no oxygen on- Mars and that therefore no life, at - least like that found on the earth, would be possible.' } Adapted To Rigorous Conditions? "In spite of, spectroscople evid- ence against the presence of oxy- gen," say the Mt. Wilson astrono- mer In the curr-nt Astronomical _ Boclety of the Pacific publication, "it 18 more than likely that it has existed in the past, and later com- bined with ferrous iron to form fer- ric compounds with a reddish cole or similar to that of tho desert ar- eas on the planet at the present time. "It would be unwise to say there may not be enough, of both water vapor and oxygen to sup- port life In sorhe form which may have become gradually adapted to the rigorous conditions existing on Mars," Dr. Dunham declares it is more . than likely that the planets' were once a part of the sun and were: torn away at a cosmic encounter with a Dassing star, Pr FETA ae) Farming F nd Greatest Asset . Govino Gineal Speaks At Plowing Matth on Contribu- . tion of Canadian Agriculture ~~ ---- Canada's greatest asset wi, s has been and always will be agri eulture, the Governor-General 'Lord Tweedsmuir sald in a short ad- dress before an estimated 30,000 réons,_at the-inter:ational plow g match near Brockville, "Speed The Plow" Piovishares 4 far more power. ful than swords, Lord Tweedsmuir #ald In referring to the war. The eonflict must be foug)' with the entire strength of the nation and a g:2at lash. Mes ahe d of the Canad- fan farmers, "Speed the pow" must continue to be the adage of Canada, Lord Tweeds ufr sald In wishing {he farmers every possible happiness and prosperity. | i 13 IEE TH] L L13)] LABEL ULE LABEL TE ie 5" Full - - E ox A ia to bs EH 0x v4 «of Have You Heard ® e An enthusiastic politician was asked by his wife to lay aside politics long enough to dig up the potatoes in'the garden. He consented, and after digging ° for a few minutés went into the house and said he had found a coin. He washed it, and it proved to be a quarter. He put it in his pocket and went back to. work. Presently he went to the house again and said he had found an- other coin. He washed the dirt off it and this time it was a fifty-cent biece. He put it in his pocket. "I have worked pretty hard," said he to his wife. "I think rl take a short nap." When he woke he was not surp- prised "to find that his wife had dug up the rest of the potatoes-- and that she had found no coins! --0-- "Then she isn't exactly one of - the 'sympathetic sort?" said Smith. "Sympathetic!" Brown. " "Why, that woman wasn't born, she was quarried!" --0-- snapped Arriving at a strange hotel, a fussy woman thought she'd better kiow where the fire: -escape was. So she started exploring. During ler tour," she-opened a door and found. herself in a bath- room occupied by an elderly gen- tleman. "Oh, I'm sorry," she twittered, looking for the -fire-es- cape." avinwing her search, present. Iy sire heard the pad of bare ieet behind her and a_shout made her turn It was the elderly man, clad in a bath-towel, "Wait a minute!" he gasped.' "Where's the fire?" --0-- David loved bread and jel- ly. - His mother usually "pur. chased sliced bread. One day she bought a loaf of unsliced bread. When he saw her ap." ply the butcher knife, he ask- ed: "What's that bread all stuck together for?" - ga The two friends: were discussing motoring as they sat in the club, "lI was once buying second-hand car from a garage owner," said one. "Of course, he praised it up, as I!was a novice. But I found a way. of discovering - absolutely all its faults." "How?" asked the other, "Why, " went on the first, "I had & on trial, and todk it to an- other var-dealer and in bi to buy it." x : DH Who 'reniembers way back when A man in debt got out again? "Feathered Hats Quite Popular Feathers, ade Tato colored oak leaves and butterflies in natural colorings develop several small ghapes, while a "half hat", to be' posed over a veil-draped head, con- sists of 48 tiny colored birds. Burned goose, ostrich and coq are strongly endorsed. An ostrich model stemming from Victorian inspiration trails more than. a yard of tied"willow ostrich down the back. Coq feather hat and muff ensembles are observed, while coq and various other types of feathers, including quills, wings and birds accent many_of the col- ored suede hats, 'What Science is . % Doing x HEALING WOUNDS QUICKER It has been discovered during recent surgery that certain foods containing vitamins and proteins substitute for medicines and drugs. NB For several days before and af- ter operations, patients were giv- en diets high in vitamins, proteins and-vitamin concentrates, Abundant production of this "cement" apparently speeded healing of wounds, for in animal tests the walls of wounds lacking the vitamins were only one-third. normal strength, --_---- EYE REVEALS DEATH NEAR.. A new photo-electric eye which detects the approach of death in changing color of the skin is re- ported. The eye gives warning in time to administer lifesaving oxygen. The new-eye-lodks virtually in- to the blood itself. This is done by placing a strong light behind - the ear. Some of the rays PASS through tissues and blood. The elecf®ic eye picks up these rays and detects changes in the blood color too slight for the human eye © to see. | FITS PAIN OF ANGINA RELIEVED A new method of surgery ap- pearing to give the first '"uni- formly complete relief" from an- gina pectoris, which causes pain in the region of the heart, is an- nounced in the journal of the American Medical Association. The operation requires an in- JCision in the upper part of the back along the spinal column and cutting the nerves which carry impulses resulting in the painful heart spasm, a The Pesiiiock of France may not go to the races unaccompan- ied; he must never appear in pub- -] lic in uniform or send telegrams os - containing" political opinions, inclusive Canadian National Rail- use a finger bowl? ty? How Can |? B8Y ANNE ASHI EY Q.--~What is an inexpensive way of serving scrambled eggs? A.--Try using three crumbled soda crackers and two tablespoons of milk to each egg. Mix thor- oughly, and then scramble in hot butter. Q.--How can I prevent burning when there is not sufficient batter to fill all the pans, 'when making pul ns? -: A,--Fill the empty pans with water. This will' not only prevent burning, but the muffins will bake more evenly. Q.--How can I set colors in cot- ton goods before washing the first time? by A.--Soak the goods for twenty minutes in cold water, to which a handful of salt has been added. Q.--How can I prepare a good skin whitener? A.--An application of equal parts of rose water and lemon juice acts as a skin whitener, Q.--How can I prevent articles from going down the furnace re- gister? A.--Insert a piece of wire net- ting inside the register hole, re- place the register plate; and it will prevent many articles from gonig down the pipe. This is par- ticularly advisable if Where are children or babies around the house. Remember, however, that this: wire netting should not be of a fine mesh, or it will retard the heat that comes through the pipe and has a tendency to burn out the furnace. Canadian National ' Railway Revenues The gross revenues of the Ton ways System for the week endi Kd October 21, 1939, were $5,112, 453, as compared with $4,630,298 for 'the corresponding period of 1938, an increase of $562,165, LE Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE ~oo- 1..--When a bride has received a gift from the office force, con- sisting" of perhaps a hundred em- ployees, how should she acknow- ledge 'it? 2.--What is a"frappe, and how is it pronounced? 3.--Is-"it- correct to say-to a woman, "There is a man 1 want to introduce you to"? "4.--What is the correct way to 6.--Should one apologize for writing' a letter to a friend on the typewriter? G.--Should a hostess provide new cards for use at a bridge par- g Answers: 1.--Write a personal lelter of thanks to her employer, or the . chief clerk, or the' 'person she ~~ BRINGS INSTANT EASE ' ". Where Many Canadians Spend A Pleasant Winter Beenes like er just brought to combine to make t and reservations at th v this are common on Brentwood Bay, Tear Vietorls, BO, all winter long phdxis this fall and winter when Canadians are Kee ping. Canadian' dollars in Cana ff; and salmon in the tidal | Waters, coupled with keen fly eat coast A. i en fisherman's paradise. Reports flowin impress ote indicate a heavy vacation travel lo Vi etoria this winter. "with pattie ular em- , Grilse, like the 12vpound- g dn' ap Jlsla vi streams into Canadian Pacific offices, knews had charge of the contribu tion towards the gift, asking this thank the others, 2,-- It'is an iced or frozen mixture or drink. Pronounce, first a as in ask, second a as is pay, ac- cent 'last syllable. 38.--~No. The man is always presented to the woman. One should say, "There is a man I want to introduce to you." . 4.--Dip the ends of the fingers, not the. entire hand, in the water, then dry them on the napkin in the lap. Do not lift the napkin above the table and use it as a hand towel." 5.--No. Many people today write all their cor-* Chante ole) { (of [P2420 I lf A 72N od 3 28) NONE FINER MADE respondence-on the typewriter, ex- : i cepting the most 'formal social ® 3 notes. 6. =n ¥ es; this is this is custontary, A Doctor Urg Urges 1 [13 gp Eat Fish Raw" : - -- H, B. Atlee, Halifax physician, "Poultry kept in city and sub- ! Well-Known Halifax Physician Lots of Vitamins urban gardens can be fed almost { * Declares We Lose the Real "The trouble with our fish, Is we entirely on household waste," sald : Good in Fish By Cooking It cool §, " he continged, "We should | Walter Elliott, British minister of : ea raw. Raw fish an * ulture, in a radio talk urgin i Nova Scotfans, Canada's leading bread and butter would glve us lots pgre v de in a d x St ne 3 fishermen, were given. some advice | of vitamins. You lose the real good ome gardening and, last week on how to eat the com- | in fish by cooking it. self 'sufficiency. | modity of which they are such pro- This province, endowed as it 1s | litic producers, with an abundance of fish and ap- i "Eat it raw," was the counsel gi- ples, Is capable of produci~g the co EA- cup THAT FIGHTS et | 'ven to members of the Nova Sco- ealthiest race in the world from a { tla Economics Association by Dr. dietetic standpoint." ° ONSTIPATION ] 4 ~ | 8 1d Tea is not a "cure-all," but if f Operating expenses increased by oC ¥ Large Increase "| $1,152,471. Operating revenues last oN telief(comtem porn f C N R R n month were $22,645,303 and oper- drugs, try a cup tonight of this fra. 3 [LS [2 AY) evenue ating expenses $16,340,661," grant, 10-herb tea. Acts thoroughly i -- : Up for Nine-Month Period and mildly. Pleasant to the taste, ) Rise of $3,643,203 Marked for For the nine-months period end. | 25¢-10¢ Bing UR Pare samme & ~ Mofith of September, '1939 ing September 30th, there was an to Garfeld Tea Go., f gadod Increase in operating revenues of . } ep $11,908,503 and an increase in op- . i For the month of September the erating expenses of $2,800,895, re- & Canadian National Rallways had a sulting" in an improvement of $9, : gd - revenue of $6,304,642, an in- 107,608 over the nine-months per- 1 Close Aves Taranto 3, Canada - 8 crease of $3,643,203 over the cor- fod of 1938. For the-period up to ept, C2 i responding month of 1938, accord~ Septesnber 30th this year, operat. .@ ing to the monthly statement of: fng revenues amounted to $142, LYON S . 8 the earnings for the all-inclusive 245,937 and operating expenses of, "1 ' system Issued -at the railway's $135,693,683, resulting® in a net Trade In Department 5 headquarters. Operating revenues revenue of $6,652,354. - pe QP ; f 'showed an Increase of -$4,795,674. The summaries follow: 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO i Month of September : Clearance Sale of Recondition i 1939 1938 Increase or : Facts) : + Decrease ed Furniture i Operating Revenues § 22,645,303 $ 17,849,629 Increase $ 4,795,674 > \ 8 Operating Expenses 16,340,661 15,188,190 Increase. 1,152,471 12 50 ee Shosteriion Ste, * tm ' \ olstered n ue nohalir, 8 % ) 2 , Smarg 3-piece suite uphol. bases, BARRE BE sind ini | 10:00 Sl Td TI .. Ver. e arsha spring Operating Revenues $142,245,937 $130,337,434 Increase $11,908,503 sn antford Bpléce sulte. in Operating Expenses 135,593,583 132,792,688 Increase 2,800,895 24.50 blue figured Velour: perfect m con on. s : 8 Large brown mohair suite, | Net Revenue $ 6.652, 354 $2,455,254 'Improvell $ 9,107,60 3200 figured reversible Marshall & Deficit spring cushions; perfect condition. > 18. 50, Bedroom sujte, walnut fin. ¢ ish; dresser, bed, spring and > new mattress. i i me -------------- 30.00 , Snifirsl niseonnt, sot; . 5 / : mirror, chiffonier, full size bed, Hear the WAR NEWS Daily . : Salen) spring and fig mattress" oor sample bedroom suite - Direct in English, from Foreign | Stations. You can listen in = 4 2 00 1n bleached walnut nish. . London, Berlin, Paris and Rome broadcast every day if you and full size hed. hag = > ' i" and up, Large assortmen oO own a 1940 6.95 ones and chiffoniers in ha various nishes. Solid oak dining room DeForest, : Rogers or 1 7.50 Suites, (Dufett, lable and 6 ea : olstere chairs, Majestic Radio. 24, 50 Verfectly Watched 8- ges 0 ning m te, but- with Short-Wave fett, extension table and 6 lather " 99 r upholstered chairs, 'Station Expansion ~39 00 Teautitul- Ly piece zolld 'oak ning suite uffet, - cab- ¥ pls Extra Features of inet, table and 6 leather seat « chairs, i perfect can on. A -- Directional Loop Control 7500 205 Fine pie os --Loop Rotating Mechanism. 'tet, china cabinet, extension' table * and 6 leather' upholstered chairs, ---Short Wave Aerial i Large assortment of kitchen cab. : ets, gas stoves, china cabinets, --Rotating Shielded Loop beds. "spring, rugs," ete. at ridicul' T prices " See your local Rogers, DeForest or " ; Majestic Dealer Now' For A Liberal Allowance On LYONS > Demonstraton Trade-Ins FURNITURE CO. = i 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO == Classified Adv ertisments =] ay AGENTS WANTED. - ' FARM FOR SALE * PERSONAL . AGENTS pVANTED TO REPRE! Es. NINETY. ACRES PRpDUCTIN QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, BASILY, ent "The Old _Rellable- Fonthi clay loam adjoining fla 00d Inexpensively, Hom remedy, Nurseries." . Exclusive territory Puildings, oipring water wo estimonlals. Guar, ghee Advices, Fi in town or country. Libera terms tho ash, balance "s per, cent. ree. Bartlett's, Box Winnipeg, Jay Jee y. a. Welt ton for: wil Ham Bray e, Exeter. z - ' s. Slone a ngton, - = Be ne gton, Tor. TARY, or = = 3 SURRLY,, | REVAIRS Rn MEN AND WOMEN] NEW INVEN- NTED | -- AN EXPERIENCED BOOSTER' Radto. Thprove reception tion sells 1fke wild fire: ~ Sfart sult man and farm. [413 Box - 200 per' cent. 88 power business of your own In spare 6, Sar, Stantey Buresk: Mont- 1,000 ber cent. "hoipd Slimingto tn ine time. Send atamp to Economy Joifering stat fons: "Hai faction Distri S| = 0 on, atisfaction b fet ating Company. Lesmbop on sai A SIE - ster, ga ARE YOU IN MISERY? SLICING MACHINES ati Saskatchewan, * WHITE OINTMENT = EW Rosi ors, Yrlok | York 2a SAW MILL WANTED Qs = Slck rellef from irritating Bhiey, safes oirales, ESinters 4 d Laun- 3 v : Highly recommended. Money back dry. é yom met, Prid ea A. & P. FOR SALE, TO CLOSH SSTATE, if not satiataotory. 9 cents a jar. ¥aod Sore Laug ton , Ave, Saw Mill, working condition, on ~~ ¥ Manufacturing Company, - Toronto, Ont tar . main line C, P, Rallway. Norwoog, _ = - Box 164, Toronto, Ontarlo. _--_-- Ont. Steam power, arge pond, * HAD Arr Tues id nd ans igh BOOKS ' - HARDY APPLE TREES -- Saw -- Mrs, a Harrison, aves % ART I URC BOOKS, : SEND A A each) cinades Ci Kur: lock, Ontario : ca i! refu 0 orice) ;, oddy' 5, 355A Yonge St, "Fi £1866 sme aaloties. | SEWING MACHINES & SUFLLIES, mi i al offerings. Tobe's be Mnsation: PARTS AND REPAIRN. ANY BUSH WANTED _ ara-on:the-tAke, Ontario. resonate heh do" YAR i WE ARE IN THE 3 experle 348 ; buy bush of an, Ra er ry TANNERY = Yonge fireot,. Toronto. 2 f er ompany, Waterdown, Ont. VAD ) RTABL! RAG SAWS-- 5 A ---- b Ita woodworking tools elec. SHEEP OR SALE | 3 x \ rie otors. ng an op su en EDUC, ATHINAT Mes 2000, every description, hel BC RAMS, ELIGIBLE, \ liam achine ' ie a Nl PASH FOR i Bront Bf. wishinety, Co type, prices right "RaW Tolton," Ys ; sory, Yh RRC HE : crton, Onta va . ¥ an a ech , == : 3 x " Blake' ¢ sour! spare. di ure, "4 MEDICAL a ALL | HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRIT ™ B.C.-M TOMAC, CORRE TIVE, - HL TR, | mer Hi | parse | . digéstio i successful hybloo {re H. b! a 7, i ELECTRIC SHAVER $1.98 Beatie Prodasts, fren aLoo, Haibane, 4 nelice Sou you, ¢ ~ i A % n - THIS 18 THA NEW BLECTRIC , paid diteat. from. the ina padi: ' Jouve read about, that ORFER TO INVENTORS. H. J. foodies, 0 aia : inky ) A¥IDg 50 ver A very. easy, . dil va uv 9", i Bt plug dt In and run the 'shaver AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR - oT h : | pe LA FR () A Plt Lust of' pete Rha tall ihrors WATCH REPAIRS x bats y on 8 ay, Co; : 3D 1 BUggest you try it Bras a Hinton "Register Hh Cttornes TATE | v = idle "ary Guginal price. |; Babi, Sirbita Ottawa, Cohn: WaT, Eee, other work JE paid, Kt or nied: Rell Bales Te ---------- RRs -~ EF I eas 8a sel reasonable HE oh ih OPER ¥., Montreal, Issue No. 45 --'39 aie FA 101 Yonge St, > Pi so

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