Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Nov 1939, p. 4

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Uae SR NRE HA Port Parry. SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING The Ladies of St. John's Presby- terian Church will hold a sale of Home Made Cooking and useful articles suit- munity Room at the Public Library on the afternoon of Saturday, November 26th. Afternoon tea will be sérved, nay 23 -------- Amateur Night, Nov. 13 at Seagrave. LADIES! The ladies of Port Perry are invited to join with others in War Work Sew- ing every Friday afternoon at the Community Room of the Library. COMMUNITY SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE in the Port Perry United Church, on Sunday, November 12th, at 11 a.m. Preacher: Rev. J. C. Clough, B.A. L.T.H, The Supper and Bazaar held by the Parish Workers' of the Church of the Ascension last Friday evening was quite a success. The proceeds totalled $196.99. There was a clearing of $1568 with more money to conte in yet. Mrs. Goodman of Sylvan' Lodge, Rosedale, is visiting Mrs, McClintock at Cricklewood Lodge. : The. Parish Workérs met at the home of Mrs. Hutcheson this week and four new members were received. Mr. -and Mrs. Everett Jackson, of Toronto, are spending a short time in Florida. : Miss Bessie Crozier of "Toronto, visited her father, Mr. Jno W. Crozier last Thursday. Mrs. H. R. Archer and Mrs. D. R. Anderson spent the week-end in Peter- borough. The Misses Ethel, Hallie and Edna Emmerson of Toronto, spent the week- end at their summer home here. Mrs. D. F. Jackson and Miss Eliza- beth Jackson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Lugdy. Mrs, John Ploughman left last week to spend the winter in Winnipeg. Miss Margaret Stuart has returned home after spending four months with friends in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer and Mrs: E. Blight, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with friends in towns on Mr. Arthur Asher of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spence of To- ronto,.visited friends here on Saturday. Mr. M. M. Statton of St. Catharines spent the week-end in town. Mr. Allen Colbear is visiting friends in New York. Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey and Geghier * Donna Marie, spent a week with "friends in Toronto. ! Mr. and Mis. Jag. Ruddy have moved to thie house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Riseborough. Mr. Archie Anderson of Windsor, spent the week-end in town "visiting old fr iends. Mr) and Mrs. Harry Holden, Stouft- ville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley. ; Mr, and Mrs. Roy Somerville of Bechard, Sask., are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Somerville. We regret Yo report that Mr, Robert Heayn took suddenly ill on Sunday afternoon while 'on his way to hunt deer. He is now in the hospital here. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Harrison have | moved from Prince Albert to the, R. [Wilson house in town. Mrs, Fred Perkins, i Wainwright, Alta, spent the week-end with Mrs, Geo. R. Davey and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tummonds have moved into the house formerly oceu- pied by Mr, Tom Bowerman. Mrs. Bowes, Sr, has moved "into the house lately vacated by her son Mr, W. M. Bowes, Mrs. Lottie Ashton spent the week- end with friends in- Epsom. 4 (2% y able for Christmas Gifts in the Com-} BLUEBIRD GEANUINE DIAMOND mines ce ASAINGT LOSS Note-- Every diamond is . insured. Bentley's. Jewelry Store Port Perry Mr. and , Mrs. Donald Holden of Oshawa, visited her mother, Mrs, Fred Beare, on Sunday." : EY Mrs. Morley Honey, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. Emmerson over the week-end, and Mrs. D. Carnegie and Mrs. Emmerson returned to To- Tonto, to spend the remainder of the week with her, 25 The lure of the wilds have been too strong for the following who pur- chised licenses for deer hunting: Messrs. H. Mulligan, James Cawker, Charles Reader, Chas, Bowerman, F. Bown, Fred Schell. ee PB YOUNG COUPLE HONOURED A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gerrow, on November 2nd, when some forty friends and relatives gathered to show their love and esteem for the young couple, Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Tripp (nee Cora Gerrow) who were presented with a. shower: of lovely and useful gifts. - A short address was read by Miss Helen Colleran of Scugog, to which Mr. and Mrs. Tripp made a very suit- able reply. The friends then sang "For They are Jolly Good Fellows" The evéning was spent in games and singing followed by refreshments and wishing the young couple the best of everything for the new life they have begun. IL. O.D. E. The committee in charge of the Re- membrance Day service on Sunday morning, November 12th, wish to have Scugog Chapter LODE. attend in a body as in former years. Will all members meet in the basement of the United Church at 10.45 am, H. Dhel Bentley, Regent. IN MEMORIAM DeSHANE-- In loving memory of my dear mother, Bessie DeShane, who passed away Yovember 6th, 1937. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. _ Sadly missed by her son Norman and family. Ps PENSIONS FOR MANY AGED IN ONTARIO COUNTY While Many Mothers Are Helped Under the Allowance Act. ~~ There are 718 persons in Ontario County receiving pensions under the Old Age Pensions Act, representing] an annual . outlay of $162,670.28. These . figures, released by Owen Davies, ex-reeve of Uxbridge township and secretary of the Old Age Pensions Board for Ontario county, reveal that the number of pensioners is increasing rapidly in the county for two years ago.the number stood at some 1650 less. "Recomm niations for the payment of pensions ard made at every meeting 8 8 The old- est: pensoney in the Cots today is nearly a century old. He was placed on the list only recently. Among the pensioners are not a few residents of the Ontario County Home, who are more or less paying their way and saving the County of Ontario many hundreds of dollars an- nually.- One must be 70 years of age '| and have no adequate means of self support to" obtain a pension, while there are a number of other qualifica- |- tions to be complied with dealing with such matters as property possession, nationality, length of residence in the country, ete. Mr. Davies is of the same opinion as others that the- depression of the past few years has been the means. of adding to the list of pensioners, both men and women, not only in this county, but throughout the province. The Pensions Act, has therefore been a great boon to many, facing life's sunset, with no money. : Mothers' Pensions Figures up until the end of March this year show that the bill for pen- sions under the Mothers' Allowance Act in Ontario County was $33,943.10, There are quite a number of pen- sioners in the county; in fact, the num. ber is gradually increasing. Formerly the County of Ontario paid a portion of the cost, but thig is now borne en- tirely by the Ontario Government. SACRIFICE SALE This week 'only--Hotpoint Electric Range, large size, in perfect condition, $46.00. Apply to Mrs, McClintock, Cricklewood Lodge, Port Perry. ,----- --d SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacaps' Two-Way" Action quickly cleanses and invigorates the}: Kidneys. Use Rumacaps, Bold at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. TAKE "RHUGO" for Rheumatism, FREE Phoue Parking OSHAWA 1011 AIR-CONDITIONED: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, NOVEMBER 9-10:11 REVEALED" The - Ruthlessness of Submarine .Warfare "U-Boat 29" starring' Conrad Veidt, Valerie Hobson, "Sebastion Shaw. Women and Children first--to die--in Submarine slaughter of innocents, ! Added--Colour Cartoon "THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT" REVIVAL, Friday, at 1045 p.m. Radio City Revels" with Bob Burns and Jack Oakie Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, NOVEMBER 13-14-15 "DISPUTED ~ PASSAGE" starring Dorothy Lamour, Akim Tamiroff and John Howard. Coming November 16-17-18 Gary Cooper, in "The Real Glory' Kl with David Niven and Andrea Leeds "SHINE UP" British Military Shoe Polish. - Per Tin 16cts " Brasso Metal Polish Per Tin 15cts. Quick Shine Shoe Polish |. Per Tir 16cts. Leninegers Star Haraess Soap -- - -3bets. Neatstoot oil' Per Pint 20cts. Harness Oil ~~~ Per Quart 40cts, Lemon Cream Shaving . Soap - Per Cake 26c ,. Gillette Tech Saftey Razor & 1 Package of Blades 49cts. ~ Sewing Machine Oil Per Bottle 15cts. Capo Hoof Ointment Pat Tin -80cts.; W. E. 'Webster Beatty Store ATTENTION OF VETERANS "The Guard Army and Navy- Vete- rans will meet at 10.30 at the Army and Navy Veterans' headquarters, on Sunday, November 12, and parade to the Library to place wreath before the "Book of Remembrance." The parade will then proceed to the United Church to take part in the Remembrance Ser- vice. All Veterans cordially invited to be present. WHY SUFFER, with Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago Rumacaps' two- way action quickly relieves pain while attacking the cause. Sold at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. POSTPONED * _ The Supper, Bazaar and Concert, at Sonya, has been postponed until Wed. nesday, November 20th, Be sure to remember. the change of date. sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, Secure quick, safe relief, Morrison's Drug Store, Port Perry, or write Telfer Specialty Company, 104 Richmond 8t, W., Toronto. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday Service at 7 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "10 am. --Sunday School : "11 a.m. -- Community 'Service of Remembraiice, Rev. J, C. Clough, Preacher. 7 p.m.--Rev. W, J. H. Smyth, BA, B.D., will preach." CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J. C. Clough Sunday, November 12th-- 3 pm --Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, Sunday, November 19th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. COMING NOVEMBER 19th! Pastor -C. E. Wright, of Toronto, a former pastor of Port Perry Baptist Mission, will preach at the Baptist Gospel Hall, on Nov. 19th, at 11 am, 2.30 and 7 p.m. All are welcome to come and hear a good gospel message. Special music. HAWAIIAN GUITAR LESSONS- Learn from an experienced profes- sional teacher, who knows all branches of the art as played by the leading Hawaiian Orchestras of to-day. All lessons by note. Let a trial 10 lessons for $5 prove that you can learn quickly to play. Progress guaranteed. -Be- ginners or advanced. Enquire from Ken Spears, Port Perry, or Cecil Hoocey, at Barber Shop. nov23 COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY A Court of Revision to hear appeals against assessments, pertaining to the Assessment Roll of 1939, upon which taxes for 1940 will be levied, will be held at the Clerk's Office on November 13th, '1939, at 1.30 p.m. (Assessment Act, Sec. 73, Chap. 272) Ar =! G. F. MANNING, Clerk. Treasurer's Office, Port Perry, Ontario, October 30th, 1989, - | That includes the children.' .| sense out. DELANEY FURS Belleville Trenton Oshawa FUR COATS $1.00 Weekly $1.00 Down. ®Remodelling ®Repairs MISS A. STOUT AGENT, PORT PERRY CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN GOOD PHONE MANNERS (By Angelo Patri, in Globe & Mail) The' telephone is a necessity in the household, and every member of the family should be trajned in its use. There ig no reason why 'a little child cannot answer the calls and say, "This is Bunny. Will you hold on until I call mother, please?" "That is the first lesson: Tell who it is that is talking. * It is not good manners to play with people on .the telephone. "Guess who '| this is", can only annoy without pleas- ing. anybody. Teach the children that the instrument is nothing to play with 'and so give them a good start in the right direction. The older children need to be taught that long and useless talking is all out of order on a telephone system. "Re- cently a girl 156 used the house tele- phone for half an hour, and her father, trying to get a message to his home before he started on an unexpected trip, was obliged to call one of the neighbours in order to get his call through to his family. "Holding a wire uselessly is likely to cause distressing delay in emergency.. Older young people need to be taught not to say over the wire what they would not say to the person at the other end were they face to face with one of them. It is better to be formal, polite, kindly and brief at any time. Save personalities of any sort for personal meetings, and"so save em- barrassing moments later on. Don't, if you are a girl, call your boy friend on the telephone .and hold endless conversations consisting mdin- ly of, "Yeah? Who says? Sez you, O really, Huh-huh, Sorry, Yeah? Sez you, O really?" Your father loses his temper and shouts, "Cut that non- What's the idea?" What do you suppose the boy" s father is say- ing to him? "And the rest-of the family. Let the boy call you, and an- swer him briefly and to the point. You will not lose anything by it and you will prevent a lot of trouble and ayn- noyance in your families. y 'When young people are visiting they ought not to use the telephone without asking permission of their host or hostess. = And they ought not to ask it unless it is absolutely necessary. If a long 'distance call, or any toll call, is made, the young person shoud make certain he pays for it. If a host gets {a bill for his guest's long distance calls he does not remember that guest's visit with any pleasure. FOR SALE We are instructed by the Executors of the Elizabeth Colton Estate to sell her fine residence at Port Perry, at the low figure of $1060. We under- stand the house -is in splendid condi- tion and may be inspected by pros- pective purchasers at reasonable hours. Harris, Harris- & Wallace, Solicitors for the Elizabeth Colton Estate, Phone 24, Port Perry, Ont. nov23 "Port Perry - | -- WW. G. Hull, President. Price $1.00 at - TCHR SO Se B- Special FRESH VEGETABLES | i | ro FRUITS EMPEROR GRAPES, | CELERY, Crisp, - } CARROTS, Washed, | SWEET POTATOES, ORANGES, medium, dozen GRAPEFRUIT, Size 96, \ APPLES, McIntosh Reds, - " «3b for.10 TOMATOES, Hot House, . - -° 19 se bfor.2§ '3 lbs. for .28 6 quarts for .28 2 for .1§ 2 lbs. for .09. PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1939 LL LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS * : You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store 4 GQ Wampold's Tasteless Extact of Cod Liver A great year-round Tonie for Young and old Per Bottle $1 00 OVALTINE,.... NOVAKELP Tablets 79¢., $1.39, $2.79 NORVAL'S YEAST and IRON RUMACAPS LISTERINE ... BRPLERS cob Ll LIVER, OIL and MALT . NATIONAL. COD LIVER OIL ... B88c., B8e., 98e, TABLETS' . URS TY Pers d ir ...50¢, and $1.00 :25¢., 50c., and '19. , .15¢, and $1.25 and MALT. ..49¢. and 89¢c. A. M. LAWRENCE asi 49 72 Rosall swe PORT PERRY A : ! BIBL E SOCIETY PL ANS WAR 4 WORK Special Editions. of Scripture Issued for all-in War Service With its issue of a specially bound edition of the New Testament for pre- sentation to men on active military, naval and air service, the British and Forcign Bible Socicty in London be- gins again its war services. This edition contains the following message from the King--"To all serving in my forees by sea or land or air, and indeed to all my people engaged in the de- fence of the realm;-I commend the reading of this Book. For centuries the" Bible has been a wholesome and strengthening influence in our nation- al fe. It behooves us to turn with renewed faith to this divine source of comfort and inspiration." Through jts Auxiliaries in Canada the Bible Socicty during the last war issued over half a million copies in eighteen languages to those in nation- 'al service, The Parent Organization in London during the same time dis- tributed more than nine million copies in eighteen languages. The society points out both the immensity of its opportunities for service and also the difficulties of these abnormal times, The Upper Canada Bible Society, the local Auxiliaries within this Province, estimates that a 20% addition to the Society's regular income will be neces- sary if 'the. demands and the oppor: met. The Sobiety obplied "ot only soldiers, saifors and airmen on active service, but all field and base hospitals and Red Cross organizations, prison- well as all political refugees and those made destitute by war. Its organiza- tion throughout the world serves Dr. H. H. Armstiong i DENTIST | Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber re -8hop Telephone 287 -.= . Port Perry . 7 ~ FOR SALE 1 Navy Blue Chinchilla Overcoat, good as New, will fit boy ten or twelve. i reasonable. Apply. at Star. Office. ~ PROPERTY FOR SALE 26-ackes, part of late Thos." McKee Gstate, comprising wood and pasture land, one concession north of Man- chester, and half a mile west of High- way_No. 12. Apply to J. T, Evans, Raglan, - or Llyod McKee, Port Perry R.R. 4. -® nov23 WANTED Amateur talent for-Amateu™ Night in Uxbridge, December 1st." Apply to i! \ if Raisins Ib .10 SEEDLESS CURRANTS, - |b. is i Mixed Peel cut 1b 28 ft Lemon Caps l.28 Walnut Pieces, |b .39 'Almonds,shelled, 1b .65 BAKING POWDER, Dominio, Flour, 24 b.55 . EXCELS OR PASTRY Orange Caps lb .28 Citron Caps 1b .36 Cherries, Glace, 1b .39. . Feod Colors, 1,02 15 SPICES, 3 oz 1b. oi] 16 oz. a 9 DOM! STORES : TIE . LimMisLp "per lb. .19 1939, " -nov16 ists HORSE FOR SALE Your Chr mas Cake. Needs or will exchange for cattle. A gelding b years old. Apply to Geo. W. Samells, R.R. 8, Port Perry (Bcugog). soy : nov23 'W. A. Sangster "DENTAL SURGEON "Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pm. Office Upstairs, over Bleep's pain, Ol SUITS SPONGED AND PRESARD B80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH tunities of the times are to be fully] 'Also. boys' hockey boots--and skates: |- Waiter Tunstell, Sec. Uxbridge Board]. of Trade, on or hefore November 26th, |' friend ¥nd foe alike. In Europe' dur- ing the last war one million seven hundred thousand copies of Scripture in many tongues were supplied by the prisoners of war in the enemy lands' of Central Europe. ONT; COUNTY EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION . The annual meeting of the Associa- tion will be held in the Community Hall at Claremont on Friday of this week, November 10th, commencing at 2 pm. Ontario County Public Speak- ing contest will take place. : Winners At 8 p.m, Miss Anne Davey, of To- ronto, will conduct a demonstration: "Selling Your Services" followed by a round table conference, Music by Claremont talent. ARE YOU THE MAN? . Watkins Dealer (between 25 and 50 years), with car, needed immediately to hand out FREE Extracts in nearby rural route and supply established de- mand for® Everyday Necessities in- cluding Spices, Baking Powder, Clean- sers, Soaps, Medicines, Fly Spray, Mineralized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 70 years- reputation. 10,000 dealers, Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start. Selling experience unneces- sary. Farm experience helpful. neds furnished Tight p rties. Write im- mediately, T R. Watkins Com- pany, Montreal, Que, Dept. O-P-5 Shh "AUCTION SALE ~~ * Farm-stock and Implements, the property-of Thos. Perigoe, lot 15, Con. 8, Cartwright, on Tuesday, Nov. 14th. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. ers of war and interned civilians asf - TRUCKING - Local Trucking and moving done. Rates reasonable. White Brothers, Port Perry. ! nov80 he "LOST: Rim and Spare Tire of 1835 Chevro- let lost between Port Perry and-High- way 86. Finder please notify Bnow- _ den's Garage, Port Perry. * VOTERS' LIST, 1939 MUNICIPALITY OF REACH, LE _ County of Ontario? OR Notice is_hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Manchester on the 27th day of October, 1939, the list of all: persons entitled to vote in the said municipality: at municipal elections inspection, NEE take immediate proceedings to have ¢ any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the.17th day of November, 1939, . FRED CHRISTIE, Clerk of Reach Township. T : (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) ARTHUR W.: 8. GREER In atténdance at my Port Perry office oa _ Wednesday moraing, and Friday afterndon > of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 364 (The firm of Greer & disoived.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS MY; Simeve Street Sirett North: Osawa. ¢ ranting LS ey os wi Tuesday and Thureday afterncons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phane 364 SUITS CLEANED| DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North Side Queen Street, Port Perry. * Upstairs, over Jomiaon's Bakery Phones: Ofice S8w, Residence ( Bible Society for interned civilians and _° and that such dist remains there for 3 . 5 And I hereby. call upon {all voters to 7 $s 3

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