Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Nov 1939, p. 5

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& Ry "with Bob Hope, Shirley Ross, Gene PORT PERRY, ONT.,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1989 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healhfully Air Conditioned. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "NOVEMBER 12-13-14 * Two shows at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. Saturday Matinee at ¥.30 "The Star Maker" with Bing Crosby, Louise Campbell, Linda Ware, Ned Sparks. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Model A3: = "= =, $79.00 Beautiful in tone, ontstanding in performance, this handsome new RCA Victor table model possesses radio's latest features and technical improve- ments, © 5 .Bands; provides domestic broadcast reception on 540-1720 kes, has band spread (Overseas) Dial for short wave reception on 49, 81, 25° and 19 meter bands; Superheterodyne Cir- cuit; Signal Stabilizer for greater selec- tivity; improved electric tuning with Easier-to-set-up Gentle Action Push Magic Eye; Magic Brain and|. NOVEMBER 16-17-18 First show at 7.00 p.m.. Last complete show at 8.20 p.m. "SOME LIKE IT HOT" Krupa, Una: Merkel, Rufe Davis. "Also an ADDED Attraction "INSIDE STORY" with Michael Whalen, Jean Rogers, Chick Chandler. . | Walnut Finish Ivory Finish Buttons. FOR SALE BY FARMER RADIO Phone 83 Port Perry MORRISON'S DRUGSTORE RHUGO--quick, safe, sure relief for rheumatism, neuralgia, J! lumbago, sciatica and neuritis. East to West. WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT COD Recommended from : . .Price $1.00 LIVER OIL. Rapid increase of health dnd strength from the use of Wampole's Ex tract. NOXZEMA Skin Cream Valuable as a-tonic in convalescence and when recovering from grippe or colds.. .Price Regular 75c. size, specially priced at ... MOIR'S and PATTERSON'S CANDY, pound box ..... BULK CANDY, all kinds ...Per 1b,--29%¢. OUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS will soon be on display--Better* 1 than ever. NYAL SERVICE STORE Phone 16 OO Em . CAREFUL MEAT-BUYING There is i like be known that pki the buying and preparation of meats. Lon the good quality of our.stock.. BERT. MacGREGOR'S a PERRY meats. - PHONE 72-R-2 "WE DELIVER experience to teach one what Jou) We have had many yéars of The greatest of care is exercised in You can rely WE DELIVER Gerrow Let Us Solve Your Baking Problems B ~Fresh Plas, Cakes, Tarts, Rolls, Bread and Buns DAILY. 3 Treat your tamily this week ondCroam Puffs, Chocolate .Eolairs, or -- Home-Made Mince Pies We Offer You the Choice of the Market| in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S 'Lowest Market Price. . Prompt and Courteous Service Cawker Bros. Phone 2w Port Perry PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Elizabeth Colton, i Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died at Port Perry on the 26th day of October, 1989, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitors on or before December 7th, 1939, full pdrticulars of their claims. . Imme- diately after December 7th, 1039, the assets of the deceased will be distri- buted" among 'the * parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry; this 7th day ot November, 1939, Harris, Harris & - Wallace, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the above Estate, The October meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Jewitt, on October 26th, with an attendance of eighteen, The President, Mrs, -Stan- ley Pogue, presided. Two minutes of silent prayer for the suffering over- seas was observed, then all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by the word "thankful". In the matter of business, arrange- ments were made for the Free will Offering on Nov. bth, with Rev. Mr. Ostrom of Uxbridge at preacher. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. L. Wagg, the roll call to be answered with the word. "remember". Mrs. Rogers and Mis. F. Ackney are to be the committee. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs, Jewitt, The- program: duet, Mrs. Prentice and Dorothy; readings by Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Jewett, Mrs, Clark, Jean Bushell, piano solo by Laura Rogers. The Vice President had charge of the devotional part. Mrs. Bushell led in prayer, Mrs. J. Wilson gave a reading, Mrs. Bushell a talk and several hymus were shng: Fig was served. "GREENBANK Mrs. Botterall, Toronto, the guest of {Miss A. J. Phoenix last week. Mur. -J. Wilkinson and family moved to Whitby last week. * Mr, and Mrs, Peter [ask and Miss Marjorie are getting settled jn their house in the village. i : 'Mr. and Mrs. Rynard, Victoria Cor- ners, have moved to their farm, the former Peter Leask farm. . Sorry to report Mr, Dyson in the hospital in Toronto. Mr. John Beare, Mr. Wm. Clyde, and Mr. -James Lee have erected monu- ments in the cemetery. Rev. J. A. Miller, Toronto, calling in the vilage one day last week. Mr. Bradley, Sask, visited his uncle Mr. Robt. Michie, last week. Mr. Geo. Love and Mr. O. Love of Sask, visiting-telatives here. 'Mr. Victor Beckley has bought a farm at Ashburn, Mr. Alex. Bushby visited his parents the end of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson Beare, Mr. and Mrs:"R. Real, in Toronto-for the week end.' Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Phoenix and daughter, Mrs, Phoenix and Miss Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs, Werry near Osha- wa, on Sunday. Messrs. Ronald and Elmer Lee and Walter Phoenix at their homes here on Sunday. Hallowe'en passedeoff much as usual. #! The children masqueraded and had a Bros, Port Perry § good time making their calls, Later §|in the evening the older fry did their ¥ | usual pranks, and some things which Strand Theatre UX2RIDGE ALWAYS LATEST SHOWS New Heating System in Action. Thursday, Friday, Salida (this week) Maureen O'Sullivan, Wallace Beery, in "Port of 7 Seas" Captain of the seas in this sea-farin thriller, Also comedy, "IT'S IN TH STARS", and musical comedy. Theatre Closed THEATRE CLOSED Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ni his owing to the war situation. Wil open Christmas and New boy Open Thursday, Friday, Bat'y Only. Thursday, Friday, Saturday (next) Three Stooges, J. Green's Orchestra, All Amateur Show-- "Start Cheering" COMIN Arti TOWN " and | Confectionery and Brinks in Theatre. should not have been done, such as taking away the back steps from Mr, Embury's house, as someone might have had a bad fall with with injury. .SCUGOG Mr._ and 'Mrs. Reekie of Toronto, visiting her sister Mrs. Joel Aldred. On Sunday Mr, and-Mrs. Jonathan Aldred and Mr. Joel Aldred motored to Orillia to. visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Powers, The latter hus been in with, pneumonia. Miss Agar, Mrs, Mc Naught and Mrs. Mountain, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mus. Joel Aldred last Thursday. BE -- ES, a. a uni FATTENING POULTRY FOR MARKET (Experimental Farm News) All poultry intended for market should be fattened before sale for two compelling reasons, namely, that the gain jn weight in fattening is the cheapest gain,-in teyms of food con- sumption of any gain made durivg the whole rearing period and that the market will pay 1% to 2 cents more per pound for each increase in grade brought about by the fattening pro- cess. g Only vigorous, healthy stock should be fattened "as unthrifty stock wil not only fail to fatten but will pro- bably lose weight under the confine, mént which is essential to obtain good fattening results, states H. ,S. Gut. teridge, Poultry Division; Central Fx- perimental Farm, Ottawa. Two meth- ods of finjshing are 'commonly used, namely, crate and pen fattening. Well managed 'erate fattening gives 'the greatest gain and fat increase in the shortest time on the lowest feed con- sumption and produces a dressed bird of desirable soft texture. Pen fatten- ing requires less.skill in management and no additional crate equipment but compares disadvantageously with crate fattening in the paitieilniy men- tioned above. In crate fattening the birds are con- fined to crates, set up in a room of moderate temperature, for a period of two to three weeks prior to killing. They are starved for 24 hours and then given epsom salts at the rate of one pound per hundred birds in their first feed. No hard grain Is given and Jl all feed is fed soft-mixed to a consis- tency which will just pour. Two such feedings daily, morning and evening are as satisfactory as a greater num- ber and any unconsumed feed should be removed after twenty niinutes to half an hour and fed to other stock. Success Is only attained in crate feed- ing by fully watching the birds, any which show signs of going off their feed being marketed immediately be- fore they lose weight. The length of time of feeding will depend therefore upon the appetits of the birds. All should be starved for eighteen hours before killing. In pen fattening the "birds. are handled as for crate fattening except that they are confined to a pen of limited area and may be fed three times a day and for a longer period. Experiments have indicated that of the most commouly available grains, corn, buckwheat and. wheat give. the best gains.. Oats and barley are also satisfactory but largely on account of the amount of hull, they are inferior to these mentioned.--If corn is used white corn is preferable as it produces a whiter fat than the yellow grain thus making _pdsible birds of the "milk fed" class. The grains mentioned ma be fed alone or in combination all Yor ing ground, the coarsest hulls, if pre- sent, being sifted out. - If 6 to 8 per cent of metled mutten or beef fat is thoroughly and- quickly-mixed while hot with the ground grains the gatten- ing quality of the feed is increased. Skim-milk, buttermilk, or whey is the former are not available, should be used as the mixer. 5 More detailed instruction as to fat- tening can be obtained from the Pub- licity and Extension Division, Domin: ion Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa. lee PP SLEEPING ON SENTRY DUTY NO LONGER CAPITAL OFFENCE In thé Canadian Army, as in the, British Army, desertion, cowardice and sleeping on sentry duty no longer call for the death penalty, a Defence De- partment spokesman said today. The death penalty remains as a maximum punishment for murder, mutiny and e | treachery. He. explained that Canada adopted the Army Act of the United Kingdom 'except where it is incon- sistent with the Canddian Militia Act. "How", asked the officer on the rifle range, "did you get those four straight hits? Your range is 600 yards, but your sight is set at 300." Said the young militia man: see that Tittle rock half-way along? Well, I'm bouncing 'em off that!" Phone 43 ZS TT RE 2S I The RED & WHITE Store. PORT PERRY BECAUSE OF. THE RISE IN WHOLESALE COSTS most 'of our stock is underpriced. - Old Prices as long as possible. GOOD BUYS NOW are--Boots, Rubbers, Floor Coverings, Wools, Sweaters, Prints, Overcoats, Suits, Window Shades, Venetian Blinds, Silk Hosiery. Phone 43 'We. are going to sell at Dresses, Men's Overcoats Men's Suits, - Men's Trousers, tweeds in $17.95 $17.95 large range, $3.35 to $4.50 Linoleum, 4 yards wide, Rexfelt, 8 patterns, Congoleum, . - 65c. sq. yard Inlaid Linoleum, $1.30 & 1.50 sq. yd We feature Expert Linoleum Service. LINOLEUM PRICES UNCHANGED $3.60 25c. sq. yd. Linoleum cemented on Floors, Table Tops, Sink Tops, Stairs, etc. | | GS S| 1 | | | | {| |. ® Mae iy RR) 8.3% vio SUPERSILK Service Weight Gordon Chiffon and Service Weight 79¢ 2 o_o TOYS, GAMES, Dolls, Trucks. Books, all on display now HOSIERY 85c. and $1.00 Wallpaper -- 1940 100 new patterns NOW IN STOCK Lots of Paper 10c. a rol F.W. BROCK & SON, ¢ EAT EAT CT I TT A TB A TO|_ BOUNDRY LANE CLEARED Fiore PORT PERRY EER USER AID FEDERAL PATROL _ To curb the activities of spies, saboteurs, aliens and smugglers, the Canadian Government is clearing a 20 foot wide: vista on- the Quebec-Maine section of the international boundary. The cleared skyline will make areo" plane patrols more effective. Sur- veyors of the Mines and Resources De- partment are already at work on the project, -- The border is patrolled by custom, immigration and police officers. One result of the war will probably be that the amount of aeroplane traffic in. the valley of the St. Lawrence River will be increased. The well- cleared vista will be of much assis- PRINT ING: Of all kinds done at the Port Wii Star Office-- Posterss Sale [Eile 2 ymmercial Stationery, Booklets, Folders, Catalogs,(Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing you require. Prompt work, low price. ' N a tance to pilots by making the bound- ary plainly visible. A SE OD Advertising pays -- Star ads are productive. A few cents will bringj in dollars in results, Va -- for oxygen in fruit storage. rooms, fruit keeps fresh almost twice as long. Ldollars for fruit growers, packers and ""blackboards" are green, shippers. -- ~ (idass blackboards, one of the newest products developed by flat glass ea: | gincers, have 'been installed in a new Oddly enough, the They are easily Haaned and are non- glare. i > By substituting carbon dioxide gas Thil discovery will save thousands of | 'school'in Vermont, 1g &i = re b [7 I. Cp S-- ke = pds PR Are nm de

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