Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Nov 1939, p. 7

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> oe A, [a . Vitamin Source Is Traced To Arctic McGill Man Finds Supply of Concentrated Sunshine in Cold Waters of Far North Bottled: sunshine was trated to its. source of supply in the Canad- lan Arctic by Maxwell Dunbar, for mery a student at Edinburgh and « Oxford universities, who is contin: ulng his 'research work' at McGill after spending his summer months aboafd the 8.8. Nascople. 3k While Mr. Duiibar is not particu- larly interested in the sunshine vit. amin, he is greatly interested in the 'animal life which stores it up in the cold waters of the Arctic. This animal life Is known as plank- ton, which exists in countlc . pum. bers in these waters. Sunshine stored up in the plank- ton Is transfefred to the liver of. the cod, which feeds on plankton, The cod-liver when processed, gives up its supply of conec 'ated sunshine, used to combat rickets and vitamin D deficiency. Plankton which {s the name used for drifting plant an? animal life in the ocean, rarely if over exceeds an inch fn length, yet it serves as & a source of food for some of the mightiest whales. It is so plentiful in the Canadian Arctic that a net lowered by Mr. Dunbar last sum. mer was filled in five minutes, A Royal Air Force training plane, _ carrying a deadly torpedo beneath its nose, flies over a British sub- . "marine in the English Channel as. Britain sharpens its U-boat de- fence. Rh Heenan, Fall Is Time ~ToFix Lawn NES |; "You Would Ensure A Good Growth of Grass Next Year Proper attention to the lawn in the f °° will help to ensure a good; growth af grass the following year. Lawns should be allowed to go into the winter with a considerably lon. - ker growth than {s maintained all during the summer. The cutting, bar of the mower should be rails 1 and clipping should be done less, frequently than during the earlier _ part of the season when growth [s' more rapid. Mowing should stop, altogether before the - weather turns cold. = a . 8top Mowing Altogether ~The use of a fertilizer mixture containing a small percentage of nitrogen but considerablé amounts of potash and phosphorus is re. commended 'at *his seasoh; Such treatment will help to build) the | atrong root systems. All fertiiizer should be watered in immed' tely after application as otherwiss thé -=~ burning of the grass may result, Don't Cover Grass N On 1o account should coverings - of straw, leaves, brush or. manure . be applied to protect the grass duy- ing the .winter. These 'treatments usually do more harm than good to. the 'grass, Whenever possible, at tention should be given *~ Aralnuge 80 as to prevent the accumal 'fon ~ of water on the lawn in the late fall or early. Ing. 5% South Africa is hoping to seize the Canadian-American maize A trade from South America, Ship- ments to Montreal, clearing port - for the American, market, have this year exceeded the Argentine mark, : tries of the Empire, Britain In 1917. PARADE ... "For whatever reasons--religi- ous, political or commonsense-- the people of Quebec voted to turn Premier Maurice 'Duplessis out of office, the results of the re- cent provincial elections were un deniably gratifying to Federal Liberal leaders, And whether or not Duplessis' defeat on October 26 could be interpreted as & sweeping victory for Quebec par- ticipationists, 'the position of the Dominion Government takgn with respect to the war in Europe was immediately strengthened. That day saw Canada present a united . front along with the other coun. A And from "that moment on, we. were in the war in earnest, 5 Om The vote in the United States Senate, 67-22, in favor of repeal- ing the arms embargo clause of the Neutrality Act pointed to an early assent by Congress to Pre- -sident Roosevelt's bill. The adop- tion of the revised Act, with its '"cash-and-carry" clauses, will be of "indirect but vastly important aid to the Allies; thence may bring the United States a step nearer to participation in the war. ? , on Of the situation on the West- ern Front, John O'Donnell of the "New York Daily News" wrote: "The; war is a washout--figura- tively and actually." Heavy rains, alternating .with sleet and snow, made the lines a mass of mud, and military operations on both sides were again 'almost at a standstill, ; . --0--- On the political front, biggest news of the war's eighth week came when Beaito Mussolini sen- sationally dismissed seven of his. pro-German ~~ Cabinet Ministers, the scerctary of the Fascist party anu the chief of staff of the Ital- i.a army. Before the full effect of this shake-up on his former Axis-partner Hitler could he ap- praised; - the world turned in watchful Waiting to 4k sessions of Kussia's Supreme 0 ot from whick .a declaration of the U.S. S.R.s foreign policy wa to come forth, clarifying Germany's posi- tion, whether of strength of of weakness in the war, ; puzzling questions were expected to be answered: how far Russo- German co-operation extended - in the economic, diplomatic; military fields; what Russia's new policy meant as regards the Baliic re- publics, and the war in general." --_---- 1 In the Far East, all eyes were on India. Native leaders there (Nehru and Gandhi in particular) felt it unjust that India should be called upon to fight -for de- mocracy in Europe while | being denied independence themselves. Mahatma, Gandhi's National Con.' gress Party which controls eight provincial governments in British India threatened --resignation of - all its Cabinets. This would force the Government to call upon lead- ers of the opposition to form new governments, 'while "Gandhi fol- lowers, retaining a majority In the Legislatures, could vote down the new Cabinets one after anoth- er. Aveivil disobedience campaign, inaugurated again in India, would be as serious a threat té the Brit- ish Empire's existence as Adolf "Hitler's" war machine. BS How. Daylight : Saving Began As A War Measure. "Summer Time" Came Into Force In A great many things have been blamed on war, but those who are opposed to daylight saving time he. leve that fs the greatest plece of confusion left In the wake of, the last Great War. Daylight saving time was Adopted in Britain during the last war, In the spring, sum. 'mer and early autumn months, in an effort to save fuel ordinarily' -used in heating or lighting. The engyclopaedia Britannica says, that "In the second year of the Great: . War. nearly every country in Eur ope adopted:the device of putting the Clock forward one hour duping the spring and summer and aut. umn months, The motive was to got the people to hed dn hour, ear Her and out of bed an hour eaclier, 'to save fuel for lighting and heat- ing" . The first suggestion of a day- light saving scheme was made in England (n 1907 by William Wil. lott, In 1908 a bill was Introduced foto the. British Honsa of Com- mons but it was not adopted until 1016 when the British Government set up a committee to atudy ways and means to save fue), 2 . The United States adopted day- ght saving time jn 1918 but ft was I repealed In 1919 because of eonsid- . erable opposition, The mave was; adopted in Canada fn 1924 but was Tater Toft with ea mayalelpality, - Many Ontario Cities Here's The Latest Addition Ee 4 The latest addition to his a ASA RL Sho majesty's Royal Canadian Navy, H.M.S, Kem-' penfeldt, ®as been renamed Assiniboine and passed to the control of the Canadian government, The flotilla 'leader is 328 feet: long with. a displacement of 1,890 tofis and a speed .of 35 knots. * Women Becoming MotorMechanics Have Large Classes In Technical Work Twice a week 34 Toronto girls torget thelr business careers, and -climb Into overalls or smocks and delve into the mysteries of spark plugs and carburetors, They are learning about cars from the inside out in a course of motor mechanics so they will be prepared If they are needed to drive ambulances or take me's places in" mechanical jobs during the war, Cars From Inside Out For. six months the girls--school teachers, stenographers, store clerks and all with jobs -- will 'spend threo hours or two nights a week at the northern vocational school, Ordinarily women are ex- cluded from the motor mechanics' class at the vocatlonal school and applicants have been few {n° past years. But when feminine demands for instruction became numerous G. BE. Mahn was put in charge of a class for women. The class was originally planned for 20 and now has 34 students. A similar class for women mech- anics has been organized in the Ottawa Technical School. « Failed To Win Seat - ; i] -- Paul. Gouin, son of a former Pre- mier -.of Juebec province, and -leader of the Action Liberale Na- tionale party went down to de- feat in the recent elections. His party failed to secure a single seat in the Legislative Assembly. Your Book Shelves Can Be Decorative "Books functioning as daily com- 1" panlons rather the furnish. ing of dignitied libraries bring into uso new and decorative pieces of furniture. Book shelves are Ingen. fously fitted into odd corners and- incorporated into all: kinds of fur. niture, "They are found over the heads, at the ends of couches, in alcoves by the side of a desk or in the fireplace ¢= ~r. cil Book shelves seem to take up less room when built in, but mov- able furniture containing books, from the old-fashioned. secretary desk to the contemporary combina- tion radlo cabinet and bookcase, makes for variety In the arrange: ment of furpishings, Spaces for a few books are provided in many small stands designed to be placed by the side of a bed or easy thair. Small wall shelyes made in a less literate age to. display bric-a-brac, are often adapted to hold a row of especially choice volumes. | NTARIO UTDOORS "'By VIC BAKER DUCK DATA! " Now that shotgun shooters in "Ontario and the rest of Canada are blazing away at those fast flying ducks, a word or two on what has helped to increase the flocks these last few. years would not be entirely out of place. The answer lies in two. direc- tions: the establishment of refu- ges and the curtailment of shoot- ing through regulation. Howard Zahniser, of the United States Bu- reau-of Biological Survey, is in- clined to place the enforcement of regulations above sanctuaries. This, frodi one of the United" States recognized waterfowl] ex- perts, has real significance in view of the demand forwarded by some duck hunters that greater liber- ties be taken with regulations as there are again cnough ducks to warrant increased shooting, Ducks. Produce Ducks In answer to the hunters' plea of increased flocks, Zahniser ad- mits more ducks wing north now than a few years ago, but points out that there are still fewer wa- terfowl. than 10 years ago, and there were not many then. 4,000,000. acres of waterfowl re- fuges have been acquired by the Survey during the last four years. This should be increased by at least 7,600,000 acres, Zahniser avers, to achieve the minimum re- quirement for. waterfowl. | Only ducks can produce ducks," so the greatest-credit must go to the reduced kill of recent years, "If the presence cf live ducks on 'the refuges provided is to be in- sured, hunting thust be kept with- in safe limits. Because the flocks. are increasing does not mean-that the waterfowl question is sclved. If for two seasons the guns claim more. than the annual increase, we wil! be right back where we started! : WER Say Oil Supply Is Ample Here All Canada's: Requirements" - Can Country .-- Turner Deposits Some of World's Biggest Be Met Inside The All Canada's oll requirements could be supplied by her own oil fields, according to Col. Nelson Spencer, Vancouver busigéss nian and director .of the Home Oil Co. at Turner Valley, Alta. Cg). Spen- cer was recently Interviewed in ~ Montreal, "Distribution Is the main prob- lem," he declared, "The Govern- ment is Interested, especially since the high exchange rates with the United States came Into force after the start of the war. Pipelines have been discussed, but the people in tho West Teel that a reduction in rallway haulage rates would solve the problem. Pipeline construction "Is a very expensive and long busi- ness." . Distribution 1s 'Big. Problem Prospects |b the present thine, Colonel Spencer continued point- ed to the Turner Valley being one of the biggest oil deposits in the world, The, present wells were pro- ducing a fimited supply of 26,000 barrels of high grade oil a day, but that could easily be stepped up to 50,000, With wells which are being dril- led to the north, production would he, greatly increased. These should be producing early next year. Over - Valley Canadian Hog Quality Better ' The quality of Canadian hogs, as indicated by gradiog results, has been steadily improving ever since the inauguration of the National Bacon Hog Poll¢y instituted by the Dominlon Department of Agricul. ture in-1922 and this improvement has rdpidly - increased within- the © past few years through the greater stability given the Canadian Hog industry by the establishment of the <bacon quota with Great Brit. ain, This Is shown by a. compari, son of the yeats 1934 and 1938, In 1934 there were 3,025,161 hogs all graded, of which 19.1 per cent. of them were selects; in 1938 the " number of hogs graded was 1,940, 161, showing the percentage of sel- ects at the increased figure of 29.5. These figures refer to live grad- ings, and the smaller number of hogs shown for 1938.1s due to the fact that 1,305,324 hogs were grad- ed as carcasses in that year, «= An. important factor in hog im. provement has been the +carcass grading service, inaugurated tn the year 1934 as exemplified by the ac. celerated Increase fn desirable grades made during the past year, when this system of grading reach- ed considerable. proportions. One of the greatest difficulties "In selecting suitable bacon for ex- port has been the large proportion ° of hogs marketed at undesirable weights, but even this situation Is fmproving under the increased pop- ularity of carcass grading. MICKIE SAYS-- TN ADVERTISING AINT NO "HOCUS POCUS MAGIC VTS JEST FIRSTCLASS SALESMANSHIPTELLIN' | ALL NER CUSTOMERS Quality Of Wheat Inferior In 1939 Kat Western Crop Not Up To Standard of Recent Years, Report States i . A raport on the quality of-West- ern Canada's 1939" wheat crop, is- sued at Winnipeg by the Board. of Grain Commissioners, indicates the top three grades of prairfe wheat, although of good milling and bak- ing quality, do not attain the high standards set in recent years, "The report said a large propor- tion of the crop weighs 62 to 65 pounds a bushel, and protein con- tent, Tndex to mfiling quality, av- erages 14.2 per cent, The protein content is .4 per cent. above the final value recorded for last year's prairie yleld. "- Flour yield and loaf volume in Nos, 1 and 2 Northern and No. 1 Hard wheat aro a little lower this year. Analysists also report that the gluten in No. 1 Hard and No. 1' Northern, though considered very good, is less elastic and extensible than usual, ~~" Publisher Dies Joseph Moore, publisher of th Georgetown Hefald for many years, died at his heme in Georgetown; Ont, last week. He is survived by his wite and one daughter, Mrs. RR. Douglas, Toronto. VOICE PRESS AT TH SAME TIME / gy "SUB" SOLUTION If gain didn't return water tak. en from ogeans by evaporation, science reports, -they would dry up in 8,000 years! Here, at lace, is the solution" to the submarine problem.--Guelph Mercury: nee DEATH AND TAXES _ ; - They're called death duties in Britain, succession duties in On- tario, and inheritance taxes in the States. But under any other name they'd smell just as badly to the heirs.-- Toronto Star. ----l TRAINED YOUNG PEOPLE WANTED Again the trained mechanic is coming into his own. Canadian in- dustiy needs him; and industry realizes the folly of not training more young men in the tradés dur- ing the hard yecars.--Globe and Mail. Yo i PRESERVE THE ELK All honor to Canada for what she has done to preserve the Elk fiom extermination! Reckless slaughter nearly wiped them out as it did the buffalo. How many would be left in a few years if the average hunter weve let loose to do his will?Z--Our Dumb Ani- mals. --- SAVE THE BEES The position of Canadian apiar- ists, due to the sugar shortage, is one that demands the attention of governmental authorities, Scores of bee keepers throughout On- tario are- worried as winter ap- proaches because they require large quantities of white cane su- gar to carry their bees through the wirter and carly spring. bee keepers are likely to sce many of their hives ruined, unless suffi- cient cane sugar is made avail- ableshefore it is too late.--Kiteh- encr Record. Figuring Out The Dairy Bull's Value Many a valuable daity ball has been (butchered before anv one i 2 on ree cord where a bull's daughters have developed into wonderful cows after their young sire has been consigned fo the shambles. The point is: If we have a well-bred bull, and we think cnough of him to use him in our hevd, why not keep him long enough to determ- ine his value as a sire." We don't stand much of a chance of gain by discarding him and taking, on another untried sire. You cannot tell for sure whether a dairy bull is a. great sire until he is about seven years old. Figure it cut for- yourself, The | Abitibi Area Growing Fast Increase of 125,000 In Popu- lation Expected by 1941 Abitibi district in Northwestern Quebec will show a population. in+ crease of more than 125,000 when the decennfal census Is taken .in 1941, A.J. Pelletier, head of the Bureau of Statistics census branch, estimatés, Population of the dis trict in the 1931 census- was only .23,000, but there have'been great strides In mining since, Get Ready For Census Preparatory work for the Domin. fon census is going ahead in spite of the war and It {3 expected that nonce again in 1941-the population of Canada will be counted. New questions will bo asked in the next census, To be dropped are the questions "Can you read" and "Can you write," In thelr place will be the record of the years' school ing of each individual. There will be new questions to determine oc- cupational trends and one regard. ing receipt of relief. Mushroom Harvest The unusually high _tempera- "tures of the first-10 days of Oc- tober accompanied by heavy rains have been a combination of con- ditions that have produced a big _crop of field mushrooms in Onta- rio, Many people, especially thosé . living in the country districts, - have been able to obtain this food delicacy in quantity. Members of the Sarnia Indian Reserve band have been selling mushrooms from door-to-door. : Auk for BEE HIVE 2507, LIFE'S LIKE THAT ev en Ths adhivy Jal | oly Ge 2 "Our club would be a good influence 'on him . . . . after he paid his dues he wouldn't have any money left to run around with pirls." Fi ¢ B A] By J. MILLAR WATT. REG'LAR FELLERS Well, Pleasant Dreams! ~~ .. MOM COULDN WAKE -- RO OTHER ANIMALY | - IN THE WOILD a. : CAN BLEED THAT ; LONG CEPTIN A 7 5 { \ Yi Foie A ie EC ANT eT

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