Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Nov 1939, p. 4

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/ BLUEBIRD SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING "GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS 'The Ladies of St. John's Presby- terian Church will hold a sale of Home Made Cooking and useful Wrticles suit- able for Christmas Gifts in 'the £om- munity Room at the Public Library on the afternoon of Saturday, November 25th. Afternoon tea will be served. nov 23 'Note-- Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Stére Port Perry SEN Sorry to report Mrs. M. A, Gerrow on the sick list. We hope she will soon be well again. Lions Club Amateur Nights Two Amateur Night dates have been set--One for Scu- gog on Friday evening of this week, Nov. 17; and the other at Manchester, Thurs- day, November 23rd. These Amateur Nights are creating widespread interest Mrs. Cann and family have moved into the Brent house lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnstone. Mr, Roy O'Neill is making « xtensive improvements to his home on Crandell Street. 2 Sorry to hear of the illness of Murs. Percy Densham. We trust she will soon be around again. Miss Marjorie Real spent the week- 1 3 end in St. Catharines. sure of an enjoyable enter- tainment. Mr: Grant Real, who is on the Civil Service in Ottawa, spent the week end at his home here. John Hayden Dies Suddenly As we go to press, we learn of the sudden death of Sergenat-Major John A. Hayden, for nineteen years mes- DANCE, NOVEMBER 24th, Dance to the music of Bert Cliff and his Band at the High School Assembly Hall. The dance is held under the auspices of the LO.D.E. Tickéts 30c. FIDELITY LODGE HOLDS A VERY SUCCESSFUL "AT HOME" and those who attend ~are " + Another treat is in store for us as thé Lions Club of Port Perry are hold- ing an amateur night in the Township oJ| Hall on Friday evening under the auspices of the WA Come and bripg your talent with you, ¥ Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Eydeii | and her niece Mrs, E.. Fines in the nN (tf % SADR IN- FREE' Parking OSHAWA hope AIR-CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday, Satarday, NOVEMBER 16-17-18 Gary Cooper in "The Real Glory' with David Niven, Andrea Leeds, Reginald Owen. Added--Colored Cartoon, "BARNYARD BRAT" REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m. tr "KENTUCKY" with Loretta Young and Richard Greene, in technicolor, been in Christie Street Hospital for| several weeks, The end came last Monday afternoon. He was buried in the soldiers' plot at Prospect Ceme- tary, Toronto, with military honours. | Mr.-Eyden was born in England, com- | ing to Canada in 1906. In 1915 Mr. and Mrs. Eyden returned to England, to Canada living in Toronto and Port Perry were they made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eyden celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary two years ago on November 13th. Mr, Eyden was in his 78th year. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman Audrey and: Miss Clara Hardy visited in Oshawa on Friday. On Saturday, November 11th, little Marilene Mark celebrated her third birhday, having a roast turkey dinner with a birthday cake and other good things. She received lovely gifts from [her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Schell and Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark, and her great grandmother Mrs, Pettit, Miss Olive Schell and Mr. Geo. Ormis- ton, who were present at the party. Many happy returns Marilene, Mrs. C. Hardy is visiting her cousin Miss Katie Widden in Port Perry. Quite -a number around here have had sheep killed by dogs. : 3 Birthday greetings to Gordon Dods- ley on the 8th; Gordon Hope on the 10th, Harold Martyn, Mona Brunt, Helen Prentice on the '11th, Donna Lewis on the 12th, Mrs. J. Pearce, Mrs. B, Snelgrove, Mrs. E. Sweetman, Dorothy Fines on the 156th, C. Hardy, Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 20-21 BIG DOUBLE BILL 'High School Girl starring Cecilia Parker, and Mahlon Hamilton "A Revelation of Youth Today. -- and -- "Night Work" starring Mary Boland, Charlie Ruggles, Donald O'Connor. Wed., Thyrs., Friday, and Sat., November 22-23-24-25 In glorious technicolor _. Bette Davis and Errol Flynn, in passing of Mr, Percy Eyden, who has? |brate the other anniversaries. merce. senger in the Canadian Bank of Cor:- to Christie Street Hospital. Mrs. A. H. Rose of Petorin, visited with 'Mrs. Wm. Cook, recently. On Monday he was admitied His death was due to heart trouble, but was un- expected. i The members of Fidelity Lodge were at home to their lady friends on Fri- | day evening. The program consisted Ll (wl - evening. msisted | lives of Elizabeth of Violin sol by Mr. V. P. Stouffer, : "The Private C. Johnston 16th, Mildred Mills 18th, Mrs. S. Rodman 22nd, Fred Jackson 24h, George Samells 25th November. The second social evening was a grand success with--about sixty pre- sent. The meeting' was opened by Rev. Mr. Joblin and the singing of accompanied hy Mrs. Stouffer; a solo | and Essex" LIER: Svs by Miss Gene Malcolm, accompanied i on "The Maple Leaf- Forever". =There 'Norma spent a few days in Toronto .with her mother. "week-end visitor with her parents. covery. ae J ' regular Intervals, use Rumacaps for Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. by Mrs. Malcolm; piano duet by Mrs. Thos. Blight and Miss Helen Willard, vocal duet by Mrs. Bentley; Mrs. E. Hunter, Mrs." N, Williams, Miss Helen Willard; vocal selection by Mr. H. Durkin. = Euchre fololwed the program in which the following were prize winners; Mrs. W. Chapman, Mrs. N. Williams, Mr. W. M, Letcher, Mr. L. Colbear. Following the-lunch dancing was enjoyed. The W, A. held their mecting at the home of Mrs. Russell Sonley on Tuesday. ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Adams and son Harvey and daughter Reta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Palmer over the week-end. Mrs. Jack Colwill and son Jack, and Miss Stella Gowrnéy of Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey, Sunday. wr Port Perry Council -Miss Dorothy Reynolds of Seagrave, has been visiting friends' in town. At a meeting of the Port Perry Council held on November 6th, it was decided that the drainage at the foot of Queen should be diverted so that it would empty into the lake at the foot of Mary street. This was claimed would improve the sanitary condijtions at the foot of Queen street where the children and others bathe. At the meeting on the 11th of Nov- ember the matter of Town Hall im- provement was introduced by a local committee represented by Miss Grace Davis, Mr, Smallman and Mr. M. A. Gerrow. Mr. Smallman was spokes- man and made the following sugges- tions as to improvement: . 1. Interiar and exterior of hall to be decorated; ' 2:-Roof to be re-phaced by new and guaranteed roof; - Miss Luella Jeffrey of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey over the week end. Miss Patricia L. Palmer is spending a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Mildred Palmer has returned home from Peterboro. Mrs. S. Levinson 'and 'daughter Mr. 'Bert Williams and Mr. Art Baldwin were visiting friends in To- ronto on Sunday. --. Miss Murial Cook of Toronto, was a Mr. "Arthur Varry of Toronto,.visit- ed friends in town over the week end. lwas' a real discussion" on current events. Glen Hodd:sang a solo. Lunch closed this very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr..and Mrs. G. Samells on Monday evening. ~ Congratulations to Lois Jeffrey in winning first prizé for her recitation a Claremont .Contést. Jimmy Hood won second on his speech. y Mrs. Masterson of Toronto is. Visit- ing her friend Mrs. D. Crozier. Dr. C. Henders of Toronto, visited hig brother Roy an Sunday. "SHINE UP" British Military Shoe Polish. - Per Tin 15cts _ Brasso Metal Polish ; 2 2 i Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crosier and Per Tin 16cts. ie 4 Majielientel were guests I TY of Mr. and Mrs. G.-Samells on Sunday. Quick Shine Shoe Polish fquartette by Mrs. Bentley, Mrs. :E. . Per Tin 156cts, | Durkin. Euchre followed the program Deninegers Star Harness "Soap - - - 3bcts. Neatsfoot Oil "Per Pint 20cts. Harness Oil DELANEY FURS Belleville Trenton Oshawa FUR COATS evening was spen Rupert Byers, wh ding anniversary of 'an Graham (nee May Mountjoy) Toronto, was celebrated. The immediate re- latives were present. During the evening, Mr. R. Graham ably acted as chairman for the follow- ing program. ' Vocal dyet, Yvonne Jackson and Grace Graham; mouth or- an sélections, Bruce Gibson; reading, Maretta Graham, contest conducted by Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. i 'At this point Mrs. Russell Mountjoy read the following address to the bride Mr. Eyden enlisting in the 76th Bn. and groom and Alma Graham present- At the close of the war they returned !ed them with a handsome purse. Dear Henry and May: We, your friends, have gathered here this even- ing to celebrate with you the glorious occasion of your silver wedding an- niversary, We heartily congratulate you both on having reached the 25th milestone of your wedded life and sin- cercly wish you many happy returns of the day, also, health and happiness. During that span of twenty-five years, you have noted a great number of changes in the world's progress. Yon each could relate many interest- ing facts about inventions, customs, styles, etc., which have been during that time, 2 As friends, you have been well worthy of the name.. We have always found a real happy welcome awaiting us at your home. ' We trust you may be spared to cele- May your pathway be strewn with roses. As a token of our esteem, we ask you to accept this gift and hope you may be long spared to enjoy it. Signed: Lulu Graham, . Mountjoy, Gertrude Byers. The bridegreom made a suitable re- ply and all4joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." ~ Messrs. 'Henry Mountjoy, Norman Mountjoy and . Rupert Byers made short speeches. evening was spent in social chat and games, after which a beautiful three- storey cake, decorated in white and silver_was cut by the bride. A de- licious lunch was served, - Margaret On Saturday, Nov. 11, Miss Marion Eileen Shortreed, of Hillsdale and Mr. Chas. #8. Stanton, of Port Stanton, were united in marriage at the Rec- tory by Rev. E. P. Wood. The young couple motored from their home ot Blackstock in order that the service might be performed by a former rector. Refreshments were served. A LJ County Council = COUNTY oF ONTARIO A.meeting of the County Council of .| the Corporation of the County of On- tario will be hefd pursuant to ad- journment in the Council Chamber in the Court. House in the Town of | Whitby, on: Monday, the 20th day of November, 1939, at the hour of.two o'clock in the afternoon, ~~ All accounts to be laid before the $1.00 Down. © $1.00 Weekly Per Quart 40cts. "Lemon Cream Shaving Soap - Per Cake 25c ®Remodelling ® Repairs MISS. A. STOUT C il 'should be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council. Dated at Whitby, this 8th day of November, A.D."1939. / Sewing Machine Oil "7. Per Bottle 15cts. Mr. Harold Hood has recured a posi-| 3. Stage enlarged -- by - removing tion with the B. F. Ackerman Co. of [stairs and wings, and by extending it Peterboro. 20 to 30 front; 4. Side wings to be replaced . by drape curtains with new curtain at front of stage; 5. Wing to be constructed at south end of hall; after removel of old tower and shed. The size to be-30 x 10 feet, Mr. J. Ross Roach of Toronto, wis in town on Saturday. » Lake Scugog was completely frozen over during Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor 'were in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Doubt of Toronto, is the entrance on level with stage. This building to be frame, with cement _ guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin, foundation. y - . 6. Make necessary repairs to wind- "Sorry to hear of the very -seriousy uc z illness of Mrs. Jno. F. Gervow. Her| 7 Remodel front entrance to lead many friends wish her, a speedy re< | directly up from the front, instead of winding stairs. The estimated cost of these improve- ments-s $2000. -- Of this sum the Town Hall Improvement Committee could contribute $320 already in hand. - Mr. Bridger was of opinion that a new town hall is needed, including municipal offices. : ra 5 Jefrey uid Zon "The Reeve thanked the committee , Mr. Mrs, F. D. No Mr. Howard Grills of Little Britain, was a visitor in town on Monday. Mrs. Harold Sonley of Blackwater, was the guest of her aunt Mrs, A. W. Allin on Sunday. for their presentation of the case. action was taken, i NOTICE To-night (Thursday) at 7.30 the Badminton and Table Tennis Club are 'holding a meeting in the High School. Evéryone is welcome. You.may get your membership card nod. Member- daughter. Dawn Marie, motored to Kingston on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lyon and family, formerly of Brockville, . J , Mr. 8. Farmer was in Kingston on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, attending a conference of Evangeltsm and Social Service representatives for the Bay of Quinte Conference, Mrs. 8. Farmer spent the week end in' To- ronto, 4 spf ship fee $2.00. & i KIDNEYS ARE CLEANSED and in- POSTPONED vigorated by using Rumacaps. At The Supper, Bazaar and Concert, at Sonyn, has been postponed-until Wed. nesday, November 20th, Be sure to remember the change of date, your health's sake, Sold at A. M. and to consist of dressing rooms; with Mrs. Jas. Clarkson - War- Capo Hoof Ointment |{ ™ : Per Tin 30cts. I" Ny Gillette Tech Saftey AGENT, PORT PERRY ~~: R.D.RUDDY, ; Razor & 1 Package of County Clerk. Blades - - 49cts. W. E. Webster -Beatty Store Port Perry COR Killed in Accident ! PEAS, _ St. 17 0z. | ychoice,170z |. | Tomatoes, std. 2's | Wax Beans, st. 2s Mrs. James Clarkson, 24 of Sonya, was killed instantly Wedneesday night when the car driven by her husband collided. with a team of horses and a wagon, five miles southwest of Little Britain. Here husband escaped un- hurt. rp The tongue of the wagon pierced Mrs. Clarkson's chest. - : \ The wagon was driven by Leslie|K Harrison of Little Britain at the time _of the accident. He was jojted from his seat but was only shaken up and | bruised. One of the horses was killed by the impact and the other one bolted some distance, I MILK, Carnation Tall, TOMATO 3 CE, | PORK AND BEANS, PEANUT BUTTER, Tea, Domino, '4 1b .29 Coftee,Richmello, 1h,38 '! SOAP, Fairy, 3 for..10. # JAM, Peach, J : rt ¥ 82 oz Jar, .19 3 for .28 | 20 oz. tin, 3 for 28 - 21 oz tin, 3 for .28 . + 82o0z jar, 28 Sodas, 2 lbs for.29 Salmon Cohoe lb tin.28§ LARD, pure, 2 1bs .27 . Pastry Flour Excelsior, 24 Ibs. .88 « - LY - Our Part in the ' GRAPEFRUIT, Large, i 'ORANGES, Medium, A TURNIPS, each .0§" When the collectors for the Red Cross call on us, we should welcome them,andwe should give generously. FRUIT SPECIALS ~ ' 6 for .286 -dozen .23 Cranberries, 1b .19 ONIONS, - 10 lbs. .19 TAKE "RHUGQ" for Rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, Segure quick, safe relief. Price $1.00 at 'Morrison's Drug Store, Port Perry, or write Telfer Specialty Company, 104 Richmond St, W., Toronto, ITY STORES +» LIMITED The remainder of the! ~ "LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS : You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store In "GILLETTE | . " Electic Dry-Shaver The Worlds Greatest * " -Razor © $20.00 Fully Guaranteed: VELURE - The New Hand Lotion 3 Sizes, 16¢., 39¢., H9c. The original filtér pipe, with | the guaranteed Bowl. For- § - 75¢., 89¢c., $1.00 and $1.50 Frank Medico: Pipes ty-eight styles to choose from. SoA $1.00 VICEROY Hot Water Bottles A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 72 Rexall swe - PORT PERRY ' . ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH =" Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday Service at 7 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School ' Rev. W. J. H, Smyth will preath at 11 am, and 7 p.m. - CHURCH OF, THE ASCENSION - Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector Sunday, November 19th 3 p.m.--Sunday School, . 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon, Sunday November 26th 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. Sunday, December 3rd 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and % sermon. © Preacher: Rev. L. A. Dixon, M.A., O.B.E., Field Sec'y of the M.S.C.C. . 8 p.m.--Sunday School. COMING NOVEMBER 19th! Pastor C. E. Wright, of Toronto, a former pastor of Port Perry Baptist Mission, will preach at the Baptist Gospel Hall, on Nov. 19th, at 11 am, 2.30 and 7 p.m. All-are welcome: to come and hear a good gospel message. Special music, PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mys. W. Martyn have moved to their new home in the vil- lage, and are busy doing repair work. Mr. Martyn is putting a metal roof on the barn. Mrs. B. Wanamaker and Ronald, of Toronto, spent last week helping her mother to get settled. Misses D. Murphy and O. Bond spent the week end in Toronto. moved to Port Perry on Saturday." Glad to hear Mrs. Tim Rairgs is home from Port Perry Hospital and on the mend, after her operation. Mr. W. Reid and' daughters Mrs. Ecclestone and Mrs. White, Toronto, visited his sister-in-law Mrs. R. Bond, on Tuesday of last week. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagg and Lorne | of Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Russ, Butson, on Sunday. "| 24, Port Perry, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrison and family | PROPERTY FOR SALE 20 acres, part of late Thos. McKee {| Estate, comprising wood and pasture land, one concession north of Man- chester, and half a mile west of High- way No. 12. Apply to J. T. Evans, Raglan, or Llyod McKee, Port Perry R.R. 4. . : = nov23 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT Central, good well and garage. "Im- mediate. possession, Price moderate. Apply at Star Office. nov 23 FOR SALE We are instructed by the Executors of the Elizabeth Colton Estate to sell her fine residence at Port Perry, at' the low figure of $1050. We under- stithd the house is in splendid condi- tion and may be inspected by pros- - | pective purchasers at reasonable hours. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Solicitors for the Elizabeth Colton Estate, Phone noves ARE YOU THE MAN? Watkins Dealer (between 256 and 50 years), with car, needed immediately to hand out FREE Extracts in nearby rural route and su mand for Everyday Necessities in- cluding Spices, Baking Powder, Clean- sers, Soaps, Medicines, Fly Spray, - Mineralized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 70 years reputation, 10,000 dealers. Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start. Selling experience unneces- sary. Farm experience helpful. Credit furnished right parties. © Write im. mediately, The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Montreal, Que, Dept. O-P-6 Dr. H. H. Armstrong - DENTIST ~~. Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: ' Shop : I Port Percy Telephone 287 TRUCKING : Local Trucking and 'moving done. - Rates reasonable, White Brothers, Port Perry. nov80 AGENT WANTED Honest, aggressive man wanted to assist trained representative of a security house in intreducing 65%% investment to prospective. clients. : Investment has paid dividends for - years; has highly liquid assets, and is particularly immune from war hazards Apply to Box 9, Port Perry Star. HAWAIIAN GUITAR LESSONS Learn from an experienced profes- sional teacher, who knows all branches of the art as played by the leading Hawaiian Orchéstras of to-day. All lessons by note. Let a trial-10 lessons for $5 prove that you can leary quickly , Be-: ¥ to play. Progress guara ginners or advanced. Enquire from Ken Spears, Port Perry, or Cecil Hooey, at Barber Shop. nov23 WANTED Amateur talent for. Amateur Night in Uxbridge, December 1st.' Apply to Walter Tunstell, Sec. Uxbridge Board of Trade, on or before November 26th, 1939, nov16 HORSE FOR SALE or will exchange for cattle. A gelding 5 years old. Apply to Geo. W. Samells, R.R. 3, Port Perry (Stugog). - Hae _ nov28 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON | Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office U over BI er. SUITS BPONGED AND PRESARD : '80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, ever Jemison's Bakery ; FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the un. dersigned for the purchase and re- moval of the Port Perry United Church shed... For particulars com- municate with M. A, Gerrow, Sec'y. ('The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls disolved.) ~ ARTHUR VW. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry. ofios on Wedneeday morning, and Friday afternoon of each weeks or by appeintensas. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 {The firm of Greer & Humphreys be teivel RUSSELL D, HUMPHREYS 24%; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phono 814 In attendance at my Port Perry offies on . Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of: cach week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 344 - DR. J, B. LUNDY _ DENTAL SUBGBON Offics above Bell Telephone Rxchange, North Side Queen Street, Port Perty. Phones: Ofes (Sw, Residence 68) . ly established de. SO

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