Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Nov 1939, p. 6

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Se SY \ x FEY Re at of EEE ALENERE LI EA FRESE SUING XR RMRT ARF RFS ATE EASTER DAS A AURA ENF or IN ASRNETA LEIBA FAY FAG ANS BY Ee Bh i 5 Ar A RN 1% {5s ' ~ may not be worn on parade except double cuff and a-plain-cape collar Warning Given On Production Ontario. Agriculture Minister Favors Reasoned Plan For Farmers -- Provide Against Big Surplus A warning to farmets against ¢ headlong rush into a hasty and unreasoned program of increased production . was sounded Jast week by Hon, P. M. Dewan. The Ontario Minister of Agri- culturé urged farmers to study elosely "those commodities = for which there is likely to be an in- creased "demand," and suggested that greater production of bacon, mutton and wool "will be quite eafe." . More Bacon Needed Mr. Dewan said that Canadian bacon. producers by no means reached the quota allotted in the British market during peacetime, and said the demand will be greater diring the war. During a recent trip to England he met Canadian bacon importers who "seemed pleased with the manner in which the quality had been im- proving." They asked that the quality be further improved. : "l think, therefore, it is quite safe to suggest an extra brood sow on every Canadian farm," he said. Sheep-Raising Profitable The raising of sheep can well be increased, for they provide both food and wool, two commod- ities of special value in days of war. Sheep are easy to keep, and fheep and wool furnish quick cash returns, Concerning: beef eattle, Mr. Dewan said that farmers would do well to maintain their oper- ations on a normal basis until 'requirements of the war are bet- ter known B Senior Pay Service Officer Major P. Kelly---Senior ofticer of the pay service at Canadian mili- tary headquarters in England, Army Great Coat Trench Coats Out of Fashion = For Canadians; New Macks intoshes Alsg==-- - A new great coat is proscribed for officers In the. Canadian Active service Force by regulations !ssued at defence headquarters. ~'I'rench coats are no longér authorized and the short "British warm" coats dy general officers, brigadiers and officers of the foot guards. ~~ . Plain Sleeve, Cape Collar, For -all other officers .the new' great coat fol! vs the lines pt the former great coal! except fhat ft has a plain sleeve without the instead of the nresent stand-anl- fall collar, This permits the coat to be worn open at the neck or but- toned over to cover the neck. The inverted pleat at the back is now omitted. Officers pobscssing the ~~ sent at New Zealand House A smile familiar to hundreds of thousar King as they paid a visit to South Africa House in London. and Canada House. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Pay Visit to South Africa House ds of Canadians is that of Her Majesty, the Queen, scen here with the On the same round of visits they also stopped f 4 1 Both the King and Queen have been active in taking a" personal interest in the empire's war measures since the outbreak of hostilities. - r [re ----, tetas What Science is % Doing It has now been found that the drug heparin : fluid and preventing clots, - has made possible an operation in- volving the cutting away of "a section of artery, and substituting in the gap a section of wvein--an operation which previously "had been dangerous because of blood clots. : Moreover, the effectiveness of the substance now establishes "the tremendous possibility" of trans- planting organs from one part of .an animal's body to another for physiological study. - ES "IMPROVES ADDISON'S DISEASE ~~ -- . synthetic hormone causés remark- able improvement in persons hav- ing Addison's Disease, a disorder of the adrenal gland, usually. fa. "tal, is reported. : Hope of finding an effective treatment for the adrenal insuffici- a --ency -was aroused when research workers isolated" crystalline sub- stances from the adrenal gland and "then, about two years ago, made the synthetic product. It has " the' chemical name esters of des- _oxycorticosterone." No Need To RUB ave Use a solution* of Gillett's. Pure Flake Lye to take the grease off pots and pans, Use it HELPS TRANSPLANT ORGANS by keeping blood * Striking - evidence that a new "yoar own." "SCRUB Canadian National Railway Revenues The gross réevénues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 10-day period ending October 31, 1989, were $6,852,075 as compared with $6,- 522,880 for the corresponding period. of 1938, an increase of $329,195 op 5.05%. g SES General Gamelin, the supreme nilitary commander of the French forces, is only five feet four in- ches in height. "In his forty-five vears of military service, he has done duty on four continents. Have You Heard i @® ee Hitler died, and went below. Satan answered his knock, told him to wait a minute, went away, and returned with a box of mat- ches and a bundle of firewood. He gave both to Hitler, with the remark: "Listen, Adolf, there's a limit to what even we can stand. Take these and start a Hell of iGrte Teacher: "What makes you -s0 late this morning?" Pu. pil: "You see, sir, there are seven in our family," Teach- er: "Well? Pupil: "And the "alarm was set for eight." FS, SECEE : A recruit wearing size 14 shoes enlisted in the army. One day the officer missed him, Officer: recruit?" : Voice from Rear: "Yes, sir, he has gone tq the cross-roads to turn around." : "Has anyone seen that FS, WT, Then there was the atlas publisher who pulled.a boner in his map of Europe - and waited for it to come true. - -- Kr to he SEH A theatfe in a small American town- had a burglar alarm fitted in the box office. You just had to: press a pedal on the floor, and a bell rang at police headquarters. Two days after it was install ed, a gangster poked his gun Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1.--When a young man meets a girl who lives in another aity, and would like to furthei the ac- quaintance: by correspond :nce, may he ask her to writa to him? 2,--When a hostess asks a glest to take another helping of some dish, isn't it all right to say, "I couldn't possibly eat another bite"? = 3.--Isn't it poor taste to speak 'frequently of the cost of various things, clothes, food, ete.? 4.--When a woman invites an- other woman for luncheon in a public place, who should give the order? b.--Isn't it nice for a person engaged in any kind of sport or . game to praise his opponent when the latter makes an exceptionally good play? . 6.--Is a woman's second wed- ding as- claborate as her first? Answers 1.--Yes, if he is conceited enough to think she will embrace such a wonderful opportunity. Otherwise, he can tell her that he would like to write to her, and if he possesses the least intuition he can tell whether or not she seems pleased with the {dea, = 2.--No. Merely say, "No, thank. you." Such-expressions_as "I am already too full," or "I feel as though I would 1m¥ver want to eat again," are not good form. * 3.--Yes; it is very poor taste to do so. 4.-- The guest should give her order to her hostess and the latter gives both orders to the waiter. This same rule applies when a girl is dining with a man. 6.--Yes. A good sportsman will be quick to do so, and itis a_sure way to be- come; popular. = 6.--No. The spe- cific arrangements vary according' to the age of the bride and the at<' titude 'of family and friends to- ward the second marriage, Huge Bull Elk : Sent Back Home --- Students _of Coflingwood-Colle--- | giate are talking, about a great new line plunger who wasn't eli- gible for their football team. The high school boys turned out re- cently to assist Provincial Con- stable .. Ay Rowe in the capture of a huge bull elk, roaming ih the How Con 1? 8Y ANNE ASHI EY Q.--How can I mix a good skin tonic? e © A.--Mix- 3; pint alcohol, 2 oz. spirits of camphor, 2 oz. spirits of ammonia, b oz. sea salt, Add enough boiling water to make: 1 quart," Put into a-bottle and shake until the salt is dissolved, Always shake: well before using, Rub with this tonic after the bath. It great- ly 'aids in banishing fatigue, Q.----How can I clear water that. has a milky appearance? Al--It can be quickly cleared by dissolving a small piece of rock alum in a pint of boiling water and using this much to a tub of water, Q.--How can 1 prevent the in- "WORTH COMING DOWN FOR!" Talk about a grand, cool smoke! You can't beat fégrant Dixie Plug --and you cut each pipeful fresh "when you want it. : MRVIcIRN [eo] 4] [chu Ke] V.Ne{ele Par 4 - J One of Most Valuable Resources > side of the silver-plated lids of Prior to the Nazi regime there 4 ; my mustard and lion pots Rare several Boy Beast oppanite: a Lotesy woul Of Canads from turning green? tions in Germany. i © ad- shad ; pli rg Kb with a thin lay- vent of Hitler all were suppressed, all oyr patura) hw Ns Mas er of paraffin, » and the only youth movement pet- kenzo King Pp; Te fective Q.--How can I piepare a soup mitted was the Hitler Jugend, the conservation o 2 of publio that isn't too greasy? junior branch 'of the Nazi party, has long been a than ever bee A.--If a large lettuce leaf is | and entirely political and militar- poten, No re i + put into the soup, it will insure a | istic in character, Sadie in y greaseless soup, Put in the leaf - : . when about. ready to be "taken One of i Jeaghers 2 5 Rouya All Can Contribute WS from the stove, and remove it be- | school recently urged all the boys ey ; fore you serve. You will find that | of her classes to become Boy Bn Bb TE Fry nearly all the excess grease will | Scouts or Wolf Cubs, stating that I oo of carelossly desrloyed collect on the lettuce leaf. 3 good Majority of Bor Aol aank | cur ented' fred Q.--How can I make putty? ing pupils were members either: of 4 etanted 3 : A.--Mix linseed oil .with sifted | the Rouyn Wolf Cub Pack or Boy The safeguarding of 'forest Te whiting to the proper consistency. | Scout Troop. . sources, adequate tho 2ouniyy Tk 5 . needs, is the service towards ; 2 + | Saving Timber which all can contribute." . . SCOUTING Patriotic Duty Five hundred boys trafiicd un- | Premier King Pleads For Safe- der him in Scouting was the num- guarding Forests of Domin- ber credited to Scoutmaster C. F. 'lon Kempton, of the 1g Moose Jaw, RAE. 5 Sask., Boy Scout Troop, at a fare- Safeguarding of forest resources well banquet prior to his depart- |. becomes in time of war "a form of Y ure from the city. His accom- | patriotism which no nation: or peo- plishments included the building ple can afford to neglect," Prime pi and paying for all material of a | Minister King has sald in a state- fine large troop headquarters-by -| ment made through the Canadian the boys and leaders and members Forestry Assoclation. 3 of Group Committee and Ladies' ie = Auxiliary, and the operation at % Chrisjmas for many years of a Scout Toy Repair Shop that- car- ried Christmas happiness to many " LT rer prairie kiddies. - PR AN wy Wags Be a Raps righ irs bealihful beat, Several coal oll and paso: Demonstrations of bandaging SEE_YOUR DEALER of write to-ue-for-§ for fractures, the carrying of un- details} conscious persons and other first THE COLEMAN LAMP & aid work were given by 'Boy R STOVE CO. LTD, Scouts of the 1st St. Mary's Troop [¢ [= ¢5 5) Dept. WO0-409, TORONTO, ONT. before the local Women's: Insti- MIXTURE be! (9409) tute. : x ; iE ot -- Clas ified Adv rbi nt asSsl1lle vervismentss -- io AUENTS WANTED HARDY AI'MLE TREES ° STOMACH TROUBLE MEN AND WOMEN! NEW INVEN- tlon sells like "wild fire: Start business of your own in spare time. Send stamp to Economy Distributing Gompany, Leaming- ton Ontario. . ~HARDY APPLE TREES -- §0 CTS. t- sery, B-C-M STOMACH .CORRECTIVB gives prompt rellef and comfort to sufferers frcm- Acid Indigestion, Heartburn, Gastritis, Sour Stoms ach, ete. A trial will convince you, Twelve ounce package $2.50 post- paid direct from the manufactur- + each, Canada's Lowest Priced Nur. growing leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals. Write "Immediately requesting sensation. al offeringé. Tobe's Treery, Nla- __gara-on-the-Lake, Ontarlo, HERE 1S YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Sell Special Christmas Club offers to popular C(RAnadian and Ameri- can Magazines as local rgpresen- - tative, Plcasant, interesting, pro- fitable. Write today. Canadian Perlodicals, 245 Grace St., Toron- to, Ont. -- ARTICLES FOR SALE Reg'd. Box P.O..313, Montreal, Quebec. Lox i er. H. J. Woodley, P.O. Box 904, . MACHINERY Vancouver, B.C. -.: , p WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS-- LraronnEramny Delta woodworking tools -- elec- tric motors. Belting and shop sup- plies of every description. The A. 1. Willlams- Machinery Co., Ltd., 64 Front St, \V., Toronto. WATCHES CLEANED OR MAIN. spring, 75 cents, other work if necessary at reasonable . prices, Kling's Jewellery, 401 Yonge St. Toronto. MACHINERY FOR SALE TARE YUU IN MISERY? WHITE OINTMENT -- A NEW quick relief from irritating Piles, Highly recommended. Money buck it not satisfactory. 75 cents a jar. White Manufacturing Company, Box 164, Toronto, Ontario, USED TIRES FOR SALE 7 yi 17 BALL BEARING DOUBLE HEAD grain grinder, 1927-While 24 H.P, GOOD USED TIRES, ALL SIZES. Steam traction 'engine -- C, Lowest prices. Inquiries Invited : Holgate, Cannifton, Ontario. | Brockton Tire, 1611 Dundas West, - 2 Eo Tom oA a Toronto. > 2 MEDICAL po High PUD SRESSURE- WRITE L Y (6) N SA or free booklel and full particu. _ ow lars regardin or amazkagly I'rade In Store ; successfu ybloo reatment. : Sy end Ledigreed Products, Saskatoon, 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO ask. / BUHOKS ART, UNUSUAL BOOKS; SEND A dime for catalogue (refund first order). Roddy"s, 356A Yonge St. Toronto. 2 CLOTHING AND FURNITURE WE GUARANTEE 100 PER CENT. fit and satisfaction in latest style clothing (slightly used). Gentle- men's sults-or overcoats, regular to $60.00, special $6.00 to $12.00. "Ladies' Winter Coats, $4.00 to $7. OFFER TO INVENTORS BR TU EVERY INVENTOR f Inventions and full infor. NOVEMBER SPECIALS "18.00 & piece solid --oak- dining room suite, buff mation sent free. The Ramsay Co, and 6 leather ot ha Sty.. Table Itegistered, Patent Atiproexs, 272 9_plece solid oak dining ' Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. 45.00 suite, perfect condition, buffet, extension tabld china cabin I'ERSUNAL et and 6 lathes Upholstered chairs, eau QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, BABILY, 69.00 Pn teas wie Inexpensively, Home: remedy, finish, buffet, table, china cabinet . Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice and 6 leather seat chairs, (cost new free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg. approximately $195.). % : TN 4 4 - Smart 3 piece brown mohair A ) SRE - | through the box office window, and | district, The students forméd a raid, fate Sd uremenis STOP RHEUMATISM. © THOMAS' 12.50 hestertield suite, th he H Hig style grat co ' may continue: to to keep clogged drains running demanded the cash. The girl .| horseshoe barrier, but several Keo writs for bargain Drice Mats Rheumatism Remedy permatient. ly clean, reversible Marshall spring Kt 2 $8 wear Ji The same cloth winter freely. It cuts through heavy dirt pressed her foot on the pedal, | times the elk lowered his antlers Pod nonagioned Sasa Beloroare: Hedy ad ieumatio polsons, : on own repp- chesterfield and * Ci Ly . F ' uskin mpany, eterboro, e A . T = chester. an BA capo sutlioglied for li WR y A vy . stalled a bit, then began to hand | 'and plunged through. Finally, Otariy, * Sompany, tion is positive, Generous half. 7.50 chair to match. Figured Pip Ml be worn by officers with thelr | of any kind . . . just washes it | over the money. ° i the youths held the line and the TTY es months Sreatment $2.00 prepaid. | reversible Marshall spring cushions, AAS padges : non \ LN EDUCATIONAL. $y Satisfactory or money back, Lit- reconditioned, A . es. i Brats an L aut | awe! At this point the phone rang: elk was captured, : ow mie - - = erature, Testimonials, free. Thom. |. 23 50 Lovely blue velour chesters B pb ag, teheh east are Bet uth : The gangster grabbed the receiv- Later, when ho was being tied | FIUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR 8. Ni London ontariars 21 Yale |7 22.90 field suite, 3 pieces, com. % i Wirt wise) a Water yoo coat o 3 2% Never dissolve lye in hot waters The Frag and loaded aboard a truck for Btory, Journalism, Advertising, : : 4 00 Beauliful largo brown silie ti loreal soll BIE action ofthe iets | What fs 162" he asked. shipment back to the Bruco pen- | Shorthand" apd Wheech 'CulfurE nauoud vow sare [09.00 mosis chestarrieia" wlte In ; b but watrheg of heats thewater. | Vphis is the police station, darn insula game preserve, 100 miles |. White today, Canadian Correspon: RABBITS, ANUORAS, OHINCHIL. | tion. Reversibia' Marsha i Ton g may be worn but watches o A you," said an angry voice, "Say, northwest, he attacked" Rowe, dence College '(established 1902), las, Flemish, New Zealands, Silver cushions, full webb construction. ' rank are not worn on water proof: do you know you've got your foot | tossed him from the truck with 22) Yonge St. Toronto Fok, bred from Canadws'finest. | 18,00 arse ainyé hin Lhinien dg 3 1 A . UV yy mmons walnu [] nts SERA on the pedal and we can't hear | his antlers. The constable receiv. ELECTRIC SHAVER $1.08 Your Aa inies at Ultdwe, : State , bed, complete with" sagless spring . ourselves talk because of 'that | ed only slight injuries, THIS! IS. THE NEW ELECTRIC tn, 391 plater Bt, Ottawa, Ont. | 39,00 Modern bedroom suite ,.4d $ Canaries Have Blooming alain belt)" 2 ikke abaving go vers, very en. | MADIO yUrELY, meray | veroo twefone walnie thi ; "Yes ; ) roman Just plug it In and run' the shaver - "'chiffonfer and dresser. © re bed, : . " . a y . That's all = BOUSTER FUR BATTERIBS AND i fro Big Appetites L Conié, come, my man, you Drive oul ACH ES bob GREER EN ell Electric Radio, Improve reception .00 Se adern vedioem - iidie a ave been looking around for suggest you try it. Over a million 200 per cent, Increase power. ; . : > People who are very dainty are a long time without buying. x Were sold last year, Original price 190 bar cant: helps o)iminute In Sienna ing confer, full size: bed, py { : 2 10: Gua antec one year. st- erfering stations, Reduce batter. |. , 4 i jometimes said, to have only "the What do you want?" Bata. Agents wanted. Dell Bales igs' consumption. _ Satisfaction |. Ce piately 1efinished, & suite; with 40 \ : #, Co., 10 &atenouse Bldg, Montreal, guaranteed. $1,00 postpaid. Swee- 55.00 : sppetite of a canary." . . Guest 1 vant another Québec 1 BOY indio' Booster, Highgate: | 351" Maple qverlay dresser, chite : is A scientific séeplic ro floor-walker," said the man 5 Saskatchewan, on aniy, iio, Ded, sagless "rg 7% scientific sceptic recently re- up " . : 3 Sonia in spring and hew mattress, completes 7 addressed. "I'm the owner. FARM FOR SALE 1 5 {114 wived to find out exactly what the SEWING MACUHINES & SUPPLIES Paige © sscrtmant - reconditioned viral ! Gish appetite of a canary is, He weigh. NINBTY ACRES PRODUCTIVE : stoves, kitchen tabinets, breakfast 4 td a canary and found it to pull te aioan AT . Swe PAR n AND For' Sch Ra PEE an, rae I 10! Ta asen ! : ) 3 % 3 + a ¥, i oo gown & little re than half ia es : ; thousand cash, balance 4 per cent. reconditioned machines. 30- years' merchandise completely reagan: ' "K z tle more than half an - re i" * - P Exeter, n 7, sun He a! aloha + FREE BUURLEL -- The Glilett's Lye William Pearce, Exeter, experience =-- A. dilbert, 3¢8 ed, guaranteed thoroughly. clean, { . Gk + os 10 aio w seu its food, Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser cra ing teh, i : FOR SALE Yonge Street, Toronto, 3 hind sold ith fur money back guar- 5 { i a -. . Hong t anaes = -- a eo y ' ¥ I '4 = avund thatthe bid eats thir. | J, Coch Satta 30M 0, Hom te riek oll rom Sensi SLICING © MACHINES, WALK-IN SKATING OUTFITS CS 'LYONS - { as by-two times his weight every the contents of the closet +, wbow it | ier FLAT te ¥ © Blt Seratora Frick'. York. ahd » . CTT TTT EU : 7s month, or actually more than his. | |' performs dorens of tasks. for ih tro Recife Kelvinator fee: machines store SKATING 3° HY, $s SRIGHTLY RNITURE CO. ; ¥ A weight every day, showing that a |} Jee Sor fo SERict CO rer, hie wale » St ; 3 ay Salome; Mr Tech, A&P. [1° quality, $285, 43.9% $025, plus fie Trade In Department : A Vg hs really a ght eater as com: Toronto, On i roe 2 DOD. PRES Issue No. 46 -- '39 £4 gb FR LBL Be oronto. ? '| 478: YONGE ST. TORONTO 5 2 J red w e canary, L - i

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