Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Nov 1939, p. 2

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BE 5 i i x EN J e' ~ Bible Widely Read | ARNIS ErT------ Farm Forum SHOWING AT CHICAGO When the 40th International . Live Stock Exjosition and 21st International Grain and Hay Show open at Chicago on December 2nd, there will bea large number of en- tries .of cattle, horses, sheep, _grain and seeds from Canada; Last year Canadian exhibitors at the iwo gieat Inteimational "sHows scored a total of 365 awards, made up of 17 Grand Champion ships, seven reserve championsiips, 61 first prizes, 270 other. prizes and one trophy, . One of the most' coveted awards won by Canada in 1938 was the world's wheat championship, which wentlo F, Lloyd Rigby of Wemb- ley, Peace River district, Alberta, on his sample of Reward wheat. WATER FOR THE COW According to dairy authorities, water is the most important part. of the dairy coHw's ration -since water represen s at least sevens eighths of the material which goes into the milk pail. A chortnge of water will cut down the milk sup- ply more quickly than a shortage of any 8ther part of the ration. Pests show that a cow will con- sume from three to four pounds of water to each pound of dry matter' eaten. The average ani-- mal in the herd will drink around twelve gallons per day. A plenti- ful supply of water is of cssen- tial iniportance in cold weather. GREEN FEED FOR HENS It is advisable to have a part of the hen's rations made up of green feed. Its function is not so much the supplying of food nutri- ents as assisting in the digesting 'of other feeds and keeping the hen in good health. A heavy laying hen will saccumb in a very short time Gnless she is kept in a laxa- tive condition and poultry feeders find green feed a lot more prac- tical than drugs. So far us pos- gible the green feed should be grown en the range to which the birds have access. In the Fall and - Winter green feed may be furnish- ed in the-form of root crops, cab. bage and the like. PCIE ZN CR Price Frightens Penguin Buyers eo eo Boston "Hyb's" Hpenguin mar- ket" boomed last week, but later suffered a sharp drop when a price of $150 apiece was set on the birds, - _ The rush started when Adnrival "Richard BE, Byrd told newsmen he didn't know what to 'do with his collection of 20'of the birds wlhile he was in the Antarctic. A doz- en' requests for penguins came in promptly by wire, and the door. bell of Byrd's home rang frequent- . Jy, but the demand diminished when inquirers "were informed that penguins came high, ) Crochet Champ Frank Morteusen, of Midvale, Utah, a "mucker" in the Midvale smelter, is shown at his home pur- aaing Lis favorite hobby of cro- cheting and embroidering after working hours. Mortensen just been erowned the new crochet and embroidery "champion at Utah's state fair, His cross stitches and needle work made feminine en- tries in the sewing competition envious, The Scriptures now have been published in more than 1,000 lan. guages, according to thé Rev: Geo. | G. Dilworth of Philadelphia, gec-¢ story of the American Bible So- elcty.. ' "Total circulation has failen be. cause of the war in China apd a combination of circumstances in Japan," he told. the Preshyterian }- Synod of New Jersey... "But in spite of these handicaps in these two great mission flelds, a grand total of more than seven and one-' | third million 'copies of Bibles, Tes- taments, Gospels and portions have been distributed throughout the | world." Catede's Navy In Action On Both The alwve views show some of the various duties of the Royal Canadian Navy on both coasts. Left, - Costs top to bottom: One of the fast destroyers on patrol duty along the seaboard: A depth charge exploding astern of a speeding destroyer; Sailors manning a rapid-fire 'anti-aireraft gun on deck. -deck of a destroyer showing depth charges and the objective; Sailors manning one o National Network will hear another of the feature broadcasts dey "The Royal Canadian Navy" December 1, 9.00:10.00 p.m. EST, the deck guns. comprehensive activities of the Navy atuwork in time of war. Right, top to bottom: The after thine-sweeping equipment: A torpedo leaving 'the tube toward Listeners of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 5 oted to Canada's Fighting Services on Friday, will be a sound-picture of the complete and What Science is x Doing x NERVOUSNESS ANU-TOOTH DECAY: y nd Nervousness precipitates decay in children's teeth, according' to * Dr. Percy R. Howe, Loston, who said long research had shown that a child's dict might be sufficient for rood tooth structure and con- dition, but the diet advantage would be offset by a nervous spell. iris CYCLONE CORES WARM Shooting the eye of a cyclone with a radio sonde, a robot weath- ~er--observer and radio transmitter "carried aloft by balloons, has re- vealed that the cyclone has a warm --core, and that it may travel on overhead atmosphere tracks in the stratosphere instead. of being gov- erned by surface. weather condi- tions, a ba do HALTS PUERPERAL FEVER Philadelphia physicians after neaily three years of.experimen- tation have announced .'develop-- ment of a new vaccine against pu- .erperal -infections (childbirth fe- ver) which proved 100 per cent. effective in -229 cases tested. Not one case of puerperal sepsis, cause of--50- per --cent--of all obstetric deaths, developed during the. ex- periments, RE Po "ROCKING BED" CURE Rocking beds, a new aid to me-= dical treatment, are described in the proceedings of the Mayo Clin. ic, * - The report says that in the first eighty-cight cases at the clinic the beds~have given "rather striking and rapid relief of pain" in the legs and have brought sleep. to many sleepless persons. They were used mostly on per- sons with - arteriosclerosis which had interfered with circulation of the blood, with complications that produced gangrenc in some in- stances. Flying Through ~ "The froposphere Hf aerial regearch continues ap its present pace, huge freight and passenger planes will climb into the troposphere and fly under per- fect conditions from one continent to another. Since 1984 conditions in this layer of the atmosphere have been studied and a number of experimental flights already, made. Flying above 20,000 ft., planes will be sealed and carry thelr own air, for above this al, titude the atmosphere is so rare that cigarettes go out through lack of oxygen: : But well above the clouds, the atmosphere Is nearly always fine, hter quality and owing to, the li ess drag or of the alt there is friction. Because of this, planes | will travel at least 28 per cent, faster, - tree. SCOUTING A Thanksgiving Day model air- plane flying contest of Brampton, Ont., Scouts brought out 11 mod- els. The prize for the plane re- maining. longest in the air went to Scout William Riseberry and the second to Scout William Bean. » * « Two alert Sudbury Scouts out hunting with their father noticed a cord hanging from the limb of a Tnvestigating, they found a radio meteorgraph released from Baltimore. The instrument indi-~ cated the moistures, temperatures and the: height to which the in- strument had "ascended. o a Ed 1 Clinton; Ont., Rover Scouts oii a fishing trip discovered a brush' fire, notified the farmer and as- sisted him to extinguish the fire. * + 8» ~ The Boy Scouts of St. Cathar- Sines have an attractive district headquarters, "Carmichael House" a large brick building adjoining St. Thomas church, named after Pe * - oe How Can |? SY ANNE ASH' EY T---- fpr Q. How can 1 press a-suit more . "satisfactorily? = Faia A. Fold a large piece of news- paper lengthwise, wet one side of it, and fold the dry side over the wet side. Place the wet side against the suit and jron on the dry side. This will also prevent a shiny suit, Q. How can I make a good pin cushion? A+Dry hair-combings make a nice filling for pin cushions, Dried coffee grounds are also satisfac- --tory; as they do not gather mols--- ture nor rust. Q. How can I check hiccoughs? A. An old remedy which often proves very effective is to put the blade of a table knife on the ton- gue for a few minutes. y Q. How can I return tatting to a good clear color when it has be- come very soiled? . A, The best plan is to wet the tatting and soap it well. Then lay it on. some hand brush. This wiil- clean it beautifully without harm- ing it. ki Q. How can I remove odors from bottles? ; + A, Fill half-full of cold water and add a tablespoonful of dry mustard, "Shake vigbrously, let stand half an hour, and rinse thoroughly with clear water, 5 © Q. How can I determine if the turkey is ready to take from the oven? A. One method is to pierce the leg. If the juice fs white, or pale pink, the turkey is ready, the local Scout Association. A spacious room permits mcetings of Cub Packs or Scout Troops un- able to meet in their usual places, in an emergency, upstairs are cooking facilities, and storage for the tents and other equipment for '1 the district camp site, "Wigwas- sin," near the' Welland ship canal, Mr. IL. J. Carmichael, President of Name of Bay Barrie Is On Kempenfelt Bay Named After " British . Rear-Admiral of 18th Century The super-destroyer Kempenfelt, which has been taken over by the. Canadian Jpavy, has been: reclirls. tened Assiniboine, 'While it is no doubt the custom to change a ves- sel's 'mame under these circum: stances, and Assiniboine {8 a good native-Canadian name, Kempenfelt {3 also familar to Canadians as that of the bay on which Barrie is located. Canada's new naval un- it is no doubt called after the As- siniboino 'river. which bears the name of the Assiniboine or Stoney Indian trite, The word means "one who roasts by the use of stones," 'an old Indian custom. Governor Simcoe Bestowed It * Kempenfelt bay and the super- destroyer Kempenfelt were both named after a British rear-admiral, Jtichard. Kempenfelt, of Swedish descent, who lived in the eight- eenth century and went down with the Royal George at the time when ifs bottom fell out, an event pic- tured by Cowper in a wellknown poem, It was Governor Simcoe who bestéwed the name ou the On- tarjo bay. cp» Have YouHeard r= An Irish priest one Sunday, re- ferring to the miracle of the loaves and fishes, said In error that five people had been fed with five thousand loaves and two. small fishes. After the service some. of the 'congregation discussed the statement, one of them Murphy declaring that, if it were a miracle, he himself could do the same thing. The next Sunday the priest," having heard of this, rein. "in life. named | troduced the subject. "I should have told you last Sunday," he said, "that five thousand people had been fed with five loaves and two small fishes." Then, looking down at Mr, Murphy, he added: "You could not do that, My. Mur- phy, could you?" 'Ah, sure, yer riv'rence, 1 could aisily enoygh,": replied Murphy, "if<I gave 'em what were left over from last Sun- day!" : --0-- "How is your insomnia? ls it getting any better?" ". "I'm worse than ever... | can't even sleep when it's time to get up." --0-- Both the fond mother and the patient photographer had failed to make the restless little boy sit still long enough to have his pic- ture taken, Finally the. photo' grapher suggested that the mother should leave the studio for a few minutes. During her absence he "was. successful :in taking a good picture, "What did the nice pho- tographer say to make mother's - little darling sit still while I was out of the room?" she asked the child on the way home. "He said: 'You sit still, you little rascal, or I'll knock your head oft'," replied the child. A ced maid who recently joined the church was asked how she knew she was converted. She replied: "Because now I clean under the rugs." lire . His--bagpipe playing was the chief thing that mattered to him One night, while he was strutting" about the room, skirling for all he was worth, his wife at- tempted a mild protest, 4 "Jock,' she said, "that's an aw- _ful-noise you're making." - So Jock sat down and took off his boots. el A RE LL EY Demand At Your Druggist CROUCHMAN'S LINIMENT For: Varlcose Velns, Itheumas-. "* tism, Neucalgin, Scintlea, Asthma, J Mend.nche, ~ 'Tooth-ache,' Enr- Ache, Chill Dialns, Corns - and |} Bunions, Sprains, or Colds on } § Chest. i rite Or w ! 5, It. CROUCHMAN - GO, 4 Walkerville -- Ont. STD, 1 Liumemannme on mmo m N¥ by And, boy -- Ogden's is a gift for the man who rolls his own) Ya lb. tin 15¢ In a gaily coloured. Christmay aarton | OGDENSS Shorts and scanty -clothing are not in keeping with the gravity of the international situation, ac. cording to comment in Riviera newspapers and women are urged ta. wear more clothes, 7 ASTHMA 'BRONCHITIS -AND TOUGH, HANG-ON COUGHS®: COLDS BR YIELD FASTER TO 4 BYSCKLEY" Lu RD a gd VN =~ J Fad & Aaa aas a a at = Ry Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE iii Shh Fo En SE 1.- Isn't it- poor taste for the friends of a newly married couple lic by attaching placards to their car, and performing other auch so- called jokes? z . 2. At a holiday dinner, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, where [ formal, is'it all right to offer the guests a second helping of turkey? 3. When a married woman is . the hotelregister Mrs. H! I.. Hud- son, or Mary Lou Hudson? 4.- Should a guest stay beyond the time specifigd in the invitation, when the hostess says, #Can't you stay longer?" °° id 5. What would be thelbest phrase _to use when a man is introducing another man to his wfie? 6.-It- being the woman's --priyil- ege to offer her hand to a man, if the man should offer his hand, what should she'do?. _ -- --- z Answers: riage is too sacréd to be made a public jest by self-appointed clowns. 2, Yes by all means do 50. 3. She should sign, Mrs. H. L. Hudson, and her home city, but not her street address, 4. No. A -hostess is usually trying to _be hospitabld when she makes such a remark. A guest should not over. stay the-time specified. - 6. "Mar- tha, this is Mr. White (or Charles White)." 6. The well-bred woman will accept it, of course. It would be very rude, unfriendly, and 'ex- MENTHOLATUM COMFYORY Daily -f = 1épresent a good company. to make them' conspicuous in pub-. the service might be called semi-- travelling alone, should she sign 1. Yes. This is not only very: bad taste, but often vulgar. Mar- . ceedingly embarvassing if she did - not, AGENTS WANTED --Classified Advertisements--| FEATHERS WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE A GOOD SALES AGENT SHOULD e want goed representatives for uns occupled . territories now. - Our nursery stock is the best that *¥ and experience can pro- hundred-acre nursery, y Years' business. Write Pel- ham Nursery Co., Toronto. FPAST-SELLING' REPEATER, NO competition. New disposable tis- sue duster. Big commission. "YADES.T. KLEEN" (Ontario) Regd. 615 Yonge Street, Toronto. "STOP, LOOK AND READ -- SELL hristmas Club offers to "anadian and American local - Representa- © special popular Magazines as tive, casant, interesting, profit~ able. Write today. Canadian. Per- jodicals, 245 Grace St, Toronto, Ontario, LARGE PROFIT. - FAST SALES -- Men and Women to sell used clothing, Snowden, 99 Winchester, Toronto, - CARS, NEW AND USED : "MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD. st Toronto's © Chrysler, Ply- mouth dealer three locations, £32" Mount Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge Street, 1225 Danforth Ave. Our--used cars make us many __ friends. CLOTHING AND FURNITURE WE GUARANTEE 100 PER CENT. © fit and satisfaction in latest style clothing (slighthy"® used). men's suits or overcoats, regular to $62.00, special $6.00 to $12.00, Ladies' Winter Coats, $4.00 to $7. Postpald. State measurements, colours, style. Send money-order. "Algo write for bargain price lists of reconditioned used furniture. Ruskin & -Company, Peterboro, Ontario. Gentle. HIGHEST PRICE' FOR NEW AND used feathers. Robinson's," "282 "Brock Avenue Toronto. Write for quotations. > TAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMA- tlons, Switches, Curls, and all types of finest qunlity Hair Goods, Write for illustrated catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. To- © ronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS EARN DOLLARS READING YOUR newspapers! Dime and stamp brings nformation and surprises! K. Rembe, 527 ng St. W., Ham- ilton, Ontari 3 MACHINERY WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS delta woodworking' tools -- elec: tric motors. Belting and shop sup. lies of every description. TheeA. W., Toron tL Williams Machinery Co., Ltd. ~ 0. s ~ G4 Front SL. oH MEDICAL HIGH BLOUD I'RESSURE--WRITE= . for free booklet and full' particu. 'amazingly treatment. regarding -- hyblood lars successful . Pedigreed- IP'roducts, Saskatoon, - Sask. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay, Co. Registered, Patent Attorneys, ©70 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, EDUCATIONAL, STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR Courses 'in Matriculation, Story, Journglism, Advertising, Shorthand and Spéech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Short | __ PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively, Hume remedy, Testimonials,. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg, Write today. Canadian Corr sdence College {established 1902), 229 Yonge St. Toronto. a 'RAW FURS WANTED : ELECTRIC SHAVER 81.08 THIS 18 THE NEW ELECTRIC: shaver you've read abouf, that males shaving so very, very easy. Just plug It In and run the shaver over your face. That's all -- no . soap, water, brush or blades. We BUEgest Jou try 1t. Over a million ] Were sold last year, Original Bilce $10. Guarantecd ono year. 08t- "paid: Plena wanted. Dell Sales ~Co., atehouse Bldg. Montreal, + u 0 Quebec, : in FARM KOR SALB NINETY ACRES PRODUCTIVE clay loam adjoining village, god buildings, spring watered. Two thousand cash, balance 4 per cent. William Pearce, Exeter, TANM EQUIPMENT | FANNING MILL (KLINE) FARM- ers say best seed grader; wild oat separator testimonials, Kline Manufacturing, Islington, Ont. FARMS WANTED CLIENTS WAITING FOR FARMS .at once, State price eguipped and unequipped, Ernest 3 reston, 2150 Yonge St, Toronto. ; HARDY A'l'LE TREES HARDY APPLE TREES =~ 60 OT8.¢ each, Canada's Lowest Priced Nur. Bet, - rowing leading varleties * rees, Ornamentals, Write lately requesting sensation. Al offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia ara-on-the-Lake, Ontarfo. "ISSUE NO, 48--'39 : . . . SPECIALIZING 8, POWE SHIP YOUR FURS TO US FOR full market prices, L. A, Johes, 183 Talbot St, St. Thomas, Ont. RANCHERS AND TRAPPERS ALL PRICES ON RAW FURS ARE low. hy not a the most for . your fox pelts by having them tanned and made into attractive scarves and sell them direct? Nr manshin Euarantssd. 8 Ivers 160, reds; $6.50. 08. Kmack; a luernint and, ction ris ueen 'St. E., Toronto, " SKATING OUTFITS BKATING OUTFITS, SLIGHTLY used, 31 5, $2.25, $2.65. New high ¥, 15, Uality, $2.89, $3.35, $4.25, plus 25¢ postawe. Booties jot Dundes We. oronto. ; | USED TIRES FOR SALR. GOOD USED TIRES, ALL pigs, wes rices. quirle n' Took ton Tire, 1611 Dundas Webt, oronto, SE + : ~ Guaranteed ; CAR AND TRUCK PARTS | ©. Used -- New IN REQUILT M0- y R.UNITN,! Hydraullo Hoists, Winches, (ienerators, Start- ers; netos, Carburetors, Jiadiats | ors change Service, Glas. Satis | faction or refund, levy Auto Parts, ~Teronto, ENR f oyels bo) ~~ CHESTERFIELDS BE DEL 373 8 ro 381 WEEKLY "3-PIECK CHESTERFIELD SUITES 'in velours and repp covers, fact- ory reconditioned, originally ex- pensive suites, better than a cheap, new one, 3 pieces complete, - $24.50. &hree piece chesterfield suites, hewly recovered In choice repp fabrics, just Hke new, at half the price. Three piece com. plete $39. 5 per cent. down, $1.00 a week, We pay freight to your station. Dept. W., Royal Chester field Manutactureis; 66 Richmond St. E.,, Toronto. 1] LYONS 478 Yonge St., Toronto FALL SALE New '& Reconditioned CTT Furniture. Tremendous Savings 17.50 Solid Oak Dining Roon. £ ; . Suite, buffet, table and 6 chairs, Walnut finish Dining Room 24.00 Suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs, 39 00 Nine piece Oak Dining Suite ay . uffet, -- extension -- table; china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. r 59 00 Beautiful =~ Walnut finish 4 Dining Suité, buffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet and 6 lea- ther upholstered chairs; : 80,00 Selld Walnut Dining. Suite, . cost new 300.) buffet, china cabinet, extension table and ¢ leather upholstered chairs, 24.00 Apartment size Bedroom . Suite, in walnut finjsh, van- ity, chiffonier, full size bed, spring and mattress, , ka - "30,00 Modern Walnut finish Ded» room Sulte, dresser, Vene- tian mirror, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring and new mattress, "Beautiful new actor, 0 Beautiful y factory +MY sumple Bedroom Sulte, in bleached walnut = finigh, waterfall design, dresser, chiffonier, full size "bed, sagless spring and new mat. tress, : 69 00 Large solid . walnut Bed. (ald room Sulte {sont few $250) completely refinished, dresser, chif« robe, full size bed, sagless spring 0.80 3 place Chestertield Solte. plece estertle alte, 27.50 3,8! Marshall pring cushions, upholstered in brown repp material, "47 50 mart 3-plece. Chesterfield : Suite, figured revarsible spring cushions, uphol- stered In brown, mohair, 24.50 J:arge 3 piece Chesterfield . S8ulte, perfect condition, ret veralble: Marshall spring cushions, upholstered in blua figured 5 00 Beautiful large brotyn mo= ssl, air Chesterfield = Suite, Mar hall spring construction, coma pletely reconditioned, Beveral odd Chestertlelds. {n (EL nasorted covers, to clear. 9.50 Kitchen Cabinets, In, oak and Lid) enamel finishes, with = slid- Ing porcelain tops; 3 14.50 Breakfast Suftes tn _enamet vauttot finishes, table, 4 'chalrs and 12 50 Genuine Singer Drop Head ' Sewing Jhachines, oak cab. fnets, guaranteed. Large assortment 'tables, chairs, beds, dressers, chiffonlers, stoves to clear at ridiculously low prices, All merchandise completely rdcondl. tlonéd, guarantee abrotulaly clean and sold with our.déefinlte money- ~back guaranteo of satisfaction. 3 "LYONS FURNITURE "CO. « 478 Yonge St., Toronlo Open Evenings reversible oa §

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