Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Nov 1939, p. 3

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nimi ~) . ] ET my VA I out tht kdbhiatine's "Being Made Here i 04 "Major: torpedo boats, af, ¢norz mous speed and range will shortly a Neat toPaing,) famed, matovhoat duis ver and designer of the craft, said last Week." uisay how.anany of the fleet 70-foot \ _craft will be built in Canada, he vessel, which he hopes w in wip dnhéd,! drand iowl§ threo feet of "watetiatid' rl not be mined or torpedoed. ~--Thecrew;" We nen and an of--- ficer, can livel weather old n 2,000 mile ot bdovernment.» i 1mentinlso, has; adopted the wessel 10} abmrohierirhis at bo elyiay ahha ELT Running at 22 knots, its cruising Its top speed is well over 40 rrkng Sane ine spd and Jib is) i} Bod itn four, 18- Jinch, toxpe- » ott PFulne 'said Taige nlintbets "®f the vessels;!dheady in opera- "tion in" the Royal Navy, are being built Cid Fife nd {dei the French "IFhe Dutch UGovern- ART hag, avdered mores than, $5,- 000,000 NO. 0 0). sind es vi t SPY QR fli Lgl pli id gad (ead VE LLVLLEEN FOR. "COLLEGE WEAR edd id SLIME PT walil Jal Velvétobmsin, A Blick: and ¥dd: check: one-piece -dress-is ideal for-town or | follege and is worn here by Laraine | 'bellibe! sim s a vest Da; be i has criss-cross buttoning; the it 5 LI Miss | i 2 %sonchinants | f Cred pnd in, i AVears by ia thd rr tran wn 3 rar Unvise ToBathe Wp of asm cenbesut no Ele RECN Ww IB) L100 7" SIR Dellirdd® That | is {sR aT cu Ber Son ; Modern See has given "¥ dig especially] i ly . "There's sucha thing a; trying wdngl be stuw glean? {DRY PaulivAl _ O'Leary, of Roghest rv, Minn, de- ast week. NR pi nter itch' is' "4 "Coed : s----skin--ailment,- "especially -in-mid- 'Leary said. Instant bath- dle-aged pegbla' "It" com SR they. fas. hired irs bigger thie nlp wragtgiids *0F the. skIf4V6" Thadtite, ovSoap and water plus theidry heat of the house drys out the skin, "® TRUE A coalition that vesembles in # Ther she'pufferers pro- Hn Vas ointments PSE 0 oc 4a Ne atab id) pi ba fi u- WL His fer lily Ticket clog E4PUBIAGY sib Ay be denne nell olf iw ate ci Chaar ab ba | are not ¢ quite 0. u n_ cau tigin wi FTATIR the id m0 pit grr nok sq \Wre J ITH est . Hy pie 3 i] i dakept Pudh Rs he Avsuf) I CAwrioanh of Halves His Fine, BY BEI WACHnd oli 0 Ii -saxplan Litmad John Herma HX ilton, Ont.preharged with riding stwoaonahsbisyelemands Magistrate Coase {oloar- £! 3a diaw lyac EV dof Vie Nome and" Taam val AEA hand. 1 srein't He WOS DREAR 604 GB Linstead adliitest Walaghor Hell svode 2310 hi i ised CHL (3 ha rea Britain, Netherlands or Belgium. Speed an Ransa Axe fu Out by Cn anadian Fattors oT I rdand ai 77 )- "i d i =i be under construction in Canada * fon ¢ theoo British} Navy, 1datiott! £31 Dhe | Bitikh 1designbe eddld not! bobs bed nincHABte Tadius™is more 'than 1,000" miles, | In Wi inter with him, tha séurce of all life, J. facturers to export to Australia the The trade- line at Hong J 10d1t ios formerly drAWR ro Kong vo has r Burope and U nited King! ow 304 gheat many RUE or i gs." sources © BC of prod & Taked All rami Elin .| mjerly imported into'Hong Kong | . | The Wlhcartait ty of obtalping the from Germany, 'Products: oncertw sv supplies from United Kidedot and ell aro chemicals, hardviare, mingry, wade se] iw Sven id ra- J puropcans pias RSS I. AR {1 H0x2 als, newsprint and glass, : 5 * . - - 0 i | PFOA FESS PURSE . 1} iL |_esson 1 longed hritation 9 Yeo oil : pho is "established ; RGR iq ra fllady® in Australlar for. a wha. rango of LI is estimated that Curiky fri aloof sui 4 That sehen mote. ou :N ay: a products such as textiles, metals, production of sugar froin the 1989 "4 \ : absolved as a causo machinery, earthenware, paper, SPEAK i i bith as SON, Riais {Hy Dr. Eugene Traub, of Naw York, foweley, toys and chemicals. pjosimatelp ¥ : hi Lal sp EAD is Coob News; {. J br, gene Heauhi nam yo 140 2 Lad, . 4 i aly rintell adh PANG 10:24.39 il: Fook tab Y Abbe Ay iat oldey Text, --He that heargth,| it ever" terminate fu cancer of the By William = let| him say, Come. - Rev. 22:17, skir.* | y 1d His URIOUS ORLD Ferguson ir THE LESSONCIN ITS SETTING "All "brood vossol * birthmarks 8 160") ' ime. --The winter of AD, 28.1 . which are ted tg purple in color i Li } . I 29. He , are only cosmetle deformities," he | 1 . , be lace. --Ip iglilee, although we | said. "The json) fark Urawa, { § : do [not know evactly where, ' © warty and hatry Dbiv{hayks, are 1 i hrist gives instructions to the dlso rolatively innocent, | 1 "Twelve Disciples; telling each ot! "Only it subjecjed Ia, fone fast { ? - rt lf y ; 1 A frritatiof the . fh N pied oe so fou to prolonged utili wo wey (| Carve. oF EE) anit] ¢~The n Ne NI 08% 9. not to, Beware Innocent-Looking Growths | TIGER ATS . i JiGan les, nov evén'td 'tHe Sa-' But skin growths: that! appéar ARE KNOWN . ' Juaritans, but to "the lost sheep of: most fntols Sieh Ti i os WOOLLY "BEALS ti the house of Israel." They were ¢auso the most 'trouble,' Df. Tau i to transmit a message that the parned. A kingdom of, heaveniwas at hand, : "Tho smooth, dark brown or the, | i thy the Ki ng, of. he, Yipgdom, was dark Dbluo marks, fo, of; halr, i. 1-O) pi) WEL in their midst. t pice are the ones that a t danger. i } y bre ow | 'tha i a' ri of gus," he explained, "It is from this | poverty andiincessant labor.;1 He | Marion Jenkins, who' entered the University of Totorito this year, is type that melanoma (serlous, skiu i YR porpen | RPE prepares, them for, the sufferings Ontario's prize pupil by virtue of the fact that she won six scholarships cancer) often dov elops." i THIS HUGE iil that would come upon them. as during last Jung's examinations, | two of which she; was not allowed to { Dr. Travh sald the typo of the i REPTILE, ¢n ; "they antinuegd to preach. th _ | hold, Scholastics is not the only thing that Marion éxcels in, she takes birthmark determines whether ft lL &€ iH' pe RI pif land of (0m an active par in household duties as well as social évents and sports in can bo removed safely. He coun. | * : "|. her home-town, Toronto. A sellad: i y titigy{1' 1 aod { Many va \) hb n } \ niin distiple is mot 1. ' ir hee Sie, po! H QVC + { age rvat M Em arty SH WL A | Big Slaughter Ey Shand Dam Work without Joxving & sear. "seme ot: | | HER Hy pds 4 'm llowdier, are rea a t or the diséiple that he be as his | - " 1nd should be left alone or dos. | | 1" i eyihet and the Sgrvant. as his, wild Animals Moving On Well mn a 'railcar ianner (awe | ' they have called the, mas- ARCE™ { As surgery). a of the house Beelzeb@b, how gr much more thiém of' his' household! 5, 6000 Sinn, Bit gt, ] " { 3 { //106ar Lord! reminds the. ¢ disciples 0 p For Moat In Wane Grand River Gonenvtn Canada Getting H aethat in suffering persecution they | A ommission Hears a ] | , are suffering, no more than (their Park, Alta. There is no Chance of This - New Markets i i ~ a Master suffered. vo {TT Year's ' Construction Being i : ES CAU267 Fear the nbt | Rebdfork: A big killing in the fullest accep: Endatigered by Winter And So : TO WEEP THEIR. ' fou4hore is nathingi covered; that |. tance of the term is Eli Bh oH Spring Flood Conditions Australia and South Ching Are i COATS shall rot be revealed; and hid, tha: | the bis Buffalo Prk in hy Mahi RAE Offering Outlets For : GLOSSY. ghau, not be known. 27. What, I 3 po MH eT Goods ho ; tell you in the darkness, speak yb |" > : iy Work on thé Shand Dam, has ta v4 ) BE Jin the light; and what ye hear in NE -- ik As now proceeded. to such an extent Tho" wd 13 wtih tofppad (0p ILI IS ee : 241 j A. -- " 4 : ate tor Cana ATT: v : i W od hi proclaim upon the house- elk, deer, moose and. the odd yak | no chance of this year's | new markets for Canada to a ira THE Elasmosaurus, giant 'reptile of {he Cretaceous period, hada, ip n spite. of -all opposition, will 'be rediteed to weat, constructipn being endangered by Ha and South « hina, ap ng i body similar to. a porpoise, and, an astonishing' sha e-liké heck!" the truth will come! out, the! facts Dektitute Tndiang th tHe district' || Winter conditions or by spring the current issno of the seiner. It had a lenglh of 40 fest, and inhabited the' area now' Khdwih'as © concer ning Jesus Chejst. will some- abd' father away! will "be! faring | floods, Chief Engineer H. G. Acres cial Intelljzence Journal, published Kansas, which, at that time,-was a vast sea, as Ropes now Indie. how reach; the ears of the people. 'woll and.- living: highs this! winter | 01d the Grand River Conservation | by the trade' aid cothfiedee depart: cite. Wt 2 he 28. And be not afraid of: them that trom the slaughter now, under way, :{ Comission' fir session at Gait re ment, Ottawa, . pawl kill the body, but are not able to Part of the TARAELTOm he 5.000 cently, A report from the department's ik kill 'the soul: but rather fear him animal' popalation' will be iidrketed Dr. Acros eported that w eravea- trade commissioners in Austradia | whb i 14ble' (4 /Uestroy! both soul commerctally, The. Indinns wit ger | ther had resulted in some of the | said: "The outbreak of hostilitles ' NOTED MUSICIAN _ and .botlyilin helli:' Persecution: most of the rot the hides for 'concrete work being behind sched- in Europe aud the consequent dis. (night.tompt: a man to 'deny Chuigt, clothing, and the meat for food. , + ule but it had reached a point be- turbance of markets and normal - angl thereby escape physical, pun- Various factors," apart from the | youd flood danger and could be trade Channels hag regiltod in an omproNa Ly Niet fo Erevan: Fdaale phd : _ishment and death; but after death {= 4 2% he fore . completed' next! spring without Increasing number of faquirtes asf. "1,6 Famous T 10 insttumént ta - comics the judgment, Christ here Bim 3 fod oi abd ae "Holding ui ext year's program; to tho ability of" Canadian mai elolinist ERA N T PPrandiumiinty Prat of' no" man, n, not fo gq pictured here, p= L t= i rl he "park " . LIAIDIGH 18 Ex nt. CH LNB a TICE ST rath Aid Eppemseene EA 13 Crescent: ; 3%] 20 ais n ro : e: . The. 'eat! the Pubiority ¥ ' \ but they Loy he stand, in fear ! ivi inks a uy p 15 All but. = 7 JAertoner. of "GEC "Who 'détetmines their Ceter- falo. The natyral increase ; being ' , i. BR i EP 16 Lairs. gam, nal destinies. "heavy and. all 1g parks "being an, | NE : i, 3 17 Aniphithéater J a Ena i lier i. ' " : 2 Abo rol twb spaktolyh séla (Jt became necessary to resort' to |! ) . : 19 Voluble CHING 2 knelish ish coing. or a Sk "and'not one of them§}staughtet." "This téqires" exert f| A N D N E W S 21 Fish: | - BENJAMIN ne Why of. | 1k Sha TT] AR groupd without marksméi whié alse know how | \ wv " 22 Vehement 0) 32 English title! Las || ptr hi A, but' i. very hairs!| butcher. " . By MADGE ARCHER 24 To sin. Cul FRAN 36 Flattety. veal of "your head are all numbered. Eniploym#@tit of "Tidian€™ to 'Uo pi ty werd 25 Queriéd. TICIOk mL 9 Taro, pasle 5 {| 3ailenrthbe therdt Gye Are of | j thet own butchering was not a The Sri, eves phony. and Spam he Nar) 27 Because. : pi: z o-a do. a more value than Powis SDAITOWS. ! sugces, ito hai 8 oq sirshan i rl 30 To snuffle. 50 Rust fungi sori 4 Heing. . Tafa ities. Sa The RCRdon ALS Hic | fn ASCARI ta fh | bat mio Coston | fr to aor Chori wt oct | 3070 sna SORt funtion tthog, 48 el ER shoul pat farina God's {mow how and those who did, lack- American networks +-. programs | SPLAtanes with: the" NBC Srmphi- 34 And. 54 Man of 6 Cipher, judge, il Fas til) providential ¢are for th Ther: 58 | S0figent Glerky for, th A N } . vis os te . 36 Test. +, extraordinary 7 Horses' neck, 47 Right... v t IYTHG Upromise a Ie 5 iC) "theg syill vol milestones nof only to | ony until nex: Spring: 37Feline animal. stature hpirs. 48 To abhor : ; Told Gxpect to bo ea i i ios bs Sion but to LA play by play description of the * 38 To dibble, 57 Obeys. 8 Void spaces. 49 Flat round : as loss F §iZi1gl.} tof mitlions bt radio tistencrs | hockey. game between. the "Toron- 40 The eart} 59 Relish 9 Form ov. by" plate, es und persecution,/but theérellis a more 3 oF " rth Sh. 0! er plate, r yless eop he Special Evens' Department, "~to-Maple Leafs and the Chicago © goddess 60 He is by "ber 51 Sour plufiv:s! ff imal ever BY promise Jn men, will, ; of the CanadianaBroadgasting Cor- | Black Hawks will also be heard 41 Plural "birth, 10 Ship's record 52 Fleur-de-lis by fever 1 Li A 1 ¢ liohi of (1% Lid Dangerous - poration - wiib illustrate to listen: [on Saturday evening begintiing- at: pronoun, 61 He is a noted ol. 55 Devolired.) / ni on oy ering, oF ers of-the CBC national network | 9 o'clock over C BL. 42 Watch pocket. ~ ---- player. 1 1 Small island. . 56 Neither. 4 oi 21% Iveryono therefbte ! tiiwho | delails~ behind the all-important On Tuesilay, Dacember 5th, TT 44 Musical note. VERTICAL Bustle, 58 South ; ;shalli confess mei before mény:! 'hin ("The Ability to Play Is Neces- | work now being handled quietly £1000 0.11300 over CHL and CBY _| 45 Scratched the 2 Ran away, is PIAL #7) ATIC Sill 1 alse confess bofave: my Faw: sary or Democratic a and efficiently by the Royal Canad- | "Sir Ernest MacMillan will condvet skin, 3 Magic, 18 The violin Is 59 Td'depart, * the: who fs fn heaven, 183, But | fan Navy along the Pacific and At theo Beethoven Ninth Symphony dolla he - - : gain shall deny *me. before A 1 lantic coasts, in an actuality broad- | Awith the Toronto Sympliony Orch- | 3 4 ' 7 HE | him i) I a nt) before ple 'cast 'which will be heard on Fri- estra, the" Toronto (onscrvatory wl : Ne! BVETE STE (TSA, SEN COO) my Fat i Con- i ge day, Decemt@r 1st, from 10:00 to Choir of 175 voices and #oloists =13 8 y 5 : ' tt HE BR ET fessio 5 such || vanced ol week by yu RE 11:00 p.m. Ship to ship transmit. _ fee A liens confe pricks m true || JKehr, dean of women at State gow ters will give listeners a ploture TO BE HEARD ; ) Spire) faith J boy ali y cherse Pilesg y Pid po {POY pv ri of the Nagy at work in war time, 12: 2 p,m. Monday ta Friday, at. i! or i. hig: confes i d of the he in Ihe Football, Music, Hockey CBL, Ontarid Farm 'Broadtasts and" BL BE EE SHERI hear t consisfent, shop dadoit Hitler singjn ii hagmony On Saturday atternoon, Decem- | "market: and weather reports LLL f feof io ficot nll -with_Jesug, the merging. ~at-an-@unmiveednion gr {re ing--1 ber -2nd, threo Important events [Sunday * Dee. 3, CFIRUB, 8:00 pm} : 5 T Rian vn ng hosFin imselt hoarse at a aseball will bp brpadeast, Beginning ap- | Ni Y, Phitharmonte cl 6580 promis g nm Cn 1 re thi pe = fgame?"" | WJ H £ \ proximately, at. 2 ofclook the NBC | YCBIL, Review of week's news . . " ol 1B Toil + nn if Sroninst FURRY To con- |i Play. Ro Joudy \sike --Red network will carry the Foot-- | "8:00 pa, Chase and Sanbori --f a aT fess Christ ii i than to | . |The ability to play is necessary ball' aie of thé Year -- Army vs. Hour over CBL . . . Monday, Dec, 15 x cohnelbt (anew lxcis nintolibly (fox a democratic form of society," | Navy, and CBL, CBY and QBO will | 4, 10 p.m. CBL, Contented Hour , ¥ Fi - withoGhtist: ad dastand fot) Hine in Miks Kehr declared. "There is wot. | carry the game for the Canadian .1. Tuesday, December-6th, at 8:30 H 9 | IY, lify ig ig Fiat Bru if much real recreation in the totaii- Football Championship, p.m, CBL, Information Please . . ! A HTH oh: 1e, to ftarian countries. : . The opening of the ninth consec- | (0:15 p. mn, CBL, Canada's Fighting a dl at, 1 ame, fl bs oil} send" peice ers ah J, game i" "Recreation in our country Is. a utive Metropol tan Opera season of | Forces . . . 10 p.m, Toronto Sym- ¥ - yroljod SE not pad th ¢, wd, sword. || means of sclt-expression- which 'is | tho airs also scheduled {for Satur- | phony OruhEsTen 4 i EiaVeds, Dot > ; - yoy 350 VBE 170A oh nat | tree, not regimented, Wo belleve In, | day afternoon, December 2nd, Sat- ith, 8:30 p.m, CBL, Serenade for | j vale agahidtehis Peathet) and | Dlay, te Jays "Sk not as a S urday evening beginning as usual | 'Strings \, "9:30 pai, Miste: by 4 8 LP 1) theudguginér daar mother, || pa of, at'10; o'clock and heard aver! CBY | Faith.' Thursday, Dob, 7 ut $100 ni FAY t suhate and the daughterin- law , against i i aN avi.) © Atturo Toscanini wii con flude the 'p.m., "One, Man's Family", §:30 |» 7 ! 4) her mother-in-law: 36. 'and a man's | N offs ot eo si eek alk npn Fond: p.t,, .CBI,, Parade' of the Guards . } 1 , | 1 N foes shall be théy of his own [| had drifted 40 miles aut jo sea oli the .NBC Cymphony ote bi Shoat fnew) .., 9:00 p.m, £ BY, Raches. Np fh WoT ou d from Africa was found recent vy, in th'; the performance' in. Carl ter Philharmonic Orchestra , p i 3 FIs i . ' STE ica sinles, Ha Panipat LITLE VIO ney the ReetlioVen Ninth ya pm, CFRB, Columbia Workshop. UN F RE AE l : ded J i . relatives or housemates who were C id al : ki ¢ ' . "set against him, The sword is |." UT Fg = . STIR) - ZL - | +1 ; ; y il *Derhapy "only symbolical of con- |! § ROP HAIlLgr None § A 1 By Ji MILLAR WATT : mado, die o lm Cte ly Tani a Bye . ( 1 ANY [| er £0 ther mor'd t oh Je is not worthy 4 Have aA 401 {ify Jus Is HR LY PART | 1! rato gs mé YEN HE A Rad Advetti¥son or Ht bai feds THAT rine ter, a 1 isd oy | 0 . ATI i; TSR A EP RE Cok hilly ey an «thes centre of our Ls il . {O02 life is to st nil dat to. rests o ype { bn y ait ih a allie essness of sou s, ¢ I (dh yi } Ad shad A And toh or [1° od Ali : ey at (JU yppers siadh take his x rp awclol BW after me, ; 9] . from oil PES CIN UX Ca 3 , "rs Hk Reppin ¢ i ST i BE |X ET ER 1 ife f Oh Os Nd Tike y i Afi ie ' alse ansnemusdif shad 5 { | J TP VAY » 1) a a Amu SE in t ping or 3 be : . uh ; vr lt | mu read & a : 3 Mi uns all sdaklle { fogadkine pd pai Hii us y he 10 1 } 4 sft 1161 a10¥¥ wind 6, W eons hie in_ unio : > BLESS 7 or

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