: Gas Attacks Date , BackTo431B.C.' Pamphlet Dropping Old Trick | ~-- Was Used in Napoleonic Wars : In the Peloponnesian War, be. tween the independent city states of -Grecee,oqas attacks were em- ployed. 431 B.C, the Spartans attempted to' capture the cities of Belgium and Platea by the use of burning sulphur and pitch, says the Moncton Franzeript, IN OLDEN TIMES Marco Polo refers to the Kar- auhas, a Persian tribe, who ap- plied a laud gas in warfare, The- Crusaders met burning pitch and - its nauseating stench in their at- "tempts on Palestine. The Royal Flying Corps drop- ped 25,000 messages over the German lines in October, 1914, It was old stuff even then, for duv- ing the Napoleonic wars Lord Cochrane had pamphlets dropped from kites towed by the brig Pal las along the French coast. IN PEPYS DIARY In the Diary of Samuel Pepys there may be found this passage: "Friday, March 14, 1662, Home to dinner. -In the afternoon conie the German, Dr. Knuffler, to dis- course with us shout his engine to blow up ships. We doubted not the matter of fact, it being tried iit Cromwell's time, but the safety of caprying them in ships; but he tell us, that when he comes to tell the King his secret, for none but the Kings, successively, and their heirs must know it, it will" appear to be of no danger at all, We concluded nothing; but shall discourse with the Duke of York -- .-tomorrow about it." Pepys, first lord of the admir- alty, apparently worried less about magnetic mines than Churchill, his suceessor, for he does not mention them woain, Forest Fire Toll -Cut During 1939. * i cat or In Canada by Ucz of Table Methods Reduction in the number of forest fires in Canada was achiev- «ed during 1939 by extension of the Wright system of fire-hazard measurement, according to a. re- cent announcement of the Départ- ment of Mines and Resources. FIRE-HAZARD MEASUREMENT 53 The Wright system, developed by a Department officer, employs gpecially prepared fire-hazard tables 'and daily weather records fo chinble foresters to keep track of the variations in fire hazards from day to day, and to adopt necessary precautionary measures -----when the 'hazard is observed to be rising to dangerous levels. The previous network of 107 provincial weather stations in ed so successful that during 1939 the system was extended to Rid- ing Mountain - National Park in Manitoba and Prince Albert Na- tional Park in Saskatchewan. Will Train 40,000 For Skilled Jobs British Government 'Estab- «. 'lishes 14 Centres Where Un- employed Will Be Taught Demand for skilled labor in Bri- tain's booming arms and engineer- Ing industries has caused the gov- ernment to take speclal steps to as- sure a supply. Unemployed men found. capable of learning a new" trade are being trained. Authorities-hops-to turn-out 40,- 900 men annually from the 14 gov- ernment training centros that In "peacetime concentrated on rehabili- tating-only.a fraction of that num- ber in the depressed areas. Age limit used to be 30 years but now men over 45 can take the training, SIX-MONTHS' COURSE In the government training cen- tres, the "students are given a six- months course in practical engin- eering, and" will go directly from®'| ~ the school to the factory bench, The married men receive unemployment allowances for thelr wives and fam. jlies and government ald If they "have to move to their new job. Ev" Zery "graduate" wil! get a tool kit and expenses lo cover the Journey to tho factory. er Quebec-and New Brunswick prov. THE RICHER FLAVOUR LIPTONS Lipton's Yellow Label No other tea has the Internationa! reputation of LIF 3 FINEST, Teadovers in five cootineots say it's th "peefect tea", Bleoded especially for the d ou wil serve if pride--~and drink it It's an HTH FULL-FLAVOURED TEA (SMALL LEAF) ORANGE 'ELLOW Lag LABEL RED LABEL FOYLE POCOCRIIITIAICEIS Gere HEALTH TOPICS Raa aad cm EE I I IRA SSL PERIODIC EXAMINATION A certain group to whom per- iodic "examination is made avaii- able as a matter of routine, have been found to experience a mortality only about one-half that of the gencral population in cor- responding age classes. In 1914 a well-known insurance company decided to institute periodic medi- cal examinations of all its em- ployees. Treatment is given only in emergency. The plan followed is to help form a correct diagnos- is and then to place the inform- ation at the disposal of the family physician where occasion arises. The employee receives a reminder once a year, The members of the group number some 18,000, all clerical, and of the total two-thirds .are females and of a younger average age than the men, Death Rate Much Lower The practice of routine periodic examination. not only lowers the deathrate very materially but it furnishes invaluable sources - of medical information not otherwise obtainable, - Persons going to a medical "man are more or less seriously ill; the majority going up for periodic examination ave not ill at all. But among the lot some will be found to have illness es-move-or-less-defined. Often the routine examination will discover illness at a stage when it can bg nipped in-the bud. ~The deaths among the 18,000 in 1938 numbered. 68 and of these. 28 occurred..at..ages-of--65 or over. This is equivalent to a . crude deathrate of 6.1 deaths per 1000 for males and 2.3 for fe- "males or a combined rate of ap- «proximately 4 per 1000. The av- erage for the past 10 years has been 4.3 pér 1000. (Canada's rate for 1938 was 9.5 per 1000). New Low Fares. To Eastern U.S. Montreal -- With the opening of "the tourist season, which fs expect. ed to reach new heights this year, new low coach class fares have now been placed ia effect by the C, N. Railways for travel from Canada-to points in the Eastern part of the United States, according to' C. W, Johnston, General Passenger Trafl- fic Manager of the Company. These fares to destinations across the in- ternational border, cover a radius extending from Chicago and St. Louis in the middle west, eastward as far as the Atlantic seaboard, north from Washington, D.C, "With a large volume of travel doveloping between points in Can: ata and those in the United States, these coach fares are offered to the public at a time vhen man§ people will be visiting the attractive cen- tres to which these fares apply," stated Mr, Johnston. "In some of which Canadian funds-are accepted at par for hotel and other expens- on" were aia I What Science : Is Doing LE EE RI = SILVER vs. GERMS Ability of scientists to kill germs through the harnessing of solid silver atoms is" revealed at California Institute of Technol- ogy. Research by physicists and bae- teriologists indicated that swim- ming pools in the future will be sterilized with small amounts of silver instead of with chlorine. Further application of the revo- lutionary uforim of germ killing may provide a substitute, they said, for pasteurization of milk, rg Leading biolozists, botanists and agriculturists of the U. S. call the discovery epoch-making that gas instead of sprays is ef- fective in combatting plant dis- eases. They say it is the most im- portaht step in plant doctoring since Millardet nearly +100 years ago discovered Bordeau mixture, grandfather of sprays. R Even more significant, they say, is the fact that gas cures. Never before have plants been cured. Sprays and other crop control" methods are preventives. : The gas cure. (Called sparadichlorobenzene, the gas is of the stuff that makes mothballs). is both preventive and WT Surgeons are beginning to use cotton thread bought at the ten- cent store to stitch wounds and surgical operations. They are not using it because of its cheapness but because it is superior to other surgical sutuve material in holding wound edges together after injuries and oper- ations. : It is preferable to catgut, one surgeor. declared, because it is not absorbed rapidly in the body, a = Modern Etiquette | BY ROBERTA LEE > 1. If a bride receives several duplicate gifts and asks these don- ors for permission to. exchanga - them, should they resent it? 2. When you are not sure whether-a man and a girl have been introduced, is it all right to _say, "Mr, Gibson, have you met Miss Carter"? - 3. Should a girl at a dance ex- pect her escort to keep her even- ing bag, compact, and a cigarette case in his pocket? 4. When two persons start a violent argument, and you are present, what should you do? 5.-When one has been staying at a hotel for several days and has used the telephone frequently, should he tip the telephone oper- ator, and how much? 6. Should one place the serving silver on a dish of food when ask- ed to pass it? tai Answers: 1. Not in -the least. It would 'be a very sensitive person who would fake offense at such a re- quest. 2. Yes; this gives the hon- "or to the girl, and is better than asking Miss Carter if she has met Mr. Gibson. 3. No. 4. Remain nen. tral. Do not' take sides with eith- er. Of course if you are tactfsl enough to divert their attention --to-some--other-subject; it "is ail right to do so. 6. This is custom: 'ary. Probably fifty cents would be the minimum tip. .6. Yes, -al- ways. : Canadian National Railways Revenues "The gross revenues of the all inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the ten-day period end- ing March 31, 1940 $5,872,336 as compared with ...... 4,975,72 for the corresponding period cf 1939, av in- rease of .. 896,601 . or 18%. treatment Former Moderator of the Unit- ed Church of Canada, Very Rev. Dr. T. A. Moore, died at his home near Toronto, Dr, Moore was T9 at the time of his_death and was one of the best known ministers of the Dominion, Gh - HAVE YOU HEARD? A lady of curious countenance . had married a Scotsman, and aft- er the ceremony he approached the -parson with some trepidation. "How much do I owe for this?" he asked. The parson, also a Scotsman, knew his business. "How much is it worth to you?" he countered. The bridegroom blushed, gave a sidelong glance. at the parson, and pressed a shilling Minto his palm. The parson looked at «the shilling, thén at the bride, and gave him cightpence change. "Did you hear abaut the fellow who invented a device for looking through walls?" "No, 1 didn't. What does - he call it?" "A window. . Pr nap A negro who - had achieved sdme success in the handling of . mules was' asked how he managed _ the balky creatures. "Well, when P'se plowin' an' the mules stops, Ah jest picks up some soil an' puts it in his mouth to taste, Den he goes right along." "What makes you think that affects him?" continued the ques- tioner. - : } "I suah don't know," Was the reply, "but I expect it makes him forget = what he was thinkin' about." : 0 Drummer: "I don't feel a bit , like playing today. I ate a dozen oysters last night." First Sax: "Weren't fresh?" £ Drummer: "I guess so." First Sax: "Well, what did they look like when you opened them?" Drummer: "Do you have to op- en them?" they ACCOMMODATES NUMEROUS RECORD BOOKS 5 and $ i LARGE LEDGERS 'svirABIE FoR "orricE or Business MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES "5% © 4 FPROGS --\LIUSIEY FIREPROOF CABINETS & SAFES LTD. (LUNAF27(9 YONGE ST., TORONTO, CAN. WE OFFER YOU HEALTH SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF our- "Family Botanic Guide" and learn how you can secure quick relief from ailments:of Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Constipation. ~" Rellable - remedies, -Reasonably priced. Don't gamble with, your health. Write today, Health Pro- "ducts Limited, Department R, Saskatoon, Sask, i WOMEN: ~ Lydia E; Pinkham's Vegetable Come Vou d hE om jumpy nerves due to female func- tional distress, Made especially for . women, Try il! engaged in feedin Omaha World-Herald: = If You Were A Packer What Would © YOU Do? .R, C. Howe, former manager of Armor and Co., Omaha, Neb., now thousands of head of livestock, writes .to the LOOKING i How Can I? BY ANNE ASH! EY -------- Q. How can I prevent the boiling over of the contents of a kettle, or saucepan? A. Grease the inner sides to the dépth of an inch from the top, Q. How can I secure. more juice from lemons? % A, Heat the lemons thoroughly before squeezing by dropping them into hot water for several minutes, and they wlll yleld almost double the quantity of julce that they will - it not heated, Q. How can I impart extra height: and width to a small window? A. Fix the curtain rods beyond. the casing at the top and the sides, and use a kind of material through which the casement cannot be seen, Q. How can I whiten and soften my hands? i i A, Try using ibran as a cleanser, instead of soap. Q. How can I launder velveteen? A, Wash the velveteen in luke- warm, soapy water. Do not twist to wring out, but remove the water by pressure. Rinse fn water of the same temperature and shake - the garment well, When dry, place on a GROWN IN "Ig DOES taste good in a pipe i" elso packed in Pocket Tins SUNNY. SOUTHERN ONTARIO HANDY SEALTIGHT POUCH - 15¢ Y-LB, "LOK-TOP" TIN. « 60¢ side. . g - Q. How can I put out a chimney fire? A. Throw. a handful of sulphur in the fire, closing the bottom draft. The fumes will ascend the ¢hlmney and. extinguish the fire almost im- mediately, The Dominion Experimental Farms extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and consti- tute the most comprehensive sys- tem of its kind in the world. thick blanket and fron on the wrong. CREAM WANTED We are paying a real high price for cream F.0.B., Tor. onto. Write. for particulars and cans, The Toronto Creamery. The United "Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd, Duke and George Streets TQRONTO, Ontario. ..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED 1% EDUCATIONAL | : RELIGIOUS MATCH BOOKS -- NEW LINE -- just out. Beautiful gold processed samples, Send 10¢ for packing. Salesmen mention territory want- ed. Agents! Act quickly. Paynes, Limited, Wallingford Bullding, Winnipeg. LIGHTNING ROD AGE TWANT- ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B.- Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. FOI A STEADY IN. come? Want a future free from financial worry? Let. FAMILEX show you how casy it is to get. Write to us today, for FREF cata- logue and complete information. The Familex I'roducts Company, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. AGENTS WANTED FOR UNIQUE, low-priced portable duplicator, Sells itself In stores, offices, churches, schools, clubs, ete. Dan- dy propogition for stationer or a specialty man. Box 4, 73 Adelalde . Street West, Toronto, -* STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR courses in Matriculation; Short Story. Journallsm, Sharthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- fan Correapondence ('ollege, tablished 1902) Toronto (es- 229 Yonge Stireel. EGU TRAYS MORE MONEY FOR EGGS, ELIM- inate loss from ecrucks and breaks by packing in Keyes Trays (filler flats). 30 doz. large eggs packed in regular cases, Send for free samples or 25c for enough for one case. Postage paid. Hawley Pro. ducts Ltd., 79 Elgin Street, Brant- __ford, Ontario. ELECTRIC MUOTURS ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW AND ' Rebuilt, also. pulleys and V-belts, Jones & Moore Electric, 206 Adel- _aide St. WW, Toronto. _ . FARM EQUIMME ALLO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES . TO DEALERS WHO ARE INTER- esté&d in obtaining a source of sup- ply for a complete line of auto parts, accessories, tires, tubes, bat. terles, oils, .etc., we can assure you the lowest possible wholesale pric- es; and place you in a position to he competitive to any large cata. T~logue mail order house, You are under no obligations to Inquire. Letters will be kept strictly con- fidential, Dandee Auto Stores, 522 Yonge Street, Toronto. FANNING MILI, (KLINE) FARM. ers say best seed grader; wild oat separator, also screening repairs. Testimonials, Kline Manufactur. ing, Islington, Ontario. + i; 77 FILMS APRIL ADVERTISING SPECIAL «= dollar value for 30c and advertise. ment. Roll developed, printed: or -| eight reprints, with craft embos- sed enlargement-7 x"10, London Photo Service, Dox 551, London, "Ontario. -BADY CHICKS CHICKS THAT WILL, MAKE YOU money. Prices that will please you all. from. Government Approved bloodtested breeders and at rock bottom prices. Standard. Quality two week old Barred Rocks, New Hamps non sexed $12.45, Pullets $19.40, Leghorns $21.90, Cockerels Barred Rocks $8.45, New Hamps $7.95, Hybrids $8.95. Threo week old add three cents, Big Egg Qual- ity add one cent, Extra Select Quality add two cents, Assorted breeds one cent less. Write for v bargains on two or three week old' -started chicks. Baden Electrle Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. ' Font SALE: TWO-UNIT MILKERS -- New as 9;-guaranteed rebullts as 9; also amazing. new (5 parts replace up to 47 parts on others), free d MELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission, II, Rochester, New York. & SALESMEN WANTED MILKER DISTRIBUTOR - SALES- men -- Invest $50.00 and be your --own boss; one sale per week béats working for someohe else; cap. able hard workers earn $3,000 up, retail prices as low as $89, also amazing new machine by 36.year- old company. State full experience. Box K, Room 8-4A; Sarnia, Ont. : SEED FOI SALE HOME. GROWN SEEDS ---- GOVT. graded. Alfalfa, red clover, alsike. Timothy, sweet citver. Ask for prices and samples. The Cafcdonia Milling Co. Ltd., Caledonia. ROSEDALE "SEED GRAIN FARMS Registered No. 1 erban, vanguard, alaska oats. Also good grade 1 of ~. same varleties. O.A.C. 21 barley. Can sypply 2 carloads Goverment: 1 _erban. All grains ha ----o¢Wn combine, cleaned, our own power buffer. C © Marot grader. Write for reduced prices, A, C. Porter & Sons, Jarvis, - Ontario. SEPARATORS FOR SA LE WORLD'S CHEAPEST TO BUY AND use -- the only American made se- arators with gelf-balancing owls, guaranteed never to get out of balance, "whirl drying", guar. anteed rebuilts as low as $58; frea catalogs, better get an Anker. Holth than wish you had. Box K, -Room~ SCR&.4, Sarnia, Ontario. . USED BOOKS, MAGAZINES stration, get our offer and free Grade-A Guide. Box K, Room X8-4, Sarnia, Ontario. 5: INDOOR WATER TOILETS FOR FARM, SUBURBAN AND SUM- mer homes, where water facilities are not available. Government Home Improvement payments are ranged. Circular on request. Can- adian Sanitation Company, 67 York Street, Hamilton. ORDER BABY CHICKS NUW. AT- tractive prices on well bred Bar. red Rocks, White Leghorns, Hamp. shires, Jusirolorps. Write for J rises, Wingham Hatchery, Wing um, Ontario. "RAISED BRAY CHICKS FOR FIVE years. , . difficult to get better," writes Leonard Cole, We'll take your order, cholce 18° varieties. Bargains in 2.3 week pullets, cockerels. No . waiting. Capons, Turkeys. Order now. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John Ni, Hamilton. STARTED CHICK BARGAINS FOR immediate delivery, Two week old, Double AA Quality. nonsséxed New Hampshires, Barred Rocks $13.40, 90. per cent. Pullets $19.90, Cocker- HH) $8.95. White Leghorn- Pullets- $#3.90, add to above prices three week old three cents, Extra Pro. ~fit_Quiality, 1%c, Special Mating wo cents. Hurry, they. will soan go at these prices. Also day-old 'chicks, 18 varleties, also: turkey pguits. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries simited, Fergus, Ontario. CHICKS THAT THRIVE YOU CAN DEPEND ON LEWIS chicks. High liveabllity and early Patuity assures you of real pro-- fits, Only matings.of best breed- i .ing stock used. All breeders blood tested and' Gbyernment approved, Prices express paid. Barred Rocks one hundred $¥1.50, three hundred. 33.00, five hundred $52.50, New {fampshires lc less per chick. White leghorns 2¢ less per chick. $1.00 per hundred books order, balance C.O.D. Live arrival an satisfaction guaranteed. Percy A. Lewis, 1141 Lake Shore Road, Long Branch, Ontario. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. New rebuilt Bicycles $10 up. Used Motorcycles. Duke's, 625A Queen _W., Toronto. BAKERY: EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN: ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres . pondence Invited. Hubbard Port. able. Oven: Cos 103: Bathurst: St, Toronto, 2 BASKETRY. «~~ REED WORK LEARN BASKETRY, INTEREST- ing, educational, cornplete instrue- tion, 25c, Free catalogue and reed. wor ominion Reed HERN-GROWING $5,000 CROP FROM HALF ACRE -- People everywhere are growing Ginseng and Golden Seal (Medi- "cine herbs), Enormous profits! We supply seed, Instructions, buy eve. ery pound. Particulars 10¢ ed). No™triflers, Assoclat Growers, Box 2TW., St. Manitoba. credit. Herb orbert, HOGS FOR SALE ORCHARD VALLEY YORKSHIRES --Present offering = Males. Ser- viceable age and younger. Sows all . ages, bred or open. Sam J. Gal« laugher, Alliston, Ontario. =. HOTELS -WANTED OUR SUCEESS IN SELLING HOT- els {3 really phenomenal, We will -- be pleased to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We advertise + in every paper in Ontario. For our terms, write to Bert Weir & Sons, Realtors, London; Ontario. MEDICAL HEPATOLA RELIEVES STUMAUCH and [iver troubles. Symptoms: Pains In .right side, under shoul- --der-blades-and across hips, indi. yestlon, mas, constipation, Kell trouble. Formula, of doctor. e- Price $5.00, Mrs. 1078W. Saskas sults in one day Geo. 8. Almas, Box toon, Sask. ECZEMAID. RELIEF. FOR BABIES. or Adults, from dry or weeping eczema, Testimonials from hund- reds for over 35 years. Two weeks treatment One Dollar. Write Hy- gela Products, London, Ontario. a PERFUME -- SI'ECIAL OFFER ME PREPAID. erfume of unus: ty for discriminating peo. fio oday's Joos! bopular erfume. 1.00 value.for 2b¢. ress. to evonshire Perfumes, 153 Sherl- dan Ave. Toronto. ECZEMA, RASHES, PILES, SORE = Feet, completely relieved by Der. misoothe, 0 powerful household ointment, 2§¢, at your local drugglst, or mailed direct. Write for_free sample, Twentieth Century Remedies, 107 Hogarth Avenue, Toronto. SEND FOR FREE LIST OF GUUD used fiction at bargain prices. Ad- venture, mystery, romance by the best modern and old time writers. State your favourite titles ana authors. Largest stock of fiction - In Canada. Book Exchange, 370 Bloor West, Toronto. ~~ LYONS' or SPRING CLEARANCE SALE : HIGH CLASS RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every article thoroughly recondi- tioned, guaranteed absolutely clean and sold with a positive money-back guarantee of satisfaction. 2 $24.00 Solid oak dining suite, buffet, extension 'table -and ¢ leather seat -- chairs, $39.00 Nine pfece oak dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cab- inet and ¢ leather upholstered chairs, 2 4 $49.00 Smart walnut finish dining ~ suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet, and 6 leather seat chairs. $69.00 Modern English oak. dining uite, perfect condition, buffet, ex- tension table, china cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs, $72.00. Large walnut ining suite, buffet, extension table, chin ~ Inet and 6 leather seat chairs, $89.00 Beautiful large solid walnut sulte, buffet, extension table, -- china cabinet and 6 blue leather seat chairs. $5.00 Several solld oak buffets in golden and fumed finfsfics, . © $8.50 Oak and walnut finish china cabinets, $4.50 und up. Dressers with large mirrors in oak, walout and énams- el finishes. : "$12.95 Complete bed outfit, steel bed, walnut tinish sagless spring and new .imuttress. $32.00, Complete . bed - room: suite, dreeser, chiffonier, full size. bed. sagless spring, und new mattress. Perfect condition. LF co $45.00 Beautiful walnut bed room sulle, large vanity, chiffonier, full size bed and xagless spring. ; $569.00 Special floor. sample. modern suife In bleached wainut finish, waterfall design, venetlan miv-= rors, dresser or vanity, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring, ncw mattress and pair of pillows. $49.00 Modernistic bed room site, in two-tone walnut, large vanity, venctian mirror, bench, chiffonier, full size bed und sagless spring. Perfect. i $2.95 Large chostertield chaire, up. holatered| in brown mohair, Mac- shall cushions. $8.60 Odd chesterfields in mohalr and fopp covers, Marshall reversible : ng cushions. $14.00 Kroehler chesterfield bed, up- holstered In blue figured veiour, 24.00 Smart 3-plece Krochler ches- terfield suite, reversible spring cushions, Velour cover, all over, 427.00 Large 3-plece brown mohair - chesterfield .sunite, perfect condi tion, figured reversible Marshall a_cab- "When 1 was in thé packing business, I bought livgstock in the country because it was cheap, and that is the only reason any packer will buy direct from the try ~-- b it is cheaper than it Is on.the central markets. 1-have never sold a head of livastock in the country direct to packers, but have. shipped them all to public markets." . : ample copy: . "1 cannot understand why any farmer 'will sell his livestock |i ige. Can Review, 2 1 oultry "to the nose as well as the eye has - direct to packers, when doing so takes that much competitive bidding | ' 184 W. Ade ads Btreot, Toronto. COLLEGES, TRADE SCHOOLS | > RCE THA > aYPEWHI. "been, introduced in the St. Louis off the public markets." [52 P8are SLAY Haier 885. « Stree nnipeg; for part! VENSUNAL QUIT, TUBACCU. SNUFF. EASILY, Jpstpensively, [lome remedy. Testimonlals.. Guarantecd, Advice free. Bartlett's fox 1. Winnipeg, STOP-TOBACCO. Special. Quit smok. ing, chewing tobacco, snuff, easily, quickly. Cojiinleta guaaniee treat. Bien 60c. Rellable Products, Box 251, Regina, Sask. ons. Supplies, Department, W,, Toronto 'spring cushions, $35.00 Beautiful large 2-piece brown mohair chesterfield suite (cost new "approximately $285), Rever- sible Marshall spring cushions. Perfect condition. $3.95 Extra special. Brand new mat. tresses, filled With new, fluff cotton, well tufted, roll edge. All . sizes, 5 $8.95 Kitchen cabinkts with rolf fronts, sliding porcelain ope, vars fous finishes. ¥ $4.50 Gas Btoves, 2,2 and 4-burnars, Nay, With Contig 'onfldence All merchagdise sold with a positive money-hack guaranice of satisfac tlon, di < LYONS' FURNITURE CO. - 478 Yonge St. -- Toronto ISSUE. NO. 15--'40 ~ Candy Advertisement 'Peppermint Scented CANADIAN POULTRY REVIEW CANADA'S OLDEST AND' BEST poultry magasiné, A real help to an quits 'man large or small Only $1.00 iDrive out ACHES | An advertisement that appeals + of Wihiod Tn freon i 0 cnay | | Ca aAt | | COMIRBAKBRULBNESTRES ROTEALN vinted in gre ; JA gs id pg 3 fragrant i \ 'Where Buyers And Sellers Meet: On Equal Terms odor . 3 J An ounce and a half of pepper- AND SELL THROUGH A L oan AND BONDED mint is mixed 'with each pound gi 1S ha: _ which 1s said to last from 16 -to CANADIAN LIVESTOCK SALES AGENCIES of ink to produce the aroma, 20 hours in a folded paper." g ; , © Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS : Used -- New SPECIALIZING IN REIT MO- TORS, POWER.UNITS, Holsts, Winches, Generators, Statt- A ers, Magnelos, Unrburetors. Hadiat. |- ppl ors -- Exchange Service, Glassy -- order, ngton Satisfaction or refund." Levy. Aufo tiurlington, Ontario. Carts," Toronto, ! iiydranlle & t . Le in ' .