2 ¥ Ing tie 1 Faull ition, BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned. All Shows Daylight' Saving Tinie. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 5-6-7 Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m. "The Doctor Takes A Wife" with LORETTA YOUNG, RAY MILLAND aslo a great comedy treat with The Three Stooges "YOU NAZTY spy" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. SEPTEMBER 9-10-11 Last Complete show at 8.50 "Those Were The Days" 'with WILLIAM HOLDEN, BONITA GRANVILLE, VAUGHAN GLASER. Also an ADDED At(raction. "The Lone Wolfe Strikes" with Warren William, Joan Perry and Eric Blore, ~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1940 PRENTICE'S Beauty Parlour -- Phone 223 - With or Without Appointments eet MISS DORIS MOUNTENAY EXPERT STYLIST -- FROM TORONTO -- CURLS YOUR HAIR TO SUIT YOUR PERSONALITY ee -- OIL PERMANENTS -- $1.95'and up -- Machineless Permanents $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 ISANA CREAM Wave, $5.00 Shampoo & Finger Wave, 50¢ MARCEL -- .75¢ MANICURE -- 35¢ SPECIAL OIL TREATMENT with FINGERWAVE -- $1.00 -------- Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. IBAA SASSARAASARSRRASAARFSARAARARARAAARRAAERAASXKEAX ARAN EC TEI a eT er > a WE ALSO SELL School Bags for Girls or Boys at 50c., $1.00 'Langmuir & McBrine BAGGAGE, Priced $4.00 to $10.00 ' MENS' DRESS SOCKS Work Socks for Men 20c, 25c, 35c¢, 50c. SHOE POLISH (British Army) - Ta -- La a = 20¢, 28c¢, 3§5¢, 45¢, 50¢ il 15c. per tin Beatty Blodu . De de = W. E. WEBSTER -- EL eel -_ a aa Port Perey = pO We Offer You the Choice of the Market|---- in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prempt and Courteous Service Cawker Bros. Phone 29w Port Perry PROSPECT "Miss Jean McClintock of Preston, spent a week at her home here, -Mr, Chas. Webster and Miss. Betty Lee, of Toronto, spent the holidays at the former's home here. Congratulations to Mrs. Vail on celebrating her 85th birthday on Sun- day, Nir. and Mrs, M, Holliday and daughter' Marion and friend, of To- ronto, with Mr. and-Mrs. Fo Vernon; on "Sunday. Mr, Evans, of Bradford, was a call- er at the home of Mrs, G. Webster, on Sunday, : . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holliday and family of Toronto, were recent visit- ors of Mrs. J. Hollida: Sorry to report the ad accident in which Mr. Geo. McClintock had a finger taken off, iss Lamb of Toronto is a visitor "at the home of Mr. W. Holtby. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stephens of Oak- ville, were recent visitor here. Mrs, J, "Holliday and Miss Bertha Holliday 'were 'in Oshawa recently. Mra # Martin and Mrs. Vail ana Mrs. mith were in Oshawa Vist ing ne sick recetnly. PRINCE . ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. E. McCrae, Hazel, Viola and Billy, were among those who visited the G.N.E, on Saturday School re-opened this week with Me Clark as teacher. Mr. Will Heayn has improved his mother's house with a coat of Pai. Mr, Vincent Groupe and friend Miss Nash, left on Tuesday for Philadelphia after visiting his parents and attend- is with her sister Mrs. E. Darn at Innerkip, who is reported as improving after, er recent illness. Mrs. B, Greaves and "The Groupes" were in Oshawa on Saturday. Misa E., Spence, Toronto, spent last week holidaying at the home of her cousins the Misses Holman, Miss Violet Bond, Toronto, spent the week end in the village. : Glad to report Mrs. A. Harper is home again from Oshawa Hospital, and improving in health. Miss McPherson of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her aunt Mrs. W. J. Martyn, and they with Mr. Martyn visited the former's brother Mr. G. McPherson in Millbrook on Sunday. : The Misses Young, Toronto, spent a few weeks. with their aunt Miss Barlow, Mrs. Raymer, Mr. and Mrs. Groupe, and Mrs. G. Luke, visited Pine Point oh Thursday. Mr. Ted Luke and fiance, of Wel- land, at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Luke, on Sunday. GREENBANK Miss Aletha Cragg, Toronto, at her home here on the week end. Mr. D. Wallace, Welland, home for the holiday week end. Mr. Walter Phoenix, Montreal, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cragg, To- ronto, visited with Mrs, Phoenix. Rev. J. A. Miller visited relatives and friends here last week. « Mrs, T. Brown and Mrs. Emmerson, Colborne, in the village on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell, Toronto, the week end. Mrs. Burbank who has visited her sister Mrs. Marshall O'Neill, for the Past month, returned to her home in wmarket' on Sunday. Mrs, Lunny, Sonya, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. Watson on the holiday. We express our sympathy to Mrs. Norman in the death of her. father Mr. McGillivray, Balsover, and her niece'in Toronto. Both funerals were! held at Balsover on Friday afternoon of last week. £rgiath guests of Miss Jean 'Phoenix for the| B FIELD SERVICE Helps wine Ue. dey BUILDER'S" MASSEY- HARRIS [Co Vi for the ready availability of parts for With all the anxious watching and waiting that precedes the ripening of a crop, the harvest itself seems to descend with "Blitz- krieg" speed. And once on, speed is the essence of success--for delay may be costly to the farmer. Heavy crops in down and tangled condi- tion give rise to problems in harvesting methods and equipment operations and throw excessive strains on much worn parts of old, reliable machines. It Is then that the farmer. appreciates the real valve of farm machine service as rendered by Massey-Harris. Competent men with experience in fleld problems and service thot takes years to acquire, and a system that provides any of its machines, no matter how old, so as to avold cosily delays, are what have earned for Massey-Harristhe enviable reputation which it has long enjoyed as-- "THE SERVICE ARM OF THE CANADIAN FARM.' emit It Ro Bo SPA Gi Sa bl oo A iv) RAT AYCATANVAN WRN ha nh A (oJ J c Be Mo ll») INVEST FOR VICTORY THROUGH W. H. HARRIS PORT PERRY, ONTARIO WAR LOAN AGENT FOR Sef ren re rege Bibi tel smart si io Port Perry Falr -- September 13, iE i i vil NT 4 \4 NO [We U i PS pla wk d A ANTE MIDLAND SECURITIES LTD. eth "1847 -~ me RED & WHITE stone BOYS WINDBREAKERS. All Wool with Zippers, $1.25 | ul || Boys Brushed Wool Windbreakers, $1.75 | WOOL SWEATERS We have several Sweaters at Last Year's Prices. I IBEX BLANKETS -- $2.59 | LINENS, yaa Frices CONGOLEUM RUGS 41/2 ft. x 9 ft., $2.98 . Children's Ribbed HOSIERY 35¢ PYJAMA CLOTH, new this week, 30c to 38¢ 1941 WALLPAPERS Are in now. A nice assortment for any room in the House. CUP> and SAUCERS, clover leaf, $1.10 dz. SUGAR - - 100 lbs. -- $6.79 VINEGAR - - 1gal.-- 39c || QUAKER xxxx Flour, 98's -- $2.69 PASTRY FLOUR - 24's -- 57c_ F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 "PORT PERRY MEATS THAT SATISFY You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meals you "require, we Give us a call. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE can always give you quality and service. Bert. MacGregor, Phone 72-r-2 . EEN "FRESH SHIPMENT of CANDY" i packages and bulk # - Snowball Chocolates Ih .39 Nut Carmo ........ 1h .39 : Ginger Delux ..... Ih .39 Dairy Cream ...... Ih .39 Brazil In Cream....Ih .39 Peppermint Patties 1h 20 # Walnut Tops ...... 1h .39 Keispy Krumbles ..1h 29 i THIS WEEK-END SPECIAL RAINBOW JELLIES, Ib. 15c. Mom Gerrow Bros., Port Perry EA EEE PEE EP ee Eee EEE eS ee ele ee eee sess se se eee see ees > > We we ee eo ee ee eo In thesedays of uncertainty you need | reliable i insurance. We place insurance that gives you peace of mind as well as protection. } HAROLD W. EMMERSON - . Phone 41 Port Perry c----- DR. WW WT EE EE EL EL EL LE LE IE Tr erp epee. PRINTING: Of all kinds done at "the Port Perry Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets. Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing you require. Rrompt work, low price. IBA J ROO A A A A a OOO AR AAR RS ARR AAS AL] PHONE 3 b 4 ERR STN SRA $ret A GR RO } }