3% FN Valuable Food * Loss From Pests In Britaln Set at £40,000,000 Per Year Lord Woolton, British minister of food, made geveral new an- nouncements of interest to every British housewife recently. More chocolate and candies are to be allocated to the public, the ministry -said, and less will go to the fighting services. On the other hand, there is to be no spe- cial sugar allowance for the do- mestic manufacture of marmal- ade and housewives who last year were granted an extra ra' tion for this purpose, will have to do without it this year. CAMPAIGN TO EXTERMINATE 'EM [4 Woolton said there is plenty of ¥ milk and bread and iu no case, hy even following a serious bomb- 1 ing of a town or city, has the % supply failed. This, he said, was maily thanks to the co-operation 5 of the milk distributors and the L) bakers. Finally, Woolton warned against against the rat pest which, he said, was destroying as much as £40,000,000 worth of food per year, A campaign to persuade people to kill rats will be started soon, he said, and if the people can't be persuaded "then we shall require them to kill" the rats, he added. British Get Bacon But Eggs Scarce Latter Apparently Arc Worth Their Weight In Gold Accord- ing to English Women Arriv- - ing Here Bacon from ('anada is pleasing the English palate, but the other half of the inseparable ULreakfast Pe Berry pt SSE combination is mighty scarce at the British table, according to housewives arriving in an east coast Canadian port from Britain. "Eggs are worth their weight In gold," declared one woman who came here, Another said she had not seen an. egg for weeks. A third claimed eggs were almo® impos. sible to buy unless- one [knew a farmer. PROBABLY HELD IN STORAGE Told that Canada had this year shipped more than 10,000,600 dozen eggs to the United Kingdom, against a normal year's export of - 1,000,000 dozen, they hazarded a guess that the British Ministry of Food was probably holding the eggs In storage. New Jasper Manager R. E. Cuhrey, formerly As- sisant Manager and Credit Man- ager of the Chateau Laurier Ho- tel, Ottawa, Ont., whose appoint- ment as Manager of the Canadian National Railways' Jasper Park Lodge, in the Reckies, is announc- ed by J. Van Wyck, General Man- ager of Hotels for the National + System. A New Market For Peat Moss Ontario Is Now Able to Sell Products of Bog to U. 8. Florists and Gardeners A new and greater market for Ontario peat moss among florists" and gardeners in the United States has opened up because war condi tlons prevent its Importation from Russia, Scandinavia, and the Bal tic States, says the Christian Sci- ence Monitor. Producers explain that florists, gardeners and horticulturists use the peat to Improve the soll, as well as for packing roses dnd hot-house plants. Its use Is fairly extensive x in the United States. (Canada's peat bogs cover a 37, 000 square mile area. Peat bogs e found in many parts of On- + tario, particularly in.the Muskoka district, and he i area, It Is understood t Interests in the United States ire pressing for development and Welland bog to ged demands. SUAS TR AM TON Rats Detsroy o S-- of Signalling Crew at Camp Borden Send "Scrambled" Messages = 3 a ; a LAE a 'some 4,000 acres In EN TUE hm ft a wor Set in me. bo winter t gency Fie scrambled when they leave the transmitter and are unscrambled at the receiving end, thus sible for th ewire-tapper to gleam the slightest bit ofinformation. elephone", . This Pphotcgraph, taken at Camp Borden, shows a signalling crew usin With ie. of snow on the countryside, Canada's soldiers are alread The messages from this ingenious instrument cannot be tap) into the full swing of theit a "Fuller Emer- tel they are making it impos. jen Can I?) BY ANNE ASHLEY bo How can 1 tighten a loose chair rung? A. Remove the rung, slightly split the ends, insert very small wooden wedges, and then drive the rung back into place. Q. How can I make a good steel and nickel polish? A. Mix 1 tablespoon of tur- pentine, 1 tablespoonful of sweet oil, and enough emery powder with' a soft rag, then wipe off, and polish with a dry flannel cloth. . Q. How can I keep the plants in a hanging basket watered with- out danger of dripping? A. Put the. porous cup from a discarded wet-battery cell in the center of the hanging basket, fill it with water, and it will seep through, supplying the necessary moisture . without danger of drip- ping water, Q. How can I avoid so Ft stooping when using the dustpan? A. Bend the hollow tin handle of the dustpan to a right angle, and insert an old broom handle. Q. How can I stiffen a rug that persists in wrinkling? A. Try the following treat- ment: Dissolve 1 part of common glue in 10 parts of warm water. Hang the rug over a pole and paint the wrong, side of it with a paint brush dipped in the so- lution. Use the solution sparing- ly- or it may soak through and show on the surface. This treat. ment should be done in the yard, where the rug will dry quickly. BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Should a man who is walk- ing with a woman carry her packages? dancing, and another man wishes to "cut in," is it permissable for either the girl or her partner to . refuse? "8. Is it all right for the host dinner is informal? 4, If one were introducing a woman to the president or ruler be presented to him? : 6. What does it indicate when a person is constantly criticizing members of his family, when talking to friends and acquain- tances? 6. Should the water glass be filled to the brim? Answers 1, Yes, if the packages are of considerable size. If the pack- ages are insignificant in size, a few spools of thread, a tube of toothpaste, or a library book, ft is not necessary. 8. It is ex- tremely rude to do so, and very embarrassing to the other man. #8. Yes, '4, Yes; in such a case, the woman is presented to the man, 6. Il-breeding is the onl answer. 6. No; two-thirds full is sufficient. At Benton, Alta, William Dene ton declares a young 'coyote chased his 40.pound gobbler one Bight and they crashed and burst pen a wheat-filled implement hed, both befog buried alive th the golden grain. to 'the consistency of cream. Apply * 2. When a man and a girl are - to carve at the table, when the' of some country, shouldn't she - _ Frelan Wilford, world wheat king in 1938, now goes in for raising champion hogs. He has become a member of the board of directors of the Alberta Swine Breeders' association and in a recent show in Calgary took one first place and four other prizes with his entries, select bacon types. PSS II ITI OITOOCSTOOILAILIE IO . What Science; Is Doing I an ad ad 'WIDEN VIEW OF UNIVERSE Objects in the sky "quite out of reach some years ago' have been brought within range by newly developed telescope aids. Several stars have been added to those known to be among the nearest neighbors of the sun, two of which give out less than one-tenth thousandth part of the sun's light. SUNLIGHT AND VITAMIN «C; Vitamin C may be produced by sunlight in the same way that radiation produces vitamin D, it is indicated by an analysis of tomato plants' vitamin content when kept under variable condi- tions of sunlight. When the plants were removed from the sunlight the vitamin C content showed a remarkable decrease in quantity, and when they were returned to the light the quantity increased. NEW WAY TO MAKE HELIUM Dr. Cecil T. Lane, assistant in physics at Yale University and former student and member of the staff at McGill University, is reported to have built a ma- chine which cuts both the time and cost of manufacture of liquid helium down-{o a fraction of the former time and cost. McGill physicists last week commented that the manufacture of liquid helium was a difficult process as helium gas liquefies at four degrees above absolute zero, the point at which all atomic ac- tion ceases. aA Mute r. Ad tresses sre tere HEALTH TOPICS SOP IC TIPO PIv esses Oa More Vitamins in Whole Wheat Bread No one measure could do so much to advance national health and vigor in wartime as the provision of greater vitamin con- tent in bread, Dr. Frederick T. Tisdall, nutrition expert, told the Health League of Canada in a recent address at Toronto. The British government 'last July took steps to supplement the amount of vitamin B1 in all bread. Similar action is being considered in the U.S. and work in this. field is Tow being done at Ottawa. "In Canada we have discover ed in the last few years that most of the vitamin content of -our grains goes into the animal troughs," Dr, Tisdall said. The heaviest vitamin content of grain is in the parts discarded in the refining, of white bread flour, he explained. COMBATS NERVOUSNESS "We used to think that 800 in- ternational units of vitamin Bl was a sufficient daily supply but now - we believe 500 units are needed. Persons receiving 300 units get along all right, but that if this is cut to 250 units the same people become morose and fretful," he said. Reducing the amount below that figure actu- ally reduced subjects of experl- ments to a state where they be- came highly nervous. and afraid, he declared. The simplest way to derive the full vitamin advantages from bread is to eat whole wheat bread, the doctor said, but added . "you can'¢ make people eat what they don't like and nlost of us don't like brown bread." "A white flour can be pro- duced which will vary very little frem our present white flour, yet contain the needed vitamins," Dr. Tisdall added. Some Canadians Are Promoted From The Rauks i Gon. AneNuughin, aif on tee Hl, 8 Cadi sh to Ma Adian og in Eo "Engoad ke Whe P dures to. Tbecor Lists Favorite Bathtub Songs Nelson Eddy Names the Ten Best Ballads For Use While Bathing fs Nelson Eddy is quite a slnger, and he is probably right in say- ing that one thing the world needs plenty of just now Is good songs-- particularly for bathtub use, says the Stratford Beacon-Herald. He has compiled a list of 10 best songs for bathroom bellowing. Here they are, in the order selected: "The Road to Mandalay," "Sweet Ade- line," "I Am the Captain of the Pinafore," "Vest! la Giubba" from Yerdi's opera, "Pagliacel," or "Fig- aro" from Rossiul's "Barber of Seville," the second verse of "The Star Spangled Banner," (for Can. adlans we would suggest the sec- ond verse of "God Save the King" which probably not one Britisher in 100,000 knows), any good college song, "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes," "The Prisoner's Song," "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life," and "I'll See You Agaln," from "Bittersweet," which fs, how ever, a "plug" for his next picture. That Isn't a bad list, but for the average man "Vesti la Giubba" is not familiar enough, although the sob (n the voice that comes in the last line would be handy for the man who got soap In his eyés. For the leisurely bather, or for dealing with the spot between the shouldet blades and the small of the back, "Drink to Me Only" is admirable. For a good vigorous rub, how- ever, we cast a vote ofr. "There'll Always Be An England." Arctic Air Lines Seen by Explorer In the not too distant future, the Polar regions will be criss- crossed by air lines linking Eur- ope, America and Asia, according "to Vilhjalmur Stefansson, noted Canadian explorer of the Arctic, who flew from Edmonton to Montreal by Trans-Canada. Air Lines, after a month in. Alaska, on his way back to New York. On the year's average, flying conditions in the Arctic are bet- ter than these of the North At- lantic, be said. - Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all. inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the week end- ing December 14, 1940, were: $5,349,721 .. 4,290,358 as compared with . for the corresponding period of 1939, an in- crease of ............... $1,059,363 : or 24.7% HAVE - {YOU HEARD? The big touring car slowed to a crawl to pass a primitive ox wagon, driven by an ancient gray- beard. "Look at Rip Van Winkle!" . exclaimed the 'smart 'aleck' of the party. - "Say, Grandpa, did you Jever ride in an automobile?" "Sure I did! I was a dandy automobile, too -- a five-wheeled one." "Good for you! but why the fifth wheel?" "To steer with, Gid- dap, Buck." smarty. Lo Only a very, very tactless German asks, on entering a friend's house 'for dinner, "Where's Fido?" ~--Toronto Star. prio A man who had a fight with his wife sent for a doctor to treat his face, which was badly bruised and scratched. After treating the man, the doctor turned to the wife, and said, "I should think, madam, that you'd be ashamed to. treat your husband so -- your husband who is the head of the family." : "Doctor," she answered, "hasn't a woman got a right to scratch her own head?" --O-- "How nicely you have made your bed, sonny," said his mother one morning." "I haven't made it," he re- plied. "I got out of it care. fully." < --0-- "Deputy Clerk T. H, Depew, Canton, Ohio, was registering an alien who cculd neither read nor write, "Put your X right there," he said, indicating the dotted line with an index finger, "Oh, sure," said the eager reg- istrant, and quickly drew an X on Depew's=fingernuil, ot "Why was the period be. tween A.D. 500 and A.D. 1200 known as the Dark Ages?" ' "Because those were the days of nights" : "Now, Pat," cid the magis- trate sympathetically to an old offender, "what brought you here again?" "Two policemen, sorr," was the laconic reply. "Drunk, I suppose?" the magistrate. "Yes, sorr," said Pat, without relaxing a muscle, "both of them." queried Fish can hear, distinguish be- tween colours, and make a noise when they eat. 4 20 P.C. Increase In C. N. I. Revenues . Net revenue ie of § $5,624,224 1 the month of November and a $38,788,861 for the ad ot months peried, January to Noe vember inclusive, is shown in the monthly statement of Spétating revenues, operating expenses an net revenue of the Canadian Na. tional Railways all-inclusive sys. tem issued at headquarters re. cently, Operating revenues were $22,« 889,448 in November of thls year and operating expenses $16,865,224, There was an in. crease in pet revenue of $540, 620 for the month over that of last year, For the eleven months of the present year, operating revenues were $223,790,418, an increase of $39,016,649 over the corres. ponding period of last year. Op- erating expenses up to November 80 of this year were $185,066, 667, an increase of $17,363,498 over the similar period of 1939, The net revenue of $38,738,861 for the first eleven months of 1940 represents an increase of $21,663,066 over the corresponds ing period of 1939, The Best Woods For House-Heating Hard maple, yellow birch, beech, oak and hickory are among ° the best Canadian woods for fyel, a cord and one-quarter of any one of them being approxi. mately equal in heating value to one ton of anthracite coal. Re- gardless of what wood is used, ° it should be as dry as possible for not only does wet wood give out less heat than dry wood but it-is also apt to cause fouling of the pipes. For this reason fire . wood seasoned for less than one year should not be used, and to achieve the best results wood should be cut into suitable lengths for the stove or furnace as soon as - possible so as to permit the most thorough seasoning, .° "More Fast Trains On This Continent Railroad passenger service in Canada and the United States is much, faster than it was a year ago, aclording to the annual train schedule survey jus completed and made public by Railroad Magazine, This study shows that separate runs operating daily at- an average speed o mile-a-minute or more grew dur- the year from 997 to 1,226 --+a jump of 23 per cent. The ex- tension of mile-a-minute rail- roading, it is pointed out, is prim- arily due to the general improve- ment of inter-city services ra. ther than to a spectacular speed- up on any one system. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED JOB OPPORTUNITIES RHEUMATISM SUFFERERS LOCAL MAN - GOOD PAY WEEK- ly. Full or spare time. Book orders for Canada's finest trees, plants. Experience unnecessary, Sales out- fit free. BE. D, SMITH'S NURSER- IES, Winona, Ont. WE -CUACH FOR GOVERNMENT , positions on deferred payment, paying after appointment. List of Spenings, pafticuiars free. Ri raining Schoo Burrow Winnipeg, Man. = Wrowe AGENTS--MEN, BOYS, $5.00 WILL start you in business. fartoul ars free. Sample 25¢. Amazing its, 'Northern Sales, Val d'Or, Suebec, -- he AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Car and Tractor Parts NEW AND USED AT LOWEST prices. Used electric motors all alzes. Satisfaction or money re- funded, General Auto Supply, Kit- chener. BABY CHICKS MAKE SURE OF THE QUALITY of your chicks before placing your order for 1941, Baden chicks are good chicks all from Government Approved blood-tested breeders. Send for early Phice list, also old- er .pullets. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontarlo. HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS ARE writing us about the success the haa with their 1940 Top Note hicks. Before you order Ror 194 investigate the profit making ab< 1lity of: Top Notch Chicks. Free catalogue, also older pullets. Top Noté¢h Chickerlies, Guelph, Ontario. HERE ARE THE CHICKS YOU AND 1941. have been looking for: Big- -ger, huskler chicks from atrong- er, blood-tested breeding flocks. Buy these better chicks from Tweddle at prices you can scarce. ly believe possible. Never more for your money than Tweddle's aL Chicks, big Jnoney Saving counts for e or lor ap ear delivery of Erpedale Chicks. Fret atalogue. or ote, eddie Chie Sat neries td mit." ed, 'Fergus, Ontarlo. PLAN NOW _ FOR Jou ULARY Profits. With They Al ST and; th he je chick . 4 CH TL rte Shieks Fophat fas | a rite tor. DA cla {F d Cat. Thea Beciar S2esiala and, als £ fare 'Bray A AR ohn Sw BD DIST UTH | 200 gil imi EE LR he thr aE spendent | Eh hid Ey J LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP-, itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontarlo, Special Department for farmers collections. alll MEDICAL | - IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neurltis. Munro's. Drug. Store so 325 Eig! Ottawa, Postpaid $1. CONSTIPATION, STOMACH TROUB- les pleasantly relieved. purifier and tonic. Man monials. Month treatment th. Post- pald. Estab. 1 ucts, Sub. 23, Edmonton, Alta, GOLDEN HEALING OIL ~ A proven remedy for skin aliments. batinate' cases of jezema com- pletely relieved. Try thls. roatment, A trial bi ix ounce bottle mailed, One Dol- lar. Dr, W. Price, 67 "Carlton 8t., Toronto. STOP SUFFERING: CANCER, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Consum tion, Heart Trouble, other ails Menta relieved. 3 Rariicuiars atamp. envelope. 303, nton. NOVELTIES BARGAIN! $15.00 DOUBLE-CUT- cuting Eles ric Shavers, only $4.98 Jostpald, oro, Ontario. OFFER TO INVENTORS 1920, Herb-atone Pro- | pire Novelties, Peters J : PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the good results from taking Dix- on's Remedy for Rheumatic Polns and- Néuritis, at Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Poste pald $1.00. in SHINGLE MILL BAW FIRST CLASS SHINGLES, Build Shingle Mill. Small cost. + Stamped envelope for. particulars. I. Lundy, New Sarepta, Alberta. 'SKATING OUTFITS - BKATING OUTFITS, NEW YOUTHS pass Adults, $3.30; Reconditioned hs, $1.85, $2.15; Adults AL £3, Send money order postage: Sport .t Gentre, ast Ave, Hamilto STAM P COLLECTORS Wa TED, USED STAMPS, CQ ons, accumulations, 1 i tions: Best prices paldr Qur book- Jot (Free for stamp) means money, A] Purkle, 6070 West: Boule- fer Vancouver. 251 Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK: PARTS Used -- New SPECI LIAING, a Rui TURS i ow Cit. i Ho Ta Ey ERY INVE LTE ot 3 eon hull ALR 'Re lo 8 HN Pi Bank Qreat. OF Stara tome a { PERSONAL . SUPERFLUOUS HA IR: SAFELY, ace, Boge Tien nn Si 3 Gavhaian 'Ene ith one Sp! Ati 4 A | FEATHERS WANTED FORTANLE SAWMILL BUILD ads portanie a WOE ation food paisa fo |i $e Bote, of evga proven Hot mensy Work GOOSE AND DUCK Immediate Remitians REESE RUG . Tsim TaN