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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Oct 1941, p. 1

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rr Er SAMUEL FARMER, ! Editor and Publisher, NIE PORT PERRY, ONT, THURS AY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1941 Watch your label; it tells hia your $1.50 per year im advance. 5 cents a single copy subscription expires ¢ ° 7 7 EDITORIAL Se "Buch is the Patriot's beast, rene we! ream: His first, best country ever is at home," 4 ONE DRINK 18: TOO MUCH : (Christian Science Monotor)! ara! ShTLEL Cheers are in rice in the courageous Com- missioner of Police of Memphis, Tennessée: He has ordered his bluecoats to arrest and charge * with reckless driving those who break traffic rules and are found to have had perhaps only one drink. Says Commissioner- Boyle: . One or two drinks, although they may. not make a driver drunk, may affect his driving to such an extent that he will have a wretk and perhaps kill ~ somebody. 'Anybody who is drinking His no business be- hind the wheel of a car and we intend to see that drinking drivers are kept off the streets, It is well known that 'motor crashes in which liquor Js involved are caused not merely by those * who may be denominated "blind drunk." = The fellow who has taken 'just one or two" is the fellow who takes a chance on running a red light, passing someone on a hill, or crossing: an inter- section at full speed." And that's when accidents happen. Other police 'chiefs might make a note of what goes on in Memphis, * & = YOUR WEEKLY NEWSPAPER I am the voice of your town and your county, the bringer of tidings, the companion of "your fireside hours, I am your friend away from home. \, I am the prophet of tomorrow, your link with the world beyond your doorstep. I am today's link with history. But most of all, I. am the conscience of Canada. And I must be heard. . I have never become "an instrument of govern- ment policy", I have never--as in certain coun- tries--been used to. blackout the truth, No hid- den power has used me, as. in Germany, to stifle the kindlier instincts of a whole people, rouse bar- baric passions and set feet tramping the long red road. No secret voices made me keep silent, as in France while a trusting nation died. I am'not infallible I have your weaknesses for I am of you and by you, but I also have your _ steadfast strength. . Sometimes I have slumbered, complacent, and then wrongs were done But I have always awakened. I am_the conscience of : -Canada--your consiciegce--and J-will be heard, - I bid you have faith in Canada I tell you De- mocracy is not on triat It is not-outmoded, worn out, finished, It is still the newest thing on earth; _too new even to be fully understood. All else a throwback to medievalism, cynicism, dependency '<.'and despair. I tell you the Dominion of Canada is "not on trial. It is rather we who are on trial. It is our 'faith, our courage that is being put to the test and will be put to the test in the years to" come." Perhaps, caught in the mesh of social and 'eco- nomic change, we shall give éar to the honeyed voices of the demagogues. Perhaps, softened by. "..1 am one of the foundations of Democracy. , one. 1 tell you the truth. ease, corrupfion by paternalism, we shall forget truth, tolerance, kindliness, initiative. - Maybe. we shall forget that while the burden of responsi- . bility always rests heavily on the shoulders of . those willing to bear it, that very willingness nmkes those shoulders stronger. Perhaps we shall decide that Democracy is not for 3, that we are not ready for it. I-don't think so. For I gm Canada's 8 ¢ conscience ~and I have faith in Canada's-destiny. I know that * us long as I am free to speak, Canada will listen. I must not be silenced, for when yow silence me you silence your own heart. I must not be en- slaved, for when you enslave me you are alone, cut off from reality; abandoned by truth, at the bottom of a black pit of horror and fantasy. Gag me and your children will never know the Canada you have known. Keep me free and you will be free and God wilt "make us mightier yet". I look insignificant enough on your doorstep or in your mail box, yet your link of under- standing with a changing world. 1 am a passing ephemeral thing, born and dying every day. Yet Iam I am beholden to no And you trust me. I am your the conscience. of Canada. I am the free press of Canada. Canadian Weekly newspaper. * * * * r SHALL THE WOMEN RULE? The temptation to secure high pay as a result of 'high-speed" training for specialized work is , very great to-day. Such a condition carries with it many imme- diate comforts and advantages, but it also carries cértain dangers that are not so readily apparent. + To come home each, two weeks pay day with $100, sweeps away the worry of petty debts; and opens a vista of happy spending for the things that have been wanted for so long, But the work is intensive; and many of the workers must travel a hundred or more miles.a week to and from their jobs. study or serious reading. In some degree the men may become machines that do routine work, day in and day out. ng! But look at the pay! Ny Young men and boys see the pay and the im- mediate spending pleasure, and school and study become a bore. = Another and unayoidable feature of the case "is that enlistment: has taken thousands of our best young" men. The result is that our High Schools are finding the proportion of girl students is growing rapidly. Naturally under these circumstances the girls may become better educataed than the boys. Nor is this better éducation confined to girls. Women throughout Canada have in the past few years become increasingly well informed both as to their own home affairs, and the affairs of the nation, Women's Institutes are indications of this wider education, Women have the vote. The hand that rocks' the cradle may indeed rule the world. Excellent Exhibits Such a manner of - "living gives little gpportunity or inclination for I 5 FAD a TY , MR. SMITH'S BOY" TIM LEFT TO JOIN FORCE AND THE NEW TEACHER FOR OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL HAS BEEN APPOINTED MR. AND MRS. BROWN } ARE THE PROUD PARENTS OF A LITTLE BABY BOY THE AIR HIS TWO BROTHERS \ TODAY/ UAC AND HENRY ARE BOTH IN THE ARMY Black and White Show - AAAS ASRS ARASSARARRANS ; : "This remarkable prophecy by the ho of-- * "Elegy Written in. a Country Churchyard," iy {Thomas Gray, 1716-71), was Sued by the Prime "Minister of Canada, M Mackenzie King at 'the Mansion House Banquet in his honor, , Sn :. The time A SE when thou shalt lift thine eyes To watch « long draw \ battl: in the skies, While aged peasanis, tou amazed for words, - Stare at the flying fleet of wond'rous birds. England, =o long the mistress of the sea, Where winds and waves confess her sovereignty, Her ancient triumphs yet on high shall bear And reign, the sovereign of the Cd Port Perry Fair A Fine Day A Good Crowd Junior Fair Growing Successful War Work Sale Day' this year for the Pair, Something it has not had for a good many years. The attendance gave a better gate receipt than for several years. On the whole the Exhibits were good, The crowd was well pleased and happy. Those. who did not come or a good Fair. The competition was not too keen in some of the horse classes; but what was there was of good qual- ity. Tee Shorthorn Cattle classes were better filled than last yeaf. , The 'Black and White" Show beat all records, with the 139 animals out to make a total of 186 ent- ries. This was run with the usual "even" prize money of $3.00 and $2.00. $445.00-in prizes was paid at this Black and White Show. ~~ : The sheep overran all accommodation, with near- ly every section filled in every class. Different ar- rangements will have to be made for Sheep and Swine next year, The Swine class was very light. While all classes had entries, there was not much competi- tion in some of the classes. ~~ The showing in the Building was good, Fruit and Grain being the lightest, Vegetables and Flowers were good. The Boys' Grain Club and the Junior Fair made a real good showing. If competition was light in some classes of the Fair, the Domestic Science and Ladies' Work classes made up for it, some sections - having from seven to ten entries in them. 'The Ladies'. War Work Committee had a a very nice exhibit. Manchester Red Cross had a booth. The War Savings Committee was represented, Special mention is due re the Wool Afghan made by pupils of Miss Stovin's room in the Port Perry Public School. The exhibits of Gladiolus by Mr. W, D. Dyer and Mr. Reg. Abbott made bright spots in the building. An important event was the Auction Sale for' War Hork. Auctioneer Ted Jackson, assisted by W., F. Marquis, had a busy time disposing of the wealth of gifts that were brought in, Ovet $226.00 was realized. The .Horse' Races were good, but there was room -for more horses. - Russ Creighton and his Prieta gave a good account of themselves both at the Grounds and in the Town Hall, 2 Edward. Oyler, 8 Stanley Croxall. Bull, Senior Champion--Stanley W. HOLSTEINS Croxall, Wn ER iS A Remarkable Prophecy : F ast Races Bull, 3 years and over--Stanley W. Croxall, F. W, Holliday, Harold W. Honey, Oswald Croxall, Bull, senior yearling--F, W. Holli- day. ) Bull, Junior yearling--F., W. Holli- day, R. N. Hogg. Bull, senior" calf--1 Harold Honey, 2 Smith Bros, 3 G. H. Walker & Son, { R. N. Hogg, 6 W. C, Ashenhurst, 6 'RN. 'Hogg, 7 C. H. Gray, 8 W. G. Cassie, 9 C. F.Dure. Bull, Junior Calf--1 Oswald Croxall "Reserve Senior Chanipien F. W. Holliday. Bull, Junior Champion--Harold W, Honey. = - "Bull, Reserve Junior Champion-- Smith Bros. Bull, Grand Champion-+Harold W. Honey. { . Bull, Reserve Grand Champion-- Smith Bros. Cow, 4 year and over, dry--1 F, w. Holliday, 2 G. H. Walker & Son, 3 O. E. Croxall, 4 G.' H, Walker & Son, 6 . W E. Martyn, 6 Smith Bros.,, 7 S. W. Croxall, 8 Turner Ashenhurst, 9 C, F. Dure, Cow, 4 years .and over in milk-- 1 Harold Honey, 2 O. E. Croxall, 3 0. E. Croxall, 4 Smith Bros; 6 W. :C. Ashenhurst, 6 S.W. Croxall, 7 Webster Bros. Heifer, 3 years, dry--1 Smith Bros,, 2 Harold Honey, 8 R. N. Hoge, 4 W. G. Cassie, Heifer, 8 years, in milk--1 R. N. Hogg, 2 S. W. Croxall, 3 Ed. Oyler, 4 Webster Bros. ~ Heifer, 2 years, dry--1 O, E, Crox- all, 2 S. W. Croxall, 3 Smith Bros., 4 W. G. Cassie, 6 W. C. Ashenhurst, 6 F. W. Holliday, 7 W. C. Ashenhurst, 8 W J. Glaspell. Heifer, 2 years, in milk-- 1 F, W. Holliday, 2 Webster Bros.,, 3 Smith Bros,, 4 Chas. Webster, 56 Harold W. Honey, 6 Webster Bros., 7 C. F. Dure, | 8 F. W. Holliday, 9 C. F. Dure, 10 T, Ashenhurst, 11 T, Webster Bros. Heifer, Senior Yearling-- 1 Smith Bros, 2 Harold W. Honey, 3 R. N. Hogg, 4. 0." Croxall, 5 and 6 G, H. Walker & Son, 7 C. F, Dure, B W. J. Glaspell, 9 W. C. Ashenhurst, 10 O, Croxall, 11 O. Croxall, 12, S. Croxall. Heifer, Junior Yearling-- 1 Smith Bros., 2 Chas. Webster, 3. W. J. Glas- pell, 4 F. W. Holliday, 5 C. F. Dure, 6 Webster Bros., 7 R. N. Hogg, 8 H. W. Honey, 9. W. G. Cassie, 10 W. E. Martyn, 11 Edward Oyler, 12 and 13 W. G. Cassie. . Heifer, Senior Calf-=1-J.- H. Cook- son & Son, 2 F. W. Holliday, 3 Smith Bros., 4 H. W. Honey, 56 H.W. Honey, 6G Smith Bros., 7 W. R. Bacon, 8 R. N. Hogg, 9 0. Croxall, 10 Webster Bros., 11 S. W. Croxall, 12 T. Ashenhurst, 13 W. E. Martyn, 14 W. J. Glaspell, 16 W. G. Cassie, 16 W. C. Ashenhurst, 17 S. Ww. Croxall, Heifer, Junior Calf--1 Smith Bros., 2 Smith Bros., 3 Webster Bros, 4 T. Ashenhurst. 12 .| Ashenhurst, 6 C. F. Dure, 6 J. H. Cookson & Son, 7 C. H.-Gray, 8 O. E. Croxall, 9. H. W. Honey, 10 Chas. Webster, 11 C. F. Dure, 12 W. C. 'Ashenhurst, 13 W. J. Glaspell, 14 S. W. Croxall, 16 R. N. Hogg, 16 S. W. Croxall, 17 Edward Oyler, 18 R. N. Hogg. Female, Senior Champion-- Smith Bros. on 3 year dry. Female, 'Reserve Chanipion--F, W. Holliday on 4 year dry. Bros. on Senior yearling. Female, Reserve Junior Champion-- Smith Bros. on Junior Calf. Female, Grand Champion-- Smith Bros. on Cow. Female, Reserve Grand Champion-- Smith Bros. on Senior Yearling. Get-of-Sixe, Senior--1 Smith Bros., 2 R. N. Hogg, 3 F. W. Holliday, 4 W. C. Ashenhurst, 6 0. E. Croxall; 6 H. W Honey, 7 Webster Bros, 8 C. F. Dure, 9. T. Ashenhurst Get-of-Sire, Junior--1 Smith Bros., 2 H. W, Honey, 3 G. H .Walker, 4 R. N Hogg, 6 Webster Bros., 6 Oswald Croxall, 7 C.F. Dure, 8 T. Ashenhurst, 9 W. C. Ashenhurst, 10 S. Croxall, 11 Ww. G. Celssie, 12 w. E. Martyn, 13 R. N. Hogg. Progeny of Dam, Senfor--1 Smith Bros., 2. F. W. Holliday, 3 C. F. Dure, 4 S. Ww. Croxall, 5 0. Croxall, 6 Ed, Oyler, 7 Webster Bros.,'8 W. C."Ash- enhurst., Progeny of Dam, Junior--1 Smith Bros., 2 G. H. Walker, 3 H. WV. Honey, 4 S. W. Croxall, 6 Edward Oyler, 6 W. E. Martyn. , Graded ,Herd--1 Smith Bros., 2 H. W. Honey, 3 F. W. Holliday, 4 Ostvald Croxall, 5 W. C. Ashenhurst, 6 G. H. Walker, 7 Stanley Croxall, 8 C. F. Dure, 9 R. N. Hogg, 10 W. G. Cassie. Junior Herd--1 Smith Bros, 2 H. W. Honey, 3 W. C. Ashenhurst, 4 8. W. Croxall, 5 O. E. Croxall, 6 Edward Oyler, 7 C. F., Dure, 8 W. G. Cassie, 9 R. N. Hogg. 2 Best Uddered Fetinles --_ P. wv. Holliday. 2 Best Animals--Smith Bros. Showmanship and Fitting--1 Less Smith, 2 Ken. Holliday, 3 Harold W. Honey, 4 Victor - Cookman,' 6 Oswald Croxall, 6 Lennie Gray. --------e = HORSES Clydesdalea: Brood Mare--Ed. Pascoe, Whitby. 1 year old -- D. McArthur & Son, Greenbank, J. H, Forder & Son, Black- stock. ; 2 year-old=s1 McArthur, 2 Forder. Foal of 1941-1 Pascoe, 2 MoArthur Best Mare--T. 'R. Hall, Whitby. Team in harness--Hall, Female, Junior Champion-- Smith a v Percherons: Brood Mare--1 and 2 J. E. Holtby, 3 Garnet Cochrane, Trane. 2 year I-A Holtby rane. BestMare--Holtby. Team in Harness--J. E. Holtby. Agriculture: Brood Mare -- G. H. Kerry, J. H. Rorder. 1 Year Old--Kerry, "Pascoe, Forder. 2 year old--Kerry, Forder, L. Coch- rane. : Foal 1941--1 Forder, 2 Kerry. Best Mare--T. R. Hall.* ~ 2 Team in Harness--T., R. Hall. Commercial Horses: Brood Mare--1 Les. Cochrane 1 year old--1 Edm wd Harris, Vi L. Cochrane, 3 L. Cochya 2 year old--1 L. i 2 Ed- mund Harris, 3 L. Harrison. Foal--1 L. Cochrane, 2 N. Purvis, 3 L. Harrison. Team in harness--1 Cecil Wilson, 2 Lloyd McKee. Single Horse in harness--1 Wilson, 2 Wilson, 3. H. R. Murphy. Light Horsea: Sirigle Horse under 15% hands in Knight, 3 T. McKnight. Single over 15% hands--1 IL Coch- rane, 2 I. Cochrane, Team of Roadsters--1 McKnight, 2 and 3 Cochrane, I. Cochrane, 3 L. Harrison, Carriage team--1 Harrison. "Lady Driver--1 Cochrane, 2 Harri- son. Gentleman's Turnout--1 Cochrane, 2 McKnight. Pony--T. R. Hall, Pony Race--Jimmie Baird. Best team on grounds--T. R. Hall. CATTLE Shorthorns: } Aged bull--1 J. E. Leask, 2 J. H. Forder and Sons, Bull, 1 year--1 G. Christie & Son. Bull Calf--1 leask, 2 Forder, 38 Christie. Heifer Calf--1 Christie, 2 Leask, 8 Forder. Heifer, 1 year--1 N. Taylor & Sons, 2 Leask, s Forder & Sons. Heifer, 2 years--1 Christie, 2 Ford. er, 3 Taylar. Cow--1 and 38 Christie, 2 Forder. ~Herd--1 Christie, 2 Forder. . Baby Beef--1 A. M. Bailey, 2 G. Christie & Son, § 3 J. E. Leask, 4 J .H. Forder. 'SHEEP Mutton Lamb, long wool -- 1°J, H. Forder & Sons, 2 J. M. Murray & Son, 3 T. C. Glaspell. Mutton Lamb, short wool--1 J. M. Fisher, 2 Fisher, 3 Neil Purvis. Leicesters: Aged Ram--1 J, G. Trevall, 2 Ford- er, 3 Trevail. Shearling Ram--1 Forder, 2 Trevalil Ram Lanib=i and 2 'Forder, 3 Tre- vail. ' Aged Ewe--1 Trevail, 2 Forder. Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Forder, 8 Trevail, Ewe Lamb--1 Forder, 2 and 8 Tre: vail, Flock--Forder. Cotswolds: Ram--1 Murray & Son, 2 Glaspell, 3 Glaspell, Shearling Ram--1 Glaspell, 2 and 3 Murray. Ram Lamb -- 1 and 2 Glaspell, 3 Murray. Ewe--1-Glaspell, 2 and 3 Murray. Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Murray, 3 Glaspell, ; Glaspell. Shropshires: Aged Ram--1 Christie, 2 Puts, 8 Frank Lee. 'Ram Lamb-=-1 Purvis, 2 Christie, 3 Lee. Shearling Ewe--=1 N. Purvis, 2 a. Christie, 3 Lee. Ewe Lamb--1 Purvis, 2 Christie, E Lee. ' Ewe--1 Christie, 2 Purvis, 3 Lee. Oxford Downs: Ram--1 Fisher, 2 F. Snowden, 8 Fisher. " Shearling Ram--1 and 2 Fisher. Ram Lamb -- 1 Snowden, 2 and 8 Fisher, Ewe--1 Fisher, 2 and 3 Snowden. Shearling Ewe--1 Fisher, 2 and 3 Snowden. (Conta) | on back pee) 1 year old--1 Holtby, 2 Leslie Coch- Foal 1941--1 and.3 Holby, 2 Coch- harness--1 Ivan Cochrane, 2 T. Mc-. Single. Carriage--1-L. Cochrane, 2- Ewe Lamb -- 1 Murray, 2 and 8- Shearilng Ram--1 and 2 Chrlstie.

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