Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Oct 1941, p. 4

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Pot Miss O'Letta Stacey, Brdoklin, has completed. her course at Canada Busi- ness Collége, Toronto, and has been placed in the office of the Dupont + Textiles Limited. "Sunday visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. 8. A. Wallace were: Miss Olive Wal- lace, Mr, and Mrs. A. A, Cawker, To- | ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wallace and . family, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Valleau, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallace . and family, Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. ~ Almer Wallace, Doris and Gordon, of Seagrave. a Mr. and Mrs. /Ivan Wallace and children have réturned to Windsor, "after a pleasant holiday visit wtilt his parents Mr.-and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. Marys, Madam Marys, > Mr. and Mrs. Zeurrer and son, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carroz, of 'Bigelow Street, Port Perry, Monsieur Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKnight, of Toronto, were in town on Safurday. Mr. W. M. Bowes and son Donallk Whitby, were in towa-on Saturday of last week. Mrs. E. Bowes, who has been a resident of Port Perry for some years, has moved to Tilsonburg. We wish her happiness in her new home. Mrs. Bowes is the mother of Mr. W. M. 'Bowes. Mrs. Nettie Brain, of Oshawa, has been visiting her sister Mrs, Vickery, at Mrs. Jeffrey's. Mr. E. G. Michell has completed a succedsTal™weason at Birdseye Center Simmer' Tourist Camp, and is now doing inspection work at the Munition Industry at Pickering. FREE Parking Ruone 101 OSHAWA Air Conditioned FRIDAY 'and SATURDAY now playing CLARK ROSALINI) a GABLE RUSSELL) They Met in Bombay Jessie Ralph 8 | REVIVAL FRIDAY "MORE THAN A SECRETARY" Jean Arthur Greer CARSON Walter Pigeon "Blossoms in the Dust" No doubt 1 of the best pictures of 1941 MONDAY & TUESDAY Wednesday and Thursday ~Maisie's no lady in "this one-- ~ Ann Sothern . 'RINGSIDE MAISIE' George Murphy Added Hit-- "BULLETS FOR O'HARA" Anthony Quinn, Roger Pryor Joan Perry COMING! "Barnacle Bill" with Wallace Beery Mr. and 'Mrs. R. R. Bown of Fort Erie, were guésts of their aunt Mrs, N. Wilkinson and uncle' Mr. J. Paton, last week. LEAVING PORT PERRY Mr. and Mrs; Toncheff are moving to Toronto at the end of this week. We are sorry to lose them as they have been good citizens. We wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home, ' WALTER COOK ILL We regret to report the serious ill- ness of Mr. Walter Cook. Latest re- port did not show any improvement in his condition. - ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of "Miriam Louise Cutts, nicce of Mrs. Ella L. Breckon, to Sgt. John W. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Paget, of Toronto. The marriage to take place quietly on Saturday, Oct. 11th, in St. John's Church, (Norway) Toronto, ' ENGAGEMENT ~ ~ Mr, and Mrs, David Carnegie an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen, to Mr. Ralph D. Burley, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Burley, Belleville. The mar- riage to take place the middle of October. " BAZAAR AND SALE OF MADE COOKING The Evening Auxiliary of the W.M. S. of the Port Perry United Church will hold a Bazaar and Sale of Home- made cooking on Saturday, Nov. 8th. The Bazaar will be held in the base- meng of the Church. HOME- PLAN AIRGRAPH SYSTEM TO SPEED LETTERS OVERSEAS Under a special system the sender of an Airgraph communication writes the message and address on a special forni provided by the Post Office. The completed form is next photographed on miniature film which is despatched by air. On arrival in the United Kingdom photographic enlargements are made -and delivered through the Army Postal Service to: the troops in _ the tisual way. The rate on an Air- graph message will be 10 cents. "CARD OF - THANKS _. Mi. and. Mrs. Clark Ross desire to express appreciation and thanks to the Scugog friends and the girls of "the Institute, for the lovely gifts 3, given to them, ABSESSMENT ROLL RETURNS The Assessment Roll of the Cor- ration of the Vil Jage e of Port Poy per 1041 upon which the taxes for 1942 will be levied, has been returned to ig "me; and any appeals against the as. ment thereon must be made to me n writing on or before Oct. 14, 1941, -@. F. MANNING, Clerk, Yiloge of Port Perry Lillian N, Clarke. f WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLOSING The carly closing of stores on Wed- nesday afternoon that 'has been in effect during the summer months in Port Perry, will be continued during the year 1941-42,-with the exception of the month of December. Any Wed- nesday in. a week which contains 'a public holiday the stores will be kept open, BOY SCOUT NEWS The Boy Scouts are going to hold an apple day on Saturday, October 11, and are looking forward to a success- ful campaign. A number of Scouts helped at the Fair on Saturday, with the" Auction Sale, for War. The Scouts ayyretine the xindnems of one of the town ladies in donating the "Life" magaziné to their library. A 'meeting will be held on Friday evening as usual at 7.30. UNITED CHURCH The younger 'older young people are invited to a friendly gathering in the=S. S. room on Thursday, Oct. 9th, at 8 p.m, to consider the forming of a Monthly Association for Good Fellowship. Let each person in these groups consider this a personal invitation. The Young People's Union had a splendid meeting last Monday with 36 present. "Plan to-attend on World Commu- nion Sunday, Oct. 6th. Your Church's Communion Service. NOTES I 0. D. E. The first meeting of the Imperial Order Daughters of .the-Empire, after the summer, recess will be held in the Community Room of the Public Lib- rary on Monday, October 6th, at 3 p.m. All members are requested to attend and enter with fresh vigor into the activitjes 'of "this patriotic organ- ization. . DIED : PRENTICE. -- At Port Perry, on : Sunday with his mother Mrs, Norman married couples and; 2 Speier, Murs. Carscallen;- address by ZION The Red Cross Society held its meeting at Lindsay at the home of Mrs. B. A. Wilson. The gorments were handed in for which material had been given out at the last meeting. Material was again handed out for sewing: The Wonian's Association' held its meeting at 3 p.m, and all came to order with the singing of a hymn and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. Bible reading was given by Mrs. R. Ferguson who also gaye a paper on "Woman's Influence." The secretary's report followed. The treasurer's re- port. showed a balance of $54.38 -on hand, A disgussion on the holding of a fowl supper was left over to the next meeting. It was decided to have our special service on Sunday, Nov. oth, Hostesses for next meeting: are Mrs, F. Western, Mrs. L. Rogers, Mrs. Stanley Downer." Mrs. Fred Western then acted as director of ceremonies for the grandmothers' program which was as follows: duet by Mrs. J. Short and Mrs. Stanley Hall (Long, Long Ago.); reading by Mrs. Norman Os- borne. Grandma contest led by Mrs. Wm. Stokes (Things our grandmother didn't have); duet by Mrs. Short and Mrs. S. Hall (Thy Will Be Done.), Mrs. R. Hall received the gift for the 'oldest grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Stokes, a gift for the most grandchildren, A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. 'B. Wilson for the use of her home on motion of Mrs. F. Stokes and Mrs, Rogers. Rev. Mr. Lester spoke and Rev. Mr. Wolfraim closed the meeting with the benediction. Miss Florence Mortimer and Miss Pearl Moase have secured employ- ment in Toronto, Mr, George Stokes was a recent visitor to Oshawa. The Zion Young People presented their play "The Man in the Green Shirt" at Cambray on Friday evening last. A large number from here attended the shower given in honour of Miss E, Kitson at Little Britain, on Monday evening last. Pte. Jas. 'McTaggart, C.P.L. Wm. Carpenter and Pte. Barnard Carpenter of Niagara, spent the 'week end at their homes here. Mr, Bruce Sonley, of Orillia, spent Osborne. Mr. od Mrs. 'Wilfred Kitson of Little Britain with her parents Mr. 'and Mrs, Biabley Hall, on Sindef. W. M. S. RALLY AT GREENWOQD At Greenwood on Wednesday, Oct. 8th, the Western Section of the Osha- y wa Presbyterial of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the United Church of Canada will convene for two ses- sions at 9.30 and 2.16 p.m. (D.S.T.) The programme promises a very inter- esting day. Worship service, Claremont Aux- iliary;- appointment of Secretary and Courtesy Committee; Minutes; Words of Welcome; Roll Call; A suggestion for an interesting meeting; music, Mrs. J. L. Pegg; Report of School for Leaders, Miss Louise Pearce; Secre- tary's Report; Discussion led by Mrs, N. J White; Quiet Hour, Pickering 'Auxiliary. Worship; Columbus Auxiliary; My Impressions y Conference Branch,, Mrs.~J--Wright; Introduction of the Miss Geraldine Hartwell, West China; Music, Greenwood C.G.LT.; Panel Discussion on Young People's Work, Junior Secretaries; Business; Place of next meeting; Report of Ceiirtety 7' SCHOOL FOR LEADERS By Cora Nill report has been delayed--Editor,) The School for Leaders of the Bay of Quinte Conference Branch was held at Whitby Ladies' College, August 25 to. 29, with a registration of one hundred and sixty-four.-A, large num- ber, of young people were included in the enrdlment. A fine spirit prevailed all through the s¢hool, Again as in previous years the Monday night dinner was the occasion for the introduction of guests and the staff by the Dean of the School Mra, W. L. Smith. ' The guests included Mrs. Lavelle, First, President of the Dominion Bogard, Mrs. J. T. Daley, First Presi. dent of the Conference Branch, Miss E. Dunoon Branch President, Miss Margaret Brown of China' and Mrs. McMullen. of Korea. , The devotional periods conducted each morning by the Dean, Mrs, Smyth, not only brought to each mem- ber zeal for the day's activities but a quietness of soul to last throughout the day. Mrs, Smyth's theme for the week was "The Book of Books". One of her messages not soon forgotten was "The Bible is Our Guide, whatever else your business be a shepherd of souls." Each morning Miss Helen*G. 'Day conducted methods for Mission Circles, Mrs. Ronald Vatcher for C.G.LT., and Miss Lois Allan for Mission Bands. A period followed when "Qur Study Books and how to use. them" was the subject of discussion led by Mrs. C. K. Carscallen in the Auxiliary and Mis- sion Circle group. Miss Thomas told of 'the methods of study in the "How to Use" prepared by Mrs. C. R. Car- seallen, Miss Helen Day, Miss Gollett, valuable material which will be pub- month, "Lanterns in the China Sky" - ing than previous studies. girls and those of China, - The . Branch President, Miss Eliza Danoon. in the Branch for the half year. Mrs. meeting. A motion was Council of Women, Mrs. Gillies gave an encouraging re- ing the past year. prepare for Peace." treasures and -Mrs. there as missionaries. visi from China by Dr. Committee; closing. ~ Sons of Shuh." Saturday, September-27,-1941, Robert Prentice, beloved husband of Janet Cheyrie, in his 88th year. - IN MEMORIAM HICKMAN---In loving memory my dear Mother, Jemina We Bisa away October 3rd, 1987. Mother dear, I am so lonely, Since the day you went away, Andgmy memory lingers often To the grave not far away. To-day recalls such memories Of .a dear mother gone to rest, And the ones who think of her today, | Are the ones who loved her best, Loving Thoughts of my dear Dad, Henry Hickman, who passed away July 20th, 1938. by Both sadly missed by their daughter Eva, and Fred. yo BRITAIN'S ARM "This. fertile land, derelict since the-last war is now being plowed up by the Women's Land Army. 1 Y OF THE-LAND - 700 acres have already been plowed and it-is-hoped to double this acreage for wheat growing. The fact that next year's harvest is expected to be the greatest one on record is due in no small measure to the untiring efforts 'of the Women's Land Army, (Owing to illness of the writer, this}' Miss Ida McKenzie, Miss Manchester and Miss Thomas, and of the extra lished in the Missionary Monthly each Miss Lois Allan spoke of by Muriel Beaton as-even more interest- Mission 'Band Miss Allan's display in the school library would surely lead to a closer friendship between our boys and executive 'met each afternoon from two to three o'clock under the capable leadership of the The treasurer reported $27,230.43 raised Smyth's report on Christian Steward- ship and Finance told of methods used to interest Auxiliary members in the stewardship giving. Miss Margaret Hutchison, delegate to the Dominion Board presented a report of that passed favorable to affiliation of the Bay of Quinte Branch with the Provincial port of the Literature department an- nouncing- that approximately $600.00 worth of literature had been sold dur- Rev. Hug)' Macmillan spoke each afternoon on the topie "In time of war A' decidedly Chinese atmosphere was the "brousing corn" in the con- cert hall arranged by Mrs. C. R. Car- scallen, which contained Chinese lit- erature, embroidery, scrolls and many 'arscallen when they served This display was appropriate, as this year the 50th anniversary of the West China mission will be observed, and the study for the year ig on China, "Serving with. the Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- 1. R. BENTLEY'S | OPTOMETRIST St. John's Church W. A, met at the home of Mrs, John Carter, Burketon, on Sept. 19th. Mrs. F, Crawford took the Scripture reading, W. A, Litany members' prayer was led by president, Rofl call was answered by a gift for church bale, R4ll call for next meet- ing - will. be something for British Baby's Layette. Mrs. Crawford re- ported sending' a box from the W.A. to Mrs. Harcourt, in England,' coms taining tea, cheese, meat, sardines: Mrs. C. Parr reported . the Deanery meeting at Ida, on Sept. 26th. Each member is to make a woollen quilt block 20 inches square, It was de- cided not to have the usual fowl sup- per and to arrange for raising money by some other means, Next meeting at Mrs. Levi McGill's, Nestleton. Dr. Bowles was speaker 'at the United Church Rally in the Sunday School roomy. - Miss Helen VanCamp told -the story for' the occasion. The Mission Band met' on Saturday, President Muriel McLean, presided. Doris Hamilton took. the Scripture, Shirley Fallis and Jean Harris offered prayers. Pearl Wright read a story, Doris Hamilton, Marilyo Forder and Jessie McArthur gave a short -play, "Mary, Mary quite contrary", Grace Graham read "My Dream", Glen Lar- mer read "Tittle Tattle". Games and social time was enjoyed: The Band have chosen for its name--"'Wo-He- Lo" (Work, Help, Love). Donald Clark, -R.C.A.F., London, PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1941 0 Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety 'at Your REXALL STORE" REGA OUR OWN FROSST'S NEO RUSSIAN OIL KIDNEY PILLS CHEMICAL FOOD 16 ounce, 49¢. 29¢.,- 4 boxes $1.00 $1.15 and $245 40 ounce 89¢. AYERST'S KEPLER'S MALT NATIONAL MALT ALPHAMETTES aiid COD LIVER . and COD LIVER $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 OIL OIL 5; ". p-- . 75¢. and $1.25 3 49¢. and 89¢. RUMACAPS Se ------ Sree Capsules for LAWRENCE'S Rexall NOSE and Rheumatism. Horehound & Honey THROAT DROPS" soe, and 3100 Sd 8. Wy ; 2c. and .§0e. = A.M. LAWRENCE PHONE. 49 me Rosall sore PORT PERRY oO LIT SA ST. JOHN'S : PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Evening Service at 7 p.m. Rev. J. C. Robinson, Moderator. | CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN + Rev. William Stocks, Rector. Sunday, October 5th-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and ; Sermon, Préacher; Kev. R.'R. Bonis, B.A, i of Scarborough. 3 p.m.--Sunday- School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister ~ World Communion Sunday 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m, --The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered. . 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. Monday, at 8 P--Veilg- People's Union. PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shainpeo and Wive 50c Marcel - - T6¢c Manicure' -- ~~ 8bc PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up-to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. spent his leave at the home of Mr Jos. Forder." Mr. and Mrs. Ww. C. Ferguson, Baw- manville, celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary in their honie © Sept. 23rd. One hundred and eighty guests attended, including nine clergy- ner, John Bunner, Dewey Stinson, A. Cragg, John E. Griffith, H. W. Foley,' County. Merrill. who serves as a missionary for the United Church in Angola, Portuguese West Africa, was unable to be present." Their son Roy Ferguson and daughter Mrs, Cecil Hill were present. Their granddaughter, Sandra Aflene. Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson was:bap- tized by her uncle the Rev. Clarence Ferguson, of Avonmore, The happy and popular couple was the _recepient of numerous gifts, let- ters, telegrams and cards. Relatives gave them a beautiful maroon chester- field suite, flowers were everywhere, including flowers from Dr. E. Sisson's garden and from 'Mr, and Mrs. Mery Arkwright. "2 The guests were looked ator by Misses Marion Hill, Thelma and Mona Ferguson, Loraine Pickard, Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. Howard Pickard, Mrs, J. Pickard. Those pouring tea included Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Guelph, Mrs. R. Ferguson, Meadowville, Mrs. A. W. Pickard (bridesmaid 60 years ago), Mrs. A. Gardiner, Peterboro; Mrs. G. Stephenson, Richmond Hill, Mrs. Bert Brown, Toronto, Mrs. Irene Byers, Ottawa, Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. C. W. Slemon received the guests." Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson retired from their farm, at Blackstock, 17 years ago and have since been living in Bowmanville. i We extend the sympathy of the community to Mrs, F. Crawford on tre death of her brother, an air raid warden, - in England, who met his death recently during the performance of his duties, WAR WORK ACTIVITIES _ : The War work auction sale held: by Port Perry, Seagrave and Prince Al- bert through the courtesy of the Port Perry Fair Board, was very success- ful, About $230 has been realized up to date. Owing to lack of time some articles were not disposed of and will =} be sold-later,-.. The committee in. charge. feel very, grateful and wish to express their sincere thanks to the Boy Scouts and those gentlemén who gave their ser- vices and helped make the sale a suc- cess. As the Boy Scouts were helping with the auction sale last Saturday, they were unable to canvass for the L.O.D.E; coin bags, They will call '| next Saturday, October 4th, The display of War Work at the Fair delayed the packing of the 'bales and anyone having finished articles may bring them to the rooms on Fri- day afternoon next, po W. P. Rogers and their son Clarence | ater, on Thurs., October 16th--Cat- Ferguson, whose work is in HAA AUCTION SALES Mrs. W. A. Christy, Port Perry, Friday, Oct. 3rd--Household Effects. See bils for list. Terms Cash, The W,illiam Braden Estate, lot 22, con, 3, Borck, east of Blackwater, on Saturday, Oct. 4th--Farm, Stock, Im- |' men--Revs. R. P. Bowles, W. A. Bun-! plements and Real Estate. See bills, John Dacik, lot 7, Concession 2, Brock, 2 miles south west of Black- tle and Wood. See Bills. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer . FOR SALE Three Dairy Cows and a Heifer Calf for sale. Apply to A. S. Harper Phone 174 r 14, Port Perry. FOR SALE : "Electric Blower: and-equipment -for furnace, in good condition, Phone 200 or 89, Mrs. McClintock, ++ FOR SALE Six piece Breakfast Suite, cream and Green, price $15.00. Radio,| Baby Grand, reasonable. Must be sold by - Saturday. Apply to Mr. or Mrs. Toncheff at F. C. Taggart's, Port Perry. : L SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery Now the Weather .|Is Cooler You'll Want Warmer Mitts and 'Sox. prices: One Finger Work Mitts, 5, 78¢., " 90c. and $1.00. 2 Work Socks at 30c,, 35¢., 40c., 50¢c. pr. W. E. WEBSTER t | DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchangy North side Queen Street, Port'Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) 1 Expert Radio Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays' and. Safurdays only. Blong 'Block, Port Perry, We have them at the felwing 2 ¥ Auction Sale of Farm Stock & Implements The Property of . GEORGE HOOD Lot 7, Con, 13, Scvgog Island, on Monday, Oct. 13 See Bills for Particulars Ted Jackson, Auctioneer AVA - ARTHUR --W.- 8. -GREER - in attendance at my Port Perry ofiss on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncon of each week, or by appointment. Phone 2% 'W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to § pm. © Office Upstairs, over C. Slesp's Insurance Office. Strand Theatre (Always the Latest Hits) Thurs., Friday, Saturday (this week) Judy GARLAND, Mickey ROONEY in . "BABES IN ARMS" See the popular air on Broadway, in their great pep, Pusiss), are yours. p Comedy--"Bar-Buckaroos" in a : Musical Western Also Motors on March : Saturday, 7.30 and 9.30 (S.T.) Monday, Tuesday, Wed., October 6-7-8 EXTRA! EXTRA--AII Seats 18¢.. Walt Disney's "PINOCCHIO Full length Technicolor and Fun! show for children and grown-up alike. Greater Than Snow White--See it at "the New Prices. COMEDIES Thurgday, Friday, "Satdrday ~(Next)" WALLACE BEERY, in {The Man from Dakota" in his: thrilling Western Show, ~ | OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG . DENTIST: Leonard Block over Prentice's -.. Shop. pd Phone 237," Res, 216 Port: Perry. (The firm of Grae & Humphreys a dascired) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Bimeoe Street North, Oshawa. bea Phone 814 nA nes al Perry week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phono " The CHRISTIE FARM 100 acres, lot 6, AR) 5 Ro in iia village. Possession 1st March, McLean Radio Service ¥ § i ha a To haa ft SAAS ASE matted AT) 2 $ $43 can plow at 4 A Cnritid Ry gnse. Apply to \ /

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